Lecture No 26 Soil Biology
Lecture No 26 Soil Biology
Lecture No 26 Soil Biology
Soil Biology – Introduction
Types of organisms in soil & their important characters
Functions of soil organisms - Beneficial & Harmful activities of soil organisms
Soil biology deals with soil ecology- the organisms and their role in biological
transformation in soil.
Soil is a living body and contains millions of living organisms and these organisms
are present in the soil pores or pore space of soil.
The physical and chemical characteristics of soil determine the nature of environment
in which vast number of soil organisms are found.
Living organisms in soils include both macro (large in size) and micro organisms
(small in size)
The macro-organisms churn the soil, mix in organic residues and modify the
physical condition of soils
The micro-organisms take part in the decomposition of organic residues,
transformation of different nutrient elements like N,P, S, Fe etc and other biological
processes that are occurring in soils which in turn help to increase the productivity
through the supply of essential nutrients to plants.
Therefore both macro and micro organisms are of significance in the intricate
biological processes occurring in soils.
The number & types of organisms in soil are influenced by many factors like
climate, vegetation & soil properties.
Types or species of organisms in cultivated soils are different from that of
uncultivated soils.
The species & number of organisms are different in different soils like Desert soils,
Forest soils, Fallow soils, soils of arid region, humid region etc.,
The weight of soil organisms per unit volume of soil.
Help in production of soil enzymes, growth promoting substances and antibiotics
Protects plant roots from infection by parasites and pathogens.
Offers lot of competition to higher plants in utilizing available nutrients in soil and
soil moisture
May lead to loss of nutrients from soil by transformation (Denitrification)
May transform some nutrients to unavailable form (K, Zn etc) and some nutrients to
toxic levels (Fe, Mn etc) in anaerobic conditions or acid soils.
In anaerobic condition (Poor drainage) they deplete O 2 from soil and hamper normal
crop growth.
Macro organisms like rodents, termites, insect larvae, nematodes cause great damage
to crops.
Fungi, Bacteria and Actinomycetes are responsible for development of many soil
borne diseases of crops.