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Vol. 7, No.

2 (2023) 143-158 ISSN: 2597-4866

Indonesian Journal of Primary Education

The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education

(Literature Review)
Riki Nuryadin*, Marlina
Indonesian University of Education*
SMKN 4 Banjar – Jawa Barat
*Corresponding author: [email protected]*, [email protected]

Submitted/Received 11 July 2023; First Revised 20 July 2023; Accepted 6 August 2023
First Available Online 1 December 2023; Publication Date 1 December 2023
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education has become a topic of increasing interest in recent decades. AI
has experienced rapid development and has been implemented in various aspects of education, such as adaptive
learning, school administration, and increasing educational accessibility. While the potential benefits offered by AI are
very promising, their implementation also faces challenges that need to be overcome. This research aims to investigate
the development and use of AI in education, as well as the challenges faced in adopting and implementing it. Through a
comprehensive literature review, this study evaluates the positive impact of AI in increasing learning effectiveness,
providing learning experiences tailored to individual needs, and speeding up the educational administration process.
However, challenges were also identified in the application of AI in education. These challenges include student data
privacy issues, loss of human interaction, and the changing role of teachers in the AI era. In addition, there are also
financial and infrastructural constraints that can hinder the adoption of AI in public schools. The articles cited in this
research discuss various solutions that can be implemented to overcome this challenge. The conclusions in this study
highlight the importance of supporting the implementation of AI in education by ensuring supportive policies, adequate
preparation, and a better understanding of the use of AI by educators. In addition, it is also necessary to develop a
curriculum that is adaptive and in accordance with industrial developments. By addressing these challenges, the
application of AI in education has the potential to change the way we learn and teach, creating a more inclusive,
efficient and quality education

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Education; Indonesia; Literature Review.

INTRODUCTION accelerated the use of AI in learning.

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Learning methods in deep neural networks
learning has been an interesting and rapidly and deep learning became a major focus.
growing topic in recent years, the history of Using big data and advanced processing
using AI in learning has a long history and techniques, AI can recognise complex
continues to evolve over time. In the 1950s patterns, gain deeper understanding, and
and 1960s, at the beginning of AI provide accurate predictions .
development, researchers began efforts to The utilization of artificial intelligence
develop computer programmes that could (AI) in education brings about considerable
simulate human learning abilities. An advantages. However, there are polemics
example is a computer programme called related to artificial intelligence (AI) in
Logic Theorist, developed by Allen Newell education that have become a debated topic in
and Herbert A. Simon in 1955 (Anyoha, various environments. Here are a few
2017). This programme can solve instances of debates associated with the
mathematical problems using symbolic application of AI in the educational context:
problem solving techniques. Up to the 2010s 1. Dependence on Technology: One of
and beyond, advances in computing, digital the main polemics is the concern that
technology, and data collection have over-reliance on AI could replace the
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144 Riki Nuryadin*, Marlina
The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

role of teachers and human interaction Nye (Nye, 2015) discusses the use of
in the classroom. Some argue that the intelligent tutoring systems in the context of
valuable human interaction in learning developing countries, in the article Nye
cannot be completely replaced by presents an overview of some of the problems
technology. faced in implementing intelligent learning
2. Inequality of Access: The use of AI in technologies in resource-limited educational
education can create access gaps, environments. The discussion addresses a
especially in countries with different challenge concerning the constrained internet
levels of technology and access and dependence on the web when
infrastructure. Not all students or implementing Intelligent Tutoring Systems
schools have equal access to AI (ITS) in classrooms within developing
technologies, which can increase countries. The article concludes that
educational disparities. classrooms in these nations may find web-
3. Loss of Humanity: Detractors dependent ITS less suitable. Nevertheless, the
frequently point out that the effectiveness of web-based ITS can still be
integration of AI in education has the achieved beyond the school environment if
potential to diminish the direct there is well-organized management of their
teaching of human values, empathy, data usage. The article also mentions several
and social sensitivity by educators. approaches, such as the "well" model,
Learning experiences centered around Learning Vans, and other approaches that can
technology may struggle to offer a mitigate these problems.
comprehensive and humanized Primary school teachers in Indonesia have
approach to education. mixed perceptions of online learning during
4. Data Privacy and Security: Data the pandemic. Some teachers recognise the
Privacy and security concerns pose potential of online learning in maintaining
significant challenges in the educational continuity while others face
implementation of AI in education. challenges in implementing it. Some of the
Strong measures are essential to factors that influence teachers' perceptions
safeguard students' personal include limited access to technology,
information and prevent any misuse of readiness and competence in using online
the data collected by AI systems learning platforms, and challenges in
during the collection and utilization of maintaining social interaction and student
student data. engagement in distance learning (Rasmitadila
5. Bias and Discrimination: AI systems et al., 2020) .
are prone to bias and discrimination if The study by Dwivedi (Dwivedi et al.,
not carefully developed and 2020) explores the transformative impact of
implemented. If the algorithms used the pandemic on various aspects of education,
by AI systems do not take diversity work and personal life. The authors discuss
and inclusion into account, then their how the pandemic has accelerated the
use in education may reinforce adoption of digital technologies and remote
existing disparities and inequalities. working practices, forcing organisations and
These polemics emphasises the importance individuals to adapt to new ways of managing
of developing and implementing AI in information. They analyse emerging
education that is ethical, inclusive, and challenges and opportunities in areas such as
responsible. A good AI education should online education, remote collaboration, digital
combine the advantages of technology with healthcare, and the use of artificial
the important role of teachers and benefit all intelligence and data analytics in the
students without increasing the access gap or pandemic response.
reducing the human aspect of the learning Atmojo's (Atmojo & Nugroho, 2020) paper
process. delves into the challenges and instructional
practices associated with learning English as a

