a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Global warming induced rise in ambient temperatures would significantly impact the space heating and
Received 4 December 2020 cooling (H/C) energy requirements in buildings. This investigation assessed the impact of global warming
Revised 31 March 2021 on space H/C energy requirements in eight major Indian cities covering all of the county’s climate zones.
Accepted 21 April 2021
By using historical weather records and general circulation model outputs, we quantified the historical
Available online 27 April 2021
(1969–2017) and future (2018–2100) trends in annual mean temperatures together with heating and
cooling degree days (HDDs and CDDs), which are well-known metrics for quantifying buildings’ H/C
requirements. The investigation demonstrated that annual temperatures would be higher by 0.1–
Climate change
Building energy demand
1.1 °C in the 2020 s, by 0.6–2.8 °C in the 2050 s, and by 1.0–4.6 °C in the 2080 s, depending on the city
Degree days, general circulation model and the emission scenario. Due to rising temperatures, CDDs would also increase by 2.9–22.9% in the
Representative concentration pathways 2020 s, by 8.3–54.1% in the 2050 s, and by 11.89–83.0% in the 2080 s; thus, increasing the cooling require-
Time-series analysis ments by a similar amount. In contrast, HDDs would decrease by 8.1–30.3% in the 2020 s, by 17.6–83.3%
in the 2050 s, and by 19.3–97.1% in the 2080 s, thereby reducing the heating requirements.
Ó 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
0378-7788/Ó 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
R. Ukey and A.C. Rai Energy & Buildings 244 (2021) 111050
cities in Italy from 1978 to 2013, covering all its climate zones. much larger than heating requirements, global warming would
Their study found that HDDs decreased (by 2.6–17.1%, depending substantially increase the building energy consumption. Therefore,
on the city) while CDDs increased (by 7.4–170%, depending on this investigation assessed the impact of global warming on space
the city) in 2000–2013, as compared to their values in 1980– H/C energy requirements in eight major Indian cities covering all of
1993. Similarly, Christenson et al. [12] estimated the impact of cli- the county’s climate zones. By using historical weather records and
mate warming on degree-days in Switzerland’s four major cities general circulation model outputs, we quantified the historical
during 1901–2003. Their investigation also showed that HDDs (1969–2017) and future (2018–2100) trends in annual mean tem-
reduced by 11–18% while CDDs increased by 50–170% during the peratures, HDDs, and CDDs.
study period, depending upon location and the base temperature
used. A similar conclusion was obtained by Ortizbeviá et al. [14],
who studied the trends in degree-days at 31 weather stations in 2. Data and method
Spain during 1970–2005. They reported decreasing trends (2.3–
6%/decade) in HDDs at 21 stations, while no significant HDD trends To assess the impact of global warming on the H/C energy
were detected in the remaining stations. On the other hand, CDDs requirements in India, this investigation first selected eight repre-
had increasing trends (5–40%/decade) at 23 stations, while no sig- sentative Indian cities, for which the historical temperature
nificant CDD trends were detected in the rest. On similar lines, records (from 1969 to 2017) were obtained from the Indian Mete-
Jiang et al. [13] studied variations in HDDs and CDDs at 51 weather orological Department (IMD). Since the IMD temperature data had
stations in Xinjiang, China, from 1959 to 2004. They reported that missing values, we filled those values using other datasets. Next,
HDDs exhibited decreasing trends (from 25.1 °Cd/decade to this study obtained the future temperature projections (from
312.1 °Cd/decade) in 49 stations, while no significant trend was 2018 to 2100) for the selected cities from the National Aeronautics
detected in the remaining stations. The CDD trends ranged from and Space Administration (NASA) earth exchange (NEX) global
21.5 °Cd/decade to 38.4 °Cd/decade, with 29 stations showing daily downscaled projections (GDDP) dataset after identifying a
positive trends, 18 showing no trends, and the remaining four GCM suitable for each city. Subsequently, we calculated the annual
showing negative trends. mean temperatures, HDDs, and CDDs for each city from 1969 to
2100 and estimated their linear trends. The complete methodology
1.2. Future HDD and CDD trends is summarized in Fig. 1 and elaborated in the following sub-
In addition to studying the historical degree-day trends, several
investigations have also made predictions of future degree-days
using future weather data obtained from climate simulation mod- 2.1. Selection of representative cities
els [18–20]. For example, Isaac and Vuuren [21] estimated that due
to climate change (3.7 °C increase in global temperature over the We selected eight representative cities covering all the climate
pre-industrial age value), global HDDs would reduce by 34%, while zones of the country, as shown in Fig. 2. The selected cities
CDDs will increase by 70% in 2100, as compared to their values in included India’s major metropolitan hubs, covering a total area of
2100 assuming no climate change. A similar conclusion was 4,812 km2 and supporting a population of 103 million [24]. A
obtained by Warren et al. [22], who reported that a 1–5 °C increase detailed description of those cities is given in Table 1. We investi-
in global temperatures would decrease global HDDs by 14–18% gated the historical and future CDDs for seven cities since one city
and increase CDDs by 18–99%. Spinoni et al. [18] studied the (Srinagar) did not have any cooling requirements. In contrast,
impact of global warming on degree-days in Europe from 1981 HDDs were only studied for two cities (Delhi and Srinagar) since
to 2100 under two different representative concentration path- the remaining did not have any heating requirements.
