333973914Length Contraction and Time Dilation (1)

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Length contraction

Time dilation

e-content for B.Sc Physics (Honours)

B.Sc Part-I

Dr. Ayan Mukherjee,

Assistant Professor,
Department of Physics,
Ram Ratan Singh College, Mokama.
Patliputra University, Patna
Length Contraction

t1 t1`

x1 (t1) x1` (t1) x1 (t1) x1` (t1` )

If you want to measure the length of a penguin while it is

moving, you must mark the positions of its front and back
simultaneously (in your reference frame), as in (a), rather than
at different times, as in (b).
Applying the Lorentz transformations to our two distances, we
x2 = γ (x1 – vt1) and x2` = γ (x1` – vt1)

Subtracting, we obtain;
(x2`- x2) = γ (x1`- x1)
Note that (x2`- x2) is the length as measured in S2 . Since the
object is at rest with respect to S2, let's call this length Lo.
This gives us
L = L0 1 − v 2 / c 2 =

Because the Lorentz factor γ is always greater than unity,

then L is always less than Lo.
I.e. The relative motion causes a length contraction.
Because γ increases with speed v, the length contraction also
increases with v.

Remember: that y2 = y1 and z2 = z1.

Therefore, any lengths measured perpendicular to the direction
of the motion will not be changed by the motion.
Length contraction occurs only along the direction of the
relative motion.

Time Dilation
Suppose we travel inside a spaceship and watch a light clock.
We will see the path of the light in simple up-and-down motion.
If, instead, we stand at some relative rest position and observe
the spaceship passing us by 0.5c . Because the light flash keeps
up with the horizontally moving light clock, we will see the flash
following a diagonal path.

I.e. according to us the flash travels

a longer distance than it does in the
reference frame of an observer riding
with the ship. Since the speed of light is the same in all
reference frames (Einstein's second postulate), the flash must
travel for a longer time between the mirrors in our frame than
in the reference frame of an observer on board.
Δt 0 =
Δt 0
Δt =
2L Δt = = γΔ t 0
c 1− v2 / c2
L= ( 12 vΔt )2 + D 2
This stretching out of time is called time dilation.
Some numerical values:
* Assume that v = 0.5c ,then γ = 1.15, so T = 1.15 T0 .This means

that if we viewed a clock on a spaceship traveling at half the

speed of light, we would see the second hand take 1.15 minutes

to make a revolution, whereas if the spaceship were at rest, we

would see it take 1 minute.

* If the spaceship passes us at 87% the speed of light, γ = 2;

and T = 2 T0 . We would measure time events on the spaceship

taking twice the usual intervals. i.e. the hands of a clock on

the ship would turn only half as fast as those on our own clock.

* If it were possible to make a clock fly by us at the speed of

light, the clock would not appear to be running at all. We

would measure the interval between ticks to be infinite.

* Time dilation has been confirmed in the laboratory countless

times with particle accelerators. The lifetimes of fast-moving

radioactive particles increase as the speed goes up, and the

amount of increase is just what Einstein's equation predicts.

Example 4.6: (The Twin Paradox)
Jack and Jill are 25-year-old twins. Jack must stay on earth,
but the astronaut Jill travels at o. 98c to a star 24.5 light
years away and returns immediately. Ignoring the end-point
acceleration times, find the twins' ages when she returns.
(One light year = 1 C . yr, the distance light travels in one year.)



From Jack earth-bound frame of reference;

Jill travels a total distance of 49 light years (out and back) at

0.98c. Thus; the total time of her journey as Jack measure it is;

TJack= 49 c . yrs / 0.98c. = 50 years

Therefore 50 years of earth time have passed, so Jack is (25 +

50) years = 75 years old. However, this 50 years is dilated time

for Jill's frame of reference.

Since γ = 5 for v = 0.98c,

TJill= 50 years / 5 = 10 years

Jill therefore is (25 + 10) years = 35 years old. She is 40 years

younger than her brother.


Since the choice of frame of reference is relative, why don't

we place Jill in S1? She then sees the earth move away and

return, and therefore it is Jack who has travelled out and back

at 0.98c. He should be the one who is 40 years younger.

Since they both can't be 40 years younger, this apparent

contradiction is called the twin paradox.


n Recall that we are dealing with the special theory of

relativity, which refers to inertial reference frames. In

the twin paradox, the earth is an approximately inertial

reference frame, but Jill's spaceship isn't. The choice of

frames of reference is relative in the special theory of

relativity only if the frames of reference are all inertial.

Therefore an attempt to use the special theory in a no

inertial frame of reference causes incorrect results. So,

Jack does age more rapidly than Jill.

o Experiments (such as the clocks in jetliners) confirm this


p Length contraction can be used, as well, to solve this


According to Jill spaceship frame of reference;

Jill travels (out and back)a total distance of:

LJill= LJack /γ = 49 c . yrs /5 = 9.8 c. yrs

Since she travels at 0.98c. Thus; the total time of her journey

as she measure it is;

TJill= 9.8 c . yrs / 0.98c. = 10 years

Which confirm the previous prediction.

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