Application of Artificial Intelligence in Education: The Role of Technology As An Educational Tool

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International Journal of


ISSN:2147-67992147-6799 Original Research Paper

Application of Artificial Intelligence in Education: The Role of

Technology as an Educational Tool
Samsul Susilawati, 2Triyo Supriyatno, 3Sutiah
Submitted: 03/02/2024 Revised: 11/03/2024 Accepted: 17/03/2024
Abstract: Because of its potential to completely transform conventional teaching methods, artificial intelligence (AI) has attracted a lot
of attention from a variety of industries, including education. This essay addresses AI's potential as a teaching tool and examines its use
in education. The main emphasis is on how AI technology may improve overall educational outcomes, personalise education, and
enhance learning experiences. The paper starts off by giving a general introduction to artificial intelligence (AI) and its main ideas, such
as deep learning, machine learning, and natural language processing. After that, it explores particular uses of AI in education, like
chatbots that can tutor students and platforms that adapt to their needs. These technologies make use of AI algorithms to evaluate student
data, offer individualised feedback, and design personalised learning pathways based on each learner's requirements and preferred
method of learning. The study also looks at the advantages and difficulties of incorporating AI into educational environments. Benefits
include increased access to a wealth of instructional resources, better learning efficiency, and more student involvement. To guarantee
ethical and fair AI use in education, issues including algorithmic bias, data privacy concerns, and the requirement for teacher training in
AI utilisation must also be addressed. The article also explores possible developments and future trends in AI-driven education, including
AI-powered educational assistants, personalised learning ecosystems, and virtual reality simulations. These developments have the power
to completely change education by improving accessibility, effectiveness, and engagement for students of all ages and backgrounds..

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Education, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Intelligent Tutoring
Systems, Adaptive Learning Platforms, Data Privacy