ways (RCPs): RCP4.5 and RCP8.5. The RCPs are defined by the
increase in ‘radiative forcing’ in the year 2100 relative to 1750
2.2. Calculation of HDDs and CDDs
due to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmo-
sphere, i.e., 4.5 W/m2 for RCP4.5 and 8.5 W/m2 for RCP8.5 [4]. Their
This investigation calculated the annual HDDs and CDDs for the
study showed that in Europe from 1981 to 2100, HDDs would
selected cities, as per the definition of the American Society of
decrease by 49–84 °Cd/decade while CDDs would increase by 8–
Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
20 °Cd/decade, depending on the RCP. On similar lines, Petri and
Caldeira [19] studied the variations in degree-days in 25 of the Uni-
ted States’ most populous cities under the RCP8.5 emission sce-
nario. Their study showed that depending on the location, HDDs HDD ¼ ðT base T Þþ ð1Þ
would decrease by 28–99% while CDDs would increase by 12– i¼1
650% in 2080–2099, as compared to those in 1981–2010. Ramon
et al. [20] also obtained a similar conclusion by studying the XN
impact of climate change on future degree days in Belgium under CDD ¼ i¼1
ðT T base Þþ ð2Þ
the RCP8.5 scenario. They reported that there would be a 27%
decrease in HDDs and a 140% increase in CDDs in 2070–2098, over where T is the daily mean ambient temperature, Tbase the base tem-
those in 1976–2004. perature, and N the number of days in the year. The ‘+’ superscript
denotes that only positive values contribute to the degree-day cal-
1.3. Research gap and objectives culations. In the above equations, the ambient temperature (T) was
approximated as the arithmetic mean of the daily minimum and
The above-mentioned studies have shown that HDDs in the last maximum temperatures, and the base temperature (Tbase) was
century decreased while CDDs increased almost universally due to taken as 18 °C. We used 18 °C for calculating both HDDs and CDDs
global warming. Similar trends in HDDs and CDDs are projected to since this base temperature value was recommended for India by
continue in the future, leading to a decrease in the heating energy Bhatnagar et al. [26], based on detailed energy simulations of sev-
demand and an increase in the cooling energy demand of build- eral building types located across the different climate zones of
ings. Thus, in India, where buildings’ cooling requirements are the country.
R. Ukey and A.C. Rai Energy & Buildings 244 (2021) 111050
Table 1
Description of the selected cities.
R. Ukey and A.C. Rai Energy & Buildings 244 (2021) 111050
To assess the suitability of the procedure used for filling the temperature from 1969 to 2005, respectively, obtained from the
missing values, we calculated the RMSE in the daily mean ambient ordinary least square (OLS) analysis given in Section 2.5.1.
temperatures between the primary dataset (from IMD) and other Note that RMSE values quantify the errors in the daily mean
datasets (from NOAA, mean GCM, or TuTiempo), as reported in temperatures predicted by each GCM, thus quantifying the model’s
Table SM1. The RMSE values were calculated using all common performance for short time-periods, whereas the AELS values
data-points available between the primary and secondary datasets, assess the model’s long-term performance. To assess the model
except for the TuTiempo data, for which we randomly selected 30 performances relative to each other, we defined ERMSE and EAELS
data points for RMSE calculation since the TuTiempo data had to be metrics, as suggested by Gleckler et al. [33]:
manually recorded for each day. Table SM1 shows that the RMSE
values ranged between 0.46 and 2.67 for the different datasets, RMSE RMSE
depending on the city. The RMSE values compared reasonably well RMSE
with other imputation algorithms reported in the literature [30].
