1Feature 9-13
1Feature 9-13
1Feature 9-13
Non-destructive Evaluation of Porosity in
Thermally Sprayed Coatings Using
Permeability Measurement
The assessment of porosity in thermally sprayed coatings, cause rejections in the coating during quality control (Ref
particularly ceramic coatings, is a challenging and error- 5, 6). It therefore becomes imperative to develop other
prone task due to artifacts associated with metallographic methods of assessing the coating quality, especially via
specimen preparation. Existing methods for porosity non-destructive techniques. Non-destructive techniques
evaluation in thermal spray coatings are predominantly such as pycnometry (Ref 7), gamma-ray transmission (GRT)
qualitative in nature. This article is an attempt to enable a (Ref 8), X-ray computer tomography (CT) (Ref 9), Ultrasonic
more quantitative measurement of the porosity using a testing (Ref 10), Infrared thermography (Ref 11), and
permeability tester based on the principles of pressure Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (Ref 12) have been
drop across a porous framework, using a Kermetico attempted, and have their respective merits and de-merits.
permeability rig on an air plasma sprayed MCrAlW coating There is a need for a simpler and agile technique to assess
with an unknown porosity. Porosity and volume fraction of thermally sprayed coatings porosity during production.
the coating were evaluated and validated using microscopy
and a transfer function was established, correlating In this study, a Kermetico permeability rig (Fig. 1a) was
permeability with pore size. used to measure the volumetric fluid flow rate through
porous coatings by using the pressure drop across the
Thermally sprayed coatings, such as thermal barrier coating, placed along with sintered porous discs of known
coatings (TBCs), are engineered to be porous to maximize porosity. This technique, designed for calculating the
their thermal insulation performance (Ref. 1-2). The volume fraction of interconnected pores, requires a free-
porosity ranges from 5-25%, based on the actual standing coating for qualification, making it an effective
component and application, such as for oxidation and candidate for non-destructive evaluation in production
thermal protection or for use as an abradable coating (Ref. settings. The purpose of this effort is to establish a reliable
3). For many of the functional applications, it becomes very baseline for using this permeability rig to evaluate porosity
challenging to get reliable and repeatable data on the in abradable coatings by identifying the correct porous disc
coating porosity. Establishing the coating thickness, for spraying. Assuming negligible inertia for gas through
porosity, and interfacial characteristics (with the substrate) interconnected pores, the coefficient of viscous Gas
are part of the production quality control processes (Ref 4). Permeability (Yn) is calculated using Darcy’s equation Eq.
The current process for evaluating the coating quality is via (1), which considers the pressure gradient (∆P), thickness
metallographic analysis which involves subjecting the of the sample (d), cross-sectional area (A), dynamic
coating through a rigorous mechanically intense process viscosity (h), and volumetric flow rate (Q) of the test fluid.
such as sectioning, mounting, grinding, and polishing,
which can result in significant damage and cause pull outs 𝑌𝑌𝑛𝑛 =
that may exaggerate the sample porosity and may tend to 𝐴𝐴∙∆𝑃𝑃
10 The rig comprises of a pressure gauge, pressure minimal resistance to gas flow, owing to the open pore
regulator, two flowmeters, and a test cell with specific network within the sintered discs allow free flow of the
technical characteristics as shown in Fig. 1a. The working gas with little or no resistance. OD on the other hand
range of the permeability rig with compressed air / exhibited a permeability of 1.4 ∗ 10−22 𝑚𝑚2 . The
nitrogen as the fluid is (0.01-21) * 105 Pa. To start with, systematic variation of permeability with ODP with
the pressure regulator is connected to compressed air. A different sintered discs is shown in Fig. 4, indicating a
210 Soft Buna-N O-ring was placed in the chamber as linear relationship between flow rate (Q) and pressure
shown in Fig. 1b, to ensure an airtight stack for measuring differential (∆P), in accordance with Darcy’s equation.
accurate fluid flow across the sample of interest, with ODP with a 2 µm disc showed a lower slope (21.45)
grease applied to the O-ring to ensure a leak proof compared to the 20 µm (22.59) vs the 40 µm disc (22.54),
interface (Fig. 1c). The free-standing coating was placed as expected. Table 1 lists the measured slope, and the
on top of the O-ring, followed by the porous sintered disc, viscous permeability coefficient (Yn) calculated using the
as shown in the schematic Fig. 1(d). The cell lid was slope.
secured with four thumb screws, and compressed air was
passed through the combination of porous sintered disc
(P), free standing coating (referred to as ‘dummy coating
– ‘D’) and the O-ring ‘O’. The pressure was controlled by
the pressure regulator and recorded by an electronic
pressure gauge, as shown in Fig. 1a. The rig consisted of
two flow meters (I and II) with maximum flow rates (Q) of
5.6 ml/min and 51 ml/min.
Figure 2: Representative SEM taken from (a-b) sintered porous discs with average pore sizes of
2 µm and 40 µm, (c) NiCrAlW coating along with its (d) EDS elemental spectrum
Figure 3: Configuration of, O-ring (O), ’D’ and porous sintered discs (P) used for measurements