TN2 MyLab Credits 1-13

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Photo credits: Original photography by Sharon Hoogstraten, David Mager and Libby
Ballengee/TSI Graphics. Unit 1, Lesson 2, Vocabulary: Tourist activities 2: (Tokyo skyline
at night) yshotaxx/Fotolia, (Mount Fuji) f11photo/Fotolia; Unit 1, Lesson 2, Grammar Coach:
Present perfect: ever, never, and before: (parasailing parachute) Tinu/Fotolia; Unit 1,
Lesson 3, Vocabulary Flashcards: The hand: (hand closed in fist) Aeroking/Fotolia; Unit 1,
Lesson 3, Vocabulary: The hand 1: (open hand) Olly/Fotolia, (hand closed in fist)
Aeroking/Fotolia; Unit 1, Lesson 3, Vocabulary: The hand 2: (girl gesturing "call me") Andrey
Arkusha/Shutterstock, (hand with engagement ring) stockelements/Fotolia, (angry woman with
closed fist) MariaBobrova/Fotolia; Unit 1, Lesson 3, Reading: Online message board: Global
Business 1: (business meeting) imtmphoto/Shutterstock; Unit 1, Lesson 3, Reading: Online
message board: Global Business 3: (business meeting) imtmphoto/Shutterstock; Unit 1,
Lesson 4, Vocabulary: Participial adjectives 2: (woman) Michael Spring/Fotolia; Unit 2,
Lesson 1, Grammar Coach: The present perfect: for and since: (Hispanic woman) Monart
Design/Fotolia; Unit 2, Lesson 2, Vocabulary Flashcards: Movie genres: (action film) AF
archive/Alamy, (horror film) BortN66/Fotolia, (science-fiction film) Innovari/Fotolia, (animated
film) Natalia Maroz/Shutterstock, (comedy) KPA Honorar & Belege/United Archives GmbH/
Alamy, (drama) Auremar/Shutterstock, (documentary) Amar and Isabelle Guillen/Guillen Photo
LLC/Alamy, (musical) Bettina Strenske/Alamy; Unit 2, Lesson 2, Vocabulary: Movie genres 1:
(science-fiction film) Innovari/Fotolia, (drama) Auremar/Shutterstock, (action film) AF archive
/Alamy, (animated film) Natalia Maroz/Shutterstock, (musical) Bettina Strenske/Alamy, (comedy)
KPA Honorar & Belege/United Archives GmbH/Alamy, (documentary) Amar and Isabelle
Guillen/Guillen Photo LLC/Alamy, (horror film) BortN66/Fotolia; Unit 2, Lesson 4, Reading:
Movie reviews: The Big Screen 1: (movie theater audience) nyul/Fotolia; Unit 2, Lesson 4,
Reading: Movie reviews: The Big Screen 3: (movie theater audience) nyul/Fotolia; Unit 2,
Review, Game: Concentration: (action film) AF archive/Alamy, (horror film) BortN66/Fotolia,
(science-fiction film) Innovari/Fotolia, (animated film) Natalia Maroz/Shutterstock; Unit 3,
Preview, Vocabulary Flashcards: Hotel room types and kinds of beds: (single room)
Bjdlzx/E+/Getty Images, (double room) Bjdlzx/E+/Getty Images, (suite) Bjdlzx/E+/Getty Images,
(twin bed) Pejo/Shutterstock, (queen-size bed) Tom Wang/Shutterstock, (king-size bed) Zoonar
RF/Thinkstock/Getty Images; Unit 3, Preview, Vocabulary: Hotel room types and kinds of
beds 1: (single room) Bjdlzx/E+/Getty Images, (double room) Bjdlzx/E+/Getty Images, (suite)
Bjdlzx/E+/Getty Images, (twin bed) Pejo/Shutterstock, (queen-size bed) Tom Wang/
Shutterstock, (king-size bed) Zoonar RF/Thinkstock/Getty Images; Unit 3, Preview,
Vocabulary: Hotel room types and kinds of beds 2: (hotel reception desk) Oleksiy
Mark/Fotolia; Unit 3, Lesson 1, Grammar Coach: The future with will: (elderly woman) Hunor
Kristo/Fotolia; Unit 3, Lesson 2, Grammar Coach: The future real conditional: (map of
France) benkenogy/Fotolia; Unit 3, Lesson 3, Vocabulary Flashcards: Hotel room amenities
