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PNP Organization Plan "Sambayan"

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government

National Police Commission
Camp Crame, Quezon City
Directorate for Police
Community Relations, PNP
October 2002

a. O.N.E. PNP Program
b. PCR Plan 2002
c. Community Oriented Policing System (COPS)
This Organization Plan aims to generate community partnerships and forge a united
front for the promotion of peace and order.
It is designed to unify and harmonize the efforts of all PCR units and to encourage broad
networking, coordination and integration of all related undertakings within the PNP, LGUs,
various sectoral groups and peoples' organizations.
Active Community Support is essential to the success of PNP operations. More than
anyone else, the people in the community are aware 1)f their problems. They otten know what is
happening to their neighbors. They are more concerned about these things because of the
impact it may have on their lives. Hence, the police can use this feeling of concern in the
prevention of crime and its solution
when it occurs. Acknowledging that the community is a virtual minefield of information, it would
be advantageous for the PNP to channel it towards the attainment of the ends of law
enforcement. On the other hand, one of the constraints of the community is the lack of
knowledge on how to relay any information to the authorities and make it useful. This is
aggravated by the fear of reprisal from criminal syndicates. The PNP therefore needs to lay
down the groundwork so that the community can be mobilized for the maintenance of peace
and order.
One of the actions to be taken must be to organize the community in around empower
them for the promotion of peace and older in their area. The organized community then
becomes the source of strength to overcome any kind of fear from elements who disturb the
peace. When they are so organized, they can form the united front against crime and thus

become the first line of defense against any threat.

However, to be able to realize this objective, the PNP must take the role as the pacesetter in this effort. Policemen on the streets must take the lead role. Necessarily, they must
capitalize on the "intrinsic goodwill which characterizes the relationship of the police and the
community." This goodwill must not be abused but nurtured by the establishment of a friendly
and trusting relationship. It should be the objective of every PNP member to "win a friend"
everyday. The strength is fostered by adhering to the Motto of Sambayan: "Magkaibigan at
Magkasama sa Hirap at Ginhawa" and to make it an everyday effort.
This established and strengthened goodwill then becomes the capital to organize
communities and empower them towards the promotion of peace and order. Among other
things', .these organized communities become validators of police actions and performance.
They also become effective media to impart information for crime prevention. Furthermore,
these organized communities become force multipliers bridging the gaps in police strength.
Experience would show that the community when properly organized even bridges the
constraints in materiel resources of operating police units; or they find ways to tap the
resources from political and economic leaders to aid in PNP operations.
The organizational efforts would be challenging. In order to hurdle the challenges, the
PNP needs to form linkages with National Government Agencies,
LGU's and civic-oriented organizations. These linkages shall pave the way for directing the
organized communities towards contributing to the creation of a tourist friendly atmosphere.
This is expected to pave the way for the influx of tourists to the country.
Knowing all these potentials in the community; the PNP then 'has to adhere
to the COPS philosophy in order to establish the congruence between the reality of police
actions to the message of friendship that it foists on the people. Using this philosophy, the
individual police validates goodwill and enhances credibility, and paves the way for the easy
organizational effort. It is believed, and several studies would point to this evidence, that
countries with high levels of organized communities are more progressive, and more
disciplined. It is thus that the O.N.E. PNP shall engage in the effort of organizing in order to
form a network of Strong Communities as the nucleus of a STRONG ~PUBLIC.
The PNP shall undertake and orchestrate community organization and mobilization
campaign designed to bring about a peaceful environment favorable to investment and
A. Objectives:
1. To strengthen police-community goodwill and create an environment of
friendship between the police on the street and the people.
2. To organize the community and forge the team which will forward efforts
for the establishment of a tourism friendly environment.
3. To cultivate and create the tone of a citizen-police partnership to serve
the cause of peace and order in the community.
4. To seek the cooperation and active support of the community for crime prevention
and control, by creating an unfavorable environment for criminal elements and
enemies of the State;

5. To mobilize the community to change the conditions that generate crime.

6. To facilitate the transition towards proactive policing activities from the
reactive incident-driven model.
7. To form force-multipliers thru the empowerment of the people towards
community involvement.
The primary weakness of the law enforcement pillar in suppressing criminality can be
traced to its weak bond with -the community pillar; giving the notion that the Police is detached
from the community they are bound to serve. More often than not, the Police is perceived to be
isolated in their offices and worse, are not familiar with the key personalities in their AOR.
Cognizant of these constraints which deter the success of an effective shared responsibility
there is the need to orchestrate the organization of individuals and institutions to build a united
front against criminality and other threats to peace and order.