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The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

foreign language (EFL) online in Indonesia 1. What effects does the utilization of
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The article artificial intelligence (AI) have on the
elucidates the impact of the pandemic on learning process??
English language education in Indonesia, 2. What are the polemics associated with
prompting a transition to online learning. The the use of AI in education?
author outlines various online teaching 3. How does limited access and
activities, including the utilization of digital dependence on technology affect the
platforms, interactive media, and mobile implementation of AI in education in
applications for English language learning. developing countries?
Additionally, the article highlights the 4. What are the perceptions and
obstacles faced by both teachers and students challenges faced by educators in
in adapting to online education, such as Indonesia regarding online learning?
restricted internet access, limited devices, and 5. How does the industrial revolution 4.0
challenges in sustaining direct interaction and the use of artificial intelligence
between teachers and students. (AI) affect education, especially
The advent of Industry 4.0 has vocational education?
significantly impacted the field of education, By formulating these issues, readers can
ushering in new business avenues, job focus more on relevant topics and understand
opportunities, and professions that were the issues related to the use of artificial
previously inconceivable (Ghufron, 2018). intelligence in education and its impact in
However, this transformative phase also poses different contexts.
a threat to certain lines of business, The research objectives based on the
professions, and jobs, as artificial intelligence problem formulation above are as follows:
machines and robots have the potential to 1. To investigate the impact of using
replace human roles. Industry 4.0 represents a artificial intelligence (AI) in learning,
technological revolution that brings about a both in terms of learning
shift in the scale, scope, complexity, and effectiveness, improved learning
transformation of human activities compared outcomes, and changes in learning
to previous experiences. Notably, the methods.
deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) and 2. To analyse the polemics associated
the substitution of human labor with robots with the use of AI in education, such
are distinctive features of this revolution. The as technology dependency, inequality
challenges and opportunities presented by of access, loss of humanity, data
Industry 4.0 stimulate innovation and privacy and security, as well as bias
creativity in vocational education. It becomes and discrimination, in order to identify
imperative for the government to reassess the challenges and potential solutions in
alignment between vocational education and the implementation of AI in education.
employment, effectively addressing the 3. To study the access limitations and
changes, challenges, and opportunities technology dependency that affect the
brought about by the industrial era 4.0. implementation of AI in education in
Vocational education should be characterized developing countries, and seek
by an orientation towards individual approaches or solutions that can
performance in the workplace, a focus on mitigate these problems.
psychomotor, affective, and cognitive aspects, 4. To analyse the perceptions and
and adaptability to the evolving dynamics of challenges faced by educators in
the professional landscape. Indonesia regarding online learning,
Based on the background presented above, and find ways to improve the quality
the problem formulations that can be of online learning implementation.
identified are: 5. To investigate how the industrial
revolution 4.0 and the use of artificial
intelligence (AI) affect the world of

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146 Riki Nuryadin*, Marlina
The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

education, particularly vocational

education, and seek relevant
approaches in responding to the
changes, challenges and opportunities
that arise.