and services: (extra hangers) Ludmilafoto/Fotolia, (extra towels) Cornelia Pithart/Fotolia, (skirt
hangers) Razihusin/Fotolia, (iron) Anterovium/Fotolia, (hair dryer) Nyasha/Fotolia, (make up the
room) Mark Peterson/Corbis News/Corbis, (turn down the beds) Comstock/Stockbyte/
Thinkstock/Getty Images, (woman with newspaper) Chris Ryan/Ojo Images Ltd/Alamy,
(newspaper) Jocic/Shutterstock, (take away the dishes) Glow Images/Superstock; Unit 3,
Lesson 3, Vocabulary: Hotel amenities and services 1: (hair dryer) Nyasha/Fotolia, (extra
towels) Cornelia Pithart/Fotolia, (iron) Anterovium/Fotolia, (extra hangers) Ludmilafoto/Fotolia,
(skirt hangers) Razihusin/Fotolia, (make up the room) Mark Peterson/Corbis News/Corbis, (take
away the dishes) Glow Images/Superstock, (turn down the beds) Comstock/Stockbyte/
Thinkstock/Getty Images, (woman with newspaper) Chris Ryan/Ojo Images Ltd/Alamy,
(newspaper) Jocic/Shutterstock; Unit 3, Lesson 4, Reading: Travel guide: Sleeping in Dublin
1: (Dublin) spanishjohnny72/Fotolia; Unit 3, Lesson 4, Reading: Travel guide: Sleeping in
Dublin 3: (Dublin) spanishjohnny72/Fotolia; Unit 3, Review, Game: Concentration: (make up
the room) Mark Peterson/Corbis News/Corbis, (turn down the beds) Comstock/Stockbyte/
Thinkstock/Getty Images, (woman with newspaper) Chris Ryan/Ojo Images Ltd/Alamy,
(newspaper) Jocic/Shutterstock, (take away the dishes) Glow Images/Superstock, (extra towels)
Cornelia Pithart/Fotolia, (skirt hangers) Razihusin/Fotolia, (iron) Anterovium/Fotolia, (hair dryer)
Nyasha/Fotolia; Unit 3, Review, Game: Quiz show: (iron) Anterovium/Fotolia, (hair dryer)
Nyasha/Fotolia, (extra towels) Cornelia Pithart/Fotolia, (extra hangers) Ludmilafoto/Fotolia; Unit
4, Lesson 3, Vocabulary Flashcards: Car types: (full-size sedan) Supertrooper/Fotolia,
(compact car) Deusexlupus/Fotolia, (convertible) Algre/Fotolia, (sports car) National Motor
Museum/Motoring Picture Library/Alamy, (station wagon) Yuri Bizgaimer/Fotolia, (minivan) Rob
Wilson/Shutterstock, (SUV) Supertrooper/Fotolia, (luxury car) Buzz Pictures/Alamy; Unit 4,
Lesson 3, Vocabulary: Car types 1: (full-size sedan) Supertrooper/Fotolia, (compact car)
Deusexlupus/Fotolia, (convertible) Algre/Fotolia, (sports car) National Motor Museum/Motoring
Picture Library/Alamy, (station wagon) Yuri Bizgaimer/Fotolia, (luxury car) Buzz Pictures/Alamy,
(minivan) Rob Wilson/Shutterstock, (SUV) Supertrooper/Fotolia; Unit 4, Lesson 4, Reading:
Article: Driving in the USA 1: (renting a car) Kzenon/Fotolia, (car driving) EvanTravels/Fotolia;
Unit 4, Lesson 4, Reading: Article: Driving in the USA 3: (renting a car) Kzenon/Fotolia, (car
driving) EvanTravels/Fotolia; Unit 4, Review, Game: Quiz show: (sports car) National Motor
Museum/Motoring Picture Library/Alamy, (luxury car) Buzz Pictures/Alamy, (station wagon) Yuri
Bizgaimer/Fotolia, (compact car) Deusexlupus/Fotolia; Unit 5, Preview, Vocabulary
Flashcards: Salon services: (haircut) Lester120/Fotolia, (facial) Valua Vitaly/Fotolia, (shave)
Yalcin Sonat/Shutterstock, (manicure) Vladimir Sazonov/Fotolia, (pedicure) Tomek
Pa/Shutterstock; Unit 5, Preview, Vocabulary: Salon services 1: (facial) Valua Vitaly/Fotolia,
(manicure) Vladimir Sazonov/Fotolia, (haircut) Lester120/Fotolia, (shave) Yalcin Sonat/
Shutterstock, (pedicure) Tomek Pa/Shutterstock; Unit 5, Lesson 1, Vocabulary Flashcards:
