Taleb Nassim Silent Risk PDF
Taleb Nassim Silent Risk PDF
Taleb Nassim Silent Risk PDF
"Empirical evidence that the boat is safe". Risk is both precautionary (fragility based)
and evidentiary (statistical based); it is too serious a business to be left to mechanistic users of
probability theory. This book attempts a scientific "nonsucker" approach to risk and probability.
Courtesy George Nasr.
The book provides a mathematical framework for decision making and the analysis
of (consequential) hidden risks, those tail events undetected or improperly detected by
statistical machinery; and substitutes fragility as a more reliable measure of exposure.
Model error is mapped as risk, even tail risk.
Risks are seen in tail events rather than in the variations; this necessarily links them
mathematically to an asymmetric response to intensity of shocks, convex or concave.
The difference between "models" and "the real world" ecologies lies largely in an ad-
ditional layer of uncertainty that typically (because of the same asymmetric response
by small probabilities to additional uncertainty) thickens the tails and invalidates all
probabilistic tail risk measurements models, by their very nature of reduction, are
vulnerable to a chronic underestimation of the tails.
So tail events are not measurable; but the good news is that exposure to tail events
is. In "Fat Tail Domains" (Extremistan), tail events are rarely present in past data:
their statistical presence appears too late, and time series analysis is similar to sending
troops after the battle. Hence the concept of fragility is introduced: is one vulnerable
(i.e., asymmetric) to model error or model perturbation (seen as an additional layer of
Part I looks at the consequences of fat tails, mostly in the form of slowness of conver-
gence of measurements under the law of large number: some claims require 400 times
more data than thought. Shows that much of the statistical techniques used in social
sciences are either inconsistent or incompatible with probability theory. It also explores
some errors in the social science literature about moments (confusion between probability
and first moment, etc.)
Part II proposes a more realistic approach to risk measurement: fragility as nonlinear
(concave) response, and explores nonlinearities and their statistical consequences. Risk
management would consist in building structures that are not negatively asymmetric,
that is both "robust" to both model error and tail events. Antifragility is a convex
response to perturbations of a certain class of variables.
Bibliography 285
Chapter Summaries
1 Risk and decision theory as related to the real world (that is "no BS"). Intro-
duces the idea of fragility as a response to volatility, the associated notion of
convex heuristic, the problem of invisibility of the probability distribution and
the spirit of the book. Why risk is in the tails not in the variations. . . . . . . 19
4 The Spectrum Between Uncertainty and Risk. There has been a bit of dis-
cussions about the distinction between "uncertainty" and "risk". We believe
in gradation of uncertainty at the level of the probability distribution itself (a
"meta" or higher order of uncertainty.) One end of the spectrum, "Knightian
risk", is not available for us mortals in the real world. We show how the effect
on fat tails and on the calibration of tail exponents and reveal inconsistencies
in models such as Markowitz or those used for intertemporal discounting (as
many violations of "rationality" aren’t violations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
5 The Law of Large Numbers and The Central Limit Theorem are the foundation
of statistical knowledge: The behavior of the sum of random variables allows us
to get to the asymptote and use handy asymptotic properties, that is, Platonic
distributions. But the problem is that in the real world we never get to the
asymptote, we just get “close”. Some distributions get close quickly, others very
slowly (even if they have finite variance). We examine how fat tailedness slows
6 We apply the results of the previous chapter on the slowness of the LLN and
list misapplication of statistics in social science, almost all of them linked to
misinterpretation of the effects of fat-tailedness (and often from lack of aware-
ness of fat tails), and how by attribute substitution researchers can substitute
one measure for another. Why for example, because of chronic small-sample
effects, the 80/20 is milder in-sample (less fat-tailed) than in reality and why
regression rarely works. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
7 There are serious statistical differences between predictions, bets, and expo-
sures that have a yes/no type of payoff, the “binaries”, and those that have
varying payoffs, which we call standard, multi-payoff (or "variables"). Real
world exposures tend to belong to the multi-payoff category, and are poorly
captured by binaries. Yet much of the economics and decision making litera-
ture confuses the two. variables exposures are sensitive to Black Swan effects,
model errors, and prediction problems, while the binaries are largely immune
to them. The binaries are mathematically tractable, while the variables are
much less so. Hedging variables exposures with binary bets can be disastrous–
and because of the human tendency to engage in attribute substitution when
confronted by difficult questions,decision-makers and researchers often confuse
the variable for the binary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
9 We present case studies around the point that, simply, some models depend
quite a bit on small variations in parameters. The effect on the Gaussian is
easy to gauge, and expected. But many believe in power laws as panacea. Even
if one believed the r.v. was power law distributed, one still would not be able
to make a precise statement on tail risks. Shows weaknesses of calibration of
Extreme Value Theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
10 Much of the work concerning martingales and Brownian motion has been ide-
alized; we look for holes and pockets of mismatch to reality, with consequences.
Infinite moments are not compatible with Ito calculus outside the asymptote.
Path dependence as a measure of fragility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
12 Standard economic theory makes an allowance for the agency problem, but
not the compounding of moral hazard in the presence of informational opacity,
particularly in what concerns high-impact events in fat tailed domains (under
slow convergence for the law of large numbers). Nor did it look at exposure
as a filter that removes nefarious risk takers from the system so they stop
harming others. But the ancients did; so did many aspects of moral philosophy.
We propose a global and morally mandatory heuristic that anyone involved in
an action which can possibly generate harm for others, even probabilistically,
should be required to be exposed to some damage, regardless of context. While
perhaps not sufficient, the heuristic is certainly necessary hence mandatory. It
is supposed to counter voluntary and involuntary risk hiding and risk transfer
in the tails. We link the rule to various philosophical approaches to ethics
and moral luck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
13 Deeper into the conflation between a random variable and exposure to it. . . . 213
14 We provide a mathematical definition of fragility and antifragility as negative
or positive sensitivity to a semi-measure of dispersion and volatility (a variant
of negative or positive "vega") and examine the link to nonlinear effects. We
integrate model error (and biases) into the fragile or antifragile context. Un-
like risk, which is linked to psychological notions such as subjective preferences
(hence cannot apply to a coffee cup) we offer a measure that is universal and
concerns any object that has a probability distribution (whether such distri-
bution is known or, critically, unknown). We propose a detection of fragility,
robustness, and antifragility using a single "fast-and-frugal", model-free, prob-
ability free heuristic that also picks up exposure to model error. The heuristic
lends itself to immediate implementation, and uncovers hidden risks related to
company size, forecasting problems, and bank tail exposures (it explains the
forecasting biases). While simple to implement, it improves on stress testing
and bypasses the common flaws in Value-at-Risk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
15 The literature of heavy tails starts with a random walk and finds mechanisms
that lead to fat tails under aggregation. We follow the inverse route and show
how starting with fat tails we get to thin-tails from the probability distribution
of the response to a random variable. We introduce a general dose-response
curve show how the left amd right-boundedness of the reponse in natural things
leads to thin-tails, even when the “underlying” variable of the exposure is fat-
tailed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
16 We extract the effect of size on the degradation of the expectation of a random
variable, from nonlinear response. The method is general and allows to show the
"small is beautiful" or "decentralized is effective" or "a diverse ecology is safer"
effect from a response to a stochastic stressor and prove stochastic diseconomies
of scale and concentration (with as example the Irish potato famine and GMOs).
We apply the methodology to environmental harm using standard sigmoid dose-
response to show the need to split sources of pollution across independent . . . 255
17 Information is convex to noise. The paradox is that increase in sample size
magnifies the role of noise (or luck); it makes tail values even more extreme.
There are some problems associated with big data and the increase of variables
This author travelled two careers in the opposite of the usual directions:
1) From risk taking to probability: I came to deepening my studies
of probability and did doctoral work during and after trading derivatives
and volatility packages and maturing a certain bottom-up organic view of
probability and probability distributions. The episode lasted for 21 years,
interrupted in its middle for doctoral work. Indeed, volatility and derivatives
(under the condition of skin in the game) are a great stepping stone into
probability: much like driving a car at a speed of 600 mph (or even 6,000
mph) is a great way to understand its vulnerabilities.
But this book goes beyond derivatives as it addresses probability problems
in general, and only those that are generalizable,
2) From practical essays (under the cover of "philosophical") to
specialized work: I only started publishing technical approaches (outside
specialized option related matters) after publishing nontechnical "philosoph-
ical and practical" ones, though on the very same subject.
But the philosophical (or practical) essays and the technical derivations were written
synchronously, not in sequence, largely in an idiosyncratic way, what the mathematician
Marco Avellaneda called "private mathematical language", of which this is the translation
– in fact the technical derivations for The Black Swan[66] and Antifragile[67] were started
long before the essay form. So it took twenty years to mature the ideas and techniques of
fragility and nonlinear response, the notion of probability as less rigorous than "exposure"
for decision making, and the idea that "truth space" requires different types of logic than
"consequence space", one built on asymmetries.
Risk takers view the world very differently from most academic users of probability and
industry risk analysts, largely because the notion of "skin in the game" imposes a certain
type of rigor and skepticism about we call further down cosmetic "job-market" science.
Risk is a serious business and it is high time that those who learned about it via risk-
taking have something not "anecdotal" to say about the subject.
Real world and "academic" don’t necessarily clash. Luckily there is a profound
literature on satisficing and various decision-making heuristics, starting with Herb Simon
and continuing through various traditions delving into ecological rationality, [61], [29],
[71]: in fact Leonard Savage’s difference between small and large worlds will be the basis
of Part I, which we can actually map mathematically.
The good news is that the real world is about exposures, and exposures are asymmetric,
leading us to focus on two aspects: 1) probability is about bounds, 2) the asymmetry
The text is not entirely that of the author. Four chapters contain recycled text written
with collaborators in standalone articles: the late Benoit Mandelbrot (section of slowness
of LLN under power laws, even with finite variance), Elie Canetti and the stress-testing
staff at the International Monetary Fund (for the heuristic to detect tail events), Phil
Tetlock (binary vs variable for forecasting), Constantine Sandis (skin in the game) and
Raphael Douady (mathematical mapping of fragility). But it is the latter paper that
represents the biggest debt: as the central point of this book is convex response (or, more
generally, nonlinear effects which subsume tail events), the latter paper is the result of
18 years of mulling that single idea, as an extention of Dynamic Hedging applied outside
the options domain, with 18 years of collaborative conversation with Raphael before the
actual composition!
This book is in debt to three persons who left us. In addition to Benoit Mandelbrot, this
author feels deep gratitude to the late David Freedman, for his encouragements to develop
a rigorous model-error based, real-world approach to statistics, grounded in classical
skeptical empiricism, and one that could circumvent the problem of induction: and the
method was clear, of the "don’t use statistics where you can be a sucker" or "figure
out where you can be the sucker". There was this "moment" in the air, when a group
composed of the then unknown John Ioannidis, Stan Young, Philip Stark, and others
got together –I was then an almost unpublished and argumentative "volatility" trader
(Dynamic Hedging was unreadable to nontraders) and felt that getting David Freedman’s
attention was more of a burden than a blessing, as it meant some obligations. Indeed this
exact book project was born from a 2012 Berkeley statistics department commencement
lecture, given in the honor of David Freedman, with the message: "statistics is the
most powerful weapon today, it comes with responsibility" (since numerical assessments
increase risk taking) and the corrolary:
leading to the theme of this book, that all one needs to do is figure out the answer to
the following question:
It was a very sad story to get a message from the statistical geophysicist Albert Taran-
tola linking to the electronic version of his book Inverse Problem Theory: Methods for
Data Fitting and Model Parameter Estimation [69]. He had been maturing an idea on
dealing with probability with his new work taking probability ab ovo. Tarantola had been
piqued by the "masquerade" problem in The Black Swan presented in Chapter 3 and the
notion that most risk methods "predict the irrelevant". Tragically, he passed away before
the conference he was organizing took place, and while I ended up never meeting him, I
felt mentored by his approach –along with the obligation to deliver technical results of
Sections of this text were presented in many places –as I said it took years to mature the
point. Some of these chapters are adapted from lectures on hedging with Paul Wilmott
and from my course "Risk Management in the Real World" at NYU which as I discuss in
the introduction is an absurd (but necessary) title. Outside of risk practitioners, in the
first stage, I got invitations from statistical and mathematics departments initially to
satisfy their curiosity about the exoticism of "outsider" and strange "volatility" trader
or "quant" wild animal. But they soon got disappointed that the animal was not much
of a wild animal but an orthodox statistician, actually overzealous about a nobullshit
approach. I thank Wolfgang Härtle for opening the door of orthodoxy with a full-
day seminar at Humboldt University and Pantula Sastry for providing the inaugurating
lecture of the International Year of Statistics at the National Science Foundation.
(Additional Acknowledgments: to come. Charles Tapiero convinced me that one can
be more aggressive drilling points using a "mild" academic language.)
Carl Tony Fakhry has taken the thankless task of diligently rederiving every equation
(at the time of writing he has just reached Chapter 3). I also thank Wenzhao Wu and
Mian Wang for list of typos.
To the Reader
The text can be read by (motivated) non-quants: everything mathematical in the text is
accompanied with a "literary" commentary, so in many sections the math can be safely
skipped. Its mission, to repeat, is to show a risk-taker perspective on risk management,
integrated into the mathematical language, not to lecture on statistical concepts.
On the other hand, when it comes to math, it assumes a basic "quant level" advanced
or heuristic knowledge of mathematical statistics, and is written as a monograph; it is
closer to a longer research paper or old fashioned treatise. As I made sure there is little
overlap with other books on the subject, I calibrated this text to the textbook by A.
Papoulis Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes[49]: there is nothing
basic discussed in this text that is not defined in Papoulis.
For more advanced, more mathematical, or deeper matters such as convergence theo-
rems, the text provides definitions, but the reader is recommended to use Loeve’s two
volumes Probability Theory [40] and [41] for a measure theoretic approach, or Feller’s
two volumes, [25] and [24] and, for probability bounds, Petrov[51]. For extreme value
theory, Embrecht et al [19] is irreplaceable.
This is a first draft for general discussion, not for equation-wise verification. There
are still typos, errors and problems progressively discovered by readers thanks to the
dissemination on the web. The bibliographical references are not uniform, they are in
the process of being integrated into bibtex.
Note that there are redundancies that will be removed at the end of the composition.
i Every chapter will need to have some arguments fleshed out (more English), for about
10% longer text.
ii A list of symbols.
iii Chapter 2 proposes a measure of fattailedness based on ratio of Norms for all( su-
perexponential, subexponential, and powerlaws with tail exponent >2); it is more
powerful than Kurtosis since we show it to be unstable in many domains. It lead us
to a robust heuristic derivation of fat tails. We will add an Appendix comparing it
to the Hill estimator.
iv An Appendix on the misfunctioning of maximum likelihood estimators (extension of
the problem of Chapter 3).
v In the chapter on pathologies of stochastic processes, a longer explanation of why a
stochastic integral "in the real world" requires 3 periods not 2 with examples (event
information for computation of exposureXt ! order Xt+ t ! execution Xt+2 t ).
vi The "Weron" effect of recovered ↵ from estimates higher than true values.
vii A lengthier (and clearer) exposition of the variety of bounds: Markov–Chebychev–
Lusin–Berhshtein–Lyapunov –Berry-Esseen – Chernoff bounds with tables.
viii A discussion of the Von Mises condition. A discussion of the Cramér condition.
Connected: Why the research on large deviations remains outside fat-tailed domains.
ix A discussion of convergence (and nonconvergence) of random matrices to the Wigner
semicirle, along with its importance with respect to Big Data
x A section of pitfalls when deriving slopes for power laws, with situations where we
tend to overestimate the exponent.
i A discussion of gambler’s ruin. The interest is the connection to tail events and
fragility. "Ruin" is a better name because the idea of survival for an aggregate, such
as probability of ecocide for the planet.
ii An exposition of the precautionary principle as a result of the fragility criterion.
iii A discussion of the "real option" literature showing connecting fragility to the nega-
tive of "real option".
iv A link between concavity and iatrogenic risks (modeled as short volatility).
v A concluding chapter.
Best Regards,
Nassim Nicholas Taleb
Let us start with a sketch of the solution to the problem, just to show that there is a
solution (it will take an entire book to get there). The following section will outline both
the problem and the methodology.
This reposes on the central idea that an assessment of fragility and control of such
fragility is more ususeful, and more reliable,than probabilistic risk management and
data-based methods of risk detection.
In a letter to N ature about the book Antif ragile: Fragility (the focus of Part
II of this volume) can be defined as an accelerating sensitivity to a harmful stressor:
this response plots as a concave curve and mathematically culminates in more harm
than benefit from the disorder cluster: (i) uncertainty, (ii) variability, (iii) imperfect,
incomplete knowledge, (iv) chance, (v) chaos, (vi) volatility, (vii) disorder, (viii) entropy,
(ix) time, (x) the unknown, (xi) randomness, (xii) turmoil, (xiii) stressor, (xiv) error,
(xv) dispersion of outcomes, (xvi) unknowledge.
Antifragility is the opposite, producing a convex response that leads to more benefit
than harm. We do not need to know the history and statistics of an item to measure its
fragility or antifragility, or to be able to predict rare and random (’black swan’) events.
All we need is to be able to assess whether the item is accelerating towards harm or
Same with model errors –as we subject models to additional layers of uncertainty.
The relation of fragility, convexity and sensitivity to disorder is thus mathematical
and not derived from empirical data.
The problem with risk management is that "past" time series can be (and actually
are) unreliable. Some finance journalist was commenting on the statement in Antifragile
series, with associated overconfidence. "Where is he going to get the risk from since
we cannot get it from the past? from the future?", he wrote. Not really, it is staring
at us: from the present, the present state of the system. This explains in a way why
the detection of fragility is vastly more potent than that of risk –and much easier to
do. We can use the past to derive general statistical statements, of course, coupled with
rigorous probabilistic inference but it is unwise to think that the data unconditionally
yields precise probabilities, as we discuss next.
Asymmetry and Insufficiency of Past Data.. Our focus on fragility does not mean
you can ignore the past history of an object for risk management, it is just accepting
that the past is highly insufficient.
The past is also highly asymmetric. There are instances (large deviations) for which
the past reveals extremely valuable information about the risk of a process. Something
that broke once before is breakable, but we cannot ascertain that what did not break is
unbreakable. This asymmetry is extremely valuable with fat tails, as we can reject some
theories, and get to the truth by means of negative inference, via negativa.
This confusion about the nature of empiricism, or the difference between empiricism
(rejection) and naive empiricism (anecdotal acceptance) is not just a problem with jour-
nalism. As we will see in Chapter x, it pervades social science and areas of science
supported by statistical analyses. Yet naive inference from time series is incompatible
with rigorous statistical inference; yet many workers with time series believe that it is
statistical inference. One has to think of history as a sample path, just as one looks
at a sample from a large population, and continuously keep in mind how representative
the sample is of the large population. While analytically equivalent, it is psychologically
hard to take what Daniel Kahneman calls the "outside view", given that we are all part
of history, part of the sample so to speak.
fragility and that of statistical knowledge can be mapped into the difference between x
and f (x)
This will ease us into the "engineering" notion as opposed to other approaches to
Take x a random or nonrandom variable, and f(x) the exposure, payoff, the effect of x on
you, the end bottom line. Practitioner and risk takers observe the following disconnect:
people (nonpractitioners) talking x (with the implication that we practitioners should
care about x in running our affairs) while practitioners think about f (x), nothing but
f (x). And the straight confusion since Aristotle between x and f (x) has been chronic.
The mistake is at two level: one, simple confusion; second, in the decision-science litera-
ture, seeing the difference and not realizing that action on f (x) is easier than action on
An explanation of the rule "It is preferable to take risks one under- stands than try
to understand risks one is taking." It is easier to modify f (x) to the point where one
can be satisfied with the reliability of the risk properties than understand the statistical
properties of x, particularly under fat tails.1
Examples. The variable x is unemployment in Senegal, f1 (x) is the effect on the bottom
line of the IMF, and f2 (x)is the effect on your grandmother’s well-being (which we assume
is minimal).
The variable x can be a stock price, but you own an option on it, so f(x) is your
exposure an option value for x, or, even more complicated the utility of the exposure to
the option value.
The variable x can be changes in wealth, f (x) the convex-concave value function of
Kahneman-Tversky, how these “affect” you. One can see that f (x) is vastly more stable
or robust than x (it has thinner tails).
1 The reason decision making and risk management are inseparable is that there are some exposure
people should never take if the risk assessment is not reliable, something people understand in real life
but not when modeling. About every rational person facing an plane ride with an unreliable risk model
or a high degree of uncertainty about the safety of the aircraft would take a train instead; but the same
person, in the absence of skin in the game, when working as "risk expert" would say : "well, I am
using the best model we have" and use something not reliable, rather than be consistent with real-life
decisions and subscribe to the straightforward principle : "let’s only take those risks for which we have
In general, in nature, because f (x) the response of entities and organisms to random
events is generally thin-tailed while x can be fat-tailed, owing to f (x) having the
sigmoid "S" shape convex-concave (some type of floor below, progressive saturation
above). This explains why the planet has not blown-up from tail events. And this
also explains the difference (Chapter 15) between economic variables and natural
ones, as economic variables can have the opposite effect of accelerated response at
higher values of x (right-convex f (x)) hence a thickening of at least one of the tails.
Next we give the reader a hint of the methodology and proposed approach with a semi-
informal technical definition for now.
In his own discussion of the Borel-Cantelli lemma (the version popularly known as
"monkeys on a typewriter")[7], Emile Borel explained that some events can be considered
mathematically possible, but practically impossible. There exists a class of statements
that are mathematically rigorous but practically nonsense, and vice versa.
If, in addition, one shifts from "truth space" to consequence space", in other words
focus on (a function of) the payoff of events in addition to probability, rather than just
their probability, then the ranking becomes even more acute and stark, shifting, as we
will see, the discussion from probability to the richer one of fragility. In this book we
will include costs of events as part of fragility, expressed as fragility under parameter
perturbation. Chapter 4 discusses robustness under perturbation or metamodels (or
metaprobability). But here is the preview of the idea of convex heuristic, which in plain
English, is at least robust to model uncertainty.
Summary of a Convex Heuristic (from Chapter 14) Let {fi } be the family
of possible functions, as "exposures" to x a random variable with probability mea-
sure (x), where is a parameter determining the scale (say, mean absolute
deviation) on the left side of the distribution (below the mean). A decision rule is
said "nonconcave" for payoff below K with respect to up to perturbation if,
taking the partial expected payoff
E (fi ) = fi (x) d (x),
⇢ ✓ ◆
1 K K
fi : E (fi ) + E + (fi ) EK (fi )
Note that we call these decision rules "convex" in H not necessarily because they have
a convex payoff, but also because, thanks to the introduction of payoff f , their payoff
ends up comparatively "more convex" than otherwise. In that sense, finding protection
is a convex act.
The idea that makes life easy is that we can capture model uncertainty (and model
error) with simple tricks, namely the scale of the distribution.
Crucially, we can gauge the nonlinear response to a parameter of a model using the same
method and map "fragility to model error". For instance a small perturbation in the
parameters entering the probability provides a one-sided increase of the likelihood of
event (a convex response), then we can declare the model as unsafe (as with the assess-
ments of Fukushima or the conventional Value-at-Risk models where small parameters
variance more probabilities by 3 orders of magnitude). This method is fundamentally
On the common confustion between risk and variations. Risk is tail events, necessarily.
The focus is squarely on "fat tails", since risks and harm lie principally in the high-
impact events, The Black Swan and some statistical methods fail us there. But they
do so predictably. We end Part I with an identification of classes of exposures to these
risks, the Fourth Quadrant idea, the class of decisions that do not lend themselves to
modelization and need to be avoided in other words where x is so reliable that one
needs an f (x) that clips the left tail, hence allows for a computation of the potential
shortfall. Again, to repat, it is more, much more rigorous to modify your decisions.
Rule 1. In the real world one sees time series of events, not the generator of events,
Pr!x" Pr!x"
Additional Variation
x x
1 2 3 4 10 20 30 40
Figure 1.3: The Masquerade Problem (or Central Asymmetry in Inference). To the
left, a degenerate random variable taking seemingly constant values, with a histogram producing
a Dirac stick. One cannot rule out nondegeneracy. But the right plot exhibits more than one
realization. Here one can rule out degeneracy. This central asymmetry can be generalized and
put some rigor into statements like "failure to reject" as the notion of what is rejected needs to
be refined. We produce rules in Chapter 3.
This section will illustrate the general methodology in detecting potential model error
and provides a glimpse at rigorous "real world" decision-making.
The best way to figure out if someone is using an erroneous statistical technique is
to apply such a technique on a dataset for which you have the answer. The best way
to know the exact properties ex ante to generate it by Monte Carlo. So the technique
throughout the book is to generate fat-tailed data, the properties of which we know with
precision, and check how standard and mechanistic methods used by researchers and
practitioners detect the true properties, then show the wedge between observed and true
The focus will be, of course, on the effect of the law of large numbers.
The example below provides an idea of the methodolody, and Chapter 3 produces a
formal "hierarchy" of statements that can be made by such an observer without violating
a certain inferential rigor. For instance he can "reject" that the data is Gaussian, but
not accept it as easily. And he can produce inequalities or "lower bound estimates" on,
say, variance, never "estimates" in the standard sense since he has no idea about the
generator and standard estimates require some associated statement about the generator.
Example of Finite Mean and Infinite Variance. This example illustrates two
biases: underestimation of the mean in the presence of skewed fat-tailed data, and illusion
dist 1 "True"
dist 2 distribution
dist 3
dist 4
dist 5
that cannot be
dist 6
ruled out
dist 7
dist 8
dist 9
dist 10
dist 11
dist 12 ruled out
dist 13
dist 14
Observed Generating
Distribution Distributions
Figure 1.4: "The probabilistic veil". Taleb and Pilpel (2000,2004) cover the point from
an epistemological standpoint with the "veil" thought experiment by which an observer is
supplied with data (generated by someone with "perfect statistical information", that is,
producing it from a generator of time series). The observer, not knowing the generating
process, and basing his information on data and data only, would have to come up with
an estimate of the statistical properties (probabilities, mean, variance, value-at-risk, etc.).
Clearly, the observer having incomplete information about the generator, and no reliable
theory about what the data corresponds to, will always make mistakes, but these mistakes
have a certain pattern. This is the central problem of risk management.
Let us say that x follows a version of Pareto Distribution with density p(x),
8 1 ⇣ ⌘ ↵ 1
< ↵k 1/ ( µ x) 1 ( µk x ) 1/ +1
p(x) = µ+x0 (1.1)
:0 otherwise
Figure 1.5: The "true" distribution
as expected from the Monte Carlo
generator Shortfall 0.4
!6 !5 !4 !3 !2 !1
Figure 1.6: A typical realization,
that is, an observed distribution for
N = 103 100
!5 !4 !3 !2 !1 0
Relative Probability
5 10 15
1.4.1 Imitative, Cosmetic (Job Market) Science Is The Plague of Risk Man-
The problem can be seen in the opposition between problems and inverse problems.
One can show probabilistically the misfitness of mathematics to many problems where
it is used. It is much more rigorous and safer to start with a disease then look at the
classes of drugs that can help (if any, or perhaps consider that no drug can be a potent
alternative), than to start with a drug, then find some ailment that matches it, with the
serious risk of mismatch. Believe it or not, the latter was the norm at the turn of last
century, before the FDA got involved. People took drugs for the sake of taking drugs,
Note that, thanks to inequalities and bounds (some tight, some less tight), the use of the
classical theorems of probability theory can lead to classes of qualitative precautionary
decisions that, ironically, do not rely on the computation of specific probabilities.
Principles Description
P1 Inequalities It is more rigorous to work with probability inequal-
ities and bounds than probabilistic estimates.
* This and the corrollary that there is a non-zero probability of visible and known states
spanned by the probability distribution adding up to <1 confers to probability theory,
when used properly, a certain analytical robustness.
** Consider a plane ride. Disturbances are more likely to delay (or worsen) the flight
than accelerate it or improve it. This is the concave case. The opposite is innovation
and tinkering, the convex case.
***The errors in measuring nonlinearity of responses are more robust and smaller than
those in measuring responses. (Transfer theorems).
Part I
Main point of Part I. Model uncertainty (or, within models, parameter uncertainty),
or more generally, adding layers of randomness, cause fat tails. The main effect is
slower operation of the law of large numbers.
Part I of this volume presents a mathematical approach for dealing with errors in con-
ventional probability models For instance, if a "rigorously" derived model (say Markowitz
mean variance, or Extreme Value Theory) gives a precise risk measure, but ignores the
central fact that the parameters of the model don’ t fall from the sky, but have some
error rate in their estimation, then the model is not rigorous for risk management, deci-
sion making in the real world, or, for that matter, for anything. So we may need to add
another layer of uncertainty, which invalidates some models but not others. The mathe-
matical rigor is therefore shifted from focus on asymptotic (but rather irrelevant because
inapplicable) properties to making do with a certain set of incompleteness and preasymp-
totics. Indeed there is a mathematical way to deal with incompletness. Adding disorder
has a one-sided effect and we can deductively estimate its lower bound. For instance
we can figure out from second order effects that tail probabilities and risk measures are
understimated in some class of models.
Figure 1.8: A Version of Savage’s Small World/Large World Problem. In statistical domains
assume Small World= coin tosses and Large World = Real World. Note that measure
theory is not the small world, but large world, thanks to the degrees of freedom it confers.
airplane flight by spending resources making sure the pilot uses proper grammar
when communicating with the flight attendants, in order to "prevent incoherence".
Clearly the problem, just as similar fancy "science" under the cover of the disci-
pline of Extreme Value Theory is that tail events are very opaque computationally,
and that such misplaced precision leads to confusion.
The "seminal" paper: Artzner, P., Delbaen, F., Eber, J. M., & Heath, D. (1999).
Coherent measures of risk. Mathematical finance, 9(3), 203-228.
The problem of formal probability theory is that it necessarily covers narrower situa-
tions (small world ⌦S ) than the real world (⌦L ), which produces Procrustean bed effects.
⌦S ⇢ ⌦L . The "academic" in the bad sense approach has been to assume that ⌦L is
smaller rather than study the gap. The problems linked to incompleteness of models are
largely in the form of preasymptotics and inverse problems.
Method: We cannot probe the Real World but we can get an idea (via perturbations)
of relevant directions of the effects and difficulties coming from incompleteness, and
i) Fat tails:
i-a)- Randomness at the level of the scale of the distribution generates fat tails.
(Multi-level stochastic volatility).
i-b)- Model error in all its forms generates fat tails.
i-c) - Convexity of probability measures to uncertainty causes fat tails.
ii) Law of Large Numbers(weak): operates much more slowly, if ever at all. "P-
values" are biased lower.
iii) Risk is larger than the conventional measures derived in ⌦S , particularly for
payoffs in the tail.
iv) Allocations from optimal control and other theories (portfolio theory) have a
higher variance than shown, hence increase risk.
v) The problem of induction is more acute.(epistemic opacity).
vi)The problem is more acute for convex payoffs, and simpler for concave ones.
Risk (and decisions) require more rigor than other applications of statistical inference.
Coin tosses are not quite "real world" probability. In his wonderful textbook
[9], Leo Breiman referred to probability as having two sides, the left side represented by
his teacher, Michel Loève, which concerned itself with formalism and measure theory,
and the right one which is typically associated with coin tosses and similar applications.
Many have the illusion that the "real world" would be closer to the coin tosses. It is not:
coin tosses are fake practice for probability theory, artificial setups in which people know
the probability (what is called the ludic fallacy in The Black Swan), and where bets are
bounded, hence insensitive to problems of extreme fat tails. Ironically, measure theory,
while formal, is less constraining and can set us free from these narrow structures. Its
abstraction allows the expansion out of the small box, all the while remaining rigorous,
in fact, at the highest possible level of rigor. Plenty of damage has been brought by
the illusion that the coin toss model provides a "realistic" approach to the discipline, as
we see in Chapter x, it leads to the random walk and the associated pathologies with a
certain class of unbounded variables.
their probabilities are not computable, not reliable for any effective use. And the smaller
the probability, the larger the error, affecting events of high impact. The idea is to work
with measures that are less sensitive to the issue (a statistical approch), or conceive
exposures less affected by it (a decision theoric approach). Mathematically, the problem
arises from the use of degenerate metaprobability.
In fact the central point is the 4th quadrant where prevails both high-impact and non-
measurability, where the max of the random variable determines most of the properties
(which to repeat, has not computable probabilities).
Turkey and Inverse Turkey (from the Glossary in Antifragile): The turkey is fed by
the butcher for a thousand days, and every day the turkey pronounces with increased
statistical confidence that the butcher "will never hurt it" until Thanksgiving, which
brings a Black Swan revision of belief for the turkey. Indeed not a good day to be
a turkey. The inverse turkey error is the mirror confusion, not seeing opportunities
pronouncing that one has evidence that someone digging for gold or searching for cures
will "never find" anything because he didn’t find anything in the past.
What we have just formulated is the philosophical problem of induction (more pre-
cisely of enumerative induction.) To this version of Bertrand Russel’s chicken we add:
mathematical difficulties, fat tails, and sucker problems.
Let us define a risk estimator that we will work with throughout the book.
Let us stay in dimension 1 for the next few chapters not to muddle things. Standard
Estimators tend to be variations about MtX (A, f ) where f(x) =x and A is defined as the
domain of the distribution of X, standard measures from x, such as moments of order z,
etc., are calculated "as of period" T. Such measures might be useful for the knowledge
of some properties, but remain insufficient for decision making as the decision-maker
may be concerned for risk management purposes with the left tail (for distributions that
are not entirely skewed, such as purely loss functions such as damage from earthquakes,
terrorism, etc. ), or any arbitrarily defined part of the distribution.
