Thermal Modelling - CMN2019

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Congress on Numerical

Methods in Engineering
Congresso de Métodos
Numéricos em Engenharia
Congreso de Métodos
Numéricos en Ingeniería

CMN 2019

July 1 – 3
Guimarães, Portugal
Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

All rights are reserved.

The papers included in this publication are presented mainly in the submission state provided by
the authors after scientific reviewing. The editors do not accept any responsibility for possible errors
or inaccuracies.

ISBN: 978-989-54496-0-6
© Universidade do Minho
Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Azurém, 4800-058 Guimarães
Tel: +351 253510200, Fax: +351 253510217
Organizing Committee Scientific Committee
Paulo B. Lourenço, Universidade do Minho Adélia Sequeira (IST/UTL)
Paulo Flores, Universidade do Minho António Ferreira (FEUP)
Stéphane Clain, Universidade do Minho Antonio Huerta (UPC)
David Greiner, Universidad de Las Palmas de Carlos Mota Soares (IST/UTL)
Gran Canaria Carlos Pina (LNEC)
Irene Arias, Universitat Politècnica de David Greiner (ULPGC)
Dinar Camotim (IST/UTL)
Manuel Tur, Universitat Politècnica de València
Elías Cueto (UNIZAR)
Eugenio Oñate (UPC)
Fermín Navarrina (UDC)
Helder Rodrigues (IST/UTL)
Executive Organizing Ignacio Romero (UPM)
Ignasi Colominas (UDC)
Committee Irene Arias (UPC)
Isabel Figueiredo (UC)
Graça Vasconcelos, Universidade do Minho Ivo Dias (LNEC)
João Pereira, Universidade do Minho João Rocha Almeida (UNL)
Miguel Nóbrega, Universidade do Minho Joan Baiges (UPC)
Jorge Ambrósio (IST/UTL)
José Carlos Pereira (IST/UTL)
José César de Sá (FEUP)
Conference Secretariat José María Goicolea (UPM)
Ana Fonseca, University of Minho Luís Filipe Menezes (UC)
Department of Civil Engineering Manuel Alves (FEUP)
P-4800-058, Azurém Manuel Casteleiro (UDC)
Guimarães, PORTUGAL Manuel Tur (UPV)
Tel +351 253 510 498 Miguel Cervera (UPC)
Email: [email protected] Paulo B. Lourenço (UM)
Paulo Oliveira (UBI)
Paulo Piloto (IPB)
Paulo Vila Real (UA)
Pedro Camanho (FEUP)
Pedro Díez (UPC)
Pilar Ariza (US)
Riccardo Rossi (UPC)
Xavier Oliver (UPC)
Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019


Preface 6

Summary 7

Contents 8

Plenary lectures 21

Papers 27

Authors Index 1389

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

CMN 2019 aims to be a forum for the discussion of relevant scientific, and
technological developments in computational mechanics, numerical methods and
engineering applications. CMN 2019 is jointly organized by the Portuguese
(APMTAC) and the Spanish (SEMNI) Associations and follows the previous
congress editions of Madrid (2002), Lisbon (2004), Granada (2005), Porto (2007),
Barcelona (2009), Coimbra (2011), Bilbao (2013), Lisbon (2015) and Valencia

The scientific program comprises six plenary lectures from internationally known
researchers and is structured in almost 30 thematic sessions in different fields of
research. We sincerely thank the session organizers for their contribution for the
success of the congress.

The congress is open to everyone interested in numerical methods and the

objective of the series is to create an excellent forum for dissemination of the
latest scientific and technical developments and for the exchange of new ideas in
emerging topics. We hope this can be achieved and the participants enjoy the
technical and social program planned, together with the welcoming and UNESCO
World Heritage city of Guimarães.

More than 275 participants from 30 countries are expected making CMN 2019 a
truly international event. We are happy to share with you an exciting program
composed of almost 300 contributions concerning a wide range of activities and
research fields in numerical methods. The series of conferences benefits
immensely from joining young participants (and the future of our community) with
more senior academics and professionals, with a very attractive conference fee
for young participants. Young participants totalize 40% of the participants, which
is to be noted.

Thinking about the young participants, a unique presentation possibility is offered

with oral (more formal and less interactive) and poster (informal and interactive)
presentations of the same paper. We are also happy that three post-congress
advanced software courses are offered to all participants, again at a modest fee,
which total more than 50 participants.

We warmly thank the contributors, the authors, the speakers and the exhibitors
of the event and wish this conference will offer you fruitful discussions and a
pleasant time in Guimarães.

Guimarães, July 2019

Paulo B. Lourenço, Paulo Flores & Stéphane Clain, for APMTAC
David Greiner, Irene Arias & Manuel Tur, for SEMNI

