Arghavani 2020
Arghavani 2020
Arghavani 2020
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The growing rate of urbanization and alterations in natural land-use/land-cover properties cause many
Received 21 June 2019 worldwide environmental issues such as Urban Heat Island (UHI), low Thermal Comfort Level (TCL) and
Received in revised form air pollution in megacities. Development of urban green spaces is one of the most proposed measures for
15 March 2020
mitigation of UHI and improvement of thermal comfort satisfaction which causes lower cooling energy
Accepted 16 March 2020
Available online 19 March 2020
consumption and indirectly improves the urban air quality. Therefore, the efficiency of realistic and
executable green scenarios in both surface and roof levels (surface vegetation, green roof, surface
^ as de
Handling editor. Cecilia Maria Villas Bo vegetation þ green roof) on early summertime UHI and TCL are evaluated and compared in Tehran
Almeida Metropolis, using coupled Weather Research and Forecasting model with Single Layer Urban Canopy
Model (WRF/SLUCM). Model predefined urban parameters (the urban density and vegetation fraction)
Keywords: are modified before the main simulations by data of remote-sensing methods which let us define surface
Urban green scenarios green spaces developmental scenarios without any change in the basic urban morphology. Results are
Green roof presented for three areas with different urban morphologies (Low and High-Intensity Residential (LR and
Urban heat island
HR) and Commercial and Industrial (C/I)). Three indexes (THI, ETI and RSI) are calculated for assessing
Thermal comfort
TCL variations. Generally, results show that environmental operations of selected scenarios are different
WRF/Noah/SLUCM over selected areas. In LR area, diurnal cooling (up to 0.86 C in green roof approach) and improvement
Tehran metropolis in thermal comfort condition are observed in all scenarios. On the other hand, in HR and C/I areas, the
daytime cooling (nighttime warming) effect up to 0.85 C (up to þ0.63 C) in the third scenario are
simulated. TCL alterations show similar deteriorating nightly effects in all scenarios in selected regions.
Averaged diurnal decrease in wind speed is another undesirable impact of green development scenarios
due to the enhanced surface roughness that can reduce urban natural heat and pollution ventilations.
Current results clarify that the adoption of efficient urban green spaces programs needs to consider
different environmental concerns. By comparison between roof level and surface greenery, it can be
concluded that the green roof approach with the least undesirable nightly effects is a more efficient
approach than surface vegetation development in high-density Tehran megacity.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0959-6526/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183
the most effective and commercial cooling and TCL improvement in mitigation of summertime UHI (Carvalho et al., 2017).
strategies (Georgescu et al., 2014; Heusinkveld et al., 2014; Kong Sharma et al. (2016) in their numerical simulation using WRF
et al., 2017; Norton et al., 2015; Santamouris, 2014; Sun et al., model demonstrated that roof temperature in the daytime linearly
2017; Taha, 1997; Taleghani, 2018). decreased with enhancing green roof fractions from ~1 C to ~3 C
Keeley defined Green infrastructures as “vegetation, soils, and for 25% and 100% green roof, respectively. Their findings also
bioengineered systems which provide ecological services such as proved that green and cool roofs lessened wind speeds and vertical
microclimate regulation, air quality improvements, habitat provi- mixing, boundary layer height, and convective processes which
sion, storm water management and aesthetic amenities” (Keeley, might cause air quality issues (Sharma et al., 2016). Another nu-
2011). Different kinds of UGS such as urban forests and parks, merical study with WRF model, compared cool roofs and UGS
green belts and green buffers, as well as UGI such as green vege- deployment heat mitigation strategies and admitted that the green
tative roofs (Eco/Living roofs), green walls and green façades in vegetation was preferable in terms of mitigating the (nocturnal)
addition to beautify urban spaces, affect local micro-climate. In UHI intensity in Singapore by more than 1 C decrease in nighttime
cities, this includes more shading and evapotranspiration processes temperatures and also would improve human’s physiological TCL
and changing the surface albedo, emissivity, energy balance, sen- during early morning (Li and Norford, 2016). Numerical simulations
sible and latent heat fluxes, as well as spatial and temporal patterns in the city of Melbourne also showed that the maximum roof sur-
of wind and temperature in the boundary layer (Akbari et al., 2001; face UHI was reduced during the day between 1 C and 3.8 C by
Gagliano et al., 2015; Oke et al., 1989; Perini and Magliocco, 2014). increasing green roof fraction from 30% to 90% and human thermal
Park Cool Island (PCI) effects were reported in many studies comfort was also improved by up to 1.5 C and 5.7 C for pedestrian
under various weather conditions (Andrade and Vieira, 2007; and roof surface levels, respectively (Imran et al., 2018).
