I Basics of Communication
I Basics of Communication
I Basics of Communication
11. Audio-visual communication is most suitable for mass ------ and mass ---------.
A. Publicity and Education.
B. Policies and Political
C. Save & Store.
D. Educational & Political.
14. Receiver should _____________the message objectively and send feedback promptly
A. Encode
B. Decode
C. Forward
D. Write
15. The two broad areas of communication are:
A. Oral and written communication
B. Verbal and written communication
C. Verbal and non-verbal communication
D. Oral and non-verbal communication
18. ...... is the process of carrying out business transactions through the internet. It involves
buying and selling products and services and information via computer networks including
the internet.
A. Electronic Commerce
B. Trade
C. Commerce
D. Exchange
21. People in high-context cultures make business decisions on the basis of:
A. Reason
B. Interpersonal relations
C. individual needs
D. competition
22. The exclusive centre of interest in low-context communication is:
A. Information
B. Context
C. Individual perceptions
D. Emotional factors
26. Which cultures tend to value quality of life more than wealth?
A. Feminine
B. Masculine
C. Universalism
D. None of the above
27. When communicating, many Latin and Asian cultures stress the value of :
A. Closeness.
B. Indirectness.
C. Avoidance.
D. Directness.
42. When asking several questions in a letter, you can make them more obvious by:
A. Putting all the questions in the closing paragraph.
B. Numbering the questions.
C. Putting all questions in the opening paragraph.
D. Putting all the questions in passive voice.
45. …… barriers are caused due to the faulty physical condition such as ringing telephone,
poor listening, etc.
A. Physical barriers
B. Semantic barriers
C. Socio-Psychological Barriers
D. Organizational Barriers
46. Words with different meanings and bad expression are included within the category of
A. Physical barriers
B. Semantic barriers
C. Socio-Psychological Barriers
D. Organizational Barriers
49. In which of these problems, is the actual message lost in the abundance of transmitted
A. Selecting perception
B. Over communication
C. Under communication
D. Filtering
50. What does technical jargon mean in semantic barriers?
A. Technical words not understandable
B. Lame People
C. Faulty Translation
D. Body Gesture
53. The official record of the proceedings of the meeting is called as….
A. Minutes
B. Circulars
C. Notices
D. Agendas
54. Reports are prepared and presented at regular and prescribed intervals.
A. Periodic reports.
B. Special reports.
C. Informal reports.
D. Non-periodical reports.
55. The ….. verified and signed by the chairman of the meeting act as a prima facie evidence
of the proceedings of the meeting.
A. Minutes
B. Circulars
C. Notices
D. Agendas
56. The …. is in charge of the preparation of an agenda of the board meeting or a general
meeting in consultation with chairman of the board of directors.
A. Company Secretary
B. Shareholder
C. Member
D. Charted Accountant
57. ….. are authoritative instructions or directions relating to promotion, posting, transfer,
suspension, fixation of pay, etc, that flow from superior to subordinates that suggest
compliance by the subordinates failing which administrative actions can be taken.
A. Minutes
B. Circulars
C. Office Orders
D. Agendas
58. A ….. is a written document issued periodically by a business or any other organization
to provide information to employees, investors and other stakeholders and also to the
press and public. It contains organization’s news, plans and policies.
A. Circulars
B. Office Orders
C. Newsletters
D. Agendas
1 B 11 A 21 B 31 B 41 B 51 D
2 B 12 C 22 A 32 A 42 B 52 A
3 B 13 B 23 B 33 D 43 B 53 A
4 B 14 B 24 C 34 D 44 B 54 A
5 C 15 C 25 C 35 B 45 C 55 A
6 B 16 C 26 C 36 A 46 B 56 A
7 B 17 A 27 B 37 C 47 B 57 C
8 A 18 A 28 C 38 B 48 B 58 C
9 D 19 C 29 B 39 D 49 B 59 D
10 A 20 C 30 B 40 B 50 A 60 A