One of the uses of the indicator function 1A , for observations falling into a subsection A
of the distribution, is that we can actually derive the past actuarial value of an option
with X as an underlying struck as K as MTX (A, x), with A = ( 1, K] for a put and
A = [K, 1) for a call, with f (x) = x.
when MTX (Az , f ) is computed; but while working with the opposite problem, that is,
trying to guess the spread in the realizations of a stochastic process, when the process
is known, but not the realizations, we will use M>T
(Az , 1) as a divisor.
In other words, the estimator as of some future time, should have some stability
around the "true" value of the variable and stay below an upper bound on the tolerated
We use ⇠(.) = |.| in mean absolute deviations to accommodate functions and ex-
posures and that do not have finite second moment, even if the process has such
moments. Another reason is that in the real world gains and losses are in straight
numerical deviations.
So we skip the notion of "variance" for an estimator and rely on absolute mean
deviation so ⇠ can be the absolute value for the tolerated bias. And note that we use
mean deviation as the equivalent of a "loss function"; except that with matters related
to risk, the loss function is embedded in the subset A of the estimator.
This criterion makes our risk estimator compatible with standard sampling theory.
Actually, it is at the core of statistics. Let us rephrase:
Standard statistical theory doesn’t allow claims on estimators made in a given set
unless these are made on the basis that they can "generalize", that is, reproduce out of
sample, into the part of the series that has not taken place (or not seen), i.e., for time
series, for ⌧ >t.
This should also apply in full force to the risk estimator. In fact we need more, much
more vigilance with risks.
For convenience, we are taking some liberties with the notations, pending on context:
MTX (A, f ) is held to be the estimator, or a conditional summation on data but for
convenience, given that such estimator is sometimes called "empirical expectation", we
will be also using the same symbol, namely with M>T X
(A, f ) for the textit estimated
variable for period > T (to the right of T, as we will see, adapted to the filtration T).
This will be done in cases M is the M -derived expectation operator E or EP under
Fat tails are not about the incidence of low probability events, but the contributions of
events away from the "center" of the distribution to the total properties.2 As a useful
heuristic, consider the ratio h
E (X 2 )
where E is the expectation operator (under the probability measure of concern and x
is a centered variable such E(x) = 0); the ratio increases with the fat tailedness of the
(MTX (A,xn )) n
distribution; (The general case corresponds to M X (A,|x|) , n > 1, under the condition
that the distribution has finite moments up to n, and the special case here n=2).
Simply, xn is a weighting operator that assigns a weight, xn 1
large for large values of
x, and small for smaller values.
The effect is due to the convexity differential between both functions, |x| is piecewise
linear and loses the convexity effect except for a zone around the origin.3
Proof : By Jensen’s inequality under the counting measure.
As a convention here, we write Lp for space, Lp for the norm in that space.
Let X ⌘ (xi )i=1 , The Lp Norm is defined (for our purpose) as, with p 2 N , p 1):
✓ Pn p
i=1 |xi |
kXkp ⌘
Don’t Exist" showing how the ratios STD/MAD (finite second moment) and MAD(MAD)/STD (finite
One property quite useful with power laws with infinite moment:
✓ ◆n
kXk1 = sup |xi | (2.6)
n i=1
N 1
⇣ N
⌘ N1
1 N +1
MTX A, X N 1/N ⇡ 2N 22 ( 1)N + 1 2
= p
MTX (A, |X|) 2
or, alternatively
✓ ◆ 12 N ✓ ◆
MTX A, X N 1 1 2
N +1
= 2 2 (N 3)
1 + ( 1)N 2
MT (A, |X|) 2
where (z) is the Euler gamma function; (z) = 0 tz 1
e t dt. For odd moments, the
ratio is 0. For even moments:
MTX A, X 2 ⇡
MT (A, |X|) 2
MTX (A, X 2 ) r
Standard Deviation ⇡
= =
MT (A, |X|) Mean Absolute Deviation 2
For a Gaussian the ratio ⇠ 1.25, and it rises from there with fat tails.
Example: Take an extremely fat tailed distribution with n=106 , observations are all
-1 except for a single one of 106 ,
X= 1, 1, ..., 1, 106 .
The mean absolute deviation, MAD (X) = 2. The standard deviation STD (X)=1000.
The ratio standard deviation over mean deviation is 500.
As to the fourth moment, it equals 3 ⇡2 3 .
For a power law distribution with tail exponent ↵=3, say a Student T
MTX (A, X 2 ) Standard Deviation ⇡
= =
MTX (A, |X|) Mean Absolute Deviation 2
We will return to other metrics and definitions of fat tails with power law distributions
when the moments are said to be "infinite", that is, do not exist. Our heuristic of using
2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000
"Infinite" moments. Infinite moments, say infinite variance, always manifest them-
selves as computable numbers in observed sample, yielding an estimator M, simply be-
cause the sample is finite. A distribution, say, Cauchy, with infinite means will always
deliver a measurable mean in finite samples; but different samples will deliver completely
different means. Figures 2.4 and 2.5 illustrate the "drifting" effect of M a with increasing
What is a "Tail Event"? There seems to be a confusion about the definition of
a "tail event", as it has different meanings in different disciplines.
1) In statistics: an event of low probability.
2) Here: an event of low probability but worth discussing, hence has to have some
large consequence.
3) In measure and probability theory: Let (Xi )ni=1 be a n sequence of realiza-
T1 (that is, random variables). The tail sigma algebra of the sequence is T =
n=1 (Xn+1 , Xn+2 , . . .) and an event 2 T is a tail event. So here it means a
specific event extending infinitely into the future.
So when we discuss the Borel-Cantelli lemma or the zero-one law that the prob-
ability of a tail event happening infinitely often is 1 or 0, it is the latter that is
2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000
Since higher moments increase under fat tails, as compared to lower ones, it should be
possible so simply increase fat tails without increasing lower moments.
Note that the literature sometimes separates "Fat tails" from "Heavy tails", the first
term being reserved for power laws, the second to subexponential distribution (on which,
later). Fughtetaboutdit. We simply call "Fat Tails" something with a higher kurtosis
than the Gaussian, even when kurtosis is not defined. The definition is functional as
used by practioners of fat tails, that is, option traders and lends itself to the operation
of "fattening the tails", as we will see in this section.
1 1 2 2
⇣ 2 2
(t, a) = e 2 (1+a)t 1 + eat
Odd moments are nil. The second moment is preserved since
which puts the traditional kurtosis at 3 a2 + 1 . This means we can get an "implied a
from kurtosis. The value of a is roughly the mean deviation of the stochastic volatility
parameter "volatility of volatility" or Vvol in a more fully parametrized form.
This heuristic, while useful for intuition building, is of limited powers as it can only
raise kurtosis to twice that of a Gaussian, so it should be limited to getting some intuition
about its effects. Section 2.6 will present a more involved technique.
As Figure 2.6 shows: fat tails are about higher peaks, a concentration of observations
around the center of the distribution.
We assume tails start at the level of convexity of the segment of the probability distri-
bution to the scale of the distribution.
Notice in Figure 2.6 a series of crossover zones, invariant to a. Distributions called "bell
shape" have a convex-concave-convex shape (or quasi-concave shape).
Let X be a random variable, the distribution of which p(x) is from a general class of all
unimodal one-parameter continous pdfs p with support D ✓ R and scale parameter .
Let p(.) be quasi-concave on the domain, but neither convex nor concave. The density
function p(x) satisfies: p(x) p(x + ✏) for all ✏ > 0, and x > x⇤ and p(x) p(x ✏) for
all x < x⇤ with {x⇤ : p(x⇤ ) = maxx p(x)}. The class of quasiconcave functions is defined
as follows: for all x and y in the domain and ! 2 [0, 1],
p(x+ )+p(x )
1- If the variable is "two-tailed", that is, D= (-1,1), where p (x) ⌘ 2
1. There exist a "high peak" inner tunnel, AT = ( a2 , a3 ) for which the -perturbed
of the probability distribution p (x) p(x) if x 2 ( a2 , a3 )
2. There exists outer tunnels, the "tails", for which p (x) p(x) if x 2 ( 1, a1 ) or
x 2 (a4 , 1)
3. There exist intermediate tunnels, the "shoulders", where p (x) p(x) if x 2
(a1 , a2 ) or x 2 (a3 , a4 )
n 2
A={ai } is the set of solutions x : @@p(x)
2 | a = 0 .
For the Gaussian (µ, ), the solutions are obtained by setting the second derivative to
0, so
(x µ)2
4 2
e 2 2 2 5 (x µ)2 + (x µ)4
0.5 (a2 , a3 "
“Shoulders” 0.4
!a1 , a2 ",
!a3 , a4 "
Right tail
a1 a2 a3 a4
!4 !2 2 4
Figure 2.6: Fatter and Fatter Tails through perturbation of . The mixed distribution with values
for the stochastic volatility coefficient a: {0, 14 , 12 , 34 }. We can see crossovers a1 through a4 . The
"tails" proper start at a4 on the right and a1 on the left.
{a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 } =
( r ⇣ r ⇣ r ⇣ r ⇣ )
1 p ⌘ 1 p ⌘ 1 p ⌘ 1 p ⌘
µ 5 + 17 , µ 5 17 , µ + 5 17 , µ + 5 + 17
2 2 2 2
In figure 2.6, the crossovers for the intervals are numerically { 2.13 , .66 , .66 , 2.13 }.
As to a symmetric power law(as we will see further down), the Student T Distribution
with scale s and tail exponent ↵:
✓ ◆ ↵+1
↵+ x
{a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 } =
r p r p
5↵ (↵+1)(17↵+1)+1 5↵ (↵+1)(17↵+1)+1
n ↵ 1 s ↵ 1 s
p , p ,
2 2
r p r p
5↵+ (↵+1)(17↵+1)+1 5↵+ (↵+1)(17↵+1)+1
↵ 1 s ↵ 1 so
p , p
2 2
⇣ p p p ⌘ ⇣ p pp ⌘
1 2 2 1 2 +5 2
2µ 2 5 17 2µ 2 17
e 2
,e 2
⇣ p p p ⌘ ⇣ p pp ⌘
1 2 2 1 2 2
We can improve on the fat-tail heuristic in 2.4, (which limited the kurtosis to twice the
Gaussian) as follows. We Switch between Gaussians with variance:
(1 + a), with probability p
(1 + b), with probability 1 p
3((1 a2 )p 1)
with Kurtosis p 1 thus allowing polarized states and high kurtosis, all variance
preserving, conditioned on, when a > (<) 0, a < (>) 1 p p .
Thus with p = 1/1000, and the maximum possible a = 999, kurtosis can reach as high
a level as 3000.
This heuristic approximates quite effectively the effect on probabilities of a lognormal
weighting for the characteristic function
✓ ◆2
log(v) v0+ V v
Z 1 t2 v 2
e 2 2V v 2
(t, V ) = p dv
0 2⇡vV v
where v is the variance and Vv is the second order variance, often called volatility of
volatility. Thanks to integration by parts we can use the Fourier Transform to obtain all
varieties of payoffs (see Gatheral, 2006).
Chapter x will show how tail events have large
The Black Swan Problem:
Why do we use Student T to simulate sym- As we saw, it is not merely that
metric power laws? For convenience, only for events in the tails of the distri-
convenience. It is not that we believe that the butions matter, happen, play
generating process is Student T. Simply, the cen- a large role, etc. The point
ter of the distribution does not matter much for is that these events play the
the properties involved in certain classes of deci- major role and their probabil-
sion making. The lower the exponent, the less the ities are not computable, not
center plays a role. The higher the exponent, the reliable for any effective use.
more the student T resembles the Gaussian, and The implication is that Black
the more justified its use will be accordingly. More Swans do not necessarily come
advanced methods involving the use of Levy laws from fat tails; le problem can
may help in the event of asymmetry, but the use result from an incomplete as-
of two different Pareto distributions with two dif- sessment of tail events.
ferent exponents, one for the left tail and the other
for the right one would do the job (without unnec-
Why power laws? There are a lot of theories on why things should be power laws,
as sort of exceptions to the way things work probabilistically. But it seems that the
opposite idea is never presented: power should can be the norm, and the Gaussian a
special case as we will see in Chapt x, of concave-convex responses (sort of dampening
of fragility and antifragility, bringing robustness, hence thinning tails).
2 0
0 -2
-2 -4
2 2
0 0
-2 -2
0 0
2 4
Figure 2.7: Multidimensional Fat Tails: For a 3 dimentional vector, thin tails (left) and fat tails
(right) of the same variance. Instead of a bell curve with higher peak (the "tunnel") we see an
increased density of points towards the center.
X = (X1 , X2 , . . . , Xm ) the vectors of random variables. Consider the joint probability
distribution f (x1 , . . . , xm ) . We denote the m-variate multivariate Normal distribution
by N (0, ⌃), with without loss of generality, a mean vector µ = (0, . . . , 0), variance-
covariance matrix ⌃, and joint pdf
⇣* ⌘ ✓ ⌘◆
m/2 1/2 1 ⇣* ⌘
* T 1
⇣* *
f x = (2⇡) |⌃| exp x µ ⌃ x µ (2.8)
where x = (x1 , . . . , xm ) 2 Rm , and ⌃ is a symmetric, positive definite (m ⇥ m) matrix.
We can apply the same simplied variance preserving heuristic as in 2.4 to fatten the
log P"x
Student (3)
log x
2 5 10 20
Figure 2.8: Three Types of Distributions. As we hit the tails, the Student remains scalable while
the Standard Lognormal shows an intermediate position before eventually ending up getting an
infinite slope on a log-log plot.
⇣* ⌘ ✓ ⌘◆
1 m/2 1/2 1 ⇣* ⌘
* T
1 * *
fa x = (2⇡) |⌃1 | exp x µ ⌃1 x µ
2 2
✓ ⌘◆
1 m/2 1/2 1 ⇣* ⌘
* T
1 * *
+ (2⇡) |⌃2 | exp x µ ⌃2 x µ (2.9)
2 2
So far for the discussion on fat tails we stayed in the finite moments case. For a certain
class of distributions, those with finite moments, PPX>nK
depends on n and K. For a
scale-free distribution, with K "in the tails", that is, large enough, PPX>nK
depends on
n not K. These latter distributions lack in characteristic scale and will end up having a
Paretan tail, i.e., for x large enough, PX>x = Cx ↵ where ↵ is the tail and C is a
scaling constant.
Note: We can see from the scaling difference between the Student and the Pareto the
Estimation issues. Note that there are many methods to estimate the tail exponent
↵ from data, what is called a "calibration. However, we will see, the tail exponent is
rather hard to guess, and its calibration marred with errors, owing to the insufficiency
of data in the tails. In general, the data will show thinner tail than it should.
We introduced the category "true fat tails" as scalable power laws to differenciate it from
the weaker one of fat tails as having higher kurtosis than a Gaussian.
Some use as a cut point infinite variance, but Chapter 3 will show it to be not useful, even
misleading. Many finance researchers (Officer, 1972) and many private communications
with finance artists reveal some kind of mental block in seeing the world polarized into
finite/infinite variance.
Another useful distinction: Let X = ( xi )1in be i.i.d. random variables in R+ ,
with cumulative distribution function F ; then by the Teugels (1975) and Pitman (1980)
1 F 2 (x)
lim =2
x!1 1 F (x)
where F 2 is the convolution of x with itself.
Note that X does not have to be limited to R+ ; we can split the variables in positive
and negative domain for the analysis.
8 ⇣ ⌘9
K(K(K+3) 6)
< 2(K + log(K 1)) 2 K 1
+ 6 log(K 1) =
: K K2 ;
and, for ↵ = 5,
2(K 1)4 K 5
K(K(K(K(K(K(K(K(4K + 9) + 24) + 84) + 504) 5250) + 10920) 8820) + 2520)
+ 2520(K 1) log(K 1)
We know that the limit is 2 for all three cases, but it is important to observe the
As we can see in fig x, finite or nonfinite variance is of small importance for the effect
1 # F2
Figure 2.9: The ratio of the ex-
ceedance probabilities of a sum of two
variables over a single one: power
Α"5 law
2.0 K
20 40 60 80 100
1 - F2
10 000
1 2 3 4 5 6
Example 2. Case of the Gaussian. Since the Gaussian belongs to the family of the sta-
ble distribution (Chapter x), the convolution will produce a Gaussian of twice the vari-
ance. So taking a Gaussian, N (0, 1) for short (0 meanp and unitary standard deviation),
the densities of the convolution will be Gaussian 0, 2 , the ratio of the exceedances
R1 2
f (x) dx erfc K
R1 = ⇣ 2 ⌘
f (x) dx erfc pK2
Application: Two Real World Situations. We are randomly selecting two people,
and the sum of their heights is 4.1 meters. What is the most likely combination? We
are randomly selecting two people, and the sum of their assets, the total wealth is $30
million. What is the most likely breakdown?
Assume two variables X1 and X2 following an identical distribution, where f is the
density function,
P [X1 + X2 = s] = f 2 (s)
1 ! F2
Figure 2.11: The ratio of the ex-
ceedance probabilities of a sum of two
variables over a single one: Case of
the Lognormal which in that respect 2.5
200 400 600 800 1000
⇣s ⌘ ⇣s ⌘ e
f + f =
n n 2⇡
For a Power law, say a Pareto distribution with ↵ tail exponent, f (x)= ↵ x xmin where
↵ 1 ↵
⇣ s⌘ ⇣ s⌘ ⇣⇣ s⌘⇣ s ⌘⌘ ↵ 1
2 2↵
f + f = ↵ xmin +
n n 2 2
The product of two densities decreases with for the Gaussian5 , and increases with the
power law. For the Gaussian the maximal probability is obtained = 0. For the power
law, the larger the value of , the better.
So the most likely combination is exactly 2.05 meters in the first example, and xmin and
$30 million xmin in the second.
5 Technical
comment: we illustrate some of the problems with continuous probability as follows. The
sets 4.1 and 30 106 have Lebesgue measures 0, so we work with densities and comparing densities implies
Borel subsets of the space, that is, intervals (open or closed) ± a point. When we say "net worth is
approximately 30 million", the lack of precision in the statement is offset by an equivalent one for the
! 2
! 2
Figure 2.12: Multiplying the stan-
2 x"
! 2 dard Gaussian density by emx , for
2Π m = {0, 1, 2, 3}.
3 x"
! 2
10 15 20
More generally, distributions are called subexponential when the exceedance probability
declines more slowly in the tails than the exponential.
For a one-tailed random variable6 ,
a) limx!1 PX>x = n, (Christyakov, 1964), which is equivalent to
b) limx!1 P (X>max(x)) = 1, (Embrecht and Goldie, 1980).
The sum is of the same order as the maximum (positive) value, another way of saying
that the tails play a large role.
There are broadly two separate ways to go about estimators: nonparametric and para-
6 for two-tailed variables, the result should be the same by splitting the observations in two groups
" log2 !x"
30 2Π x
log2 !x"
25 !
2Π x
Figure 2.13: Multiplying the Lognor- 20
log2 !x"
mal (0,1) density by emx , for m = 2 x"
! 2
{0, 1, 2, 3}. 15
2Π x
log2 !x"
3 x"
10 ! 2
2Π x
14 000
12 000 Max
10 000
Figure 2.14: A time series of an extremely fat-tailed distribution (one-tailed). Given a long
enough series, the contribution from the largest observation should represent the entire sum,
dwarfing the rest.
for all functions f (Proof via twinking of law of large numbers for sum of random
This is the central problem of model error seen in consequences not in probability. The
literature is used to discussing errors on probability which should not matter much for
small probabilities. But it matters for payoffs, as f can depend on x. Let us see how the
problem becomes very bad when we consider f and in the presence of fat tails. Simply,
you are multiplying the error in probability by a large number, since fat tails imply that
the probabilities p(x) do not decline fast enough for large values of x. Now the literature
seem to have examined errors in probability, not errors in payoff.
Let MTX (Az , f ) be the estimator of a function of x in the subset Az = ( 1 , 2 ) of the
support of the variable. Let ⇠(MTX (Az , f )) be the mean absolute error in the estimation
of the probability in the small subset Az = ( 1 , 2 ), i.e.,
Then the estimation error of MTX (Az , f ) compounds the error in probability, thus giving
us the lower bound in relation to ⇠
⇥ ⇤
E MTX (Az , f ) M>TX
(Az , f ) 1
| 1 2 | min (| 2 | , | 1 |)
MTX (Az , f )
⇥ ⇤
E MTX (Az , 1) M>T X
(Az , 1)
+ min (| 2 | , | 1 |)
MTX (Az , 1)
(Az ,f )] 2 f (x)p(x) dx
Since E[
= 1
R , and expanding f (x), for a given n on both sides.
X (A ,1)
M>T z ] 2
p(x) dx
We can now generalize to the central inequality from convexity of payoff , which we
shorten as Convex Payoff Sampling Error Inequalities, CPSEI:
Rule 2. Under our conditions above, if for all 2(0,1) and f {i,j} (x± ) 2 Az ,
(1 )f i (x )+ f i (x+ ) (1 )f j (x )+ f j (x+ )
f i (x) f j (x) , (f i is never less convex than f j in
interval Az ), then
This inequality becomes strict in the case of nonfinite first moment for the underlying
The proofs are obvious for distributions with finite second moment, using the speed
of convergence of the sum of random variables expressed in mean deviations. We will
not get to them until Chapter x on convergence and limit theorems but an example will
follow in a few lines.
We will discuss the point further in Chapter x, in the presentation of the conflation
For a sketch of the proof, just consider that the convex transformation of a proba-
bility distribution p(x) produces a new distribution f (x) ⌘ ⇤x with density pf (x) =
1 ⇣ 1/
⇤ x p ( ⇤x )
over its own adjusted domain, for which we find an increase in volatil-
ity, which requires a larger n to compensate, in order to maintain the same quality for
For ⇤=1, we get an idea of the increase in variance from convex transformations:
Variance V ( ) Kurtosis
1 3
2 2 15
6 231
3 15 5
4 96 207
10 46189
5 945 63
12 38787711
6 10170 12769
Since the standard deviation drops at the rate n for non power laws, the number of
n( ), that is, the number of observations
p needed
p to incur the same error on the sample
V( ) V (1)
in standard deviation space will be pn1 = pn , hence n1 = 2 n 2 . But to equalize
the errors in mean deviation space, since Kurtosis is higher than that of a Gaussian, we
need to translate back into L1 space, which is elementary in most cases.
For a Pareto Distribution with domain v[xmin , 1),
↵⇤2 x2min
V ⇤x = .
(↵ 2)(↵ 1)2
Using Log characteristic functions allows us to deal with the difference in sums and get
the speed of convergence.
Example illustrating the Convex Payoff Inequality. Let us compare the "true"
theoretical value to random samples drawn from the Student T with 3 degrees of freedom,
for MTX A, x , A = ( 1, 3], n=200, across m simulations > 105 by estimating
A, x /MTX A, x using
⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘
j j
1 X X 1A xi X 1A xi
m n n
⇠= M X A, x / .
⇠St(3) ⇠G(0,p3)
1 0.17 0.05
2 0.32 0.08
2 0.62 0.11
2 1.62 0.13
3 ”f uhgetaboudit” 0.18
Utility Theory. Note that under a concave utility of negative states, decisions require
a larger sample. By CPSEI the magnification of errors require larger number of obser-
vation. This is typically missed in the decision-science literature. But there is worse, as
we see next.
Tail payoffs. The author is disputing, in Taleb (2013), the results of a paper, Ilma-
nen (2013), on why tail probabilities are overvalued by the market: naively Ilmanen
(2013) took the observed probabilities of large deviations,f (x) = 1 then made an infer-
ence for f (x) an option payoff based on x, which can be extremely explosive (a error
that can cause losses of several orders of magnitude the initial gain). Chapter x revis-
its the problem in the context of nonlinear transformations of random variables. The
error on the estimator can be in the form of parameter mistake that inputs into the as-
sumed probability distribution, say the standard deviation (Chapter x and discussion
of metaprobability), or in the frequency estimation. Note now that if 1 !-1, we may
have an infinite error on MTX (Az , f ), the left-tail shortfall while, by definition, the error
on probability is necessarily bounded.
If you assume in addition that the distribution p(x) is expected to have fat tails (of
Now the mistake of estimating the properties of x, then making a decisions for a
nonlinear function of it, f (x), not realizing that the errors for f (x) are different from
those of x is extremely common. Naively, one needs a lot larger sample for f (x) when
f (x) is convex than when f (x) = x. We will re-examine it along with the "conflation
problem" in Chapter x.
There is something Wrong With Econo-
metrics, as Almost All Papers Don’ t The Black Swan was understood
Replicate. Two reliability tests in Chapter x, by :
one about parametric methods the other about 100% of Firemen
robust statistics, show that there is something 99.9% of skin-in-the-game risk-
rotten in econometric methods, fundamentally takers and businesspersons
wrong, and that the methods are not depend- 85% of common readers
able enough to be of use in anything remotely 80% of hard scientists (except
related to risky decisions. Practitioners keep some complexity artists)
spinning inconsistent ad hoc statements to ex- 65% of psychologists (except Har-
plain failures. vard psychologists)
60% of traders
We will show how, with economic variables 25% of U.K. journalists
one single observation in 10,000, that is, one 15% of money managers who man-
single day in 40 years, can explain the bulk of age money of others
the "kurtosis", a measure of "fat tails", that 1.5% of "Risk professionals"
is, both a measure how much the distribution 1% of U.S. journalists
under consideration departs from the standard and
Gaussian, or the role of remote events in de- 0% of economists (or perhaps, to
termining the total properties. For the U.S. be fair, .5%)
stock market, a single day, the crash of 1987, If is frequent that economists like
determined 80% of the kurtosis for the period Andrew Lo and Mueller [39] or
between 1952 and 2008. The same problem is Nicholas Barberis [2] play straw
found with interest and exchange rates, com- man by treating it as "popular"
modities, and other variables. Redoing the (to delegitimize is intellectual con-
study at different periods with different vari- tent) while both misunderstanding
ables shows a total instability to the kurto- (and misrepresenting) its message
sis. The problem is not just that the data had and falling for the very errors it
"fat tails", something people knew but sort of warns against, as in the confusion
wanted to forget; it was that we would never between binary and vanilla expo-
be able to determine "how fat" the tails were sures.
within standard methods. Never.
7 Loand Mueler: "... "black swans" (Taleb, 2007). These cultural icons refer to disasters that occur so
infrequently that they are virtually impossible to analyze using standard statistical inference. However,
we find this perspective less than helpful because it suggests a state of hopeless ignorance in which we
resign ourselves to being buffeted and battered by the unknowable." Had they read The Black Swan
Two critical (and lethal) mistakes, entailing mistaking inclusion in a class Di for D<i
because of induced slowness in the convergence under the law of large numbers. We will
see that in the hierarchy, scale (or variance) is swamped by tail deviations.
Great Moderation (Bernanke, 2006) consists in mistaking a two-tailed process with
fat tails for a process with thin tails and low volatility.
Long Peace (Pinker, 2011) consists in mistaking a one-tailed process with fat tails for
a process with thin tails and low volatility and low mean.
Some background on Bernanke’s severe mistake. When I finished writing The Black
Swan, in 2006, I was confronted with ideas of "great moderation" stemming from the
drop in volatility in financial markets. People involved in promulgating such theories
did not realize that the process was getting fatter and fatter tails (from operational
and financial, leverage, complexity, interdependence, etc.), meaning fewer but deeper
departures from the mean. The fact that nuclear bombs explode less often that regular
shells does not make them safer. Needless to say that with the arrival of the events of
2008, I did not have to explain myself too much. Nevertheless people in economics are
still using the methods that led to the "great moderation" narrative, and Bernanke, the
protagonist of the theory, had his mandate renewed.
When I contacted social scientists I discovered that the familiarity with fat tails was
pitifully small, highly inconsistent, and confused.
The Long Peace Mistake. Later, to my horror, I saw an identical theory of great mod-
Distr Mean C1 C2
q q ⇣ ⇣ ⌘⌘
Gaussian 0 2
⇡ 2e 1/⇡ 2
⇡ 1 e ⇡ erfc p1
Pareto ↵ ↵s
↵ 1 2(↵ 1)↵ 2 ↵1 ↵
p6 p 2
2 ⇡ s ( 54 ) 8 3 ( 54 )
ST ↵=3/2 0
( 34 ) ⇡ 3/2
ST Square ↵=2 0 2s s ps
p p 1
8 3s tan ( ⇡2 )
ST Cubic ↵=3 0 2 3s
⇡ ⇡2
Rz t2
where erfc is the complimentary error function erfc(z) = 1 p2
⇡ 0
e dt.
(>700 pages of them!). Except that it applied to security. The problem is that, unlike
Bernanke, Pinker realized the process had fat tails, but did not realize the resulting
errors in inference.
Chapter x will get into the details and what we can learn from it.
We can see from the data in Chapter 3 that the predictability of the Gaussian-style
of the standard deviation (in sample, but the effect is much worse in practice); working
with squares is not a good estimator. Many have the illusion that we need variance: we
don’t, even in finance and economics (especially in finance and economics).
We propose different cumulants, that should exist whenever the mean exists. So we
are not in the dark when we refuse standard deviation. It is just that these cumulants
require more computer involvement and do not lend themselves easily to existing Platonic
distributions. And, unlike in the conventional Brownian Motion universe, they don’t
scale neatly.
Note finally that these measures are central since, to assess the quality of the estimation
MTX , we are concerned with the expected mean error of the empirical expectation, here
E MTX (Az , f ) M>T X
(Az , f ) , where z corresponds to the support of the distribution.
i=1 xi
C0 ⌘
(This is the simple case of 1A = 1D ; an alternative would be:
C 0 ⌘ PT 1 1 i=1 x i 1A or C 0 ⌘ PT1
i=1 xi 1A ,
i=1 A i=1 D
depending on whether the function of concern for the fragility metric requires condition-
ing or not).
C1 ⌘ |xi C0 |
T 1 i=1
produces the Mean Deviation (but centered by the mean, the first moment).
C2 ⌘ ||xi Co| C1 |
T 2 i=1
Note the practical importance⇥of C1 : under some conditions ⇤ usually met, it measures
the quality of the estimation E MT (Az , f ) M>T (Az , f ) , since M>T (Az , f ) = C0 .
When discussing fragility, we will use a "tail cumulant", that is absolute deviations for
1A covering a spccific tail.
Table 2.2 shows the theoretical first two cumulants for two symmetric distributions: a
Gaussian, N (0, ) and a symmetric Student T St(0, s, ↵) with mean 0, a scale parameter
s, the PDF for x is
✓ ◆ ↵+1
↵+( x
[This section will be developed further; how the statemennt "but this is my prior" can
be nonsense with risk management if such a prior is not solid. ]
Brad Efron (2013)[17]
Sorry. My own practice is to use Bayesian analysis in the presence of gen-
uine prior information; to use empirical Bayes methods in the parallel cases
situation; and otherwise to be cautious when invoking uninformative priors.
In the last case, Bayesian calculations cannot be uncritically accepted and
should be checked by other methods, which usually means frequentistically.
Further Reading
0 time
Low Probability
!40 Region
Figure A.1: The coffee cup is less likely to incur "small" than large harm; it is exposed to
(almost) everything or nothing.
For monomodal distributions, fat tails are the norm: one can look at tens of thou-
sands of time series of the socio-economic variables without encountering a single
episode of "platykurtic" distributions. But for multimodal distributions, some sur-
prises can occur.
A.1 Multimodality and Fat Tails, or the War and Peace Model
We noted in 1.x that stochasticizing, ever so mildly, variances, the distribution gains in
fat tailedness (as expressed by kurtosis). But we maintained the same mean.
But should we stochasticize the mean as well, and separate the potential outcomes
wide enough, so that we get many modes, the "kurtosis" (as measured by the fourth
moment) would drop. And if we associate different variances with different means, we
get a variety of "regimes", each with its set of probabilities.
Either the very meaning of "fat tails" loses its significance under multimodality, or
takes on a new one where the "middle", around the expectation ceases to matter.[1, 42].
Now, there are plenty of situations in real life in which we are confronted to many
with expected mean m1 and standard deviation 1 , s2 a violent regime, with expected
mean m2 and standard deviation 2 , and more. Each state has its probability pi .
Assume, to simplify a one-period model, as if one was standing in front of a discrete
slice of history, looking forward at outcomes. (Adding complications (transition matrices
between different regimes) doesn’t change the main result.)
The Characteristic Function (t) for the mixed distribution becomes:
X 1 2 2
(t) = pi e 2t i +itmi
M1 = p1 m1 + (1 p1 ) m2
M2 = p1 m21 + 2
1 + (1 p1 ) m22 + 2
M3 = p1 m31 + (1 p1 ) m2 m22 + 3 2
2 + 3m1 p1 2
M4 = p1 6m21 2
1 + m41 + 3 4
1 + (1 p1 ) 6m22 2
2 + m42 + 3 4
Let us consider the different varieties, all characterized by the condition p1 < (1 p1 ),
m1 < m2 , preferably m1 < 0 and m2 > 0, and, at the core, the central property: 1 > 2 .
Variety 1: War and Peace.. Calm period with positive mean and very low volatility,
1. Mergers
2. Professional choices and outcomes
3. Conflicts: interpersonal, general, martial, any situation in which there is no inter-
mediary between harmonious relations and hostility.
4. Conditional cascades
So far we looked at a single period model, which is the realistic way since new information
more. But let us go through an exercise that will give us an idea about fragility. Assuming
the structure of the model stays the same, we can look at the longer term behavior under
transition of states. Let P be the matrix of transition probabilitites, where pi,j is the
transition from state i to state j over t, (that is, where S(t) is the regime prevailing
over period t, P (S(t + t) = sj | S(t) = sj ))
✓ ◆
p1,1 p2,1
P =
p1,2 p2,2
After n periods, that is, n steps,
✓ ◆
n an bn
P =
cn dn
✓ ◆
n 1 0
P =
1 pN2,2 pN
✓ ◆
n 1 0
lim P =
n!1 1 0
The implication is that the absorbing state regime 1 S(1) will end up dominating with
probability 1: what can break and is irreversible will eventually break.