Konarska et al., 2015; Steeneveld et al., 2011). It was shown that Recently, there is a special attention to multiple scenarios (green
each one percent increase in urban greenness can reduce the UHI roof, green wall, cool roof beside urban parks and forests) in
intensity by 0.058 C (Heusinkveld et al., 2014). Cooling benefits of crowded urban areas due to lack of enough spaces to merely
urban green trees are highly localized and depend on many factors expand surface vegetation and also different environmental effects
such as the surrounding environment parameters like geometry, of these green strategies (UHI mitigation, improvement in air
building heights and density as well as surface materials, the po- quality and outdoor TCL) in different urban levels (street level vs.
sition of the tree in relation to the buildings, the distance between roof level). Field studies indicate that combined green strategies
the tree and building as well as tree canopy height, and therefore, have noticeable cooling effects on urban air temperatures
vary spatially and temporally (Alavipanah et al., 2015; Jamei et al., (AbdElfattah AboElata, 2017; Akbari et al., 2001; Gaitani et al., 2011;
2016; Yuan et al., 2017). Ng et al., 2012; Rosenzweig et al., 2009; Sailor, 1995; Shahidan et al.,
As a part of UGI, green roofs can mitigate UHI through the 2012; Susca et al., 2011).
reduction of sensible heat fluxes (in favor of the latent heat flux) In conclusion, due to the unique meteorological, climatic and
between the atmosphere and the artificial surfaces in an urban geographical characteristics of each urban area, as well as the UHI
environment and can indirectly reduce cooling energy consump- severity, rate of anthropogenic heat release and water availability
tion. Sfakianaki et al. (2009) analyzed the cooling performance of a for green spaces irrigation in cities, prediction of the effects of ur-
green roof in Athens, Greece. Their findings demonstrate that on a ban green strategies with optimal functionality has become
sunny spring day when the ambient temperature is close to 23 C, impossible. Evaluation of the urban green spaces performances
the average surface temperature of the green roof is to about 6.5 using numerical models simulations is known as an accepted and
and 9 C lower than that of grey or brown tiles, respectively usual approach for assessment and prediction of the impacts future
(Sfakianaki et al., 2009). The local climate, vegetation types and urban green space developing programs on UHI severity and TCL in
water availability in the substrate and building height are impor- urban environments, as numerical models help to create a more
tant factors in the cooling behavior of green roofs (Ali-Toudert and realistic way to study the physical process occurring in urban areas
Mayer, 2007; Lundholm and Williams, 2015; Lundholm, 2015; (Rafael et al., 2016, 2019). In this study, we explore the effectiveness
MacIvor et al., 2016; Solcerova et al., 2017). In addition, Santamouris of different urban green scenarios on the diurnal variability of UHI
(2014) reviewed simulation and experimental researches about the and outdoor TCL in an early summertime period, for the first time,
efficiency of the white (or reflective) roof and green roof mitigating in Tehran Metropolis, through high-resolution numerical simula-
technologies and concluded that green roofs cause the average air tions using WRF model. Considering the ongoing green spaces
temperature reduction between 0.3 and 3 K on a city scale development approach in this megacity, outcomes of city-scale
(Santamouris, 2014) researches like this will help policymakers to define and imple-
Considering cooling effects in different urban levels (street level ment the most cost effective long-term green programs to increase
vs. roof level), simulations of the impacts of four heat mitigation urban resilience standards.
strategies (cool roofs, green roofs, cool pavements, increased sur- This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the study
face trees) on local meteorology and the TCL, using computational area, details of green space scenarios selections, the WRF/Noah/
fluid dynamics (CFD) model known as ENVI-met, in eastern Los SLUCM set up and numerical experiments. Results of the model
Angeles County, cleared that additional street-trees and cool validation are reported in section 3. Numerical simulation findings
pavements reduced 1.5m air temperature, while cool and green are presented in section 4, and section 5 concludes the study re-
roofs mostly provided cooling at higher levels. They suggested that sults. Some limitations of the study and suggestions for future
adding street trees was the most effective strategy to improve TCL studies are also presented in this section.
at the pedestrian level (Taleghani et al., 2016). Other simulations of
multiple green-cooling scenarios using ENVI-met model also 2. Methodology
proved that UGS have ameliorating impacts on UHI, micro-scale
effects of global warming and TCL (Declet-Barreto et al., 2013; 2.1. Overview of the study area
Evola et al., 2017; Middel et al., 2015; Salata et al., 2017; Taleghani
et al., 2014). A comparison between several resilience scenarios Tehran Metropolis (TM), the capital of Iran and the first densely
including green roof and surface trees in Porto urban area also populated city in the country, with about 700 km2 area and 22
showed that roof greenery is more affective that surface vegetation municipal districts, is located in the northern part of the country
S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183 3
within the longitudes of 51 e51 400 E and the latitudes of 35 300 25.52e21.42 C, respectively (Roshan et al., 2017).
to 35 510 N (Fig. 4).
Four factors play important roles in the climate of TM: Alborz 2.3. Numerical experiments
Mountain range at the northern border of the city, Dasht-E-Kavir
desert in the south, westerly winds and large meridional and 2.3.1. Land use/Land cover modification of TM
zonal extent of the city. TM climate can be generally described as Numerical simulation results are too sensitive to boundary
mild in spring and autumn, hot and dry in summer, and cold and conditions and accurate representation of each component of land
rather wet in winter. The annual mean temperature changes be- use-land cover (LULC). Because of the rapid changes in LULC due to
tween 15 C and 18 C. Due to height differences in the city, an the high rate of urbanization and climate change, characteristics of
average of 3 C difference in air temperature is observed between LULC are not accurately incorporated in predefined data sources in
the northern and southern regions of Tehran (Pahl-Weber et al., numerical models, especially for high-resolution simulations.