1. Introduction tasks from massive amounts of data are at the heart of

deep learning, a subfield of machine learning[2].
Education is only one of several sectors that is being
profoundly affected by the fast development of artificial There are a number of benefits to using AI in the
intelligence (AI). Artificial intelligence (AI) is finding classroom. Intelligent tutoring systems can tailor lessons
more and more applications in educational settings to to each student's unique strengths and weaknesses by
improve learning experiences, tailor education to changing the pace and subject matter accordingly[3][4].
individual students, and boost overall educational By utilising AI algorithms, adaptive learning platforms
achievements. In this introductory piece, we will look at can design personalised learning paths that accommodate
the big picture of artificial intelligence (AI) in the a wide range of learning styles and abilities. In the
classroom and how it can be a real game- classroom and beyond, educational chatbots may answer
changer.Machines that can learn from data, make students' questions, provide them immediate feedback,
predictions or judgements, and otherwise simulate and encourage them to keep studying.
human intellect are known as artificial intelligence (AI). Although there are many advantages, there are also some
Among the most important ideas in artificial intelligence hurdles to using AI into education. The collection and
are deep learning, machine learning, and NLP[1]. analysis of student data for the purpose of personalising
Computers can comprehend and mimic human speech learning experiences raises data privacy concerns[5].
thanks to natural language processing and machine Without considering diversity and inclusion during
learning algorithms, which analyse data for patterns. design and training, AI systems are more likely to exhibit
Neural networks that can learn to execute complicated algorithmic bias, which can lead to unfair outcomes or
Pascasarjana-Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang worsen existing inequities. Also, in order for educators to
and 65144, Indonesia, make the most of AI's capabilities to improve education, thorough training is required for teachers to make good
FITK-Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang and
use of AI technologies in the classroom[6].
65144, Indonesia, The purpose of this article is to investigate AI's potential
Sutiah FITK-Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim, Malang
and 65144, Indonesia,
uses in the classroom, weigh the pros and cons of implementing AI, and look ahead to developments in AI-
driven education. Educators and stakeholders may utilise
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2024, 12(21s), 1560–1565 | 1560
AI's revolutionary power to build engaging and efficient mental processes, not to replace human intelligence with
learning spaces for students of diverse backgrounds and robots. Research into artificial intelligence with the goal
ages by gaining a grasp of the technology's function as a of improving human intelligence offers enormous
teaching tool and tackling ethical concerns[7][8]. An promise; the article proceeds to show this in the context
overview of the current scientific literature on the topic of AI's application to the classroom. Several definitions
of artificial intelligence (AI) in digital games is the of AI reflect this goal of expanding human intelligence;
primary goal of this section. "Artificial Intelligence" after all, AI is about more than simply making computers
refers to "the capability of a machine to imitate do tasks; it's also about improving human learning
intelligent human behaviour" and is typically thought of abilities like discovery and deduction. By linking them to
as a branch of computer science. In other words, these AI processes, it becomes evident that a definition of AI
machines can mimic human perception, activity, and is available that corresponds to the section's stated goals
goal-setting in a variety of contexts. In contrast, the and methodologies. In other words, one of the main
prevalent algorithmic approaches used in game design goals of research and development is to enhance the
today—including behaviour trees, pathfinding capacity to learn new lessons efficiently and effectively.
algorithms, and finite state machines—use AI to make The article's research on AI's definition is established
the enemy appear to be thinking, but they don't actually through its emphasis on improving educational practices
design behaviours that humans would find compatible or and human learning. The paragraph concludes by
natural. To make digital games more engaging and comparing traditional teaching methods, such as those
immersive, with subsequent benefits for learning and used in routine, non-individualized lessons, with the
application in the educational domain, more "intelligent" types of learning environments and processes that could
methods could be applied to create games with larger be revolutionised by AI. Recent developments in
and more complex environments and potential outcomes. technology have led to an increased dependence on
This would allow players' actions and outcomes to be not artificial intelligence (AI) in the classroom, with a focus
predetermined and allow for the development of on improving students' experiences through the use of
dynamic, adaptive scenarios[9][10]. A lot of people think more advanced adaptive learning platforms and the
that studying "biological information processing and advent of individualized virtual teachers. This definition
paradigms," such evolutionary systems and neural is crucial for understanding the field.
networks, will be the "gateway to strong AI." These are
3. Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in
now making a big splash in terms of methodology, since
computational research is introducing new ways to solve Education
problems through gaming AI, instead of the usual With its ability to improve learning experiences and
algorithmic solutions. Furthermore, as computing power radically alter conventional wisdom, artificial
grows, we should expect to see a gradual transition from intelligence (AI) has a lot of potential applications in the
scripted, guided games to completely adaptable, life- realm of education. Included in the list of important
based ones, all thanks to emergent-based AI. advantages of AI in education are:
2. Definition of Artificial Intelligence Personalised Learning: Systems driven by AI can sift
through mountains of student data to create unique
The field of computer science known as artificial
educational journeys for each individual. To maximise
intelligence (AI) focuses on teaching machines to act
learning results, AI can analyse each student's strengths,
intelligently. To do this, algorithms that mimic human
weaknesses, and learning styles. Then, it can adjust the
intelligence in decision-making and problem-solving are
educational material and speed to suit each individual's
developed. A subfield of artificial intelligence called
"machine learning" has been getting a lot of press as of
late. Machines that can learn from data, rather than being Artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such gamification
designed to perform better with each new instruction, are components and interactive simulations, may increase
able to accomplish this. An idea of this significance student engagement and participation in the learning
shows how artificial intelligence aims to do more than process. Students' curiosity and motivation are piqued by
just mimic human thought processes; it also shows how these immersive experiences, which in turn boost their
AI is working to improve human thought processes, engagement and information retention.
which bodes well for the future of AI and the possibility
Platforms for Adaptive Learning: These platforms,
that robots may be able to handle increasingly
powered by AI, change the degree of difficulty and the
complicated tasks. technology should be emphasised,
information covered depending on how well students are
however, that the concept and research around AI are
doing. Through the use of adaptive strategies, students
based on the idea of using technology to enhance human
are provided with the necessary assistance and
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2024, 12(21s), 1560–1565 | 1561
interventions to enhance their grasp of concepts and powered tools and technology enhance several facets of
abilities. the educational experience.
Learners may get instantaneous feedback on their Some important ways AI is changing the face of
progress and comprehension of topics via the use of education are as follows:
educational chatbots and assessment systems driven by
Learners' unique requirements may be met via the use of
artificial intelligence. Effectively reinforcing what pupils
AI-powered personalised learning experiences. Sites like
have learned, this real-time feedback also helps them
Duolingo Max and Khan Academy use artificial
discover areas where they might grow.
intelligence algorithms to sift through student records
By facilitating online courses and individualised study and provide personalised lessons, quizzes, and
materials, artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to suggestions. This personalised method encourages
level the playing field when it comes to access to high- participation, improves understanding, and
quality education. Using educational tools and accommodates students with varying degrees of
information driven by AI may help students from all proficiency.
over the world, regardless of their background or
As virtual student tutors, AI-based tutoring systems
location. This can help promote equity and diversity in
provide individualised education. These programmes
evaluate students' work, pinpoint their weak spots, and
Teachers may Learn From Their Students' Data by Using provide them specific recommendations based on their
AI Analytics Tools Teachers may learn a lot from their results, all via the use of machine learning and natural
students' data, including their learning styles, interests, language processing algorithms. Students have access to
and problem areas. Educators may now optimise their adaptive help and interactive learning experiences via
teaching tactics, provide pupils personalised help, and AI-powered systems like Brainly and Carnegie
make data-driven choices thanks to these insights. Learning[11].
Grading assignments, creating reports, and maintaining Artificial intelligence tools automate grading and
calendars are just a few examples of the mundane feedback with the use of machine learning and natural
administrative chores that AI can automate. Teachers are language processing, such as GrammarlyGo and
able to devote more time to student engagement and Turnitin. Quickly and accurately, they can evaluate
individualised lessons because to this automation. written work, identify instances of plagiarism, and
provide constructive criticism on issues of style,
Skill Development and Lifelong Learning: Learning
substance, and grammar. It aids pupils in developing
platforms powered by AI can facilitate skill development
their writing abilities and allows for quicker grading
and lifelong learning via the provision of individualised
learning routes. Students have the freedom to learn at
their own speed, meeting the ever-changing demands of Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: Chatbots and virtual
their careers and education. assistants powered by artificial intelligence are used in
educational environments to provide immediate
Artificial intelligence (AI) has several potential uses in
assistance and respond to students' inquiries. Watson
the classroom, including but not limited to: raising
Assistant by IBM and Alexa for Education by Amazon
achievement levels, stimulating student interest,
both help students with research, provide information
broadening participation, and providing teachers with
when they need it, and guide them through a variety of
actionable insights based on data. With the constant
learning activities. They promote self-directed learning
improvement of AI, there is great promise for its use in
and make information more accessible.
revolutionising education and providing students all over
the globe with engaging, tailored learning opportunities. Automated lesson plans, quizzes, and study materials are
just a few examples of the educational content that has
4. Impact of Artificial Intelligence in
been created with the help of AI algorithms. One
Education example is OpenAI's GPT-3, which can mimic human
Artificial intelligence has had a profound effect on speech and might help teachers save time while still
classroom instruction and student learning in India and producing high-quality materials[13].
elsewhere. Emerging as significant resources, AI-