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019


Plenary lectures 21

ST1 Discrete element modelling of masonry structures 27
ST2 Geotechnics and Geoengineering 64
ST6 Computational Methods in Acoustics and Vibration 112
ST7 Meshless and Particle Formulations in Computational Mechanics 238
Unfitted discretization methods: From theory to multidisciplinary
ST8 266
ST9 Offshore Engineering 282
ST10 Recent Advances in Shape and Topology optimization 325
ST12 Numerical models for heat and mass transfer 331
ST13 Técnicas de reducción de modelos/Model order reduction techniques 449
ST14 Constitutive Modelling and Material Parameter Identification 454
ST15 Composites modelling: characterization, behaviour and structures 478
Metal forming processes: Formability characterization, damage and
ST16 515
ductile fracture
ST17 Computational biomechanics and applications 529
ST18 Steel and composite structures 552
ST19 Vibration Problems in Structures 665
ST20 Mechanics of soft tissues Experimental and numerical techniques 724
ST21 New trends in very high order numerical methods 758
Fracture, collapse and nonlinear behaviour in concrete structures
ST23 764
and quasi-fragile materials
ST25 Computational Rheology 842
ST27 Modelling of masonry structures 867
ST28 Multi-body dynamics 1013
ST29 Computational Modeling in Mechanobiology and Tissue Engineering 1091
Optimization, Metaheuristics and Evolutionary Algorithms in Civil
ST30 1096
ST31 Finite Elements 1188
ST32 Fluid mechanics 1250
ST33 Computational methods in Engineering 1294

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019


Plenary lectures
Origami engineering: geometry and mechanics
Glaucio H. Paulino
Nucleation and Propagation of Fracture and Healing in Elastomers: A PhaseTransition
Theory and Numerical Implementation 22
Oscar Lopez-Pamies
Designing flexoelectric metamaterials through computational strain gradient engineering
Irene Arias
Cell-centered Finite Volume methods for solving the Lagrangian form of gas dynamics
and solid mechanics equations on unstructured grids 24
Pierre-Henri Maire
Biomechanics of Some Soft-Tissues: Constitutive Modelling and Computational Aspects
José Luís Alves
From Data-Driven modeling to Physically-Constrained Deep Learning in Predictive
Continuum Physics 26
Manuel Doblaré

Discrete element modelling of masonry structures

DEM modelling of dry stone retaining walls
Nathanaël Savalle, Éric Vincens and Fabian Dedecker
Characterization of the structural behaviour of masonry prisms submitted to vertical
actions using volumetric finite elements 41
Marcelo Rodrigo De Matos Pedreiro, Rogerio De Oliveira Rodrigues, Jefferson Sidney
Camacho and Maicon Marino Albertini
A Discrete Element Model for the seismic behaviour of masonry churches in central Italy
Francesca Gobbin, Josè V. Lemos and Gianmarco de Felice
Seismic performance of the Kuño Tambo church (Peru)
Nuno Mendes, José V. Lemos and Sara Zanotti
Crosswise tension resistance of walls with different bond patterns
Shipeng Chen and Katalin Bagi
Manifold Learning and Discrete Element Modeling for Diagnosis of Cracks in Masonry
Structures 62
Rebecca Napolitano, Wesley Reinhart, David Sroczynski and Branko Glisic
Rigid block modelling of historic masonry structures using mathematical programming
Francesco Paolo Portioli

Geotechnics and Geoengineering

Effect of advanced drainage on the stability of tunnel faces under the water table
Congke Yi, Salvador Senent and Rafael Jimenez
Distinct element method simulation of rock creep behaviour
Jose Gregorio Gutierrez-Ch, Salvador Senent and Rafael Jimenez
A new factor design considering socket roughness for side shear resistance prediction of
rock-socketed piles 73
Jose Gregorio Gutierrez-Ch, Svetlana Melentijevic, Salvador Senent and Rafael Jimenez
Evolution of pore pressure in a cohesive soil under cyclic loading
Daniel Panique Lazcano, Hernan Patiño, Rubén Galindo Aires and Claudio Olalla
Avaliação do efeito das explosões de desmonte de rocha em barragens de betão com
base num modelo numérico do maciço e barragem e comparação com resultados
Ricardo Fonseca, Jorge Pereira Gomes, José V. Lemos and Ricardo Resende

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Obtaining the Equivalent Properties of Fracture Media Using Finite Element Method with
Embedded Discontinuities 92
Daniel Melo, Leidy Alvarez, Leonardo Guimarães and Leila Beserra
Large deformation analysis of ice scour process in dense sand
Hodjat Shiri and Afrouz Nematzadeh

Computational methods in acoustics and vibration

Optimización acústica de catalizadores de automoción
Eva María Sánchez-Orgaz, Francisco David Denia, Borja Ferrándiz, José Martínez-Casas and Enrique 112
A numerical study of the nonlinear behavior of ultrasound in bubbly liquids
María Teresa Tejedor Sastre and Christian Vanhille
Técnica de diagonalización para la mejora computacional de la integración numérica en
dinámica ferroviaria 137
Juan Giner-Navarro, José Martínez-Casas, Francisco David Denia and Luis Baeza
Numerical study of the insertion of cochlear implants
Bruno Areias, Marco Parente, Fernanda Gentil, Eurico Almeida and Renato Natal Jorge
Mitigación del ruido de ruedas ferroviarias mediante un enfoque modal
Jorge Gutiérrez-Gil, Xavier Garcia-Andrés, José Martìnez-Casas and Francisco David Denia
Control pasivo de ruido ferroviario mediante optimización topológica y formulación mixta
Borja Ferrandiz, Francisco David Denia, José Martínez-Casas, Enrique Nadal and Juan José Ródenas
Numerical Investigation of Wave Propagation in Suspended Cables
João Rodrigues, Maria Do Carmo Coimbra, João Santos and Elsa Caetano
p-Adaptive Hybridized DG Methods for acoustic fluid-structure interaction problem
Leonardo Mello, Iury Igreja and Abimael Loula
Numerical Silent Boundary Conditions Applied to Elastic Wave
Carlos Eduardo Silva, Leandro Carlos Gazoni, Marcus Casagrande and José Luis Drummond Alves
The Impact-Echo method applied to the auscultation of bridges: Numerical study
Hajer Rezgui Chaabouni, Sylvie Yotte and Mokhfi Takarli
A very fast flux reconstruction for high-order Finite Volume schemes
Luis Ramirez, Pablo Ouro, Javier Fernández-Fidalgo, Xesus Nogueira and Fermin Navarrina
Some approaches for the mitigation of vibrations induced by subway railway traffic
Patrícia Lopes, Pedro Alves Costa, Jesús Fernández, António Cardoso and Rui Calçada
Efecto de la ubicación de los altavoces en dispositivos tipo “Tablet”
Pedro Poveda-Martínez, Luis M. Godinho, Paulo A. Mendes, Jesús Carbajo-San-Martín and Jaime Ramis- 225
Sound absorption numerical modelling of porous concrete resonators using a FEM model
Paulo Amado-Mendes, Luis Godinho, Matheus Pereira, Jesús Carbajo and Jaime Ramis
Time-domain FEM simulation of the propagation of pile-driving induced vibrations
Tales Sofiste, Luis Godinho, Pedro Alves Costa and Delfim Soares Jr.
Optimized computational methods for the calculation of dispersion diagrams
S. Sánchez Esteve and I. Romero