With clear research objectives, researchers

can collect relevant data and information,
analyse the findings, and contribute new
knowledge in the use of artificial intelligence
in education and a deeper understanding of its

The research method used is literature Figure 1
review. The literature review research method Stages of the research method
is used to collect, review, and analyse
literature that is relevant and related to the According to Okoli & Schabram (Okoli &
research topic. This method aims to reorder Schabram, 2012), literature review is a
and synthesise existing knowledge from systematic, explicit and reproducible method
various published sources. by identifying, evaluating and synthesizing
According to Hart (Hart, 2018), literature works resulting from previous research. The
review is a systematic process involving the following, in table form, is a list of articles
collection, evaluation, and synthesis of and research that are relevant to writing a
information relevant to a particular research literature review regarding the use of AI
topic. The purpose of the literature review is (Artificial Intelligence) in Education in
to understand and describe the development Indonesia:
of research that has been done before, identify Table 1
gaps in knowledge that still exist, and compile Relevant previous research
a solid theoretical foundation for the research No. Author Result
being conducted. 1 Anutariya, C. This article provides insights
In this study, the data collection technique (2020) into how needs-orientated
was carried out in several stages, first curriculum development can
be done in the field of data
determining the topic and problem, second
science and artificial
conducting a literature search using the intelligence. Through case
Scopus and Google Scholar databases with studies in Indonesia, Sri
the keywords Artificial Intelligence, Lanka, and Thailand
Education, and Indonesia. The next step is to 2 Atmojo (2020) This article explains how the
analyse and interpret the data or literature COVID-19 pandemic has
affected English language
found. learning in Indonesia and
fuelled the shift to online
3 Butler, D., The use of ICT in education is
Leahy, M., strongly linked to the
Twining, P., pedagogical orientation of
Akcan, S., teachers, and research has
Brunton, J., shown that computer-based
Chtouki, Y., … interventions are more
Weis, S. (2018) effective when combined with
constructivist approaches to
4 Celik, I., This article recognises the
Dindar, M., increasing interest in teachers'

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The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

Muukkonen, use of AI and highlights the (2022) learning materials.

H., & (2022) need for further research to 11 Kahn, K. Children are able to develop
better understand teachers' use (2018) understanding and skills in AI
of AI. programming through the use
5 Chen, Z., The review revealed a growing of Snap
Zhang, J., interest in using AI for 12 L. Hastini, R. The use of technology in
Jiang, X., Hu, educational purposes. The Fahmi, and H. learning can play an important
Z., Han, X., author highlights that AI has Lukito (2020) role in improving human
Xu, M., V, S., made significant contributions literacy in Generation Z in
& in improving learning Indonesia
Vivekananda, effectiveness, providing 13 Machmud, M. This research highlights the
G.N. (2020) personalised learning T. (2021) role of ICT in strengthening
experiences, and assisting in education and teaching, as
the development of adaptive well as the government's
curricula. efforts to implement
6 Dwivedi YK, The pandemic has accelerated educational technology in their
Hughes DL, the adoption of digital education system.
Coombs C et al technologies and remote 14 Mangera, E., The results of this study reveal
(2020) working practices, forcing Supratno, H., a close relationship between
organisations and individuals & Suyatno. transhumanism and artificial
to adapt to new ways of (2023) intelligence in improving the
managing information. They learning process in higher
analyse the emerging education.
challenges and opportunities in 15 Mijwil, M. M., Artificial intelligence can
areas such as online education, Aggarwal, K., assist teachers in developing
remote collaboration, digital & Mutar, D. S. their skills, disseminating
healthcare, and the use of (2022) subject matter to students,
artificial intelligence and data communicating with them, and
analytics in pandemic evaluating their performance
response. through a series of exams.
7 Fauzi, Irviani, This article explains that 16 Nye, B.D This research provides insights
R., Muslihudin, artificial intelligence has (2015). into the use and development
M., Satria, F., brought significant changes in of Intelligent Tutor Systems in
Huda, M., various aspects of life, developing countries
Kamenez, N. including in the field of 17 Rasmitadila, Some of the factors that
V., & education. Rusi Rusmiati influence teachers' perceptions
Maseleno, A. Aliyyah, Reza of online learning include
(2019) Rachmadtullah, limited access to technology,
8 Ghufron, G., One of the unique features of Achmad readiness and competence in
(2018, this revolution is the Samsudin, using online learning
September) application of artificial Ernawulan platforms, and challenges in
intelligence (AI) and the use of Syaodih, maintaining social interaction
robots to replace human Muhammad and student engagement in
labour. Industry 4.0 challenges Nurtanto, Anna distance learning.
and opportunities drive Riana Suryanti
innovation and creation in Tambunan.
vocational education (2020)
9 Halili, S. H. The use of technology in 18 Salam, S., Schools face challenges in
(2019). education requires Jianqiu, Z., integrating ICT in schools
collaborative efforts from all Pathan, Z. H., such as lack of funding,
stakeholders. Cooperation & Lei, W. hardware and software costs,
between the government, (2017) outdated curriculum,
educational institutions and the interruption of electricity
technology industry is supply, internet connection,
important to optimise the use and lack of ICT-based teacher
of technology in the training.
educational context. 19 Sartika, F., The conclusion of this study is
10 Jokhan, A., Increasing reliance on digital Ritonga, M., the need for special attention
Chand, A. A., resources in higher education, Lahmi, A., from various parties,
Singh, V., & accelerated by technological Rasyid, A., & especially in the conditions of
Mamun, K. A. advances and digitisation of Febriani, S. R. the Covid-19 pandemic which

