The Dread Halls of Phema the Elemental 01 (1)

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The Dread Halls of Phema the Elemental 01

Level 1

General Size Diminutive (29 x 29)

Walls Superior Masonry (Climb DC 25)
Floor Smooth Stone
Temperature Average

Illumination Shadowy (phosphorescent fungus or candles

every 20 ft.)

Corridor Features a Spiked Pit Trap: CR 2; mechanical; Perception

DC 20; Disable Device DC 20; Trigger location;
Reset manual; Effect 10 ft. deep pit (1d6 falling
damage); pit spikes (Atk +10 melee, 1d4 spikes
per target for 1d4+2 damage each); DC 20
Reflex avoids; multiple targets (all targets in a 10
ft. square area)
c A crater has been blasted into the floor
Wandering Monsters 1 5 x Goblin; searching for an object stolen from
their lair
2 1 x Homunculus; bloodied and fleeing a more
powerful enemy
3 1 x Svirfneblin; hunting for food
4 5 x Goblin; pulling a small cart of firewood and
other trade goods
5 1 x Troglodyte; performing an evil ritual
6 5 x Kobold; trying to lure the party into an

Room #1 North Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC

25, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #10, inhabited by 1 x Ghoul
West Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard
5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #2
East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Good Wooden Door
(hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Pit Trap: CR 1; mechanical; Perception DC
20; Disable Device DC 20; Trigger location;
Reset manual; Effect 20 ft. deep pit (2d6 falling
damage); DC 20 Reflex avoids; multiple targets
(all targets in a 10 ft. square area)
→ Leads to room #16
Room Features Someone has scrawled "Watch out for basilisk"
in goblin runes on the west wall, and a rusted
breastplate lies in the west side of the room

Monster 1 x Darkmantle

Darkmantle: CR 1, XP 400; N Small Magical

Beast; Init +6; Senses blindsight 90 ft.,
darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +4;
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 13 (+2 Dex, +2
natural, +1 size); hp 15 (2d10+4); Fort +5, Ref
+3, Will +0; Speed 20 ft., fly 30 ft. (poor); Melee
slam +3 (1d4 plus grab); SA constrict (1d4+4),
grab (any size), spell-like abilities CL 5th; Str
11, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 2, Wis 11, Cha 10; Base
Atk +2, CMB +1 (+5 grapple), CMD 13 (can't be
Skills and Feats: Fly +5, Perception +4, Stealth
+10; Improved Initiative
Room #2 East Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard
5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #1, inhabited by 1 x
Room Features The floor is covered in square tiles, alternating
white and black, and a rattling noise can be
faintly heard near the south wall

Room #3 West Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC
28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #4, inhabited by 1 x Rat

East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door

(hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 3; magic; Perception
DC 22; Disable Device DC 22; Trigger touch;
Reset none; Effect teleport (teleported one level
down, DC 12 Will save negates)
→ Leads to room #11

Room #4 North Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard
5, 10 hp)
West Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #17
East Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 40, break DC
28; hard 10, 60 hp)
→ Leads to room #3
South Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #9, inhabited by 3 x Orc
Room Features Someone has scrawled a basic map of the
dungeon on the south wall, and a charred
wooden shield lies in the north side of the room
Monster 1 x Rat Swarm

Rat Swarm: CR 2, XP 600; N Tiny Animal

(swarm); Init +6; Senses low-light vision, scent;
Perception +8; AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 12
(+2 Dex, +2 size); hp 16 (3d8+3); Fort +4, Ref
+5, Will +2; DA swarm traits; Speed 15 ft., climb
15 ft., swim 15 ft.; Melee swarm (1d6 plus
disease); Space 10 ft.; Reach 0 ft.; SA disease,
distraction (DC 12); Str 2, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 2,
Wis 13, Cha 2; Base Atk +2, CMB --, CMD --
Skills and Feats: Acrobatics +6, Climb +10,
Perception +8, Stealth +14, Swim +10;
Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Perception)
Room #5 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard
5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #7

West Entry Wooden Portcullis (lift DC 25, break DC 28;

hard 5, 30 hp)
Room Features Someone has scrawled "five, two, five, five" in
draconic script on the west wall, and the ceiling
is covered with bloodstains
Trap Arrow Trap: CR 1; mechanical; Perception DC
20; Disable Device DC 20; Trigger touch; Reset
none; Effect Atk +15 ranged (1d8+1/x3)

Hidden Treasure Hidden (Search DC 20) Locked Simple Wooden

Chest (Open Lock DC 25, break DC 15; hard 5,
10 hp)

