zen sop ammended
zen sop ammended
zen sop ammended
2. Flying operation on this aircraft should be carried out in daylight under VFR conditions
3. To eliminate risk of injury or damage, ensure loose equipment, if any, is properly secured
before starting the engine.
4. Unless in a run up area, while on ground, never run the engine with propeller turning.
8. Always use only the recommended tools for any maintenance activity on the aircraft.
9. Always use the correct and recommended grade fuel, oils, lubricants and coolant to
prolong engine life and health.
11. Never operate the aircraft in rain or moist weather conditions to prevent damage to
wooden propeller.
12. Do not refuel in strong head winds to prevent hazing of windscreen due to fumes coming
in contact with the perspex.
13. Carry out a thorough FOD parade before commencing operations/ground run.
15. Strictly adhere to torque limits for tightening of screws and nuts. Once loosened. Always
renew self-securing nuts.
16. Never clean air filters with gasoline, steam, caustic liquids, detergents or high pressure
17. Always remove IGNITION KEY from the slot after switching off the engine.
19. Never accelerate the engine when it is below the recommended oil temperature.
20. For longer flights, always replenish engine oil to MAX mark.
21. On change of spark plugs, always renew both spark plugs of a cylinder. Never
interchange spark plugs between cylinders.
23. Always allow the engine to cool for several minutes before switch off.
24. Never operate the engine with the coolant/oil levels below the specified quantities.
26. Any other safety consideration depending on local conditions must be incorporated in the
accident prevention and flight safety plan.
Length: 20 feet
Height: 11 feet±
Wing Span 27 feet
Wing Area 127 Sq.ft
Tail plane span 87.5 inches
Main plane chord 58.9 inches
Wheel track 68.8 inches
Wheel base 57.5 inches
Empty weight 209 Kg (460 lb.)
Gross weight 436 Kg (960 lb.)
Useful load 227 Kg (500 lb)
Wing loading 37 Kg/sq.m (7.5 psi)
Fuel capacity (standard tank) 42 Lt
Fuel capacity (Wing tank) 22 Lt. Each
Inside cabin width 42 inches
Aileron deflection 15 deg Up/Dn ±1 deg
Flaps deflection 26 deg Up/Dn ±2 deg
Elevator deflection –up 32 to 35 deg
Elevator deflection-Dn 28 to 30 deg
Rudder deflection Lt/Rt 23±2 deg
General Description
Rotax 912 A is a four stroke, four cylinder, horizontally opposed, spark ignition 80
BHP engine. The cylinder heads are liquid cooled and cylinders are ram-air cooled.
Lubrication system is Dry Sump Forced Lubrication type. It incorporates Dual Breaker-less
Capacitor Discharge Ignition (CDI). It has two Constant Depression carburettors and a
mechanical fuel pump. Propeller drive is via a reduction gear with integrated shock
absorber and overload clutch. The electrical system constitutes an electric starter and an
integrated AC generator with external rectifier- regulator (12 V 20 A DC). The cylinder bore
of the engine is 79.5 mm with a stroke of 61 mm. The displacement is 1211 cu cm with a
compression ratio of 9 :1. The dry weight of the engine is 57.1 kg (126 lb). The crankshaft
to propeller shaft reduction ratio is 2.27:1
Minimum - 50˚C
Normal - 90˚ to 110˚C
Maximum - 140˚C
Note: The dry sump lubrication system provides lubrication in all flight
conditions up to a maximum bank angle of 40 degrees.
(e) Cylinder Head (coolant) Temperature
Minimum - 50˚C
Normal recommended - 50˚ to 110˚C
Maximum - 150˚C
Minimum - - 25˚C
Maximum - 50˚C
(h) Coolant Mixing Ratio. 50% antifreeze coolant with 50% distilled water.
• Park the aircraft on hard and level ground, nose facing into the wind.
• Ensure that the surrounding area is free from obstructions and foreign objects.
• Place chocks on main wheels.
• Ensure cabin doors are closed and locked.
3. Towing Procedure
• Ensure the aircraft is fit for towing, undercarriage is serviceable and tyre pressure is
• Ensure adequate wing tip and overhead clearance.
• Ensure wing tip walkers are positioned on either side to give wing tip clearance.
• Ensure propeller position is parallel to the ground.
• Hold the propeller mounting firmly.