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148 Riki Nuryadin*, Marlina
The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

(2021) requires activities to be carried more realistic tasks and difficulties in dealing
out online, to pay attention to
areas with limited internet
with problems such as uncertainty and
access. incomplete knowledge. However, in the
20 Sudira, P. Vocational education curricula 1990s, developments in computer technology
(2019) can no longer be linear and
mono disciplinary. An open, and advances in algorithms and modeling
multi disciplinary and trans gave a new impetus to the development of AI.
disciplinary curriculum Research in the fields of artificial neural
covering a wide range of skills
is required. networks, fuzzy logic, and genetic algorithms
21 Yusriadi, Y. Governments can utilise AI in is becoming a major trend in AI development.
(2023) public services, especially in
Since the 2000s, rapid advances in computer
complex policy making in a
changing environment that technology, the availability of large data, and
impacts economic, social and the development of machine learning methods
environmental fundamentals.
have triggered an explosion in AI
development. Machine learning methods such
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION as artificial neural networks, deep learning,
and statistical learning algorithms have
Literature Review achieved impressive results in facial
a. Artificial Intellegence recognition, voice recognition, language
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field of translation, and strategy games.
computer science concerned with the In recent years, AI has also experienced
development of computer systems capable of significant developments in areas such as
performing tasks that normally require human autonomous cars, robotics, natural language
intelligence. According to McCarthy processing, and object recognition in images
(Mccarthy, 2007), one of the founders of AI, and videos. This success is driven by a
AI is the science and engineering that deals combination of advances in computer
with creating intelligent machines, especially technology, more powerful computing
intelligent computer programs. Russell and capabilities, and increasingly sophisticated
Norvig (Russell & Norvig, 2010) define AI as machine learning methods. The history of AI
"a field of computer science concerned with development continues, and today AI is one
the creation of computer systems that can do of the most exciting and rapidly growing
things that would require intelligence if done areas of research and development in the
by humans. world of technology. AI has infiltrated
In the 1950s and 1960s, the main focus in various aspects of our lives and is having a
AI was on developing computer programs significant impact. Let's look at current uses
that could perform tasks such as natural of AI in narrative form: Imagine a world
language processing, problem solving, and where you can talk to an intelligent virtual
chess playing. At that time, the development assistant. When you wake up in the morning,
of AI had progressed quite significantly, but you ask the assistant to give you the latest
was still limited in the capabilities and weather and news information. When you go
complexity of the tasks that could be handled. to work, autonomous cars with AI technology
In the 1970s and 1980s, AI experienced a help you get to your destination safely and
period known as the “AI winter” as research efficiently. At work, you work closely with
in the field experienced a decline in interest AI colleagues who are able to analyze big
and financial support. Researchers face data and provide valuable insights. These AI
challenges in dealing with the complexity of systems help identify patterns and trends that
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Riki Nuryadin*, Marlina 149
The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

are invisible to humans, allowing companies implementation of online activities, thereby