Personal care products: (comb) Lan 2010/Fotolia, (brush) Akova/Fotolia, (toothbrush) Ilya
Akinshin/Fotolia, (razor) Lan 2010/Fotolia, (nail clipper) Darak77/Fotolia, (nail file)
Glovatskiy/Fotolia, (soap) Picsfi ve/Fotolia, (deodorant) Coprid/Fotolia, (shaving cream) Mile
Atanasov/Fotolia, (aftershave) Igor/Fotolia, (toothpaste) Isreal Mckee/Shutterstock, (shampoo)
Vadim Ponomarenko/Shutterstock, (hairspray) Toskov/Fotolia, (sunscreen) Stephen
Coburn/Shutterstock, (dental floss) Monkey Business/Fotolia, (lotion) Vipman/Shutterstock,
(lipstick) Olya6105/Fotolia, (mascara) Gresei/Fotolia, (eye shadow) Hugh O’Neill/Fotolia, (face
powder) Africa Studio/Fotolia, (nail polish) Urfi n/Shutterstock; Unit 5, Lesson 3, Reading:
Article: Look great without cosmetic surgery 1: (woman) Dirima/Fotolia; Unit 5, Lesson 3,
Reading: Article: Look great without cosmetic surgery 3: (woman) Dirima/Fotolia; Units 1-5
General Test, Part 3: (convertible) algre/Fotolia, (traffic jam) mario beauregard/Fotolia, (iron)
Anterovium/Fotolia, (taillight) Samiylenko/Fotolia, (business center) Minerva Studio/Fotolia,
(massage) Minerva Studio/Fotolia; Unit 6, Lesson 2, Grammar Coach: Negative yes / no
questions: (Pyramid Of The Moon, Mexico) nfoto/Fotolia; Unit 6, Lesson 3, Reading: Article:
How to make healthy lifestyle changes 1: (woman) Subbotina Anna/Fotolia; Unit 6, Lesson
3, Reading: Article: How to make healthy lifestyle changes 3: (woman) Subbotina
Anna/Fotolia; Unit 6, Lesson 4, Listening: Listen to descriptions of foods: Tim Hill/Alamy,
(crispy pata) sutsaiy/Fotolia, (Quwanta) Elena Moiseeva/Fotolia, (poi) Tomas del Amo/
Perspectives/Getty Images; Unit 7, Lesson 1, Grammar Coach: Infinitives as objects of
verbs: (man) jolopes/Fotolia; Unit 7, Lesson 2, Grammar Coach: (World map) jktu_21/Fotolia;
Unit 7, Lesson 3, Reading: Article: Astrology 1: (zodiac) Viktoria/Shutterstock; Unit 7,
Lesson 3, Reading: Article: Astrology 3: (zodiac) Viktoria/Shutterstock; Unit 8, Preview,
Vocabulary Flashcards: Kinds of art: (jewelry) Harshmunjal/Fotolia, (fashion) Terex/Fotolia,
(pottery) Africa Studio/Fotolia, (painting) Boyan Dimitrov/Shutterstock, (photography) Philippova
Anastasia/Shutterstock; Unit 8, Preview, Vocabulary: Kinds of art 1: (painting) Boyan
Dimitrov/Shutterstock, (photography) Philippova Anastasia/Shutterstock, (jewelry) Harshmunjal/
Fotolia, (pottery) Africa Studio/Fotolia, (fashion) Terex/Fotolia; Unit 8, Lesson 1, Grammar
Coach: The passive voice: (Mexico City Fine Arts Museum) jkraft5/Fotolia; Unit 8, Lesson 1,
Grammar Coach: The passive voice with the by phrase: (Mexico City Fine Arts Museum)
jkraft5/Fotolia, (interior murals within Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City) Cathy Melloan/
Alamy; Unit 8, Lesson 2, Vocabulary Flashcards: Objects, handicrafts, materials: (wood
figure) Pavel K/Shutterstock, (glass pitcher) Sagir/Shutterstock, (silver necklace) Nolte Lourens/
Fotolia, (gold bracelet) Lynnette/Shutterstock, (cloth bag) NH7/Fotolia, (ceramic plate) Deborah
McCague/Shutterstock, (stone bowl) Winnond/Shutterstock; Unit 8, Lesson 2, Vocabulary:
Objects, handicrafts, and materials 1: (silver necklace) Nolte Lourens/Fotolia, (stone bowl)
Winnond/Shutterstock, (ceramic plate) Deborah McCague/Shutterstock, (wood figure) Pavel
