Location and Type of Crimes in The Philippines: Insights For Crime Prevention and Management
Location and Type of Crimes in The Philippines: Insights For Crime Prevention and Management
Location and Type of Crimes in The Philippines: Insights For Crime Prevention and Management
Copyright © 2022 International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences (IJCJS) – Official Journal of the South Asian
Society of Criminology and Victimology (SASCV) - Publisher & Editor-in-Chief – K. Jaishankar ISSN: 0973-5089
January – June 2022. Vol. 17 (1): 22–33. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4756087 / IJCJS is a Diamond Open Access (Authors
/ Readers No Pay Journal). Indexed in Scopus and Emerging Sources Citation Index (Web of Science).
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Increasing crime solution efficiency in any nation requires understanding of the crime
trends and their associations to specific locations, which will enhance the crime prevention
and management of the police and other enforcement agencies. Crime prevention and
management are at the forefront of the agenda of the Philippine government under the
Duterte administration. One of the administration's goals is to improve the lives of Filipinos
by aggressively reducing corruption and crimes (Timberman, 2019). To cite a few of its
strategies, the government has implemented the anti-narcotics campaign or most known
as the 'War-on-Drugs,' and the continuous fight against criminality, resulting in thousands
of drug-peddlers all over the country (Gita-Carlos, 2019).
One step taken by Philippine government towards crime prevention and increase
the police visibility was passing of the law to modify the base salary of military and
uniformed personnel. This step was also taken to motivate the existing personnel and
encourage Filipinos to pursue careers in the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The
salary adjustments resulted in a 72.18% increase for all ranks of uniformed personnel
(Department of Budget and Management, 2018). As a result, police visibility has
increased in different regions as the Philippine National Police (PNP) has also
increased the number of police and police stations all over the country. The Philippine
National Police have also reported an increase in their overall crime solution
efficiency (Gita-Carlos, 2019).
Despite these improvements, the incidence of index crimes remains observable
and has not been eliminated in any part of the country. As of February 2022, there
were roughly 10 thousand cases of violation of special laws reported in the
Philippines. On the other hand, reckless imprudence resulting to damage of property
amounted to over seven thousand cases. Physical injury ranks 3rd with 3,753 cases,
and reckless imprudence resulting to homicide is the least with 372 cases (Statista,
2022). Patterns and incidence of crimes vary by type and location (Nivette et al.,
2021). Hence, there should be a location-specific component in our collective crime
prevention and management approach. COVID-19 lockdowns across the globe,
mobility restrictions which are collectively called lockdowns, have been implemented
to combat the spread of COVID-19 as another component to investigate. Since crime
is a social phenomenon, lockdowns have caused shifts in trends and patterns across
different locations (Buil-Gil, Zeng, & Kemp, 2021).
Despite the government’s effort in reducing the crime rate in the Philippines, there
is still numerous recordings of index crimes or crimes against people and property.
Since the Philippines is an archipelagic country, it is very important to analyze the
type of crimes that occur in specific islands or areas in the country to provide data for
efficient police enforcement. Understanding crime trends and their associations to
specific locations will enhance the crime prevention and management of the police
force. This will lead to an increase in crime solution efficiency. It will also serve as a
guide to regional government executives in identifying which crimes to prioritize in
their short-term and long-term plans.
Increasing crime solution efficiency requires understanding crime trends and their
associations to specific locations, which will enhance the crime prevention and
management of the police force. Hence, this study was designed with the objective to
examine the patterns of index crimes per location as input to the development plans
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International Journal of Criminal Justice Science
Vol 17 Issue 1 January – June 2022
of the different Local Government Units (LGUs) in the Philippines. To achieve this
objective, this study aimed to analyze the association of location and types of index
crimes in the Philippines and understand the impact of COVID-19 lockdowns by
comparing the crime incidence and associations before and during the pandemic.
Specifically, this study aimed to determine the predominant index crimes before and
during the pandemic across different regions in the Philippines.
Literature Review
Crime rates vary greatly from country to country; for example, in 2022, Venezuela
ranked with the highest crime rate with 83.58% followed by Papua New Guinea 81.19%,
South Africa 77.01% amongst the top three in the world while the Philippines ranked in
the 80th place with 42.33% crime index (Balmori de la Miyar, Hoehn-Velasco, & Silverio-
Murillo, 2021). Some of the world's lowest crime rates are seen in Switzerland, Denmark,
Norway, Japan, and New Zealand (Numbeo, n.d.). There are several reasons for this which
include but are not limited to poverty (Chiricos, 1987), unemployment (Fowles & Merva,
1996), and income inequality (Blau & Blau, 1982). The effects of poverty and
unemployment are not surprising especially in the Philippines.