A. Strategic Concept
This Organization Plan is designed to pave the way for the establishment
Of a united front against criminality and other threats to peace and order. This united front,
which shall be composed of different sectors, shall serve as the force multiplier of the PNP in its
continuing effort to harness the community i" its campaign against all forms of criminality.
1. Neighborhood Partnership [D.N.E. PNP Program of Action]
The ONE PNP program focuses on people-driven efforts because the people
know best what their needs and priorities are. Neighborhood partnerships shall be developed
and nurtured for there is no tool more powerful in the fight against criminality and other threats
to national security than the support and confidence of every member of the community. Strong
neighborhood partnerships shall be developed through the enhancement of the CommunityOriented Policing System (COPS) in all police units as its philosophy nationwide. A strong
COPS program is crucial in making the presence of the police more strongly felt in the
communities, which is an important factor in effectively forging closer neighborhood
2. United Front Against Criminality
The PNP shat! develop a united front, composed of the different sectors of the
community, which shall serve as its force multiplier in the fight against all forms of criminality.
Considering the limited resources of the police force, especially in terms of manpower, the
development of various groups such as the barangays. security guards and other sectors as
partners of the PNP shall serve to further boost its anti-crime efforts.
B. Operational Concept

This Plan sets forth the general guidelines and concepts that will serve as a guide for
the PNP in the conduct of an organization campaign program designed to forge a strong PNPcommunity partnership. To effectively carry out this Plan, the PNP shall utilize the AOM
concept, which involves three phases namely: Awareness and Education, Organizing
Community. and Mobilizing Communication. Furthermore. it shall involve a sustained alliance
building effort. tapping the various sectors of the community and strengthening all linkages with
the LGUs and NGOs and other community movers- who can effectively support and contribute
to the achievement of the PNP's anti-crime objectives.
To be able to actualize this desired partnership, there must be congruence what the
PNP says is its philosophy, and the real actions its personnel does in the streets. It is
imperative therefore that the PNP must look inward and identify retardants to the successful
implementation of this PCR Plan.
1. Awareness and Enlightenment
The effort is geared towards awakening the citizens on their rules and
responsibilities in the peace and order effort, making them fully realize that the problem of
criminality is a shared responsibility between the community and the police. The effort shall, at
the same time, aim to generate or win back the trust and confidence of the people. This effort
focuses on continuously informing the public on the facts and issues vital to the transformation
of the police force into a more efficient and respected organization.

2. Organization
This effort involves the organization of groups and allies within various sectors
of the community who can be tapped to assist in the conduct of law enforcement and other
public safety concerns. It includes the conduct of such activities as seminars, trainings, and
similar undertakings to heighten the involvement of individuals in worthwhile community
endeavors. Through this effort, linkages with government agencies, non-government
organizations and other people organizations will be developed and enhanced.
3. Mobilization
This involves mobilizing allies within the various sectors of the community who will
constitute the united front to assist in the conduct of law enforcement and other public safety
services. The community shall be mobilized to participate in community-based crime
prevention activities, pro-democracy rallies and assemblies and other similar undertakings.
Moreover, the community shall be mobilized to participate in rescue and relief activities during
disasters and calamities. Organized sectors shall also be mobilized to conduct community work
activities such as skills development trainings, livelihood/cooperative development, sociocultural development, agricultural regeneration activities and medical/dental outreach services.
A. NHQ Directorial Staff

a. Directorate for Police Community Relations (DPCR)

