Hydrodynamics: Static

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We have discussed static fluids:

Lecture 4 •  how pressure changes with depth
•  what happens when an object is immersed in a
fluid (buoyancy)
Hydrodynamics   •  what happens when a fluid is in contact with a
something else (surface tension)
– fluids in motion
Now let’s look at fluids in motion.

Consider an ideal fluid: If the pattern of flow lines does not change with
•  incompressible: ρ constant time, the flow is called steady flow.
•  no internal friction (non-viscous)
We specify the average motion of the fluid at a
particular point in space (and time).
The path an individual fluid element follows is
called a flow line.

Steady flow is also called laminar flow. A streamline is parallel to the velocity of fluid
elements at every point.
When the rate of flow increases, or at abrupt
boundary changes, the flow can become irregular Streamlines cannot cross.
and chaotic: turbulent flow. A bundle of streamlines which crosses an area A
behaves like a pipe: a flow tube.


Con5nuity  equa5on  
The mass of fluid in a flow tube is constant
In steady flow, flowlines and streamlines are (“what goes in must come out”).
Fluid enters the tube through area A1
When the flow pattern changes with time, with average speed v1 and exits
streamlines do not coincide with flow lines. through A2 with average speed v2.
We will consider only steady-flow situations.

Mass flowing in is A1 v1 = A2 v2
dm1 = ρ1 A1 v1 dt, This is just the law of conservation of mass for
mass flowing out is fluids.
dm2 = ρ2 A2 v2 dt. The speed is highest where the streamlines
Constant mass ⇒ dm1 = dm2; crowd together.
incompressible ⇒ ρ1 = ρ2. vlow vhigh vlow
A1 v1 = A2 v2

Example: Y-junction with pipes of the same

The product Q = Av is the volume flow rate dV/
dt, the volume which passes by each second.
The mass flow rate dm/dt = ρAv. Af = 2 Ai
so the flow speed must fall to half:
vf = ½ vi


To keep the flow speed the same, the pipes after Example: Water flowing from a tap.
the branch must have half the cross-sectional
area of those before.

Rate of flow Av = constant

⇒ as v increases, A must decrease
⇒ the stream of water narrows

Motivation: Look at constricted region.

vlow vhigh vlow

Bernoulli’s  Equa/on   There must be forces accelerating and decelerating the
⇒ pressure must be highest where the speed is lowest.

Conservation of energy leads to the fundamental

relation in fluid mechanics: Bernoulli’s equation.
volume of fluid
Consider a fluid element of a fluid of (uniform) passing c
density ρ. volume of fluid in time dt:
passing a dV = A2ds2
Let’s work out the change in energy of this in time dt:
element. dV = A1ds1

Continuity ⇒ dV = A1ds1 = A2ds2


The work-energy theorem says Alternately,

p1 + ρ g y1 + ½ ρ v12 = p1 + ρ g y1 + ½ ρ v12

(p1–p2) dV = ½ ρ dV (v22 – v12) + ρ dV g(y2 – y1) or, since this is true for any two points along the
flow tube:
Bernoulli’s equation:
(p1–p2) = ½ ρ (v22 – v12) + ρ g(y2 – y1)
p + ρgy + ½ρv2 = constant

Solving Bernoulli’s equation:
p + ρgy + ½ρv2 = constant
•  Identify points 1 and 2 along a streamline
All three terms have dimensions of pressure (or •  Define your coordinate system: where y=0
energy density, energy per unit volume).
•  List your known and unknown variables
The pressure p + ρgy is called the static pressure •  Solve for your unknowns, possibly using the
the pressure ½ρv2 is called the dynamic pressure. continuity equation.

Example: A large tank of water has a hole in the Next  lecture  

side, at a depth h. Where does the stream of
water hit the ground?

Bernoulli’s equation


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