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International Journal of Education and Humanities

ISSN: 2770-6702 | Vol. 13, No. 2, 2024

Transforming Education: The Evolving Role of Artificial

Intelligence in The Students Academic Performance
Shiyun Ou1, *
1Graduate School, Adamson University, CO 1000, Philippines
* Corresponding author: Shiyun Ou (Email: [email protected])

Abstract: As technology continues to advance, its integration into various aspects of education has become inevitable. This
article delves into the transformative impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on students' academic performance. AI's role in
education has shifted from a mere supplementary tool to a fundamental component reshaping teaching and learning paradigms.
This paper explores how AI-powered educational technologies, such as adaptive learning platforms, intelligent tutoring systems,
and automated assessment tools, are revolutionizing traditional educational practices. It examines the benefits AI brings to
students, educators, and educational institutions, including personalized learning experiences, enhanced student engagement,
and efficient assessment mechanisms. Furthermore, the article discusses the potential challenges and ethical considerations
associated with AI integration in education, such as data privacy concerns, algorithmic biases, and the digital divide. By
analyzing recent research findings and real-world implementations, this paper provides insights into the evolving landscape of
education empowered by AI and underscores the importance of responsible AI adoption to optimize students' academic outcomes
in the digital era.
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Education Transformation, Academic Performance.

conventional education to address pressing issues like

1. Introduction educational inequality and accessibility. By leveraging AI-
In the ever-evolving landscape of education, few driven platforms, underserved communities can gain access
innovations have captured the imagination and potential for to quality educational resources, transcending geographical,
transformation quite like Artificial Intelligence (AI). Over the economic, and cultural barriers. This democratization of
past decade, AI has emerged as a powerful force, education has the potential to bridge the global educational
revolutionizing various industries, and the education sector is divide and foster a more inclusive and equitable learning
no exception. As technology continues to reshape the way we environment for all.
learn, teach, and interact with information, educators and However, as with any transformative technology, the
learners alike are experiencing a profound shift in their integration of AI in education comes with its own set of
approaches and experiences. The integration of AI in modern challenges and concerns. Ethical considerations, data privacy,
education holds the promise of unlocking new frontiers of and the potential for AI reinforcing existing biases are all
personalized learning, enhanced educational outcomes, and pertinent issues that need careful examination. Striking the
greater accessibility to quality education for learners right balance between human interaction and AI intervention
worldwide. is crucial to ensure that technology remains an enabler rather
The fusion of AI and education is fostering a dynamic than a replacement for human educators.
ecosystem where traditional instructional methods are being In this rapidly evolving landscape, it is imperative to
challenged by intelligent algorithms, data analytics, and explore the opportunities and limitations of AI in modern
machine learning capabilities. As AI systems become more education. This comprehensive analysis seeks to delve into
sophisticated, they can analyze vast quantities of data, the transformative power of AI, its impact on learning
identify patterns, and adapt to individual learning styles, methodologies, its potential to revolutionize educational
leading to personalized learning experiences that cater to each outcomes, and the ethical considerations that must be upheld
student's unique needs. This departure from the one-size-fits- to harness its full potential. By understanding and harnessing
all approach has the potential to empower learners, allowing the power of AI, we can steer education towards a brighter
them to progress at their own pace and receive tailored and more inclusive future, empowering learners of all ages
support, ultimately maximizing their academic achievements. and backgrounds to thrive in an increasingly AI-driven world.
Additionally, AI's integration in education is transcending Rapid development of artificial intelligence technology
the confines of traditional classroom settings. E-learning Artificial Intelligence (AI) has undergone a rapid and
platforms are utilizing AI-driven tools to automate transformative development in recent years, revolutionizing
administrative tasks, provide instant feedback to learners, and industries across the board. The convergence of cutting-
facilitate real-time collaboration among students and teachers edge algorithms, advanced machine learning techniques, and
across geographical boundaries. The rise of AI-powered unprecedented computing power has propelled AI into the
virtual tutors, chatbots, and intelligent tutoring systems is also forefront of technological innovation. In the context of
redefining the role of educators, enabling them to focus on education, this exponential growth of AI technology presents
fostering creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving a profound potential to revolutionize traditional teaching and
skills while leaving routine tasks to AI assistants. learning methodologies.
Moreover, AI's influence extends beyond the realm of The education sector, with its diverse challenges and