Meshless and particle formulations in computational mechanics

Dynamic Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Structures via Finite Elements, Applying The
Semi-embedded Method For Steel Reinforcing Bars Modelling 238
Bryan Pantoja-Rosero, Pedro Luna-Cunha and Raul Durand
A 3D homogenization technique for the mechanical characterization of trabecular bone
tissue 254
Marco Marques, Jorge Belinha, António Fonseca Oliveira, M.C. Manzanares Céspedes and Renato Natal
Comparison of different geometries of chitosan nerve guidance channels using meshless
methods 256
Joana Gomes, Jorge Belinha and Renato Natal Jorge

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Studding in silico the capillary network

Ana Guerra, Jorge Belinha and Renato Natal Jorge
A modified Hill yield criterion combined with a meshless method formulation for the
elasto-plastic analysis of thermoplastics 258
Daniel Rodrigues, Jorge Belinha, Lúcia Dinis and Renato Natal Jorge
A novel growth and remodeling model suitable for distinct biological tissues – bone and
myocardium 259
M. M. A. Peyroteo, J. Belinha, J. A. C. F. Leite Moreira and R. M. Natal Jorge
A novel numerical approach to simulate blood clots using meshless
M.I.A. Barbosa, Jorge Belinha and R.M. Natal Jorge
Meshfree vs. mesh-based modelling of turbulent flows in dams
Andreia Moreira, Agnès Leroy, Damien Violeau and Franncisco Taveira Pinto
Computational simulation of the cupula behavior during inner ear pathological scenarios
Carla F. Santos, Jorge Belinha, Fernanda Gentil, Marco Parente and Renato Natal Jorge
Simulating the extrusion process using a radial point interpolation meshless method
R Costa, M Barbosa, Jorge Belinha, Lúcia Dinis and Renato Natal Jorge
PFEM-DEM coupling for the simulation of free-surface particulate flows
Ignasi Pouplana, A. Franci, G. Casas, M. Celigueta, J. Gonzalez-Usua and E. Onate
An academic software to solve nonlinear computational mechanics problems using
meshless methods 265
J. Belinha, M.I.A. Barbosa, L.M.J.S. Dinis and R.M. Natal Jorge

Unfitted discretization methods: From theory to multidisciplinary applications

Optimización Topológica 3D con refinamiento h-adaptativo usando el Método de los
Elementos Finitos mediante Mallados Cartesianos (cgFEM) 266
David Muñoz, Juan José Ródenas, Enrique Nadal and José Albelda
Implementation and performance of the aggregated unfitted finite element method at large
scales 267
Francesc Verdugo, Alberto F. Martín and Santiago Badia
Efecto de las técnicas de recovery en la calidad de la estimación de error en problemas
de contacto con el Cartesian grid finite element method (cgFEM) 268
José Manuel Navarro-Jiménez, Héctor Navarro-García, Juan José Ródenas and Manuel Tur
Método de estabilización para los contornos Neumann en el entorno Cartesina Grid Finite
Element Method 269
Enrique Nadal, Manuel Tur, José Manuel Navarro, José Albelda and Juan José Ródenas
Implementación del método Discontinuous Galerkin sobre la estructura de malla cgFEM
para la resolución de las ecuaciones de Maxwell 280
Héctor Navarro García, Rubén Sevilla, José Manuel Navarro Jiménez and Juan José Ródenas
Embedded Computational Fluid Dynamics techniques for Fluid-Structure Interaction
problems 281
Rubén Zorrilla, Riccardo Rossi and Eugenio Oñate

Offshore Engineering
Optimal phytoremediation methods for heavy metals removal
Aurea Martinez, Lino J. Alvarez-Vazquez, Carmen Rodríguez Iglesias, Miguel E. Vazquez-Mendez and 282
Miguel A. Vilar
Performance of offshore modular structures for confined explosion
Damjan Čekerevac, Constança Rigueiro and Eduardo Pereira
Development of a Numerical Model of a Wave-Maker Flume
Daniel Oliveira, Aldina Santiago, Constança Rigueiro and J.P.P.G Lopes de Almeida
Dissipative beam-to-column connections for offshore structures
Ana Santos, Aldina Santiago and Gianvittorio Rizzano
A triangular Vortex Generator modeling on a DU97-W-300 airfoil by a source term model
Lander Galera, Pablo Martínez-Filgueira, Unai Fernández, Alberto Peña, Iñigo Errasti and Jesús M. Blanco

