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Chapter 5
Work ,Energy and Power

1.Define scalar product or Dot Product two vectors Aand B.

--+ --+
A· B = AB cos8

2.Some properties of dot product.

t · t=J·J=k·k=1
" " k,,. " 0
= k,,.. ·L=
A· A = A2
- -
3.lf two vectors A and B are perpendicular, then their dot product will
be ..............
zero --
( A · B = A B cos 90 = 0)

4.Define work.
The work done by the force is defined to be the product of component of
the force in the direction of the displacement and the magnitude of this
-+ .....
W= F·d
5.Write the situations in which work done by a body is zero
(i) when the displacement is zero .
(ii )when the force is zero.
(iii) the force and displacement are mutually perpendicular
W=Fd cos 90 = 0.

6.Give an example for zero Work.

When you push hard against a rigid brick wall, the force you exert on the
wall does no work.
A weightlifter holding a 150 kg mass steadily on his shoulder for 30 s
does no work on the load during this time.

7 .Give an example for Positive Work

Workdone by Gravitational force on a freely falling body is positive

8.Give an example of Negative work

The the work done by friction is negative (cos 180 ° = -1).
9.Find out the sign of the workdone in following cases.
a)Workdone by a man in lifting a bucket out of a well.
b)Workdone by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plane
c)Workdone by an applied force on a body moving on a rough horizonta
d)Workdone by the resistive force on air on a vibrating pendulum
e)Workdone gravitational force during the motion of an object on a
horizontal surface.
Zero 31/104 •• ••
10. What is the work done by centripetal force on a body moving in
circular path
Zero. Here 8 = 90 °, W =Fd cos 90 = 0.
11. 1 horse power,lHP= -----------Watt.
2. 1 kilowatt-hour, 1kWh = ------------------ J
3.6 X 10 6 J
13. Kilowatt-hour is the unit of-------------
14.Find the workdone by a force F = (3i+ 4j- 5k) N, if the displaceme

Produced is

d (Si+ 4j + 3k) m.
W = Fxdx + Fydy + Fzdz
= (3 x 5 )+ (4x4) + (-5 x3)
W= 16J
15. The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is called------
Kinetic energy
16. The energy stored by virtue of the position or configuration of a
body(state of strain) is called-------------
Potential Energy.
17. Calculate the work done in lifting a body of mass 10kg to a height of
10m above the ground
W= F x d = mg x h =10 x 9.8 xl0 =980J
9.Find out the sign of the workdone in following cases.
a)Workdone by a man in lifting a bucket out of a well.
b)Workdone by friction on a body sliding down an inclined plane
c)Workdone by an applied force on a body moving on a rough horizontal
d)Workdone by the resistive force on air on a vibrating pendulum
e)Workdone gravitational force during the motion of an object on a
horizontal surface.

10. What is the work done by centripetal force on a body moving in

circular path
Zero. Here e = 90 °, W =Fd cos 90 = 0.
11. 1 horse power,lHP= -----------Watt.
2. 1 kilowatt-hour, lkWh = ------------------ J
3.6 X 10 J
13. Kilowatt-hour is the unit of-----------.---
14.Find the workdone by a force F= (3i+ 4j- Sk) N, if the displacement
Produced is
d= (Si+ 4j+ 3k) m. ..... ....
W = Fxdx + Fydy + Fzdz
= (3 x 5 )+ (4x4) + (-5 x3)
W= 16}
15. The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is called---------
Kinetic energy
16. The energy stored by virtue of the position or configuration of a
body(state of strain) is called-------------
Potential Energy.
17. Calculate the work done in lifting a body of mass 10kg to a height of
1Om above the ground
W= F x d = mg x h =10 x 9.8 xl0 =980)
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18. Two bodies of masses m 1 and m 2 have same momenta. What is the
ratio of their kinetic energies?
1 2 p2
KE , K=-mv
= -
p2 p2
2 m1
2m 2

K1 / K2 = m 2 / m 1
K1: K2 = IDz: m1
19. A light body and heavy body have same momenta, Which one has
greater kinetic energy?
KE K=..e_
I 2 ffi
Lighter body will have more Kinetic energy.
19. A light body and heavy body have same KE, Which one has greater
momentum? p = ✓2mK
p oc../m
Heavier body will have more momentum.
20.Power is the scalar product of force and -------------
Velocity ( P= F .v)
21.Write the characteristics of conservative forces.
• A conservative force can be derived from a scalar quantity.
F = dx where V is a scalar
• The work done by a conservative force depends only upon initial and
final positions of the body
• The work done by a conservative force in a cyclic process is zero
22.Give two examples for conservative forces
Eg: Gravitational force, Spring force.

23.Give two examples for non conservative forces.

Frictional force, air resistance are non conservative forces.

24. State and prove the law of conservation of mechanical energy for a
freely falling body.
The total mechanical energy of a system is conserved if the forces, doing
work on it, are conservative.
Consider a body of mass m falling freely from a height h
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At Point A
A PE= mgh
KE = 0 (since v=O)
X TE= mgh + 0
TE= mgh-----------(1)
8 At Point B
h PE= mg (h-x)
KE=½ mv2
1 2
v = u2 + 2as
(h-x) J =O, a=g, s= x
y2 = 2gx

KE = ½ m x 2gx =mgx
TE = mg (h-x) + mgx
TE = mgh--------------(2)
At Point C
PE = 0 (Since h=O
KE= ½mv 2
v2 = u2 + 2as
u=O, a=g , s= h
v = 2gb
KE = ½ m x 2gh=mgh
• TE= 0 + mgh
TE = mgh--------------(3)
From eqns (1), (2) and (3), it is clear that the total mechanical energy is
conserved during the free fall.

