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All content following this page was uploaded by Ariel barco Barreda on 13 February 2023.
Abstract:- An environment that is safe, secure, and contribute to the sustainable development of countries, as
orderly is necessary for the attainment of the Filipino well as enhance the quality of life for all citizens. Prevention
people's long-term vision of a matatag, maginhawa, and is the first imperative of justice, according to the United
panatag na buhay for everyone. This primary goal of this Nations document S/2004/616, para. 4: "Crime Prevention
study determined the role of civil society in crime comprises strategies and measures that seek to reduce the
prevention in the Municipality of San Jose, Camarines risk of crimes occurring, and their potential harmful effects
Sur, Philippines. This study combined quantitative and on individuals and society." (Economic and Social Council
qualitative research methods in order to ascertain the resolution 2002/13, annex) "Crime Prevention comprises
roles of civil society in the PNP's crime prevention in the strategies and measures that seek to reduce the costs
study sites. The study's findings suggested that the associated with the formal criminal justice system, as well as
Philippine National Police, civil society organizations, other social costs that result from crime."
barangay officials like the barangay captain, sanguniang
bayan member, and barangay tanod, as well as the local In its Resolution 2005/22 Action to promote effective
population, are aware of the civil society's limitations in crime prevention, the Economic and Social Council
terms of its ability to prevent crime in the San Jose (ECOSOC) called on UNODC to strike a balance between
municipality of Camarines Sur. Consequently, we crime prevention and criminal justice responses and to
require a solid relationship between the police further develop initiatives on crime prevention. In order to
department and the community in order to strengthen effectively address the conditions that can lead to crime and
our crime prevention strategies. The government has a violence, ECOSOC encouraged member states to
responsibility to make sure that all Filipinos can go incorporate crime prevention considerations into all
about their social, economic, and business activities pertinent social and economic policies and programs in its
without fear of harm coming to them or their property Resolution 2008/24, Strengthening prevention of urban
when walking and traveling across the entire nation. crime: an integrated approach, in 2008.
Furthermore, the government must protect national
interests, territory, and sovereignty as the nation strives The police are a body of the government tasked with
for greater economic development. making sure that all citizens always abide by the rules of the
road, and in the event that there are any lawbreakers, they
Keywords:- Role of Civil Society, Crime Prevention, have the authority to track them down and place them in
Developing Country, Philippines detention centers run by the government. Programs for
preventing crime are crucial because they help to make the
I. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY security system stronger. This crime prevention hypothesis
seeks to deter all potential criminals from committing crime
The role of civil society groups in tackling problems and lessen their likelihood of doing so.
According to UNDP [37], CSOs are any non-market and
non-state organizations that people form outside of the Criminal activity is a global phenomenon that has an
family to pursue common interests in the public sphere. It impact on every country's economy, society, and politics.
takes a multi-sectoral, multi-disciplinary, and integrated The daily incidence of crimes, particularly in various large
effort to prevent crime. Although there has been a lot of cities, has not spared the Philippines. Due to the fact that the
activity, especially among civil society organizations, the Philippines' economic position is insufficient to support a
creation and use of information is a problem. The person's standard of living, crimes against persons and
promotion of government accountability for service delivery property are typically publicized in the national news. The
and the interaction of crime prevention advocates with Philippine National Police (PNP), despite making every
concerns like human rights and the bolstering of democracy effort to prevent crime, has not yet achieved its primary
remain important unanswered questions. objective of effectively implementing crime prevention. The
PNP implements crime prevention tactics from other nations
According to the introduction to the Guidelines for the even when they don't apply to the nation's current
Prevention of Crime, "There is clear evidence that well- criminality issue. Due to their inability to demonstrate their
planned crime prevention strategies not only prevent crime efficacy and efficiency in carrying out its duties, the PNP
and victimization but also promote community safety and organization has a dilemma when it comes to crime
prevention. In order to maintain the goal of crime
Legend: 4.51-5.00 – Extremely Aware (EA), 3.51-4.50 – Moderately Aware (MA), 2.51-3.50 – Aware (A), 1.51-2.50 –
Slightly Aware (SA), 1.00-1.50 – Not Aware (NA).
Implementing the crime prevention program in our mean (4.55) or extremely aware response, while the
communities is the responsibility of the Philippine National community had the lowest weighted mean (2.73) interpreted
Police, who has the active support of other governmental as aware response. With a weighted mean (4.03),
organizations, local government units, non-governmental respondents were extremely aware that the stations strictly
organizations, and the business community. enforced the gun ban during the election period. OPLAN
SITA was used to conduct regular police checkpoints. (WM-
Table 2 below shows the respondents' answers to 4.53). While being somewhat aware that the police stations
questions about crime prevention methods used in the were instructed to firmly enforce the gun restriction during
Municipality of San Jose, Camarines Sur. the election period as set forth in RA 9344, RA 7610, RA
10591, and/or other related laws. Maximize the use of quad
According to the data, the overall average weighted media in campaigns to deter crime (WM-3.75) RA 9262,
mean (3.71) was interpreted as moderately aware. However, RA 9165, RA 9344, RA 7610, RA 10591, and/or other
the Philippine National Police had the highest weighted relevant legislation and other crime prevention measures
Legend: 4.51-5.00 – Extremely Aware (EA), 3.51-4.50 – Moderately Aware (MA), 2.51-3.50 – Aware(A), 1.51-2.50 –
Slightly Aware (SA),1.00-1.50 – Not Aware (NA).
