Bio Mechanics 1

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CBSE Class 12 Physical Education Important

Questions Chapter 10 Biomechanics and Sports

1 Mark Questions
Q1. Define trajectory?
Ans. The flight path followed by a projectile is called it’s trajectory.

Q2. What do you mean by sport biomechanics?

Ans. Sport biomechanics is the study of forces and stresses of human movements & their effects,
atheletics performance and safety.

Q3. What is power?

Ans. The rate of doing work or using energy is called Power.

Q4. Define Work?

Ans. Work refers to an activity involving a force and the movement in the direction of the force. It can
also be defined as the work done by a constant force as the product of force and the distance moved
in the direction of the force.
Work Done = Constant force × Distance moved in the direction of the force

Q5. Explain Gravity?

Ans. Gravity is the force of attraction exerted by the earth towards it’s centre on a body or an object.
Q6. What is Air-resistance?
Ans. When a projectile moves through the air, it is slow down by air-resistance.

Q7. Define velocity?

Ans. The distance covered by an object per unit time is called velocity.

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3 Mark Questions
Q1. What is Energy? Explain about Kinetic & Potential Energy?
Ans. The Energy is the capacity to do work. There are various forms of energy.
Kinetic Energy:- It is defined as energy posessed by a body as a result of motion. It is called as—
Kinetic energy = mass × velocity
Potential Energy:- It is energy which is stored up in a body because of its position.
Potential Energy = mass × gravitational force × height of the body from ground (mgh)

Q2. Differentiate between Linear and Angular Motion?

Ans. Motions(Momentum) means a Change of position of a body and consists of the upsetting the
equilibrium of a body.


When a body rotates it turns about from

When a body moves in a straight line, one
an axis, this rotation of the body is
point to other in the same linear motion
direction, is called angular motion.
Linear motion is measure in feet, Meters, KM It is measure in degrees.

Linear motion is of two types: Angular motion is of two types:-

Curvy linear motion- It is used When body Visible Axis- It is that type which can See
travel on a curve path. for example- hands of a clock.

Rotary motion is the movement which occurs Invisible- An imaginary axis is that which
when the axis of the body fixed, to the move cannot be seen. The axis is the causing
around that particular point when the force is centre of the gravity of the body.
applied to it. Example- A ball rotated in the air.

Q3. What is Friction ? Discuss various types of Friction.

Ans. Friction is the force that combats relative motion between the two surfaces that come in contact.
Friction always acts in the opposite direction of the applied force. Friction can be of following types:-
Static friction:-the opposite force that comes into play when one body tends to move over the surface
of another, but the actual motion has not yet started.
Dynamic friction:-the opposing for that comes into play when one body is actually moving over the
surface of another body. Dynamic friction may be of two types.
Rolling friction:-the opposing force that comes into play when body is actually rolling over the surface
of another body. For example, hockey/ cricket ball is hit.

Sliding friction:- The opposing force that comes into play when one body is actually sliding over the
surface of the other body. For example- Ice skating.

Q4. Difference between Running and walking?


Running Walking

-Walking is a process, in which least one part of

Running is a process, in which both
body (foot) remains in contact with the ground.
feet are off the ground.
There is double swing phase and -There is longer stance phase the swing phase is
whereas swing phase is longer. shorter.

-The linear and angular velocity -The linear and angular velocity of lower of
lower limbs is faster. limbs is slower.

-Running require greater range of

-Walking requires lesser range of motion.

Q5. Is friction advantageous or disadvantageous in the field of games and sports? Give your
comments with examples.
Ans. Friction is usually called necessary evil. It means it is essential in the life and we cannot do any
work without it.

Advantages of friction Disadvantages of friction

a. Wear and tear of object:- Due to friction

the there is wear and tear of object.
a. Keeps the object at position: By objects
Lubrication is used to allow the parts to
can be placed at position and shaped.
move easier, moreover, prevents wear and

b. Helps to move:- Frictional forces extra

energy thus energy is It helps and running,
b. Wastage of Energy:- Excess of means
With Friction of feet/shoes on the surface
friction, helps to move the object being
helps to speed. Frictional force helps
to move the object in the speed.
For example:- Spikes are used by the athletes
to run fast.

c. Hold and grip of an object:-with the help of

friction the ridges of skin of our fingers and c. Slower down the speed:- In the roller
palm enable us to grab and hold objects. sketting, Rolling shoes and smooth
For example:- in badminton the players use surface are used to minimize friction.
grip tohold it.

d. Produce heat:- The law of conservation d. Makes movement difficult:- Friction can
of energy states that the amount of energy makes the job more difficult when one
remains constant. Thus, the energy is lost has to move the object. Excess friction
due to friction in trying to move and object is can make it
really turned into energy. difficult to slide a box across the heat
floor, walk through deep snow.