We did not study the performance of the linear interpolation tech- AELS AELS
nique for missing value imputation since only 1–2 data-points per AELS
city were filled by this method.
where ERMSE and ERMSE are the relative errors in the RMSE and AELS
values, respectively; RMSE and AELS are the median values and
2.4. Future weather data (2018–2100) quantify the ‘typical’ model errors. By using ‘median’ rather than
the ‘mean,’ we clear out the possible problems arising from outliers
For calculating future degree-days, daily predictions of ambient in the dataset. The smaller the E value is for a model, the better is its
air temperatures were obtained from the NASA-NEX-GDDP dataset. performance compared to others. For example, if ERMSE = 0.1 for a
This dataset (available at https://cds.nccs.nasa.gov/nex-gddp/) was particular model, it demonstrates that the model’s RMSE is 10%
developed from simulations conducted under the 5th phase of lower than that of the typical (median) model, which means that
the coupled model inter-comparison project (CMIP-5) using 21 dif- the model outperforms the typical model.
ferent GCMs, as given in Table SM2. The dataset contains statisti- Figure SM1 shows the relative error values (ERMSE and EAELS
cally downscaled projections of the minimum and maximum denoted by the color scale) for the 21 GCMs (names given in the
ambient temperatures at a geospatial resolution of 0.25° 0.25° center) for all eight cities. Figure SM1 a) shows that for most of
(about 25 km 25 km) for RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 scenarios from the cities, the MIROC_ESM_CHEM model had the least ERMSE values
2005 to 2100. Note that RCP4.5 is a stabilization scenario with (best short-term performance) while the IPSL_CM5A_MR model
the total radiative forcing stabilizing at 4.5 W/m2 in 2100, relative had the highest ERMSE values (worst short-term performance). On
to 1750 [31]; while RCP8.5 is a scenario with very high greenhouse the other hand, Figure SM1 b) shows that the GFDL_ESM2G model
gas emissions leading to an increase in radiative forcing of 8.5 W/ generally had the least EAELS values (best long-term performance)
m2 in 2100, relative to 1750 [32]. From the NEX-GDDP dataset, we while the IPSL_CM5A_LR model had some of the highest EAELS val-
obtained the daily temperature predictions (minimum and maxi- ues (worst long-term performance). Thus, the models that had
mum values) at four closest grid-points for a particular city, and good short-term performance did not necessarily capture the
then used bilinear interpolation for estimating the city’s tempera- long-term temperature trends. It is also evident from Figure SM1
tures [8]. that a single GCM could not consistently perform well for all the
Since the NEX-GDDP dataset contained future temperature pre- eight cities, and different models seem suitable for different cities.
dictions from 21 different GCMs; therefore, choosing an appropri- Thus, to choose an appropriate model for a particular city, we
ate GCM for making future temperature predictions was a non- first ranked the 21 GCMs based on their short-term and long-
trivial exercise. So, we first evaluated the performance of different term performances, i.e., each GCM was ranked from 1 to 21 corre-
GCMs by comparing their predictions under the ‘historical’ sce- sponding to ERMSE and EAELS metrics. Subsequently, we summed
nario with the corresponding observations (1969–2005) for all both the ranks to obtain the final model rankings for each city;
the eight cities. The historical scenario provides the modeled his- thus, a lower rank represented a well-performing model and
torical evolution of temperature using reconstructed historical vice-versa. The models with the best rankings (see Table 2) were
forcing. Thus, we evaluated different GCMs by comparing their selected to make future temperature predictions. Note that
temperature predictions under the historical run with their corre- Ahmedabad had three models (BNU-ESM, MIROC-ESM, and
sponding observed values for all eight cities. MIROC5) while Mumbai had two models (BCC-CSM1-1 and
This investigation calculated the root mean square error (RMSE) MIROC-ESM) with equal summed ranks. Those ties were broken
values for each model for all cities by using the following equation: based on the model performances in predicting the historical
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi CDD slopes, as discussed in the following paragraph.
