Principles of Management-1
Principles of Management-1
Principles of Management-1
Meeting the
1. Providing managers with useful insights into
reality: Management principles guide managers to take right
decision at right time by improving their knowledge, ability and
understanding of various managerial situations and circumstances.
Planning In charges:
1. Route Clerk to specify the exact sequence and route of production.
2. Instruction card clerk is responsible for drafting instructions for the
3. Time and cost clerk to prepare time and cost sheet for the job.
4. Shop Disciplinarian to ensure discipline and enforcement of rules and
regulations among the workers.
Production Incharges:
1. Gang boss is responsible for keeping tools and machines ready for
2. Speed boss is responsible for timely and accurate completion of
3. Repair boss to ensure proper working conditions of tools and
4. Inspector to check quality of work.
2. Standardization and Simplification of work:
Standardization refers to developing standards for every business
activity whereas Simplification refers to eliminating superfluous
varieties of product or service. It results in savings of cost of
labour, machines and tools. It leads to fuller utilization of
equipment and increase in turnover.
3. Method Study: The objective of method study is to
find out one best way of doing the job to maximize
efficiency in the use of materials, machinery, manpower
and capital.
(1) Which technique of scientific management is being
violated here? (Hint: Functional Foreman ship.)
(2) Write one consequence of this violation.
4. Motion Study: It is the science of eliminating
wastefulness resulting from using unnecessary, ill-
directed and inefficient motions by workers and
machines to identify best method of work.
5 Time study: It determines the standard time taken to
perform a well-defined job. The objective of time study
is to determine the number of workers to be employed,
frame suitable incentive schemes & determine labour
His principles were flexible He was rigid in his approach
8. Rigidity and and he felt that there should be
flexibility no deviation from fixed
His principles are applicable to His principles are applicable to
9. Applicability business as well as non- production and manufacturing
business organizations i.e. are i.e. are applicable to specific
applicable universally. situations
He strictly follow this He did not follow this
10. Unity of principles i.e. one boss for one principle instead he insisted on
command employee. minimum eight bosses.