2013). According to the complexity in TM urban morphology, cli- Improvement in the performance of the WRF model after LULC
matic situation, high population, irregular increase in energy con- correction is investigated in many studies, and these findings
sumption, and anthropogenic heat coupled with global warming indicate that LULC changes considerably altered regional and local
and heat waves effects, 8.2 million inhabitants of this metropolis climates (Cao et al., 2015; Li et al., 2014) and fine grid numerical
suffer from high levels of UHI and low TCL in the summer. Statis- model results are more precise after correction of Green Vegetation
tically, meaningful warming trend of the order 0.37 C/decade has Fraction (GVF) and other surface parameters (Ran et al., 2015;
been seen, leading to 2.3 C rise over the 63-yr period from 1951 to Vahmani and Ban-Weiss, 2016).
2013 which is more than triple of the rate of change in the global In this research, for a better description of LULC characteristic of
average temperature, indicating that urbanization has had a the study area, land-use modification with special attention to a
considerable warming effect on TM climate (Alizadeh-Choobari more accurate extraction of vegetation fraction for TM is applied
et al., 2016). This megacity also suffers from a low level of local before the basic simulations. For this purpose, a remote sensing
wind speed which exacerbates UHI and air pollution issues derived data set which is a common and accepted technique is
(Bidokhti et al., 2016; Malakooti and Bidokhti, 2014). utilized. Because of free access and high/acceptable spatial resolu-
tion (30 m 30 m), many previous literatures used Landsat images
2.2. Outdoor thermal comfort assessment method (Landsat 7 Thematic Mapper and Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus
(ETMþ) (Zhao et al., 2016) and Landsat 8 OLI (Pal and Ziaul, 2017)
Human comfort is affected by various variables like tempera- which are more common than other expensive high-resolution
ture, humidity, wind speed, radiant temperature, clothing, meta- images like Quick Bird (Chen et al., 2014), Worldview (Liu et al.,
bolic rate and personal activity (Havenith, 1999). 2015) and IKONSO (Zoran et al., 2013).
In this study, in order to evaluate the hourly variations in the In this study, the extraction of GVF data is done and compared
outdoor 2m TCL due to the implementation of urban green sce- by two different methods:
narios in TM, three physiological comfort indices are calculated
(Eludoyin, 2015; Morris et al., 2017): 1) Using Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) as an
indicator of vegetation cover from two free access satellite im-
THI ¼ 0:8 T þ 0:002 T RH; (1) ages (Landsat8 OLI (with 30 m 30 m spatial resolution) and
SENTINEl-2A (10 m 10 m spatial resolution)):
ETI ¼ T 0:4 ðT 10Þ ð1 0:002 RHÞ; (2)
NIR Red Band8 band4
NDVISentinel2A ¼ ¼ (5)
NIR þ Red Band8 þ Band4
RSI ¼ ð10:7 þ 0:74 ðT 35ÞÞ = ð44 0:0075 RH VÞ; (3)
Fig. 1. (a) 22 regions of TM and geographical situations of synoptic weather stations; (b) Example of extraction of land use information from SENTINEl-2A satellite images for
region1 in ArcGIS software by the supervised classification method.
simulations, Urban Development and Urban Fraction for each grid 2.3.2. Selection of the time-period for simulations
cell is also modified. Besides, for better identification of urban areas The highest air temperatures occur in July (more than 30 C)
data, especially green spaces in the city, LULC maps for 22 sub- which provides a good basis for studying urban heat island and
regions of TM are prepared, separately (Figs. 1 and 2). Atmo- thermal comfort in Tehran Metropolis. In addition, deciduous trees
spheric and radiometric corrections as the pre-processing steps in are the dominant plant types of the region (Bahman poor and
the processing of satellite images for the image classification and Salajeghe, 2012; Vahdati et al., 2006) and high summertime
preparation of LULC maps are done by ENVI software. values of leaf area index (LAI) is desirable for the purpose of the
Figs. 1 and 2 show the results of vegetation and urban fraction current study.
extraction for region1 (as an example) and 22 regions of TM, The biological function of vegetation highly depends on air
respectively. It is obvious that NDVI method shows a more accurate temperature. The opposition to the transport of quantities such as
distribution of green vegetative areas over TM than those of other water vapor and carbon dioxide to or from the stomata (pores) on
methods. the leaves of plants is named stomatal resistance. According to
These findings are mapped to the WRF model predefined out of Wesely scheme, stomatal resistance (Rs ) is defined as (Wesely,
date in the 4th domain before basic simulations (Fig. 3). From this 1989):
figure, it is obvious that urban fractions for urban grids are between
90 and 95% in WRF predefined dataset. Modification of these un- 1 400 DH2 o
Rs ¼ rs 1 þ (9)
realistic fractions let us add 20% surface vegetation to urban grids in ½200ðG þ 0:1Þ 2 Ts ð40 Ts Þ Dx
the first and third scenarios without any change in the urban
morphology (section 2.4). where rs is minimum stomatal resistance, G is solar radiation (W/
m2), and Ts is the near surface air temperature ( C). DH2 o and Dx are
S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183 5
Fig. 2. (a) Comparison of GVF and Building Fractions extracted data (region1) from Landsat-8 and SENTINEl-2A satellites (supervised classification method in ArcGIS software
relative to GVF computed from NDVI method); (b) Final results (urban fraction vs. GVF) for 22 regions of TM.