With the "ergodic" matrix,
lim P n = ⇡.1T
B.1 Introduction
We assume that µ = 0 for data in high enough frequency as the mean will not have an
effect on the estimation tail exponent.
Hill10 !
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
Hill20 Hill100
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Hill20 Hill100
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 2 3 4 5 6
u ! ↵+1
u 2
u x2 ↵
tR 1 2
↵+ x 2
p q ↵
p dx ⇡ ↵ 2 ↵
↵B ↵( 1
2 ,2 ) 2
⌅(↵) = ! ↵+1 = p ↵ 1 (B.2)
2 ↵ 2
R1 2
↵+ x 2
↵ B( ↵
2 ,2)
The tail from the observations: Consider a random sample of size n, (Xi )1in . Get a
sample metric
Where STD and MAD are the sample standard and mean absolute deviations.
for the sample (these measures do not necessarily need to be central). The estimation of
m using maximum likelihood methods [FILL]
The recovered tail ↵⌅ .
↵⌅ = ⌅ (m) = {↵ : ⌅(↵) = m}
which is computed numerically.
The Hm corresponds to the measure of the m largest deviation in the right tails= (a
negative value for m means it is the left tail). We rank X(1) X(2) ... X(m) ...
X(n) . The Hill estimator
0 Pm ⇣ ⌘1 1
i=1 log Xm+1
Hm = @ A
↵⌅ 3.26668 0.422277
E(|x E|x||)
✓ ✓ ◆◆↵ ✓ ◆2 !1 ↵
1 2
↵ 1 2 ↵ 1
⌅2 (↵) = (↵ 1)B , (↵ 1) B , +4
2 2 2 2
⇣ ⌘
↵ (↵ ↵ ↵+1 ↵+2 1 ↵ 1 2
2 1) 2 F1 2
, 2 ; 2 ; 4
(↵ 1)2 B ,
2 2
✓ ◆
2 2 F1 1 ↵+1 3
, 2 ; 2; 4 !
2 2
(↵ 1)2 B ( ↵ ,1
2 2) 1
+ + (B.3)
↵ 1 2 2
(↵ 1)B ,
2 2
i=1 |Xi M AD|
m =
n M AD
↵⌅ 2
1.8231 0.243436
C The "Déja Vu" Illusion
A matter of some gravity. Black Swan neglect was prevalent before... and after the
exposition of the ideas. They just feel as if they were present in the discourse. For
there is a common response to the Black Swan problem, one of the sort: "fat tails...
we know it. There is nothing new there". In general, the "nothing new" response is
more likely to come from nonspecialists or people who do not know a subject well.
For a philistine, Verdi’s Trovatore is not new, since it sounds like another opera he
heard by Mozart with women torturing their throat. One needs to know a subject
to place it in context.
We take a stop and show what is different in this text, and why it is a hindrance for
risk understanding. Our point point is that under fat tails we have near-total opacity for
some segments of the distribution, incomputability of tail probability and convergence
of different laws, hence need to move to measurements of fragility.
The response: "Mandelbrot and Pareto did fat tails" is effectively backwards. In fact
they arrived to the opposite of opacity. Now, risk and uncertainty? Keynes and Knight
dealt with uncertainty as opposed to risk? Well, they got exactly opposite results.
They do not notice that it is the equivalent of saying that anyone using an equation
is doing nothing new since equations were discovered by ancients, or that calculus was
invented by Newton, and that, accordingly, they themselves did nothing worthy of at-
Now, what they do not say "nothing new" about is exactly what has nothing new, some
wrinkle on some existing conversation, by the narcissim of small differences.
Some economists’ reaction to skin-in-the-game, SITG (on which, later, but the bias
is relevant here): "nothing new; we know everything about the agency problem" (re-
markably they always know everything about everything but never see problems before
they occur, and rarely after). Our point is beyond their standard agency problem: 1)
it is evolutionary, aiming at throwing bad risk takers out of the gene pool so they stop
harming others, 2) under fat tails, and slow law of large numbers, only SITG works
to protect systems, 3) It is moral philosophy, 4) It requires building a system that can
accommodate SITG. Economists do not notice that it is asking them to leave the pool
when they make mistakes, etc. Effectively Joseph Stiglitz, the author of the Palgrave
encyclopedia entry on the agency problem missed that had he had skin in the game with
Fanny Mae he would have exited the pool. Or before that, so we would have avoided a
sub-disciplines and stop giving macro advice. Giving opinions without downside is the
opposite of SITG.
3 Hierarchy of Distributions For
One can make statements of the type "This is not Gaussian", or "this is not Pois-
son"(many people don’t realize that Poisson distributions are generally thin tailed owing
to finite moments); but one cannot rule out a Cauchy tail or other similar power laws.
So this chapter puts some mathematical structure around the idea of which "empirical"
statements are permissible in acceptance and rejection and which ones are not. (One
can violate these statements but not from data analysis, only basing oneself on a priori
statement of what belongins to some probability distributions.)1
Let us get deeper into the masquerade problem, as it concerns the problem of induction
and fat-tailed environments, and get to the next step. Simply, if a mechanism is fat tailed
it can deliver large values; therefore the incidence of large deviations is possible, but how
possible, how often these occur should occur, will be hard to know with any precision
beforehand. This is similar to the standard water puddle problem: plenty of ice cubes
could have generated it. As someone who goes from reality to possible explanatory
models, I face a completely different spate of problems from those who do the opposite.
1 Classical statistical theory is based on rejection and failure to reject, which is inadequade as one can
reject fat tails, for instance, which is not admissible here. Likewise this framework allows us to formally
We said that fat tailed series can, in short episodes, masquerade as thin-tailed. At
the worst, we don’t know how long it would take to know for sure what is going on. But
we can have a pretty clear idea whether organically, because of the nature of the payoff,
the "Black Swan" can hit on the left (losses) or on the right (profits). This point can be
used in climatic analysis. Things that have worked for a long time are preferable they
are more likely to have reached their ergodic states.
This chapter aims here at building a rigorous methodology for attaining statistical (and
more general) knowledge by rejection, and cataloguing rejections, not addition. We can
reject some class of statements concerning the fat-tailedness of the payoff, not others.
Figure 3.1: N=1000. Sample simulation. Both series have the exact same means and variances
at the level of the generating process. Naive use of common metrics leads to the acceptance that
the process A has thin tails.
Figure 3.2: N=1000. Rejection: Another realization. there is 1/2 chance of seeing the real
properties of A. We can now reject the hypothesis that the smoother process has thin tails.
3((1 a2 )p 1)
a Kurtosis = p 1 thus allowing polarized states and high kurtosis, with a
condition that for a > (<) 0, a < (>) 1 p p . Let us compare the two cases:
A) A switching process producing Kurtosis= 107 (using p= 1/2000, a sligtly below the
upper bound a= 1 p p 1) to
B) The regular situation p = 0, a=1, the case of kurtosis = 3.
The two graphs in figures 3.1 and 3.2 show the realizations of the processes A (to
repeat, produced with the switching process) and B, entirely Gaussian, both of the same
Our concern is exposing some errors in probabilistic statements and statistical inference,
in making inferences symmetric, when they are more likely to be false on one side than
the other, or more harmful one side than another. Believe it or it, this pervades the
entire literature.
Many have the illusion that "because Kolmogorov-Smirnoff is nonparametric”, it is
therefore immune to the nature specific distribution under the test (perhaps from an
accurate sentence in Feller (1971), vol 2 as we will see further down). The belief in
Kolmogorov-Smirnoff is also built in the illusion that our concern is probability rather
than expected payoff, or the associated problem of "confusing a binary for a vanilla”,
where by attribute substitution, one tests a certain variable in place of another, simpler
In other words, it is a severe mistake to treat epistemological inequalities as equalities.
No matter what we do, we end up going back to the problem of induction, except that
the world still exists and people unburdened with too many theories are still around.
By making one-sided statements, or decisions, we have been immune to the muddle in
statistical inference.
Remark on via negativa and the problem of induction. Test statistics are ef-
fective (and robust) at rejecting, but not at accepting, as a single large deviation allowed
the rejection with extremely satisfactory margins (a near-infinitesimal P-Value). This il-
lustrates the central epistemological difference between absence of evidence and evidence
of absence.
Via negativa. In theology and philosophy, corresponds to the focus on what something
is not, an indirect definition. In action, it is a recipe for what to avoid, what not to do
subtraction, not addition, say, in medicine. In epistemology: what to not accept, or
accept as false. So a certain body of knowledge actually grows by rejection. ( Antifragile,
The proof and the derivations are based on climbing to a higher level of abstraction by
focusing the discussion on a hierarchy of distributions based on fat-tailedness.
Remark Test statistics can be arbitraged, or "fooled"in one direction, not the other.
Let us build a hierarchy of distributions based on tail events. But, first, a discussion
of the link to the problem of induction.
From The Black Swan (Chapter 16): This author has learned a few tricks from
experience dealing with power laws: whichever exponent one try to measure will be
likely to be overestimated (recall that a lower exponent implies a smaller role for large
deviations) what you see is likely to be less Black Swannish than what you do not see.
Let’s say I generate a process that has an exponent of 1.7. You do not see what is inside
the engine, only the data coming out. If I ask you what the exponent is, odds are that
you will compute something like 2.4. You would do so even if you had a million data
points. The reason is that it takes a long time for some fat tailed processes to reveal
their properties, and you underestimate the severity of the shock. Sometimes a fat tailed
distribution can make you believe that it is Gaussian, particularly when the process has
mixtures. (Page 267, slightly edited).
Definition 7. We can define i) "right tail acceptance" as being subject to a strictly pos-
itive probability of mistaking Di+ for D<i
+ +
and ii) rejection as a claim that D>i . Likewise
+ +
for what is called "confirmation"and "disconfirmation”. Hence Di ⇢ Dj if there exists
a K0 ("in the positive tail”) such that µj (A+ + + +
K0 )>µi (AK0 ) and µj (AK )>µi (AK ) for all
K > K0 ,
and left tail acceptance if there exists a K0 ( "in the negative tail”) such that µj (AK0 >
µi (AK0 ) and µj (AK )>µi (AK ) for all K < K0 .
The derivations are as follows. Simply, the effect of the scale of the distribution (say,
the variance in the finite second moment case) wanes in the tails. For the classes of
distributions up to the Gaussian, the point is a no brainer because of compact support
with 0 measure beyond a certain K. As as far as the Gaussian, there are two brands,
one reached as a limit of, say, a sum of n Bernouilli variables, so the distribution will
have compact support up to a multiple of n at infinity, that is, in finite processes (what
from an approximation; it does not have compact support but because of the exponential
decline in the tails, it will be dominated by power laws. To quote Adrien Douady, it has
compact support for all practical purposes. Let us focus on the right tail.
For powerlaws, let us consider the competing effects of scale, say (even in case of
nonfinite variance), and ↵ tail exponent, with ↵ > 1 . Let the density be
↵ 1
P↵, (x) = L(x)x
P ↵,k (x)
r ,k (x) ⌘
P↵, (x)
By only perturbating the scale, we increase the tail by a certain factor, since limx!1 r1,k (x) =
k ↵ , which can be significant. But by perturbating both and looking at the limit we get
↵( 1+ )
limx!1 r ,k (x) = k ↵ L x , where L is now a constant, thus making the changes
to ↵ the tail exponent leading for large values of x.
Obviously, by symmetry, the same effect obtains in the left tail.
Rule 4. When comparing two power laws, regardless of parametrization of the scale
parameters for either distributions, the one with the lowest tail exponent will have
higher density in the tails.
Let us compare the Gaussian(µ, ) to a Lognormal(m, s), in the right tail, and look at
how one dominates in the remote tails. There is no values of parameters and s such
that the PDF of the Normal exceeds that of the Lognormal in the tails. Assume means of
k 2 s2
0 for the Gaussian and the equivalent e 2 for the Lognormal with no loss of generality.
Simply, let us consider the the sign of d, the difference between the two densities,
log2 (x) x2
e 2k2 s2 e 2 2
d= p
log2 (x) x2
2k2 s2 2 2
by comparing the unscaled tail values of e
ksx and e
. Taking logarithms of the
x2 log2 (x)
ratio, (x) = 2 2 2k2 s2 log(ksx) + log( ), which is dominated by the first term x2
as it is convex when the other terms are concave, so it will be > 0 for large values of x
independently of parameters.
Class Description
Let us return to the example of the mixture distribution N (0, ) with probability 1 p
and N (0, k ) with the remaining probability p. The density of the second regime
2k2 2
weighted by p becomes p e kp. For large deviations of x, kp e 2k2 is entirely dominated
by k, so regardless of the probability p > 0, k > 1 sets the terms of the density.
In other words:
Rule 6. Regardless of the mixture probabilities, when combining two Gaussians, the
one with the higher standard deviations determines the density in the tails.
Α 1 Fuhgetaboudit
Lévy-Stable Α<2
Supercubic Α # 3
Gaussian from Lattice Approximation
Bernoulli COMPACT
Figure 3.3: The tableau of Fat tails, along the various classifications for convergence purposes
(i.e., convergence to the law of large numbers, etc.)A variation around Embrechts et al [19], but
applied to the Radon-Nikodym derivatives.
A comment on 3.3
2 J.P. Kahane, "Local properties of functions interms of random Fourier series," Stud. Math., 19, No.
Warning 1 : Always remember that one does not observe probability distributions,
only realizations. Every probabilistic statement needs to be discounted by the probability
of the parameter being away from the true one.
Warning 2 : Always remember that we do not live in probability space, but pay-
off space. [TO ADD COMMENTS ON Keynes’ Treatise on Probability focusing on
"propositions" not payoffs]
Rule 8. (Decision Mistakes). Fatter tailed distributions are more likely to pro-
duce a lower in-sample variance (using empirical estimators) than a distribution of
thinner tail of the same variance (in the finite variance case).
For the derivation, recall that (from 2.5), there in increase in observations in the
"tunnel"( a2 , a3 ) in response to increase in fat-tailedness.
Counterintuitively, when one raises the kurtosis, as in Figure the time series looks
"quieter”. Simply, the storms are rare but deep. This leads to mistaken illusion of low
volatility when in fact it is just high kurtosis, something that fooled people big-time with
the story of the "great moderation"as risks were accumulating and nobody was realizing
that fragility was increasing, like dynamite accumulating under the structure.
Table 3.1: Comparing the Fake and genuine Gaussians (Figure and subjecting them to
a battery of tests. Note that some tests, such as the Jarque-Bera test, are more relevant to fat
tails as they include the payoffs.
Table of the "fake"Gaussian when not busted Let us run a more involved battery
of statistical tests (but consider that it is a single run, one historical simulation).
Statistic P-Value
Anderson-Darling 0.406988 0.354835
Cramér-von Mises 0.0624829 0.357839
Jarque-Bera ALM 1.46412 0.472029
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.0242912 0.167368
Kuiper 0.0424013 0.110324
Mardia Combined 1.46412 0.472029
Mardia Kurtosis 0.876786 0.380603
Mardia Skewness 0.7466 0.387555
Pearson 2
43.4276 0.041549
Shapiro-Wilk 0.998193 0.372054
Watson U 2
0.0607437 0.326458
Statistic P-Value
Anderson-Darling 0.656362 0.0854403
Cramér-von Mises 0.0931212 0.138087
Jarque-Bera ALM 3.90387 0.136656
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.023499 0.204809
Kuiper 0.0410144 0.144466
Mardia Combined 3.90387 0.136656
Mardia Kurtosis 1.83609 0.066344
Mardia Skewness 0.620678 0.430795
Pearson 2
33.7093 0.250061
Shapiro-Wilk 0.997386 0.107481
Watson U 2
0.0914161 0.116241
Table of the "fake" Gaussian when busted
And of course the fake Gaussian when caught. But recall that we have a small chance
of observing the true distribution.
Statistic P-Value
Anderson-Darling 376.05 0.
Cramér-von Mises 80.734 0.
Jarque-Bera ALM 7
4.21 ⇥ 10 0.
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.494547 0.
Kuiper 0.967 0.
Busted Fake
Mardia Combined 7
4.21 ⇥ 10 0.
Mardia Kurtosis 6430. 1.5 ⇥ 10 8979680
Mardia Skewness 166432. 1.07 ⇥ 10 36143
Pearson 2 30585.7 3.28 ⇥ 10 6596
Shapiro-Wilk 0.014 1.91 ⇥ 10 57
Watson U 2
80.58 0.
Figure 3.4: The Kolmorov-
Smirnov Gap. D is the measure
of the largest absolute divergence be- 0.6
0.2 D
1 2 3 4
derive a probability distribution in the first place, then we are facing a severe regress
loop a problem of self reference akin to that of Epimenides the Cretan saying whether
the Cretans are liars or not liars. And this self-reference problem is only the beginning.
(Taleb and Pilpel, 2001, 2004)
From the Glossary in The Black Swan . Statistical regress argument (or the
problem of the circularity of statistics): We need data to discover a probability distribu-
tion. How do we know if we have enough? From the probability distribution. If it is
a Gaussian, then a few points of data will suffice. How do we know it is a Gaussian?
From the data. So we need the data to tell us what probability distribution to assume,
and we need a probability distribution to tell us how much data we need. This causes a
severe regress argument, which is somewhat shamelessly circumvented by resorting to the
Gaussian and its kin.
where n = T t0
We will get more technical in the discussion of convergence, take for now that the
Kolmogorov statistic, that is, the distribution of D, is expressive of convergence, and
process ⇣pinned
on both sides, with intermediate
⌘ steps subjected to double conditioning),
Dj = i=1
F (X which is Uniformly distributed.
tj+t0 )
The probability of exceeding D, P>D = H ( nD), where H is the cumulative distribu-
tion function of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distribution,
2i2 t2
H(t) = 1 2 ( 1)i 1
We can see that the main idea reposes on a decay of nD with large values of n. So
we can easily fool the testing by proposing distributions with a small probability of very
large jump, where the probability of switch . n1 .
The mistake in misinterpreting Feller: the distribution of Dwill be uniform indepen-
dently of the distribution under scrutiny, or the two distributions to be compared. But
it does not mean that the test is immune to sample sizen, that is, the possibility of jump
with a probability an inverse function of n.
Note another manifestation of the error of ignoring the effect of the largest deviation. As
we saw with Kolmogorov-Smirnoff and other rigorous methods in judging a probability
distribution, one focuses on the maximum divergence, the supremum, as information.
Another unused today but very potent technique, initially by Paul Levy (1924), called
the concentration function, also reposes on the use of a maximal distance:
From Petrov (1995):
Q (X) ⌘ supP (x X x + )
for every 0.
We will make use of it in discussion of the behavior of the sum of random variables and
the law of large numbers.
We will revisit the problem upon discussing the "N = 1" fallacy (that is, the fallacy of
thinking that N = 1 is systematically insufficient sample). Some social "scientists" wrote
about my approach to this problem, stating among other equally ignorant comments,
something to the effect that "the plural of anecdotes is not data". This elementary
violation of the logic of inference from data is very common with social scientists as we
will see in Chapter 3, as their life is based on mechanistic and primitive approaches to
probability that miss the asymmetry. Yet, and here is the very, very sad part: social
science is the main consumer of statistical methods.
There are domains where "confirmatory evidence" works, or can be used for decisions.
But for that one needs the LLN to operate rather quickly. The idea of "scientific evi-
dence" in fat tailed domains leads to pathologies: it may work "for knowledge" and some
Further Reading
4 Effects of Higher Orders of
4.1 Metaprobability
When one assumes knowledge of a probability distribution, but has uncertainty attend-
ing the parameters, or when one has no knowledge of which probability distribution to
consider, the situation is called "uncertainty in the Knightian sense" by decision theo-
risrs(Knight, 1923). "Risk" is when the probabilities are computable without an error
rate. Such an animal does not exist in the real world. The entire distinction is a lunacy,
since no parameter should be rationally computed witout an error rate. We find it prefer-
able to talk about degrees of uncertainty about risk/uncertainty, using metaprobability.
The idea of model error from missed uncertainty attending the parameters (another layer
of randomness) is as follows.
Most estimations in social science, economics (and elsewhere) take, as input, an average
or expected parameter, Z
↵= ↵ (↵) d↵, (4.1)
In other words, if one is not certain about a parameter ↵, there is an inescapable layer
of stochasticity; such stochasticity raises the expected (metaprobability-adjusted) prob-
ability if it is < 12 and lowers it otherwise. The uncertainty is fundamentally epistemic,
includes incertitude, in the sense of lack of certainty about the parameter.
The model bias becomes an equivalent of the Jensen gap (the difference between the
two sides of Jensen’s inequality), typically positive since probability is convex away from
the center of the distribution. We get the bias !A from the differences in the steps in
integration Z ✓ Z ◆
!A = (↵) p(x|↵) d↵ p x| ↵ (↵) d↵
With f (x) a function , f (x) = x for the mean, etc., we get the higher order bias !A0
Z ✓Z ◆ Z ✓ Z ◆
! A0 = (↵) f (x) p(x|↵) d↵ dx f (x) p x| ↵ (↵) d↵ dx (4.3)
Now assume the distribution of P↵ as discrete n states, with ↵ = {↵i }i=1 each with
n n
associated probability = { i }i=1 i=1 i = 1. Then 4.2 becomes
p(x) = i p (x |↵i ) (4.4)
↵i 1 ↵i
0.1 %ni!1 p #X Αi $ Φ i
p#X Α# $
p!X Α"
5 10 50 100 500 1000
Figure 4.1: Log-log plot illustration of the asymptotic tail exponent with two states.
↵⇤ +1 ↵i 1 ↵i
limit x ↵i x xmin i =K
Pn ↵i 1 ↵i
where K is a strictly positive constant and ↵⇤ = min ↵i . In other words i=1 ↵i x xmin i
↵⇤ +1
is asymptotically equivalent to a constant times x . The lowest parameter in the space
of all possibilities becomes the dominant parameter for the tail exponent.
Bias ΩA
1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Figure 4.2: Illustration of the convexity bias for a Gaussian from raising small probabilities:
The plot shows the STD effect on P>x, and compares P>6 with a STD of 1.5 compared to P>
Figure 4.1 shows the different situations: a) p(x|↵), b) i=1 p (x |↵i ) i and c) p (x |↵⇤ ).
We can see how the last two converge. The asymptotic Jensen Gap !A becomes p(x|↵⇤ )
Whenever we estimate the tail exponent from samples, we are likely to underestimate
the thickness of the tails, an observation made about Monte Carlo generated ↵-stable
variates and the estimated results (the “Weron effect”)[74].
The higher the estimation variance, the lower the true exponent.
The asymptotic exponent is the lowest possible one. It does not even require estima-
Metaprobabilistically, if one isn’t sure about the probability distribution, and there is
a probability that the variable is unbounded and “could be” powerlaw distributed, then
it is powerlaw distributed, and of the lowest exponent.
The obvious conclusion is to in the presence of powerlaw tails, focus on changing
payoffs to clip tail exposures to limit !A0 and “robustify” tail exposures, making the
computation problem go away.
Recall that the tail fattening methods in 2.4 and 2.6.These are based on randomizing
the variance. Small probabilities rise precisely because they are convex to perturbations
of the parameters (the scale) of the probability distribution.
“Risk management failed on several levels at Fukushima Daiichi. Both TEPCO and its
captured regulator bear responsibility. First, highly tailored geophysical models pre-
dicted an infinitesimal chance of the region suffering an earthquake as powerful as the
Tohoku quake. This model uses historical seismic data to estimate the local frequency
of earthquakes of various magnitudes; none of the quakes in the data was bigger than
magnitude 8.0. Second, the plant’s risk analysis did not consider the type of cascading,
systemic failures that precipitated the meltdown. TEPCO never conceived of a situation
in which the reactors shut down in response to an earthquake, and a tsunami topped the
seawall, and the cooling pools inside the reactor buildings were overstuffed with spent
fuel rods, and the main control room became too radioactive for workers to survive, and
damage to local infrastructure delayed reinforcement, and hydrogen explosions breached
the reactors’ outer containment structures. Instead, TEPCO and its regulators addressed
each of these risks independently and judged the plant safe to operate as is.”Nick Werle,
Assume that someone tells you that the probability of an event is exactly zero. You ask
him where he got this from. "Baal told me" is the answer. In such case, the person is
coherent, but would be deemed unrealistic by non-Baalists. But if on the other hand,
the person tells you "I estimated it to be zero," we have a problem. The person is
both unrealistic and inconsistent. Something estimated needs to have an estimation
error. So probability cannot be zero if it is estimated, its lower bound is linked to the
estimation error; the higher the estimation error, the higher the probability, up to a
point. As with Laplace’s argument of total ignorance, an infinite estimation error pushes
the probability toward 12 . We will return to the implication of the mistake; take for now
that anything estimating a parameter and then putting it into an equation is different
from estimating the equation across parameters. And Markowitz was inconsistent by
starting his "seminal" paper with "Assume you know E and V " (that is, the expectation
and the variance). At the end of the paper he accepts that they need to be estimated,
and what is worse, with a combination of statistical techniques and the "judgment of
practical men." Well, if these parameters need to be estimated, with an error, then
the derivations need to be written differently and, of course, we would have no such
model. Economic models are extremely fragile to assumptions, in the sense that a slight
alteration in these assumptions can lead to extremely consequential differences in the
Often psychologists and behavioral economists find "irrational behavior" (or call it under
something more polite like "biased") as agents do not appear to follow a normative model
and violate their models of rationality. But almost all these correspond to missing a
second layer of uncertainty by a tinky-toy first-order model that doesn’t get nonlinearities
it is the researcher who is making a mistake, not the real-world agent. Recall that
the expansion from "small world" to "larger world" can be simulated by perturbation of
parameters, or "stochasticization", that is making something that appears deterministic
a random variable itself. Benartzi and Thaler [3], for instance, find an explanation that
agents are victims of a disease labelled "myopic loss aversion" in not investing enough
in equities, not realizing that these agents may have a more complex, fat-tailed model.
Under fat tails, no such puzzle exists, and if it does, it is certainly not from such myopia.
This approach invites "paternalism" in "nudging" the preferences of agents in a manner
to fit professors-without-skin-in-the-game-using-wrong-models.
The problem also applies to GMOs and how "risk experts" find them acceptable; re-
searchers pathologize those who do not partake of the baby models (thin tailed). The
point, an extension of the Pinker problem, is discussed in Chapter x.
Let us use our approach in detecting convexity to three specific problems: 1) the myopic
H 1
0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
H 1
H (t) 1.5
a, 1
Figure 4.4: The ratio H20 or the
degradation of "utility" under second 1.4
order effects.
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
w ,↵ (x) = x↵ x 0 ( x↵ ) x<0
Where µt, pt (x) is the Normal Distribution density with corresponding mean and
standard deviation (scaled by t)
The expected "utility" (in the prospect sense):
Z 1
H0 (t) = w ,↵ (x) µt,
t (x) dx (4.5)
✓ ◆ ↵
1 ↵ 1 2
= p 22 2 2t
⇣ ⇣ pq ⌘ ⇣ ⌘
↵+1 ↵ ↵/2
t 1 ↵/2
t 1
1 F1
↵ 1 tµ2 (4.6)
2 2t 2t 2 ; 2; 2 2
+ p1 µ ↵
2 2
⇣ ↵+1 q ⌘ ⇣ ⌘⌘
↵+1 ↵ 1 ↵+1
1 ↵/2 1 1 ↵ 3 tµ 2
t 2 +1 2t
+ ↵
t 2
2t +2 t 2t 1 F1 2 ; 2; 2 2
We can see from 4.6 that the more frequent sampling of the performance translates
into worse utility. So what Benartzi and Thaler did was try to find the sampling period
"myopia" that translates into the sampling frequency that causes the "premium" —the
error being that they missed second order effects.
Now under variations of with stochatic effects, heuristically captured, the story
changes: what if there is a very small probability that the variance gets multiplied by a
large number, with the total variance remaining the same? The key here is that we are
not even changing the variance at all: we are only shifting the distribution to the tails.
We are here generously assuming that by the law of large numbers it was established
that the "equity premium puzzle" was true and that stocks really outperformed bonds.
So we switch between two states, (1 + a) 2
w.p. p and (1 a) w.p. (1 p).
Rewriting 4.5
Z 1 ⇣ ⌘
Ha,p (t) = w ,↵ (x) p p
µ t, 1+a
t (x) + (1 p) p
µ t, 1 a
t (x) dx (4.7)
Result. Conclusively, as can be seen in figures 4.3 and 4.4, second order effects can-
cel the statements made from "myopic" loss aversion. This doesn’t mean that myopia
doesn’t have effects, rather that it cannot explain the "equity premium", not from the
outside (i.e. the distribution might have different returns", but from the inside, owing
Comment. We used the (1+a) heuristic largely for illustrative reasons; we could use a
full distribution for 2 with similar results. For instance the gamma distribution with
v 1e V ( V
density f (v) = ( ) with expectation V matching the variance used in the
"equity premium" theory.
Rewriting 4.7 under that form,
Z 1 Z 1
w p
,↵ (x) µ t, v t (x) f (v) dv dx
1 0
Which has a closed form solution (though a bit lengthy for here).
This author once watched with a great deal of horror one Laibson [37] at a conference in
Columbia University present the idea that having one massage today to two tomorrow,
but reversing in a year from nowm is irrational and we need to remedy it with some
policy. (For a review of time discounting and intertemporal preferences, see [27], as
economists temps to impart what seems to be a varying "discount rate" in a simplified
Intuitively, what if I introduce the probability that the person offering the massage is
full of balloney? It would clearly make me both prefer immediacy at almost any cost
and conditionally on his being around at a future date, reverse the preference. This is
what we will model next.
First, time discounting has to have a geometric form, so preference doesn’t become
negative: linear discounting of the form Ct, where C is a constant ant t is time into the
future is ruled out: we need something like C t or, to extract the rate, (1 + k)t which can
be mathematically further simplified into an exponential, by taking it to the continuous
time limit. Exponential discounting has the form e k t . Effectively, such a discounting
method using a shallow model prevents "time inconsistency", so with < t:
e k
lim k (t )
t!1 e
Now add another layer of stochasticity: the discount parameter, for which we use the
symbol , is now stochastic.
So we now can only treat H(t) as
H(t) = e ( )d
It is easy to prove the general case that under symmetric stochasticization of intensity
(that is, with probabilities 12 around the center of the distribution) using the same
technique we did in 2.4:
⇣ ⌘
H 0 (t, ) 1 t⇣ ( )t
= e e + e( )t
= cosh( t)
H 0 (t, 0) 2
Where cosh is the cosine hyperbolic function which will converge to a certain value
where intertemporal preferences are flat in the future.
e k
( )= ,
we get the normatively obtained (not empirical pathology) so-called hyperbolic discount-
H(t) =
5 Large Numbers and CLT in the Real
Chapter Summary 5: The Law of Large Numbers and The Central Limit
Theorem are the foundation of statistical knowledge: The behavior of the
sum of random variables allows us to get to the asymptote and use handy
asymptotic properties, that is, Platonic distributions. But the problem
is that in the real world we never get to the asymptote, we just get
“close”. Some distributions get close quickly, others very slowly (even if
they have finite variance). We examine how fat tailedness slows down
the process. Further, in some cases the LLN doesn’t work at all.
Recall from Chapter 2 that the quality of an estimator is tied to its replicability outside
the set in which it was derived: this is the basis of the law of large numbers.
By the weak law of large numbers, consider a sum of random variables X1 , X2 ,...,
XN independent
P and identically distributed with finite mean m, that is E[Xi ] < 1,
then N 1iN Xi converges to m in probability, as N ! 1. But the problem of
convergence in probability, as we will see later, is that it does not take place in the tails
of the distribution (different parts of the distribution have different speeds). This point
is quite central and will be examined later with a deeper mathematical discussions on
limits in Chapter x. We limit it here to intuitive presentations of turkey surprises.
(Hint: we will need to look at the limit without the common route of Chebychev’s
inequality which requires E[Xi2 ] < 1 . Chebychev’s inequality and similar ones eliminate
the probabilities of some tail events).
So long as there is a mean, observations should at some point reveal it.
The law of iterated logarithms. For the “thin-tailed” conditions, we can see in Figure
x how by the law of iterated
Pn logarithm, for xi i.i.d. distributed with mean
Pn0 and unitary
x x
variance, lim sup p i=1 i
= 1 a.s. (and by symmetry lim inf p i=1 i = -1),
n!1 2n log log(n) n!1 2n log log(n)
thus giving us an acceptably narrow cone limiting the fluctuation of the sum.
P of convergence. Let us examine the speed of convergence of the average
1iN Xi . For a Gaussian distribution (m, ), the characteristic function for
the convolution is:
⇣ imt s2 t2 ⌘N
'(t/N ) = e N 2N 2 ,
which, derived twice at 0 yields ( i)2 @t
@ c
2 @t /. t ! 0 which produces
i @c the standard
deviation (n) = pN so one can say that sum “converges” at a speed N .
Another approach consists in expanding ' and letting N go to infinity
⇣ imt s2 t 2
lim e N 2N 2 = eimt
N !1
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4 observation
0.2 0.2
Figure 5.2: The distribution (histogram) of the standard deviation of the sum of N=100 ↵=13/6.
The second graph shows the entire span of realizations. If it appears to shows very little infor-
mation in the middle, it is because the plot is stretched to accommodate the extreme observation
on the far right.
✓ ◆N
t ↵
1 iLt
lim ' = e↵ ,
N !1 N
↵ (N ) = ↵N E↵+1 (0)N 2
E↵ 1 (0)E↵+1 (0) + E↵ (0)
N ↵N E↵+1 (0)N + N 1 .