evolving demands, stands to benefit significantly from the significant challenges. Understanding the potential of AI
integration of AI. The emergence of AI-driven applications in technology and its implications on the field of education is
education promises to address long-standing issues and essential for educators, policymakers, and stakeholders to
unlock new opportunities for learners and educators alike. make informed decisions and shape a future where AI
Personalization, adaptability, and efficiency have become the augments and enhances learning experiences for all learners.
focal points of AI's impact on modern education. By This study aims to explore the impact of artificial intelligence
examining the application and impact of AI in education, this on modern education, examining the challenges and
research aims to shape a future where AI complements and opportunities that arise in this dynamic intersection of
enhances learning experiences, empowering learners and technology and pedagogy. By shedding light on these
educators in the digital age. aspects, the study seeks to contribute to the ongoing discourse
One of the primary advantages offered by AI technology is on harnessing AI's transformative potential in creating a more
the ability to personalize learning experiences based on efficient, inclusive, and effective education system for the
individual needs and learning styles. Intelligent algorithms 21st century.
can analyze vast amounts of data, from learners' performance
to their preferences, and tailor instructional content and 2. Statement of the Problem
methods accordingly. This personalized approach has the
The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI)
potential to boost engagement, motivation, and overall
technology and its integration into the field of education have
learning outcomes.
introduced both promising opportunities and critical
However, this rapid development of AI in education also
challenges. This study aims to address the following key
raises several challenges that necessitate careful
issues to gain a comprehensive understanding of the impact
consideration. Concerns about data privacy and security
of AI on modern education:
arise when AI systems collect and analyze sensitive student
1.What is the assessment of the teacher and student
information to create personalized learning profiles.
respondents on the impact of AI on education?
Ensuring robust data protection and adopting ethical data
1.1Personalized Learning
practices become crucial aspects to address.
Another challenge lies in the potential for AI algorithms to
1.3Reflective Thinking
perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on. If
1.4Language Support
not carefully managed, AI-powered educational tools could
1.5Critical Judgement
inadvertently reinforce stereotypes and widen educational
1.6Independent Thinking
disparities. Thus, mitigating bias and ensuring algorithmic
1.7Time Management
fairness are essential goals to achieve equitable and inclusive
1.8Emotional Intelligence
AI-driven education.
1.9Learning Initiatives and Motivation
While AI holds immense promise, it is crucial to strike the
2.Is there a significant difference in the assessment of the
right balance between technology-driven learning and the
teachers and student respondents on the impact of AI on
nurturing of essential human skills. Educators must not be
replaced but rather empowered by AI tools to focus on
3.What are the challenges encountered by teachers
fostering critical thinking, creativity, and social-emotional
4.Based from the results of the study what training program
can be established for teachers?
Understanding the impact of AI on education can also
contribute to advancing educational equity and inclusion. By
exploring how AI-powered platforms can improve access to
3. Hypothesis:
quality education, particularly for underserved communities H 1: There is no significant difference in the assessment of
and remote learners, this research can guide efforts to bridge the teachers and student respondents on the impact of AI on
the educational divide and reduce disparities. Identifying education
ways to mitigate bias in AI systems can also promote fairness
and equal opportunities for all learners. 4. Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The dynamic nature of AI technology demands continuous
monitoring and anticipation of future trends. By analyzing This study aims to comprehensively investigate the impact
the current impact of AI on education, this study can help of artificial intelligence (AI) on modern education, with a
primary focus on higher education settings. It will encompass
identify potential challenges and opportunities that may arise
in the future. This foresight is essential for educational a broad range of aspects related to AI's influence on
institutions, policymakers, and stakeholders to be prepared educational practices, including its applications, effects on
for upcoming changes and developments in the AI-driven personalized learning experiences, academic outcomes, and
education landscape. student engagement. The study will explore the challenges
The reason for this study lies in its contribution to and ethical considerations emerging from the integration of
advancing knowledge, improving educational practices, AI in education. It will also examine students' perceptions of
addressing challenges, and fostering ethical and equitable AI-driven educational tools and their experiences with
adoption of artificial intelligence in education. By examining personalized learning facilitated by AI algorithms. The
the application and impact of AI in education, this research research will provide insights into educators' attitudes and
aims to shape a future where AI complements and enhances proactive measures for addressing challenges in AI adoption.
The geographic scope of the study is limited to universities
learning experiences, empowering learners and educators in
the digital age. and higher education institutions in the specified research
The integration of AI in education is a rapidly evolving locale.
While this study aims to provide comprehensive insights
landscape that presents both exciting opportunities and
into the impact of AI on education, certain limitations and