u N
uX ðT GCM T Obs Þ2 This investigation assessed the performances of the GCMs by
RMSE ¼ t ð3Þ
N comparing the historical CDD and HDD trends (the OLS slopes
described in Section 2.5.1) with their corresponding model predic-
where T GCM and T Obs are the predicted (by a particular GCM) and tions obtained from the historical runs. Figure SM2 shows the box
observed values of the daily mean temperature on the ith day,
respectively, and N is the number of days (N = 13514 days for years
Table 2
1969–2005). Selected general circulation models (GCMs) for making future temperature predic-
We also calculated the absolute error in predicting the historical tions in major Indian cities.
temperature trends (linear slope) for each GCM by using the fol-
City Selected GCM
lowing equation:
Ahmedabad BNU_ESM
AELS ¼ b
b GCM b
Bengaluru IPSL_CM5A_LR
b Obs ð4Þ Chennai BCC_CSM1_1
where AELS is the absolute error in the linear slope, b b
b GCM and b Obs
Hyderabad, Kolkata, and Mumbai MIROC_ESM
Srinagar GFDL_ESM2G
are the GCM predicted and observed trends (slopes) in annual mean
R. Ukey and A.C. Rai Energy & Buildings 244 (2021) 111050
plots of the CDD and HDD trends from 1969 to 2005 predicted by After prewhitening, we applied the Mann Kendall (MK) test
the different GCMs together with the observed trends and those [42,43] on the time-series. The MK test (details in Supplementary
predicted by the selected GCMs given in Table 2. Figure SM2 shows Material) is a rank-based method to detect trends, which is less
large differences in model predictions; however, the selected GCMs sensitive to outliers than the OLS method and does not require
can reasonably capture the historical HDD and CDD trends with the residuals to be normally distributed. Although the MK test
prediction errors ranging between 1 and 39%. Thus, those GCMs can detect the existence or non-existence of a trend, it cannot pro-
were deemed suitable for forecasting future temperatures (2018– vide its magnitude. Thus, we used the Theil-Sen slope [44,45] esti-
2100) and calculating the future HDDs and CDDs. Note that since mator ( bb TS ) to calculate the magnitude of the linear trend that is
there were ties in model rankings for Ahmedabad and Mumbai, given by:
we selected those GCMs for making future projections that best
captured the observed CDD trends in those cities. b xj xi
b TS ¼ Median for all j > i ð10Þ
2.5. Linear trend analysis of temperatures and degree-days where xj and xi are the ith and jth values in the time-series (j > i).
R. Ukey and A.C. Rai Energy & Buildings 244 (2021) 111050
time-series (without prewhitening) was used to calculate the OLS 3.1.2. Future temperature trends (2018–2100)
slope. The OLS slope possibly overestimates the annual tempera- Fig. 3 also shows that Delhi’s annual temperatures will gradu-
ture trends since there is significant positive autocorrelation in ally increase from 2018 to 2100 under both the emission scenarios
the original time-series. In contrast, the TS slope likely underesti- (RCP4.5 and RCP8.5). Under the RCP4.5 scenario, the annual tem-
mates the trend since prewhitening could have reduced the magni- peratures in Delhi are projected to be 0.6 °C higher in the 2020 s
tude of the trend [46]. (2005–2034), 1.4 °C higher in the 2050 s (2035–2064), and 2.2 °C
Similarly, for all the other seven cities, the annual temperatures higher in the 2080 s (2065–2094) when compared to the baseline
increased in the past 49 years, as shown in Figures SM4 a–g, with (mean temperature from 1969 to 2017), as shown in Fig. 4. On the
the OLS slopes ranging from 0.13 to 0.23 °C/decade, as given in other hand, under the RCP8.5 scenario, temperatures will be 0.6 °C
Table 3. The PWMKTS analysis also reached a similar conclusion, higher in the 2020 s, 2.0 °C higher in the 2050 s, and 4.5 °C higher
i.e., the observed temperature trends were statistically significant, in the 2080 s than the baseline temperature. Similarly, for all the
and the magnitudes of TS slope ranged between 0.08 and 0.14 °C/ other cities, the annual temperatures will increase from 2018 to
decade, as given in Table 3. Once again, the OLS slopes were higher 2100 under both the emission scenarios, as shown in Fig. 4 and Fig-
than their corresponding TS slopes due to the reasons discussed in ures SM4 a–g.