↵ (1)
The trap. After some tinkering, we get ↵ (N ) = p N
, the same as with the Gaussian,
which is a trap. For we should be careful in interpreting ↵ (N ), which will be very volatile
since ↵ (1) is already very volatile and does not reveal itself easily in realizations of the
process. In fact, let p(.) be the PDF of a Pareto distribution with mean m, variance v,
minimum value L and exponent ↵.
Infinite variance of variance The distribution of the variance, v can be obtained
analytically: intuitively its asymptotic tail is v 2 1 . Where g(.) is the probability
density of the variance:
✓p ◆ ↵ 1
↵ 2L
↵L ↵ 1 + v
g(v) = p
2 v
p ↵
↵ 2L
with domain:[(L ↵ 1 )2 , 1).
R1 ↵ the expected mean deviation of the variance for a given ↵ will be ↵ =
v L
(x m)2 v p(x)dx.
Let (t) be the characteristic function of the symmetric Student T with ↵ degrees of
freedom. After two-fold convolution of the average we get:
⇣p ⌘2
↵ ↵|t|
41 ↵ ↵/2
↵ |t| K ↵2 2
(t/2)2 = ,
↵ 2
We can compare the twice-summed density to the initial one (with notation: pN (x)=
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
⇣ ⌘ ↵+1
p1,↵ (x) = p ↵ 1
↵B 2, 2
From there, we see that in the Cauchy case (↵=1) the sum conserves the density, so
p1,1 (x) = p2,1 (x) =
⇡ (1 + x2 )
p 1
⇡ 21 ↵
↵ 2
µ(↵) =
↵ 2
lim µ(↵) = p
↵!1 2
The double effect of summing fat tailed random variables: The summation
of random variables performs two simultaneous actions, one, the “thinning” of the
tails by the CLT for a finite variance distribution (or convergence to some basin of
attraction for infinite variance classes); and the other, the lowering of the dispersion
by the LLN. Both effects are fast under thinner tails, and slow under fat tails.
But there is a third effect: the dispersion of observations for n=1 is itself much
higher under fat tails. Fatter tails for power laws come with higher expected mean
0.5 1 1.5 2
Now some math. By convoluting 2, 3, 4 times we can see the progress and the decrease
of mass in the tails:
Z (
2 z2 1 < z2 < 2
f2 (z2 ) = (f (z x))(f x) dx = (5.1)
1 z2 0 < z2 1
8 z2
2 0 < z3 1
Z 3 >
< 3
(z3 3)z3 1 < z3 < 2
f3 (z3 ) = (f2 (z3 2))f (x2 ) dx2 = 2 (5.2)
0 >
(z3 3)(z3 1) z3 = 2
:1 2
2 (z3 3)2 2 < z3 < 3
> 1
> z4 = 3
Z >
> 1
z4 = 2
4 <2
f4 x = (f3 (z4 x))(f x3) dx3 = 0 < z4 1 (5.3)
0 >
> 1
z42 + 4z4 2 1 < z4 < 2 _ 2 < z4 < 3
> 4
4 (z4 4)2 3 < z4 < 4
We can see how quickly, after one single addition, the net probabilistic “weight” is going
1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5
The common mistake is to think that if we satisfy the criteria of convergence, that is,
independence and finite variance, that central limit is a given.Take the conventional
formulation of the Central Limit Theorem 1 :
Let X1 , X2 ,... be a sequence of independent identically distributed random variables
with mean m & variance 2 satisfying m< 1 and 0 < 2 < 1, then
i=1 Xi Nm D
p ! N (0, 1)as n ! 1
Where ! is converges “in distribution” and N(0,1) is the Gaussian with mean 0 and
unit standard deviation.
Granted convergence “in distribution” is about the weakest form of convergence.
Effectively we are dealing with a double problem.
The first, as uncovered by Jaynes, corresponds to the abuses of measure theory: Some
properties that hold at infinity might not hold in all limiting processes .
There is a large difference between convergence a.s. (almost surely) and the weaker
Jaynes 2003 (p.44):“The danger is that the present measure theory notation presup-
poses the infinite limit already accomplished, but contains no symbol indicating which
limiting process was used (...) Any attempt to go directly to the limit can result in
We accord with him on this point –along with his definition of probability as infor-
mation incompleteness, about which later.
The second problem is that we do not have a “clean” limiting process –the process is
itself idealized.
Now how should we look at the Central Limit Theorem? Let us see how we arrive to it
assuming “independence”.
✓ Pn ◆ Ru Z2
i=0 i
e 2 dZ
P uZ= p u = up
n 2⇡
2 See Loeve for a presentation of the method of truncation used by Kolmogorov in the early days
inside the “tunnel” [-u,u] –the odds of falling inside the tunnel itself,
Z u Z 1
Z' (N )dz + Z'0 (N )dz
1 u
To have an idea of the speed of the widening of the tunnel ( u, u) under summation,
consider the symmetric (0-centered) Student T with tail exponent ↵= 3, with density
2a3 2a3
2 , and variance a . For large “tail values” of x, P (x) ! ⇡x4 . Under summation
2 2
⇡(a +x )
of the central limit theorem, will have a variance of N a2 in the center as well, hence
e 2a2 N
P (⌃ x) = p p
2⇡a N
2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000
e 2aN 2N a3
p p ' ,
2⇡a N ⇡x4
p p
u2 3
hence u4 e 2aN ' 22ap
aN N
, which produces the solution
s ✓ ◆
p 1
±u = ±2a N W ,
2N 1/4 (2⇡)1/4
Note about the crossover. See the competing Nagaev brothers, s.a. S.V. Nagaev(1965,1970,197
and A.V. Nagaev(1969) etc. There are two sets of inequalities, one lower one below which
the sum is in regime 1 (thin-tailed behavior), an upper one for the fat tailed behavior,
where the cumulative function for the sum behaves likes the maximum . By Nagaev
(1965) For a regularly varying tail, where E (|X|m ) < 1 the minimum of the crossover
3 Interestingly,
among the authors on the paper on the Lambert W function figures Donald Knuth:
Corless, R. M., Gonnet, G. H., Hare, D. E., Jeffrey, D. J., Knuth, D. E. (1996). On the LambertW
should be to the left of m
2 1 N log(N ) (normalizing for unit variance) for the right
tail (and with the proper sign adjustment for the left tail).
P> P
N Xi
P> pX
for [NOT] 0 x m
2 1 N log(N )
Generalizing for all exponents > 2. More generally, using the reasoning for a
broader set and getting the crossover for powelaws of all exponents:
p ↵
2 x2 1+↵
(↵ 2)↵e 2aN a↵ x12 2 ↵↵/2
p p ' ⇥
2⇡ a↵N Beta ↵2 , 12 , ]
since the standard deviation is a ↵
a ↵ (↵ + 1) N W ( )
x!± ± p
(↵ 2) ↵
q ✓p ↵ 1 ↵ 1 ◆ 2
↵ 2
↵ 2↵ 2 4a 2 B( ↵
2 ,2)
(2⇡) ↵+1
a (↵ + 1) N
The normalized cumulant of order n, n is the derivative of the log of the characteristic
function which we convolute N times divided by the second cumulant (i,e., second
This exercise show us how fast an aggregate of N-summed variables become Gaussian,
looking at how quickly the 4th cumulant approaches 0. For instance the Poisson get
there at a speed that depends inversely on ⇤, that is, 1/(N 2 ⇤3 ), while by contrast
an exponential distribution reaches it at a slower rate at higher values of ⇤ since the
cumulant is (3! ⇤2 )/N 2 .
Table 5.1: Table of Normalized Cumulants For Thin Tailed Distributions-Speed of Convergence
(Dividing by ⌃n where n is the order of the cumulant).
⇣ z2 2
⌘ ⇣ ⌘ ⇣ ⌘
1+eiz )
N- N log e izµ 2 N log e( N log iz N log ((1 ibz) a
2 nd Cu- 1 1 1 1
3 rd
0 N
1 2
a b N
3! 2
4 th
0 N2
2 N2
a 2 b2 N 2
5! 4
6 th
0 1
N4 4 N4
a 4 b4 N 4
7! 6
8 th
0 N6
6 N6
a 6 b6 N 6
9! 8
10 th
0 1
N8 8 N8
a 8 b8 N 8
0 ⇣ n o ⌘ 1
p 2X s k p
X s (zH2r+s ) Ys,r (k 1)k 2k 2 k=3
(z 0, )@ p s + 1A
s r
2 s! 2r+ 2
where k is the cumulant of order k. Yn,k (x1 , . . . , x k+n+1 ) is the partial Bell polyno-
mial given by
n ⇣
xs ⌘ ms
X n
··· ⇥ 1[nmn +m1 +2m2 +···=n^mn +m1 +m2 +···=k]
m1 =0 mn =0
· · · m1 ! mn ! s =1
Take for now that the distribution that concerves under summation (that is, stays the
2 12
2 22
p ⇣ ⌘5/2
PDF p ep 2⇡
+ (1 p) ep 2⇡
6 3
⇡(x +3)2
2 12 1
x2 +4
1 2
✓ ◆ ⇣ ⌘
z2 1 2 z2 2 2 p 2
N- N log pe 2 + (1 p)e 2 N log 3 |z| + 1 N log 2 |z| K2 (2 |z|)
convoluted 3 |z|)
2nd 1 1 1
3 rd 0 "fuhgetaboudit" TK
⇣ ⌘
2 2 2
3(1 p)p( 1 2)
4 th ⇣
2 3
⌘ "fuhgetaboudit" "fuhgetaboudit"
N 2 (p 2
1 ( 1+p) 2)
2 2 3
(15( 1+p)p( 1+2p)( ))
6 th 1 2
"fuhgetaboudit" "fuhgetaboudit"
(N 4 (p 12 ( 1+p) 2 5
2 ))
binomials, you end up with a Gaussian, or, more accurately, "converge to the Gaussian
basin of attraction". These distributions are not called "unstable" but they are.
There is a more general class of convergence. Just consider that the Cauchy variables
converges to Cauchy, so the “stability’ has to apply to an entire class of distributions.
Although these lectures are not about mathematical techniques, but about the real
world, it is worth developing some results converning stable distribution in order to prove
some results relative to the effect of skewness and tails on the stability.
Let n be a positive integer, n 2 and X1 , X2 , ..., Xn satisfy some measure of indepen-
dence and are drawn from the same distribution,
i) there exist c n 2 R+ and d n 2 R+ such that
Xi = c n X + dn
where = means “equality” in distribution.
ii) or, equivalently, there exist sequence of i.i.d random variables {Yi }, a real positive
sequence {di } and a real sequence {ai } such that
1 X D
0.08 0.10
0.04 0.05
Figure 5.7: Disturbing the scale of the alpha stable and that of a more natural distribution, the
gamma distribution. The alpha stable does not increase in risks! (risks for us in Chapter x
is defined in thickening of the tails of the distribution). We will see later with “convexification”
how it is rare to have an isolated perturbation of distribution without an increase in risks.
where! means convergence in distribution.
iii) or, equivalently,
The distribution of X has for characteristic function
exp(iµt |t| (1 + 2i /⇡sgn(t) log(|t|))) ↵=1
(t) = ↵ .
exp iµt |t | 1 i tan ⇡↵ 2 sgn(t) ↵ 6= 1
↵ 2(0,2] 2 R+ , 2[-1,1], µ 2 R
Then if either of i), ii), iii) holds, X has the “alpha stable” distribution S(↵, , µ, ),
with designating the symmetry, µ the centrality, and the scale.
Warning: perturbating the skewness of the Levy stable distribution by changing
without affecting the tail exponent is mean preserving, which we will see is unnatural:
the transformation of random variables leads to effects on more than one characteristic
of the distribution. S(↵, , µ, )represents the stable distribution S type with index of
stability ↵, skewness parameter , location parameter µ, and scale parameter .
The Generalized Central Limit Theorem gives sequences
Pn an and bn such that the
distribution of the shifted and rescaled sum Zn = ( i Xi an ) /bn of n i.i.d. random
variates Xi whose distribution function FX (x) has asymptotes 1 cx µ as x-> + 1 and
d( x) µ as x-> 1 weakly converges to the stable distribution S1 (↵, (c d)/(c+d), 0, 1):
P (X > n ) n12 ,
which effectively accommodate power laws but puts a bound on the probability distri-
bution of large deviations –but still significant.
0.01 Α=2.4
2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000
Limits of Sums
Paul Lévy [38], Gnedenko and Kolmogorov [30], Prokhorov [55], [54], Hoeffding[33],
Nagaev[47], [46], Mikosch and Nagaev[43], Nagaev and Pinelis [48]. In the absence of
Cramér conditions, Nagaev [45], Brennan[10], Ramsay[56], Bennet[4].
Also, for dependent summands, Bernstein [5].
Esseen [23], [? ], Doeblin [15], [14], Darling [13], Kolmogorov [36], Rogozin [57], Kesten
[34], Rogogin [58].
D Where Standard Diversification Fails
Real World
of risk
of diversification U
Number of Assets
20 40 60 80 100
Figure D.1: The "diversification effect": difference between promised and delivered. Markowitz
Mean Variance based portfolio construction will stand probably as one of the most empirically
invalid theory ever used in modern times.
This is an analog of the problem with slowness of the law of large number: how a
portfolio can track a general index (speed of convergence) and how high can true volatility
be compared to the observed one (the base line).
E Fat Tails and Random Matrices
[The equivalent of fat tails for matrices. This will be completed, but consider for now
that the 4th moment reaching Gaussian levels (i.e. 3) in the chapter is equivalent to
eigenvalues reaching Wigner’s semicircle. ]
Gaussian !Μ#0,Σ#1"
Figure E.1: Gaussian
p"10 !4 a"9998
Figure E.2: Standard Tail
5." 10 !6
4." 10 !6
3." 10 !6
Figure E.4: Cauchy
2." 10 !6
1." 10 !6
Recall from the Introduction that the best way to figure out if someone is using an
erroneous statistical technique is to use such technique on a dataset for which you have
the answer. The best way to know the exact properties is to generate it by Monte Carlo.
So the technique throughout the chapter is to generate fat-tailed data, the properties of
which we know with precision, and check how such standard and mechanistic methods
detect the true properties, then show the wedge between observed and true properties.
Also recall from Chapter 5 (5.1) that fat tails make it harder for someone to detect
the true properties; for this we need a much, much larger dataset, more rigorous ranking
techniques allowing inference in one direction not another ( Chapter 3), etc. Hence this
chapter is a direct application of the results and rules of Chapter 3.
One often hears the statement "the plural of anecdote is not data", a very, very
representative (but elementary) violation of probability theory. It is very severe in
effect for risk taking. For large deviations, n = 1 is plenty of data. The Cheby-
chev distance, or norm L 1 focuses on the largest measure (also see concentration
functions, maximum of divergence (Lévy, Petrov), or even the standard and ubiqui-
tous Kolmogorov-Smirnoff): looking at the extremum of a time series is not cherry
picking since it is disconfirmatory evidence, the only true evidence one can get in
statistics. Remarkably such people tend to also fall for the opposite mistake, the
"n-large", in thinking that confirmatory observations provide "p-values". All these
Attribute substitution occurs when an individual has to make a judgment (of a target
attribute) that is complicated complex, and instead substitutes a more easily calculated
one. There have been many papers (Kahneman and Tversky [73] , Hoggarth and Soyer,
[62] and comment [64]) showing how statistical researchers overinterpret their own find-
ings, as simplication leads to the fooled by randomness effect.
Dan Goldstein and this author (Goldstein and Taleb [32]) showed how professional
researchers and practitioners substitute normsPin the evaluation
pP of higher order properties
of time series, mistaking kxk1 for kxk2 (or |x| for x ). The common result is
underestimating the randomness of the estimator M , in other words read too much into
p (and, what is worse, underestimation of the tails, since, as we saw in 2.4, the ratio
P 2
|x| increases with "fat-tailedness" to become infinite under tail exponents ↵ 2
). Standard deviation is ususally explained and interpreted as mean deviation. Simply,
people find it easier to imagine that a variation of, say, (-5,+10,-4,-3, 5, 8) in temperature
over successive day needs to be mentally estimated by squaring the numbers, averaging
them, then taking square roots. Instead they just average the absolutes. But, what
is key, they tend to do so while convincing themselves that they are using standard
There is worse. Mindless application of statistical techniques, without knowledge of
the conditional nature of the claims are widespread. But mistakes are often elementary,
like lectures by parrots repeating "N of 1" or "p", or "do you have evidence of?", etc.
Many social scientists need to have a clear idea of the difference between science and
journalism, or the one between rigorous empiricism and anecdotal statements. Science
is not about making claims about a sample, but using a sample to make general claims
and discuss properties that apply outside the sample.
Take M’ (short for MTX (A, f )) the estimator we saw above from the realizations
(a sample path) for some process, and M* the "true" mean that would emanate from
knowledge of the generating process for such variable. When someone announces: "The
crime rate in NYC dropped between 2000 and 2010", the claim is limited M’ the observed
mean, not M ⇤ the true mean, hence the claim can be deemed merely journalistic, not
scientific, and journalists are there to report "facts" not theories. No scientific and
causal statement should be made from M’ on "why violence has dropped" unless one
establishes a link to M* the true mean. M cannot be deemed "evidence" by itself.
Figure 6.1: Q-Q plot" Fitting ex-
treme value theory to data generated
400 by its own process , the rest of course
owing to sample insuficiency for ex-
300 tremely large values, a bias that typ-
ically causes the underestimation of
tails, as the reader can see the points
tending to fall to the right.
What we just saw is at the foundation of statistics (and, it looks like, science).
Bayesians disagree on how M’ converges to M*, etc., never on this point. From his
statements in a dispute with this author concerning his claims about the stability of
modern times based on the mean casualy in the past (Pinker [52]), Pinker seems to be
aware that M’ may have dropped over time (which is a straight equality) and sort of
perhaps we might not be able to make claims on M* which might not have really been
In some areas not involving time series, the differnce between M’ and M* is negligible.
So I rapidly jot down a few rules before showing proofs and derivations (limiting M’ to
the arithmetic mean, that is, M’= MTX (( 1, 1), x)).
Note again that E is the expectation operator under "real-world" probability measure
From the derivations in 5.1, E[| M’ - M* |] increases in with fat-tailedness (the mean
deviation of M* seen from the realizations in different samples of the same process).
In other words, fat tails tend to mask the distributional properties. This is the
immediate result of the problem of convergence by the law of large numbers.
6.3.1 On the difference between the initial (generator) and the "recovered"
(Explanation of the method of generating data from a known distribution and comparing
realized outcomes to expected ones)
6.3.2 Case Study: Pinker [52] Claims On The Stability of the Future Based
on Past Data
When the generating process is power law with low exponent, plenty of confusion can
Casualties !000"
Figure 6.2: First 100 years
(Sample Path): A Monte
Carlo generated realization
of a process for casual-
ties from violent conflict of 2000
the "80/20 or 80/02 style",
that is tail exponent ↵=
1.15 1000
1.4 ! 106
Figure 6.3: The Turkey
Surprise: Now 200 years, 1.2 ! 106
the second 100 years dwarf
1.0 ! 106
the first; these are real-
izations of the exact same 800 000
process, seen with a longer 600 000
window and at a different
400 000
200 000
For instance, Pinker [52] claims that the generating process has a tail exponent ⇠1.16
but made the mistake of drawing quantitative conclusions from it about the mean from
M’ and built theories about drop in the risk of violence that is contradicted by the data
he was showing, since fat tails plus negative skewness/asymmetry= hidden and
underestimated risks of blowup. His study is also missing the Casanova problem
(next point) but let us focus on the error of being fooled by the mean of fat-tailed data.
Figures 6.2 and 6.3 show the realizations of two subsamples, one before, and the
other after the turkey problem, illustrating the inability of a set to naively deliver true
probabilities through calm periods.
The next simulations shows M1, the mean of casualties over the first 100 years across
104 sample paths, and M2 the mean of casualties over the next 100 years.
So clearly it is a lunacy to try to read much into the mean of a power law with 1.15
exponent (and this is the mild case, where we know the exponent is 1.15. Typically
we have an error rate, and the metaprobability discussion in Chapter x will show the
exponent to be likely to be lower because of the possibility of error).
The Cederman graph, Figure 6.7 shows exactly how not to make claims upon observing
200 400 600 800
12 000
10 000
5000 10 000 15 000 20 000 25 000 30 000
Figure 6.6: The same seen with a
1.4 thin-tailed distribution.
1.0 1.5 2.0
Figure 6.7: Cederman 2003, used by Pinker [52] . I wonder if I am dreaming or if the exponent
↵ is really = .41. Chapters x and x show why such inference is centrally flawed, since low
exponents do not allow claims on mean of the variableexcept to say that it is very, very high
and not observable in finite samples. Also, in addition to wrong conclusions from the data, take
for now that the regression fits the small deviations, not the large ones, and that the author
overestimates our ability to figure out the asymptotic slope.
Next we will see how when one hears about the Paretan 80/20 "rule" (or, worse, "prin-
ciple"), it is likely to underestimate the fat tails effect outside some narrow domains. It
can be more like 95/20 or even 99.9999/.0001, or eventually 100/✏. Almost all economic
reports applying power laws for "GINI" (Chapter x) or inequality miss the point. Even
Pareto himself miscalibrated the rule.
As a heuristic, it is always best to assume underestimation of tail measurement. Recall
that we are in a one-tailed situation, hence a likely underestimation of the mean.
Where does this 80/20 business come from?. Assume ↵ the power law tail expo-
nent, and an exceedant probability PX>x = xmin x ↵ , x 2(xmin , 1). Simply, the top p
log(p) log(S)
which means that the exponent will be 1.161 for the 80/20 distribution.
Note that as ↵ gets close to 1 the contribution explodes as it becomes close to infinite
xf (x) dx
↵ 1
3) Hence K ↵
of the population contributes K 1 ↵
=p ↵ of the result
6.4.1 Why the 80/20 Will Be Generally an Error: The Problem of In-
Sample Calibration
Vilfredo Pareto figured out that 20% of the land in Italy was owned by 80% of the
people, and the reverse. He later observed that 20 percent of the peapods in his garden
yielded 80 percent of the peas that were harvested. He might have been right about the
peas; but most certainly wrong about the land.
For fitting in-sample frequencies for a power law does not yield the proper "true" ratio
since the sample is likely to be insufficient. One should fit a powerlaw using extrapolative,
not interpolative techniques, such as methods based on Log-Log plotting or regressions.
These latter methods are more informational, though with a few caveats as they can also
suffer from sample insufficiency.
Data with infinite mean, ↵ 1, will masquerade as finite variance in sample and show
about 80% contribution to the top 20% quantile. In fact you are expected to witness in
finite samples a lower contribution of the top 20%/
Let us see: Figure 6.8. Generate m samples of ↵ =1 data Xj =(xi,j )ni=1
, ordered xi,j
xi 1,j , and examine the distribution of the top ⌫ contribution Zj⌫ = Pi⌫n , with ⌫ 2
in xj
Z 1!5
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
E(M 0 M ⇤) increases under the presence of an absorbing barrier for the process. This
is the Casanova effect, or fallacy of silent evidence see The Black Swan, Chapter 8. (
Fallacy of silent evidence: Looking at history, we do not see the full story, only the
rosier parts of the process, in the Glossary)
History is a single sample path we can model as a Brownian motion, or something
similar with fat tails (say Levy flights). What we observe is one path among many
"counterfactuals", or alternative histories. Let us call each one a "sample path", a
succession of discretely observed states of the system between the initial state S0 and
ST the present state.
Arithmetic process: We can model it as S(t) = S(t t) + Z t where Z t is noise
drawn from any distribution.
Geometric process: We can model it as S(t) = S(t t)eWt typically
⇣ S(t ⌘
t)eµ t+s tZt but Wt can be noise drawn from any distribution. Typically, log S(tS(t)
i t)
is treated as Gaussian, but we can use fatter tails. The convenience of the Gaus-
sian is stochastic
calculus and the ability to skip steps in the process, as S(t)=S(t-
µ t+s tWt
t)e , with Wt ⇠N(0,1), works for all t, even allowing for a single period
to summarize the total.
The Black Swan made the statement that history is more rosy than the "true" history,
that is, the mean of the ensemble of all sample path.
Take an absorbing barrier H as a level that, when reached, leads to extinction, defined
as becoming unobservable or unobserved at period T.
When you observe history of a family of processes subjected to an absorbing barrier,
i.e., you see the winners not the losers, there are biases. If the survival of the entity
depends upon not hitting the barrier, then one cannot compute the probabilities along
Sample Paths
Figure 6.9: Counterfactual histori-
150 cal paths subjected to an absorbing
Barrier H
200 400 600 800 1000
The "true" distribution is the one for all sample paths, the "observed" distribution is
the one of the succession of points (Si t )Ti=1 .
Bias in the measurement of the volatility. The "observed" variance (or mean
deviation) 6 "true" variance
The first two results are well known (see Brown, Goetzman and Ross (1995)). What
I will set to prove here is that fat-tailedness increases the bias.
First, let us pull out the "true" distribution using the reflection principle.
Thus if the barrier is H and we start at S0 then we have two distributions, one f(S),
the other f(S-2( S0 -H))
By the reflection principle, the "observed" distribution p(S) becomes:
f (S) f (S 2 (S0 H)) if S > H
p(S) =
Absorbed Paths
Observed Distribution
Figure 6.11: If you don’t take H
into account the sample paths
that hit the barrier, the observed
distribution seems more posi-
tive, and more stable, than the
"true" one.
!140 !120 !100 !80 !60 !40 !20
The interest aspect of the absorbing barrier (from below) is that it has the same
effect as insufficient sampling of a left-skewed distribution under fat tails. The mean
will look better than it really is.
! ! !
! ! !
! !
0.95 !
P µ
Figure 6.13: Median of Tj=1 MjT in
0.90 !
simulations (106 Monte Carlo runs).
! We can observe the underestima-
tion of the mean of a skewed power
law distribution as ↵ exponent gets
lower. Note that lower values of ↵
imply fatter tails.
! Α
1.5 2.0 2.5
The Power of Extreme Deviations: Under fat tails, large deviations from the mean
are vastly more informational than small ones. They are not "anecdotal". (The last two
properties corresponds to the black swan problem, inherently asymmetric).
We saw the point earlier (with the masquerade problem) in ??.??. The gist is as
follows, worth repeating and applying to this context.
A thin-tailed distribution is less likely to deliver a single large deviation than a fat
tailed distribution a series of long calm periods. Now add negative skewness to the issue,
which makes large deviations negative and small deviations positive, and a large negative
deviation, under skewness, becomes extremely informational.
Mixing the arguments of ??.?? and ??.?? we get:
Asymmetry in Inference: Under both negative [positive] skewness and fat tails,
negative [positive] deviations from the mean are more informational than positive
Fooled by ↵=1. Assume the simplest possible regression model, as follows. Let yi = 0
+ 1 xi + s zi , with Y=(yi )1<in the set of n dependent variables and X= (xi )1<in ,
the independent one; Y, X ✏ R, i ✏ N. The errors zi are independent but drawn from
a standard Cauchy (symmetric, with tail exponent ↵ =1), multiplied by the amplitude
or scale s; we will vary s across the thought experiment (recall that in the absence
and variance and mean deviation we rely on s as a measure of dispersion). Since all
moments are infinite, E[zin ] = 1 for all n 1, we know ex ante that the noise is such
that the "errors" or ’residuals" have infinite means and variances –but the problem is
that in finite samples the property doesn’t show. The sum of squares will be finite.
The next figure shows the effect of a very expected large deviation, as can be expected
Α " 1; s " 5
0.0 R2
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Α"1; s".5
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Arbitraging metrics. For a sample run which, typically, will not have a large devia-
R-squared: 0.994813 (When the "true" R-squared would be 0)
20 40 60 80 100
Figure 6.19: Finite variance but in-
finite kurtosis.
0.00 R2
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
A pervasive attribute substitution: Where X and Y are two random variables, the prop-
erties of X-Y, say the variance, probabilities, and higher order attributes are markedly
different from the difference in properties. So E (X Y ) = E(X) E(Y ) but of course,
V ar(X Y ) 6= V ar(X) V ar(Y ), etc. for higher norms. It means that P-values are
different, and of course the coefficient of variation ("Sharpe"). Where is the Standard
deviation of the variable (or sample):
and his brother-in-law, launched through life. Assume equal odds for each
of good and bad luck. Outcomes: lucky-lucky (no difference between them),
unlucky-unlucky (again, no difference), lucky- unlucky (a large difference be-
tween them), unlucky-lucky (again, a large difference).
Ten years later (2011) it was found that 50% of neuroscience papers (peer-reviewed in
"prestigious journals") that compared variables got it wrong.
In theory, a comparison of two experimental effects requires a statistical test
on their difference. In practice, this comparison is often based on an incorrect
procedure involving two separate tests in which researchers conclude that ef-
fects differ when one effect is significant (P < 0.05) but the other is not (P
> 0.05). We reviewed 513 behavioral, systems and cognitive neuroscience
articles in five top-ranking journals (Science, Nature, Nature Neuroscience,
Neuron and The Journal of Neuroscience) and found that 78 used the correct
procedure and 79 used the incorrect procedure. An additional analysis sug-
gests that incorrect analyses of interactions are even more common in cellular
and molecular neuroscience.
In Nieuwenhuis, S., Forstmann, B. U., & Wagenmakers, E. J. (2011). Erroneous analy-
ses of interactions in neuroscience: a problem of significance. Nature neuroscience, 14(9),
Fooled by Randomness was read by many professionals (to put it mildly); the mistake
is still being made. Ten years from now, they will still be making the mistake.
With economic variables one single observation in 10,000, that is, one single day in 40
years, can explain the bulk of the "kurtosis", a measure of "fat tails", that is, both
a measure how much the distribution under consideration departs from the standard
Gaussian, or the role of remote events in determining the total properties. For the U.S.
stock market, a single day, the crash of 1987, determined 80% of the kurtosis. The same
problem is found with interest and exchange rates, commodities, and other variables.
The problem is not just that the data had "fat tails", something people knew but sort
of wanted to forget; it was that we would never be able to determine "how fat" the tails
were within standard methods. Never.
The implication is that those tools used in economics that are based on squaring
variables (more technically, the Euclidian, or L2 norm), such as standard deviation,
variance, correlation, regression, the kind of stuff you find in textbooks, are not valid
scientifically(except in some rare cases where the variable is bounded). The so-called "p
values" you find in studies have no meaning with economic and financial variables. Even
the more sophisticated techniques of stochastic calculus used in mathematical finance do
not work in economics except in selected pockets.
The results of most papers in economics based on these standard statistical methods
are thus not expected to replicate, and they effectively don’t. Further, these tools invite
foolish risk taking. Neither do alternative techniques yield reliable measures of rare
events, except that we can tell if a remote event is underpriced, without assigning an
exact value. ⇣ ⌘
P (t)
From [65]), using Log returns, Xt ⌘ log P (t i t) , take the measure MtX ( 1, 1), X 4
of the fourth noncentral moment:
1X 4
MtX ( 1, 1), X 4
⌘ X
n i=0 t i t
For a Gaussian (i.e., the distribution of the square of a Chi-square distributed variable)
show Q 104 the maximum contribution should be around .008 ± .0028. Visibly we can
see that the distribution 4th moment has the property
P X > max(x4i )i2n ⇡ P X > x4i
Recall that, naively, the fourth moment expresses the stability of the second moment.
Figure 6.20: Max quartic across se-
Does the past resemble the future in the tails? The following tests are nonparametric,
that is entirely based on empirical probability distributions.
So far we stayed in dimension 1. When we look at higher dimensional properties, such
as covariance matrices, things get worse. We will return to the point with the treatment
Figure 6.21: Kurtosis across
nonoverlapping periods
Monthly Vol
Figure 6.22: Monthly delivered
volatility in the SP500 (as measured
0.6 by standard deviations). The only
structure it seems to have comes
0.4 from the fact that it is bounded at 0.
This is standard.
Vol of Vol
Figure 6.23: Montly volatility of
volatility from the same dataset, pre-
0.10 dictably unstable.
Figure 6.24: Comparing M[t-1, t]
and M[t,t+1], where ⌧ = 1year, 252 0.003
days, for macroeconomic data us-
ing extreme deviations, A= (-1 ,-
2 standard deviations (equivalent)], 0.002
f(x) = x (replication of data from
The Fourth Quadrant, Taleb, 2009) 0.001
0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004
Figure 6.25: The "regular" is predic-
tive of the regular, that is mean de- 0.020
viation. Comparing M[t] and M[t+1
year] for macroeconomic data us- 0.015
ing regular deviations, A= (-1 ,1),
f(x)= |x|
0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030
f(x) = x
0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005
When xt are now in RN , the problems of sensitivity to changes in the covariance matrix
makes the estimator M extremely unstable. Tail events for a vector are vastly more
difficult to calibrate, and increase in dimensions.
Figure 6.27: Correlations are also problematic, which flows from the instability of single vari-
ances and the effect of multiplication of the values of random variables.
Peso problem. : Note that many researchers [CITATION] invoke "outliers" or "peso
problem" as acknowledging fat tails, yet ignore them analytically (outside of Poisson
models that we will see are not possible to calibrate except after the fact). Our approach
here is exactly the opposite: do not push outliers under the rug, rather build everything
around them. In other words, just like the FAA and the FDA who deal with safety
by focusing on catastrophe avoidance, we will throw away the ordinary under the rug
and retain extremes as the sole sound approach to risk management. And this extends
beyond safety since much of the analytics and policies that can be destroyed by tail
events are unusable.
The four aspects of what we will call the nonreplicability issue, particularly for mesures
that are in the tails. These are briefly presented here and developed more technically
throughout the book:
a- Definition of statistical rigor (or Pinker Problem). The idea that an estima-
tor is not about fitness to past data, but related to how it can capture future realizations
of a process seems absent from the discourse. Much of econometrics/risk management
methods do not meet this simple point and the rigor required by orthodox, basic statis-
tical theory.
b- Statistical argument on the limit of knowledge of tail events. Problems of
replicability are acute for tail events. Tail events are impossible to price owing to the
limitations from the size of the sample. Naively rare events have little data hence what
estimator we may have is noisier.
c- Mathematical argument about statistical decidability. No probability with-
out metaprobability. Metadistributions matter more with tail events, and with fat-tailed
1. The soft problem: we accept the probability distribution, but the imprecision in
the calibration (or parameter errors) percolates in the tails.