63 gp, 360 sp, 1900 cp; Copper brazier with

religious markings (50 gp), Crystal skull (80 gp),
Silver holy symbol (25 gp); hoard total 273 gp

Room #6 North Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)

(magically reinforced, +10 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #8, inhabited by 1 x
East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door
(hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Guillotine Blade: CR 3; mechanical;
Perception DC 22; Disable Device DC 22;
Trigger location; Reset manual; Effect Atk +10
melee (3d6/19-20)
Room Features The floor is covered in square tiles, alternating
white and black, and several pieces of trash are
scattered throughout the room

Room #7 North Entry Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28;
hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Hypnosis: CR 1; magic;
Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 22;
Trigger proximity (alarm); Reset none; Effect
hypnosis (dazed for 1d4 rounds, DC 10 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a
10 ft. radius burst)
→ Leads to room #14

West Entry #1 Archway

West Entry #2 Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)
(slides up, +2 to break DC)
East Entry Unlocked Good Wooden Door (hard 5, 15 hp)

South Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard

5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #5

Room Features Part of the ceiling has collapsed into the room,
and several empty bottles are scattered
throughout the room
Room #8 North Entry #1 Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard
5, 10 hp)
North Entry #2 Secret (Search DC 20) Stuck Simple Wooden
Door (break DC 13; hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓢ The door is located near the ceiling and
concealed by an illusion

East Entry Archway

South Entry Unlocked Strong Wooden Door (hard 5, 20 hp)
(magically reinforced, +10 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #6
Room Features Someone has scrawled "The cleric will betray
you" on the south wall, and the north and west
walls are covered with bloodstains

Monster 1 x Troglodyte

Troglodyte: CR 1, XP 400; CE Medium

Humanoid (reptilian); Init -1; Senses darkvision
90 ft.; Perception +0; Aura stench (30 ft., DC 13,
10 rounds); AC 15, touch 9, flat-footed 15 (-1
Dex, +6 natural); hp 13 (2d8+4); Fort +7, Ref -1,
Will +0; Speed 30 ft.; Melee club +2 (1d6+1),
claw -3 (1d4), bite -3 (1d4) or2 claws +2
(1d4+1), bite +2 (1d4+1); Ranged javelin +0
(1d6); Str 12, Dex 9, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha
11; Base Atk +1, CMB +2, CMD 11
Skills and Feats: Stealth +5 (+9 in rocky areas);
Great Fortitude
Treasure: 12 gp, 120 sp; Azurite (7 gp), Citrine
(55 gp), Shell (9 gp); Potion of Resistance (cr,
25 gp), Potion of Stabilize (cr, 25 gp); hoard
total 145 gp
Room #9 North Entry Archway
→ Leads to room #4, inhabited by 1 x Rat

East Entry Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door

(hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Javelin Trap: CR 2; mechanical; Perception
DC 20; Disable Device DC 20; Trigger location;
Reset none; Effect Atk +15 ranged (1d6+6)
→ Leads to room #11

Room Features A narrow shaft descends from the room into a

magical cyst below, and a faded and torn
tapestry hangs from the south wall

Monster 3 x Orc

Orc: CR 1/3, XP 135; CE Medium Humanoid;

Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -1;
AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor); hp 6
(1d10+1); Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1; DA ferocity;
Weak light sensitivity; Speed 30 ft.; Melee
falchion +5 (2d4+4/18-20); Ranged javelin +1
(1d6+3); Str 17, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 8,
Cha 6; Base Atk +1, CMB +4, CMD 14; SQ
weapon familiarity
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +2; Weapon Focus
Treasure: 90 gp, 461 sp, 2480 cp; Potion of
Remove Fear (cr, 50 gp), Potion of Stabilize (cr,
25 gp), Scroll of Corrosive Touch (um, 25 gp);
hoard total 260 gp 9 sp
Room #10 West Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard
5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #15
East Entry Stuck Good Wooden Door (break DC 18; hard
5, 15 hp)
South Entry Locked Strong Wooden Door (Open Lock DC
25, break DC 25; hard 5, 20 hp)
→ Leads to room #1, inhabited by 1 x

Room Features Someone has scrawled "Beware the elves" on

the south wall, and several pieces of torn paper
are scattered throughout the room
Monster 1 x Ghoul