to make smarter and more strategic decisions. increasing access and engagement of
When you watch a movie or series on a communities who may not use other digital
streaming platform, you are introduced to a channels. Chatbots have been implemented in
variety of content recommendations tailored various institutions, including education, e-
to your interests and preferences. This is all commerce, and business. In the world of
thanks to a recommendation system that uses education, especially at universities, chatbots
AI to analyze audience preferences and are very useful in answering questions from
habits. In the health sector, AI helps doctors students and prospective students (Yusriadi et
in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. al., 2023) .
Using AI technology, doctors can analyze b. AI Technology in Education
patient medical data, look for patterns that
humans may not detect, and provide better AI in the world of education has brought
treatment recommendations. In the significant changes. Imagine a school where
manufacturing industry, robots with artificial students can learn in the most effective way
intelligence are used to carry out repetitive for them individually, teachers can better
tasks with high accuracy and more efficient identify students' learning needs, and the
speed. They can operate machines, monitor evaluation process is more efficient. Here's
product quality, and perform other tasks with how AI has changed the way we learn and
greater precision than humans. On a more teach. Not only in learning, AI is also used in
personal level, voice recognition and facial school administration. For example, learning
recognition applications using AI technology management systems use AI to organize
allow you to unlock your phone or access lesson schedules, monitor student attendance,
your accounts easily and securely. This and manage student data. This helps speed up
technology is also used in security, with the administrative process and frees up time
surveillance cameras capable of detecting for teachers to focus on teaching. Apart from
suspicious activity or recognizing individuals' that, AI is also used to increase educational
faces. In conclusion, AI has created accessibility. With the help of AI technology,
significant changes in various aspects of our students with special needs can get a learning
lives. From personal assistants to job experience tailored to their needs. AI can
automation, object recognition to provide voice or text-based assistance to help
recommendation systems, AI has enriched our students with learning disabilities, so they can
experiences with intelligent and adaptive follow lessons better. In the increasingly
technology. advanced world of education, AI provides
Governments can leverage AI in public great potential to improve the quality and
services, especially in complex policymaking efficiency of the learning process. With the
in an environment that is constantly changing help of AI, the student learning experience
and impacts economic, social and becomes more personalized, assessments
environmental fundamentals. One example of become more objective, and administrative
using AI is through chatbot development. processes become more efficient. The
Chatbots are applications that can absorb implementation of AI in education opens the
knowledge, such as human nature, so that door to an innovative and inclusive
computers can interpret communications with educational future.
users. Chatbots can reduce barriers to face-to- Mahmud (Machmud et al., 2021)
face and telephone services by enabling the discusses developments and policies for
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150 Riki Nuryadin*, Marlina
The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

implementing educational technology in potential to increase the efficiency and

ASEAN countries. This research was effectiveness of learning. This technology can
conducted through a literature review and help teachers prepare and present learning
comparative analysis regarding educational materials, provide feedback to students, and
technology developments and policies in automate several administrative tasks in the
ASEAN countries. This study selected learning process. However, it is important to
countries to be reviewed based on the remember that the teacher's role is still
Information and Communication Technology important in directing and accompanying
(ICT) Index among ASEAN countries, students in the learning process.
namely Singapore (highest ranking), Thailand The results of a case study conducted by
and Indonesia (middle ranking), and Anutariya (Anutariya, 2020) show that
Myanmar (lowest ranking). The results show developing a needs-based curriculum is very
that most countries are focused on improving important in preparing graduates who are
network capabilities to support online competent and relevant to market demand.
learning, and policies in each country show Through a deep understanding of the needs of
similarities in improving technology equality industry and society, curricula can be
for learners. Singapore shows the designed taking into account the
implementation of more advanced competencies, skills and knowledge required
technology, such as the wider application of in the fields of data science and artificial
Artificial Intelligence in classroom activities, intelligence. This article provides insight into
while the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in how need-oriented curriculum development
Thailand and Indonesia is still in the can be done in the fields of data science and
development stage. artificial intelligence. Through case studies in
The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and Thailand, this
the learning process has positive implications article presents concrete examples of how
in achieving an effective learning process. curriculum development can be adapted to
Although AI cannot replace the role of local and regional needs.
teachers, this technology can help teachers' Research conducted by Kahn (Kahn et
work and produce best practices in the world al., 2018) aims to understand children's
of education (Mangera et al., 2023). In the abilities in learning and using AI
implementation of artificial intelligence, there programming by using a block programming
are several aspects that support learning, such language that is easier to understand and
as the Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS), implement. This research was conducted in
Smart Virtual Mentor (SMV), Voice Assistant the context of a developing country, where
(VA), Automatic Assessment (AA), and Self- access to technology and education is
Study (SS). Intelligent Tutor System (ITS) or sometimes limited. The results of this
Intelligent Virtual Mentor (SMV) provides research show that children are able to
flexibility for students to apply their skills develop understanding and skills in AI
through assignments or exercises in certain programming through the use of Snap!. They
lessons interactively. SMV is an artificial can create simple programs involving basic
intelligence technology that is currently AI concepts such as pattern recognition, logic,
widely applied in various educational and decision making. This research provides
technology platforms, especially online. insight into the potential use of block
The implementation of artificial programming languages in AI education for
intelligence in the learning process has great children in developing countries. By using
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Riki Nuryadin*, Marlina 151
The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