2. The hard problem (Taleb and Pilpel, 2001, Taleb and Douady, 2009): We need to
specify an a priori probability distribution from which we depend, or alternatively,
propose a metadistribution with compact support.
3. Both problems are bridged in that a nested stochastization of standard deviation
(or the scale of the parameters) for a Gaussian turn a thin-tailed distribution into a
power law (and stochastization that includes the mean turns it into a jump-diffusion
6.13. CONCLUSION 149
6.13 Conclusion
This chapter introduced the problem of "surprises" from the past of time series, and
the invalidity of a certain class of estimators that seem to only work in-sample. Before
examining more deeply the mathematical properties of fat-tails, let us look at some
practical aspects.
F On the Instability of Econometric Data
K (10) Quar- Years
(1) (66)
6.3 3.8 2.9 0.12 22.
7.5 6.2 3.5 0.08 25.
TB 10y
Australia TB
7.5 5.4 4.2 0.06 21.
BeanOil 5.5 7.0 4.9 0.11 47.
Bonds 30Y 5.6 4.7 3.9 0.02 32.
Bovespa 24.9 5.0 2.3 0.27 16.
6.9 7.4 5.3 0.05 38.
CAC40 6.5 4.7 3.6 0.05 20.
Canadian Dol-
7.4 4.1 3.9 0.06 38.
Cocoa NY 4.9 4.0 5.2 0.04 47.
Coffee NY 10.7 5.2 5.3 0.13 37.
Copper 6.4 5.5 4.5 0.05 48.
Corn 9.4 8.0 5.0 0.18 49.
Crude Oil 29.0 4.7 5.1 0.79 26.
CT 7.8 4.8 3.7 0.25 48.
DAX 8.0 6.5 3.7 0.20 18.
Euro Bund 4.9 3.2 3.3 0.06 18.
Euro Cur-
rency/DEM 5.5 3.8 2.8 0.06 38.
41.5 28.0 6.0 0.31 19.
Depo 1M
21.1 8.1 7.0 0.25 28.
Depo 3M
FTSE 15.2 27.4 6.5 0.54 25.
Gold 11.9 14.5 16.6 0.04 35.
xi xi
10 0 i
0 i !100
Figure 7.1: Comparing digital payoff (left) to the variable (right). The vertical payoff shows xi ,
(x1 , x2 , ...) and the horizontal shows the index i= (1,2,...), as i can be time, or any other form
of classification. We assume in the first case payoffs of {-1,1}, and open-ended (or with a very
remote and unknown bounds) in the second.
and those that have varying payoffs, which we call standard, multi-payoff (or
"variables"). Real world exposures tend to belong to the multi-payoff cate-
gory, and are poorly captured by binaries. Yet much of the economics and
decision making literature confuses the two. variables exposures are sensitive
to Black Swan effects, model errors, and prediction problems, while the bina-
ries are largely immune to them. The binaries are mathematically tractable,
while the variables are much less so. Hedging variables exposures with bi-
nary bets can be disastrous–and because of the human tendency to engage in
attribute substitution when confronted by difficult questions,decision-makers
and researchers often confuse the variable for the binary.
Binary: Binary predictions and exposures are about well defined discrete events, with
yes/no types of answers, such as whether a person will win the election, a single individual
will die, or a team will win a contest. We call them binary because the outcome is either
0 (the event does not take place) or 1 (the event took place), that is the set {0,1} or the
set {aL , aH }, with aL < aH any two discrete and exhaustive values for the outcomes.
For instance, we cannot have five hundred people winning a presidential election. Or a
single candidate running for an election has two exhaustive outcomes: win or lose.
Standard: “variable” predictions and exposures, also known as natural random vari-
ables, correspond to situations in which the payoff is continuous and can take several
values. The designation “variable” originates from definitions of financial contracts1 ; it
is fitting outside option trading because the exposures they designate are naturally oc-
curring continuous variables, as opposed to the binary that which tend to involve abrupt
institution-mandated discontinuities. The variables add a layer of complication: profits
1 The “vanilla” designation comes from option exposures that are open-ended as opposed to the binary
for companies or deaths due to terrorism or war can take many, many potential values.
You can predict the company will be “profitable”, but the profit could be $1 or $10
There is a variety of exposures closer to the variables, namely bounded exposures that
we can subsume mathematically into the binary category.
The main errors are as follows.
• Binaries always belong to the class of thin-tailed distributions, because of bound-
edness, while the variabless don’t. This means the law of large numbers operates
very rapidly there. Extreme events wane rapidly in importance: for instance, as
we will see further down in the discussion of the Chernoff bound, the probability
of a series of 1000 bets to diverge more than 50% from the expected average is less
than 1 in 1018 , while the variables can experience wilder fluctuations with a high
probability, particularly in fat-tailed domains. Comparing one to another can be a
• The research literature documents a certain class of biases, such as "dread risk"
or "long shot bias", which is the overestimation of some classes of rare events,
but derived from binary variables, then falls for the severe mathematical mitake
of extending the result to variables exposures. If ecological exposures in the real
world tends to have variables, not binary properties, then much of these results are
Let us return to the point that the variations of variables are not bounded, or have a
remote boundary. The consequence is that the prediction of the variable is marred by
Black Swan effects and need to be considered from such a viewpoint. For instance, a
few prescient observers saw the potential for war among the Great Power of Europe in
the early 20th century but virtually everyone missed the second dimension: that the war
would wind up killing an unprecedented twenty million persons, setting the stage for
both Soviet communism and German fascism and a war that would claim an additional
60 million, followed by a nuclear arms race from 1945 to the present, which might some
day claim 600 million lives.
Without going through specific identifying biases, Table 1 shows the effect of the error
across domains. We are not saying that the bias does not exist; rather that, if the error
is derived in a binary environment, or one with a capped payoff, it does not port outside
the domain in which it was derived.
In short, the variable has another dimension, the payoff, in addition to the probability,
while the binary is limited to the probability. Ignoring this additional dimension is
equivalent to living in a 3-D world but discussing it as if it were 2-D, promoting the
Now the Black Swan problem has been misunderstood. We are saying neither that
there must be more volatility in our complexified world nor that there must be more
outliers. Indeed, we may well have fewer such events but it has been shown that, under
the mechanisms of “fat tails”, their “impact” gets larger and larger and more and more
unpredictable. The main cause is globalization and the spread of winner-take-all effects
across variables (just think of the Google effect), as well as effect of the increased physical
and electronic connectivity in the world, causing the weakening of “island effect” a well
established fact in ecology by which isolated areas tend to have more varieties of species
per square meter than larger ones. In addition, while physical events such as earthquakes
and tsunamis may not have changed much in incidence and severity over the last 65
million years (when the dominant species on our planet, the dinosaurs, had a very bad
day), their effect is compounded by interconnectivity.
So there are two points here.
Binary predictions are more tractable than standard ones. First, binary pre-
dictions tend to work; we can learn to be pretty good at making them (at least on short
timescales and with rapid accuracy feedback that teaches us how to distinguish signals
from noise —all possible in forecasting tournaments as well as in electoral forecasting
— see Silver, 2012). Further, these are mathematically tractable: your worst mistake is
bounded, since probability is defined on the interval between 0 and 1. But the appli-
cations of these binaries tend to be restricted to manmade things, such as the world of
games (the “ludic” domain).
It is important to note that, ironically, not only do Black Swan effects not impact the
binaries, but they even make them more mathematically tractable, as will see further
Binary predictions are often taken as a substitute for standard ones. Sec-
ond, most non-decision makers tend to confuse the binary and the variable. And well-
intentioned efforts to improve performance in binary prediction tasks can have the un-
intended consequence of rendering us oblivious to catastrophic variable exposure.
The confusion can be traced to attribute substitution and the widespread tendency to
replace difficult-to-answer questions with much-easier-to-answer ones. For instance, the
extremely-difficult-to-answer question might be whether China and the USA are on an
historical trajectory toward a rising-power/hegemon confrontation with the potential to
claim far more lives than the most violent war thus far waged (say 10X more the 60M
who died in World War II). The much-easier-binary-replacement questions —the sorts
of questions likely to pop up in forecasting tournaments or prediction markets — might
be whether the Chinese military kills more than 10 Vietnamese in the South China Sea
or 10 Japanese in the East China Sea in the next 12 months or whether China publicly
announces that it is restricting North Korean banking access to foreign currency in the
next 6 months.
The nub of the conceptual confusion is that although predictions and payoffs are
completely separate mathematically, both the general public and researchers are un-
der constant attribute-substitution temptation of using answers to binary questions as
Remark:More technically, for a heavy tailed distribution (defined as part of the subexpo-
nential family, see Taleb 2013), with at least one unbounded side to the random variable
(one-tailedness), the variable prediction record over a long series will be of the same or-
der as the best or worst prediction, whichever in largest in absolute value, while no single
outcome can change the record of the binary.
Another way to put the point: to achieve the reputation of “Savior of Western civiliza-
tion,”a politician such as Winston Churchill needed to be right on only one super-big
smaller errors that politician made (e.g. Gallipoli, gold standard, autonomy for India).
Churchill could have a terrible Brier score (binary accuracy) and a wonderful reputation
(albeit one that still pivots on historical counterfactuals).
Finally, one of the authors wrote an entire book (Taleb, 1997) on the hedging and
mathematical differences between binary and variable. When he was an option trader,
he realized that binary options have nothing to do with variable options, economically
and mathematically. Seventeen years later people are still making the mistake.
!4 !2 2 4
Figure 7.2: Fatter and fatter tails: different values for a. Note that higher peak implies a lower
probability of leaving the ±1 tunnel
The Generalized Payoff Function. We have a variable, with its own statistical prop-
erties. The exercise consists in isolating the payoff, or "derivative" from such a variable,
as the payoff will itself be a random variable with its own statistical properties. In this
case we call S the primitive, or variable under consideration, and the derived payoff.
Let us stay in dimension 1.
Let be a family the one-dimensional payoff functions { i }3i=0 indexed by i the degree
of complexity, considered as of time t0 over a certain horizon t 2 R+ , for a variable
S 2 D = (d , d+ ), the upper bound d+ 0 and lower bound d 0, with initial value
St0 and value St at time of the Rpayoff. Where (.) is the Dirac delta function satisfying
(x) = 0 for x 2 D , x 6= 0 and D (x) dx = 1, let I be an indicator function 2 {1, 1},
q the size of the exposure, and P a constant(set at time t0 ) (meant to represent the inital
outlay, investment, or exposure).
Level 0, The Building Block of All Payoffs. For i = 0 we get the elementary secu-
rity, also called "atomic" Arrow-Debreu security, "state price density", or "butterfly":
t0 ,t (St , K) ⌘ (K St )
8 Z St
> 0
if I = 1 , d = d and K
> t0 ,t (x, K) dx d
< d
t0 ,t (St , K, I, d) ⌘ (7.1)
> Z d+
> 0
: t0 ,t (x, K) dx if I = 1 & , d = d+ and K < d
which can be expressed as the Heaviside ✓ function: ✓(St K) and ✓(K St ), respectively.
By Combining q(I 1
t0 ,t (St , K, I, d) I P ) we get all possible binary payoffs in D, as
seen in 7.3.
!10 !5 5 10
8 Z St
> 1
> t0 ,t (x, K, . . .) dx
> Z d St
> 1
< t0 ,t (x, K, . . .) dx
t0 ,t (St , K, I, d) ⌘
Zdd+ (7.2)
> 1
> t0 ,t (x, K, . . .) dx
> ZSdt +
> 1
"2 , I "2 , II
6 10
5 8
4 6
1 2
St St
!5 5 !5 5
Chernoff Bound. The binary is subjected to very tight bounds. Let ( Xi )1<in bea
sequence independent Bernouilli trials taking
P values in the set {0, 1}, with P(X = 1]) = p
and P(X = 0) = 1 p, Take the sum Sn = 1<in Xi . with expectation E(Sn )= np = µ.
Taking as a “distance from the mean”, the Chernoff bounds gives:
For any > 0
✓ ◆µ
P(S (1 + )µ)
(1 + )1+
Let us compute the probability of coin flips n of having 50% higher than the true mean,
µ 2
with p= 12 and µ = n2 : P S 3 n
2 2 2e
3 =e n/24
Fatter tails lower the probability of remote events (the binary) and raise the
value of the variable.
The following intuitive exercise will illustrate what happens when one conserves the vari-
ance of a distribution, but “fattens the tails” by increasing the kurtosis. The probability
of a certain type of intermediate and large deviation drops, but their impact increases.
Counterintuitively, the possibility of staying within a band increases.
Let x be a standard Gaussian random variable with mean 0 (with no loss of generality)
and standard deviation . ⇣ Let ⌘ P>1 be the probability of exceeding one standard
deviation. P>1 = 1 2 erfc
1 p1
, where erfc is the complementary error function,
so P>1 = P<1 '15.86% and the probability of staying within the “stability tunnel”
Let us fatten the tail in a variance-preserving manner, using the “barbell” standard
p of linear combination
p of two Gaussians with two standard deviations separated
by 1 + a and 1 a , a 2(0,1), where a is the “vvol” (which is variance preserving,
technically of no big effect here, as a standard deviation-preserving spreading gives the
same qualitative result). Such a method leads to the immediate raising of the standard
E( x 4 )
Kurtosis by 1 + a2 since E(x2 )2 = 3 a2 + 1 , where E is the expectation operator.
P >1 = P<1
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆ (7.3)
1 1 1 1
=1 erfc p p erfc p p
2 2 1 a 2 2 a+1
So then, for different values of a in Eq. 1 as we can see in Figure 2, the probability of
staying inside 1 sigma rises, “rare” events become less frequent.
Note that this example was simplified for ease of argument. In q fact the “tunnel”
inside of which fat tailedness increases probabilities is between 1
2 5 17 and
q p
2 5 17 (even narrower than 1 in the example, as it numerically corresponds
q p
to the area between -.66 and .66), and the outer one is ± 12 5 + 17 , that is the
area beyond ±2.13 .
The law of large numbers works better with the binary than the variable
Getting a bit more technical, the law of large numbers works much faster for the binary
than the variable (for which it may never work, see Taleb, 2013). The more convex
the payoff, the more observations one needs to make a reliable inference. The idea
is as follows, as can be illustrated by an extreme example of very tractable binary and
intractable variable.
Let xt be the realization of the random variable X 2 (-1, 1) at period t, which follows
a Cauchy distribution with p.d.f. f (xt )⌘ ⇡((x0 11)2 +1) . Let us set x0 = 0 to simplify and
make the exposure symmetric around R 10. The variable exposure maps to the variable
xt and has an expectation E (xt ) = 1 xt f (x)dx, which is undefined (i.e., will never
converge to a fixed value). A bet at x0 has a payoff mapped by as a Heaviside Theta
Function ✓>x0 (xt ) Rpaying 1 if xt > x0 and
R10 otherwise. The expectation of the payoff is
simply E(✓(x)) = 1 ✓>x0 (x)f (x)dx= x0 f (x)dx, which is simply P (x > 0). So long
as a distribution exists, the binary exists and is Bernouilli distributed with probability
of success and failure p and 1—p respectively .
The irony is that the payoff of a bet on a Cauchy, admittedly the worst possible distri-
bution to work with since it lacks both mean and variance, can be mapped by a Bernouilli
distribution, about the most tractable of the distributions. In this case the variable is
the hardest thing to estimate, and the binary is the easiest thing to estimate.
Set Sn = n1 i=1 xtiPthe average payoff of a variety of variable bets xti across peri-
ods ti , and S ✓ n = 1 ✓>x0 (xti ). No matter how large n, limn!1 S ✓ n has the
More, generally, for the class of heavy tailed distributions, in a long time series, the sum
is of the same order as the maximum, which cannot be the case for the binary:
P (X > i=1 xti )
lim ⇣ ⌘ =1 (7.4)
P X > max (xti )i2n
expected payoff of variable, B is that of the binary, K is the “strike” equivalent for the
bet level, and with x2[1, 1) let p↵ (x) be the density of the Pareto distribution with
minimum value 1 and tail exponent ↵, so p↵ (x) ⌘ ↵x ↵ 1 .
Set the binary at .02, that is, a 2% probability of exceeding a certain number K,
corresponds to an ↵=1.2275 and a K=24.2, so the binary is expressed as B (1.2, 24.2).
Let us perturbate ↵, the tail exponent, to double the probability from .02 to .04. The
result is B(1.01,24.2) V (1.01,24.2)
B(1.2,24.2) = 2. The corresponding effect on the variable is V (1.2,24.2) = 37.4.
In this case the variable was ⇠18 times more sensitive than the binary.
Bruno Dupire, Raphael Douady, Daniel Kahneman, Barbara Mellers, Peter Ayton.
With the Central Limit Theorem: we start with a distribution and, under some condi-
tions, end with a Gaussian. The opposite is more likely to be true. We start with a
Gaussian and under error rates we end with a fat-tailed distribution.
Unlike with the Bayesian compounding the:
1. Numbers of recursions
2. Structure of the error of the error (declining, flat, multiplicative or additive)
determine the final moments and the type of distribution.
Note that historically, derivations of power laws have been statistical (cumulative
advantage, preferential attachment, winner-take-all effects, criticality), and the proper-
ties derived by Yule, Mandelbrot, Zipf, Simon, Bak, and others result from structural
conditions or breaking the independence assumptions in the sums of random variables
allowing for the application of the central limit theorem. This work is entirely epistemic,
based on the projection of standard philosophical doubts into the future, in addition to
!a1 # 1" Σ
!1 " a1 " Σ
Figure 8.1: Three levels of multiplicative relative error rates for the standard deviation , with
(1 ± an ) the relative error on an 1
Take a standard probability distribution, say the Gaussian. The measure of dispersion,
here , is estimated, and we need to attach some measure of dispersion around it. The
uncertainty about the rate of uncertainty, so to speak, or higher order parameter, similar
to what called the “volatility of volatility” in the lingo of option operators –here it would
be “uncertainty rate about the uncertainty rate”. And there is no reason to stop there:
we can keep nesting these uncertainties into higher orders, with the uncertainty rate of
the uncertainty rate of the uncertainty rate, and so forth. There is no reason to have
certainty anywhere in the process.
Note that unless one stops the branching at an early stage, all the results raise small
probabilities (in relation to their remoteness; the more remote the event, the worse the
1. Under the first regime of proportional constant (or increasing) recursive layers
of uncertainty about rates of uncertainty expressed as standard deviation, the
distribution converges to a power law with infinite variance, even when one starts
with a standard Gaussian.
2. Under the same first regime, expressing uncertainty about uncertainty in terms of
variance, the distribution converges to a power law with finite variance but infinite
(or undefined) higher moments.
3. Under the other regime, where the errors are decreasing (proportionally) for higher
order errors, the ending distribution becomes fat-tailed but in a benign way as
it retains its finite variance attribute (as well as all higher moments), allowing
convergence to Gaussian under Central Limit.
We manage to set a boundary between these two regimes.
In both regimes the use of a thin-tailed distribution is not warranted unless higher order
errors can be completely eliminated a priori.
We start with the case of a Gaussian and focus the uncertainty on the assumed standard
deviation. Define (µ, ,x) as the Gaussian PDF for value x with mean µ and standard
deviation .
A 2nd order stochastic standard deviation is the integral of across values of 2 R+ ,
under the measure f (¯ , 1 , ) , with 1 its scale parameter (our approach to trach the
error of the error), not necessarily its standard deviation; the expected value of 1 is 1 .
Z 1
f (x)1 = (µ, , x)f (¯ , 1, )d
Z 1 Z 1
f (x)N = ... (µ, , x)f (¯ , 1, )
0 0
f( 1, 2, 1 ) ...f ( N 1, N, N 1) d d 1 d 2 ... d N (8.1)
The problem is that this approach is parameter-heavy and requires the specifications
of the subordinated distributions (in finance, the lognormal has been traditionally used
for 2 (or Gaussian for the ratio Log[ t2 ] since the direct use of a Gaussian allows for
negative values). We would need to specify a measure f for each layer of error rate.
Instead this can be approximated by using the mean deviation for , as we will see next1 .
1A well developed technique for infinite Gaussian cumulants, now, is the Wiener Chaos expansion
There are quite effectiveR simplifications to capture the convexity, the ratio of (or difference
between) (µ, ,x) and 0 (µ, , x)f (¯ , 1 , ) d (the first order standard deviation) by
using a weighted average of values of , say, for a simple case of one-order stochastic
(1 ± a1 )
with 0 a1 < 1, where a1 is the proportional mean absolute deviation for , in other
word the measure of the absolute error rate for . We use 12 as the probability of each
state. Such a method does not aim at preserving the variance as in standard stochastic
volatility modeling, rather the STD.
Thus the distribution using the first order stochastic standard deviation can be ex-
pressed as:
✓ ◆
f (x)1 = (µ, (1 + a1 ), x) + (µ, (1 a1 ), x) (8.2)
Now assume uncertainty about the error rate a1 , expressed by a2 , in the same manner
as before. Thus, as a first method, the multiplicative effect, in place of 1 ± a1 we
have (1 ± a1 )(1 ± a2 ). Later we will use the non-multiplicative (or, rather, weakly
multiplicative) error expansion (1 ± (a1 (1 ± (a2 (1 ± a3 ( ...))).
The second order stochastic standard deviation:
✓ ◆
f (x)2 = µ, (1 + a1 )(1 + a2 ), x +
✓ ◆ !
⇣ ⌘
µ, (1 a1 )(1 + a2 ), x) + (µ, (1 + a1 )(1 a2 ), x + µ, (1 a1 )(1 a2 ), x
1 X
f (x)N = N (µ, MiN , x)
2 i=1
and Ti,j the element of ith line and j th column of the matrix of the exhaustive com-
bination of n-Tuples of the set { 1, 1},that is the sequences of n length (1, 1, 1, ...)
!6 !4 !2 2 4 6
for N=3,
0 1
1 1 1
B 1 1 1 C
B 1 1 1 C
B 1 1 1 C
T =B
B 1 1 1 C
B 1 1 1 C
@ 1 1 1 A
1 1 1
0 1
(1 a1 ) (1 a2 ) (1 a3 )
B (1 a1 ) (1 a2 ) (a3 + 1) C
B (1 a1 ) (a2 + 1) (1 a3 ) C
B (1 a1 ) (a2 + 1) (a3 + 1) C
M3 = B
B (a1 + 1) (1 a2 ) (1 a3 ) C
B (a1 + 1) (1 a2 ) (a3 + 1) C
@ (a1 + 1) (a2 + 1) (1 a3 ) A
(a1 + 1) (a2 + 1) (a3 + 1)
The Final Mixture Distribution. The mixture weighted average distribution (recall
that is the ordinary Gaussian PDF with mean µ, std for the random variable x ).
Assume that a1 = a2 = ...an = a, i.e. the case of flat proportional error rate a. The
Matrix M collapses into a conventional binomial tree for the dispersion at the level N.
N ✓
X ◆
f (x|µ, , N ) = 2 µ, (a + 1)j (1 a)N j
,x (8.4)
Because of the linearity of the sums, when a is constant, we can use the binomial
distribution as weights for the moments (note again the artificial effect of constraining
the first moment µ in the analysis to a set, certain, and known a priori ).
M1 (N ) = µ
M2 (N ) = 2 a2 + 1 + µ2
2 N
M3 (N ) = 3 µ a2 + 1 + µ3
M4 (N ) = 6 µ2 2
a2 + 1 + µ4 + 3 a4 + 6a2 + 1 4
M1 (N ) = 0
N 2
M2 (N ) = a2 + 1
M3 (N ) = 0
N 4
M4 (N ) = 3 a4 + 6a2 + 1
M5 (N ) = 0
N 6
M6 (N ) = 15 a6 + 15a4 + 15a2 + 1
M7 (N ) = 0
M8 (N ) = 105 a8 + 28a6 + 70a4 + 28a2 + 1 8
Note again the oddity that in spite of the explosive nature of higher moments, the
expectation of the absolute value of x is both independent of
q a and N, since the
perturbations of do not affect the first absolute moment = ⇡2 (that is, the initial
assumed ). The situation would be different under addition of x.
Every recursion multiplies the variance of the process by ( 1 + a2 ). The process is
similar to a stochastic volatility model, with the standard deviation (not the variance)
following a lognormal distribution, the volatility of which grows with M, hence will reach
a" , N"0,5,10,25,50
Log Pr!x"
Figure 8.3: LogLog Plot of the prob-
ability of exceeding x showing power
law-style flattening as N rises. Here
all values of a= 1/10
Log x
1.5 2.0 3.0 5.0 7.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 30.0
8.2.2 Consequences
For a constant a > 0, and in the more general case with variable a where an an 1,
the moments explode.
• Even the smallest value of a >0, since 1 + a2 is unbounded, leads to the second
moment going to infinity (though not the first) when N! 1. So something as small
as a .001% error rate will still lead to explosion of moments and invalidation of the
use of the class of L2 distributions.
• In these conditions, we need to use power laws for epistemic reasons, or, at least,
distributions outside the L2 norm, regardless of observations of past data.
Note that we need an a priori reason (in the philosophical sense) to cutoff the N
somewhere, hence bound the expansion of the second moment.
Convergence to power law would require the following from the limit distribution. Where
P>x is short for P (X > x), P>x = L(x) x ↵ and L(x) is a slowly varying function.
We know from the behavior of moments that, if convergence is satisfied, ↵⇤ 2 (1, 2).
We can have a visual idea with the Log-Log plot (Figure 8.3) how, at higher orders of
stochastic volatility, with equally proportional stochastic coefficient, (where a1 = a2 =
... = an = 10 ) the density approaches that of a power law, as shown in flatter density on
the LogLog plot. The probabilities keep rising in the tails as we add layers of uncertainty
until they seem to reach the boundary of the power law, while ironically the first moment
remains invariant.
The same effect takes place as a increases towards 1, as at the limit the tail exponent
@ log f (x|µ, ,N )
↵(x, N ) = 1 @ log(x)
x 1 (N )
↵(x, N ) = 1 (8.5)
2 (N )
1 (N ) = x(a + 1) (1 a)3j 3K
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
K 1 2 2j 2j 2K
exp x (a + 1) (1 a)
j 2
2 (N ) = (a + 1) (1 a)j K
✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
K 1 2 2j
exp x (a + 1) (1 a)2j 2K
j 2
Making the variable continuous (binomial as ratio of gamma functions) makes it equiv-
alent, at large N , to:
x(1 a)N 1 (N )
↵(x, N ) = 1 p (8.6)
2 2 (N )
x(a + 1) 3y (N + 1)(1 a)3(y N)
⇤1 (N ) =
0 (y + 1) (N y + 1)
✓ ◆
1 2 2y 2y 2N
exp x (a + 1) (1 a) dy
⇣ ⌘y
Z N 2
1 (N + 1)
⇤2 (N ) = p
0 2 (y + 1) (N y + 1)
✓ ◆
1 2 2y 2y 2N
exp x (a + 1) (1 a) dy
Next we measure the effect on the thickness of the tails. The obvious effect is the rise of
small probabilities.
Take the exceedant probability,that is, the probability of exceeding K, given N, for
parameter a constant:
X ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆
N 1 N K
P > K|N = 2 erfc p (8.7)
j 2 (a + 1)j (1 a)N j
Rz t2
where erfc(.) is the complementary of the error function, 1-erf(.), erf(z) = p2
⇡ 0
e dt
Convexity effect. The next two tables shows the ratio of exceedant probability under
different values of N divided by the probability in the case of a standard Gaussian.
Table 8.1: Case of a = 1
P >3,N P >5,N P >10,N
N P >3,N =0 P >5,N =0 P >10,N =0
5 1.01724 1.155 7
10 1.0345 1.326 45
15 1.05178 1.514 221
20 1.06908 1.720 922
25 1.0864 1.943 3347
M1 (N ) = µ
M2 (N ) = µ2 + 2
M3 (N ) = µ3 + 3 2 µ
M4 (N ) = 3 4 a2 + 1 + µ4 + 6µ2 2
Hence ↵ 2 (3, 4)
a1 # 1 Σ
1 " a1 Σ
M2 (2) = a21 + 1 2
a21 2
With N =3,
M2 (3) = 1 + a21 1+ 2 2
a1 1+ 4 2
2 2 2 2i
QN 1
We can reexpress ( 8.8) using the Q-Pochhammer symbol (a; q)N = i=1 1 aq i
M2 (N ) = a21 ; 2
2 2
2 ; 2 a21 ; 2
lim M2 (N ) = 2
N !1 ( 2 1) ( 2 + 1)
M4 (N ) = 3 6a21 2i
+ a41 4i
⇣⇣ p ⌘ ⌘
M4 (N ) = 3 2 2 3 a21 ; 2
⇣ ⇣ p ⌘ 2 ⌘
3 + 2 2 a1 ; N (8.9)
⇣⇣ p ⌘ ⌘
lim M4 (N ) = 3 2 2 3 a21 ; 2
N !1 1
⇣ ⇣ p ⌘ ⌘
3 + 2 2 a21 ; 2
1 (8.10)
So the limiting second moment for =.9 and a_1=.2 is just 1.28 2 , a significant but
relatively benign convexity bias. The limiting fourth moment is just 9.88 4 , more than
3 times the Gaussian’s (3 4 ), but still finite fourth moment. For small values of a and
values of close to 1, the fourth moment collapses to that of a Gaussian.
Assume a1 = a2 = . . . = aN
P (x, µ, , N ) = f x, µ, 1 + TN .AN i
L i=1
AN = a j j=1,...N
M1 (N ) = µ
M2 (N ) = µ2 + 2
4 2 2
M4 (N ) = µ + 12µ + 12 a2i
At the limit:
12 2
lim M4 (N ) = 2
+ µ4 + 12µ2
N !1 1 a
which is very mild.
Note that it is hard to escape higher order uncertainties, even outside of the use of
counterfactual: even when sampling from a conventional population, an error rate can
come from the production of information (such as: is the information about the sample
size correct? is the information correct and reliable?), etc. These higher order errors exist
and could be severe in the event of convexity to parameters, but they are qualitatively
different with forecasts concerning events that have not taken place yet.
This discussion is about an epistemic situation that is markedly different from a
sampling problem as treated conventionally by the statistical community, particularly
the Bayesian one. In the classical case of sampling by Gosset ("Student", 1908) from a
normal distribution with an unknown variance (Fisher, 1925), the Student T Distribu-
tion (itself a power law) arises for the estimated mean since the square of the variations
(deemed Gaussian) will be Chi-square distributed. The initial situation is one of rela-
degrees of freedom (from an increase in sample size) rapidly shrink the tails involved in
the underlying distribution.
The case here is the exact opposite, as we have an a priori approach with no data:
we start with a known priorly estimated or "guessed" standard deviation, but with an
unknown error on it expressed as a spread of branching outcomes, and, given the a priori
aspect of the exercise, we have no sample increase helping us to add to the information
and shrink the tails. We just deal with nested counterfactuals.
Note that given that, unlike the Gosset’s situation, we have a finite mean (since we
don’t hold it to be stochastic and know it a priori) hence we necessarily end in a situation
of finite first moment (hence escape the Cauchy distribution), but, as we will see, a more
complicated second moment. 2 3
2 See the discussion of the Gosset and Fisher approach in Chapter 2 of Mosteller and Tukey [44].
9 On the Difficulty of Risk
Parametrization With Fat Tails
We saw the shortcomings of parametric and nonparametric methods so far. What are
left are power laws; they are a nice way to look at the world, but we can never really
get to know the exponent ↵, for a spate of reasons we will see later (the concavity of
the exponent to parameter uncertainty). Suffice for now to say that the same analysis
on exponents yields a huge in-sample variance and that tail events are very sensitive to
small changes in the exponent.
For instance, for a broad set of stocks over subsamples, using a standard estimation
method (the Hill estimator), we get subsamples of securities. Simply, the variations are
too large for a reliable computation of probabilities, which can vary by > 2 orders of
magnitude. And the effect on the mean of these probabilities is large since they are way
out in the tails.
The way to see the response to small changes in tail exponent with probability: con-
sidering P>K ⇠ K ↵ , the sensitivity to the tail exponent @P@↵
= K ↵ log(K).
Now the point that probabilities are sensitive to assumptions brings us back to the
Black Swan problem. One might wonder, the change in probability might be large in
percentage, but who cares, they may remain small. Perhaps, but in fat tailed domains,
the event multiplying the probabilities is large. In life, it is not the probability that
matters, but what one does with it, such as the expectation or other moments, and the
1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
Figure 9.1: The effect of small changes in tail exponent on a probability of exceeding a certain
point. To the left, a histogram of possible tail exponents across >4 103 variables. To the right
the probability, probability of exceeding 7 times the scale of a power law ranges from 1 in 10 to
1 in 350. For further in the tails the effect is more severe.
For all powerlaws, when K is large, with ↵ > 1, the unconditional shortfall S+ = K x (x)dx
and S 1
x (x)dx approximate to ↵↵ 1 K ↵+1 and - ↵↵ 1 K ↵+1 , which are extremely
@S+ K1 ↵
((↵ 1)↵ log(K)+1)
sensitive to ↵ particularly at higher levels of K, @↵ = (↵ 1)2 .
There is a deeper problem related to the effect of model error on the estimation of ↵,
which compounds the problem, as ↵ tends to be underestimated by Hill estimators and
other methods, but let us leave it for now.
We saw earlier how difficult it is to compute risks using power laws, owing to excessive
model sensitivity. Let us apply this to the Extreme Value Theory, EVT. (The idea is
that is useable by the back door as test for nonlinearities exposures not to get precise
On its own it can mislead. The problem is the calibration and parameter uncertainty –in
the real world we don’t know the parameters. The ranges in the probabilities generated
we get are monstrous.