Fig. 3. WRF predefined vs. Modified LULC in the 4th domain; Tehran Boundary is also marked.
the molecular diffusivities for water vapor and a specific gas x. replaced from urban areas, therefore we try to investigate their
In temperatures higher than 40 C and lower than 0 C, plant regular behavior and do not focus on a special high-temperature
leaves show maximum stomatal resistance and decrease or stop episode such as heat waves. Another important factor was to
evapotranspiration, while minimum values occur in about 20 C. In choose days with a cloudless condition, calm wind and without
conclusion, month June with lower mean air temperature (~27 C) precipitation. Finally, two weeks typical early summer days (15th to
is selected to show the effects of the biological function of vege- 29th of June 2016) were selected for simulations. All simulations
tation on simulated relative humidity and air temperature more initiate at 00:00 UTC June 15 and end at 00:00 UTC June 30. Data for
accurately. Green space developmental scenarios are costly and the first day which is the model spin-up time are not included in
long-term approaches and they cannot be easily omitted or our analyses.
6 S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183
Table 1
Single-layer urban canopy model (SLUCM) parameters.
Fig.4. left: Extent of four defined domains with horizontal resolutions of 27, 9, 3 and 1 km; right: the geographical location of Tehran in the 4th domain.
S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183 7
Table 2
Model Configuration.
Table 3
Numerical experiments.
(Janjic, 1994) and the Yonsei University (YSU) nonlocal scheme 2.3.1) are used for domain 4 but with different boundary layer
(Hong and Lim, 2006), are evaluated before the main simulations. schemes. It must be remarked that for 3 outer domains, 24-class
While only the impacts of the adjacent layers are considered by the USGS land cover data are used in all simulations. Three other
local schemes, nonlocal schemes use multiple vertical layers and simulations named as GS1, GS2 and GS3 (section 2.4) are performed
consider both the small and large eddies in PBL turbulent flows. to re-simulate meteorological variables to investigate the effects of
In the base simulation, SLUCM parameterization of WRF/Noah the implementation of defined UGS/UGI scenarios on UHI and
modeling system is used with the 24-class USGS land cover dataset. outdoor TCL.
During the C1 and C2 simulations, modified LULC data (section
Fig. 5. (a) Thermal Infrared remote sensed Landsat8 image (20 June 2016) and computed (b) daytime LST; (c) NDVI for Tehran Metropolis.
8 S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183
Fig. 6. Tehran Metropolis district including non-uniform distribution of green spaces such as parks and gardens. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend,
the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Table 4
Characteristics of five synoptic weather stations over Tehran.
Station Land Use Category GVF (June 2016) Geographical coordinates Elevation (m) from sea level
Tehran Shomal (Aghdasiyeh) - S1* low intensity (R1) High 51290 E,35480 N 1548.2
Tehran Geophysic e S2* high intensity (R2) Low 51230 E,35450 N 1415.6
Mehrabad Airport - S3* Industrial/commercial (R9) Very Low 51190 E,35410 N 1190.8
Chitgar low intensity (R22) Low 51100 E,35440 N 1305.2
Doshan Tappeh high intensity (R13) Low 51200 E,35420 N 1209.2
Table 5
Comparison of simulated meteorological variables with observation data using MBE, MBA, RMSE, and R.