-I b

25.Show that the gravitational potential energy of the object at height h, is

completely converted to kinetic energy on reaching the ground.
PE at a height h, V = mgh
When the object is released from a height it gains KE
K = 1/2 mv 2
v 2 = u 2 + 2as
u=O, a=g, s=h
v = 2gh

K= ½ mx2gh
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26.The energy possessed by a body by virtue of its motion is

called ............ ..... Kinetic energy
27.The eneegy possessed by a body by virtue of the position or
configuration of a body is called ............ ........... Potential energy.

28.A body at a height h above the surface of earth possesses .....................

due to its position. Potential energy.

29.A Stretched or compressed spring possesses ..................... due to its

state of strain. potential energy

30.State and prove work-energy theorem

The work-energy theorem can be stated as :The change in kinetic energy
of a particle is equal to the work done on it by the net force.
For uniformly accelerated motion
v 2 - u 2 = 2 as
Multiplying both sides by.!m, we have
.!.mv - .!.mu2 =mas= Fs
2 2
Kr-Ki = W
Change in KE = Work

31.In a ballistics demonstration a police officer fires a bullet of mass 50.0 g

with speed 200 m s·1 on soft plywood of thickness 2.00 cm. The bullet
emerges with only 10% of its initial kinetic energy. What is the emergent
speed of the bullet ?

Answer The tnttlal kinetic energy of the bullet

is mv2/2 = 1000 J. It has a final kinetic energy
of 0 .1 x 1000 = 100 J. If vf ts the emergent speed
of the bullet,
I 2
-rra, J = 100 J

VJ -

= 63.2 m s- 1
32.State Hooke's law for a spring
Hooke's law states that ,for an ideal spring, the spring force Fis
propor tional displa cemen t x of the block from the equilib rium position.
F= - kx
The consta nt k is called the spring consta nt. Its unit is Nm- 1

33.Derive the expres sion for potent ial energy of a spring

x = Ol
1 - - F , is negative
~ xis positivc

(b) ~ / / / l /7 x'

Then the spring force F = - kx

The work done by the spring force is
W = J;Fdx
W = - J; kxdx
W = -~kx 2
This work is stored as potent ial energy of spring
PE= ~kx 2
34.Dra w the graphi cal variati on of kinetic Energy and potent ial of a spring

0 X,,, X
35.Wr ite Einste in's mass energy relatio n.
E=m c 2

36.Find the amoun t of energy is associ ated with 1 kilogr am of matte r

E = mc 2
E = lx(3 x 108 ) 2 J
E= 9 X 1016 J.
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in dot product form

37.Write the expression for ins tan tan eou s pow er
P= dW
The work done, dW = F. dr.
p =F. d r
P= F . v
Instantaneous power is the dot product of force and
0 kg ( elevator +
38A n ele vat or can car ry a maximum load of 180
2 m s-1 . The frictional
passengers) is moving up with a constant speed of
minimum power
force opposing the motion is 4000 N. Determine the
well as in horse power.
delivered by the motor to the elevator in watts as
tional Force
The downward force on the elevator is F = m g + Fric
= (1800 X 10) + 400 0
= 22000 N
Power, P = F. v
= 22000 X 2
= 440 00W
In horse power, pow er= 44000/ 746
=59 hp

examples for each.

39.Differentiate Elastic and inelastic collisions.Give
kinetic energy are
The collisions in which both linear momentum and
conserved are called elastic collisions.
Eg: Collision between sub atomic particles
ed, but kinetic
The collisions in which linear momentum is conserv
ns. . Part of the initial
energy is not conserved are called inelastic collisio
rgy such as
kinetic energy is transformed into other forms of ene
heat,sound etc ..
Eg: Collision between macroscopic objects
t the relative velocity
40.For elastic collisions in one dimension show tha
city after collision.
before collision is numerically equal to relative velo

After Collision
Before Collision
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By the conservation of momentum

mt Ut + m2u2 = mt Vt + m2 V2 --------------(1)
mt Ut - mt Vt = m2 V2 - m2 U2
mt (ut - v1 ) = m2 (v2 - u2 ) ---------------- (2)

By the conservation of kinetic energy

1 u2 +-m 1 u2 = -m 1 v2 +-m t v2-----------(3)
2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 22
2 1 u2 1
1 --m
2 1 v1
= 1
2 2 v2
2 t
2 2u2
1 (V22 - U22)
1 ( U12 - V12) = -m2
2 2
m1 (ui - vf) = m2 (v~ - u~) -------------(4)
m 1 ( uf-vD _ m 2(v~-u~)
Eqn C4)
(2) m1(U1-V1) m2(V2-U 2)
( u1+V1) (u 1-V1) _ (v 2+U2)(Vz -U2)
( u1 -v1) (v2-u2)
Ut + V1 = V2 + U2 -------------(5)
Ut - u2 = - (v1 - v2 ) --------( 6)
i.e., relativ e velocity before collision is numeri cally equal to relative
velocity after collision.
41.For elastic collisions of a moving mass mt with the station ary mass m2
write the expression for momentum conservation and kinetic energy

•111 I
• X

-----v 2 cos 8 2

V 2 sin 8 2

Equation for conservation of momentum in x direction

m1u1 = m1Vt cos0t + m2v2cos0 2
Equation for conservation of momentum in y direction
0 = m1Vt sin0t - m2v2sin 02
Equation for conservation of kinetic energy,(KE is a scalar quantity)
1 2 t 2 1 2
2 m1 Ut = 2ml V1 + 2 m2V2

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