delimitations will be acknowledged. 5.2.3 Administrators and Educational Policymakers:
Geographical Scope University administrators in Guangzhou responsible for
The research is confined to higher education institutions decision-making related to technology integration, academic
within the specified research locale, namely, universities in policies, and curriculum development. Educational
Guangzhou, China. The findings may not be fully policymakers at the institutional level, offering insights into
generalizable to other geographical regions or educational the alignment of AI initiatives with the educational goals of
contexts. higher education schools in Guangzhou.
Time Frame 5.2.4 AI Developers and Technology Providers:
The research will consider the developments and trends in Professionals and researchers involved in AI development
AI technology and education up to the current date. and deployment within the context of higher education in
However, due to the rapidly evolving nature of both fields, Guangzhou. Representatives from technology companies, AI
some of the latest developments might not be fully captured. research institutes, or educational technology providers
working closely with these institutions.
5. Research Design By focusing specifically on higher education schools in
Guangzhou, China, this research aims to provide a detailed
The research design for studying the impact of artificial
examination of how AI is impacting teaching, learning, and
intelligence on modern education is a mixed-methods
administrative practices within the local higher education
approach that combines both quantitative and qualitative
environment. The insights gained from this targeted research
methods to provide a comprehensive understanding of the
locale and participant group will contribute to a deeper
multifaceted effects of AI technology on educational practices,
understanding of the regional dynamics, opportunities,
outcomes, and stakeholder perceptions. This research design
challenges, and implications of AI integration in higher
aims to address the research questions and hypotheses while
education within the context of Guangzhou.
capturing the nuances and complexities of AI integration in
education. 6. Results and Discussion
5.1. Research Locale and Research This chapter includes an analysis and interpretation of the
Participants data that was gathered in tabular form. This section's
The research locale for "The Impact of Artificial conclusions are based on a statistical analysis that was carried
Intelligence on Modern Education" is limited to university out with the jamovi 2.3.19 software
located in Guangzhou, China. Guangzhou is a significant A normality test, specifically the Shapiro-Wilk test, will be
metropolitan area with a rich cultural heritage and a rapidly conducted to ascertain whether the parametric test will be
growing economy. As a major hub for university and utilized to address the research objectives. In instances where
technology development in China, studying AI integration in the p-values exceed.05., parametric testing is employed.
university in Guangzhou provides valuable insights into the Nonparametric tests will be used if the p-values are less
regional context. than.05 and the data is not normally distributed.
University in Guangzhou, China: This study's research questions have been reviewed.
This includes universities and colleges within Guangzhou, Consequently, the results are presented along with an
representing a diverse range of disciplines, academic interpretation and analysis of the data.
programs, and student demographics. The focus on Preliminary Analysis
Guangzhou allows for a concentrated study of AI's impact on Reliability
university within this specific urban environment. Table A summarizes the reliability measurement,
specifically the Cronbach's alpha of the scale, and the impact
5.2. Research Participants: of AI on education, which is composed of personalized
Given the focused scope on university in Guangzhou, the learning, creativity, reflective thinking, language support,
research participants will include key stakeholders directly critical judgement, independent thinking, time management,
engaged in the educational process and those with insights emotional intelligence, learning initiatives, and motivation.
into AI integration in these institutions. The statistic known as Cronbach's alpha, which is abbreviated
5.2.1 Educators (Professors and Instructors): as CA, is one of the statistics that is utilized to evaluate the
Professors and instructors from various academic reliability of constructs or the internal consistency of the
departments within higher education schools in Guangzhou. constructs, according to Roldan and Sanchez-Franco (2012)
Participants will be selected to represent different disciplines and Kock (2015). For Cronbach's alpha to be able to
to capture a broad understanding of AI's application across determine whether or not a measurement is reliable, the value
various subjects. of the measurement that is being analyzed must be equal to or
5.2.2 Students: greater than 0.70 (Fornell & Larcker, 1981; Nunnally, 1978).
University students from different disciplines and Based on the analysis of the data, it was determined that each
academic levels within higher education institutions in of the scales' domains satisfied the criterion of reliability
Guangzhou. Diverse representation of students in terms of based on the CA values ranging between CA = 0.85 and 0.91.
majors, age, gender, and familiarity with technology.

Table A: Reliability Measurement – Impact of AI (Cronbach’s Alpha)
No. of Item/s
Construct Cronbach’s Alpha No. of Items

Personalized Learning 0.85 0 5

Creativity 0.85 0 5

Reflective Thinking 0.87 0 5

Language Support 0.88 0 5

Critical Judgement 0.87 0 5

Independent Thinking 0.88 0 5

Time Management 0.87 0 5

Emotional Intelligence 0.91 0 5

Learning Initiatives and Motivation 0.88 0 5

Table B Normality Test

W p

Personalized Learning 0.98 0.081

Creativity 0.97 0.077
Reflective Thinking 0.97 0.077
Language Support 0.97 0.077
Critical Judgment 0.97 0.077
Independent Thinking 0.97 0.077
Time Management 0.98 0.081
Emotional Intelligence 0.98 0.081
Learning Initiatives and Motivation 0.98 0.081

Homogeneity of Variances Test (Levene's)

F df1 df2 p

Personalized Learning 2.73 1 659 0.099

Creativity 6.65 1 659 0.060
Reflective Thinking 0.72 1 659 0.396
Language Support 1.31 1 659 0.253
Critical Judgment 5.09 1 659 0.064
Independent Thinking 0.00 1 659 0.994
Time Management 1.25 1 659 0.265
Emotional Intelligence 0.00 1 659 0.947
Learning Initiatives and Motivation 0.03 1 659 0.857