(C) S1 1.54 2.03 2.25 0.93 0.54 1.67 1.92 0.94 1.09 1.86 2.09 0.92
S2 2.9 2.9 3.16 0.93 1.3 1.7 1.95 0.98 1.97 2.14 2.45 0.98
S3 2.36 2.68 3.13 0.92 0.97 2.05 2.65 0.91 1.47 2.36 2.81 0.88
Average 2.26 2.53 2.84 0.92 0.93 1.80 2.17 0.94 1.51 2.12 2.45 0.92
RH2 (%) S1 2.27 3.12 4.25 0.49 1.19 4.08 5.68 0.85 1.16 4.45 5.77 0.52
S2 3.33 3.85 4.85 0.46 1.06 4.4 6.14 0.84 3.41 5.45 6.9 0.48
S3 0.87 5.90 7.03 0.39 1.48 7.70 10.21 0.80 0.40 8.38 10.00 0.40
Average 2.15 4.29 5.37 0.44 0.53 5.39 7.34 0.83 1.65 6.1 7.55 0.46
10mWind Speed (m/s) S1 0.39 1.05 1.22 0.3 0.27 1.14 1.36 0.5 0.43 1.18 1.47 0.25
S2 1.26 1.62 1.89 0.67 0.78 1.10 1.33 0.34 1.20 1.39 1.77 0.57
S3 0.96 1.54 1.93 0.13 0.66 1.42 1.98 0.10 1.60 2.36 2.84 0.21
Average 0.87 1.40 1.68 0.36 0.57 1.22 1.55 0.31 1.07 1.64 2.02 0.34
Since practically it is not possible to add surface vegetation to 2) For high-density megacities, green roof is a practical and
urban grids more than 5%, these fractions are modified as beneficial alternation for surface vegetation (Vijayaraghavan,
described in Section 2.3.1. Therefore, in the first scenario named 2016). A field study in July 2016 clears that using green roof
GS1, surface UGS fraction enhanced by 20 percent for each urban for TM causes an average surface temperature reduction up to
grid. Additional UGS to the urban area is assumed as Mixed 3.7 C on the rooftop. The green roof surface temperature varied
Forests Land Use Category with a uniform distribution across from 23 C to 36 C depending on the type of vegetation
each grid. The albedo, height, emissivity and LAI properties of (Moghbel and Salim, 2017). Extensive green roof due to fewer
this class of surface land cover which are defined in WRF pre- costs of construction and retention is a more economically
defined VEGPARM.TBL table are 0.17e0.25, 10e18 m, 0.93 to attractive and cost-effective approach in comparison to the
0.97, and 2.8 to 5.50, respectively. intensive green roof. Since extensive roof vegetation types have
low water requirement (Besir and Cuce, 2018), for cities which
Fig. 8. (a) Three selected regions with different urban morphology (LR: Low Intensity Residential, HR: High Intensity Residential and C/I: Commercial and Industrial); (b) Diurnal
T2m, TSK and RH2m in selected areas, simulated in the Control case, for July 2016.
10 S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183
suffer from the shortage of water storages such as TM, it seems relative humidity (RH2) and 10m wind speed (W10m) records at
that extensive green roofs are a more applicable option for these stations have been obtained from the Meteorological Orga-
public usage. Therefore, in the second scenario named GS2, the nization of Iran (, and are compared
extensive green roof is developed by 30 percent (There is no with numerical results (Fig. 7).
limitation in adding green roof by more than 30 percent in WRF Model validation is done by comparing calculated mean bias
model set-up settings) which seems a practical and feasible error (MBE), mean absolute error (MAE), the root mean square
approach in Tehran megacity. In WRF-UCM predefined LAND- error (RMSE) and Pearson correlation coefficient (R) estimations of
USE.TBL, green roof option settings are considered (Table 1), and the meteorological variables and final results are reported in
in this study, green roof refers to extensive type (Yang et al., Table 5.
2015). Clearly, Buildings Height determines the environmental Considering the mosaic approach in the WRF model, new land-
behavior of green roofs on the pedestrian level. In this study, we use data improve the numerical results in both control runs (C1 and
used WRF-SLUCM predefined building heights (LR (5.0 m), HR C2) relative to the base case. The comparison between two control
(7.5), C/I (10.0 m)). simulations also shows that the MYJ scheme presents better
3) The third scenario (GS3) is the integration of the GS1 and GS2 agreement with observations in TM area (for T2m and RH2m).
scenarios. Therefore, this model configuration is selected for scenario execu-
tions, and its simulated values are selected as the controlling base
3. MODEL validation case for conducting the comparative analyses between proposed
green scenarios.
Hourly ground-based observations of meteorological data are
available at five synoptic weather stations in TM (Fig. 3a). Three 4. Results
stations with different land-use categories, elevations from sea
level and mean summertime air temperatures are selected for Three regions with equal area of 16 km2 (Fig. 8a) with different
model validation (Table 4). Diurnal 2m air temperature (T2), 2m urban categories (LR: Low Intensity Residential, HR: High Intensity
Fig. 9a. Diurnal alterations of 2m air temperature for three defined green scenarios relative to the control case in Low residential (LR), High residential (HR) and Commercial/
Industrial (C/I) regions. Dashed line presents simulated values in the control case; Local daytime (for July 2016) is also marked. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183 11
Residential and C/I: Commercial and Industrial) and vegetation Both vegetative surface and roof level green spaces, generally,
fraction (43%, 11% and 2%; respectively) in Tehran region are reduce the daytime UHI by reducing sensible heat flux, but the
selected for assessing variations in simulated meteorological vari- mechanism is somewhat different. Green roofs (extensive green
ables, and calculated environmental TCL indexes caused by roof which is used in this study) reduce sensible heat flux by
execution of defined urban green scenario. Fig. 8b shows simulated increasing latent heat flux via evapotranspiration. Green roofs also
diurnal T2m (2 m air temperature), RH2m (2 m relative humidity) reduce daytime storage heat and therefore less heat is released
and TSK (surface skin temperature) in the control case for selected back to the atmosphere (Imran et al., 2018). In addition, vegetation
areas which emphasizes different local meteorology situations higher albedo (0.7e0.85) in comparison to manmade material such
across this megacity. as bitumen and concrete (0.1e0.2) cause the more solar radiation
reflection (Santamouris, 2014; Sharma et al., 2016).