We start with a short presentation of the idea, followed by an exposition of the difficulty.
The next figure will plot a histogram of the result of both the simulation and .
Let us now fit to the sample from the simulation to g, the density of an Extreme Value
Distribution for x (or the Gumbel for the negative variable x), with location and scale
↵ x
↵ x e
parameters ↵ and , respectively: g(x; ↵, ) = e
Consider that the probability of exceeding the maximum corresponds to the rank statis-
tics, that is the probability of all variables being below the observed sample. P (X1 < x, X2 < x, ...,
?\ P ( Xi ) = F (x)n , where F is the cumulative Gaussian. Taking the first derivative of
the cumulative distribution to get the density of the distribution of the maximum,
1 x2 ⇣ ⇣ ⌘ ⌘n 1
n x
Now let us generate, exactly as before, but change the distribution, with N random
power law distributed variables Xi , with tail exponent ↵=3, generated from a Student T
Distribution with 3 degrees of freedom. Again, we take the upper bound. This time it is
not the Gumbel, but the Fréchet distribution that would fit the result, using critically
the same ↵, Fréchet (x; ↵, )=
↵ ⇣ ⌘ ↵ 1
↵e ( )
for x>0
In the previous case we started with the distribution, with the assumed parameters, then
obtained the corresponding values, just as these "risk modelers" do. In the real world,
we don’t quite know the calibration, the ↵ of the distribution, assuming (generously)
that we know the distribution. So here we go with the inverse problem. The next table
illustrates the different calibrations of PK the probabilities that the maximum exceeds a
Figure 9.4: Fitting a Fréchet distri-
bution to the Student T generated
0.02 with ↵=3 degrees of freedom. The
Frechet distribution ↵=3, =32 fits
up to higher values of E.But next two
graphs shows the fit more closely.
Figure 9.5: Seen more closely.
1 1 1 1 1
↵ P>3 P>10 P>20 P>40 P>80
1. 4. 11. 21. 41. 81.
1.25 4. 18. 43. 101. 240.
1.5 6. 32. 90. 253. 716.
1.75 7. 57. 190. 637. 2140.
2 10. 101. 401. 1601. 6400
2.25 12. 178. 846. 4024. 19141.
2.5 16. 317. 1789. 10120. 57244.
2.75 21. 563. 3783. 25449. 171198.
3. 28. 1001. 8001. 64001. 512001.
3.25 36. 1779. 16918. 160952. 1.5 ⇥ 106
3.5 47. 3163. 35778. 404772. 4.5⇥106
3.75 62. 5624. 75660. 1.01⇥106 1.3⇥107
4. 82. 10001. 160001. 2.56⇥106 4.0⇥107
4.25 107. 17783. 338359. 6.43⇥106 1.2⇥108
4.5 141. 31623. 715542. 1.61⇥107 3.6⇥108
4.75 185. 56235. 1.5⇥106 4.07⇥107 1.1⇥109
5. 244. 100001. 3.2⇥106 1.02⇥108 3.27⇥109
Table 9.1: EVT for different tail parameters ↵. We can see how a perturbation of ↵ moves
the probability of a tail event from 6, 000 to 1.5 ⇥ 106 . [ADDING A TABLE FOR HIGHER
Consider that the error in estimating the ↵ of a distribution is quite large, often >
2, and typically overstimated. So we can see that we get the probabilities mixed up
> an order of magnitude.In other words the imprecision in the computation of the ↵
compounds in the evaluation of the probabilities of extreme values.
We can use power laws in the "near tails" for information, not risk management. That
is, not pushing outside the tails, staying within a part of the distribution for which errors
are not compounded.
I was privileged to get access to a database with cumulative sales for editions in print
that had at least one unit sold that particular week (that is, conditional of the specific
edition being still in print). I fit a powerlaw with tail exponent ↵ ' 1.3 for the upper
10% of sales (graph), with N=30K. Using the Zipf variation for ranks of powerlaws, with
rx and ry the ranks of book x and y, respectively, Sx and Sy the corresponding sales
✓ ◆
Sx rx 1
= ↵
Sy ry
So for example if the rank of x is 100 and y is 1000, x sells 100 1.3
= 5.87 times
Note this is only robust in deriving the sales of the lower ranking edition (ry > rx )
because of inferential problems in the presence of fat-tails.
Near tail
100 104 106
This works best for the top 10,000 books, but not quite the top 20 (because the tail
is vastly more unstable). Further, the effective ↵ for large deviations is lower than 1.3.
But this method is robust as applied to rank within the "near tail".
G Distinguishing Between Poisson and
Power Law Tails
By the masquerade problem, any power law can be seen backward as a Gaussian plus
a series of simple (that is, noncompound) Poisson jumps, the so-called jump-diffusion
process. So the use of Poisson is often just a backfitting problem, where the researcher
fits a Poisson, happy with the "evidence".
The next exercise aims to supply convincing evidence of scalability and NonPoisson-
ness of the data (the Poisson here is assuming a standard Poisson). Thanks to the need
for the probabililities add up to 1, scalability in the tails is the sole possible model for
such data. We may not be able to write the model for the full distribution –but we know
how it looks like in the tails, where it matters.
This provides for a handy way to ascertain scalability by raising K and looking at the
averages in the data.
Note further that, for a standard Poisson, (too obvious for a Gaussian): not only the
conditional expectation depends on K, but it "wanes", i.e.
R1 mx
K (x) dx
lim R 1 mx K =1
K x!
We heuristically defined fat tails as the contribution of the low frequency events to
the total properties. But fat tails can come from different classes of distributions. This
chapter will present the difference between two broad classes of distributions.
This brief test using 12 million pieces of exhaustive returns shows how equity prices
(as well as short term interest rates) do not have a characteristic scale. No other possible
method than a Paretan tail, albeit of unprecise calibration, can charaterize them.
This exercise was done using about every piece of data in sight: single stocks, macro
data, futures, etc.
Equity Dataset. We collected the most recent 10 years (as of 2008) of daily prices for
U.S. stocks (no survivorship bias effect as we included companies that have been delisted
up to the last trading day), n= 11,674,825 , deviations expressed in logarithmic returns.
We scaled the data using various methods.
The expression in "numbers of sigma" or standard deviations is there to conform to
industry language (it does depend somewhat on the stability of sigma). In the "MAD"
space test we used the mean deviation.
log Sti
Sti 1
MAD(i) = P log Sti
1 j
N tn S i j+t 1
E [X|X<K ]
Implied↵|K =
E [X|X<K ] K
Sigma-Space. In the "sigma space" test we used a rolling 22 day window scaled by the
noncentral standard deviations. We did not add a mean for reasons explained elsewhere.
Short term Interest Rates. Literally, you do not even have a large number K for
which scalability drops from a small sample effect.
E[X|X<K ]
MAD E [X|X<K ] n(forX < K) K Implied↵
1. 1.75 1.32 ⇥ 106 1.75 2.32
2. 3.02 300806. 1.51 2.95
5. 7.96 19285. 1.59 2.68
10. 15.32 3198. 1.53 2.87
15. 22.32 1042. 1.48 3.04
20. 30.24 418. 1.51 2.95
25. 40.87 181. 1.63 2.57
50. 101.75 24. 2.03 1.96
70. 156.70 11. 2.23 1.80
75. 175.42 9. 2.33 1.74
100. 203.99 7. 2.03 1.96
E[X|X<K ]
STD E [X|X<K ] n(forX < K) K Implied↵
2. 3.01 343952. 1.50 2.97
5. 8.02 21156. 1.60 2.65
10. 15.60 3528. 1.56 2.78
20. 30.41 503. 1.52 2.91
50. 113.324 20. 2.26 1.78
70. 170.105 10. 2.43 1.69
80. 180.84 9. 2.26 1.79
90. 192.543 8. 2.13 1.87
100. 251.691 5. 2.51 1.65
UK Rates 1990-2007
E[X|X<K ]
MAD E [X|X<K ] n(forX < K) K Implied↵
0.5 1.68802 1270 3.37605 1.42087
1. 2.23822 806 2.23822 1.80761
3. 4.97319 140 1.65773 2.52038
5. 8.43269 36 1.68654 2.45658
6. 9.56132 26 1.59355 2.68477
7. 11.4763 16 1.63947 2.56381
10 Brownian Motion in the Real World
Path 1 , Smin
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 10.1: Brownian Bridge Pinned at 100 and 120, with multiple realizations {S0j , S1j , .., STj },
each indexed by j ; the idea is to find the path j that satisfies the maximum distance Dj =
ST Smin
times but did not fall apart is giving us information about its solidity, compared to
something that has not been subjected to such stressors.
(The Markov Property for, say, a Brownian Motion XN |{X1 ,X2 ,...XN 1 } = XN |{XN 1 } ,
that is the last realization is the only one that matters. Now if we take fat tailed models,
such as stochastic volatility processes, the properties of the system are Markov, but the
history of the past realizations of the process matter in determining the present variance.
Take M realizations of a Brownian Bridge process pinned at St0 = 100 and ST = 120,
sampled with N periods separated by t, with the sequence S, a collection of Brownian-
looking paths with single realizations indexed by j ,
✓⇣ ⌘ N ◆M
Sij = Sij t+t0
i=0 j=1
n o
Take m =⇤
minj mini §ji and j : min Sij =m ⇤
Take 1) the sample path with the most direct route (Path 1) defined as its lowest
minimum , and 2) the one with the lowest minimum m⇤ (Path 2). The state of the
system at period T depends heavily on whether the process ST exceeds its minimum
(Path 2), that is whether arrived there thanks to a steady decline, or rose first, then
If the properties of the process depend on (ST - m*), then there is path dependence.
By properties of the process we mean the variance, projected variance in, say, stochastic
volatility models, or similar matters.
We mentioned in the discussion of the Casanova problem that stochastic calculus requires
a certain class of distributions, such as the Gaussian. It is not as we expect because of the
convenience of the smoothness in squares (finite x2 ), rather because the distribution
conserves across time scales. By central limit, a Gaussian remains a Gaussian under
summation, that is sampling at longer time scales. But it also remains a Gaussian at
shorter time scales. The foundation is infinite dividability.
The problems are as follows:
The results in the literature are subjected to the constaints that the Martingale M is
member of the subset (H2 ) of square integrable martingales, suptT E[M 2 ] < 1
We know that the restriction does not work for lot or time series.
We know that, with ✓ an adapted process, without 0 ✓s2 ds < 1 we can’t get most of
the results of Ito’s lemma.
Even with o dW 2 < 1, The situation is far from solved because of powerful, very
powerful presamptotics.
Hint: Smoothness comes from dW 2 becoming linear to T at the continuous limit
(W [i t] W [(i
Take the normalized (i.e. sum=1) cumulative variance (see Bouchaud & Potters), PTi=1
/ t
i=1 (W [i t] W [(
Let us play with finite variance situations.
1.0 1.0
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
Let us return to M [A, f (x)] of Chapter 2. A quite significant result is that M[A,xn ]
may not converge, in the case of, say power laws with exponent
R1 ↵ < n, but M [A, xm ]
where m < n, would converge. Well, where the integral 1 f (x)p(x) dx does not exist,
by “clipping tails”, we can make the payoff integrable. There are two routes;
1) Limiting
R 1f (turning an open payoff to a binary): when f (x) is a constant as
in a binary 1 Kp(x)dx will necessarily converge if p is a probability distribution.
2) Clipping tails: (and this is the business we will deal with in Antifragile, Part II),
where the payoff is bounded, A = [L, H], or the integral L f (x)p(x)dx will necessarily
M0 depends on the 0th moment, that is, “Binary”, or simple, i.e., as we saw, you just
care if something is true or false. Very true or very false does not matter. Someone is
First Quad-
Distribution 1 rant
(“thin tailed”) Extremely
Distribution 2
(no or unknown Third Quad-
characteristic rant: Safe
either pregnant or not pregnant. A statement is “true” or “false” with some confidence
interval. (I call these M0 as, more technically, they depend on the zeroth moment,
namely just on probability of events, and not their magnitude you just care about
“raw” probability). A biological experiment in the laboratory or a bet with a friend
about the outcome of a soccer game belong to this category.
M1+ Complex, depend on the 1st or higher moments. You do not just care of the
frequency but of the impact as well, or, even more complex, some function of the
impact. So there is another layer of uncertainty of impact. (I call these M1+, as they
depend on higher moments of the distribution). When you invest you do not care how
many times you make or lose, you care about the expectation: how many times you
make or lose times the amount made or lost.
Two types of probability structures:
There are two classes of probability domains very distinct qualitatively and quan-
titatively. The first, thin-tailed: Mediocristan", the second, thick tailed Extremistan:
f(x)=0 f(x) nonlinear(= x 2 ,
x 3 , etc.)
Medicine (health Finance : nonlever-
Derivative payoffs
not epidemics) aged Investment
Insurance, mea-
Psychology exper- hedged portfo-
sures of expected
iments lios
Leveraged portfo-
Bets (prediction General risk man-
lios (around the
markets) agement
loss point)
Cubic payoffs (strips
Climate of out of the money
Errors in analyses of
Life/Death Economics (Policy)
Security: Terror-
Calibration of non-
ism, Natural catas-
linear models
Epidemics weighted by nonlin-
ear utility
Kurtosis-based po-
Casinos sitioning (“volatility
12 Skin in the Game as The Mother of All
Risk Management
The chances of informed action and prediction can be seriously increased if we better
comprehend the multiple causes of ignorance. The study of ignorance, then, is of supreme
importance in our individual and social lives, from health and safety measures to politics
and gambling (Rescher 2009). But how are we to act in the face of all the uncertainty
that remains after we have become aware of our ignorance? The idea of skin in the
game when involving others in tail risk exposures is crucial for the well-functioning of
a complex world. In an opaque system fraught with unpredictability, there is, alas, an
incentive and easy opportunity for operators to hide risk: to benefit from the upside
when things go well without ever paying for the downside when one’s luck runs out.
The literature in risk, insurance, and contracts has amply dealt with the notion of
information asymmetry (see Ross, 1973, Grossman and Hart, 1983, 1984, Tirole 1988,
Stiglitz 1988), but not with the consequences of deeper information opacity (in spite of
getting close, as in HÃűlmstrom, 1979), by which tail events are impossible to figure out
from watching time series and external signs: in short, in the "real world" (Taleb, 2013),
operators, hence statistical properties involving tail events are completely opaque to the
observer. And the central problem that is missing behind the abundant research on moral
hazard and information asymmetry is that these rare, unobservable events represent the
bulk of the properties in some domains. We define a fat tailed domain as follows: a large
share of the statistical properties come from the extremum; for a time series involving
n observations, as n becomes large, the maximum or minimum observation will be of
the same order as the sum. Excursions from the center of the distributions happen
brutally and violently; the rare event dominates. And economic variables are extremely
fat tailed (Mandelbrot, 1997). Further, standard economic theory makes an allowance
for the agency problem, but not for the combination of agency problem, informational
opacity, and fat-tailedness. It has not yet caught up that tails events are not predictable,
not measurable statistically unless one is causing them, or involved in increasing their
probability by engaging in a certain class of actions with small upside and large downside.
(Both parties may not be able to gauge probabilities in the tails of the distribution, but
the agent knows which tail events do not affect him.) Sadly, the economics literature’s
treatment of tail risks , or "peso problems" has been to see them as outliers to mention
en passant but hide under the rug, or remove from analysis, rather than a core center
of the modeling and decision-making, or to think in terms of robustness and sensitivity
to unpredictable events. Indeed, this pushing under the rug the determining statistical
properties explains the failures of economics in mapping the real world, as witnessed by
the inability of the economics establishment to see the accumulation of tail risks leading
up to the financial crisis of 2008 (Taleb, 2009). The parts of the risk and insurance
literature that have focused on tail events and extreme value theory, such as Embrechts
(1997), build a framework to capture the large role of the tails, but then the users of
these theories (in the applications) fall for the logical insonsistency of assuming that they
can be figured out somehow: naively, since they are rare what do we know about them?
The law of large numbers cannot be of help for things it is not made for. Alarmingly,
very little has been done to make the leap that small calibration errors in models can
change the probabilities (such as those involving the risks taken in Fukushima’s nuclear
project) from 1 in 106 to 1 in 50.
Add to the fat-tailedness the asymmetry (or skewness) of the distribution, by which a
random variable can take very large values on one side, but not the other. An operator
who wants to hide risk from others can exploit skewness by creating a situation in which
he has a small or bounded harm to him, and exposing others to large harm; thus exposing
others to the bad side of the distributions by fooling them with the tail properties.
Finally, the economic literature focuses on incentives as encouragement or deterrent,
but not on disincentives as potent filters that remove incompetent and nefarious risk
takers from the system. Consider that the symmetry of risks incurred on the road causes
the bad driver to eventually exit the system and stop killing others. An unskilled fore-
caster with skin-in-the-game would eventually go bankrupt or out of business. Shielded
from potentially (financially) harmful exposure, he would continue contributing to the
buildup of risks in the system. 1
1 The core of the problem is as follows. There are two effects: "crooks of randomness" and "fooled of
randomness" (Nicolas Tabardel, private communication). Skin in the game eliminates the first effect in
the short term (standard agency problem), the second one in the long term by forcing a certain class of
Hence there is no possible risk management method that can replace skin in the
game in cases where informational opacity is compounded by informational asymmetry
viz. the principal-agent problem that arises when those who gain the upside resulting
from actions performed under some degree of uncertainty are not the same as those who
incur the downside of those same acts2 . For example, bankers and corporate managers
get bonuses for positive "performance", but do not have to pay out reverse bonuses for
negative performance. This gives them an incentive to bury risks in the tails of the
distribution, particularly the left tail, thereby delaying blowups.
The ancients were fully aware of this incentive to hide tail risks, and implemented
very simple but potent heuristics (for the effectiveness and applicability of fast and frugal
heuristics both in general and in the moral domain, see Gigerenzer, 2010). But we find
the genesis of both moral philosophy and risk management concentrated within the same
rule 3 . About 3,800 years ago, Hammurabi’s code specified that if a builder builds a
house and the house collapses and causes the death of the owner of the house, that
builder shall be put to death. This is the best risk-management rule ever.
What the ancients understood very well was that the builder will always know more
about the risks than the client, and can hide sources of fragility and improve his prof-
itability by cutting corners. The foundation is the best place to hide such things. The
builder can also fool the inspector, for the person hiding risk has a large informational
advantage over the one who has to find it. The same absence of personal risk is what
motivates people to only appear to be doing good, rather than to actually do it.
Note that Hammurabi’s law is not necessarily literal: damages can be "converted" into
monetary compensation. Hammurabi’s law is at the origin of the lex talonis ("eye for
eye", discussed further down) which, contrary to what appears at first glance, it is not
literal. Tractate Bava Kama in the Babylonian Talmud 4 , builds a consensus that "eye
for eye" has to be figurative: what if the perpetrator of an eye injury were blind? Would
he have to be released of all obligations on grounds that the injury has already been
inflicted? Wouldn’t this lead him to inflict damage to other people’s eyesight with total
impunity? Likewise, the Quran’s interpretation, equally, gives the option of the injured
party to pardon or alter the punishment5 . This nonliteral aspect of the law solves many
problems of asymmetry under specialization of labor, as the deliverer of a service is not
required to have the same exposure in kind, but incur risks that are costly enough to be
a disincentive.
The problems and remedies are as follows:
First, consider policy makers and politicians. In a decentralized system, say munic-
ipalities, these people are typically kept in check by feelings of shame upon harming
others with their mistakes. In a large centralized system, the sources of error are not so
2 Note that Pigovian mechanisms fail when, owing to opacity, the person causing the harm is not easy
to identify
3 Economics seems to be born out of moral philosophy (mutating into the philosophy of action via
decision theory) to which was added naive and improper 19th C. statistics (Taleb, 2007, 2013). We are
trying to go back to its moral philosophy roots, to which we add more sophisticated probability theory
and risk management.
4 Tractate Bava Kama, 84a, Jerusalem: Koren Publishers, 2013.
5 Quran, Surat Al-Ma’idat, 45: "Then, whoever proves charitable and gives up on his right for recip-
visible. Spreadsheets do not make people feel shame. The penalty of shame is a factor
that counts in favour of governments (and businesses) that are small, local, personal,
and decentralized versus ones that are large, national or multi-national, anonymous, and
centralised. When the latter fail, everybody except the culprit ends up paying the cost,
leading to national and international measures of endebtment against future generations
or "austerity "6 .These points against "big government " models should not be confused
with the standard libertarian argument against states securing the welfare of their citi-
zens, but only against doing so in a centralized fashion that enables people to hide behind
bureaucratic anonymity. Much better to have a communitarian municipal approach:in
situations in which we cannot enforce skin-in-the game we should change the system to
lower the consequences of errors.
Second, we misunderstand the incentive structure of corporate managers. Counter to
public perception, corporate managers are not entrepreneurs. They are not what one
could call agents of capitalism. Between 2000 and 2010, in the United States, the stock
market lost (depending how one measures it) up to two trillion dollars for investors,
compared to leaving their funds in cash or treasury bills. It is tempting to think that
since managers are paid on incentive, they would be incurring losses. Not at all: there
is an irrational and unethical asymmetry. Because of the embedded option in their
profession, managers received more than four hundred billion dollars in compensation.
The manager who loses money does not return his bonus or incur a negative one7 .The
built-in optionality in the compensation of corporate managers can only be removed by
forcing them to eat some of the losses8 .
Third, there is a problem with applied and academic economists, quantitative modellers,
and policy wonks. The reason economic models do not fit reality (fat-tailed reality) is that
economists have no disincentive and are never penalized for their errors. So long as they
please the journal editors, or produce cosmetically sound "scientific" papers, their work
is fine. So we end up using models such as portfolio theory and similar methods without
any remote empirical or mathematical reason. The solution is to prevent economists
from teaching practitioners, simply because they have no mechanism to exit the system
in the event of causing risks that harm others. Again this brings us to decentralization
by a system where policy is decided at a local level by smaller units and hence in no
need for economists.
Fourth, the predictors. Predictions in socioeconomic domains don’t work. Predictors
are rarely harmed by their predictions. Yet we know that people take more risks after
they see a numerical prediction. The solution is to ask —and only take into account—
what the predictor has done (what he has in his portfolio), or is committed to doing
6 See McQuillan (2013) and Orr (2013); cf. the "many hands " problem discussed by Thompson
7 There can be situations of overconfidence by which the CEOs of companies bear a disproportionately
large amount of risk, by investing in their companies, as shown by Malmendier and Tate(2008, 2009),
and end up taking more risk because they have skin in the game. But it remains that CEOs have
optionality, as shown by the numbers above. Further, the heuristic we propose is necessary, but may
not be sufficient to reduce risk, although CEOs with a poor understanding of risk have an increased
probability of personal ruin.
8 We define "optionality" as an option-like situation by which an agent has a convex payoff, that is,
has more to gain than to lose from a random variable, and thus has a positive sensitivity to the scale of
in the future. It is unethical to drag people into exposures without incurring losses.
Further, predictors work with binary variables (Taleb and Tetlock, 2013), that is, "true"
or "false" and play with the general public misunderstanding of tail events. They have
the incentives to be right more often than wrong, whereas people who have skin in the
game do not mind being wrong more often than they are right, provided the wins are
large enough. In other words, predictors have an incentive to play the skewness game
(more on the problem in section 2). The simple solution is as follows: predictors should
be exposed to the variables they are predicting and should be subjected to the dictum "do
not tell people what you think, tell them what you have in your portfolio" (Taleb, 2012,
p.386) . Clearly predictions are harmful to people as, by the psychological mechanism
of anchoring, they increases risk taking.
Fifth, to deal with warmongers, Ralph Nader has rightly proposed that those who vote
in favor of war should subject themselves (or their own kin) to the draft.
We believe Skin in the game is a heuristic for a safe and just society. It is even more
necessary under fat tailed environments. Opposed to this is the unethical practice of
taking all the praise and benefits of good fortune whilst disassociating oneself from the
results of bad luck or miscalculation. We situate our view within the framework of ethical
debates relating to the moral significance of actions whose effects result from ignorance
and luck. We shall demonstrate how the idea of skin in the game can effectively resolve
debates about (a) moral luck and (b) egoism vs. altruism, while successfully bypassing
(c) debates between subjectivist and objectivist norms of action under uncertainty, by
showing how their concerns are of no pragmatic concern.
Reputational Costs in Opaque Systems: Note that our analysis includes costs of
reputation as skin in the game, with future earnings lowered as the result of a mistake,
as with surgeons and people subjected to visible malpractice and have to live with the
consequences. So our concern is situations in which cost hiding is effective over and
above potential costs of reputation, either because the gains are too large with respect
to these costs, or because these reputation costs can be "arbitraged", by shifting blame
or escaping it altogether, because harm is not directly visible. The latter category in-
cludes bureaucrats in non-repeat environments where the delayed harm is not directly
attributable to them. Note that in many domains the payoff can be large enough to
offset reputational costs, or, as in finance and government, reputations do not seem to
be aligned with effective track record. (To use an evolutionary argument, we need to
avoid a system in which those who make mistakes stay in the gene pool, but throw others
out of it.)
Application of The Heuristic: The heuristic implies that one should be the first
consumer of one’s product, a cook should test his own food, helicopter repairpersons
should be ready to take random flights on the rotorcraft that they maintain, hedge fund
managers should be maximally invested in their funds. But it does not naively imply
that one should always be using one’s product: a barber cannot cut his own hair, the
maker of a cancer drug should not be a user of his product unless he is ill. So one should
use one’s products conditionally on being called to use them. However the rule is far
more rigid in matters entailing sytemic risks: simply some decisions should never be
Heuristic vs Regulation: A heuristic, unlike a regulation, does not require state in-
tervention for implementation. It is simple contract between willing individuals: "I buy
your goods if you use them", or "I will listen to your forecast if you are exposed to losses if
you are wrong" and would not require the legal system any more than simple commercial
transaction. It is bottom-up. (The ancients and more-or-less ancients effectively under-
stood the contingency and probabilistic aspect in contract law, and asymmetry under
opacity, as reflected in the works of Pierre de Jean Olivi. Also note that the foundation
of maritime law has resided in skin-the-game unconditional sharing of losses, even as far
in the past as 800 B.C. with the Lex Rhodia, which stipulates that all parties involved in
a transaction have skin in the game and share losses in the event of damage. The rule
dates back to the Phoenician commerce and caravan trades among Semitic people. The
idea is still present in Islamic finance commercial law, see Wardé, 2010 .)
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. First we present the epistemological
dimension of the hidden payoff, expressed using the mathematics of probability, showing
the gravity of the problem of hidden consequences. We present the historical background
in the various philosophical branches dealing with moral luck and ethics of risk. We
conclude with the notion of heuristic as simple "convex" rule, simple in its application.
Changes in Value
Figure 12.1: The most effective way to maximize the expected payoff to the agent at the expense
of the principal.
This section will analyze the probabilistic mismatch or tail risks and returns in the
presence of a principal-agent problem.
Transfer of Harm
Harm: If an agent has the upside of the payoff of the random variable, with
no downside, and is judged solely on the basis of past performance, then the incentive is
distribution for the performance. This can be generalized to any payoff for which one
does not bear the full risks and negative consequences of one’s actions.
Let P (K, M ) be the payoff for the operator over M incentive periods
X ⇣ ⌘
P (K, M ) ⌘ qt+(i 1) t xjt+i t K +
1 t(i 1)+t<⌧ (12.1)
Now define ⌫ 2 R+ as a K-centered nonparametric measure of asymmetry, ⌫j ⌘ Fj+
with values >1 for positive asymmetry, and <1 for negative ones. Intuitively, skewness
has probabilities and expectations moving in opposite directions: the larger the negative
payoff, the smaller the probability to compensate.
We do not assume a “fair game”, that is, with unbounded returns m 2 (-1,1),
Fj+ E+
j + Fj Ej = m, which we can write as
m+ + m = m.
Since assuming independent and identically distributed agent’s payoffs, the expec-
tation at stopping time corresponds to the expectation of stopping
⇣P time multiplied
by the expected compensation to the agent Ej . And E
i=1 1 t(i 1)+t<⌧ =
⇣⇣P ⌘ ⌘
E i=1 1 t(i 1)+t<⌧ ^ M .
The expectation of stopping time can be written as the probability of success under the
condition of no previous loss:
! M
E 1t+i t<⌧ = Fj+ E(1x t(i 1)+t >K
i=1 i=1
WePcan express the stopping time condition in terms P of uninterrupted success runs.
Let be the ordered set of consecutive success runs ⌘ {{F }, {SF}, {SSF}, ..., {(M
1) consecutive S, F }}, where S is success and F is failure over period t, with associ-
ated corresponding probabilities:
{(1 Fj+ ), Fj+ 1 Fj+ ,
Fj+ 2 1 Fj+ , ...,
, Fj+ M 1
1 Fj+ },
Fj+ (i 1)
1 Fj+ = 1 Fj+ M ' 1 (12.3)
For M large, since Fj+ 2 (0,1) we can treat the previous as almost an equality, hence:
E 1t+(i 1) t<⌧ =
X Fj+
(i 1) Fj+ (i 1) 1 Fj+ ' .
1 Fj+
E (P (K, M )) ' E+
j ,
1 Fj+
Figure 12.2: Indy Mac, a failed firm during the subprime crisis (from Taleb 2009). It is a
representative of risks that keep increasing in the absence of losses, until the explosive blowup.
where !(i) is a multiplier that increases with time, and of course naturally collapses
upon blowup.
Equation 12.1 becomes:
X ⇣ ⌘
P (K, M ) ⌘ q !(i) xjt+i t K +
1t+(i 1) t<⌧ , (12.4)
E(P (K, M )) = E+
j q E !(i) 1 t(i 1)+t<⌧ . (12.5)
Assuming the rate of conditional growth is a constant r 2 [0,1) , and making the
replacement !(i)⌘ eri , we can call the last term in equation 12.5 the multiplier of the
expected return to the agent:
! M
E e 1 t(i 1)+t<⌧ = (i 1) Fj + eir E(1x t(i 1)+t >K
) (12.6)
i=1 i=1
⇣ M
(F + 1) (F + ) (M e(M +1)r F + (M 1)e(M +2)r ) F + e2r
= (F + er 1)2
We can get the table of sensitivities for the "multiplier" of the payoff:
F=.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
r=0 1.5 2.32 3.72 5.47
0.1 2.57 4.8 10.07 19.59
0.2 4.93 12.05 34.55 86.53
0.3 11.09 38.15 147.57 445.59
Table 1 Multiplicative effect of skewness
Explaining why Skewed Distributions Conceal the Mean. Note that skewed
distributions conceal their mean quite well, with P (X < E(x)) < 12 in the presence of
negative skewness. And such effect increases with fat-tailedness. Consider a negatively
skewed power law distribution, say the mirror image of a standard Pareto distribution,
with maximum value xmin , and domain ( 1, xmin ], with exceedance probability P (X >
min , and mean ↵ 1 , with ↵ > 1, have a proportion of 1 of
↵xmin ↵ 1
x) = x ↵ x↵ ↵
its realizations rosier than the true mean. Note that fat-tailedness increases at lower
values of ↵. The popular "eighty-twenty", with tail exponent ↵ = 1.15, has > 90
percent of observations above the true mean10 . Likewise, to consider a thinner tailed
skewed distribution, for a Lognormal distribution with domain ( 1, ⇣0), with⌘ mean m =
eµ+ 2 , the probability of exceeding the mean is P (X > m = 12 erfc p
2 2
, which for
= 1 is at 69%, and for = 2 is at 84%.
Forecasters. We can see how forecasters who do not have skin in the game have the
incentive of betting on the low-impact high probability event, and ignoring the lower
R ones, even if these are high impact. There is a confusion
R between “digital
payoffs” fj (x) dx and full distribution, called “vanilla payoffs”, xfj (x) dx, see Taleb
and Tetlock (2013)11 .
10 This discussion of a warped probabilistic incentive corresponds to what John Kay has called the
"Taleb distribution", John Kay "A strategy for hedge funds and dangerous drivers", Financial Times,
16 January 2003.
11 Money managers do not have enough skin in the game unless they are so heavily invested in their
frequency, not payoff, and tend to cluster together in packs to mitigate losses by making them look like
"industry event". Many fund managers beat the odds by selling tails, say covered writes, by which one
can increase the probability of gains but possibly lower the expectation. They also have the optionality
of multi-time series; they can manage to hide losing funds in the event of failure. Many fund companies
Part II
.Take x a random or nonrandom variable, and f(x) the exposure, payoff, the effect of x
on you, the end bottom line. (To be technical, x is higher dimensions, in RN but less
assume for the sake of the examples in the introduction that it is a simple one-dimensional
The disconnect. Practitioner and risk takers observe the following disconnect: people
(nonpractitioners) talking x (with the implication that we practitioners should care about
x in running our affairs) while practitioners think about f (x), nothing but f (x). And
the straight confusion since Aristotle between x and f(x) has been chronic. Sometimes
people mention f (x) as utility but miss the full payoff. And the confusion is at two level:
one, simple confusion; second, in the decision-science literature, seeing the difference and
not realizing that action on f (x) is easier than action on x.
ineqality. But beyond Jensen’s inequality, the difference in risks between the two will be
more and more considerable. When it comes to probability, the more nonlinear f, the
less the probabilities of x matter compared to the nonlinearity of f. Moral of the story:
focus on f, which we can alter, rather than the measurement of the elusive properties of
There are infinite numbers of functions F depending on a unique variable x.
All utilities need to be embedded in F.
When f(x) is convex, say as in trial and error, or with an option, we do not need to
understand x as much as our exposure to H. Simply the statistical properties of x are
swamped by those of H. That’s the point of Antifragility in which exposure is more
When f(x) is concave (fragile), errors about x can translate into extreme negative values
for F. When f(x) is convex, one is immune from negative variations.