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Recent Advances in Shape and Topology optimization

Topological Optimization of structures with isogeometric analysis
Diego Villalba Rama, José París López, Ignasi Colominas Ezponda, Manuel Casteleiro Maldonado and 325
Fermín Navarrina Martínez
A new stabilisation approach for level-set based topology optimisation of hyperelastic
materials 326
Rogelio Ortigosa, Jesús Martínez-Frutos, David Herrero-Pérez and Antonio Gil
Structural optimization under internal porosity constraints using topological derivatives
Jesús Martínez-Frutos, Grégoire Allaire, Charles Dapogny and Francisco Periago
SIMP-ALL : a generalized SIMP method based on the topological derivative
Alex Ferrer
Dynamic response optimization of offshore substructures using a new formulation for
time-dependent structural constraints 329
Iván Couceiro, José París, Fermín Navarrina, Santiago Martínez, Raquel Guizán, Ignasi
Colominas and Manuel Casteleiro
Efficient Topology Optimization on Hybrid CPU-GPU platforms
David Herrero-Pérez and Rogelio Ortigosa

Numerical models for heat and mass transfer

Finite Element Simulation of Double-Diffusive Convection Flows
Jorge Milhazes and Pedro Coelho
Finite volume model for a transcritical CO2 tube-in-tube gas cooler
Francisco Lamas and Vítor Costa
A 2D transient physical model of a coated tube adsorber for adsorption heat pumps
João Dias and Vítor Costa
Liquid Metal Batteries: coupling electrochemistry, heat and mass transfer with
magnetohydrodynamics 384
Norbert Weber, Wietze Herreman, Gerrit Maik Horstmann, Caroline Nore, Paolo Personnettaz and Tom
Error Representation and Space-Time Goal-Oriented Adaptivity for the Advection-
Diffusion Equation employing Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods 385
Judit Muñoz-Matute, Victor M. Calo, David Pardo and Elisabete Alberdi Celaya
Quantifying and Accounting for Uncertainties in a Jet Impingement Process
Flavia Barbosa, Wael Hajj Ali, Senhorinha Teixeira, José Carlos Teixeira and Pierre Lermusiaux
Numerical Analysis of a Jet Impinging a Step Surface
Flavia Barbosa, Senhorinha Teixeira and José Carlos Teixeira
Cavitation Modeling Methodology in an All-Speed Solver for Cryogenic Fluids
Siddharth Thakur and Jeffrey Wright
Very high-order accurate finite volume scheme on polygonal meshes for general boundary
conditions on curved boundaries 408
Ricardo Costa, João Nóbrega, Stéphane Clain and Gaspar Machado
Thermal modelling of an active façade integrating a metallic unglazed thermal collector
Peru Elguezábal, Alex López, Jesús M. Blanco and Jose A. Chica
Modelling and simulation of gas quenching in tool steels
António Andrade-Campos and Adélio Cavadas
Numerical Simulation of Refractory Masonry Subjected to Cyclic Temperature Loading
Pratik N. Gajjar, João M. Pereira and Paulo B. Lourenço
Variational Multiscale error estimators for the adaptive mesh refinement of compressible
flow simulations 430
Camilo Bayona, Ramon Codina and Joan Baiges
High-order ENATE for transport problems
Víctor Javier Llorente Lázaro and Antonio Pascau Benito
Numerical simulation of active IRT applied to layered building systems
Catarina Serra, António Tadeu and Nuno Simões

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Numerical analysis of stainless steel frames subject to fire

Guillermo Segura, Sheida Afshan, Enrique Mirambell and Esther Real
Simulação das condições ambientais de um posto de transformação da rede elétrica
Nuno Simoes and Joana Prata
Implementation of the Sequential Element Admission and Rejection (SERA) method in
steady-state heat transfer problems 443
Alain Garaigordobil and Rubén Ansola
Finite Element based micro modelling of masonry structures subjected to fire
Ravi Prakash Patnayakuni, João Pereira, Miguel Azenha and Paulo Lourenço
Design and optimization of an energy harvesting system for high temperature industry
Oscar García-López, Jose Luis Fernandez, Jesus Esarte and Estibaliz Armendariz
Development and verification of an open-source computational framework to simulate
injection moulding 446
João Pedro, Célio Fernandes, João Romero, Ricardo Costa and João Nóbrega
Creep modelling for refractory materials used in furnace linings
Thais Soares, Miguel Azenha and Paulo Lourenço
CFD study of a new system for night cooling in office buildings
Miguel Lança, Pedro Coelho and João Viegas

Técnicas de reducción de modelos/Model order reduction techniques

Multiscale simulations of composite materials using High Performance Reduced Order
Modelling technique: a case study 449
Marcelo Raschi, Oriol Lloberas-Valls and Javier Oliver
Learning constitutive models from data
David Gonzalez, Francisco Chinesta and Elias Cueto
Data-driven learning of slosh dynamics
Beatriz Moya, David Gonzalez, Iciar Alfaro, Francisco Chinesta and Elias Cueto
Greedy reduced basis with error control for 3D inversion in geophysics
Olga Gelabert-Ortega, Sergio Zlotnik, Juan Afonso and Pedro Diez
Generalized solution of parameterized incompressible flows
Antonio Huerta, Matteo Giacomini and Ruben Sevilla