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5 Marks Questions
Ql. What is Projectile? Explain the factors affecting projectile trajectory?
Ans. Projectile:- An object thrown into the space either horizontally or an acute angle under the action
of gravity is called a projectile. There are forces which act on a projectile gravitational force and air
Air resistance of an object varies greatly and it depends on the object’s particular shape and the
atmospheric conditions in which the object is released.
The factors affecting Projectile

Trajectory are mentioned below.

a. Angle of projection:- An object which is projected at different angles covers different distances.
When it is projected or released at angle of 30, making it a parabolic path and covers lesser distance.
When it is projected at 60, it covers a distance less that 30. When it is released at an angle of 45,
makes a parabolic path and covers maximum distance. So the distance covered by an object (short-
put, hammer, javeline, discus etc. depends on the angle of release of projectile)
b. Height of release:- The higher the level of release, the greater distance is covered in flight, this is
because the higher projectile is released. The longer it will be in the air. The horizontal component will
be acting on the projectile for longer.
c. Speed of release (initialvelocity):- The speed or velocity is directly related to the distance covered
in flight. The speed of release depends on initial vertical

velocity and initial horizontal velocity. Having higher horizontal velocity will increase the length of flight
time and therefore the distance covered. This would be an advantage in sports which primarily
requires good distance in long jump, sky jump etc.
d. Gravity:- gravity acts on a body or object to give it mass. The greater the weight of an object, the
greater the influence of gravity upon it. Gravity will effect a projectile as well as it will decrease the
height, the projectile can obtain. For example:-a cricket ball can be thrown at greater distance in
comparison to shotput.

e. Air Resistance:- When a projectile moves through the air, it is slow down by an air resistance. Air
resistance decreases the horizontal component of a projectile. The effect of air resistance is very
small but it need to be taken into consideration if you want to increase the horizontal components of a
projectile. The factors are related to the amount of air resistance acting on a projectile-mass, surface
of the object, surface of the volume ratio. Trajectory Initial Horizontal Velocity Vertical Component
Initial Vertical Velocity Horizontal Component
f. Spin:- The amount and direction of spin acting on a projectile will directly effect the distance while
The main reason behind this fact is the air pressure acting on the object.

Q2. Discuss the mechanical analysis of walking in details?

Ans. Mechanical analysis of walking can be studied in two fields
Stance phaser:- Stance phase is the time, when the foot is on the ground. It is considered that it
consists of maximum percentage of walking cycle. For the part of stance phase, both the feet have a
contact with the ground for a period of time. The stance phase of walking is divided into five stages.
·Heel Strike – This stage begins when the feet first touches the ground and continuous until the
complete foot is on the ground i.e. early flat foot stage.
·Early Flat Foot – The starting of this stage is that movement when the complete foot is on the ground
and early flat foot stage occurs when the body’s centre of gravity passes over the top of the foot. The
centre of gravity of the body is located approx. In the palvic area of the lower spine while walking. The
main purpose of this stage is to allow the foot to act as a shock absorber.
·Late Flat Foot – An athlete comes into late flat foot stage when his body’s centre of gravity passes in
front of ‘ neutral position. This stage lasts when the heel lifts off the ground. During this stage the foot
needs to go from being a shock absorber to being a rigid lever which can help to prople the body in
forward direction.
·Heel Rise – This stage starts when the heel begins to leave the ground. The foot functions are a rigid
lever to move the body in forward direction. During this stage of walking, the ground forces that go
through the foot are very efficient. -Toe off-this stage begins when the toes leave the ground
completely. This stage continues until the beginning of swing phase.
Swing Phase:-It occurs when one foot is on the ground and other one is in the air. Swing phase in
walking is shorter than The stance phase. It is divided into three phases
Initial swings:- This phase sees the hip extended to 10o and then going onto flexion and knee flexed to
40-60o and the Ankle changing it’s position from the flexion to neutral.
Mid swing:- This phase sees the hip extended to 30o, the knee flexion till 60o and extended approx to
30o and ankle become dorsiflexed.
Terminal Swing:-This phase is the hip flexed till 30o and the knee is locked extension and foot
changes its position from Dorsiflexed to neutral.
Q3. What are the different phases of running cycle?
Ans. Running is an essential part of living beings. Running is important in sports also. A good runner
will not only be able to defeat it’s opponents in running, but would also be able to gain very good
takeoff velocity that would help to take a higher or longer jump.
Different phases of running are mentioned below.

style/ Sprinting Fast Running Jogging

This phase sees the

Of the foot of the
sprinter This phase sees
making contact with the
This phase the full foot or the heel
the Middle of the foot or
Initial of the jogger make contact with
ground. Their heel Heel of the fast
Contact the
might Runner make
or might not touch the contact with the
ground later depending ground.
on their personal

This phase is very This phase is very

quick Quick and the fast In comparison to sprinters and the
and the sprinter’s foot Runner will spend fast runners who use their feet
is This phase in mid- and ankle to move into the next
usually in the same Stance as he phase,
position as in the pushes Joggers tend to move their Centre
phase through with this of gravity forward to do the same.
of the initial contact. foot.

This phase see the hips

The jogger will receive Propulsion
of The fast runner
through the big toe. But if the hips
The sprinter extending Receives
Proplusion Back ready to propel propulsion of the jogger are not fully
extended back, then the
him Through the big toe
Propulsion is received from the
Forward to take-off. With his hips
other toes. The
Arms simultaneously extended back and Arms of the jogger only move a
swing at full power to knee Slightly bent. small amount.
help him.

The non-supporting leg

The knee of the
Supporting leg of
The sprinter swings The knee of your non-supporting
The fast runner will
Swing high leg of the jogger remains low and
Be lifted, although
With the knee at only slightly bent.
Not not as high as
That of a sprinter.
At an angle of 90 .

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