The more nonlinear F the less the probabilities of x matter in the probability distribution
of the final package F.
Most people confuse the probabilites of x with those of F. I am serious: the entire
literature reposes largely on this mistake.
So, for now ignore discussions of x that do not have F. And, for Baal’s sake, focus on
F, not x.
Say x follows a distribution p(x) and z = f (x) follows a distribution g(z). Assume g(z)
continuous, increasing, and differentiable for now.
The density p at point r is defined by use of the integral
Z r
D(r) ⌘ p(x)dx
Z r Z f (r)
p(x) dx = g(z) dz
1 1
In differential form
g(z)dz = p(x)dx
[ASSUMING f is Borel measurable, i.e. has an inverse that is a Borel Set...]
since x = f ( 1)
(z), one obtains
⇣ ⌘
( 1)
g(z)dz = p f (z) df ( 1)
p f ( 1) (z)
g(z) = 0 (13.1)
f (u)|u = f ( 1) (z)
p f ( 1) (z)
g(z) = 0
|f (u)|u = f ( 1) (z)
(log(x) µ)2
e 2 2
g(x) = p
2⇡ x
which is the lognormal distribution.
⇣ ⌘ ↵+1
Distribution of x
!20 !10 10 20
Where B is the Euler Beta function, B(a, b) = (a) (b)/ (a+ b) = 0 ta 1 (1 t)b 1 dt;
we get (skipping the details of z= v(u) and f(u) du = z(x) dx ), the distribution z(x)
of the utility of happiness v(x)
8 1 a⇣ ⌘ ↵+1
> x a ↵ 2
> p
x 0
< a ↵B ( ↵2 ,2)
0 1 ↵+1
z(x|↵, a, ) = 1 a 2
> ( )x a @ ↵ A
> ↵+( x )
: p x<0
a ↵B ( ↵
2 ,2)
Fragility: as defined in the Taleb-Douady (2012) sense, on which later, i.e. tail
sensitivity below K, v(x) is less “fragile” than x.
v(x) has thinner tails than x , more robust.
ASYMPTOTIC TAIL More technically the asymptotic tail for V(x) becomes ↵a (i.e,
for x and -x large, the exceedance probability for V, P>x ⇠ K x a , with K a constant,
z(x) ⇠ Kx a
We can see that V(x) can easily have finite variance when x has an infinite one. The
Tail of x
Tail of v(x)
Granted one (K-T) deals with changes in wealth, the second is a function of wealth.
!2 !1 1 2 3
Plot of 1- e ax
(µ+log(1 x))2
!10 !8 !6 !4 !2 2
Low Uncertainty
High Uncertainty
Example: the Lognormal Distribution has a term 2 in its mean, linear to variance.
Example: the Exponential Distribution 1 e x x 0 has the mean a concave
function of the variance, that is, 1
, the square root of its variance.
Example: the Pareto Distribution L↵ x 1 ↵
↵ x L , ↵ >2 has the mean
p p
p ↵
↵ 2 ↵ ⇥ Standard Deviation, ↵↵ 12
A simple way to see the point that convex payoffs have larger estimation errors: the
path not taking into account sensitivity to counterfactuals and completeness of sampling.
It assumes that what one sees from a time series is the entire story. 1
Figure 1: The Small Sample Effect and Naive Empiricism: When one looks
at historical returns that are skewed to the left, most missing observations are in the
left tails, causing an overestimation of the mean. The more skewed the payoff, and the
thicker the left tail, the worst the gap between observed and true mean.
Now of concern for us is assessing the stub, or tail bias, that is, the difference between
M and M*, or the potential contribution of tail events not seen in the window used for
the analysis. When the payoff in the tails is powerful from convex responses, the stub
becomes extremely large. So the rest of this note will go beyond the Ilmanen (2012) to
explain the convexities of the payoffs in the tails and generalize to classical mistakes of
testing strategies with explosive tail exposures on a finite simple historical sample. It
will be based on the idea of metaprobability (or metamodel): by looking at effects of
errors in models and representations. All one needs is an argument for a very small
probability of a large payoff in the tail (devastating for the option seller) to reverse long
shot arguments and make it uneconomic to sell a tail option. All it takes is a small
model error to reverse the argument.
✓ p
1 N
⇧(N, K) ⌘ O(S0 e K
, K, T t0 , K)
✓S0 ,t0 , (13.2)
O (S0 , K, T t0 , K) S0 ,t0 (1 S0 ) e N K
call, owing to the delta-neutrality by hegding using a hedge ratio S0 ,t0 (thanks to put-
call parity, S0 ,t0 is negative if O is a call and positive otherwise). ✓S0 ,t0 is the discrete
change in value of the option over a time increment (changes of value for an option in
the absence of changes in any other variable). With the increment = 1/252, this would
be a single business day. We assumed interest rate are 0, with no loss of generality (it
would be equivalent of expressing the problem under a risk-neutral measure). What 13.2
did is re-express the Fokker-Plank-Kolmogorov differential equation (Black Scholes), in
discrete terms, away from the limit of !0. In the standard Black-Scholes World, the
expectation of ⇧(N,K ) should be zero, as N follows a Gaussian distribution with mean
-1/00082 2 . But we are not about the Black Scholes world and we need to examine
payoffs to potential distributions. The use of K neutralizes the effect of “expensive” for
the option as we will be using a multiple of K as N standard deviations; if the option
is priced at 15.87% volatility, then one standard deviation would correspond to a move
of about 1%, Exp[ Sqrt[1/252]. 1587].
Clearly, for all K, ⇧[0,K]=-1 , ⇧[ Sqrt[2/⇡],K]= 0 close to expiration (the break-even
of the option without time premium, or when T t0 = , takes place one mean deviation
away), and ⇧[ 1,K]= 0.
! " 10
!"0 N
5 10 15 20
400 000
300 000
200 000
100 000
5 10 15 20
Figure 3: The extreme convexity of an extremely out of the money option, with ⇤=20
Visibly the convexity is compounded by the fat-tailedness of the process: intuitively a
convex transformation of a fat-tailed process, say a powerlaw, produces a powerlaw of
considerably fatter tails. The Variance swap for instance results in 12 the tail exponent of
the distribution of the underlying security, so it would have infinite variance with tail 32
off the “cubic” exonent discussed in the literature (Gabaix et al,2003; Stanley et al, 2000)
-and some out-of-the money options are more convex than variance swaps, producing tail
equivalent of up to 15 over a broad range of fluctuations.
For specific options there may not be an exact convex transformation. But we can get
a Monte Carlo simulation illustrating the shape of the distribution and visually showing
how skewed it is.
therefore acting as if the market had already experienced a tail event (say in 2008). The
same result as Figure 3 can be seen for changes in implied volatility: an explosion of
volatility by 5 ⇥ results in a 10 option gaining 270 ⇥ (the VIx went up > 10 ⇥ during
2008). (In a well publicized debacle, the speculator Niederhoffer went bust because of
explosive changes in implied volatility in his option portfolio, not from market movement;
further, the options that bankrupted his fund ended up expiring worthless weeks later).
The Taleb and Douady (2012)[63] , Taleb Canetti et al (2012)[59] fragility heuristic
identifies convexity to significant parameters as a metric to assess fragility to model
error or representation: by theorem, model error maps directly to nonlinearity of pa-
rameters. The heuristic corresponds to the perturbation of a parameter, say the scale
of a probability distribution and looks at the effect of the expected shortfall; the same
theorem asserts that the asymmetry between gain and losses (convexity) maps directly
to the exposure to model error and to fragility. The exercise allows us to re-express the
idea of convexity of payoff by ranking effects.
⇥2 ⇥3 ⇥4
ATM 2 3 4
⇤=5 5 10 16
⇤ = 10 27 79 143
⇤ = 20 7686 72741 208429
Table 13.1: The Table presents differents results (in terms of multiples of option premia over
intrinsic value) by multiplying implied volatility by 2, 3,4. An option 5 conditional standard
deviations out of the money gains 16 times its value when implied volatility is multiplied by 4.
Further out of the money options gain exponentially. Note the linearity of at-the-money options
References. Ilmanen, Antti, 2012, “Do Financial Markets Reward Buying or Selling
Insurance and Lottery Tickets?” Financial Analysts Journal, September/October, Vol.
68, No. 5 : 26 - 36.
Golec, Joseph, and Maurry Tamarkin. 1998. “Bettors Love Skewness, Not Risk, at the
Horse Track.” Journal of Political Economy, vol. 106, no. 1 (February) , 205-225.
Snowberg, Erik, and Justin Wolfers. 2010. “Explaining the Favorite - Longshot Bias :
Is It Risk - Love or Misperceptions?” Working paper.
Taleb, N.N., 2004, “Bleed or Blowup? Why Do We Prefer Asymmetric Payoffs?” Journal
of Behavioral Finance, vol. 5, no. 1.
14 Mapping Fragility and Antifragility
(Taleb Douady)
14.1 Introduction
The notions of fragility and antifragility were introduced in Taleb (2012). In short,
fragility is related to how a system suffers from the variability of its environment beyond
Prob Density
the damage of, say, jumping to the ground from thirty feet, then the person would be
already dead from cumulative harm. Actually a simple computation shows that he would
have expired within hours from touching objects or pacing in his living room, given the
multitude of such stressors and their total effect. The fragility that comes from linearity
is immediately visible, so we rule it out because the object would be already broken
and the person already dead. The relative frequency of ordinary events compared to
extreme events is the determinant. In the financial markets, there are at least ten
thousand times more events of 0.1% deviations than events of 10%. There are close to
8,000 micro-earthquakes daily on planet earth, that is, those below 2 on the Richter
scale —about 3 million a year. These are totally harmless, and, with 3 million per year,
you would need them to be so. But shocks of intensity 6 and higher on the scale make
the newspapers. Accordingly, we are necessarily immune to the cumulative effect of
small deviations, or shocks of very small magnitude, which implies that these affect us
disproportionally less (that is, nonlinearly less) than larger ones.
Model error is not necessarily mean preserving. s - , the lower absolute semi-deviation
does not just express changes in overall dispersion in the distribution, such as for instance
the “scaling” case, but also changes in the mean, i.e. when the upper semi-deviation
from ⌦ to infinity is invariant, or even decline in a compensatory manner to make the
overall mean absolute deviation unchanged. This would be the case when we shift the
distribution instead of rescaling it. Thus the same vega-sensitivity can also express
sensitivity to a stressor (dose increase) in medicine or other fields in its effect on either
tail. Thus s (l) will allow us to express the sensitivity to the “disorder cluster” (Taleb,
2012): i) uncertainty, ii) variability, iii) imperfect, incomplete knowledge, iv) chance, v)
chaos, vi) volatility, vii) disorder, viii) entropy, ix) time, x) the unknown, xi) randomness,
xii) turmoil, xiii) stressor, xiv) error, xv) dispersion of outcomes.
Detection Heuristic
Finally, thanks to the transfer function, this paper proposes a risk heuristic that "works"
in detecting fragility even if we use the wrong model/pricing method/probability distri-
bution. The main idea is that a wrong ruler will not measure the height of a child;
but it can certainly tell us if he is growing. Since risks in the tails map to nonlin-
earities (concavity of exposure), second order effects reveal fragility, particularly in the
tails where they map to large tail exposures, as revealed through perturbation analysis.
More generally every nonlinear function will produce some kind of positive or negative
exposures to volatility for some parts of the distribution.
Figure 14.2: Disproportionate effect of tail events on nonlinear exposures, illustrating the nec-
essary character of the nonlinearity of the harm function and showing how we can extrapolate
outside the model to probe unseen fragility.
the standard deviation, no longer used as point estimate, but as a distribution with its
own variance. For instance, it can be shown how fat-tailed (e.g. power-law tailed)
probability distributions can be expressed by simple nested perturbation and mixing
of Gaussian ones. Such a representation pinpoints the fragility of a wrong probability
model and its consequences in terms of underestimation of risks, stress tests and similar
14.1.3 Antifragility
It is not quite the mirror image of fragility, as it implies positive vega above some
threshold in the positive tail of the distribution and absence of fragility in the left tail,
which leads to a distribution that is skewed right.
The central Table, Table 1 introduces the exhaustive map of possible outcomes, with
4 mutually exclusive categories of payoffs. Our steps in the rest of the paper are as
follows: a. We provide a mathematical definition of fragility, robustness and antifragility.
b. We present the problem of measuring tail risks and show the presence of severe
biases attending the estimation of small probability and its nonlinearity (convexity) to
parametric (and other) perturbations. c. We express the concept of model fragility in
terms of left tail exposure, and show correspondence to the concavity of the payoff from
a random variable. d. Finally, we present our simple heuristic to detect the possibility
of both fragility and model error across a broad range of probabilistic estimations.
Conceptually, fragility resides in the fact that a small – or at least reasonable – uncer-
Type Fragile Fat (reg- Fat Mixed concave Long up-vega, More fragility
1 (type 1) ular or left, convex short down- if absorbing
absorbing right (fence) vega barrier, neutral
barrier) otherwise
result of a given stress test, or on some measure that depends on the left tail of the
distribution, such as an out-of-the-money option. This hypersensitivity of what we like
to call an “out of the money put price” to the macro-parameter, which is some measure
of the volatility of the distribution of the underlying source of randomness.
Formally, fragility is defined as the sensitivity of the left-tail shortfall (non-conditioned
by probability) below a certain threshold K to the overall left semi-deviation of the
Exampl es
i- A porcelain coffee cup subjected to random daily stressors from use.
ii- Tail distribution in the function of the arrival time of an aircraft.
iii- Hidden risks of famine to a population subjected to monoculture —or, more gener-
ally, fragilizing errors in the application of Ricardo’s comparative advantage without
taking into account second order effects.
iv- Hidden tail exposures to budget deficits’ nonlinearities to unemployment.
v- Hidden tail exposure from dependence on a source of energy, etc. (“squeezability
In fact s would exist as a measure even in the case of infinite moments to the right side
of W .
Let X be a random variable, the distribution of which is one among a one-parameter
family of pdf f , 2 I ⇢ R. We consider a fixed reference value ⌦ and, from this
reference, the left-semi-absolute deviation:
Z ⌦
s ( )= (⌦ x)f (x)dx
We assume that ! s – ( ) is continuous, strictly increasing and spans the whole range
R+ = [0, +1), so that we may use the left-semi-absolute deviation s – as a parameter
by considering the inverse function (s) : R+ ! I, defined by s ( (s)) = s for s 2 R+ .
This condition is for instance satisfied if, for any given x < ⌦, the probability is a
continuous and increasing function of . Indeed, denoting
Z x
F (x) = Pf (X < x) = f (t) dt,
This is the case when is a scaling parameter, i.e., X ⇠ ⌦ + (X1 ⌦) indeed one has
in this case ✓ ◆
x ⌦
F (x) = F1 ⌦ + ,
@ (x) = ⌦ x f (x) and s ( ) = s (1).
It is also the case when is a shifting parameter, i.e. X ⇠ X0 , indeed, in this case
F (x) = F0 (x + ) and @s @ (x) = F (⌦).
For K < ⌦ and s 2 R , let:
Z ⌦
⇠(K, s ) = (⌦ x)f (s ) (x)dx
f (s + s)(x) f (s s)(x)
= (⌦ x) dx
1 2 s
Hence omitting the input s implicitly assumes that s ! 0.
Note that ⇠(K, s ) = E(X|X < K) Pf (X < K). It can be decomposed into two
⇠ K, s ( ) = (⌦ K)F (K) + P (K)
P (K) = (K x)f (x) dx
Where the first part (⌦ K)F (K) is proportional to the probability of the variable being
below the stress level K and the second part P (K) is the expectation of the amount
by which X is below K (counting 0 when it is not). Making a parallel with financial
options, while s – ( ) is a “put at-the-money”, ⇠(K,s – ) is the sum of a put struck at K and
a digital put also struck at K with amount ⌦ – K ; it can equivalently be seen as a put
struck at ⌦ with a down-and-in European barrier at K.
Letting = (s – ) and integrating by part yields
Z K Z ⌦
⇠ K, s ( ) = (⌦ K)F (K) + F (x)dx = F K (x) dx (14.2)
1 1
V (X, f , K, s ) = (K, s )
R⌦ @F K
= (x) dx R ⌦
(x) dx(14.3)
1 @ @F
1 @
For finite differences
Z ⌦
V (X, f , K, s , s) = F K, s (x)dx
2 s 1
Where +s and s are such that s( s )=s + s, s( s )=s s and F K, s (x) =
F + (x) F K (x).
s s
Table 14.2: The different curves of F (K) and F (K) showing the difference in sensitivity to
changes in at different levels of K.
The inherited fragility of Y with respect to X at stress level L = '(K ) and left-semi-
deviation level s – ( ) of X is the partial derivative:
VX Y, g , L, s ( ) = L, u ( ) =
⇣R ⌘⇣ ⌘ 1
(⌦Y Y ) @g
@ (y)dy ds
d (14.4)
Note that the stress level and the pdf are defined for the variable Y, but the parameter
which is used for differentiation is the left-semi-absolute deviation of X, s – ( ). Indeed, in
this process, one first measures the distribution of X and its left-semi-absolute deviation,
then the function ' is applied, using some mathematical model of Y with respect to X
and the risk measure ⇣ is estimated. If an error is made when measuring s – ( ), its impact
on the risk measure of Y is amplified by the ratio given by the “inherited fragility”.
Once again, one may use finite differences and define the finite-difference inherited
fragility of Y with respect to X, by replacing, in the above equation, differentiation by
finite differences between values + and – , where s – ( + ) = s – + s and s – ( – ) = s –
– s.
Proof R ⌦ @F R ⌦ @F K R ⌦ @F
Let IX = 1 @ (x)dx , IX K
= 1 @ (x)dx , and IY = 1 @ (x) d' dx (x)dx. One
has One has V (X, f , K, s ( )) = IX IX and V (Y, g , L, u ( )) = IY IY hence:
V (Y, g , L, u ( )) V (X, f , K, s ( )) =
I_Y_ L
IK IX (14.5)
Therefore, because the four integrals are positive, Therefore, because the four integrals
are positive,
V (Y, g , L, u ( )) V (X, f , K, s ( ))
IY /IX .
@P @P K
On the other hand, we have IX = @
(⌦)IX = @ (⌦)and
Z ⌦
@F d'
IY = (x) (x)dx
1 @ dx
= @P R⌦
2 (x)dx(14.6)
@P 2
@ (⌦) d'
dx (⌦) 1 @ (x) ddx'
Z ⌦
@F K d'
IYL = (x) (x)dx
1 @ dx
= @P K R⌦ @P K 2
@ (⌦) d'
dx (⌦) 1 @ (x) ddx'
2 (x)dx
same sign as
@P @P K
(⌦) (⌦).
@ @
As this is a strict inequality, it extends to an interval on the right hand side of K, say
(1, K] with K < K < . But on the other hand:
Z ⌦
@P @P K @F @F
(⌦) (⌦) = (x)dx (⌦ K) (K)
@ @ K @ @
For K negative enough, @ (K) is smaller than its average value over the interval [K,
⌦], hence
@P @P K
(⌦) (⌦) > 0.
@ @
We have proven the following theorem.
With the above notations, there exists a threshold ⇥ < ⌦ such that, if K ⇥ then
H K (x) > 0 for x 2 (–1, ] with K < l ambda < ⌦. As a consequence, if the change
of variable ' is concave_ on ( 1, ]and linear on [ , ⌦] , then Y is more fragile at
L = '(K ) than X at K.
One can prove that, for a monomodal distribution, ⇥ < < ⌦ (see discussion below),
so whatever the stress level K below the threshold ⇥ , it suffices that the change of
variable ' be concave on the interval (–1, ⇥ ] and linear on [⇥ , ⌦] for Y to become
more fragile at L than X at K. In practice, as long as the change of variable is concave
around the stress level K and has limited convexity/concavity away from K, the fragility
of Y is greater than that of X.
Figure 14.3 shows the shape of H K (x) in the case of a Gaussian distribution where is
a simple scaling parameter ( is the standard deviation ) and ⌦ = 0. We represented
K = –2 while in this Gaussian case, ⇥ = –1.585 . Discussion
Monomodal case
We say that the family of distributions (f ) is left-monomodal if there exists K < ⌦
such that @f@ > 0 on (–1, ] and @f @ 6 0 on [µ , ⌦]. In this case @P @ is a convex
function on the left half-line (–1, µ ], then concave after the inflexion point µ . For
@P K @P
K µ , the function @ coincides with @ on (–1, K ], then is a linear extension,
@P K
following the tangent to the graph of @P
@ in K (see graph below). The value of @ (⌦)
corresponds to the intersection point of this tangent with the vertical axis. It increases
Figure 14.4: The distribution of G and the various derivatives of the unconditional shortfalls
@P K @P
⇥ corresponds to the.unique value of K such that @. (⌦) = @ (⌦) . When K < ⇥
@P @P @P K @P K
then G (x) = @ (x) @ (⌦) and GK (x) = @ (x) @ (⌦) are functions such that
G (⌦) = GK (⌦) = 1 and which are proportional for x K, the latter being linear on
@P K @P
[K, ⌦]. On the other hand, if K < ⇥ then @ (⌦) < @ (⌦) and G (K) < GK (K),
which implies that G (x) < GK (x) for x K. An elementary convexity analysis shows
that, in this case, the equation G (x) = GK (x) has a unique solution with µl ambda <
< ⌦. The “transfer” function H K (x) is positive for x < , in particular when x µ
and negative for < x < ⌦.
Scaling Parameter
We assume here that is a scaling parameter, i.e. X = ⌦ + (X1 ⌦). In this case,
as we saw above, we have f (x) = 1 f1 ⌦ + x ⌦ , F (x) = F1 ⌦ + x ⌦ P (x) =
P1 ⌦ + x ⌦ and s
( ) = s (1). Hence
✓ ◆
K ⌦
⇠(K, s ( )) = (⌦ K)F1 ⌦ +
+ P1 ⌦ + K ⌦
@⇠ 1 @⇠
(K, s ) = (K, )
@s s (1) @
= 1s ( )(P (K)
When we apply a nonlinear transformation ', the action of the parameter is no longer
a scaling: when small negative values of X are multiplied by a scalar , so are large
negative values of X. The scaling applies to small negative values of the transformed
variable Y with a coefficient d'
dx (0), but large negative values are subject to a different
coefficient dx (K), which can potentially be very different.
VK0 (X, f , K, s ) = (K, s )
In practice, fragility always occurs as the result of fragility, indeed, by definition, we
know that ⇠(⌦, s – ) = s – , hence V (X, f , ⌦, s – ) = 1. The fragility drift measures the
speed at which fragility departs from its original value 1 when K departs from the center
Second-order Fragility
The second-order fragility is the second order derivative of the tail estimate ⇠ with respect
to the semi-absolute deviation s – :
Vs0 (X, f , K, s ) = 2 (K, s )
(@s )
As we shall see later, the second-order fragility drives the bias in the estimation of stress
tests when the value of s – is subject to uncertainty, through Jensen’s inequality.
Definition of Robustness
Let (X ) be a one-parameter family of random variables with pdf f . Robustness is an
We say that f is b-robust beyond stress level K < ⌦ if V (X , f , K’, s( )) b for any
K’ K. In other words, the robustness of f on the half-line (–1, K ] is
R( 1,K] (X , f , K, s ( )) 6 b
We also define b-robustness over a given interval [K 1, K 2] by the same inequality being
valid for any K’ 2 [K 1, K 2]. In this case we use
Note that the lower R, the tighter the control and the more robust the distribution f .
Once again, the definition of b-robustness can be transposed, using finite differences
V (X , f , K’, s – ( ), s).
In practical situations, setting a material upper bound b to the fragility is particularly
important: one need to be able to come with actual estimates of the impact of the error
on the estimate of the left-semi-deviation. However, when dealing with certain class of
models, such as Gaussian, exponential of stable distributions, we may be lead to consider
asymptotic definitions of robustness, related to certain classes.
For instance, for a given decay exponent a > 0, assuming that f (x ) = O(e ax ) when x
! –1, the a-exponential asymptotic robustness of X below the level K is:
⇣ ⌘
a(⌦ K 0 ) 0
Rexp (X , f , K, s ( ), a) = max e V (X , f , K , s ( ))
0 K 6K
VX Y, g , L0 , s ( ) 6 aV X, f , K 0 , s ( ) + b
The quantity b is of order deemed of “negligible utility” (subjectively), that is, does not
exceed some tolerance level in relation with the context, while a is a scaling parameter
between variables X and Y.
Note that robustness is in effect impervious to changes of probability distributions. Also
note that this measure robustness ignores first order variations since owing to their higher
frequency, these are detected (and remedied) very early on.
Example of Robustness (Barbells):
a. trial and error with bounded error and open payoff
b. for a "barbell portfolio" with allocation to numeraire securities up to 80% of portfolio,
no perturbation below K set at 0.8 of valuation will represent any difference in result,
i.e. q = 0. The same for an insured house (assuming the risk of the insurance company
is not a source of variation), no perturbation for the value below K, equal to minus the
insurance deductible, will result in significant changes.
c. a bet of amount B (limited liability) is robust, as it does not have any sensitivity to
perturbations below 0.
@⇠ + (L, H, s+ )
W (X, f , L, H, s ) =
⇣R ⌘ ⇣R ⌘ 1
H @f +1 @f
= L (x ⌦) @ (x)dx ⌦
(x ⌦) @ (x)dx
When Y = '(X ) is a variable depending on a source of noise X , we define:
For instance, two such measures f (x) dx and g(x) dx may be equal over broad
values of K ; but the expectation 1 x f (x) dx can be much more consequential than
x g(x) dx as the cost of the break can be more severe and we are interested in its
“vega” equivalent.
Example: A government estimates unemployment for the next three years as averaging
9%; it uses its econometric models to issue a forecast balance B of 200 billion deficit in the
local currency. But it misses (like almost everything in economics) that unemployment is
a stochastic variable. Employment over 3 years periods has fluctuated by 1% on average.
We can calculate the effect of the error with the following: âĂć Unemployment at 8%
, Balance B(8%) = -75 bn (improvement of 125bn) âĂć Unemployment at 9%, Balance
B(9%)= -200 bn âĂć Unemployment at 10%, Balance B(10%)= –550 bn (worsening of
The convexity bias from underestimation of the deficit is by -112.5bn, since
B(8%) + B(10%)
= 312.5
Further look at the probability distribution caused by the missed variable (assuming to
simplify deficit is Gaussian with a Mean Deviation of 1% )
Figure 14.5: Histogram from simulation of government deficit as a left-tailed random variable
as a result of randomizing unemployment of which it is a convex function. The method of point
estimate would assume a Dirac stick at -200, thus underestimating both the expected deficit
(-312) and the skewness (i.e., fragility) of it.
much as it is a means to verify whether f and g capture the full shape of the final
probability distribution.
Any situation with a bounded payoff function that organically truncates the left tail at
K will be impervious to all perturbations affecting the probability distribution below K.
For K = 0, the measure equates to mean negative semi-deviation (more potent than
negative semi-variance or negative semi-standard deviation often used in financial anal-
Missing Effects: The study of model error is not to question whether a model is precise
from missing the variable, insuring that the errors from the model don’t have missing
higher order terms that cause severe unexpected (and unseen) biases in one direction
because of convexity or concavity, in other words, whether or not the model error causes
a change in z.
f(x |↵ )
Where ↵ is supposed to be the average expected rate, where we take ' as the distribution
of ↵ over its domain }↵
↵= ↵ '(↵) d↵
The mere fact that ↵ is uncertain (since it is estimated) might lead to a bias if we perturb
from the outside (of the integral), i.e. stochasticize the parameter deemed fixed. Accord-
ingly, the convexity bias is easily measured as the difference between a) f integrated
across values of potential a and b) f estimated for a single value of a deemed to be its
average. The convexity bias !A becomes:
Z Z Z ✓Z ◆
!A ⌘ f (x | ↵ ) ' ( ↵ ) d↵ dx f (x ↵ ' ( ↵ ) d↵ )dx (14.11)
}x }↵ }x }↵
And !B the missed fragility is assessed by comparing the two integrals below K, in order
to capture the effect on the left tail:
Z K Z Z K ✓Z ◆
!B (K) ⌘ f (x | ↵ ) ' ( ↵ ) d↵ dx f (x ↵ ' ( ↵ ) d↵ )dx (14.12)
1 }↵ 1 }↵
0 1
!B (X) = (f (X |↵
¯+ ↵) + f (X |↵
¯ ↵)) f (X |↵
¯) (14.14)
So that
!B (K) = ! 0 B (x)dx (14.15)
which leads us to the fragility heuristic. In particular, if we assume that !B (X) has a
constant sign for X K, then !B (K) has the same sign.
Example 1 (Detecting Tail Risk Not Shown By Stress Test, !B). The famous
firm Dexia went into financial distress a few days after passing a stress test “with flying
If a bank issues a so-called "stress test" (something that has not proven very satis-
factory), off a parameter (say stock market) at -15%. We ask them to recompute at
-10% and -20%. Should the exposure show negative asymmetry (worse at -20% than it
improves at -10%), we deem that their risk increases in the tails. There are certainly
hidden tail exposures and a definite higher probability of blowup in addition to exposure
to model error.
Note that it is somewhat more effective to use our measure of shortfall in Definition, but
the method here is effective enough to show hidden risks, particularly at wider increases
(try 25% and 30% and see if exposure shows increase). Most effective would be to use
power-law distributions and perturb the tail exponent to see symmetry.
1- First Step (first order). Take a valuation. Measure the sensitivity to all parameters
of parameter is taken into account by risk assessment. If not, then stop and declare
the risk as grossly mismeasured (no need for further risk assessment). 2-Second Step
(second order). For all parameters p compute the ratio of first to second order effects at
the initial range p = estimated mean deviation. H ( p) ⌘ µµ , where
✓ ✓ ◆ ✓ ◆◆
0 1 1 1
µ ( p) ⌘ f p+ p +f p p
2 2 2
2-Third Step. Note parameters for which H is significantly > or < 1. 3- Fourth Step:
Keep widening p to verify the stability of the second order effects.
The Heuristic applied to a stress test:
In place of the standard, one-point estimate stress test S1, we issue a "triple", S1, S2,
S3, where S2 and S3 are S1 ± p. Acceleration of losses is indicative of fragility.
Remarks. a. Simple heuristics have a robustness (in spite of a possible bias) compared
to optimized and calibrated measures. Ironically, it is from the multiplication of convexity
biases and the potential errors from missing them that calibrated models that work
in-sample underperform heuristics out of sample (Gigerenzer and Brighton, 2009). b.
Heuristics allow to detection of the effect of the use of the wrong probability distribution
without changing probability distribution (just from the dependence on parameters). c.
The heuristic improves and detects flaws in all other commonly used measures of risk,
such as CVaR, âĂIJexpected shortfallâĂİ, stress-testing, and similar methods have been
proven to be completely ineffective (Taleb, 2009). d. The heuristic does not require
parameterization beyond varying ÎŤp.
In parallel works, applying the "simple heuristic" allows us to detect the following
“hidden short options” problems by merely perturbating a certain parameter p:
i- Size and pseudo-economies of scale.
ii- Size and squeezability (nonlinearities of squeezes in costs per unit).
iii- Specialization (Ricardo) and variants of globalization.
iv- Missing stochasticity of variables (price of wine).
v- Portfolio optimization (Markowitz).
vi- Debt and tail exposure.
vii- Budget Deficits: convexity effects explain why uncertainty lengthens, doesn’t shorten
expected deficits.
viii- Iatrogenics (medical) or how some treatments are concave to benefits, convex to
ix- Disturbing natural systems.1
1 Acknowledgments: Bruno Dupire, Emanuel Derman, Jean-Philippe Bouchaud, Elie Canetti. Pre-
sented at JP Morgan, New York, June 16, 2011; CFM, Paris, June 17, 2011; GAIM Conference, Monaco,
June 21, 2011; Max Planck Institute, BERLIN, Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality 2011 - Foun-
dations of an Interdisciplinary Decision Theory- June 23, 2011; Eighth International Conference on
Arrow, K.J., (1965), "The theory of risk aversion," in Aspects of the Theory of Risk
Bearing, by Yrjo Jahnssonin Saatio, Helsinki. Reprinted in: Essays in the Theory of
Risk Bearing, Markham Publ. Co., Chicago, 1971, 90–109.
Derman, E. and Wilmott, P. (2009). The Financial Modelers’ Manifesto, SSRN:
Gigerenzer, G. and Brighton, H.(2009). Homo heuristicus: Why biased minds make
better inferences, Topics in Cognitive Science, 1-1, 107-143
Gigerenzer, G., & Goldstein, D. G. (1996). Reasoning the fast and frugal way: Models
of bounded rationality. Psychological Review, 103, 650-669.
Kahneman, D. and Tversky, A. (1979). “Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision
Under Risk.” Econometrica 46(2):171–185.
Jensen, J. L. W. V. (1906). "Sur les fonctions convexes et les inégalités entre les valeurs
moyennes". Acta Mathematica 30
Haug, E. & Taleb, N.N. (2011) Option Traders Use (very) Sophisticated Heuristics,
Never the Black–Scholes–Merton Formula Journal of Economic Behavior and Organi-
zation, Vol. 77, No. 2,
Machina, Mark, and Michael Rothschild. 2008. “Risk.” In The New Palgrave Dictionary
of Economics, 2nd ed., edited by Steven N. Durlauf and Lawrence E. Blume. London:
Makridakis, S., A. Andersen, R. Carbone, R. Fildes, M. Hibon, R. Lewandowski, J.
Newton, R. Parzen, and R. Winkler (1982). "The Accuracy of Extrapolation (Time
Series) Methods: Results of a Forecasting Competition." Journal of Forecasting 1: 111–
Makridakis, S., and M. Hibon (2000). "The M3-Competition: Results, Conclusions and
Implications." International Journal of Forecasting 16:
Pratt, J. W. (1964) "Risk aversion in the small and in the large," Econometrica 32,
January–April, 122–136.