The measures of effectiveness in crime prevention was interpreted as moderate awareness. The respondents
program in the national and local level rest upon the were very aware of the station's anti-illegal drug campaign
participation of all sectors in our community, without this and school safety efforts, with a weighted mean of 4.53;
the plans, programs and activities will not effective. they were only moderately aware of the station's police
integrated patrol system, which includes checkpoints, beat
The distribution of the respondents' answers to the patrols, mobile patrols, etc. (WM-3.75); the station's
questions about the Municipality of San Jose, Camarines barangay peacekeeping operation; the station's anti-crime
Sur's crime prevention methods, is shown in Table 3 below. operation; the station's peacebuilding and counter violent
extremism (PCVE) activities; and the stations Counter
The responses from the respondents on the Radicalization (WM-3.51), Conducted Integrated Area
Municipality of San Jose, Camarines Sur, crime prevention Community Public Safety Process (WM-3.53), Conducted
methods were shown in Table 3. Data showed that the Community Information and Education (WM-3.6). As a
weighted average for the entire sample was (3.78), which result, this development suggests that the success of crime
Table 4 Distribution of Respondents Response of Crime Prevention Measures at the Household Level by Barangay in the
Municipality of San Jose, Camarines Sur
Asking neighbors to Look after the house 4.56 EA 3.52 MA 4.41 MA 2.53 A 3.75 MA
Door locks 4.51 EA 3.49 A 4.56 EA 1.58 SA 3.56 MA
Watch Dog 4.59 EA 3.46 MA 3.44 A 3.55 MA 3.76 MA
Window Grills 4.51 EA 4.53 EA 4.51 EA 4.57 EA 4.53 EA
Neighborhood watch 4.52 EA 3.45 A 3.48 MA 2.59 A 3.51 MA
Effective Lighting System 4.62 EA 3.45 A 3.49 A 2.56 A 3.55 MA
Fence 4.59 EA 3.32 A 4.04 MA 2.45 SA 3.62 MA
CCTV 4.51 EA 4.41 MA 4.35 MA 2.48 SA 3.93 MA
Care Taker 4.59 EA 3.42 A 4.58 EA 3.56 MA 3.98 MA
Average Weighted Mean 4.04 EA 3.28 A 3.60 MA 2.87 MA 3.44 MA
Legend: 4.51-5.00 – Extremely Aware (EA), 3.51-4.50 – Moderately Aware (MA), 2.51-3.50 – Aware(A), 1.51-2.50 –
Slightly Aware (SA),1.00-1.50 – Not Aware (NA).
The distributions of the respondents' answers to the that the Municipality of San Jose, Camarines Sur, has
questions about the barangay-level crime prevention implemented household-level barangay-level crime
measures in the Municipality of San Jose, Camarines Sur, reduction measures. All signs showed that respondents were
are shown in Table 4 below. Data showed that the weighted only little aware.
average for the entire sample was (3.44), which was
interpreted as moderate awareness. The respondents were This suggested that these actions were publicized
well aware that the window grills measure of crime locally by the relevant office with the aid of the entire civil
prevention at the home level by barangay in the municipality society. In response to the global targets (16.1) and (16.6) of
of San Jose, Camarines Sur, received the highest weighted the Sustainable Development Goals, which aim to
mean response of the respondents (4.53). while being "substantially reduce worldwide the incidence of all types of
somewhat aware of requesting neighbors to watch over the violence and the death rates that are directly associated to
house (WM-3.75), the door (WM-3.56, the watch dog (WM- them," Strengthen national institutions that are relevant,
3.76), the neighborhood watch (WM-3.51), the effective especially through international cooperation, to increase
lighting system (WM-3.55), the fence ((WM-62), the CCTV capability at all levels, particularly in developing nations, to
(WM-3.93), and the caretaker (WM-3.98). Results indicate stop violence and fight terrorism and crime.
Table 5 Response of the Respondents on the Role of Civil Society in Crime Prevention Measures
The Stations has WM VI WM VI WM VI WM VI WM VI
Assist the PNP in conducting awareness 4.59 EA 3.56 MA 4.41 MA 2.53 A 3.77 MA
seminar/ information campaign/ dialogue/
lecture on RA9262, RA 9165, RA 9344, RA
7610, RA 10591 and/or other related laws.
