LEADER 3. Consultative
- Is responsible for providing the conditions - The manager feels the opinion and advice of
necessary for employees to accomplish the work the staff are useful, but all decisions remain the
of the organization. exclusive purview of the manager.
3. Normative Theory by Victor H. Vroom and 6. Good listener - Lending an ear or paying
Phillip W. Yetton attention to subordinates about their opinion and
- It provides normative guidelines and sentiments.
recommendations for the way a leader should
make decisions in a specific set of workplace 7. Poise - At ease and composed in any given
conditions. The theory classifies each situation, especially during difficult
decision-making method as autocratic, circumstances.
consultative or group-oriented.
8. Accessibility - Being open and available
anytime, open-minded.
9. Approachable - Easy to deal with, willing to
talk to, and receptive.
Leadership Methods
10. Good sense of values - A role model to his 1. To develop and constantly update all
personnel by being reliable and trustworthy. laboratory procedures and policies
preparation of appropriate manual.
The Managerial Grid
Developed by Robert Blake and Jane Mouton. 2. To schedule and conduct periodic meetings
It is based on 2 behavioral dimensions: with the staff for discussion and review of
1. Concern for People - This axis reflects the policies and procedures.
degree to which a manager considers team
members' needs, interests, and personal 3. To delegate the responsibility for efficiently
development when deciding how to accomplish monitoring compliance with policies and
a task. procedures.
2. Concern for Production - This axis reflects 4. To conduct periodic meeting with the
the degree to which a manager emphasizes laboratory staff to encourage innovative
achieving organizational objectives, thinking and improvement in services.
efficiency, and productivity.
5. To fully support and generously budget for
a meaningful laboratory continuing program.
Leadership Responsibility
1. Formulates and documents policies and
procedures that are constantly current and
relevant to effective pursuit of laboratory
Sample test request form contains:
a. Laboratory procedure
b. Identification of the patient
c. Name of the physician
d. Date and time the specimen was collected
e. Date and time the specimen was received
f. Date, time and by whom the specimen was
g. Condition of any unsatisfactory specimen
h. Results and date of reporting