• Place the nose wheel on the marked line.
• Pull the aircraft gently and cautiously.
• Park the aircraft on hard and level ground.
• Position the wheel chocks.
4. Refuelling
• Cover the windscreen perspex with waterproof cover to prevent hazing and
• Use clean container and funnel with chamois leather.
• Carry out contamination check and check for presence of water.
• Avoid spillage of fuel while refuelling.
• Do not carry out refuelling in windy conditions.
• Master OFF.
• Battery OFF.
• Ignition OFF. Ignition key placed on instrument combing.
The respective tradesman would normally carry out the checks involving opening of
cowling cover. However, in case of pilot TRS, the pilot will carry out the checks:-
External Checks
Internal Checks
• Fasten seat belts and ensure that extra portion of belt is tucked inside the lap.
Wear Head Set and adjust volume.
• Check control column for full and free movement in clockwise and anti clockwise
directions. During this, check controls moving in correct sense and no grinding or fouling
noise is heard.
• Select RT ON. Check RT volume satisfactory. Check RT freq correct. Obtain start
up clearance.
Cold Start
• Select Instrument switch ON. Check oil pressure rises within 10 seconds to min 30
Note. The ignition key can be held in START position to max 10 Sec in case of no start.
Allow 2 min cooling before attempting next start.
Warm Start
• Select Instrument switch ON. Check oil pressure rises within 10 seconds to min
30 PSI.
Warm Up Procedure
• Smoothly increase RPM to 2000 or slightly higher (to eliminate vibrations) and note
• After 02 minutes, increase RPM to 2500 and wait until Oil Temperature reaches
50 C.
• Check oil temperature, oil pressure and CHT are in green sector.
Ignition/Magneto Check
• Check throttle friction nut loose. Signal to ground crew and smoothly increase RPM
to 4000.
• Select ignition key to LEFT. Call out RPM drop ----. Select it to BOTH. Check RPM
• Select ignition key to RIGHT (through LEFT position). Call out RPM drop ----.
Select it to BOTH. Check RPM regains.
• Check individual RPM drop not more than 300 RPM and difference in drops is not
more than 120 RPM.
• Throttle to idle.
Taxy Procedure
• Ensure throttle to idle. Hold aircraft on brakes.
• Wave off chocks. Look outside and ensure ac not moving forward.
• Check taxi path clear. Increase RPM to 1800 and release brakes.
• As aircraft moves forward, close throttle, check brakes serviceable.
• Reopen throttle to 1800 RPM (higher, if reqd) and taxy forward.
• In case of prolonged taxing, check Oil Pressure, Oil Temp and CHT in green sector
and serviceability of brakes every 200 m.
Vital Actions before TAKE OFF. Approaching, V/A Point, close throttle and stop
the aircraft at V/A point. Check aircraft not moving forward and call out checks prefixing
with pneumonic.
Pre Take Off Brief. I/you will have controls for takeoff. In case of engine failure
after take off, I will retain/you will take over controls. Height below 200ft, runway length
remaining, we shall land straight ahead. Above 200’ and no RW remaining, we shall select
a field between 11 to 1O clock, make gentle turns, use flaps as required and land.
• Check Baseleg, Approach path and Runway clear and give RT call for Line UP to
Note. In case of prolonged climb, check and call out oil temp, pressure and CHT in
green sector and Fuel contents every 500 feet and ensure that you are flying in the
allotted sector.
Settled on downwind, Check height, speed, direction, power, trim and displacement.
Carry out D/W vital actions.
S - Speed 60 - 70 mph.
B - Brakes. Check serviceability), visually check floor for any leaks.
E - Engine. Check oil temp, oil press and CHT in green sector.
F - Fuel. Check Fuel contents sufficient.
F - Flaps as required (Call out attitude change and power increment).
Abeam landing dumbbell give Downwind RT call with intention (roller/full-stop).
• Throttle to idle. Hold aircraft on brakes. Check aircraft not moving forward.
• Select Flaps UP (if lowered).
• Check Oil Temp, Oil Pressure and CHT in green sector.
• Throttle to idle. Hold aircraft on brakes, check aircraft not moving forward.
• Give thumbs up to ground crew to place chocks. Time out.
• Check oil temp, oil pressure and CHT in green sector.
• Check fuel contents.
• Allow the engine to idle for two minutes.
• Select instrument switch OFF.
