333973914Length Contraction and Time Dilation (1)
333973914Length Contraction and Time Dilation (1)
333973914Length Contraction and Time Dilation (1)
Time dilation
t1 t1`
Subtracting, we obtain;
(x2`- x2) = γ (x1`- x1)
Note that (x2`- x2) is the length as measured in S2 . Since the
object is at rest with respect to S2, let's call this length Lo.
This gives us
L = L0 1 − v 2 / c 2 =
Time Dilation
Suppose we travel inside a spaceship and watch a light clock.
We will see the path of the light in simple up-and-down motion.
If, instead, we stand at some relative rest position and observe
the spaceship passing us by 0.5c . Because the light flash keeps
up with the horizontally moving light clock, we will see the flash
following a diagonal path.
speed of light, we would see the second hand take 1.15 minutes
the ship would turn only half as fast as those on our own clock.
From Jack earth-bound frame of reference;
we place Jill in S1? She then sees the earth move away and
return, and therefore it is Jack who has travelled out and back