On the other hand, surface vegetation (trees) by shading and
4.1. Urban heat island inhabitation of solar radiation entrance in the city canyon, as well
as evapotranspiration process and slightly higher albedo, lead to
Near-surface energy equation in the urban environment is cooler cities (Akbari et al., 2001; Georgescu et al., 2014; Taha, 1997).
defined as (Arya, 2001): Simulated averaged alterations (16th to 29th June 2016) in T2m,
RH2m, TSK and 10m wind speed relative to the control case are
QR þ QA ¼ QH þ QE þ DQS þ DQAd (10) presented in Fig. 9. Fig. 10 shows changes in surface energy fluxes
(Equation (A1)) relative to the control case. Summary of three green
Where QR and QA are net solar radiation and anthropogenic heat scenario simulations findings including maximum values and
terms (W/m2). The first two terms on the right side are sensible and diurnal averages for three aforementioned areas of TM are reported
latent heat fluxes (W/m2). DQS and DQAd are the storage heat term in Table 6.
and heat from the advection process (W/m2) respectively.
Fig. 9b. Same as Fig.9a but for surface skin temperature (TSK).
12 S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183
In LR area, numerical results suggest that GS2 has a perceptible Current simulation results show that, in general, GS1 cooling
cooling performance with a diurnal average of 0.37 C in com- impact is less intense than two other scenarios. A possible expla-
parison with GS1 (0.11 C) and GS3 (0.20 C). The maximum nation is that increasing the surface tree fraction through changing
daytime cooling effect is 0.86 C for this scenario which is the local wind speed and wind direction causes less heat horizontal
observed at 1:00 p.m. (local time). Results also display a net advection and ventilation. On the other hand, less near-surface air
reduction of nighttime T2m up to 0.35 C in GS1 relative temperature drives less turbulence and air vertical transfer which
to 0.32 C and 0.33 C for GS2 and GS3 scenarios, respectively. traps the released anthropogenic heat in the urban canopy
Peak cooling values (0.33 C) occurred at 4:00 am (local time) (Grundstro €m and Pleijel, 2014).
with the lowest T2m (21.67 C) for GS3, and in the early night about Additionally, the nighttime warming effect which is observed in
20:00 p.m. (local time) for GS1 (0.35 C). HR and C/I areas proves that more tree canopies percentage over
The highest average diurnal variation (0.81 C) and maximum these areas cause a reduction of the sky view factor which traps
daytime cooling impact (2.5 C) for TSK are simulated for GS2. All more re-emitted heat for urban materials (Akbari et al., 2001; Qiao
scenarios show warming impacts for nighttime TSK. et al., 2013). This issue is more serious in high crowded areas with
For both HR and C/I areas, GS3 results in diurnal average cooling more anthropogenic heat release (from WRF model predefined
impacts by 0.24 C and 0.36 C, respectively. However, this URBPARAM.TBL: 20 W/m2 in LR area relative to 50 W/m2 in HR
scenario provides the maximum nighttime warming effects in area).
these regions (þ0.63 C and þ0.45 C). Daytime cooling effects up The minimum nighttime warming effect (þ0.26 C and þ0.29 C
to 2.39 C and 2.54 C for these areas are also documented for for HR and C/I, respectively) is observed in the green roof scenario.
TSK in GS3. Similar to LR, warming nighttime impacts are more Comparison of the cooling performance of green roof over three
intense. urban categories proves that lower buildings height in LR region
(5m in comparison to 7m and 10m in HR and C/I areas, respectively) less HFX (between 90 W/m2 and -100W/m2) and GRDFLX (~30W/
cause more meaningful near-surface air temperature reduction in m2) which bring lower daytime surface skin temperatures for all
this region than those for other two regions. Meanwhile, remark- three scenarios in three areas, as more fraction of incoming radia-
able observed daytime cooling in two other regions demonstrates tion has devoted to the LH flux.
that the high percentage of green roofs in high-intensity build-up Due to higher evapotranspiration beside summertime diurnal
areas can somewhat compensate for the building height factor. irrigation of green spaces and green roofs in urban areas, daytime
These results affirm that ambient temperatures in city areas are LH enhances considerably. Maximum increased values are
clearly affected by building roof temperatures. observed in GS3 (~þ50W/m2) for three areas due to the combined
Another interesting finding is that cooling daytime patterns for effect of increasing surface vegetation and green roof percentage.
all scenarios are continued approximately by the same magnitude Generally, the assessment of average diurnal variations in T2m
after sunset in HR and, specifically, in C/I area, but warming and TSK over three areas after implementation of selected scenarios
nighttime effect appears after midnight (~00:00 a.m. local time). demonstrates the positive cooling effects of these scenarios. How-
In comparison with the control case, vegetative surfaces, ever, GS2 probably brings the greatest overall benefits in terms of
whether surface green spaces or roof level vegetation structures, diurnal UHI mitigation since it provides a higher (lower) level of
increase the Latent Heat fluxes (LH) and, on the other hand, reduce cooling (warming) in the built-up environment.