Table B Normality Test
W p

Note. A low p-value suggests a violation of the assumption specifically the independent sample t-test, will be used.
of equal variances
According to the results of the Shapiro-Wilk test, all of the 7. Assessment of The Teacher and
p-values produced by the test are greater than 0.05, implying Student Respondents on The Impact
that the scores follow a normal distribution. Furthermore, all of AI On Education?
of the generated Levenes' test p-values are greater than 0.05,
indicating that the data achieved variance homogeneity. As a 7.1. Personalized Learning
result, to provide answers to the inferences, a parametric test,

Table 1. Assessment of the Teachers and Students on the Impact of AI on Education in terms of Personalized Learning
Indicators Respondents Mean SD Verbal Interpretation Rank
1.AI-powered educational tools help make
education more accessible to students with 3.53 0.66 1
Teachers Very High Impact
disabilities by providing customized
Students Moderate Impact
learning experiences that cater to their 3.50 0.61 1
unique needs.
2.AI-powered educational tools adapt to the
Teachers 3.31 0.69 2.5
learning pace and style of each student, Moderate Impact
providing customized learning experiences Moderate Impact
Students 3.27 0.71 4
that are tailored to their needs
3.AI-powered tutoring systems provide
real-time feedback to students, helping Teachers 3.30 0.70 4
Moderate Impact
them identify areas where they need
Moderate Impact
improvement and providing personalized Students 3.34 0.68 2
guidance to help them succeed.
4.AI-powered virtual assistants provide
Teachers 3.31 0.71 2.5
students with personalized support and Moderate Impact
guidance, answering questions and Moderate Impact
Students 3.32 0.71 3
providing feedback in real-time.
5.AI-powered collaborative learning tools
facilitate group work and collaboration, Teachers 3.27 0.73 5
Moderate Impact
providing students with opportunities to
Moderate Impact
learn from each other and work together on Students 3.26 0.78 5
Teachers 3.34 0.53
Moderate Impact
Moderate Impact
Students 3.34 0.57
Legend: 1.00-1.50: No Impact (Very Low); 1.51-2.50: Less Impact (Low); 2.51-3.50; Moderate Impact (Average); 3.51-4.00:
Very High Impact (High)

Table 1 summarizes how teachers and students rated the through the provision of tailored learning experiences that
impact of AI on education in terms of personalized learning. accommodate their distinct requirements (M = 3.53).
Based on the teachers' ratings, the data produced a composite Moreover, they believed that tutoring systems powered by AI
mean score of 3.34 and a standard deviation of 0.53, furnish students with immediate feedback, enabling them to
indicating that they have an average assessment in this recognize areas requiring improvement and furnishing
domain. Based on the responses, AI is considered to have a personalized guidance to facilitate success (M = 3.34). Lastly,
moderate impact. Respondents believe that AI-powered AI-powered virtual assistants assisted students in attaining
educational tools facilitate accessible education for students their objectives.
with disabilities by tailoring learning experiences to their The impact of AI on education has been a source of debate
specific requirements (M = 3.53), that AI-powered among educators and students alike. In a recent survey, both
educational tools adapt to the learning pace and style of teachers and students indicated that the impact of AI on
individual students (M = 3.31), and that AI-powered virtual education is moderately significant. According to Chen et al.
assistants offer personalized learning experiences (M = 3.31). (2020), teachers noted that AI has the potential to improve
The students' evaluation resulted in a composite mean students' learning experiences by providing personalized and
score of 3.34 and a standard deviation of 0.57, suggesting that adaptive learning opportunities. AI can also assist educators
they hold a moderate perception regarding the influence of AI in developing more effective teaching strategies and
on education. In particular, they held the belief that providing more personalized support to students (Pratama et
educational tools powered by AI contribute to the al., 2023). Furthermore, AI can automate administrative tasks,
accessibility of education for students with disabilities giving educators more time to focus on teaching and

mentoring (Alam, 2021). through personalized tutoring and adaptive learning systems,
Teachers, on the other hand, expressed concern about its implementation is still in its early stages. Many educational
potential job displacement caused by AI in the education institutions are still integrating AI technologies into their
sector. Based on the study of Selwyn (2019), teachers curricula, and there are no standardized methods for assessing
emphasized the importance of keeping a human touch in AI's effectiveness in education.
education and ensuring that AI is used as a supplement, not a Furthermore, teachers and students have expressed
replacement for human teachers. Students, on the other hand, concerns about AI's potential to replace human educators.
recognized the value of AI in education, particularly in terms While AI can supplement and support the teaching process, it
of access to resources and information (Rožman et al., 2023). cannot completely replace the valuable mentorship and
However, they expressed concern about AI's potential biases guidance that teachers offer (Pedro et al., 2019). This has
and limitations, as well as the impact on their future job resulted in a cautious approach to AI adoption in education,
prospects. with both teachers and students hesitant to fully realize its
For a variety of reasons, the impact of AI on education was potential.
rated as moderate by teacher and student respondents. First,
while AI has the potential to improve the learning experience 7.2. Creativity