Constitutive Modelling and Material Parameter Identification

On the Computational Performance of Advanced Optimization Methods in Mechanical
Design 454
Miguel Guimarães Oliveira, João Dias de Oliveira and António Andrade Campos
Constitutive Model for the Non-Linear Cyclic Behaviour of Masonry Structures
Marianthi Sousamli, Francesco Messali and Jan Rots
Influence of the yield surface curvature on the strain distribution in a hole expansion test
B. Martins, Marta C. Oliveira, Diogo M. Neto, J L Alves and Luís F. Menezes
Measurement of the thickness distribution by digital image processing techniques
Edmundo Sérgio, João R. Barros, Diogo M. Neto, Marta C. Oliveira, Rui M. Leal, José L. Alves and Luís F. 457
Earthquake-induced damage localization in a monumental masonry bell-tower using
incremental dynamic analysis 471
Alban Kita, Nicola Cavalagli, Maria Giovanna Masciotta, Paulo B. Lourenço and Filippo Ubertini
A Model for the Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Parts Produced by Fused Filament
Fabrication 472
Tiago Gomes, Mylene Cadete, João Oliveira and Victor Neto
Verification and Validation of solids4Foam solver in extensional rheometry tests
Mohammadreza Aali, Olga Sousa Carneiro and João Miguel Nóbrega
Periodic Cellular Solids – Experimental Scale-Size Effect Analysis
Miguel Reis Silva, João Oliveira, António Pereira, Nuno Alves, Álvaro Sampaio and António Pontes

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Analytical and semi-analytical solutions for the Poiseuille-Couette flow of a generalised

simplified Phan-Thien-Tanner fluid 475
Angela Ribau, Luís Ferrás, Maria Luísa Morgado, Magda Rebelo and Alexandre Afonso
Calibration of material models applied to impact mechanics using a new statistical
approach 477
J. de Pablos, E. Menga and I. Romero

Composites modelling: characterization, behaviour and structures

Numerical Modeling of a Bamboo Structure
Gislaine Bianchi, Thiago Francisco Da Trentin, José Melges and Jorge Akasaki
A dynamic spring element model for the prediction of longitudinal failure of polymer
composites 491
Rodrigo Tavares, Fermin Otero, Joan Baiges, Albert Turon and Pedro Camanho
Modelling mechanical lightning loads and damage in carbon fibre-reinforced polymers
Albertino Arteiro, Christian Karch and Pedro P. Camanho
Analysis of onset and growth of multiple debonds by means of an Abaqus implementation
of the CCFFM+LEBIM 493
Mar Muñoz-Reja, Luis Tavara, Vladislav Mantic and Christos Panagiotopoulos
An analytical model for the textile-to-mortar bond behaviour
Ali Dalalbashi, Bahman Ghiassi and Daniel V. Oliveira
Production of brick constituted with waste mica and polyurethane
Roberto Carlos Ribeiro, Carolina Henriques, Márcia Oliveira and Francisco Hollanda Vidal
Modelling of ionic liquid/polymer composites as actuators
Liliana Fernandes, Daniela Correia and Senentxu Lanceros-Mendéz
Finite displacement and rotation implementation of the Linear Elastic Brittle Interface
Model applied to structured interfaces in Double Cantilever Beam specimens. 508
Lorenzo García-Guzmán, Luis Távara and José Reinoso

Metal forming processes: Formability characterization, damage and ductile fracture

Numerical study on hole expansion tests of metal sheets
Armando Marques, Pedro Prates, Marta Oliveira and José Fernandes
An assessment of an isotropic coupled micromechanical damage model for porous solids
with matrix exhibiting tension–compression asymmetry 522
João Brito, Marta Oliveira, Diogo Neto, Luís Alves and Luís Menezes
Prediction of ductile fracture of a DP780 steel using uncoupled damage models 523
Carlos Andrade, Marta Oliveira, Diogo Neto, José Alves and Luís Menezes
On the accurate modelling of the U drawing of a high strength DP600 steel
Javier Mendieta, Ander Martínez, Javier Trinidad, Nagore Otegi, Lander Galdos, Eneko Saenz de 524
Argandoña and Joseba Mendiguren
AA7075 W-temper Sheet metal forming material behaviour modelling
Biotza Zubia, Unai Ibarretxe, Nagore Otegi, Eneko Saenz de Argandoña, Javier Trinidad, Lander Galdos 525
and Joseba Mendiguren
The influence of different yield criteria in the finite element simulation of a cylindrical cup
- application to dual phase steels 526
Rui Amaral, Abel Santos, Sara Miranda and Jose Cesar de Sa
Assessment of material scatter and mechanical behaviour in sheet metal forming 527
Sara Miranda, Abel Santos, Rui Amaral, Luis Malheiro and José Fernandes
Phase-field diffusive approach within a microstructural ductile damage framework 528
E. Azinpour, J. Cesar de Sá and A. Santos

Computational biomechanics and applications

A multi-layered in-silico model for computing wall stresses in abdominal aortic
aneurysms with non-atherosclerotic intimal thickening 529
Mario de Lucio, Marcos Fernández, Jacobo Díaz, Luis Romera and Francisco Álvarez Marcos
Modified velocity terms of Reynolds equation in a spherical coordinate system 530
Ehsan Askari