the preceding paragraph. In the 2020 s, the projected increase in annual temperatures
We also compared the temperature trends in the selected cities ranged between 0.1 °C–1.1 °C and was almost equal in both the
with those previously reported for India during the periods 1969– scenarios for all cities. However, in the 2050 s and 2080 s, the
2005 [47] and 1971–2003 [48]. During 1969–2005, Basha et al. annual temperature rise is projected to be significantly lower
[47] reported that the country’s annual temperatures increased under the RCP4.5 scenario than under the RCP8.5 scenario. The
by 0.081 °C/decade or by 0.168 °C/decade based on datasets OLS analysis detected statistically significant trends in the pro-
obtained from IMD, India, or Climate Research Unit, UK, respec- jected annual temperatures for all the eight cities (see Table 3),
tively. Similarly, Kothawale and Kumar [48] also reported that with magnitudes ranging from 0.10 to 0.38 °C/decade under the
India’s annual temperatures increased by 0.22 °C/decade during RCP4.5 scenario and from 0.35 to 0.78 °C/decade under the
1971–2003. Our investigation also found increasing temperature RCP8.5 scenario. The estimated temperature trends are in qualita-
trends for the selected cities, with magnitudes ranging between tive agreement with those reported by Basha et al. [47], who found
0.03 and 0.23 °C/decade during 1969–2005 and between 0.04 that the annual mean temperatures in India would increase by
and 0.28 during 1971–2003. Thus, our results are in qualitative 0.52 °C/decade in the 21st century under the RCP8.5 scenario.
agreement with those reported previously. Note that the tempera- The PWMKTS analysis also detected statistically significant
ture rise in Indian cities may not be solely due to increasing green- trends for all cities in both the emission scenarios with TS slopes
house gas (GHG) emissions since other factors such as ranging from 0.03 to 0.07 °C/decade under the RCP4.5 emission
anthropogenic aerosols, natural forcings, and land-use/land-cover scenario and from 0.03 to 0.06 °C/decade under the RCP8.5 sce-
(LULC) changes also impact the surface air temperatures nario. The exceptions were Delhi, Hyderabad, and Kolkata under
[47,49,50]. In India, increasing GHG emissions and LULC changes the RCP4.5 scenario, and Bengaluru under the RCP8.5 scenario,
have contributed significantly towards increasing temperatures for which the PWMKTS analysis did not detect statistically signifi-
during the 20th century, while changes in anthropogenic aerosol cant trends (p-value > 0.05). The discrepancies between the OLS
emissions and natural forcings provided some cooling effect [47]. and the PWMKTS analysis arise because we used the original
Thus, we also anticipate a similar contribution of those factors time-series for the former, while the latter used the prewhitened
towards the estimated temperature trends in the selected cities. time-series. This likely led to an overestimation of the trend by
Table 3
Historical and future trends in annual mean temperature.
R. Ukey and A.C. Rai Energy & Buildings 244 (2021) 111050
Fig. 4. Increase in annual mean temperature in 2020 s (2005–2034), 2050 s (2035–2064), and 2080 s (2065–2094) for eight major Indian cities under the a) RCP4.5 and b)
RCP8.5 emission scenario.
Table 4
Historical and future trends in cooling degree days (CDDs).
Fig. 6. Increase in cooling degree days (CDDs) in 2020 s (2005–2034), 2050 s (2035–2064), and 2080 s (2065–2094) for seven major Indian cities under the a) RCP4.5 and b)
RCP8.5 emission scenario.
both the emission scenarios, with CDD increasing by 2.9–22.9% in 4 °Cd/decade (0.4–0.6% CDD increase per decade) under RCP4.5
the 2020 s and by 8.3–54.1% in the 2050 s for the selected cities. and RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively. The discrepancies in detecting
However, by the 2080 s, the CDD increase under the RCP8.5 sce- trends between the OLS and PWMKTS analysis arise due to the
nario will be much higher (by 12–29 percentage points depending prewhitening process applied in PWMKTS analysis.
on the city) than that under the RCP4.5 scenario.