Table 2. Assessment of the Teachers and Students on the Impact of AI on Education in terms of Creativity
Indicators Respondents Mean SD Rank
1.AI analyze large data sets and identify Teachers 3.39 0.70 1
Moderate Impact
patterns. This can lead to new insights and Moderate Impact
hypothesis Students 3.31 0.75 3
2.AI filter, group, and prioritize large amounts
of information from various sources, creating Teachers 3.35 0.70 2
Moderate Impact
knowledge graphs and helping students Moderate Impact
identify associations between seemingly Students 3.41 0.65 1
unconnected data
3.Generative AI promote divergent thinking,
Teachers 3.21 0.76 5
challenge expertise bias, assist in idea Moderate Impact
evaluation, support idea refinement, and Moderate Impact
Students 3.29 0.73 5
facilitate collaboration among students
4.AI help students analyze data, generate
Teachers 3.22 0.76 4
reports, and perform other routine tasks, Moderate Impact
allowing them to focus on more creative Students
Moderate Impact
3.32 0.74
5.AI help make scientific research more
accessible by automating the process of Teachers 3.33 0.71 3
Moderate Impact
summarizing research papers, translating Moderate Impact
them into different languages, and making Students 3.30 0.75 4
them available to students .
Teachers 3.30 0.54
Moderate Impact
COMPOSITE MEAN Moderate Impact
Students 3.32 0.60
Legend: 1.00-1.50: No Impact (Very Low); 1.51-2.50: Less Impact (Low); 2.51-3.50; Moderate Impact (Average); 3.51-4.00: Very High
Impact (High)

The respondents' evaluations of the effects of AI on students in discerning connections between seemingly
education in terms of creativity are presented in Table 2. The unrelated data by filtering, grouping, and prioritizing vast
teachers' evaluation received a composite mean score of 3.30, quantities of information from diverse sources (M = 3.41).
accompanied by a standard deviation of 0.54, as indicated by Furthermore, they asserted that AI's capability to analyze
the data in the table. This indicates that the participants have extensive data sets and detect patterns could potentially
the perception that AI has a moderate influence on education. generate novel insights and hypotheses (M = 3.31).
Additionally, they concur that AI is capable of analyzing In the field of education, the introduction of artificial
extensive data sets and discerning patterns that may give rise intelligence (AI) has sparked interest and speculation about
to novel insights and hypotheses (M = 3.39). Furthermore, its potential impact on creativity. When evaluating the impact
they acknowledge that AI facilitates scientific research of AI on creativity in education, both teachers' and students'
accessibility by automating the process of identifying perspectives are important. According to teacher respondents,
associations between seemingly unrelated data points (M = the use of AI in education has had a moderate impact on
3.35) and filtering, grouping, and prioritizing vast quantities creativity. As stated by Cheung et al. (2021), while AI can
of information from diverse sources (M = 3.33)Similarly, the provide personalized learning experiences and facilitate more
composite mean score of 3.32 and standard deviation of 0.60 efficient processes, it is viewed as limited in its ability to
for the students' rating indicate that they recognized the foster and enhance students' creativity. Teachers are
moderate impact of AI on education. More precisely, they concerned about AI's potential to stifle individualism and
held the belief that artificial intelligence (AI) could assist critical thinking, as well as its inability to provide the

emotional support and encouragement required to foster Overall, teachers' and students' assessments indicate that AI
creativity in the classroom. has a moderate impact on creativity in education. While AI
On the other hand, students acknowledge that AI has a has the potential to improve certain aspects of creativity, it is
moderate impact on educational creativity. Some students critical to recognize its limitations and work to close the gap
value AI's ability to provide them with innovative tools and through innovative teaching methods and curriculum
resources that foster creativity. They do, however, express adaptations.
concern that AI may limit their creative expression and
independence in learning (Akgun, & Greenhow, 2022). 7.3. Reflective Thinking

Table 3. Assessment of the Teachers and Students on the Impact of AI on Education in terms of Creativity
Indicators Respondents Mean SD Verbal Interpretation Rank
1AI make harder texts into more
understandable resources, which is
Teachers 3.31 0.67 1
particularly helpful for students with Moderate Impact
learning disabilities who often have a Students
Moderate Impact
3.38 0.71 1
difficult time reading more advanced
texts .
2.AI help to set the perfect pace for
every student, allowing them to move
on at their own rate. This gives Teachers 3.14 0.74 5
Moderate Impact
children an ideal opportunity to Moderate Impact
explore academics at a comfortable Students 3.20 0.79 5
speed, which is neither overwhelming
nor frustrating for them to learn
3.AI identify knowledge gaps in
Teachers 3.22 0.74 3
students’ understanding of a subject Moderate Impact
and provide targeted resources to Moderate Impact
Students 3.28 0.73 2
help them fill those gaps.

