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The Xorforged

Notes on the Primogenitors of the Khorvaire Warforged
by Griffin Fredette and Cameron Day

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Writing: Griffin Fredette have ever returned. We have lost many brave
Editing and Layout: Cameron Day and intrepid fighters – Doc grows more and
Warforged Logo: LordSinclair more frustrated as we get further and
Internal Icons: Cameron Day further from the truth. But hopefully this
Page Background Art and Cover Art: small treatise can be an aid to future

Eden Sanders generations.
Cover Layout and Design: Steve Fidler
Title Page Divider: DMs Guild Stock Art The Xorforged
“Viruses have no morality, no sense of good

Parasites from and evil, the deserving or the undeserving....
It is simply an opportunistic virus that does
Beyond what it has to do to stay alive.” ― Chris
“But if they're so successful, why haven't
Crutcher, King of the Mild Frontier: An Ill-
parasites taken over the world? The answer
Advised Autobiography
is simple: they have. We just haven't noticed.
That's because successful parasites don't kill
The xorforged are lost relics of a bygone
us; they become part of us, making us
war between the giants and drow of
help them
Suarez, Daemon
perform all the work to keep them alive and
― Daniel
Xen’Drik and Quori of Dal Quor, a war that
raged in the physical and planar worlds.
Records recovered from lost Xor vaults
deep within the bowels of Xen’Drik – close
Ignys Record to the Dragon Below – and stored in the
From the Record of Ignys Byr, Leader of the Halls of Ion by the Arbiters are all that
Arbiters: remain of these creatures.

Little is known of the Xorforged, beyond Rumored to have been mutant hybrids of
what small records we have collected. The daelkyr, Quori parasites, drow and giant

Principle has spent endless eons building our magic, the xorforged are believed to have
great archive within the Hall of Icon in Sharn, either been entirely eradicated or locked
but anything related to the Xorforged elude within colossal tombs, hidden from all. Yet,
us. They are rumored to be connected Arbiter expeditions have gone searching for
somehow to our kin the feyforged – and even these tombs, but none have returned…
that connection is murky.

The Hedet
All that I know is this – the xorforged are
Said to be warforged that were corrupted
monsters; Xoriat parasites pulled from that
by drow in the battle against the Quori,
maddening place to possess and power
these mechanized shells contained strange
mechanical bodies to fight in the war
parasites that would pilot the deformed
between drow and the Quori. But eventually
bodies of these altered warforged. With
even the drow could not control the darkness
shields crudely attached to every limb and
they had unleashed.
their backs, the Hedet scarcely resemble
their original form. These creatures are
Many Arbiter expeditions have been
thought to be mostly gone, but a select few
dispatched to Xen’Drik to see what remains
live in hiding, no longer needing their
of these lost xorforged workshops, but none
organic aspects and laying dormant.

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these creatures can distribute said parasites
The Shtahka and are far more intelligent and evil than
their counterparts.
A variant of the warforged created from the
remains of Quori constructs and the bones
These creatures want nothing more than to
of elves, these scrappy constructs began to
see the world possessed entirely by their
pop up after the fall of the Giant society,
spawn, for they see all other living

as drow living among the ruins created
creatures as filth that need to be cleansed.
these abominations to protect their
homes. These creatures appear as tall
spiny warforged with spiked spines and The Jashelat

skeletal pieces. They roam the jungles Often seen as mindless tinkering toys
of Xen’Drik in packs brought to life alongside the warforged, The
Jashelat appear as large spiders made from
the face plates of warforged but with only 4
legs. They normally act in service to larger
The Lata creatures but when left to their own devices
Much like the Hedet, the Lata are parasites they act violently and attack any organic
inhabiting the former shells of warforged. creatures they see.