The Philippines is one of the 11 Southeast Asian nations with one of the most highly
populated countries with approximately 110 million people, second after Indonesia
and ranks 13th in the world (www.worldometers.info). The poverty rate of the
Philippines has reduced significantly since 2015 from 21.6% to 16.6% in 2021 and a
rapid decline of crime rate (14% drop of crime rate) in the country since 2017 under
the Duterte Administration. Without a doubt, the campaign against poverty has
significantly reduced the crime rate in the country. Moreover, to continue this
momentum, the Philippine government has implemented countermeasures in
various index crimes in the country.
Interestingly, crime prevention policies have been incorporated in national
economic development plans of the Philippines. The Medium-Term Philippine
Development Plan embodies as one of its policy frameworks for the improvement of
law and order, and law enforcement administration of justice. It emphasizes the
government’s role to guarantee public safety and national security, while ensuring that
the rule of law prevails. Thus, ensuring peace and order rests primarily on the ability
of the government to curb criminal activities. In this regard, it is vital to strengthen the
criminal justice system. Hence research on the trends of the index crimes and their
locations is an important data that will support the criminal justice system in the
Philippines especially in the regional and local contexts (Lusthaus et al., 1999).
The occurrence of COVID-19 pandemic shifted the global trend of index crimes
(Meyer, Prescott, & Sheng, 2022). It was alarming to find that domestic violence
increased during the pandemic (Nivette et al., 2021). In fact, in 2020, various media
sources in the United States reported an increase of homicide cases (Asher & Horwitz,
2020; Hilsenrath, 2021; McCarthy, 2020; Struett, 2020). Meanwhile, with the limited
opportunities of the criminals due to community lockdowns, other crimes, such as
burglary and robbery, were reported to have decreased following the start of the
COVID-19 pandemic in the United States (Boman & Gallupe, 2020). Despite there being
numerous studies on crime during COVID-19 (Nivette et al., 2021), global research on
the association of location and types of index crimes is very limited.
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Leikuma-Rimicane et al. - Location and Type of Crimes in The Philippines: Insights for Crime Prevention and Management
• Research Framework
Crimes in the Philippines are reported based on the location where the crime
occurs and the specific crime classification or type. Hence, it is not surprising that
crime incidence, as a metric monitored by concerned government agencies, is
described based on these characteristics. It is also imperative that crime prevention
and management programs of the government will be greatly influenced by the
insights produced using this information. Many studies found in literature emphasize
that understanding crimes as an input to crime prevention and management requires
a thorough investigation between the association of types and locations of crimes
(Irvin-Erickson & La Vigne, 2015; Leong & Sung, 2015; Newton & Felson, 2015; Zhou
et al., 2021). The framework of the study is provided in Figure 1.
• Statistical Analysis
All categorical variables were presented as numbers (n) and percentages (%). A Chi-
square test and correlation plot of chi-square residual was used to determine the
associations between the locations and types of index crimes. A correlation plot or dot
plot of the chi-square residual was used to investigate the patterns of associations. It is
interpreted based on the size and color of dots. Dots are proportional to the magnitude
of association. If there is a strong positive association, the dot will appear large dark blue,
while a strong negative association will appear to be large dark red. Furthermore, bar
charts were used to display the annual rate of change for rape incidence. A two-tailed p-
value of < 0.05 was considered statistically significant for all tests. Statistical analysis was
carried out using the R Programming language version 4.1.3.
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International Journal of Criminal Justice Science
Vol 17 Issue 1 January – June 2022
• Volume of Index Crimes
Table 1 shows the incidence of index crimes from 2016 to 2020 broken down
into two major categories: crimes against persons and crimes against properties.
There has been a steady annual decline of 15% to 28% in the volume of crimes
against persons during this period. On the other hand, a steady annual decline of
at least 11% and as much as 49% has been observed in the volume of crimes
against property. The annual decline rate ranges from 16% to 40% in the overall
volume of index crimes.
