1. What is Globalization?
A. The process of someone trying to take over the world.
B. The process by which people their ideas and their activities in different parts of the world become interconnected.
C. The process of communication all over the world.
D. All of the above
7. Globalization has brought many benefits to many people. But not to __________.
A. Families B. Professionals C. Labor workers D. Everyone
11. Central European, Latin American and Asian are all examples of
A. High-context cultures B. Low-context cultures C. Sequential D. Synchronic
15. What is an important skill in intercultural communication that involves understanding and respecting others' cultural perspectives?
A. Cultural avoidance B. Cultural empathy C. Cultural ignorance D. Cultural bias
18. How does the concept of "high affect" differ from "neutral" in international business practices?
A. High-affect cultures emphasize logic and reason, while neutral cultures prioritize emotions.
B. Neutral cultures are more expressive and show emotions readily, while high-affect cultures are reserved.
C. High-affect cultures value emotional displays, while neutral cultures prefer to keep emotions controlled.
D. There is no significant difference in the expression of emotions between these two types of cultures.
19. According to the passage, what is the key to success in cross-cultural communication?
A. Avoiding emotional displays and maintaining neutrality. C. Emphasizing logic and reason over cultural understanding.
B. Adopting a "one size fits all" approach to communication. D. Developing an understanding and respect for cultural differences.
24. Handshake and free hand placed on the forearm of the other person.
A. United States B. France C. Germany D. Middle East
25. Lack of explicitness on the part of the speaker in the form of problematic reference and ambiguous semantics in which an utterance is open to different
A. Ambiguity C. Performance-related misunderstanding
B. Language-related misunderstnading D. Local context
26. Turns and the turns within sequences produced by the participants themselves, and the orientation of the participants as well as the repair moves that follow the
displayed understanding.
A. Ambiguity C. Performance-related misunderstanding
B. Language-related misunderstnading D. Local context
28. slips of the tongue and mishearing which may be due to utterances spoken quickly and unclearly.
A. Gaps in world knowledge C. Performance-related misunderstanding
B. Language-related misunderstnading D. Problem-solving
30. Which is the LEAST effective way when practicing speaking effectively?
A. Avoid a monotonous tone.
B. Use expressions to add interest and depth to what you are saying and it will keep your listener interested.
C. Put your shyness aside and strike up a conversation whenever you are given an opportunity to do so.
D. When speaking, try to impress your audience with your vocabulary.
29. It is a type of communication according to style that employs a formal language that can inform, entertain, and persuade people.
A. barrier B. formal communication C. stages D. informal communication
31. What principle of effective communication discusses that clarity makes speech understandable?
A. considerate B. clear C. concise D. correctness
32. It includes body language such as gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, and posture.
A. verbal B. non-verbal C. intrapersonal D. interpersonal
33. It is a verbal or written communication sent to or left for a recipient who cannot be contacted directly.
A. community B. feedback C. message D. communication
35. This principle of communication states that the message should be as brief as may required depending on the purpose.
A. organization B. flexibility C. conciseness D. completeness
38. What do you call a nuisance that prevents people from receiving and understanding the messages others use to convey their information, ideas, and thoughts?
A. communication barrier B. ethnocentrism C. stereotyping D. cultural diversity
39. The speaker tries to reinforce or change the audience’s perspective, beliefs, values, or feelings about a particular subject.
A. persuasive B. impromptu C. memorized D. manuscript
41. President Duterte delivered his State of the Nation Address. The purpose of the speech is to _____ the nation.
A. argue B. evoke C. persuade D. inform
46. What is not true about the effects of globalization to the language?
A. Globalization and global communication have made it easier to see people on the other side of the world as a neighbor.
B. It is said that almost everywhere language is used as an identity to be part of the “world system”.
C. English is distinguished from the other languages by having very significant numbers of non-native speakers.
D. No language is currently being learned by more people — there may soon be 2 billion actively doing so.
47. What is not realized is the fact that even with excellent language skills, people may still experience ________.
A. failure B. miscommunication C. challengs D. sad
48. Communicating across cultures is challenging. Each ____ has a set of rules that its members take for granted.
A. language B. culture C. people D. society
50. They do not telegraph their feelings, but keep them carefully controlled and subdued.
A. sequentail B. synchronic C. affective D. neutral
51. While growing up, people acquire the languages used by those in the community. This is the process of?
A. language acquisition B. language learning C. first language D. language change
52. People learn languages by studying formally in school or informally on their own. This is the process of?
A. language acquisition B. language learning C. first language D. language change
57. Communication between or among people having different linguistic, ethnic and professional background.
A. Intrapersonal B. interpersonal C. extended D. intercultural
59. It is a personal and ordinary conversation with friends or about anything under the sun.
A. informal B. formal C. speech D. message
61. He described the communication as being focused on W’s. ( Who, Which, Whom, What)
A. Aristotle B. Laswell C. Berlo D. Shanon-Weaver
63. He emphasized that there are three variables in the communication process.
A. Aristotle B. Laswell C. Berlo D. Shanon-Weaver
65. According to Laswell’s communication model, the whole process of communication begins with what?
A. (who) or communicator C. with what effect
B. (says what) message D. to whom
66. In this model, other components such as noise, reception, destination, and feedback have been identified.
A. Aristotle’s Communication Model C. Shanon-Weaver’s Communication Model
B. Berlo’s Communication Model D. Laswell’s Communication Model
71. If there are no technical glitches encountered, this could be a very effective mode of communication especially for people separated by distance.
A. face to face B. video C. audio D. text-based
72. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram likewise offer ___________.
A. face to face B. audio C. video D. text-based
73. Filipinos spend more time on social media sites than anyone else in the world, roughly _________.
A. 3 hours and 17 minutes a day, C. 3 hours and 18 minutes a day,
B. 4 hours and 18 minutes a day, D. 4 hours and 17 minutes a day,
79. It is the transmission of messages or signals through a platform such as eye contact, facial expressions gestures, posture and the distance between two individuals.
A. verbal communication C. formal language
B. non-verbal communication D. informal language
83. Non verbal language includes facial expressions, gestures, eye contact and ________.
A. laughing B. posture C. appearance D. all of the above
86. Juan is drumming his fingers on the table while his mother gives him directions for cleaning the house. This gesture communicates
A. worried B. contempt C. impatient D. disgust
92. It involves personal and ordinary conversations with friends, family members, or acquaintances about anything under the sun.
A. Formal Communication B. Extended Communication C. Informal Communication D. Organizational Communication
93. You are Inviting your old teacher to an event to give a short speech for 10 minutes. What type of email are you going to send?
A. Formal Email B. Informal email C. Fax machine D. All of the Above
96. The following are principles of effective written communication; 7 cs, EXCEPT
A. be concrete B. be gorgeous C. be coherent D. be corteous
98. What are the two types of communication based on organizational structure?
A. Verbal communication and nonverbal communication C. Internal communication and external communication
B. Written communication and oral communication D. Formal communication and informal communication