• Ignition OFF (in one motion), remove ignition key and place it on combing.
• RT OFF, Battery OFF, Master OFF.
• Remove headsets and Unstrap.
• After vacating the aircraft, go around and carry out a visual check of the aircraft.
E - Engine. Check oil temp. oil pressure, CHT in green sector. Fuel contents
L - Location. Sufficient sector length available to carry out stall & recovery.
• Check oil temp, oil pressure, CHT in green sector. Fuel contents sufficient.
• Flaps UP, check flap lever UP, check visually flaps UP.
• Orientate and give an ‘Operations normal’ call to ATC.
1. After getting clearance for ‘Line Up’ from ATC, carry out Line Up. Open power and
taxy forward. Before entering runway, once again check, baseleg, approach and runway
is clear. Bodily entering runway, commence turn. Look at the far end of runway, adjust
turn and roll out on centre line of runway. Reduce throttle to idle, roll forward to straighten
nose wheel and stop the aircraft on centre line. Carry out checks after Line Up. After
obtaining RT clearance for Take off, once again ensure runway and take-off path clear of
birds and other aircraft. Ensure control column to slightly aft of neutral position and into
wind (by an amount depending upon wind strength). Slide feet down from the brakes.
Look at the far end of runway and smoothly open full throttle. The ac nose may turn to left
with opening of power and hence apply right rudder when this happens, to maintain
runway centreline. Control direction with rudder all through. During the T/O roll,
3. The normal circuit is flown at 700 feet AGL at speeds between 60 - 70 mph. The
RPM required for maintaining this speed and height is about 4600 – 4800 RPM. The RPM
varies with the total weight of the aircraft and airfield elevation. The suggested power
settings should therefore be applied with due consideration to the All Up Weight (AUW)
of the aircraft, ambient air temperature and airfield elevation. Primarily, the circuit pattern
is flown in relation to the runway. However, prominent ground features may be used
judiciously to maintain the correct circuit pattern. In this SOP, actions for a Right Hand
Circuit Pattern are enumerated. For Left Hand circuits, the actions will be a mirror
4. Take-off leg. After unstick, maintain shallow climbing attitude until speed reaches
60 mph. Approaching 60 mph, raise nose slightly to maintain 60 mph. Choose a point
ahead and ensure that T/O direction is maintained. In case of cross winds, offset nose to
maintain direction. Approaching 300 ft AGL, apply brakes to stop rotation of wheels,
reduce RPM to 5000, check speed 60 mph and check oil temperature, oil pressure and
CHT are in green sector. Climb straight ahead on T/O leg. Approaching 450’ check
left/front/right clear and commence a climbing turn to right with 10 to 15 Angle of Bank
(AOB) at 500 ft AGL to turn on to cross leg.
5. Crosswind Leg. Crosswind leg is flown at 90 degrees to the runway. Roll out 90
to the runway and fly for about 10 sec and turn onto down wind with 15 degrees AOB. In
case of crosswinds, offset nose to follow correct pattern. Crosscheck direction from
compass. As altimeter approaches 700’ AGL, lower nose gently to level out and reduce
RPM to 4600 – 4800 RPM to fly at speed between 60 – 70 mph. As landing dumbbell
approaches, 5.30 – 5 o’ clock code. Commence a level turn on to Downwind.
6. Downwind Leg. Downwind leg is flown parallel to the runway in the opposite
direction to T/O leg. Roll out on downwind direction. Apply drift in case of crosswinds to
fly a path parallel to the runway. Settle down on downwind and check height, speed,
direction, power and trim are correct. Carry out downwind vital actions. During vital
actions, ensure that attention to maintain flying parameters is not lost. Abeam the landing
dumbbell, give an RT call with intention(roller/overshoot/fullstop. Recheck height, speed,
direction, power and trim are correct. When the runway appears about 5.30 – 5 o’ clock
code, commence a level turn on to Baseleg with about 15 deg AOB.