The Lata are more humanoid, and lanky,

The Lata differ from the Hedet however, not
only in their form but what’s inside.
they bodies appear unique and don’t quite
resemble any other warforged. The Lata “A virus can change the fate of the world;
also retain their parasitic origins, and the power has nothing to do with being tiny or
parasites are the real living organisms in giant! Power is something related to the
the Lata, while the Hedet exist on their power hidden within you!” ― Mehmet Murat
own. ildan

The Lata come in different varieties with While it is uncommon for most xorforged to
different powers, all fueled by the magic have the same mental capacities as a
staffs they carry, and have minor warforged, some find themselves with a
differences in appearances. greater consciousness much like their
modern cousins. You may choose to play as
one such xorforged, typically setting aside

The Shati
their heritage to enter civilized society, but
Perhaps the most fearsome of the creatures not always. Most rogue xorforged reject
of steel found in Xen’Drik are the Shati. their siblings in Xen’Drik but some leave
These creatures use altered shells of their life behind to bring their reckless
warforged left behind by the Quori by come tendencies to the broader world.
from another realm entirely.
These creatures act as variants of the
While many of the other creatures found in warforged from Eberron: Rising From The
this bestiary are inhabited by parasites, Last War but with the exception of the Shati

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– these creatures only inhabit the shells of your body, and as such you cannot integrate
warforged, the creature itself is the parasite armor into your body. You may wear armor
within. you are proficient in as normal. In addition,
your skeleton provides different benefits.
Hedet Characters
Any creature who attacks you with an
Unlike other warforged you stand stouter
unarmed strike takes 2 piercing damage

and have less fancy specialized technology.
and your spine can absorb a hit of up to 10
You’ve been outfitted for one purpose,
damage, destroying it in the process and
defense, and your body is designed with
preventing damage done to you. Once this
that in mind.
has been done you must replace your spine

Ability Score Increase: This feature replaces with that of a medium sized humanoid or
your normal warforged ability score this feature has no affect.
increase. You gain +2 to Constitution and +1
to Strength. Lata Characters
You inhabit the shell of a primal warforged,
Shield Shell: This feature replaces
skinnier and more spindly than modern
your Integrated Protection feature. You
warforged. You are one of many different
have shields on your limbs and back that

wear armor and instead have a 17

AC naturally.
give you a natural armor class. You cannot
varieties of Lata and your color and abilities

Ability Score Improvement: This replaces

your normal Warforged Ability Score
Defense Curl: This feature replaces Improvement. You gain +2 Wisdom and +1
your Specialized Design Feature. As an Dexterity.
action, you may recede behind your shields
Elemental Affinity: This replaces
and curl into a ball. Until the end of your
your Constructed Resilience Ability. You
turn, you cannot move, and your AC
select a type of Lata that you embody, and
increases by +3.
gain features connected to it:

Shtaka Characters -Fear: You are immune to being made afraid

You have been outfitted with biological with magical effects and have advantage on
components unlike other warforged. You Wisdom saving throws against being
have an organic spine and claws and are charmed.
spindlier than the average warforged.
-Disintegration: You are immune to disease

and have advantage on saving throws made

Ability Score Increase: This feature replaces
against magical effects that deal damage.
your normal Warforged Ability Score
Improvement. You gain +2 to Strength and
-Poison: You are immune to poison damage
+1 Constitution.
and the poison condition.
Organic Hybrid: This feature replaces
your Integrated Protection feature. You -Fragmentation: You are resistant to
have an organic skeleton on the outside of bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage

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from nonmagical attacks and force damage -Elastic Legs: You mold your legs to contain
from both magical and nonmagical attacks. springs. Your movement speed increased by
10ft and you can jump 5ft higher.
-Absorption: You are immune to disease
and have +1 to HP every time you level up. These transformations can be taken one at
a time and last for 1 minute or until
-Anger: You have advantage on saving dismissed. Once you use this, you may not

throws against being charmed and you do so again until you finish a short or long
cannot be made to sleep with magical rest.

-Heat Vision: You are resistant to fire
damage and have advantage on Dexterity
Check Out Our Other
saving throws against damaging effects. Titles!
Shati Characters
You are one step above your parasitic peers,
among the race who command the
parasites. You are a greater form of the
Lata, a being of magical energy inhabiting
specially made warforged shells.

Ability Score Improvement: This replaces

your normal Warforged Ability Score
Improvement. You gain +2 to Intelligence
and +1 to Strength.

Transformative: This feature replaces

your Integrated Protection feature. Your

body can be shaped in different ways, and

armor cannot be attached to your body like
other warforged. You have a base 15 AC and
cannot wear armor that is not specially
made for your body, in addition you can
perform the following transformations as

an action:

-Harden Shape: You fortify your body and

gain +2 to AC.

-Limb Weapon: You transform your arm or

leg into a nonmagical weapon you are
proficient with.

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