W1 D1 PPG 8 14
W1 D1 PPG 8 14
W1 D1 PPG 8 14
Department of Education
Division of City Schools of Kidapawan
1. Content Standards 2. Performance Standard C. Learning Competency/ies:
Understanding of politics and The learners shall be able to clearly identify a define nation and state
political science, governance, specific political phenomenon and how it can be
political ideologies, power, states, studied.
nations, and globalization
II-CONTENT The State as different from the Nation as a political concept
F. Developing mastery (guides Direction: Write the CAPITAL letter of the correct answer.
formative assessment) 1. Which of the following best describes the concept of nation?
A. It is a community of persons, more or less numerous, permanently occupying a definite portion
of territory, possessing a government of its own, and is free from external control. B. It is a group
of people who share the same history, geography, language, customs, and sometimes, religion. C.
It is a process of forging international political, economic, religious, and socio-cultural
interconnections. D. It refers to an institution, agency or instrumentality through which the state
maintains social order, provides public services, and enforces binding decisions.
3. What element is essential for a state to exist, but is not required to form a nation?
A. People C. Territory
B. Government D. Sovereignty
G. Making generalizations and A state is political, legal, and functional in nature. A state is more than a government that
abstractions about the lesson is clear. Government changes, but state endure. A state is the means of rule over a
defined or sovereign territory. It is comprised of an executive, bureaucracy, courts and
other institutions.
A. No. of learners who earned B. No. of learners who scored C. Did the remedial D. No. of learners who
80?% in the evaluation: below 80% who needs lessons work? No. of continue to require
________ additional activities for learners who have caught remediation: _________
remediation: _______ up with the lesson:
E. Which of my teaching strategy/ies worked well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter with my principal or superior can help me solve?
Prepared by:
School Head