methods that are easier to understand and Result and Discussion

implement, children can learn and engage in Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a field of
AI programming, which can improve their computer science is concerned with the
skills in technology and open up opportunities development of computer systems capable of
for a better future. performing tasks that require human
An article written by Hastini (Hastini et intelligence. In the 1970s and 1980s, AI
al., 2020) states that Generation Z has a high experienced a period of declining interest and
dependence on smartphones and social media. financial support known as the “AI winter.”
They tend to be more comfortable In the 1990s, developments in computer
communicating online than face to face. technology and algorithms helped revive AI
However, Generation Z is less able to analyze development. Since the 2000s, advances in
and utilize the information they obtain computer technology, the availability of big
critically. Their attention span is also short, data, and machine learning methods have
only about 8 seconds. Even though there are fueled an explosion in AI development. AI
developments in learning methods using has been used in areas such as autonomous
technology such as e-learning, blended cars, robotics, natural language processing,
learning, and online-learning, this research and object recognition in images and videos.
shows that the use of technology in learning AI has brought significant changes in
has not been able to significantly increase learning and teaching. AI is used in effective
human literacy in Generation Z. They still individual learning, school administration,
have difficulty communicating directly and and increasing educational accessibility. AI
have high dependency on technology. can provide learning experiences tailored to
Halili's (Hajar Halili, 2019) article student needs, monitor student attendance,
presents a review of the use of technology in and speed up administrative processes. The
the Malaysian higher education system, implementation of AI in education opens up
especially in the application of artificial opportunities for an innovative and inclusive
intelligence, big data, and QR codes for educational future. Another study discusses
educational purposes. One conclusion that can educational technology implementation
be drawn is that the use of technology in policies in ASEAN countries, which shows
education has experienced significant that most countries focus on increasing
progress. Technologies such as artificial network capabilities to support online
intelligence, big data, and QR codes have learning. Other articles also highlight the
been applied in educational contexts to development of needs-based curricula in the
improve learning processes and efficiency. In fields of data science and artificial
addition, this article shows that the use of intelligence as a way to address challenges in
these technologies has the potential to change the industry.
the educational paradigm. A more The use of AI in education not only
personalized and adaptive learning approach provides benefits for students, but also for
can be realized through the use of artificial teachers and educational institutions. In this
intelligence. The use of big data in education case, AI can help teachers plan the
can also help make more effective decisions curriculum, evaluate student performance
in designing curriculum and learning automatically, and provide relevant feedback.
strategies. Another conclusion is that the use Educational institutions can also use AI to
of technology in education requires manage student data, analyze learning trends,
collaborative efforts from all stakeholders. and improve administrative efficiency.
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152 Riki Nuryadin*, Marlina
The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

However, the application of AI in hardware/software costs, outdated curriculum,

education also faces challenges. Some of the disruption of electricity supply/internet
challenges that need to be addressed include connection, and lack of ICT-based teacher
student data privacy, concerns about losing training are the main obstacles to ICT
human interaction, and uncertainty about the implementation. Steps need to be taken by
role of teachers in the AI era. Overall, AI has policy makers and education officials to
great potential to change the way we learn overcome these barriers and ensure the
and teach. With proper use, AI can provide a provision of adequate ICT resources in public
more personalized learning experience, help schools.
students reach their full potential, and Research findings by Sartika (Sartika et al.,
improve overall educational efficiency. 2021) show that local governments in low
The article written by Chen(X. Chen et al., internet areas have not planned adequately to
2022) discusses the use of artificial support online learning during the pandemic.
intelligence (AI) technology in education over Implementing online learning in these areas
the last two decades. The results of the review requires different preparations and faces
reveal a growing interest in using AI for various difficulties, such as the high cost of
educational purposes. The authors highlight online learning, weak WiFi signals, and
that AI has made significant contributions in frequent power outages. As a result, pupils
improving learning effectiveness, providing and students in areas with minimal internet
personalized learning experiences, and have to struggle to find certain locations that
helping in the development of adaptive have internet access, often having to travel by
curricula. The use of AI has also played a role motorbike for 15 minutes to reach an
in providing more accurate and timely affordable location with signal coverage. The
feedback to students, as well as supporting conclusion of this research is that special
teachers in managing learning more attention is needed from various parties,
efficiently. Overall, this article shows that the especially in the Covid-19 pandemic
use of AI in education has experienced conditions which require activities to be
significant development over the last two carried out online, to pay attention to areas
decades and has great potential in improving with limited internet access.
the quality of learning. However, there is still Celik (Celik et al., 2022) discusses
work to be done to ensure implementation is developments in the use of artificial
effective, sustainable and appropriate to intelligence (AI) by teachers in the field of
diverse educational needs. education and identifies gaps and
Salam (Salam et al., 2017) in his article recommendations for future research. This
shows that lack of funding for the education article acknowledges the increasing interest in
sector is the main obstacle in implementing teachers' use of AI and highlights the need for
ICT in public schools. Additionally, cost of further research to better understand teachers'
hardware/software, outdated curriculum, use of AI. The authors propose that as AI
disruption of power supply/internet becomes more popular in education, there will
connection, and lack of ICT-based teacher likely be an increase in research focused on
training are the major obstacles hindering ICT teachers' use of AI in teaching. AI-based
integration in public schools in Pakistan. The systems in education often do not fully exploit
conclusion of this article is that Pakistan faces the potential of multimodal data. This article
challenges in integrating ICT in public highlights the importance of investigating the
schools. Problems such as lack of funding, use of AI in the education of prospective
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Riki Nuryadin*, Marlina 153
The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