4.AI assist students with research by

Teachers 3.23 0.72 2
providing them with relevant Moderate Impact
resources and helping them organize Students
Moderate Impact
3.27 0.73
their findings.

5.AI create interactive learning Teachers 3.21 0.79 4

Moderate Impact
experiences that engage students and Moderate Impact
help them learn more effectively. Students 3.24 0.75 4
Teachers 3.22 0.60
Moderate Impact
COMPOSITE MEAN Moderate Impact
Students 3.28 0.60
Legend: 1.00-1.50: No Impact (Very Low); 1.51-2.50: Less Impact (Low); 2.51-3.50; Moderate Impact (Average); 3.51-4.00: Very High
Impact (High)

The evaluation of the influence of AI on education based resources, which would be especially beneficial for students
on reflective thinking, as assessed by both educators and with learning disabilities who frequently encounter
learners, is presented in Table 3. Upon analyzing the challenges in reading more advanced material (M = 3.38).
evaluations of the teachers, a composite mean score of 3.22 Additionally, AI could identify areas where students lack
and a standard deviation of 0.60 were obtained, indicating that understanding of a subject and offer targeted resources to
the impact was moderate. This indicates that they concur that bridge those gaps (M = 3.28), aid students in conducting
artificial intelligence (AI) facilitates comprehension of more research by furnishing them with pertinent resources, and aid
complex texts, which is especially beneficial for students with in the organization of their thoughts (M = 3.28).
learning disabilities who frequently encounter challenges in According to responses from teachers and students, the
reading such materials (M = 3.31). Additionally, AI aids impact of AI on education in terms of reflective thinking is
students in conducting research by furnishing pertinent moderate. According to Chen et al. (2019), reflective thinking
resources and aiding in the organization of their discoveries is an important skill for students to develop because it enables
(M = 3.23), detects deficiencies in students' understanding of them to critically analyze their own learning process and
a particular subject, and offers focused resources to assist adjust their approach accordingly. The introduction of
them in bridging those gaps (M = 3.23). artificial intelligence (AI) in education has resulted in
The assessment produced a composite mean score of 3.28 significant changes in how students learn and teachers instruct,
with a standard deviation of 0.60, as determined by the but its impact on reflective thinking is moderate.
students' ratings. that indicates a moderate effect. This Teachers and students believe that AI can provide valuable
indicates that they held the belief that artificial intelligence resources and support for reflective thinking, such as
(AI) could simplify complex texts into more accessible personalized learning experiences and real-time feedback

(Bhutoria, 2022). They do, however, express concern about optimism about the potential of AI in education, while also
the potential loss of human interaction and critical thinking emphasizing the need for ongoing research and professional
skills as a result of excessive reliance on AI technology. development to effectively leverage AI to support reflective
In terms of assessment, both teachers and students thinking. Overall, AI's impact on reflective thinking in
recognize the importance of a balanced approach to education is viewed as moderate, with both opportunities and
integrating AI into education. They emphasize the importance challenges to consider.
of using AI as a tool to improve, not replace, reflective
thinking abilities. This assessment expresses cautious 7.4. Language Support

Table 4. Assessment of the Teachers and Students on the Impact of AI on Education in terms of Language Support
Indicators Respondents Mean SD Rank
1. AI provides automated
assessments of students’ writing, Teachers 3.31 0.74 3
Moderate Impact
speaking, and listening skills, which Moderate Impact
can help teachers identify areas Students 3.33 0.73 3
where students need more support
2.AI provide students with
opportunities to practice their Teachers 3.23 0.75 4
Moderate Impact
language skills through interactive Moderate Impact
activities such as chatbots and Students 3.29 0.75 5
language games
3.AI help students understand content
Teachers 3.37 0.71 1.5
in a language they are not familiar Moderate Impact
with by providing real-time Students
Moderate Impact
3.38 0.70
4.AI help make language learning
Teachers 3.37 0.66 1.5
more accessible to students with Moderate Impact
disabilities by providing tools such as Students
Moderate Impact
3.38 0.69
speech recognition and text-to-speech
5.AI-powered virtual tutors provide
students with one-on-one support Teachers 3.29 0.74 5
Moderate Impact
outside of the classroom, which can Moderate Impact
help them improve their language Students 3.30 0.73 4
Teachers 3.31 0.59
Moderate Impact
COMPOSITE MEAN Moderate Impact
Students 3.33 0.59
Legend: 1.00-1.50: No Impact (Very Low); 1.51-2.50: Less Impact (Low); 2.51-3.50; Moderate Impact (Average); 3.51-4.00: Very High
Impact (High)