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Elastohydrodynamic lubrication analysis of polyethylene hip arthroplasties using a

multibody dynamics approach 531
Ehsan Askari
Theoretical development and numerical implementation of a physically-based
regularization method for Traction Force Microscopy 532
Jose A. Sanz-Herrera, Jorge Barrasa-Fano and Hans Van Oosterwyck
Análisis biomecánico de la cirugía de eliminación del espolón del hueso calcáneo
mediante simulación por elementos finitos. 533
Javier Bayod Lòpez, Ricardo Becerro de Bengoa Vallejo and Marta Losa Iglesias
Methodology for numerical simulation of the degradation process of 3D printed
biopolymeric scaffolds 534
Jacob Abdelfatah Ndioubnane, Rubén Paz Hernandez, Mario Monzón Verona and Gabriel Winter Althaus
Optimization of the design of 3D-printed scaffolds for tissue engineering applications
Pablo Blázquez Carmona, Jose Antonio Sanz Herrera, Juan Mora Macías, Jaime Domínguez Abascal and 544
Esther Reina Romo
Contact pattern changes at the ankle after ligamentous injuries
Gonçalo Marta, João Folgado, Francisco Guerra-Pinto and Carlos Quental
Comportamiento de la Articulación subtalar durante la aplicación de cargas axiales
experimentalmente 547
Luis Padrón Cabrera and Javier Bayod López
Effect of haptic geometry on the mechanical stability of intraocular lenses using finite
element analysis 548
Iulen Cabeza, Miguel Angel Ariza-Gracia, Laura Remon and Begoña Calvo
Use of histological data to predict the mechanical response of vaginal tissue to ball burst
tests 549
João Pedro Ferreira, Rita Rynkevic, Pedro Martins, Marco Parente and António Augusto Fernandes
On the Numerical Simulation of the Uterine Contractions and Foetus Expulsion using a
Chemo-Mechanical Constitutive Model 550
Maria Vila Pouca, João Ferreira, Dulce Oliveira, Marco Parente and Renato Natal Jorge
Gait Analysis Using Inverse Dynamics and the complete Musculoskeletal System: Planar
Versus Spatial Models 551
Jorge Ambrosio, Carlos Quental, Helder Oliveira and Stefanie Brandle

Steel and composite structures

On the DSM Design of Cold-Formed Steel Columns Failing in Global Modes 552
Pedro Dinis and Dinar Camotim
Finite element model approach for semi-rigid joints 553
Ruth Gutierrez, Alfonso Loureiro, Jose Manuel Reinosa and Manuel Lopez
Comportamento de placas esbeltas de aço inoxidável a temperaturas elevadas 554
Flávio Arrais, Nuno Lopes, Paulo Vila Real and Carlos Couto
Método Geral para verificação da resistência ao fogo de colunas de inércia variável com
secções transversais de classe 4: uma nova proposta de cálculo 567
Élio Maia, Carlos Couto, Paulo Vila Real and Nuno Lopes
Influência da distribuição não uniforme de temperaturas no comportamento de vigas I
sujeitas a temperaturas elevadas 580
Élio Maia, Carlos Couto, Paulo Vila Real and Nuno Lopes
Numerical Parametric Study of Stiffened Cold-Formed Steel Columns in Fire 599
Luís Laím, Mariana Ferreira, Helder Craveiro and Aldina Santiago
Discrete optimization of steel frames with semi-rigid connections and column bases in
second-order analysis 609
Marcos Henrique Bossardi Borges, Adelano Esposito and Herbert Martins Gomes
The air gap effect on the fire resistance of composite slab with steel deck 610
Paulo Piloto, Carlos Balsa, Lucas Mognon and Ronaldo Rigobello
Validation models on the fire resistance of composite slab with steel deck 625
Paulo Piloto, Carlos Balsa, Fernando Ribeiro, Ronaldo Rigobello, Lucas Santos and Érica Kimura

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Numerical analysis of instability failure modes of cellular steel beams in fire conditions
Luis Mesquita, Jaqueline Alves Silva and Paola Regina Dalcanal
Evaluation of the Rotation Capacity of Steel Beams using Advanced Nonlinear Analysis
A. I. Mohabeddine, Y. W. Koudri, J. A. F. O. C. Correia and J. M. Castro
Torsional behaviour of I-section beams with supports that restrain a single flange
Miguel Pedrosa Ferreira, Paulo Providência and Anísio Andrade
Static behavior of porous functionally graded plates using layerwise approach
Joaquim Barbosa, Ana Mota and Amelia Loja

Vibration Problems in Structures

The influence of the trial function on the determination of the critical buckling load by
the Rayleigh method 665
Alexandre de Macêdo Wahrhaftig and Kaique Moreira Matos Magalhães
Mass matrix and equivalent nodal forces of the regular linear prismatic finite element
Marcelo Cavalcanti Silva and Rogerio De Oliveira Rodrigues
Designing a footbridge with integrated TMD: Improvement assessment
Carlos Martín de la Concha Renedo, Iván Díaz Muñoz and Jaime García Palacios
Designing multiple tuned mass dampers for multi-mode control of steel footbridges
Javier Fernando Jiménez-Alonso, Javier Lopez-Martinez, Jose Luis Blanco-Claraco and Andres Saez
Influence of the soil profile on the flexible-base fundamental period of piled structures
Cristina Medina, Guillermo Álamo, Luis A. Padrón, Juan J. Aznárez and Orlando Maeso
Free undamped vibration of a simply supported beam subjected to axial compression
Santiago Méndez-Vázquez, J. Paris, F. Navarrina, L. Navarrina and D. Gonzalez

