Testing Protocol For Manhole Coatings
Testing Protocol For Manhole Coatings
Testing Protocol For Manhole Coatings
(iii) After applying the coating, the manhole is placed in a full scale test chamber. Hydrostatic pressure
will be applied by filling the annular space between the outside chamber and manhole.
(iv) Initial readings of coating with respect to the steel rods will be taken using a vernier caliper
(accuracy of noted 0.001”).
(v) As specified, the hydrostatic pressure will be gradually increased and the deformation of the coating
will be closely observed by measuring the spacing between the steel rod and coating (Figure 1).
(vi) Leaking of water through the coatings will be quantified.
(vii) The tensile bonding strength of the coating to the manhole material (example concrete, clay brick)
will be determined using the CIGMAT CT-3 testing method.
5. Conclusion
Since this protocol includes full scale pressure testing on coated manholes and quantifying the bonding
characteristic of coatings, the performance of manhole coating can be evaluated using this test protocol.
6. Acknowledgement
This study was supported by CIGMAT with partial funding from various industries. Sponsors are not
responsible for any of the findings.
7. References
Hughes J.B., (2009). “Manhole rehabilitation and Inspection”, Manhole rehabilitation of the pipeline
division of the American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engineering
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Sterling R., Wang L., and Morrison R., (2009). “White Paper on Rehabilitation of Wastewater
Collection and Water Distribution Systems” ,U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA/600/R-09/04,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
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