The OLS slopes of CDDs were also statistically significant for all 3.3. HDD trends (1969–2100)
the six cities, with magnitudes ranging from 44.5 to 140.1 °Cd/dec-
ade (1.1–4.5% CDD increase per decade) and 126.7–265.5 °Cd/dec This section discusses the historical and future trends in HDDs
ade (3.3–9.4% CDD increase per decade) under the RCP4.5 and for Delhi and Srinagar since only those cities have heating
RCP8.5 scenarios, respectively, as shown in Table 4. The PWMKTS requirements.
analysis also detected statistically significant CDD trends for most
cities, except Delhi, Hyderabad, and Kolkata under the RCP4.5 sce- 3.3.1. Historical HDD trends (1969–2017)
nario and Bengaluru under the RCP8.5 scenario. The corresponding Fig. 7 shows the historical (1969–2017) and future (2018–2100)
TS Slopes (when statistically significant) ranged between 11.5 and projections of HDDs for Delhi, along with its baseline value
16.5 °Cd/decade (0.1–0.6% CDD increase per decade) and 11.9–20. (277 °Cd). The HDDs were almost constant during 1969–2017,
R. Ukey and A.C. Rai Energy & Buildings 244 (2021) 111050
4. Discussion
Fig. 7. Historical and future heating degree days (HDDs) in Delhi.
4.1. Implications of research findings and policy actions
which was also established from the OLS and PWMKTS analysis (no This investigation is the first to quantify the historical trends in
significant linear trend), presented in Table 4. In contrast, HDDs in annual temperatures, HDDs, and CDDs in major Indian cities,
Srinagar decreased significantly during 1969–2017 (see Fig- together with their future projections under two different green-
ure SM6), with an OLS slope of 68.9 °Cd/decade (100.0, 37.8 house gas emission scenarios. The study found that rising temper-
°Cd/decade at 95% confidence level), as presented in Table 5, atures have and would significantly increase the space cooling
which corresponds to a 3.1% HDD decrease per decade. The requirements in major Indian cities, which becomes especially
PWMKTS analysis also obtained a similar conclusion, i.e., there problematic since India is one of the world’s most populous and
was a significant downward HDD trend in Srinagar (see Table 5). hottest regions. A warming climate coupled with rising household
Srinagar’s HDDs decreased by 42.5 °Cd/decade (5.6–77.2 °Cd/dec incomes and built-up areas could lead to a staggering increase in
ade is the 95% confidence level), which amounts to 1.9% HDD air-conditioning demand in India, which has about four times the
decrease per decade. Thus, building heating requirements population and more than three times as many CDDs per person
decreased in Srinagar while they remained constant in Delhi dur- as the United States [51]. Thus, the study highlights the urgent
ing 1969–2017. The decrease in HDDs during 1969–2017 was need to adopt energy-efficient building practices in India and glo-
<3.1%/decade in Indian cities, whereas HDDs decreased by 1.3– bal action on climate change.
8.6%/decade during 1980–2013 and by 2.3–6.0%/decade during Addressing India’s rising space cooling requirements in a sus-
1970–2005 in Italian [16] and Spanish [14] cities, respectively. tainable fashion would require synergy between energy policies
Therefore, our estimated results are also in qualitative agreement and actions. One of the key inputs for this would be to ensure data
with previous investigations. availability concerning the cooling energy demand across different
building sectors, air-conditioning sales, and energy-efficiency
3.3.2. Future HDD trends (2018–2100) statistics as a part of the Indian government’s open data platform
Fig. 8 shows that HDDs will decrease in the future in Delhi and (www.data.gov.in). Future policy actions should focus on improv-
Srinagar under both the emission scenarios when compared to ing the energy performance of the building sector and air-
their corresponding baseline values. For Delhi, HDDs decrease by conditioning systems through regulations and incentive schemes.
28.4–30.3% in the 2020 s, by 71.6–83.3% in the 2050 s, and by A two-pronged approach that firstly reduces active space cooling
83.5–97.1% in the 2080 s, depending on the emission scenario. needs in buildings by promoting energy-efficient construction
Thus, the building heating requirements will become very small and retrofitment practices and then meets the remaining cooling
(HDDs < 80 °Cd) in Delhi by the 2050 s under both emission sce- needs through efficient air-conditioning systems can help fulfill
narios (see Fig. 7). Similarly, Srinagar’s building heating require- the country’s growing cooling demand.
Table 5
Historical and future trends in heating degree days (HDDs).