Upward Heat Flux (HFX) and Ground Heat Flux (GRDFLX), but with
different diurnal magnitudes (Fig. 10). The Shading effect of trees
and their higher albedo in comparison to impervious urban areas, 4.2. Relative humidity
are rational reasons. Less incoming daytime solar radiation causes
As mentioned in section 2.2, relative humidity is one of the most
influential factors on human thermal comfort. According to 4.3. Out-door thermal comfort level
Fig. 9cand Table 6, it is obvious that average diurnal near-surface
relative humidity is increased in all areas for three scenarios In order to investigate the impacts of green scenarios on thermal
which ameliorates Tehran thermal discomfort level in hot and dry comfort level, hourly computed TCL indexes (section 2.2) are pre-
summer days. Comparison of different scenarios shows that sented in Fig. 11. Summary of maximum and diurnal averaged
maximum daytime values are observed in GS2 in LR area (þ2.92%), values are shown in Table 6. As expected, despite non-uniform
and in GS3 for HR and C/I areas (þ2.89% and þ4.02%). Since diurnal patterns and varying magnitudes, mean values for all sce-
evapotranspiration from vegetated areas stops in the absence of narios prove the improvement in urban 2 m thermal comfort level
solar radiation, nighttime variations in relative humidity are due to over the city. In LR area, the maximum average ameliorating effect
nighttime irrigation and water stored evaporation processes. is observed through GS2 simulation (THI: -0.26 C, ETI: -0.22 C,
Wind speed has a significant effect on the near-surface relative RSI: -0.007). It worth noting that all scenarios improve nighttime
humidity. Fig. 9d displays a reduction in wind speed values in all thermal comfort in this area.
scenarios, except somewhat increasing values in C/I region by GS2. Overall averaged impacts on diurnal 2m TCL indexes in HR and
Lower wind speed causes higher values of relative humidity near C/I areas are positive, but the findings indicate deterioration of
the surface. Since relative humidity is adversely dependent on air nighttime TCL. GS3 causes higher negative effects in both areas. The
temperature, higher air temperature causes less relative humidity magnitudes of subtractive daytime values for THI and ETI are
at night. In addition, less daily heat storage (discussed in section noticeably more than the increased nighttime values in GS2 and
4.1) results in less nighttime evaporation. It should be noted that GS3 scenarios as compared to GS1 which provides higher nighttime
the advection of less humid air from rural areas in dry summer days values. These results acknowledge our previous findings that just
to the city center due to changes in wind field over the city has a increasing the percentage of surface vegetation in the urban envi-
remarkable impact on nighttime observed reduction in RH2m. ronment cannot mitigate nightly UHI effects especially, in high-
intensity residential areas.
Less increase in simulated nighttime values in green roof
Table 6
Summary of three green scenarios simulations findings for LR, HR and C/I areas.
Simulations Findings
T2m Difference
(C) Maximum 0.36 0.86 0.36 0.20 0.68 0.85 0.31 0.74 0.74
(-0.35) (-0.32) (-0.33) (þ0.33) (þ0.26) (þ0.63) (þ0.3) (þ0.29) (þ0.45)
Average 0.11 0.37 0.20 0.05 0.2 0.24 0.06 0.31 0.36
RH2m Difference (%) Maximum þ1.36 þ2.92 þ3.3 þ1.04 þ2.68 þ2.89 þ1.34 þ2.87 þ4.02
e e (-1.7) (-1.43) (-0.95) (-1.45) (þ3.16) (-1.67) (-1.80)
Average þ0.44 þ0.99 0.01 þ0.04 þ0.65 þ0.8 þ0.47 þ0.89 þ1.43
10m Wind Speed Maximum 2.57 2.95 2.68 1.84 1.9 2.16 2.1 4.31 2.49
Difference (m/s) (-1.96) (-0.44) (-3.23) (-1.28) (-0.5) (-1.14) e (þ3.14) (þ0.59)
Average 0.43 0.5 1.27 0.4 0.41 0.45 0.22 0.01 0.38
TSK Difference
(C) Maximum 0.79 2.05 0.92 0.43 1.96 2.39 0.45 2.46 2.54
(þ1.28) (þ0.77) (þ1.64) (þ1.15) (þ1.36) (þ1.65) (þ0.97) (þ1.40) (þ1.32)
Average 0.0 0.81 0.03 þ0.04 0.6 0.82 0.11 0.81 0.86
LH Difference(w/m2) Maximum þ10.71 þ42.83 þ41.44 þ8.54 þ36.38 þ46.00 þ7.2 þ51.62 þ52.84
Average þ1.54 þ11.21 þ12.59 þ2.16 þ10.89 þ11.89 þ0.80 þ14.74 þ16.17
HFX Difference(w/m2) Maximum 17.69 83.60 87.97 21.80 82.88 77.62 24.42 93.96 103.82
Average 3.15 23.42 21.97 3.13 23.59 22.72 2.87 25.47 25.17
GRDFLX Difference(w/m2) Maximum 20.62 25.10 28.02 32.19 29.10 23.43 20.35 22.51 22.10
Average 3.23 12.00 10.70 3.17 11.88 10.52 2.17 10.41 11.0
THI Difference
(C) Maximum 0.27 0.64 0.42 0.1 0.38 0.67 0.12 0.5 0.52
(-0.27) (-0.28) (-0.31) (þ0.28) (þ0.27) (þ0.37) (þ0.26) (þ0.25) (þ0.36)
Average 0.08 0.26 0.18 0.0059 0.083 0.194 0.027 0.21 0.22
ETI Difference
(C) Maximum 0.2 0.5 0.24 0.1 0.37 0.5 0.15 0.42 0.42
(-0.2) (-0.2) (-0.2) (þ0.24) (þ0.22) (þ0.28) (þ0.18) (þ0.18) (þ0.27)
Average 0.07 0.22 0.13 0.02 0.1 0.15 0.032 0.185 0.2
RSI Difference Maximum 0.007 0.01 0.008 0.003 0.011 0.014 0.004 0.01 0.01
(-0.007) (0.007) (-0.006) (þ0.007) (þ0.006) (þ0.008) (þ0.005) (þ0.005) (þ0.008)
Average 0.002 0.007 0.003 0.001 0.003 0.003 0.001 0.005 0.006
Note: Maximum simulated values and diurnal averages are presented (Nighttime values are in parenthesis).