Regarding language support, Table 4 displays how easier for students to learn new languages. However, they also
respondents rated the impact of AI on education. Descriptive stated that these tools are insufficient to replace the need for
statistics indicate that the composite mean score for the human language instruction. Furthermore, some teachers
teachers was 3.31, accompanied by a standard deviation of expressed concern about the accuracy and dependability of AI
0.59. For the students, the corresponding values were 3.33 language support tools.
and 0.59. This indicates that respondents consider the impact Students, on the other hand, acknowledged that AI has
of AI on education to be moderate. In particular, both cohorts provided them with valuable language learning resources, but
concur that artificial intelligence (AI) facilitates they also stated that a lack of personalized feedback and
comprehension of foreign language material for students interaction impedes their language acquisition efforts. They
through real-time translation (M = 3.37; M = 3.38), that AI appreciate the convenience of AI tools for language practice
contributes to the accessibility of language learning for and translation, but they also recognize the importance of
students with disabilities through the provision of speech human instructors in providing comprehensive language
recognition and text-to-speech tools (M = 3.37; M = 3.38), education (Anis, 2023).
and that AI conducts automated evaluations of students' To summarize, both teacher and student respondents see AI
writing, speaking, and listening proficiencies, thereby aiding as a useful tool for language learning, but not as a complete
instructors in the identification of problem areas (M = 3.31; solution. They acknowledge the ease and accessibility of AI
M = 3.33). language support tools, but they also emphasize the value of
When assessing the impact of AI on education in terms of human interaction and personalized instruction in language
language support, both teachers and students said it was education. As a result, they rate AI's impact on education in
moderate. This is similar to the study of Pokrivcakova (2019), terms of language support as moderate.
that teachers believe that artificial intelligence tools, such as
translation software and language learning apps, have made it 7.5. Critical Judgement

Table 5. Assessment of the Teachers and Students on the Impact of AI on Education in terms of Critical Judgement
Indicators Respondents Mean SD Verbal Interpretation Rank
1. Enhanced problem-solving:
AI help students to solve
Teachers 3.34 0.67 1
problems more efficiently by Moderate Impact
providing them with real-time Students
Moderate Impact
3.33 0.70 1
feedback and post-lesson
2.Freedom to make and learn
from wrong decisions: AI and Teachers 3.23 0.73 4
Moderate Impact
simulation removes the effects Moderate Impact
of bad decisions, allowing Students 3.17 0.80 5
students to learn from failing
3.Improved decision-making:
AI help students make better
decisions by identifying
Teachers 3.18 0.76 5
conclusions, reasons, and Moderate Impact
assumptions, asking appropriate Moderate Impact
Students 3.28 0.74 2.5
clarifying questions, and
judging the quality of an
4.Increased creative thinking:
Teachers 3.24 0.77 2.5
AI help students to think more Moderate Impact
creatively by providing them Moderate Impact
Students 3.24 0.77 4
with new ideas and perspectives
5.Improved memory retention:
AI help students to retain
Teachers 3.24 0.71 2.5
information more effectively by Moderate Impact
providing them with Moderate Impact
Students 3.28 0.76 2.5
personalized learning
Teachers 0.58 Moderate Impact
Students 3.26 Moderate Impact
3.28 0.62
Legend: 1.00-1.50: No Impact (Very Low); 1.51-2.50: Less Impact (Low); 2.51-3.50; Moderate Impact (Average); 3.51-4.00: Very High
Impact (High)

Table 5 summarizes the impact of AI on education in terms a moderate impact on critical thinking. According to Pedro et
of critical judgment, as evaluated by both teachers and al. (2019), AI has the potential to improve critical thinking
students. According to the tabulated data, the teachers' skills by providing access to vast amounts of information and
assessment had a composite mean score of 3.25 and a allowing for personalized learning experiences. However,
standard deviation of 0.58, indicating moderate impact. This there is concern that students will become overly reliant on AI
may indicate that they agree that AI enhanced problem- for problem solving and decision making, reducing their
solving, which helps students solve problems more efficiently ability to think critically and independently.
by providing them with real-time feedback and post-lesson Similarly, student respondents acknowledge that AI can be
reports (M = 3.34), increased creative thinking, which helps a useful tool for gathering and analyzing data, but they are
students think more creatively by providing them with new concerned about its impact on their critical thinking. Some
ideas and perspectives (M = 3.24), and improved memory students believe that relying on AI for learning may limit their
retention, which helps students retain information more ability to develop strong analytical and evaluation skills
effectively by providing them with personalized learning because they will become accustomed to accepting
experiences. information at face value rather than questioning and
The students' assessment yielded a composite mean score challenging it (Spector & Ma, 2019).
of 3.26 and a standard deviation of 0.62, indicating that they In short, both teachers and students believe that while AI
agree that AI helps students solve problems more efficiently can provide valuable resources and support for education, it
by providing them with real-time feedback and post-lesson also has the potential to influence critical judgment. It is
reports (M = 3.33), help students retain information more critical for educational institutions to incorporate AI into the
effectively by providing them with personalized learning curriculum in a way that encourages students to think
experiences (M = 3.28), and make decisions by identifying critically and develop strong analytical skills rather than
conclusions, reasons, and assumptions. becoming passive consumers of information.
Assessing the impact of AI on education from the
perspectives of both teachers and students reveals that it has 7.6. Independent Thinking

