MSC 3 Sem Chemistry Analytical Chemistry 1 Winter 2018

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AV -207 4

M.Sc. Semester III

(CBCS) Erlmiution
Analytical Chemistry I (Thcrmal and ElectroaDllytical Methods)
Time : Three Hours] f\,laximum Niarks : 80
:{.8. :-(i) All questions arc compulsory.
(2) All questions carry cqual marks-
(3) Ose of calculator is permitled.
(4) l)rarv labellcd diagrams *'hcrever necessary.
1. (a) l-xplain the principle D'l'-{.
and technique in (:

(b) Explain the $,orking principlc of DSC. 5

(c) A mixlure containing MgO and Ii,lgCO. undergoes a maximum weight loss of 15.6% by
dccomposition lbmring CO,. Cdculate the weight percentage ofeach ofthe two components
in the mixlurc. 5

(p) What are the thermal methods of analysis ? Give the classilicalion of rhermal melhods
of analysis. 6
(q) Ilxplain various factors atlecting DTA curves. 5

(r) Discuss the principal and dilltrent q'pcs of themomctric titrations. 5

2. (a) Explain lhe principle analysis.
and instrumentation in coulometlic 6

(b) Discuss the various applications of high iiequency titration. 5

(c) Explain the principlc involved in electrogravimetric cstimation of binary nrixture of

melrli. 5

(p) Explain Coulomclric titrations and gjve theiradvantages. 6

(q) l)iscuss the various applications of high liequelcy titmtion. 5

(r) F.xplain the principle and tcchnique in clcctrogmvimctric analysis. 5

3. (a) F.xplain construolion and r-r'orking of Glass elecrode. llow pH can be detenrlined by
this electrode ? 6

(b) u/hat are ion seleclive elcctodes ? Fixplain working of sodium ion selective clectrode.

(c) Civc explanatory nole on bio-scnsors. 5


wPz-10281 (Conld.)
(p) \Vrir.e brief flotcs on .

(i) ELcctochemical Sensor

(ii) Potentionrelric Sens(,r. 6

(q) What are the applicrlions ol chcmical sensors in agricultrue al:'d biotechnolog)' ? 5

t) Gi\'3 the principLe inr o1r eil in ion scleclivc ele!trodcs- \\'hat are their advanlagcs and

\l l-I\/ t
I (r) Iixylain types oi current: rn polarogralph]. 6

(b) Wrile short note on 'Su,rporling cleclrol)'tc" in polarography. 5

(c) Explain thc principl: of cyclic volramelry and gile its appllcarions. 5

(p) Define "Polarographic N{axilna". Hou is it renroved ? 6

(q) Calculate the dillusion coellicient of an ion that gires dillusion cunent of l0 +A in
a crll $'ith folloning properties. n- 2 t - 3.02 s, m:4.3 mg/s, C = 10 mM.

G) What are ampelonletric titfations 1 Lxflain its principle and methodology. 5

5. (u) Discuss the applicalioDs of spectrophotoIrrctr] in biomolccular anal.vsis $ith suitable
example. 6

(b) Wbat is meant b,v :L-ssa), ? Discuss il assay.

hrief mcthod ol dry 5

(c) Discuss thc priociplc and nalure 01'various types of ge1s. 5

(p) IIo.x will Jou detemrure llv qui ti{ ol \iiliunin B from lbod stull by s}rectrofluolotnetJ ?
Explain in brief. 6
(q) Di-c,r.. rarious appli.. i, ns ol'ulrra(er triru[,rl:.r' j
(r) \\irite brief account lxl lrcavy mctal toxicity and rheir remed-v. j

\\,PZ 102E4 125

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