S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183 15
Fig. 10a. Diurnal alterations of sensible heat flux (HFX) for three defined green scenarios relative to the control case in Low residential (LR), High residential (HR) and Commercial/
Industrial (C/I) regions. Dashed lines are simulated values in the control case. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)
simulation also indicates that, from improving the urban TCL point 1. Alterations in UGS/UGI patterns over TM, change surface energy
of view, this measure is more reliable than surface vegetation. balance, reduces average diurnal summer temperatures and
improve daytime outdoor thermal comfort. Meanwhile, night-
5. Conclusion time and daytime effects are not uniform over the areas with
different urban categories. In LR area, diurnal cooling effects in
This study is the first step in evaluating the effects of various all scenarios are simulated, while in HR and C/I areas, daytime
green scenarios on summertime UHI and TCL in Tehran Metropolis, cooling (nighttime warming) is predicted. Surface vegetation
through high-resolution numerical simulations. In the first part, it drives the least diurnal averaged cooling effects over the city in
is proved that employing modified surface properties (vegetation comparison to the green roof approach and, on the other hand,
and urban fractions) and the selection of the proper boundary layer its warming nighttime impact is more significant than the green
parameterization, improve the performance of the numerical roof.
model. In the second part, three realistic green scenarios named as 2. Considering the overall advantages and disadvantages of
GS1 (increased surface vegetation fraction by 20%), GS2 (develop- different scenarios, we suggest that for low-intensity areas over
ment of extensive green roof for urban grids by 30 percent) and GS3 TM, with lower buildings height, green roof would be the most
(GS1þGS2) are conducted, and alterations between the control case effective and moderating approach. In high intensity and com-
and selected scenarios findings are compared. The main results of mercial/industrial areas, more demanded daytime cooling per-
this study are: formance and improvement in TCL are observed in the third
16 S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183
Fig. 10b. Same as Fig.10a but for ground heat flux (GRDFLX).
scenario (surface vegetation þ green roof). Meanwhile, higher crowded and populated sections, should provide daytime
simulated warming values at night indicate worsening night- shading and the possibility of nighttime heat and pollution
time UHI which is one of the most challenging problems in escape, simultaneously.
crowded areas of TM. Therefore, it can be concluded that green 5. Outcomes also emphasize that due to intricate and somewhat
roof approach can be a beneficial and applicable alternative unknown feedbacks between urban structures and meteoro-
ameliorating approach in these areas. logical variables, we cannot generalize local findings to other
3. Another important factor is the observed wind speed reduction cities that clarifies the necessity of more fine-scale researches in
in green scenarios which may cause a higher level of surface air this field.
pollution in these areas by changing natural dispersion and
ventilation processes over the city which is frequently discussed Finally, authors admit that fine-scale field studies are needed to
and proved in similar studies (Abhijith et al., 2017; Giometto investigate the accuracy of simulation results relative to real cool-
et al., 2017; Vos et al., 2013). ing effects of UGS and UGI over Tehran, as numerical models cannot
4. Present findings emphasize that the selection of proper green comprise various features of the urban structures. For example,
scenarios and adaptation strategies depends on urban envi- using a meso-scale numerical model is one of the limitations in our
ronmental priorities. For megacities like Tehran which suffers study since the finest grid in WRF model is 1 km 1 km which
from low-speed local winds and high level of air pollutants, hardly captures the cooling effects of small green areas as parks,
cooling performances of green scenarios may not offset their single trees and near road trees. Additional studies are needed to
unwanted side-effects on air quality. Results authenticate that investigate and compare the effectiveness of the green mitigation
the design of green spaces in urban canopies, specifically in strategies for other seasons.
S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183 17
Fig. 10c. Same as Fig.10a but for latent heat flux (LH).
Fig. 11. Diurnal alterations of thermal comfort indexes: 2m THI (a, b, c), 2m ETI (d, e, f) and 2m RSI (g, h, i) for three defined green scenarios relative to the control case in Low
residential (LR, left column), High residential (HR, middle column) and Commercial/Industrial (C/I, right column) regions. Dashed lines are simulated values in the control case. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
18 S. Arghavani et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 261 (2020) 121183
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