teachers, leveraging multimodal data in AI- industrial systems and work processes
based systems, involving teachers in the drastically affect the need for job
development of AI systems, and addressing competencies and skills. In responding to the
the limitations and challenges of AI in Industrial Revolution 4.0, a big leap is needed
education. The findings contribute to the in preparing the skills of the workforce to
understanding of the potential impact of AI in follow the revolutionary changes in the
teaching and learning and encourage industry. The vocational education curriculum
multidisciplinary collaboration among can no longer be linear and monodisciplinary.
stakeholders to improve the development and An open, multidisciplinary and
implementation of AI systems in education. transdisciplinary curriculum is needed that
The introduction of ICT in the learning covers a variety of skills (Sudira, 2019). The
environment does not directly bring about application of the Cyber-Physical Production
changes in pedagogical practice. The use of System (CPPS) in industry 4.0 changes
ICT in education is closely related to the industrial systems and ways of working
pedagogical orientation of teachers, and towards a smart industry in producing
research has shown that computer-based products and services that are smart, fast,
interventions are more effective when careful and satisfying. This change has a
combined with constructivist approaches to direct impact on the vocational education
teaching. Butler (Butler et al., 2018) discusses system. The role of vocational education in
the complexities of teaching and learning the industrial era 4.0 can be seen from the
through the use of ICT (Information and basic function of Vocational Education itself.
Communication Technology), this article The main goal of vocational education is to
highlights that the use of ICT in Irish schools prepare graduates for work. Changes in the
is still largely at a technological literacy level, production system in Industry 4.0 which
indicating the need to address the pedagogical implements CPPS are an important point in
orientation of teachers. The Digital Strategy adjusting the content of the vocational
for Schools in Ireland aims to encourage a education curriculum. The role of vocational
constructivist pedagogical orientation in education in industrial automation 4.0 is as a
teachers, thereby enabling students to gain in- provider of competent workforce in the
depth knowledge and apply it to real-world implementation of CPPS in accordance with
problems. To support this, the article the concept of matching between individuals
emphasizes the importance of developing and jobs as the basis for developing
appropriate professional learning models for vocational education programs.
teachers. The article written by Fauzi (Fauzi et al.,
In the era of industrial revolution 4.0, there 2019) discusses the educational revolution
have been massive changes in the way of through artificial intelligence with a fuzzy
work and work systems in various industrial multiple attribute decision making approach
sectors, including extraction, manufacturing, to determine the best vocational high school.
assembly, marketing, distribution and service. This article explains that artificial intelligence
Industrial automation supported by artificial has brought significant changes in various
intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), aspects of life, including in the field of
augmented reality (AR), and the Internet of education. In an educational context, artificial
Things (IoT) enables production and service intelligence can be used to optimize the
systems to become more intelligent and decision-making process in selecting the best
humanistic. Revolutionary changes in vocational high school. This is important
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154 Riki Nuryadin*, Marlina
The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

