Mission and Vision of MSU

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Mindanao State University

Main Campus
Building Wiring and Installation Assignment

Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives of MSU System and

Mission and Vision of College of Engineering

This paper is submitted to

Fulfill one of the requirements to
Engr. Noriam T. Hadji Jamil-Gunting
Building Wiring and Installation Instructor in DET-CT
Faculty in MSU Division in Engineering Technology

Submitted by:
Johaira M. Rominimbang

August 17, 2023

(Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives)


MSU System aspires to be a Center of Excellence in man and to the search for
truth, virtue, and academic excellence.


MSU System is committed to:

1. Lead in social transformation through peace education and integration of the
Muslims and other cultural minority groups into the mainstream society;
2. Ensure excellence in instruction, research development, innovation, extension,
and environmental education and discovery;
3. Advance national and international linkages through collaborations;
4. Demonstrates greater excellence, relevance and inclusiveness for Mindanao and
the Filipino nation.


The MSU-Main Campus is committed to:

GOAL 1. Promote and strengthen academic excellence in all level of education to

produce graduates who are competent to meet future needs in humankind.

 Make the curriculum relevant to the needs of humankind;
 Support faculty development in graduate and post-graduate programs in esteemed
national and international academic institutions;
 Upgrade instructional facilities and equipment;
 Achieve Accreditation or Certificate of the different degree programs of the
university to become Centers of Development and/or Centers of Excellence; and
 Nurture students’ critical thinking to be innovative, skilled, and productive

GOAL 2. enhance the visibility of the University through production of high-impact

researches and innovations.

 Require faculty to publish researches and patent inventions;
 Enforce niche building programs;
 Strengthen in-house reviews and other training programs;
 Create international peer-viewed journals;
 Undertake high-impact, world-leading, and innovative research; and
 Establish and strengthen University Research Centers.

GOAL 3. Respond to globalization trends through partnership and collaborative

relationships with national and international universities, research institutions,
 Generate programs geared toward ASEAN and global integration;
 Link programs with educational institutions, industries, and other stakeholders;
 Organize national and international conferences, seminars, and other similar
 Become an authority and sources of innovative technology and scientific
 Acquire necessary information and technology and scientific knowledge; and
 Level up the financial and logistics support for partnership and collaborative

GOAL 4. Secure and preserve the University resources and facilities.

 Strategize approaches for managing and securing the University resources and
 Allocate all unused lands for the establishment of relevant projects;
 Formulate an efficient and sustainable land use policies and management plan;
 Establish a Land Use and Control Office to secure and preserve the properties of
the University.

GOAL 5. Integrate peace education programs in the various programs of the


 Promote peace consciousness and culture sensitivity;
 Establish and enforce conflict resolution mechanisms;
 Advocate participatory and inclusive peace programs across different sectors;
 Cultivate the culture of peace among university constituents and the surrounding
communities; and
 Encourage multi-stakeholders peace-building efforts for sustainable peace and
development in Mindanao.

GOAL 6. Strengthen and sustain extension services.

 Strategically build partnership and collaboration with the community for resource
 Enhance technology generation and transfer for poverty alleviation in
 Restore trust and confidence among extortionists through effective and efficient
delivery of services;
 Value socio-cultural, political, and environmental safeguards; and
 Effectively design information, education, and communication (IEC) materials
and mechanisms for extension services.

GOAL 7. Transform the University through investments in human resources

development, infrastructures, and equipment.
 Improve professional and personal development among faculty and staff;
 Nurture and strengthen the culture of fairness and objectivity in recruitment,
retention and promotion of faculty and staff;
 Viably invest in faculty and students exchange programs with nationality and
internationally recognized institutions;
 Equip the university with world-class institutional facilities and equipment;
 Sustain infrastructure projects in the university; and
 Translate university research and innovation outputs into Income Generating


(Vision and Mission)


The MSU System aspires to be a center of excellence in Instruction, Research,

and Extension, transforming itself into a premier and globally competitive national
peace university.


The MSU System is committed to:

1. Lead in transforming through peace education and integration of the Muslims and
other cultural minority groups into the mainstream society;
2. Ensure excellence in instruction, research development, innovative, extension,
and environment education and discovery;
3. Advance national and international linkages through collaborations; and
4. Demonstrate greater excellence, relevance, and inclusiveness for Mindanao and
the Filipino nation.

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