iNSTRUMENTÁL MbTHUDSOFANALYSIs* Tine: 3 Hours Total Marks: 75 Note: Attempt all Sections. SECTIONÁ Áltempt al questions in orief. i0 x 2= 20 (a) Give principle of UV speciroscopy. Describe quenching with examples. () EApiain pucipie uf Fiauue Pivioneity. () Whal are vaious metiods for preparation o TLC piates? (e) Give significance of Fermi Resonance. () Define Chromophores with examples. Givc namcs of dcteciors uscd in IrLC.
Describe principic of Affinity Chromaiograpiy.
(1) Explain applications of Nephelometry. Discuss factors affecting Vibrational frequency in IR spectroscopy. SECTIONB 2. Attempt any tvo parts of the fallowing: 2x 10 =20 (a) Discuss theory involved in IR Spectroscopy. Explain instrumentation of IR spectrophotometer with applications. (b) Describe theory, principle, instrumentation and applications of Gas Chromatography. (e) Differentiate between Atomic absorption and atomic emissicn. Describe varios interferences involved in Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. SECTION G, 3. Attempt any five parts of the following: 7x5=35
(w) Give ineuny uî Gci EicuuupiivIEsis. Eapiainíaciors affecting clecirophorctic mobility.
(b) What is Finger Prini 1egion? Explainfundamenta! nodes of vibrations in pos atomic molecules.
(c) Explain applications of Spectrofluorometry.
(d) Describe mechanism of ion exchange process in Ion Exchange Chromatography. (e) Cxplain Isocratic and Gradicnt Elution in HPLC. Discuss significance of derivatisation in Gas Chromatography. (g) Describe spectral shifis and solvent effect on absorption spectra in UV Spectroscopy.