7. Base Leg and Final Approach. Base Leg is flown 90 deg to the runway. Roll out
on baseleg, offset for winds, if required. Reduce 400 – 500 RPM depending on winds to
lose 150 ft on baseleg and 50 feet on turn to finals. Maintain speed 60 mph. As landing
dumbbell approaches, 1.30 clockcode, commence a descending turn onto finals. During
the turn, ensure speed 60 mph, ball in centre and RPM as per selection. Look at the far
end of the runway and roll out on finals along the extended centreline. After rolling out on
finals, at the correct perspective, reduce RPM to 3500 for calm winds. The selected rpm
in case of strong winds will be higher (as rough guide 200 RPM per 5 Kts or 100 RPM for
each 5Km/h wind speed). Maintain speed 60 mph throughout the approach. During
approach, ensure that speed is 60 mph, alignment correct and bodily going to the
threshold. At 100 feet to go, notice the speed and RPM as it will assist you to assess the
float period after flare.
Note. Do not reduce RPM below 3000 on finals. In case there is a requirement because
the approach is very steep/overshooting, abandon approach, open full throttle and go
8. Flare –out and Touchdown. Prior to flare (flare height will be shown by the
instructor) ensure nose straight, no drift. To flare, gently rotate the nose up to reduce the
rate of descent. As the speed reduces, sink will be felt. Arrest sink by raising nose
progressively to touchdown on main-wheels. After the aircraft is firmly on main wheels,
lower nose wheel and close throttle fully. Commence deceleration with increasing brake
pressure with reduction of speed.
(a) Adequate elevator control is available after flare-out, even at low speeds, to
affect a controlled nose up landing. Presence of slats ensures lower stalling speed.
(b) There should be no hurry to reduce the rpm to idle after flare. Close throttle
only after all the three wheels are firmly on ground.
(c) The rotating propeller acts like a gyro. Variation in attitude/power produces
yaw due to gyroscopic precession of the propeller disc. During landing, this effect
can lead to departure of aircraft from the intended path and therefore needs to be
countered with rudder application.
(d) In crosswinds, during flare, straightening of nose (by rudder) will lead to
drift. This needs to be countered by application of opposite aileron. Hence, the
touchdown will be the wheel of the lowered wing, followed by the wheel of the
raised wing.
9. Zenair is capable of sustaining level flight at very low speeds due to the presence
of slats. Flight at low speeds is characterised by very high nose up attitude. In extreme
cases, if the speed is allowed to decay to a very low value (25 to 30mph), the aircraft will
enter the regime of reverse command. This condition would necessitate that the nose of
the aircraft is lowered and speed built up at cost of height , This can be demonstrated by
showing level flight at two speeds viz, cruise setting, low speed on the positive side of
drag curve and lower speed (even low speed) in the regime of reverse command. The
demo should be terminated by showing how the aircraft can fly at two speeds for the
same power setting to drive home the aspect of reverse command regime.
10. Stall occurs when the Angle Of Attack (AOA) is increased beyond the critical AOA.
The airflow on top surface of wing breaks up and turbulent flow spreads from leading
edge to trailing edge and the Centre of Pressure (CP) moves back. The nose drops,
inspite stick being fully back and there would be sudden loss of height.Stall and recovery
are practiced to familiarise pilots with conditions leading to stall, symptoms of stall, aircraft
behaviour during stall and most importantly, the recovery actions if the aircraft stalls.
11. As the speed is reduced, response to control inputs becomes sluggish and high
nose up attitude will be required for level flight. At stall, the nose of aircraft drops due to
positive stability. The recovery is to be affected with minimum height loss. For recovery,
the stick is moved forward to decrease the AOA to un-stall the aircraft and throttle is
opened fully as power minimises height loss. It is possible that the wings of the aircraft
may stall differentially resulting in one of the wings dropping. This could happen due to
the inherent aerodynamic characteristics of an aircraft or as a result of mishandling of
controls at the point of stall. In case of wing drop, the recovery action is to apply opposite
rudder to pick up the dropped wing.
12. The low speed regime is encountered during take off and landing, which are the
most critical phases of flight. Stall, which will lead to loss of height, in these critical phases,
could lead to serious consequences. Actions for recovery of aircraft from stall using the
standard method of recovery must be drilled into the mind of each pilot and all pilots must
be proficient to execute a recovery with minimum height loss. During practice stall and
recovery, height is noted before entering stall and after recovery to note the height loss.
13. Stall Entry (With Flaps Up). Entry to stall should not be carried out
below 3000’ AGL for solo and 2500’ AGL for dual. Carry out internal checks and external
checks before stall. Internal checks are to be carried out with wings level in level
flight/climb and external checks during the last 90 degrees of a turn. Proceed as follows
➢ Level out at cruise setting (4600 – 4800 RPM), ensure flying straight and level with
ball in centre, select a feature ahead to maintain direction. Note and call out height.