1. OPR in the overall implementation of this Plan.
2. Train PCR officers on psy-ops and on peace advocacy and social mobilization.]
3. Organize Mobile Training Teams.
4. Assist the PROs in the establishment of inter-agency linkages with concerned GOs
and NGOs.
5 Establish monitoring and feedback mechanism to ensure effective continuity of this
6. Perform other tasks on orders.
b. Directorate for Intelligence (DI)
1. Provide policy direction to PROs on matters pertaining to intelligence
relative to the QUAD concept of operation.
2. Provide assessment of enemy threats to PCR efforts and its impact on
peace and order situation.
3. Perform other tasks on orders.
c. Directorate for Investigation and Detective Management (DIDM)
1. Provide policy direction to PROs on matters pertaining to investigation
Relative to the QUAD concept of operation.
2. Provide assessment of enemy threats to PCR efforts and its impact on peace
and order situation.
3. Perform other tasks on orders.
d. Directorate for Operations (DO)
1. Institutionalize and strengthen Task Force Turista to complement this
PCR Plan.
2. Tailor PNP programs/plans towards COPS orientation.
3. Perform other tasks on orders.
e. Directorate for Comptrollership (DC)
1. Allocate the necessary fund support to ensure the successful
implementation of this Plan.
2. Perform other tasks on orders.
f. Directorate for Logistics (DL)
1 Provide the necessary logistical to ensure the successful implementation of this
2. Perform other tasks on orders.

g. Directorate for Plans (DPL)

1. Make necessary modifications in the evaluation of performance of police
units to ensure success in the implemental of the plan
2. Perform other tasks on orders.
h. Directorate for Research Development (DRD)
1. Conduct research, test and evaluation and provide policy direction on PNP
equipment and uniforms that will contribute or enhance PNP efforts to make
every personnel a public relation officer.
2. Perform other tasks on orders.
i. Directorate for Personnel and Records Management (DPRM )
1. Review and evaluate Unit disposition at all levels of Command to
ensure maximum deployment of personnel for field assignment.
2. Perform other tasks on orders.
B. National Support Units/Offices
a. Police Community Relations Group (PCRG)

Serves as the lead operating unit in the implementation of this Plan

within Metro Manila.
organizations/agencies, peoples' organizations, community leaders and
impel their continuing support and collaboration to police programs and
3. Provide public affairs support to PROs and NSUs.
4. Enhance the capability of the Complaints Referral Action Center
(CRAC) through the use of information technology.
5. Train and develop psy-ops officers c:1nd community organizers.
6 Develop information materials to support the PCR. Communications
Organizations Plan.
7. Perform other tasks as directed.
b. Civil Security Group (CSG)
1. Organize license gun owners, gun clubs, and licensed security guards
to form a united front against crime.
2. Design a training program to make the security guards updated and
attuned to police operations.
3. Organize and mobilize license firearms holders for the promotion of
peace and order.
4. Perform other tasks on orders.
c. Traffic Management Group (TMG)
1. Address issues raised by motorists, truckers, pedestrians and other

road users which retard this Plan.

2. Re-orient personnel towards COPS philosophy.
3. Perform other tasks on orders.
C. Other National Support Units
1. Provide the. necessary admin/operational support within their competency to
PROs to ensure the successful implementation of this Plan.
D. Police Regional Offices PROs 1.12, NCRPO, CAR, ARMM & CARAGA 1. Implement this
Organization plan through the PROs/CPOs/CPS/MPS .
2. Establish close linkages with LGUs, GOs, NGOs with the end in the
new of promoting this Plan.
3. Address issues raised by business, transport and other sectors such
as 8rascals. in uniform, kotong, and others which retard this Plan.
4. Train and develop community organizers.
1. All PNP units should move for the effective utilization of force multipliers which would
optimize the scarce resources of the PNP
2. Pursue continuing education effort at the grass roots level to raise consciousness of the
importance of the community involvement.
3. Print and distribute info materials, conduct teach-ins/discussions & seminars.
4. Identify key communicators in the community to advocate their concerns
5. Create community projects that will keep going the stakeholders and give them sense of
6. Organize strong support groups to build confidence and overcome fear factors that deter the
active participation of the community in the peace and order efforts.
7 . Tap business and civic organizations to sponsor livelihood projects to provide stakeholders
additional income.
8. Existing rules of engagement defining the conduct of behavior of police personnel shall be
observed and strictly enforced.
9. Implementing unit commanders shall submit the following to DPCR: a. Communication Action
Plan (15 days after publication of this Plan)
b. Communication Campaign Accomplishment Report every 1st week of the succeeding
10. Lateral coordination with adjacent units/OPCON units and civilian agencies and NGOs is
authorized and highly encouraged.
11. All police units are encouraged to initiate mass mobilizations such as indignation rallies, and
other similar actions to preempt similar enemy efforts.
Police Director
Chief, PNP

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