because choosing the right school will affect artificial intelligence also allows teachers to
the quality of education and career create content that suits their students' needs
preparation of students in the future. while ensuring learning, sharing opinions,
Chen (Z. Chen et al., 2020) research asking questions, and discussing answers.
discusses education 4.0 which uses artificial This article also emphasizes the importance of
intelligence to analyze student performance. teacher awareness of artificial intelligence
Education 4.0 leverages technology such as applications and how to interact with these
data analysis and artificial intelligence to technologies, as well as their impact on
understand and improve student performance. students. Apart from that, the government is
In this context, this article focuses on the use also advised to provide productive technology
of artificial intelligence to perform student to teachers to support their work, set
performance analysis. The method used in standards that serve the e-learning sector, and
this research involves collecting student organize more training and workshops needed
performance data, including grades, to spread the culture of artificial intelligence
attendance, and participation in learning and e-learning, and how it contributes to
activities. The research results show that the development of a new generation capable of
approach of using artificial intelligence in serving the country now and in the future.
analyzing student performance provides
significant benefits. CONCLUSION
Jokhan, Chand, & Mamun (Jokhan et al., Conclusion
2022) in their research explored the growing The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in
trend of digital resource consumption in education in Indonesia has experienced
higher education institutions and the potential significant development in recent years.
role of artificial intelligence (AI) in informing Various efforts have been made to exploit the
decisions regarding student performance. This potential of AI in increasing learning
study emphasizes the increasing reliance on effectiveness, personalizing learning
digital resources in higher education, which is experiences, and developing adaptive
increasingly accelerated by advances in curricula. One area where AI has been used in
technology and the digitization of learning education in Indonesia is in the creation of
materials. Researchers identified AI as a intelligent learning systems. This system uses
potential solution to overcome these AI technology to analyze student data and
challenges. They highlight the role of AI in provide learning recommendations tailored to
collecting and analyzing data about students' their individual needs. With this system,
use of digital resources, enabling the students can learn according to their own pace
identification of patterns, trends and and learning style, thereby increasing learning
correlations that can inform decision-making effectiveness and improving academic
regarding student performance. achievement. Artificial intelligence can also
Mijwil (Mijwil et al., 2022) discuss the help teachers in developing their skills,
role of artificial intelligence in creating a disseminating study materials to students,
modern educational environment. The article communicating with them, and evaluating
states that artificial intelligence can help their performance through a series of tests.
teachers develop their skills, disseminate Additionally, artificial intelligence also
learning materials to students, communicate enables teachers to create content that suits
with them, and evaluate their performance their students' needs while ensuring learning
through a series of tests. Additionally,
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Riki Nuryadin*, Marlina 155
The Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence) in Education (Literature Review)

However, the use of AI in education in Further research can be conducted

Indonesia also faces challenges. One of them regarding the increasing interest in using AI
is the availability of adequate infrastructure, by teachers. Therefore, further research is
especially stable and fast internet access needed to better understand teachers' use of
throughout the region. Additionally, AI. Focus research on teachers' use of AI in
challenges remain in integrating AI into teaching and the benefits of using multimodal
existing education systems, including teacher data in AI systems to better understand
training and awareness of AI's potential to teaching and learning processes. In facing
improve learning. To optimize the use of AI revolutionary changes in industry and work
in education in Indonesia, there needs to be systems in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, it
collaboration between the government, is necessary to update the vocational
educational institutions and technology education curriculum. Ensure that the
companies. Investments in technology vocational curriculum is open,
infrastructure and teacher training related to multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary to
AI are needed. Apart from that, there is also a cover various skills that are relevant to the
need for policies that support the development needs of an intelligent and humanistic
and implementation of AI in education, as industry, therefore it is necessary to develop a
well as protecting student data privacy. responsive vocational curriculum. In the
Overall, the use of AI in education in digital era, educational institutions need to
Indonesia has great potential to improve the effectively monitor and analyze students'
quality of learning and provide a more digital resource consumption patterns.
personalized and effective learning Leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to collect
experience. With continued efforts to and analyze student digital resource usage
overcome challenges and ensure appropriate data. This will help inform decisions
implementation, the use of AI in education in regarding student performance and improve
Indonesia can provide significant benefits for educational outcomes, the use of digital
students, teachers and the education system as resources in higher education must be
a whole. optimized. by harnessing the potential of AI
in education, addressing emerging challenges,
Suggestion and conducting advanced research, we can
The application of artificial intelligence in optimize the learning experience, improve the
education can bring significant benefits. AI quality of education, and prepare students for
can be used to optimize the learning process, a smart, sustainable future
provide learning experiences tailored to
student needs, and increase the efficiency of BIBLIOGRAPHY
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