➢ Close to the stalling speed, the stick has to be brought fully back. Inspite of the
stick fully back, the nose drops, denoting stall. Note speed, this is stalling speed.
14. Recovery from Stall (With Flaps Up). The recovery actions can be broadly
divided into three parts as follows:-
15. Stall and Recovery With Flaps Lowered. This exercise is also called stall in
landing configuration. The aim of practising this exercise is to familiarise with the
differences between a stall with flaps up and that in landing configuration.
Lowering/raising of flaps has a significant effect on the lift and drag profiles of the aircraft.
At times there could be appreciable variation between the stall characteristics of the
aircraft in these two configurations and the same must be known. In executing this
exercise, only the standard method of recovery is to be adopted i.e Stick-Throttle or
Rudder – Stick –Throttle, as applicable. The procedure for stall and recovery with flaps
down is essentially the same as for stall and recovery with flaps except for the following
(a) Entry. After internal and external checks level out with speed 55 mph
(max speed with flaps lowered is 60 mph). Lower flaps to T/O. Allow the nose to
go down slightly to maintain level flight (attitude for level flight with flaps lowered is
relatively nose down) and open power to 4800 RPM to cater for extra drag. Trim
the aircraft and ensure speed below 60 mph. Now lower full flaps. Allow the nose
to down further, increase power to prevent speed decay and trim (depending upon
height, there may be a requirement to open full throttle). Thereafter, proceed for
stall as laid down for stall with flaps up. With flaps lowered, the rate of wash-off of
speed will be greater and so anticipate raising of nose to maintain level attitude.
(b) Recovery. Recover using the standard method of recovery. The recovery
attitude after easing the stick forward will be horizon cutting half way of windshield.
After noting height loss, raise flaps in stages to take off and then fully up. Carry out
checks after stall.
16. Differences in Stall Characterstics Between Stall with Flaps Up and Flaps
Down. Compared to stall and recovery with flaps up, the stall and recovery
characteristics with flaps down are as follows:-
Note. The exercise of lowering and raising flaps in stages while maintaining height and
speed requires changes in attitude and power variations. This requires understanding,
skill and practice. Pupil pilots are likely to take time to learn this.
17. A forced landing would be required to be executed in the event of an engine failure.
The engine failure may be due to mechanical reasons, fuel starvation or intentional engine
switch – off following a fire. Propeller flying off is another eventuality when force landing
would be required. Although it is preferable to land into wind on runway and in conformity
with the circuit pattern, in actual case, a landing may be carried out in any direction using
any circuit pattern (left/right) or even on a suitable stretch of flat ground of the size of a
football field.
18. Height Loss During Manoeuvres. The glide ratio of Zen Air is 7.8: I. Zen Air
loses 450 feet for one kilometre forward travel without bank and the height loss is 250
feet for a 90-degree turn. These ballpark figures are used to plan and execute a forced
19. Flying Pattern. A descending box pattern is flown to make the intended
landing point. The threshold will be displaced 1/3 rd way up the runway for forced landing,
whether for practice or in actual case, due to safety reasons. In the box pattern, the aim
is to make certain ‘key’ points depending on availability of height. The ‘key’ points are
designated in relation to the aircraft position with respect to threshold. High Key is located
on the ‘dead side’ abeam the threshold at 3500 feet AGL. Mid Key is in line with the
threshold at 2500 feet AGL and Low Key is located on the ‘live side’ abeam the threshold
at 1500 feet AGL. The lateral displacement of the forced landing box pattern with respect
to runway is much closer than the normal displacement used for circuit approach and
landing. Depending upon the height available and distance from runway/landing field, the
pilot is to plan a pattern using the knowledge of descent profile to intercept any of the key
points to execute a force landing. The pattern of an ideally executed forced landing
procedure is shown in the figure below.
20. Immediate and Initial Actions. The immediate actions are to gain height with
extra speed, reducing speed to 45 mph, Check flaps UP, Throttle to Idle and Trim aircraft.
Identify the emergency and take immediate actions. Check position and height and select
a suitable forced landing field. Give RT call.