Rothschild, M. and J. E. Stiglitz (1970). "Increasing risk: I. A definition." Journal of
Economic Theory 2(3): 225-243.
Rothschild, M. and J. E. Stiglitz (1971). "Increasing risk II: Its economic consequences."
Journal of Economic Theory 3(1): 66-84.
Taleb, N.N. (1997). Dynamic Hedging: Managing Vanilla and Exotic Options, Wiley
Taleb, N.N. (2009). Errors, robustness and the fourth quadrant, International Journal
of Forecasting, 25-4, 744--759
Taleb, N.N. (2012). Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder, Random House
W.R. Van Zwet (1964). Convex Transformations of Random Variables, Mathematical
Center Amsterdam, 7
15 The Origin of Thin-Tails
Chapter Summary 15: The literature of heavy tails starts with a random
walk and finds mechanisms that lead to fat tails under aggregation. We
follow the inverse route and show how starting with fat tails we get to
thin-tails from the probability distribution of the response to a random
variable. We introduce a general dose-response curve show how the left
amd right-boundedness of the reponse in natural things leads to thin-
tails, even when the “underlying” variable of the exposure is fat-tailed.
Our approach here is to assume that random variables, under absence of contraints,
become power law-distributed. This is the default in the absence of boundedness or
compactness. Then, the response, that is, a funtion of the random variable, considered
in turn as an “inherited” random variable, will have different properties. If the response is
bounded, then the dampening of the tails of the inherited distribution will lead it to bear
the properties of the Gaussian, or the class of distributions possessing finite moments of
all orders.
!5 5 10 15 20
S1!x, 1, 1, 0"
where B(a, b) = (a(a+b)
)(b )
= 0 dtta 1 (1 t)b 1
. The simulation effect of the convex-concave transformations of the terminal probability
distribution is shown in Figure 2.
And the Kurtosis of the inherited distributions drops at higher thanks to the bound-
edness of the payoff, making the truncation to the left and the right visible. Kurtosis for
f.2,3 is infinite, but in-sample will be extremely high, but, of course, finite. So we use it
as a benchmark to see the drop from the calibration of the response curves.
Distribution Kurtosis
S 1 (1, 1, 0) 4.20523
0.015 0.020
0.010 0.015
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Figure 15.2: Histograms for the different inherited probability distributions (simulations ,N =
106 )
g(x) is the inherited distribution, which can be shown to have a scaled domain
Dg = (kL , kR ). It becomes
0 1 ↵+1
a1 @ ↵
( ( a1x x )+c1)
b12 2
g(x) = p ↵ 1
↵b1 xB 2, 2 (a1 x)
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Table 15.2: The Kurtosis of the standard drops along with the scale of the power law
Remark 11: The inherited distribution from S(x) will have a compact support regardless
of the probability distribution of x.
9. Stochastic environmental harm: when, say, polluting with K units is more than
twice as harmful than polluting with K/2 units.
16.1.2 Second Example: The Irish Potato Famine with a warning on GMOs
The same argument and derivations apply to concentration. Consider the tragedy of the
Irish potato famine.
In the 19th Century, Ireland experienced a violent potato famine coming from concen-
tration and lack of diversity. They concentrated their crops with the "lumper" potato
variety. "Since potatoes can be propagated vegetatively, all of these lumpers were clones,
genetically identical to one another."2
Now the case of genetically modified organism (GMOs) is rich in fragilities (and confusion
about the "natural"): the fact that an error can spread beyond local spots bringing fat-
tailedness, a direct result ofthe multiplication of large scale errors. But the mathematical
framework here allows us to gauge its effect from loss of local diversity. The greater
problem with GMOs is the risk of ecocide, examined in Chapter x.
and lack of diversity) are similar to short volatility exposures, with seen immediate
benefits and unseen deferred losses.
The rest of the discussion is as follows. We will proceed, via convex transformation to
show the effect of nonlinearity on the expectation. We start with open-ended harm, a
monotone concave response, where regardless of probability distribution (satisfying some
criteria), we can extract the harm from the second derivative of the exposure. Then we
look at more natural settings represented by the "sigmoid" S-curve (or inverted S-curve)
which offers more complex nonlinearities and spans a broader class of phenomena.
We can prove by the inequalities from concave transformations that, the expectation
of the large units is lower or equal to that of the sum of the parts. Because of the
monotonocity and concavity of h(x),
! N
h !i x h(!i x), (16.1)
i=1 i=1
for all x in its domain (R+ ), where !i are nonnegative normalized weights, that is,
⇣P ⌘
And taking expectations on both sides, E(✓(B)) E i=1 ✓(! i B) : the mean of a
large unit under stochastic stressors degrades compared to a series of small ones.
16.2.1 Application
Let h(x) be the simplified harm function of the form
h(x) ⌘ kx , (16.2)
p↵,L (x) = ↵ L↵ x ↵ 1
for x L (16.3)
The distribution of the response to the stressor will have the distribution g = (p h)(x).
Given that k the stressor is strictly positive, h(x) will be in the negative domain.
Consider a second change of variable, dividing x in N equal fragments, so that the unit
becomes ⇠ = x/N , N 2 N 1 :
⇣ ⌘ ↵/
↵↵ N ↵
g↵,L,N (⇠) = , (16.4)
↵ k L N ↵( 1) 1
kL 1
M (N ) = ⇠ g↵,L,N (⇠) d⇠ = (16.5)
1 ↵
which leads to a simple ratio of the mean of the total losses (or damage) compared to
a number of its N fragments, allowing us to extract the "convexity effect" or the
degradation of the mean coming from size (or concentration):
M (N )
= ↵ ( 1)
M (N )
With = 1, the convexity effect =1. With = 3/2 (what we observe in orderflow and
many other domains related to planning, Bouchaud et al., 2012, Flyvbjerg et al, 2012),
the convexity effect is shown in Figure 16.2.
Convexity Effects
Expected total loss for N units
2 4 6 8 10
Table 16.2: The mean harm in total as a result of concentration. Degradation of the mean for
N=1 compared to a large N, with = 3/2
Unseen Harm. The skewness of g↵,L,N (⇠) shows effectively how losses have properties
that hide the mean in "small" samples (that is, large but insufficient number of observa-
tions), since, owing to skewness, the observed mean loss with tend to be lower than the
true value. As with the classical Black Swan exposures, benefits are obvious and harm
1 1
S(x) = + (16.7)
1+e b (c x) 1 + eb c
The second term is there to insure that S(0) = 0. Figure 16.3 shows the different
calibrations of b (c sets a displacement to the right).
2 4 6 8 10
Higher scale
(dispersion or Convex Response
Table 16.4: When variance is high, the distribution of stressors shifts in a way to elevate the
mass in the convex zone
and Z 1
E =N S(⇠) p(⇠) d⇠
16.3.1 Application
✓ ◆
1 N N bc
M (N ) = bc 2 F1 1, ; + 1; e
e +1 b b
P1 bk z k
where the Hypergeometric function 2 F1 (a, b; c; z) = k=0 akk!c k
The ratio M
M (N )
(N ) doesn’t admit a reversal owing to the shape, as we can
see in 16.5 but we can see that high variance reduces the effect of the
Κ MΛ !Κ"
MΛ !1"
2 4 6 8 10
Table 16.5: Exponential Distribution: The degradation coming from size at different values of
x 0.30
2 4 6 8 10 0.25
!0.4 0.15
!0.6 0.10
!0.8 0.05
!1.0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0.5 0.4
0.4 0.3
0.1 0.1
x x
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Table 16.6: The different shapes of the Pareto IV distribution with perturbations of ↵, , µ, and
k allowing to create mass to the right of c.
The mean harm function, M↵, ,µ,k (N ) becomes:
M↵, ,µ,k (N ) =
Z 1 ✓ ◆
1 1 1
(x µ) bc
e b( c N ) + 1
0 e +1
✓ ◆ 1/ ! ↵ 1
+1 dx (16.10)
x µ
M(.) needs to be evaluated numerically. Our concern is the "pathology" where the
mixed convexities of the sigmoid and the probability distributions produce locally op-
M ,µ,k (N )
posite results than 16.3.1 on the ratio M↵,↵, ,µ,k (N ) . We produce perturbations around
zones where µ has maximal effects, as in 16.9. However as shown in Figure 16.7, the total
expected harm is quite large under these conditions, and damage will be done regardless
of the effect of scale.
Harm for N#1
1 2 3 4 5 6
"0.3 S''(x)=0
Table 16.7: Harm increases as the mean of the probability distribution shifts to the right, to
become maximal at c, the point where the sigmoid function S(.) switches from concave to convex.
Κ Mk,Α,Γ,Μ !Κ"
Mk,Α,Γ,Μ !1"
2 4 6 8 10
Table 16.8: Different values of µ: we see the pathology where 2 M(2) is higher than M(1), for a
value of µ = 4 to the right of the point c.
M !2"
M !1"
1 2 3 4
16.3.2 Conclusion
This completes the math showing extracting the "small is beautiful" effect, as well as
the effect of dose on harm in natural and biological settings where the Sigmoid is in use.
More verbal discussions are in Antifragile.
Yaneer Bar-Yam, Jim Gatheral (naming such nonlinear fragility the "Tower of Babel
effect"), Igor Bukanov, Edi Pigoni, Charles Tapiero.
17 How The World Will Progressively
Look Weirder to Us
Source Effect
We are getting more information, but with constant “consciouness”, “desk space”, or
“visibility”. Google News, Bloomberg News, etc. have space for, say, <100 items
at any point in time. But there are millions of events every day. As the world is
more connected, with the global dominating over the local, the number of sources of
news is multiplying. But your consciousness remains limited. So we are experiencing a
winner-take-all effect in information: like a large movie theatre with a small door.
Likewise we are getting more data. The size of the door is remaining constant, the
theater is getting larger.
The winner-take-all effects in information space corresponds to more noise, less signal.
This is similar to the idea that the more spurious returns dominate finance as the number
of players get large, and swamp the more solid ones. Start with the idea (see Taleb 2001),
that as a population of operators in a profession marked by a high degrees of randomness
increases, the number of stellar results, and stellar for completely random reasons, gets
larger. The “spurious tail” is therefore the number of persons who rise to the top for no
reasons other than mere luck, with subsequent rationalizations, analyses, explanations,
and attributions. The performance in the “spurious tail” is only a matter of number
of participants, the base population of those who tried. Assuming a symmetric market,
if one has for base population 1 million persons with zero skills and ability to predict
starting Year 1, there should be 500K spurious winners Year 2, 250K Year 3, 125K
Year 4, etc. One can easily see that the size of the winning population in, say, Year 10
depends on the size of the base population Year 1; doubling the initial population would
double the straight winners. Injecting skills in the form of better-than-random abilities
to predict does not change the story by much. (Note that this idea has been severely
plagiarized by someone, about which a bit more soon).
Because of scalability, the top, say 300, managers get the bulk of the allocations, with the
lion’s share going to the top 30. So it is obvious that the winner-take-all effect causes
distortions: say there are m initial participants and the “top” k managers selected, the
result will be m k
managers in play. As the base population gets larger, that is, N
increases linearly, we push into the tail probabilities.
Here read skills for information, noise for spurious performance, and translate the prob-
lem into information and news.
The paradox: This is quite paradoxical as we are accustomed to the opposite effect,
namely that a large increases in sample size reduces the effect of sampling error; here
17.2 Derivations
⇣ ⌘
Let Z ⌘ zij 1<j<m,1i<n be a (n ⇥ m) sized population of variations, m population
series and n data points per distribution, with i, j 2 N; assume “noise” or scale of the
distribution 2 R+ , signal µ 0 . Clearly can accommodate distributions with
infinite variance, but we need the expectation to be finite. Assume i.i.d. for a start.
for all nondecreasing distribution functions F (x) ⌘ P(X < x). For distributions without
compact support, w 2 (0,1); otherwise w 2 [0, 1]. In the case of continuous and increasing
distributions, we can write F 1 instead.
The signal is in the expectaion, so E(z) is the signal, and the scale of the distribution
determines the noise (which for a Gaussian corresponds to the standard deviation).
Assume for now that all noises are drawn from the same distribution.
Assume constant probability the “threshold”, ⇣= m k
, where k is the size of the window
of the arrival. Since we assume that k is constant, it matters greatly that the quantile
covered shrinks with m.
Gaussian Noise
✓ ◆
p 1 k
,µ (⇣) = 2 erfc 2 +µ
Note that (noise) is multiplicative, when µ (signal) is additive.
As information increases, ⇣ becomes smaller, and 1
moves away in
0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
where I is the generalized regularized incomplete Beta function I(z0 ,z1 ) (a, b) =
B(z0 ,z1 ) (a,b) Rz a 1
B(a,b) , and B z (a, b) the incomplete Beta function B z (a, b) = 0
t (1 t)b 1 dt.
B(a, b) is the Euler Beta function B(a, b) = (a) (b)/ (a + b) = 0 ta 1 (1 t)b 1 dt.
As we can see in Figure 2, the explosion in the tails of noise, and noise only.
10 000
Σ"1 Σ"2 Σ"3 Σ"4
Figure 17.2:
Power Law,
2. # 10$7 4. # 10$7 6. # 10$7 8. # 10$7 1. # 10$6
50 000
40 000
Figure 17.3: Al-
pha Stable Dis-
30 000
20 000
10 000
2. # 10$7 4. # 10$7 6. # 10$7 8. # 10$7 1. # 10$6
18 The Convexity of Wealth to Inequality
Chapter Summary 18: The one percent ofRthe one percent has tail proper-
ties such that the tail wealth (expectation K x p(x) dx) depends far more on
inequality than wealth.
18.1 The One Percent of the One Percent are Divorced from the
The one percent of the one percent of the population is vastly more sensitive to inequality
than total GDP growth (which explains why the superrich are doing well now, and should
do better under globalization, and why it is a segment that doesn’t correlate well with
the economy). For the super-rich, one point of GINI causes an increase equivalent to
6-10% increase in total income (say, GDP). More generally, the partial expectation in the
tail is vastly more sensitive to changes in scale of the distribution than in its centering.
Sellers of luxury goods and products for the superwealthy profit from dispersion more
than increase in total wealth or income. I looked at their case as a long optionality,
benefit-from-volatility type of industry.
From Antifragile:
Another business that does not care about the average but rather the dis-
persion around the average is the luxury goods industry jewelry, watches,
art, expensive apartments in fancy locations, expensive collec - tor wines,
gourmet farm - raised probiotic dog food, etc. Such businesses only cares
about the pool of funds available to the very rich. If the population in the
Western world had an average income of fifty thousand dollars, with no in-
equality at all, the luxury goods sellers would not survive. But if the average
stays the same, with a high degree of inequality, with some incomes higher
than two million dollars, and potentially some incomes higher than ten mil-
lion, then the business has plenty of customers even if such high incomes
were offset with masses of people with lower incomes. The “tails” of the dis-
tribution on the higher end of the income brackets, the extreme, are much
more determined by changes in inequality than changes in the average. It
gains from dispersion, hence is antifragile.
This explains the bubble in real estate prices in Central London, deter-
mined by inequality in Russia and the Arabian Gulf and totally independent
of the real estate dynamics in Britain. Some apartments, those for the very
rich, sell for twenty times the average per square foot of a building a few
18.1.1 Derivations
Let the r.v. x 2 [xmin , 1) follow a Pareto distribution (type II), with expected return
fixed at E(x) = m, tail exponent ↵ >1, the density function
⇣ ⌘
↵ (↵ 1)(m xmin ) xmin +x
(↵ 1)(m xmin )
↵ 1
p(x) =
(↵ 1) (m xmin )
We are dealing with a three parameter function, as the fatness of the tails is determined
by both ↵ and m xmin , with m xmin > 0 (since ↵ >1).
Note that with 7 billion humans, the one percent of the one percent represents 700,000
The same distribution applies to wealth and income (although with a different
parametrization, including a lower ↵ as wealth is more unevenly distributed than in-
Note that this analysis does not take into account the dynamics (and doesn’t need to):
over time a different population will be at the top.
The Lorenz curve. Where F(x), short for P (X < x) is the cumulative distribution
function and inverse F (z) : [0,1] ![xmin , 1) the Lorenz function for z L(z):[0, 1]![0,1]
is defined as:
F (y)dy
L(z) ⌘ R01
F (y)dy
The distribution function
✓ ◆
x xmin ↵
F (x) = 1 1+ ,
(↵ 1) (m xmin )
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
1 1/↵
L (z, ↵, m, xmin ) = (1 z) ((z 1)↵ (m xmin )
+ (z 1) ↵ (m(z + ↵ z↵) + (z 1)↵xmin ) (18.1)
Which gives us different combination of ↵ and m xmin , producing different tail shapes:
some can have a strong “middle class” (or equivalent) while being top-heavy; others can
have more equal inequality throughout.
↵ (m xmin )
GINI (↵, m, xmin ) =
(2↵ 1) m
Computing theR tail mass above a threshold K, that is, the unconditional partial expec-
tation E>K ⌘ K xp(x) dx, which corresponds to the nominal share of the total pie for
those with wealth above K,
✓ ◆↵
m x min
E>K = (↵ 1)↵ 1 (↵ (K + m xmin ) m)
K + (↵ 1)m ↵xmin
The Probability of exceeding K, P>K (Short for P (X > k))
✓ ◆
K xmin ↵
P>K = 1 +
(↵ 1) (m xmin )
For the One Percent of the One Percent (or equivalent), we set the probability P>K
and invert to KP =(↵ 1) (m xmin ) p 1/↵ ↵ (1 + m + xmin ),
⇣ ↵ 1⌘⇣ 1
E>K = p ↵ ↵ (m xmin ) + p (m m↵ + ↵xmin )
Chapter Summary 19: Explains why the fragile is necessarily in the nonlin-
ear. Examines nonlinearities in medicine /iatrogenics as a risk management
INCOMPLETE CHAPTER as of November 2013
Broken glass !
The main framework of broken glass: very nonlinear in response. We replace the Heavy-
side with a continuous funtion in C 1 .
Imagine different classes of coffee cups or fragile items that break as the dose increases,
indexed by i
for their sigmoid of degree 1: the linearity in the left interval ( x0 , x1 ] ,
where xis the dose and S(.) the response, S : R+ ! [0, 1]. ( Note that ↵ = 1; we keep a
(which determines the height) constant so all start at the same point x0 and end at the
same one x4 . Note that c corresponds to the displacement to the right or the left on
the dose-response line.
Sa, i, (x) ⌘ i( ( +x))
e +1
The second derivative:
✓ ◆
@ 2 Sa, i , (x) 2 4 1
= 2a sinh ( + x)
@x2 2
csch3 ( ( + x)), (19.1)
where sinh and csnh are the hyperbolic sine and cosine, respectively.
Figure 19.1: The
different dose-
response curves, 0.6
at different val-
ues of i
corresponding to
varying levels of
More Linear
f !x ! "x" ! f !x # "x"
Proof: Jensen’s Inequality.
This is a simplification here since dose response is rarely monotone in its nonlinearity,
as we will see further down.
Iatrogenics. If @ @x f (x)
2 0 for all x (to simplify), and x is symmetrically distributed,
then the distribution of the “outcome” from administration of f (and only the effect of
f ) will be left-skewed as shown in Figure 1. Further “known limited upside, unknown
Medical Iatrogenics
Iatrogenics: Probability distribution of f. Case of small benefits and large
Black Swan-style losses seen in probability space. Iatrogenics occur when we have small
identifiable gains (say, avoidance of small discomfort or a minor infection) and exposure
to Black Swans with delayed invisible large side effects (say, death). These concave
benefits from medicine are just like selling a financial option (plenty of risk) against
small tiny immediate gains while claiming “evidence of no harm”.
In short, for a healthy person, there is a small probability of disastrous outcomes (dis-
counted because unseen and not taken into account), and a high probability of mild
Proof: Convex transformation of a random variable, the Fragility Transfer Theorem.
Drug Benefit
Medical Breakeven
Iatrogenics zone
Mother Nature v/s Medicine. The hypertension example. On the vertical axis,
we have benefits of a treatment, on the horizontal, the severity of the condition. The
arrow points at the level where probabilistic gains match probabilistic harm. Iatrogenics
disappear nonlinearly as a function of the severity of the condition. This implies that
when the patient is very ill, the distribution shifts to antifragile (thicker right tail), with
large benefits from the treatment over possible iatrogenics, little to lose.
Note that if you increase the treatment you hit concavity from maximum benefits, a zone
not covered in the graph seen more broadly, it would look like the graph of bounded
From Antifragile
Second principle of iatrogenics
iatrogenics: it is not linear. We should not take risks with near-
Why do we need to focus treatment on more serious cases, not marginal ones? Take this
example showing nonlinearity (convexity). When hypertension is mild, say marginally
higher than the zone accepted as “normotensive,” the chance of benefiting from a certain
drug is close to 5.6 percent (only one person in eighteen benefit from the treatment).
But when blood pressure is considered to be in the “high” or “severe” range, the chances
of benefiting are now 26 and 72 percent, respectively (that is, one person in four and
two persons out of three will benefit from the treatment). So the treatment benefits
are convex to condition (the bene- fits rise disproportionally, in an accelerated manner).
But consider that the iatrogenics should be constant for all categories! In the very ill
condi- tion, the benefits are large relative to iatrogenics; in the borderline one, they are
small. This means that we need to focus on high-symptom con- ditions and ignore, I
mean really ignore, other situations in which the patient is not very ill.
The argument here is based on the structure of conditional survival probabilities, similar
to the one that we used to prove that harm needs to be nonlinear for porcelain cups.
Consider that Mother Nature had to have tinkered through selection in inverse proportion
to the rarity of the condition. Of the hundred and twenty thousand drugs available today,
I can hardly find a via positiva one that makes a healthy person uncondi- tionally “better”
(and if someone shows me one, I will be skeptical of yet-unseen side effects). Once in a
while we come up with drugs that enhance performance, such as, say, steroids, only to
discover what peo- ple in finance have known for a while: in a “mature” market there
is no free lunch anymore, and what appears as a free lunch has a hidden risk. When
you think you have found a free lunch, say, steroids or trans fat, something that helps
the healthy without visible downside, it is most likely that there is a concealed trap
somewhere. Actually, my days in trading, it was called a “sucker’s trade.”
And there is a simple statistical reason that explains why we have not been able to
find drugs that make us feel unconditionally better when we are well (or unconditionally
stronger, etc.): nature would have been likely to find this magic pill by itself. But
consider that illness is rare, and the more ill the person the less likely nature would have
found the solu- tion by itself, in an accelerating way. A condition that is, say, three units
of deviation away from the norm is more than three hundred times rarer than normal;
an illness that is five units of deviation from the norm is more than a million times rarer!
The medical community has not modeled such nonlinearity of benefits to iatrogenics,
and if they do so in words, I have not seen it in formal- ized in papers, hence into a
decision-making methodology that takes probability into account (as we will see in the
next section, there is little explicit use of convexity biases). Even risks seem to be lin-
early extrapo- lated, causing both underestimation and overestimation, most certainly
miscalculation of degrees of harm for instance, a paper on the effect of radiation
states the following: “The standard model currently in use ap- plies a linear scale, ex-
trapolating cancer risk from high doses to low doses of ionizing radiation.” Further,
pharmaceutical companies are under financial pressures to find diseases and satisfy the
security ana- lysts. They have been scraping the bottom of the barrel, looking for disease
among healthier and healthier people, lobbying for reclassifica- tions of conditions, and
fine-tuning sales tricks to get doctors to overpre- scribe. Now, if your blood pressure
is in the upper part of the range that used to be called “normal,” you are no longer
“normotensive” but “pre-hypertensive,” even if there are no symptoms in view. There
is nothing wrong with the classification if it leads to healthier lifestyle and robust via
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List of Figures
1.1 The risk of breaking of the coffee cup is not necessarily in the past time
series of the variable; in fact surviving objects have to have had a "rosy"
past. Further, fragile objects are disproportionally more vulnerable to tail
events than ordinary ones –by the concavity argument. . . . . . . . . . . . 20
1.2 The conflation of x and f (x): mistaking the statistical properties of the
exposure to a variable for the variable itself. It is easier to modify exposure
to get tractable properties than try to understand x. This is more general
confusion of truth space and consequence space. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1.3 The Masquerade Problem (or Central Asymmetry in Inference).
To the left, a degenerate random variable taking seemingly constant val-
ues, with a histogram producing a Dirac stick. One cannot rule out non-
degeneracy. But the right plot exhibits more than one realization. Here
one can rule out degeneracy. This central asymmetry can be generalized
and put some rigor into statements like "failure to reject" as the notion
of what is rejected needs to be refined. We produce rules in Chapter 3. . . 24
1.4 "The probabilistic veil". Taleb and Pilpel (2000,2004) cover the point
from an epistemological standpoint with the "veil" thought experiment
by which an observer is supplied with data (generated by someone with
"perfect statistical information", that is, producing it from a generator of
time series). The observer, not knowing the generating process, and basing
his information on data and data only, would have to come up with an
estimate of the statistical properties (probabilities, mean, variance, value-
at-risk, etc.). Clearly, the observer having incomplete information about
the generator, and no reliable theory about what the data corresponds
to, will always make mistakes, but these mistakes have a certain pattern.
This is the central problem of risk management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
1.5 The "true" distribution as expected from the Monte Carlo generator . . . 26
1.6 A typical realization, that is, an observed distribution for N = 103 . . . . 26
1.7 The Recovered Standard Deviation, which we insist, is infinite. This
means that every run j would deliver a different average . . . . . . . . . . 27
1.8 A Version of Savage’s Small World/Large World Problem. In statistical
domains assume Small World= coin tosses and Large World = Real
World. Note that measure theory is not the small world, but large world,
2.17 What the proponents of "great moderation" or "long peace" have in mind:
history as a thin-tailed process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
2.18 Terra Incognita: Brad Efron’s positioning of the unknown that is cer-
tainly out of reach for any type of knowledge, which includes Bayesian
inference.(Efron, via Susan Holmes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
A.1 The coffee cup is less likely to incur "small" than large harm; it is exposed
to (almost) everything or nothing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
A.2 The War and peace model. Kurtosis K=1.7, much lower than the Gaussian. 70
A.3 The Bond payoff model. Absence of volatility, deterministic payoff in
regime 2, mayhem in regime 1. Here the kurtosis K=2.5. Note that the
coffee cup is a special case of both regimes 1 and 2 being degenerate. . . . 71
3.1 N=1000. Sample simulation. Both series have the exact same means and
variances at the level of the generating process. Naive use of common
metrics leads to the acceptance that the process A has thin tails. . . . . . 80
3.2 N=1000. Rejection: Another realization. there is 1/2 chance of see-
ing the real properties of A. We can now reject the hypothesis that the
smoother process has thin tails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
3.3 The tableau of Fat tails, along the various classifications for convergence
purposes (i.e., convergence to the law of large numbers, etc.)A variation
around Embrechts et al [19], but applied to the Radon-Nikodym deriva-
tives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
3.4 The Kolmorov-Smirnov Gap. D is the measure of the largest absolute
divergence between the candidate and the target distribution. . . . . . . . 88
3.5 The good news is that we know exactly what not to call "evidence" in
complex domains where one goes counter to the principle of "nature as a
LLN statistician". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
4.1 Log-log plot illustration of the asymptotic tail exponent with two states. . 95
4.2 Illustration of the convexity bias for a Gaussian from raising small proba-
bilities: The plot shows the STD effect on P>x, and compares P>6 with
a STD of 1.5 compared to P> 6 assuming a linear combination of 1.2 and
1.8 (here a(1)=1/5). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.3 The effect of Ha,p (t) "utility" or prospect theory of under second order
effect on variance. Here = 1, µ = 1 and t variable. . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Ha, 1 (t)
4.4 The ratio H0
or the degradation of "utility" under second order effects. 98
5.1 How thin tails (Gaussian) and fat tails (1< ↵ 2) converge to the mean. . 103
5.2 The distribution (histogram) of the standard deviation of the sum of
N=100 ↵=13/6. The second graph shows the entire span of realizations.
If it appears to shows very little information in the middle, it is because
the plot is stretched to accommodate the extreme observation on the far
5.3 Preasymptotics of the ratio of mean deviations. But one should note that
mean deviations themselves are extremely highpin the neighborhood of #1.
So we have a “sort of” double convergence to n : convergence at higher
n and convergence at higher ↵. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
5.4 Q-Q Plot of N Sums of variables distributed according to the
Student T with 3 degrees of freedom, N=50, compared to
the Gaussian, rescaled into standard deviations. We see on
both sides a higher incidence of tail events. 106 simulations112
5.5 The Widening Center. Q-Q Plot of variables distributed ac-
cording to the Student T with 3 degrees of freedom compared
to the Gaussian, rescaled into standard deviation, N=500. We
see on both sides a higher incidence of tail events. 10 simulations.113
6.1 Q-Q plot" Fitting extreme value theory to data generated by its own
process , the rest of course owing to sample insuficiency for extremely
large values, a bias that typically causes the underestimation of tails, as
the reader can see the points tending to fall to the right. . . . . . . . . . 129
6.2 First 100 years (Sample Path): A Monte Carlo generated realization of a
process for casualties from violent conflict of the "80/20 or 80/02 style",
that is tail exponent ↵= 1.15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
6.3 The Turkey Surprise: Now 200 years, the second 100 years dwarf the first;
these are realizations of the exact same process, seen with a longer window
and at a different scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
6.4 Does the past mean predict the future mean? Not so. M1 for 100 years,M2
for the next century. Seen at a narrow scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
6.5 Does the past mean predict the future mean? Not so. M1 for 100 years,M2
for the next century. Seen at a wider scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
7.1 Comparing digital payoff (left) to the variable (right). The vertical payoff
shows xi , (x1 , x2 , ...) and the horizontal shows the index i= (1,2,...), as i
can be time, or any other form of classification. We assume in the first case
payoffs of {-1,1}, and open-ended (or with a very remote and unknown
bounds) in the second. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
7.2 Fatter and fatter tails: different values for a. Note that higher peak implies
a lower probability of leaving the ±1 tunnel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
7.3 The different classes of payoff f(x) seen in relation to an event x. (When
considering options, the variable can start at a given bet level, so the
payoff would be continuous on one side, not the other). . . . . . . . . . . 162
8.1 Three levels of multiplicative relative error rates for the standard deviation
, with (1 ± an ) the relative error on an 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
8.2 Thicker tails (higher peaks) for higher values of
N; here N = 0, 5, 10, 25, 50, all values of a= 101
8.3 LogLog Plot of the probability of exceeding x showing power law-style
flattening as N rises. Here all values of a= 1/10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
8.4 Preserving the variance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
10.1 Brownian Bridge Pinned at 100 and 120, with multiple realizations
{S0j , S1j , .., STj }, each indexed by j ; the idea is to find the path j that
satisfies the maximum distance Dj = ST Smin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
12.1 The most effective way to maximize the expected payoff to the agent at
the expense of the principal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
12.2 Indy Mac, a failed firm during the subprime crisis (from Taleb 2009). It
is a representative of risks that keep increasing in the absence of losses,
until the explosive blowup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
14.1 A definition of fragility as left tail-vega sensitivity; the figure shows the
effect of the perturbation of the lower semi-deviation s on the tail integral
⇠ of (x – ⌦) below K, ⌦ being a centering constant. Our detection of
fragility does not require the specification of f the probability distribution. 225
14.2 Disproportionate effect of tail events on nonlinear exposures, illustrating
the necessary character of the nonlinearity of the harm function and show-
ing how we can extrapolate outside the model to probe unseen fragility. . 229
14.3 The Transfer function H for different portions of the distribution: its sign
flips in the region slightly below ⌦ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
14.4 The distribution of G and the various derivatives of the unconditional
shortfalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
14.5 Histogram from simulation of government deficit as a left-tailed random
variable as a result of randomizing unemployment of which it is a con-
vex function. The method of point estimate would assume a Dirac stick
at -200, thus underestimating both the expected deficit (-312) and the
skewness (i.e., fragility) of it. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244
16.1 The Tower of Babel Effect: Nonlinear response to height, as taller towers
are disproportionately more vulnerable to, say, earthquakes, winds, or a
collision. This illustrates the case of truncated harm (limited losses).For
some structures with unbounded harm the effect is even stronger. . . . . . 256
16.2 Integrating the evolutionary explanation of the Irish potato famine into
our fragility framework, courtesy http://evolution.berkeley.edu/evolibrary
17.1 The picture of a "freak event" spreading on the web of a boa who ate a
drunk person in Kerala, India, in November 2013. With 7 billion people
on the planet and ease of communication the "tail" of daily freak events
is dominated by such news. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
17.2 Power Law, ={1,2,3,4} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
17.3 Alpha Stable Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
18.1 Different combinations L(z, 3, .2, .1), L(z, 3, .95, .1), L(z, 1.31, .2, .1) in ad-
dition to the perfect equality line L( z)= z. We see the criss-crossing at
higher values of z. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
3.1 Comparing the Fake and genuine Gaussians (Figure and subject-
ing them to a battery of tests. Note that some tests, such as the Jarque-
Bera test, are more relevant to fat tails as they include the payoffs. . . . . 87
8.1 Case of a = 1
10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
8.2 Case of a = 1
100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
9.1 EVT for different tail parameters ↵. We can see how a perturbation of ↵
moves the probability of a tail event from 6, 000 to 1.5 ⇥ 106 . [ADDING
WORSE] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
13.1 The Table presents differents results (in terms of multiples of option pre-
mia over intrinsic value) by multiplying implied volatility by 2, 3,4. An
option 5 conditional standard deviations out of the money gains 16 times
its value when implied volatility is multiplied by 4. Further out of the
money options gain exponentially. Note the linearity of at-the-money op-
tions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223