bernoulli's theorem

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Critical velocity

A steady flow remains steady upto a minimum velocity of fluid beyod that velocity the flow does not remains steady
that minimum velocity is called critical velocity.
The flow of fluid when it is flowing at velocity which is higher than critical velocity is called turbulent flow.
Laminar Flow
The flow of fluid where the velocities at different points in the fluid may have different magnitudes but their
directions are parallel is called Laminar Flow.

Turbulent Flow
The flow of fluid where the velocity of the fluid becomes more than the critical velocity is called turbulent flow. This
kind of flow can be seen when stream encounters rocks, small foamy whirlpool-like regions called ‘white water
rapids are formed. In the following example a jet of air striking a flat plate placed perpendicular to it. This is an
example of turbulent flow.

Bernoulli’s Principal
Bernoulli's principle states that for an incompressible, non-viscous fluid flowing in a streamlined manner, the total
mechanical energy along a streamline remains constant. This total mechanical energy is the sum of pressure energy,
kinetic energy, and potential energy per unit volume.
Mathematical Representation: The principle can be mathematically expressed as:
1 2
P+ v + gh=constant
P= pressures
¿ density of fluid
v=velocity of the fluid
g=acceleration due ¿ gravity
h=height .
Proof: -

Consider the flow at two regions 1 (i.e. BC) and 2 (i.e. DE).
Consider the fluid initially lying between B and D. Where ∆t is
small enough to assume constant cross-section along BC and
Suppose v1 is the speed at B and v2 at D, then
Distance travelled by fluid in moving from B to C =v1∆t
In the same interval ∆t the fluid initially at D moves to E,
Distance travelled by fluid in moving from D to E =v3∆t
Pressures P1 and P2 act as shown on the plane faces of areas A1
and A2 binding the two regions.

The work done on the fluid on the left end BC is given by

W1 = Force applied on fluid distance travelled by fluid.
W1 = Pressure exerted on fluid area of cross section distance travelled by fluid.
W1 = P1A1v1t = P1V , where V is the volume of the fluid that travelled from B to C in time t
And V = Area of cross section distance travelled by fluid = A1v1t
By the equation of continuity in the same time interval t same volume ∆V passes through both the regions
Therefore In the similar way the work done by the fluid on right end DE is given by
W 2 =P 2 V
Therefore work done on the fluid at the ¿ end DE is givenby
−W 2 =−P2 V
So net external work done
W net =W 1−W 2
W =P1 V −P2 V =( P1−P2 ) V
Some part of this work done will change the kinetic energy of the fluid and some part will change the potential
energy of the this work done. Since the fluid is incompressible and non viscous so no work done will be wasted to as
the work done by non conservational forces like heat, sound etc.
1 2 1 2
change in KE , K = m2 v 2− m1 v 1
2 2
by the conservation of mass
the mass of fluid flowing through region 1 m1 ∈time t
¿ the mass of fluid flowing through region 2∈timet m2
therefore m1=m2=V
1 1 1
K = V v 2− V v 1= V ( v 2−v 1)
2 2 2 2
2 2 2
change ∈ potential energy
U =mg ( h2−h1 ) =Vg ( h2−h 1 )
now by law of conservationof energy
W net =K +U + work done wasted as the work done by non conservative force
( P1−P2 ) V = 2 V ( v 2−v 1 ) +Vg ( h2−h1 ) +0
2 2

Dividing by V
1 2 2
( P1−P2 ) = 2 ( v 2−v 1 ) + g ( h2−h1 )
1 2 1 2
P1 + v 1 + g h1=P2 + v 2+ g h2
2 2

In this way we can say that

1 2
P+ v + gh=constant
P= pressure whichis the net external force per unit volume
so we can call pressure energy per unit volume
1 2
v =kinetic energy per unit volume
gh= potential energy per unit volume
so∈this way we can say that
pressure energy per unit volume +kinetic enrgy per unit volume + potential energy
per unit volume remains constant duringthe steamline flow of non viscous∧¿
incompressible fluid .
Some important points of Bernoulli’s Equation
1. It is the fundamental principal of fluid dynamics
based on the law of conservation of energy.
2. In the Bernoulli’s equation
1 2
P+ gh+ v =constant
P+ gh is called static pressure because
¿ is the pressure of fluid eve
if the fluid is at rest
1 2
v is called dynamic pressures
becauseis the pressure of fluid due ¿
velocity of fluid that is KE of fluid .
3. If liquid is flowing through a horizontal tube then
potential energy per unit volume of fluid does
not change so we can take gh is 0 therefore
1 2
P+ v =constant
¿ is very important conclusion∧¿
according ¿ this if
i. Fluid is flowing horizontally with higher
velocity then its pressure will be
ii. If fluid is flowing horizontally with lower
velocity then its pressures will be

Dynamic Lift
Dynamic lift is the force that acts on a body, such as airplane wing, a hydrofoil or a spinning ball, by virtue of its
motion through a fluid.
Motion of ball moving without spin
Adjoining figure shows the streamlines around a non spinning ball moving relative to a
fluid. From the symmetry of streamlines the velocity of fluid (air) above and below the
ball at corresponding points is the same resulting in zero pressure difference. The air
therefore, exerts no upward or downward force on the ball so the ball move making a
regular parabolic trajectory.

Motion of ball with spin

A ball which is spinning drags air along with it. If the surface is rough more air will be dragged. Adjoining figure
shows the streamlines of air for a ball which is moving and spinning at the same
time. The ball is moving forward and relative to it the air is moving backwards.
Therefore, the velocity of air above the ball relative to it is larger and below it is
smaller because the layers of air above the ball are moving in direction opposite
to the direction of spin of the ball which reduces the net velocity of the air
whereas the layers of air below the ball moves in direction of the spin of the ball
which increases the net velocity of air. This difference in the velocities of air
results in the pressure difference between the lower and upper faces and there
is a net upward force on the ball. This dynamic lift due to spinning is called
Magnus effect.
Aerofoil is the name given to the solid object which is shaped to
provide upward vertical force as it moves through the air. The
wing of aeroplane is also shaped like this. The wing of
aeroplane is designed in such a way that its upper edge is
more curved than the lower edge and the front edge is more
broader than the rear edge. So when the aeroplane move forward the air on the upper edge travels more distance
than the air on lower edge in same time interval. So the speed of air on the upper edge is more than the speed of air
on the lower edge. Which creates a pressure difference that proved dynamic lift to the aeroplane is it moves

Blood flow and heart attack

Bernoulli’s principle helps in explaining blood flow in artery. The artery may get constricted due to the accumulation
of plaque on its inner walls. In order to drive the blood through this constriction a greater demand is placed on the
activity of the heart. The speed of the flow of the blood in this region is raised which lowers the pressure inside and
the artery may collapse due to the external pressure. The heart exerts further pressure to open this artery and
forces the blood through. As the blood rushes through the opening, the internal pressure once again drops due to
same reasons leading to a repeat collapse. This may result in heart attack.
Blowing of the rooftop during wind storm

During the wind storm the wind above the roof top blows at greater speed which
creates a higher pressure P2 whereas the pressure inside the room is equal to the
atmospheric pressure. This pressure difference creates dynamic lift on the roof top
due to which the rooftop blows away with wind.

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