Bio Mechanics 1
Bio Mechanics 1
Bio Mechanics 1
1 Mark Questions
Q1. Define trajectory?
Ans. The flight path followed by a projectile is called it’s trajectory.
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3 Mark Questions
Q1. What is Energy? Explain about Kinetic & Potential Energy?
Ans. The Energy is the capacity to do work. There are various forms of energy.
Kinetic Energy:- It is defined as energy posessed by a body as a result of motion. It is called as—
Kinetic energy = mass × velocity
Potential Energy:- It is energy which is stored up in a body because of its position.
Potential Energy = mass × gravitational force × height of the body from ground (mgh)
Curvy linear motion- It is used When body Visible Axis- It is that type which can See
travel on a curve path. for example- hands of a clock.
Rotary motion is the movement which occurs Invisible- An imaginary axis is that which
when the axis of the body fixed, to the move cannot be seen. The axis is the causing
around that particular point when the force is centre of the gravity of the body.
applied to it. Example- A ball rotated in the air.
Sliding friction:- The opposing force that comes into play when one body is actually sliding over the
surface of the other body. For example- Ice skating.
Running Walking
-The linear and angular velocity -The linear and angular velocity of lower of
lower limbs is faster. limbs is slower.
Q5. Is friction advantageous or disadvantageous in the field of games and sports? Give your
comments with examples.
Ans. Friction is usually called necessary evil. It means it is essential in the life and we cannot do any
work without it.
d. Produce heat:- The law of conservation d. Makes movement difficult:- Friction can
of energy states that the amount of energy makes the job more difficult when one
remains constant. Thus, the energy is lost has to move the object. Excess friction
due to friction in trying to move and object is can make it
really turned into energy. difficult to slide a box across the heat
floor, walk through deep snow.
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5 Marks Questions
Ql. What is Projectile? Explain the factors affecting projectile trajectory?
Ans. Projectile:- An object thrown into the space either horizontally or an acute angle under the action
of gravity is called a projectile. There are forces which act on a projectile gravitational force and air
Air resistance of an object varies greatly and it depends on the object’s particular shape and the
atmospheric conditions in which the object is released.
The factors affecting Projectile
velocity and initial horizontal velocity. Having higher horizontal velocity will increase the length of flight
time and therefore the distance covered. This would be an advantage in sports which primarily
requires good distance in long jump, sky jump etc.
d. Gravity:- gravity acts on a body or object to give it mass. The greater the weight of an object, the
greater the influence of gravity upon it. Gravity will effect a projectile as well as it will decrease the
height, the projectile can obtain. For example:-a cricket ball can be thrown at greater distance in
comparison to shotput.
e. Air Resistance:- When a projectile moves through the air, it is slow down by an air resistance. Air
resistance decreases the horizontal component of a projectile. The effect of air resistance is very
small but it need to be taken into consideration if you want to increase the horizontal components of a
projectile. The factors are related to the amount of air resistance acting on a projectile-mass, surface
of the object, surface of the volume ratio. Trajectory Initial Horizontal Velocity Vertical Component
Initial Vertical Velocity Horizontal Component
f. Spin:- The amount and direction of spin acting on a projectile will directly effect the distance while
The main reason behind this fact is the air pressure acting on the object.
style/ Sprinting Fast Running Jogging