07112023 - Letcure Links

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Sr No.

Specialization Subject
1 Marketing Management
2 Human Resource Management
3 Finance Management
4 International Business Management
5 FinTech
6 IT Management

7 Project Management
8 Operations Management
9 Hospital Administration and Healthcare Management

10 Digital Marketing
11 Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
12 Block Chain Management

13 Business Analytics

14 Logistics, Materials & Supply chain Management

Course Code Course Coordinator Time
Marketing Research Dr. Mustafizul Haque 02:00 PM
Compensation Management Mr. P. Narasimha Rao 02:00 PM
Financial Institutions & Banking Prof. Chhaya Vanjare 02:00 PM
Financial Institutions & Banking Prof. Chhaya Vanjare 02:00 PM
Financial Institutions & Banking Prof. Chhaya Vanjare 02:00 PM
C Programming Prof. Toshi Dave 02:00 PM

Fundamentals of Project management Prof. Amul Tamboli 3.30 PM

Fundamentals of Project management Prof. Amul Tamboli 3.30 PM
Ancillary Hospital Services Dr. Anuradha Makhe 3.30 PM

Search Engine Optimization Prof. Asmita Kamble 12:30 PM

Machine Learning Prof.Ashwini Joshi 12:30 PM
Blockchain Technology and Management Prof. Anand Irabatti 12:30 PM

Business Analytics-II Prof.Dattatrey Katore 11.00 AM

No Session
Link Meeting ID
https://zoom.us/j/92574400797?pwd=czBtakZRWFlQZzZWa1F3WFR4R1F0UT09 925 7440 0797
https://zoom.us/j/97516236576?pwd=L2hBeEpkbEFlb1BBeFBvR1BnT3pSdz09 975 1623 6576
https://zoom.us/j/92594619101?pwd=Q1VKRCt6TU5KTXlXd3hjby9pQ1c3UT09 925 9461 9101
https://zoom.us/j/92594619101?pwd=Q1VKRCt6TU5KTXlXd3hjby9pQ1c3UT09 925 9461 9101
https://zoom.us/j/92594619101?pwd=Q1VKRCt6TU5KTXlXd3hjby9pQ1c3UT09 925 9461 9101
https://zoom.us/j/99938837938?pwd=VUQ4ZWdUaXJvdloyMEJoeFFxZ2E3UT09 999 3883 7938

https://zoom.us/j/97627784909?pwd=UHczOWpGK2I4Nit4aEExTnhud2l5QT09 976 2778 4909

https://zoom.us/j/97627784909?pwd=UHczOWpGK2I4Nit4aEExTnhud2l5QT09 976 2778 4909
https://zoom.us/j/94250907706?pwd=Sm5TYTZiQ0hmeDF0OGJ3ejRCaGdxdz09 942 5090 7706

https://zoom.us/j/99438117517?pwd=U1hMUnFZUm15YU1CNEwwU25jRTVMQT09 994 3811 7517

https://zoom.us/j/99853937939?pwd=K3VEVzkvSVN4Nk5qOW1oSm5VNllnQT09 998 5393 7939
https://zoom.us/j/91415012201?pwd=RUs4RGVyczNzSlpnOFlzOXJKWVVXUT09 914 1501 2201

https://zoom.us/j/95447844668?pwd=R3ZVdHgxMktlYzhTTlptNk5CSnFHQT09 954 4784 4668

Passcode Faculty Email ID
1234 [email protected]
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