Table 6. Assessment of the Teachers and Students on the Impact of AI on Education in terms of Independent Thinking
Indicators Respondents Mean SD Verbal Interpretation Rank
1 Students tap into their critical thinking
skills by examining artificial intelligence
Teachers 3.22 0.78 4
outputs to see if they meet learning Moderate Impact
standards. This can prompt their learning Students
Moderate Impact
3.27 0.75 4
and their development of critical thinking
2.An AI system observe how a student
proceeds through an assigned task, how
much time they take and whether they are Teachers 3.25 0.78 2
Moderate Impact
successful. If the student is struggling, the Moderate Impact
system can offer help; if the student is Students 3.28 0.71 3
doing well, the system provide more
challenging tasks
3.AI can be used to engage students in the
process of problem-solving AI-assisted
Teachers 3.25 0.75 2
technology can enhance learners’ critical Moderate Impact
thinking skills by providing them with a Moderate Impact
Students 3.29 0.73 2
platform to practice their reasoning and
problem-solving abilities.
4.AI allow students to construct Teachers 3.25 0.73 2
Moderate Impact
knowledge, and create something new in Moderate Impact
any content area Students 3.30 0.71 1
5.Providing feedback: AI provide students
Teachers 3.18 0.81 5
with feedback on their work, which can Moderate Impact
help them improve their independent Students
Moderate Impact
3.22 0.80
thinking skills
Teachers 3.23 0.63
Moderate Impact
COMPOSITE MEAN Moderate Impact
Students 3.27 0.62
Legend: 1.00-1.50: No Impact (Very Low); 1.51-2.50: Less Impact (Low); 2.51-3.50; Moderate Impact (Average); 3.51-4.00: Very High
Impact (High)

Table 6 shows how teachers and students evaluated the personalized learning experiences for students, allowing them
impact of AI on education using independent thinking. The to explore and learn at their own pace (Pratama et al., 2023).
data analysis revealed composite mean scores of 3.23 However, they are concerned about the over-reliance on AI
(teachers) and 3.27 (students), as well as standard deviations for critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Based on
of 0.63 (teachers) and 0.62 (students), indicating that both the findings of Markauskaite et al. (2023), AI can help
groups perceived AI as having a moderate impact on students learn, it cannot replace the critical role of human
education. The teachers, in particular, believed that an AI teachers in encouraging independent thinking and creativity.
system would observe how a student completes an assigned Students, on the other hand, understand how AI can
task, how long it takes, and whether or not they succeed (M = simplify and supplement their learning process (Kabudi et al.,
3.25). The system can assist struggling students and provide 2021). They value the access to a diverse range of educational
more challenging tasks for those performing well (M = 3.25). resources and personalized study plans that AI provides.
AI can be used to engage students in problem-solving However, they are concerned about the risk of becoming
activities. AI-assisted technology can improve learners' overly reliant on AI for critical thinking and decision-making.
critical thinking skills by providing a platform for them to They believe that a balanced approach, in which AI is used to
practice their reasoning and problem-solving abilities (M = support rather than dictate learning, is required for the
3.25), and AI enables students to construct knowledge and development of independent thinking skills.
create something new in any content area. Overall, both teachers and students agree that, while AI has
Meanwhile, the students agree that AI allows students to the potential to improve the learning process, a balance must
construct knowledge and create something new in any content be struck to ensure that it does not impede the development
area (M = 3.30) and that AI can be used to engage students in of independent thinking skills in education.
the problem-solving process. AI-assisted technology can
improve learners' critical thinking skills by giving them a 8. Conclusions
platform to practice their reasoning and problem-solving
Based on the findings, the following conclusions were
abilities (M = 3.29), and an AI system can monitor how a
student completes an assigned task, how long it takes, and
Both the teachers and students perceived that AI has a
whether they succeed. The system can assist struggling
moderate impact on education. One implication of this
students and provide more challenging tasks for those
viewpoint is the need for a balanced approach to
performing well (M = 3.28).
incorporating AI into education. Teachers may believe that
Teachers generally recognize AI's potential to provide

they still play an important role in the classroom and that AI Both teachers and students may focus on developing skills
can be used to support and supplement their teaching efforts that complement AI technology, such as critical thinking,
rather than replace them entirely. As a result, educators may problem-solving, and creativity.
seek professional development opportunities to learn how to Educational institutions may need to invest in AI solutions
effectively incorporate AI into their teaching practices. that align with the perceived moderate impact, balancing
Furthermore, students may view AI as a tool to help them innovation with practicality.
learn rather than a replacement for human interaction and Teachers and students may need to prepare for a future
guidance. This balanced approach may result in a more where AI plays a more substantial role in education while
symbiotic relationship between AI and traditional teaching maintaining the human element of teaching and learning.
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