Mechanics of soft tissues Experimental and numerical techniques

Virtual Reality Applied to the Study of the Male Urinary System
Sérgio Pinto, António André and Pedro Martins
Comparative study of two pathological states of the male urinary system using
FEM simulations 733
António André, Sérgio Pinto and Pedro Martins
Mechanical Properties of Agarose as a Phantom for Breast Tissue
Ana Margarida Teixeira and Pedro Martins
Phenomenological versus microstructural approach to model layer damage
mechanical properties of thoracic and abdominal porcine aorta 756
Juan A. Peña, Miguel A. Martínez and Estefania Peña
Modelling atheroma plaque growth on patient-specific geometries
Myriam Cilla, Patricia Hernández, Miguel Ángel Martínez and Estefanía Peña

New trends in very high order numerical methods

Very high order finite volume scheme for one-dimensional steady-state
hyperbolic equations 758
Gaspar J Machado, Stéphane Clain and Raphaël Loubère
An implicit turbulent model with automatic dissipation adjustment and a
posteriori stabilization for Large Eddy Simulation of compressible flows 759
Xesus Nogueira, Luis Ramirez and Fermín Navarrina
Least-Squares High-order Reconstruction on Curved Boundaries for Finite
Differences Schemes 760
Javier Fernández-Fidalgo, Stéphane Clain, Luis Ramírez, Ignasi Colominas and Xesús Nogueira
An algorithm based on continuation techniques for minimization problems with
highly non-linear equality constraints 761
Elisabete Alberdi Celaya, Joseba Makazaga and Ander Murua
An Eight-Order Scheme for Convection-Diffusion Problems with Polyhedral
Unstructured Grids 762
Filipe José Mendes Diogo, Duarte Manuel Silva de Albuquerque and José Carlos Fernandes Pereira

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

An Novel Approach for Transient Simulations with Finite Volume Methods and Weighted
Least-Squares High-Order Schemes 763
Pedro Costa, Duarte Albuquerque and Jose Carlos Pereira

Fracture, collapse and nonlinear behaviour in concrete structures and quasi-fragile materials
Influencia de las juntas sobre el comportamiento estructural de túneles dovelados
construidos en suelo blando 764
Franco Carpio and Fernando Peña
A constitutive model for cohesive elements to simulate fracture in brittle materials
Raul Durand and Fernando Hipolito Barros Trinidade da Silva
Hygro-thermo-mechanical modelling of multi-layered building components
Rafael Ramirez, Bahman Ghiassi and Paulo B. Lourenço
Inverse analysis of a power law viscous model in three-point-bend tests in concrete
Fábio Luís Gea dos Santos and José Luiz Antunes de Oliveira E Sousa
Numerical modelling of cracking in concrete using a 3D probabilistic model
Magno Mota, Mariane Rita, Eduardo Fairbairn, Fernando Ribeiro, Pierre Rossi and Jean-Louis Tailhan
Dynamic fracture in FRC through eigensoftening approach in a meshfree framework
Reina C. Yu, Pedro Navas and Gonzalo Ruiz
Numerical study of elastic modulus of ceramic composites
Pedro Miguel Cardoso Carneiro, Pedro Gamboa, Carmen Baudín and Abílio Silva
Experimental validation of constitutive models for assessment of the cracking risk at the
early ages 819
Cláudio Ferreira, Carlos Sousa, Miguel Azenha, Mário Pimentel and Rui Faria
An objective and path-independent 3D finite-strain beam with least-squares assumed-
strain 820
Pedro Areias and Mouhaydine Tlemçani
Numerical study of arch dams under the construction and operation scenarios
José Conceição, Rui Faria, Miguel Azenha and Manuel Miranda
3D thermo-hygro-mechanical approach for simulation of the cracking behaviour of a RC
slab under the combined effects of applied loads and restrained shrinkage. 840
José Gomes, Rui Carvalho, Carlos Sousa, José Granja, Rui Faria, Dirk Schlicke and Miguel Azenha
Thermal simulation of concrete dams during construction: effect of the heat exchange
mechanisms 841
Cristian Ponce-Farfan, David Santillán, Miguel Angel Toledo and Miguel Azenha

Computational Rheology
Testing of a Non-Iterative Method for Time-Dependent Viscoelastic Flows: The Start-up of
a FENE-P Fluid Model 842
Paulo Oliveira
Development of a two-way coupled fully resolved immersed boundary method numerical
code for particle laden viscoelastic flows 861
Célio Fernandes, Salah Faroughi, Olga Carneiro, Gareth McKinley and João Nóbrega
Extrusion blow molding simulation: mold clamping and parison inflation phases
João Romero, Wagner Galuppo, Francisco Alves, Bruno Machado and João Miguel Nóbrega
Thickness distribution optimization in extrusion blow molding through computational
modelling. 864
Wagner Galuppo, João Romero, Francisco Alves, Bruno Machado and João Miguel Nóbrega
Numerical studies of multiphase viscoelastic fluid flows using an adaptative Level-Set
method 865
Artur Sucena, Manuel Alves, Fernando Pinho and Alexandre Afonso
Numerical Approximation of Generalized Newtonian Fluids Using a Dynamic Term-by-
Term Stabilized Finite Element Formulation 866
Ernesto Castillo, Oscar Ruz, Alejandro Aguirre and Marcela Cruchaga