Ghoul: CR 1, XP 400; CE Medium Undead; Init

+2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +7; AC
14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural);
hp 13 (2d8+4); Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5; DA
channel resistance +2; Speed 30 ft.; Melee bite
+3 (1d6+1 plus disease and paralysis) and 2
claws +3 (1d6+1 plus paralysis); SA paralysis
(1d4+1 rounds, DC 13, elves are immune to this
effect); Str 13, Dex 15, Con -, Int 13, Wis 14,
Cha 14; Base Atk +1, CMB +2, CMD 14
Skills and Feats: Acrobatics +4, Climb +6,
Perception +7, Stealth +7, Swim +3; Weapon
Treasure: 92 gp, 430 sp, 3100 cp; hoard total
166 gp

Room #11 North Entry Stuck Strong Wooden Door (break DC 23; hard
5, 20 hp)

West Entry #1 Trapped and Unlocked Simple Wooden Door

(hard 5, 10 hp)
Ⓣ Teleporter Crystal: CR 3; magic; Perception
DC 22; Disable Device DC 22; Trigger touch;
Reset none; Effect teleport (teleported one level
down, DC 12 Will save negates)
→ Leads to room #3

West Entry #2 Trapped and Unlocked Strong Wooden Door

(hard 5, 20 hp)
Ⓣ Javelin Trap: CR 2; mechanical; Perception
DC 20; Disable Device DC 20; Trigger location;
Reset none; Effect Atk +15 ranged (1d6+6)
→ Leads to room #9, inhabited by 3 x Orc
Room Features Someone has scrawled an alien symbol on the
north wall, and a sundered helm lies in the south
side of the room
Room #12 East Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)

Room Features An iron chandelier hangs from the ceiling in the

north-east corner of the room, and the ceiling is
covered with cracks
Monster 3 x Orc

Orc: CR 1/3, XP 135; CE Medium Humanoid;

Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception -1;
AC 13, touch 10, flat-footed 13 (+3 armor); hp 6
(1d10+1); Fort +3, Ref +0, Will -1; DA ferocity;
Weak light sensitivity; Speed 30 ft.; Melee
falchion +5 (2d4+4/18-20); Ranged javelin +1
(1d6+3); Str 17, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 7, Wis 8,
Cha 6; Base Atk +1, CMB +4, CMD 14; SQ
weapon familiarity
Skills and Feats: Intimidate +2; Weapon Focus
Treasure: 50 gp, 278 sp, 1120 cp; Agate (12
gp), Jasper (40 gp), Rock Quartz (12 gp); Oil of
Bless Weapon (cr, 50 gp), Potion of Virtue (cr,
25 gp); hoard total 228 gp

Room #13 East Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
(slides down, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #17

Room #14 South Entry Trapped and Stuck Iron Door (break DC 28;
hard 10, 60 hp)
Ⓣ Symbol of Hypnosis: CR 1; magic;
Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 22;
Trigger proximity (alarm); Reset none; Effect
hypnosis (dazed for 1d4 rounds, DC 10 Will
save negates); multiple targets (all targets in a
10 ft. radius burst)
→ Leads to room #7

Room #15 West Entry Trapped and Locked Good Wooden Door (Open
Lock DC 25, break DC 18; hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Poisoned Dart Trap: CR 1; mechanical;
Perception DC 20; Disable Device DC 20;
Trigger touch; Reset none; Effect Atk +10
ranged (1d3 plus greenblood oil [injury, Fort DC
13, 1/rd. for 4 rds., 1 Con, 1 save])

East Entry Stuck Simple Wooden Door (break DC 13; hard

5, 10 hp)
→ Leads to room #10, inhabited by 1 x Ghoul
South Entry Stuck Stone Door (break DC 28; hard 8, 60 hp)

Room #16 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)
West Entry Trapped and Unlocked Good Wooden Door
(hard 5, 15 hp)
Ⓣ Pit Trap: CR 1; mechanical; Perception DC
20; Disable Device DC 20; Trigger location;
Reset manual; Effect 20 ft. deep pit (2d6 falling
damage); DC 20 Reflex avoids; multiple targets
(all targets in a 10 ft. square area)
→ Leads to room #1, inhabited by 1 x

South Entry Locked Iron Door (Open Lock DC 25, break DC

28; hard 10, 60 hp)
Room Features A fountain decorated with three gargoyles sits in
the south side of the room, and mournful
weeping can be faintly heard near the west wall

Room #17 North Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)

West Entry Unlocked Simple Wooden Door (hard 5, 10 hp)

(slides down, +1 to break DC)
→ Leads to room #13

East Entry Archway

→ Leads to room #4, inhabited by 1 x Rat

Room Features A rope ascends to a wooden platform in the

south-east corner of the room, and the scent of
ozone fills the north-west corner of the room

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