R. Ukey and A.C. Rai Energy & Buildings 244 (2021) 111050
Fig. 8. Decrease in in annual heating degree days (HDDs) in 2020 s (2005–2034), 2050 s (2035–2064), and 2080 s (2065–2094) for two major Indian cities under the a) RCP4.5
and b) RCP8.5 emission scenario.
4.2. Study limitations and future research directions estimated CDD trends between 0.7 and 2.3%/decade. In the two
cities with heating requirements, the historical HDD trends were
This investigation used HDDs and CDDs to quantify the space H/ either insignificant (in Delhi) or decreasing (by 1.9% or 3.1% per
C energy requirements of buildings, which only depend on the out- decade in Srinagar, depending on the analysis). We also detected
door air temperatures. However, other factors such as the build- statistically significant trends in most cities’ future temperatures,
ings’ thermal characteristics, relative humidity, and solar with magnitudes ranging between 0.10 and 0.78 °C/decade (OLS)
radiation substantially impact the H/C energy requirements, which or 0.03–0.07 °C/decade (PWMKTS), depending upon the city and
should be included in future investigations. Further uncertainties the emission scenario. Future CDDs also had an increasing trend
in results can arise due to missing values present in the historical in cities with cooling requirements, with magnitudes equal to
weather data and the imputation algorithm employed for filling 1.1–9.4%/decade (OLS) or 0.1–0.6%/decade (PWMKTS). In contrast,
them, as well as the inherent limitations of the GCMs in making cities with heating requirements generally displayed a decreasing
reliable temperature predictions. This research also did not charac- trend in future HDDs with magnitudes of 1.3–7.9%/decade (OLS)
terize the inter-model variabilities in future climate predictions or 0.9–1.7% (PWMKTS).
since a single GCM, selected based on its historical performance, We also estimated that annual temperatures would be 0.1–
was used for each city. Further research can provide multi-model 1.1 °C higher in the 2020 s, 0.6–2.8 °C higher in the 2050 s, and
projections of the future HDDs and CDDs in India to characterizing 1.0–4.6 °C higher in the 2080 s in the studied cities. Due to increas-
the inter-model variabilities. It is also recommended to explore the ing temperatures, CDDs will also increase by 2.9–22.9% in the
effects of increasing population and incomes in India on the build- 2020 s, by 8.3–54.1% in the 2050 s, and by 11.89–83.0% in the
ing energy demand and the associated CO2 emissions. 2080 s, depending on the city and the emission scenario. Thus,
increasing the space cooling energy requirements in buildings by
a similar amount. In contrast, HDDs will decrease by 8.1–30.3%
5. Conclusions in the 2020 s, by 17.6–83.3% in the 2050 s, and by 19.3–97.1% in
the 2080 s, thereby reducing the space heating requirements.
This research studied the impact of global warming on the his-
torical (1969–2017) and future (2018–2100) annual temperatures,
HDDs, and CDDs in India’s eight major cities, covering all the cli- Declaration of Competing Interest
mate zones. We estimated the linear trends in the temperature,
HDD, and CDD time-series by using two different techniques: i) The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
applying ordinary least square regression on the time-series (OLS cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
analysis) and ii) prewhitening the time-series followed by applying to influence the work reported in this paper.
the Mann-Kendall Test and computing the Theil-Sen slope
(PWMKTS analysis). Acknowledgment
Both techniques showed that all cities witnessed a significant
increase in temperature during 1969–2017. Depending on the city, The authors thank Mr. Rishabh Gupta, Department of Mechanical
the temperature trends were between 0.13 and 0.23 °C/decade or Engineering, BITS-Pilani, for his help in obtaining the weather data.
0.08–0.13 °C/decade, obtained from the OLS or PWMKTS analysis, Climate scenarios used were from the NEX-GDDP dataset, prepared
respectively. Due to risings temperatures, the historical CDD trends by the Climate Analytics Group and NASA Ames Research Center
were statistically significant and positive in all the seven cities using the NASA Earth Exchange, and distributed by the NASA Cen-
with cooling requirements (Ahmedabad was a slight exception). ter for Climate Simulation (NCCS). We also acknowledge the Indian
The historical CDD trends ranged between 1.3 and 3.8%/decade Metrological Department (IMD) for providing the historical tem-
obtained from the OLS analysis, whereas the PWMKTS analysis perature datasets.
R. Ukey and A.C. Rai Energy & Buildings 244 (2021) 111050
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