1500 FT
2500 FT
Straight Approach 500 FT
3500 FT
21. Planning & Execution. Based on height available, distance/turns involved and
winds, calculate the height loss expected and feed into the forced landing pattern to
intercept the appropriate ‘key point’. Remember that the threshold is displaced 1/3 rd way
up the runway. Make use of the second pilot, if available, for planning and selection of
force landing field. While flying the pattern, carry out actions as demanded by the
emergency. Relighting is to be attempted if the emergency actions dictate till ‘low key’
position. After Low Key, do not attempt to relight. Assess winds and factor it in the
execution. Height is an advantage and do not be in a hurry to lose height early. In the box
pattern, height can be lost by use of flaps or carrying out S turns. In case height is less,
cut corners. Carry out Downwind Vital actions on the ‘Low Key’ leg. Aim to have 500 feet
of straight approach on finals.
22. Approach and Touchdown. Ensure speed 60 mph. Remember the ‘Rate of
Descent’ (ROD) is higher with engine off/throttle closed and hence initiate flare slightly
earlier. Also the rate of flare is to be so adjusted, commensurate with the ROD. Ensure
nose straight and no drift during flare and touchdown. After the main wheels touchdown,
lower nose gently and use rudders to control direction. After aircraft comes to a stop, give
RT call, carry out switch – off procedure and await assistance.
Symptoms. Brake pedals spongy (Down wind checks), Brake fluid leak visible
on floor.
• Inform ATC.
• Land at the beginning of runway at correct speed of 60 mph.
• Once all three wheels are firmly on ground, ensure throttle is closed and
switch ignition OFF.
• Await assistance.
Symptoms. Presence of smoke and/or burning smell.
• All electrical switches OFF
• If fire persists, use fire extinguisher.
• Carry out immediate precautionary landing.
Symptoms. Engine over-speeding (loud whining noise and high RPM if the prop
files off), High frequency vibrations on the airframe if only one or part of blade has
flown off.
1. Engine.
• Verify coolant level in expansion tank; replenish (max 2/3 level in expansion tank).
Level in overflow bottle should be between Max and Min Level. Check coolant hoses for
security and leaks. Check Expansion Tank cap secured.
• Remove Oil Cap. Hand crank propeller till murmur sound is heard (to ensure that all
the oil from the engine and pipelines are transferred to the oil tank. Check oil level with
dipstick. Ensure oil level between Max and Min mark. Replenish as required. Check oil tank
cap secured.
• Notice for any unusual resistance or noise while hand cranking the propeller.
• Remove Fuel Cap. Check fuel level with the help of dipstick. Ensure minimum 25
litres of fuel in tank. Replenish as required. Ensure Fuel Cap is secured.
• Check Fuel Filter for security and leaks. Check fuel pipelines for condition, leaks and
• Check carburettor and Air Filter for secure mounting. Check for full and free
movement of throttle cable.
• Check Exhaust Manifolds (left and right) for damage, leaks and general condition.
• Check FOUR BOLTS of Engine Mounting. Check all split pins are secure.
• Check Engine Cowl and inspection fairing secured with lock nuts. RED MARKS on
each nut IN LINE.
• Check for tell tale signs of engine over heating, oil/fuel and exhaust gas leaks.
2. Airframe
• Check nose wheel bungee rope for fraying, condition and security.
• Check cabin door hinges secure. Check security of quarter pins (port and starboard).
• Check fuel cap secure. Check nose wheel section for security of bolts, locking wires
and wheel mounting. Check tyre for cut creep and pressure.
• Check security of propeller locking bolts. Check propeller for nicks, cuts, cracks or
any visible physical damage.
• Check flaperon attachment for condition and security of lock nuts and split pins.
• Check starboard under carriage for security of bolts, condition of under carriage
strut, wheel assembly lock nut and split pin. Check tyre for cut creep and pressure.
• Check condition of brake assembly and brake hose. Check for hydraulic fluid leaks
or tell tale signs of over heating of brakes.
• Check starboard wing (top and bottom surface) and fuselage for excessive pillowing
of skin and security of rivets.
• Check full and free movement of elevator and rudder. Check condition of
attachment hinges and security of split pins. Check condition of pitot tube. Check for any
visible signs of blockage (Do not blow into the pitot tube to remove blockage).
• Check Battery OFF; Master OFF, Ignition OFF, Ignition key removed and placed on
top of instrument panel.