The declining volume of index crimes is a piece of evidence that the government's
continuing efforts to fight criminality are working. Furthermore, the ability of the
police force to solve cases has caused an increase in the crime solution efficiency
rating of 78.62 percent. These marked improvements in the overall crime picture
translate to a better security outlook among our people and add to upbeat investor
confidence that spurs economic growth despite the ongoing health crisis due to the
pandemic (Benter & Cawi, 2021; Galabin, Pallega, & Recapente, 2021; Mark & Sarcena,
2021). In addition, it is notable that in 2020, during which the whole country is placed
in lockdowns due to COVID-19, there is around a 49% decline in the incidence of
crimes against property while only a 28% decline in crime against persons (Interpol,
2020; Payne, Morgan, & Piquero, 2021).
The United Nations Office of Drugs and Crimes (UNODC) noted in their research
report in 2020 that crimes against property such as robbery and theft decreased by
50 percent in many countries, particularly those with stricter lockdowns.
Furthermore, crimes against the person, such as homicide during lockdown periods,
have declined by as much as 25 percent; however, this was short-lived since there is
a noticeable increase in homicide rates when lockdowns are lifted (Chainey &
Muggah, 2022). The Philippines was placed in a series of lockdowns in 2020,
explaining the considerable decline in index crimes.
Several studies have suggested that population density may explain crime
incidence. There are higher opportunities for crime in places where the population
density is high (Harries, 2006), particularly in contexts where human crowding
influences aggression and hostility (Kvalseth, 1977; Regoeczi, 2003). The National
Capital Region is the most densely populated in the Philippines, with a population
density of 21,765 persons per square kilometer. The average national population
density per square kilometer is only 363 persons. The Cordillera Administrative
Region, MIMAROPA, and BARMM have the lowest population densities of 91, 109, and
120 persons per square kilometer.
Table 2. Rate of Decline of Annual Volume of Index Crimes during the pandemic.
Furthermore, there are notable annual decreases in the annual volume of index
crimes in different administrative regions in the Philippines from 2016 to 2020. The
average rate of decline ranges from 12% to as much as 39% in all administrative
regions. The Cordillera Administrative Region, Western Visayas Region, and Northern
Mindanao tallied a decline rate of at least 30%. Central Visayas and Western Visayas
have recorded a decline rate of 12% and 14%, respectively. The government's success
in reducing crime incidence in the country is attributed to many factors, mainly due
to the effective government policies and programs.
The crime incidence has continued to drop in 2020 during the pandemic. Through
the recommendation of the Interagency task force against COVID-19 (IATF), which
oversees the overall management of COVID-19 in the country, the government has
created a categorization that serves as the general guide in the level of mobility
restrictions in different regions and localities. The limitations of human mobility
during the pandemic have resulted in a significant decline in crime incidence in the
different administrative regions in the Philippines. Sixteen (16) administrative
regions have at least a 30% rate of annual decline in crime index, while during the
pre-pandemic, only one (3) administrative region has achieved the said rate.
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International Journal of Criminal Justice Science
Vol 17 Issue 1 January – June 2022
A similar analysis was done on the crime incidence in 2020, during which the
pandemic hit the whole country and was placed in lockdowns for several periods
(Joaquin & Biana, 2021). There is a significant association between location and type
of index crimes, which implies that crime incidence of different types during
lockdowns varies across different locations. Figure 3 shows the correlation plot
between the type and location index crimes during the pandemic. Murder is found to
have strong associations with BARMM, Caraga, CALABARZON, and Davao Region,
while homicide has a strong association with SOCCSKSARGEN. Physical Injury is
strongly associated with Western Visayas, while robbery is associated with NCR and
Central Visayas. Furthermore, rape is associated with eleven locations, namely, CAR,
Ilocos, Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon, CALABARZON, MIMAROPA, Eastern Visayas,
Northern Mindanao, Davao, and CARAGA
Figure 3. Correlation plot between location and type of index crimes (a),
Annual rate of change for Rape from 2016 to 2020
Figure 3 also shows the average rate of change for rape incidence from 2016 to
2020 in different locations in the Philippines. This plot shows that there is indeed an
increase in the number of rape incidents in these regions, namely, CAR, Ilocos,
Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon, CALABARZON, MIMAROPA, Eastern Visayas, Northern
Mindanao, Davao, and CARAGA. On the other hand, rape incidence has declined over
the years in the following locations, BARMM, SOCCSKSARGEN, Central Visayas,
Western Visayas, Bicol Region, and NCR.