Assist the PNP to maximized the utilization 4.51 EA 3.49 A 4.56 EA 1.58 SA 3.53 MA
of quad media in crime prevention campaign
Assist the PNP in the distribution of IEC 4.59 EA 3.46 MA 3.44 A 3.55 MA 3.76 MA
materials on RA9262, RA 9165, RA 9344,
RA 7610, RA 10591 and/or other related
laws and other crime prevention measures
Assist the PNP conducting regular house visit 4.59 EA 3.32 A 4.04 MA 2.45 SA 3.6 MA
and gift giving activity
Report suspected members of Partisan Armed 4.52 EA 3.45 A 3.48 MA 2.59 A 3.51 MA
Groups (PAGs) used by unscrupulous
politicians during election period.
served warrants against members of Partisan 4.62 EA 3.45 A 3.49 A 2.56 A 3.53 MA
Armed Groups (PAGs)/Private Armies and
Criminal Gangs (CGs) with pending cases in
Legend: 4.51-5.00 – Extremely Aware (EA), 3.51-4.50 – Moderately Aware (MA), 2.51-3.50 – Aware(A), 1.51-2.50 –
Slightly Aware (SA),1.00-1.50 – Not Aware (NA).
This section contains the respondents' responses to personalities involved in the proliferation of loose firearms
questions about the role of civil society in crime prevention (WM-3.6), Report to the PNP, NBI and other law
in the Municipality of San Jose, Camarines Sur., which is enforcement agency any illegal activities within the
seen in Table 5 below. community (WM-3.53).
The responses of the respondents were shown in Table According to the study's findings, the Philippine
5 on the function of civil society in Camarines Sur's National Police, in particular, is cognizant of the role that
Municipality of San Jose's crime prevention methods. Data civil society plays in preventing crime as part of the
showed that (3.60) was regarded as moderate awareness for government's multisectoral governance structure, which is
the overall average weighted mean. It's interesting to note intended to help accomplish SDG No. 16. providing access
that the respondents had a basic understanding of the PNP's to justice for all, encouraging peaceful and inclusive
request for civil society support in organizing awareness communities for sustainable development, and fostering the
events, informational campaigns, dialogues, and lectures on development of efficient, accountable, and inclusive
RA 9262, RA 9165, RA 9344, RA 7610, RA 10591, and/or institutions at all levels. It also looked at the difficulties and
other related laws (WM-3.77) Assist the PNP to maximized recommendations made by local leaders, according to Nicor-
the utilization of quad media in crime prevention campaign Mangilimutan, Mejica, and Caelian (2020). Results showed
(WM-3.55), Assist the PNP in the distribution of IEC widespread implementation, but when barangays were
materials on RA9262, RA 9165, RA 9344, RA 7610, RA divided into factors, there were substantial variances. The
10591 and/or other related laws and other crime prevention research served as the foundation for an improved POPS
measures (WM-3.76), Assist the PNP conducting regular program. Patalinghug M. (2017). The participation of the
house visit and gift giving activity (WM-3.6), Report stakeholders is essential for the Police Integrated Patrol
suspected members of Partisan Armed Groups (PAGs) used System, Barangay Peacekeeping Operation, Anti-
by unscrupulous politicians during election period.(WM- Criminality Operation, Integrated Area Community Public
3.51), served warrants against members of Partisan Armed Safety Services, Bantay Turista, and School Safety Project,
Groups (PAGs)/Private Armies and Criminal Gangs (CGs) all of which are crime prevention initiatives carried out by
with pending cases in court (Service of Warrant of the Philippine National Police (PNP).
Arrest).(WM-3.53), Assist the PNP identified prominent
Table 6 Limitation of Role of Civil Society in Crime Prevention in the Municipality of San Jose, Camarines Sur
Report Illegal logging Activities 4.51 EA 4.52 MA 4.41 MA 2.53 A 3.99 MA
Report Illegal possession of firearms 4.53 EA 4.49 A 4.56 EA 1.58 SA 3.79 MA
Report illegal gambling Activities 4.55 EA 4.46 MA 3.44 A 3.55 MA 4.0 EA
Report Illegal fishing activities 4.54 EA 4.53 EA 4.51 EA 4.57 EA 4.53 EA
Other related function based on the 4.59 EA 4.45 A 3.48 MA 2.59 A 3.77 MA
Average Weighted Mean 4.54 EA 4.51 EA 4.O8 EA 2.96 A 4.01 EA
Legend: 4.51-5.00 – Extremely Aware (EA), 3.51-4.50 – Moderately Aware (MA), 2.51-3.50 – Aware(A), 1.51-2.50 –
Slightly Aware (SA),1.00-1.50 – Not Aware (NA)
This section contains the respondents' responses to In the Municipality of San Jose, Camarines Sur, Table
questions about the limitation of role of civil society in 6 detailed the role of civil society's limitations in preventing
crime prevention in the Municipality of San Jose, Camarines crime. Data showed that (4.01), the weighted average for the
Sur. Which is seen in Table 6 below. entire sample, was considered to be a moderate level of
awareness. Because of this, the respondents were well aware
that the responsibility of civil society in preventing crime in