K/Shutterstock, (gold bracelet) Lynnette/Shutterstock, (glass pitcher) Sagir/Shutterstock, (cloth
bag) NH7/Fotolia; Unit 8, Lesson 2, Vocabulary: Objects, handicrafts, and materials 2:
(dress) Terex/Fotolia, (cloth doll) Eduardo Rivero/Shutterstock, (necklace) Harshmunjal/Fotolia,
(ring) Rozaliya/Fotolia, (bracelet) Сергей Чирков/Fotolia, (wood figure) Pavel K/Shutterstock,
(stone figure) Kanvag/Fotolia, (wooden horse) Tobyphotos/Shutterstock, (glass pitcher)
Sagir/Shutterstock, (glass plate) Piero Gentili/Fotolia, (mug) Stockphoto Mania/Shutterstock;
Unit 8, Lesson 2, Grammar Coach: The passive voice: questions: (map of Republic of
Chile) pavalena/Fotolia, (Rano Raruku Moai) Amy Nichole Harris/Fotolia; Unit 8, Lesson 3,
Reading: Article: Nurturing your artistic talent 1: (woman painting) Lel Soleil/Fotolia; Unit 8,
Lesson 3, Reading: Article: Nurturing your artistic talent 3: (woman painting) Lel Soleil/
Fotolia; Unit 8, Lesson 4, Listening: Conversations about famous artists: (Hiyao Miyazaki)
PHIL McCARTEN/UPI/Newscom, (Christopher Nolan) Warner Bros/Album/Newscom,
(Francisco de Goya) Heritage Image Partnership Ltd/Alamy, (Cindy Sherman) Carly Erickson/
BFAnyc/Sipa USA/Newscom; Unit 8, Review, Game: Concentration: (wood figure) Pavel
K/Shutterstock, (glass pitcher) Sagir/Shutterstock, (silver necklace) Nolte Lourens/Fotolia, (gold
bracelet) Lynnette/Shutterstock, (cloth bag) NH7/Fotolia, (ceramic plate) Deborah McCague/
Shutterstock, (stone bowl) Winnond/Shutterstock; Unit 8, Review, Game: Quiz show: (dress)
Terex/Fotolia, (painting) Boyan Dimitrov/Shutterstock, (jewelry) Harshmunjal/Fotolia, (cloth bag)
NH7/Fotolia, (ceramic plate) Deborah McCague/Shutterstock, (glass pitcher) Sagir/Shutterstock,
(stone bowl) Winnond/Shutterstock; Unit 8 General Test, Part 3: (window) Philippova
Anastasia/Shutterstock, (Van Gogh's self-portrait) De Agostini Picture Library/Getty Images,
(sculpture) Swisshippo/Fotolia, (gold bracelet) Lynnette/Shutterstock, (dress) Terex/Fotolia,
(vase) Nikonbhoy/Fotolia; Unit 9, Lesson 1, Vocabulary Flashcards: Computer screen,
keyboard, commands: (monitor) Antiksu/Fotolia, (mouse) Violetkaipa/Shutterstock, (touchpad)
Tagore75/Fotolia; Unit 9, Lesson 1, Vocabulary: Computer screen, keyboard, commands
1: (monitor) Antiksu/Fotolia, (mouse) Violetkaipa/Shutterstock, (touchpad) Tagore75/Fotolia;
Unit 9, Lesson 2, Grammar Coach: Comparisons: as…as to express similarity: (couple)
michaeljung/Fotolia; Unit 9, Lesson 4, Reading: Article: Social networking: Could it hurt
your job search? 1: (job interview) Adam Gregor/Shutterstock, (friends posing) FilippoBacci/
E+/Getty Images; Unit 9, Lesson 4, Reading: Article: Social networking: Could it hurt your
job search? 3: (job interview) Adam Gregor/Shutterstock, (friends posing) FilippoBacci/E+/
Getty Images; Unit 10, Lesson 4, Reading: Article: Act of Honesty 1: (golfer) SHARON M.
STEINMAN/KRT/Newscom; Unit 10, Lesson 4, Reading: Article: Act of Honesty 3: (golfer)
Illustration credits: Steve Attoe, John Ceballos, Leanne Franson, Brian Hughes, Stephen
Hutchings, Andy Meyer, Suzanne Mogensen, Dušan Petričić, Anna Veltfort.

Video credits: Pronunciation coach scriptwriting: Sharon Goldstein; Grammar coach

scriptwriting: Lida Baker; Video production: EUXmedia, LLC, NY and LA.

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