It is notable that the pattern of associations between location and type of index
crimes before the pandemic and during the period of the pandemic did not change
much for most types of index crimes, namely, murder, homicide, robbery, physical
injury, theft, car-napping, and cattle rustling (Table 3). Although a consistent decline
is observed, the incidence pattern remains the same for these crime types. On the
contrary, a different observation is found in the associations between rape and
locations where such crime is committed. Rape is associated with ten (10) locations
during the pandemic, while it is only associated with four (4) locations before the
pandemic. Rape, therefore, had become a significant crime during the pandemic in
© 2021 International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences. Under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
International Journal of Criminal Justice Science
Vol 17 Issue 1 January – June 2022
many regions of the Philippines. Reports from other countries also stated an increase
in sexually related violence during the pandemic. French police reported a
nationwide spike of about 30%, while there is an 18% increase in domestic violence
and sexual assaults in Spain. The National Alliance to end sexual violence has
observed an increase of around 40% of rape cases in most of the rape crisis centers
that they have surveyed around the globe.
Crime prevention and management are at the forefront of the agenda of the
Philippine government under the Duterte administration. Its campaign against war on
drugs is aimed at reducing criminality and uplifting the lives of the Filipino people. Our
study revealed that the continuing efforts of the government to fight criminality have
resulted in the increased crime solution efficiency of the police force. The government's
success in reducing crime incidence in the country is attributed to many factors, mainly
due to the effective government policies and programs. Similar studies have shown that
effective government programs significantly reduce crime incidence in different
localities (Arvate et al., 2018; Lilley & Boba, 2009; Maguire, Hardy, & Lawrence, 2004).
The crime incidence has continued to drop in 2020 during the pandemic. Through the
recommendation of the Interagency task force (IATF) against COVID-19, which oversees
the overall management of COVID-19 in the country, the government has created a
categorization that serves as the general guide in the level of mobility restrictions in
different regions and localities. The limitations of human mobility during the pandemic
have resulted in a significant decline in crime incidence in the different administrative
regions in the Philippines. Furthermore, the COVID-19 lockdowns in the Philippines have
contributed to the decline of crime incidence in the Philippines. Boman and Mowen
(2021) noted that global crime trends have declined during the pandemic. According to
them, this is expected since during mobility restrictions, opportunities for crime such as
robbery, theft and road violence and crimes also decrease.
© 2021 International Journal of Criminal Justice Sciences. Under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Leikuma-Rimicane et al. - Location and Type of Crimes in The Philippines: Insights for Crime Prevention and Management
The significant association between type and location of index crimes in the
Philippines suggests that crimes vary across locations and the occurrences of crimes is
not random. Rape has become predominant during the pandemic in 11 regions. The
findings are similar to many studies wherein crimes against women such as rape,
domestic violence and sexual abuse have become prominent during COVID-19 (Rapee et
al., 2022; Rockowitz et al., 2021; Sifat, 2020). All these studies consistently showed that
rape had become a significant crime during the pandemic in many regions of the
Philippines. Reports from other countries also stated an increase in sexually related
violence during the pandemic. French police reported a nationwide spike of about 30%,
while there was an 18% increase in domestic violence and sexual assaults in Spain. The
National Alliance to end sexual violence observed an increase of around 40% of rape
cases in most of the rape crisis centers that were surveyed around the globe.
Furthermore, the pattern of associations between location and type of index crimes
before and after the pandemic did not change much for most crime types, namely,
murder, homicide, robbery, physical injury, theft, car-napping, and cattle rustling
(Muldoon et al., 2021; Walker, 2020).
The continuing effort of the government to fight against criminality has resulted in
a steady decline in the incidence of index crimes in the Philippines. The pandemic has
also contributed to the decline of crime incidence in the country. In terms of location,
the incidence of index crimes is high in densely populated areas. Hence, it is
recommended to increase police presence and surveillance activities in highly
populated areas. Furthermore, our analysis revealed that crime type is indeed
associated with the location. Crime types that should be prioritized by location are
identified in this study. Hence, regional government executives can use our results as
input to policy and programs aimed at crime prevention and management in their
localities. Moreover, rape had become a severe issue in many locations during the
pandemic. Thus, there must be a specific intervention to address sexual violence
during community lockdowns.
This study was developed with ESF Project No. "Strengthening of
Professional Competence of Daugavpils University Academic Personnel of Strategic
Specialization Branches 3rd Call". The authors thank Analyn Cabras, director of the
Coleoptera Research Center of the University of Mindanao for the support and
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