International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2024, 12(21s), 1560–1565 | 1562
Fig 1. Intelligent tutor systems, smart classroom technologies, adaptive learning, and pedagogical agents
Automate basic activities in education with AI
Several tasks in the educational system, such grading challenges that call for analytical reasoning and thinking
exams and homework, demand a great deal of critically[16][17].
instructors' time. It would be far more efficient to use
Artificial intelligence (AI)-powered programmes not
that time talking with students, correcting their mistakes,
only assist students in learning individualised courses
teaching them new material, and so on, instead of doing
tailored to their needs, but they may also provide
these labor-intensive chores.Artificial intelligence can be
instructors and students with useful feedback on the
used to save this time. Thanks to advancements in
course's effectiveness. Some online education companies
artificial intelligence, the grading method for fill-in-the-
are already using AI systems that rely on student
blank and multiple choice questions (MCQs) can be
feedback to track their development and notify teachers
automated. Additionally, these tools are getting close to
when there is a serious problem with their students'
the point where they can evaluate written replies. Even
while AI is becoming better every day, it will never be
able to fully replace human grading[14]. Artificial Thanks to AI-powered solutions like this, students may
intelligence will free up instructors from these menial get the help they need, and teachers can pinpoint exactly
jobs, allowing them more time to focus on students. where their lessons are falling short. Students benefit
greatly from immediate feedback since it shows them
Students get further assistance from an AI tutor.
exactly where they are making mistakes and how to fix
Teachers at universities have set schedules, so it's clear
they can't be there for their pupils 24/7 while they
study[15]. But no student has the innate intelligence to Recognising areas for course enhancement via AI:It is
absorb everything on their own; some students require quite challenging to identify knowledge gaps inside the
supplementary materials to help them make sense of educational system. In addition to having limited time in
what they're learning. The AI tutors may provide this class, teachers also don't always have a clue as to which
further help. ideas their pupils are struggling with or which ones have
them perplexed. The school system may alleviate this
A number of teaching programmes powered by artificial
issue with the support of AI-driven programmes.
intelligence are now available to assist students in
grasping the fundamentals of writing, mathematics, and You may see examples of AI-driven programmes in
other disciplines.While these AI programmes are great action on Coursera and other learning platforms right
for teaching pupils the basics, they are still not up to the now. As an example, the system notifies the instructor
task of teaching them advanced ideas in any field. and sends future students a personalised message with
Students still need teachers to help them understand such answers to homework questions when it detects a high
advanced material. On the other hand, AI has the percentage of students who have entered incorrect
potential to assist students in the future with difficult answers. Such programmes guarantee that every student
International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering IJISAE, 2024, 12(21s), 1560–1565 | 1563
thoroughly grasps course contents and fill up any Updates to the learning content: In addition, AI is useful
knowledge gaps that may arise. Using AI, students no for lesson planning, information maintenance, and
longer have to wait for professor feedback; instead, they making it responsive to various learning curves.
get a system-generated answer right away, which aids in
Guarantee Special Needs Students' Access to Education
comprehension, memorization of errors, and
Students with sensory impairments, such as those who
improvement for future attempts.
are deaf or hard of hearing, visually challenged, etc., face
The function of the educator may be altered by AI:While several obstacles in their daily lives. Learning and
educators will always play an essential part in society's studying could be challenging for these children for a
educational system, the nature and scope of that function variety of reasons. Also, be sure to give them plenty of
may evolve in response to technological advancements. time and attention. There will be new methods to connect
We have previously shown that AI can automate a with these pupils when creative AI technology is used. It
variety of duties, including grading and reporting, as well is possible to teach AI-enabled tools to assist a group of
as assist students in their learning and, in some students who have particular requirements.
situations, even serve as a substitute for a human tutor.
Access for All: Access to course materials for all
AI has the potential to be integrated into several facets of
students is a major benefit of digital learning powered by
education. AI systems have the potential to become a
artificial intelligence. Everyone has different learning
valuable resource for students by offering expert advice,
abilities, but thanks to universal access, students may
a platform for students to seek clarification, and perhaps
study whenever and wherever they choose. Instead of
replacing human teachers in the classroom. In these
waiting for the instructor, students may study at their
situations, AI has the potential to transform the instructor
own pace by exploring topics anytime they choose.
into a facilitator.
Without leaving the comfort of their own homes,
Embrace AI to personalise education:Using AI in the students also have access to top-notch courses and
classroom is not about to oust educators entirely. Rather, resources from across the globe.
it is designed to be a helpful resource for both instructors
Benefits of AI for Students
and students.
24*7 access to Learning
It is possible to teach AI systems to tailor their lessons to
each individual pupil. Personalised learning allows Anytime, anywhere learning is now possible with AI-
students to learn in a manner that best suits their driven digital learning. In this model, students are not
individual needs and comprehension levels. Educators tied to a certain location but rather have complete
can better meet the needs of their students if they take autonomy over their timetable. Learning may be made
the time to get to know each one. As AI continues to simpler and more successful for everyone based on their
advance, it's feasible that robots may be able to read most productive hours.
students' facial expressions as they learn new ideas, Better Engagement
allowing teachers to adapt their methods based on
whether or not pupils are struggling. Such things may be The study is made more dynamic and engaging with
conceivable in the not-so-distant future with AI-powered personalised learning, unique activities, and digital
hardware and software, but they are now impossible. visualisation. Thanks to AI-driven programmes and
personalised learning, students gain self-assurance and
Creative AI-Powered Content Generation There are three intelligence as they are able to freely inquire about topics
ways in which AI may be used to create intelligent outside their course outline. Students are becoming more
content: invested in their education as a result of all these factors
Lessons in Digital Media: With the rise of digital media, and emerging AI technology.
education is following suit. Colleges are increasingly Less Pressure
favouring digital learning due to the numerous benefits it
offers, like personalisation, e-books, study aids, bite- Students report reduced academic stress as a result of AI-
sized lectures, and AI-powered features. powered programmes and personalised learning. Every
time a learner asks a question, an AI-powered virtual
Data Visualisation Tools: To better grasp and remember assistant provides a thorough answer. Virtual assistants
things, it is much more effective to see them than to may alleviate some of the anxiety that comes with asking
listen to them. Artificial intelligence allows for new questions aloud in front of the whole class, which is a
methods of seeing study material, including web-based common problem with more conventional teaching
learning environments, simulations, and visualisations. approaches. These virtual assistants, however, will not be
able to answer every query accurately. But for simple

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