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Modelling of masonry structures

Design of the Single Step Joint with Tenon-Mortise to account the Shear Crack through
using Cohesive Surfaces 867
Maxime Verbist, Jorge M. Branco and Thierry Descamps
Testing and analysis of Mafra Palace's bell towers
Elesban Nochebuena, Nuno Mendes and Paulo B. Lourenço
BIM concept: Generation of parametric objects of composed walls
Alcinia Zita Sampaio and Luís Araújo
Finite element modelling of out-of-plane deflection of semi-interlocking masonry panel
Orod Zarrin, Yuri Totoev and Mark Masia
Assessment of confined semi-interlocking masonry walls with different aspect ratio using
numerical modelling 916
Mehdi Hemmat, Yuri Z Totoev and Mark J Masia
A parametrized homogenized-based FE model for the probabilistic assessment of an
English-bond masonry behaviour 927
Luís Carlos Silva, Paulo B. Lourenço and Gabriele Milani
Applicability of FE modelling and nonlinear analyses for URM structures with timber
diaphragms accounting for wall-to-floor/roof connections 928
Maria Pia Ciocci, Rui Marques and Paulo B. Lourenço
Seismic analysis of masonry structures applying and comparing different numerical
approaches: finite element and macro-element methods 929
Pier Giovanni Benzo, Rui Marques, Paulo Lourenço, Filippo Lorenzoni and Francesca da Porto
Dynamic resistance of cracked masonry building after repair using flexible joint
Filip Pachla, Arkadiusz Kwiecień and Tadeusz Tatara
A novel computational approach to the limit analysis of dry masonry block structures with
non-associative Coulomb friction 931
Nicola A. Nodargi, Claudio Intrigila and Paolo Bisegna
Numerical seismic analysis of CEB structures
Martina Stavole, Daniel V. Oliveira, Maura Imbimbo, Ernesto Grande, Riccardo Nitiffi and Rui Silva
Análise estrutural de cúpulas de blocos cerâmicos
Ivo Dias, José Lemos and Carlos Almeida
Modelling strategies for traditional earthquake resistant solutions enhancing wall-to-wall
connections 948
Antonio Murano, Javier Ortega, Graça Vasconcelos and Hugo Rodrigues
Numerical modeling considering uncertainty for the seismic vulnerability assessment of
vernacular architecture 959
Javier Ortega, Savvas Saloustros, Graça Vasconcelos and Hugo Rodrigues
Analysis and assessment of seismic vulnerability on existing samples of masonry
buildings 960
Rosamaria Codispoti, Fabio Sorrenti and Renato S. Olivito
Experimental and numerical investigation on the frictional interface behaviour of two dry-
jointed tuff blocks 961
Claudio Intrigila, Nicola Antonio Nodargi and Paolo Bisegna
Numerical Approach: FEM testing of masonry specimens with different bond
configuration of units 962
Bledian Nela and Florim Grajçevci
Seismic performance of the church of Carmo Convent 979
Jacopo Scacco, Gerardo Salazar, Nicoletta Bianchini, Nuno Mendes, Cassie Cullimore and Lavina Jain
Nonlinear Static Analysis of an Asymmetric Unreinforced Masonry Building Using Macro-
Element Modelling Approach 995
Abide Aşıkoğlu, Graça Vasconcelos and Paulo B. Lourenço

Multi-body dynamics
Implementation of spring and damper elements in the DIMCD method
Gorka Urkullu, Igor Fernández de Bustos, Haritz Uriarte and Vanessa García-Marina

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Dynamic Modelling and Analysis of Human Lower Limb to Replicate Walking Gait
Mariana Silva, Bruno Freitas, Paulo Flores, Óscar Carvalho, Daniel Renjewski and João Espregueira- 1030
Study of the waveboard forward locomotion
Alfonso Garcìa-Agùndez Blanco, Eduardo Arroyo Martìn and Daniel Garcìa Vallejo
Forward Dynamic Analysis of Planar Multibody Systems using Fully Cartesian
Coordinates and a QR Decomposition Reduction Methodology 1069
Ivo Roupa and Miguel Tavares da Silva
Some Experiences in Teaching Multibody Dynamics at the University of Minho
Paulo Flores and Filipe Marques
A Roller Coaster Model with a Generalized Spatial Path Following Constraint
Jorge Ambrosio, Pedro Antunes and Mário Viegas

Computational Modeling in Mechanobiology and Tissue Engineering

Numerical analysis of damage models for cortical bone
Jacobo Baldonedo, Abraham Segade, José Ramón Fernández, Jose Angel López-Campos and Marcos 1091
Mechanical characterization of Intracorneal Ring Segements after mechanization
Julio Flecha, Laura Remón, Begoña Calvo and Miguel Ángel Ariza-Gracia
Interacting cellular populations in organ-on-chip devices: a framework for parameter
identification and simulation in Glioblastoma Multiforme 1093
Jacobo Ayensa-Jiménez, Marina Pérez-Aliacar, Mohamed Hamdy Doweidar and Manuel Doblaré
Numerical Modelling of TPMS Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering
A. P. G. Castro, R. B. Ruben, J. M. Guedes and P. R. Fernandes
Design and Modelling of a Magnetoelectric Bioreactor for Bone Tissue Engineering
Applications 1095
Nelson Castro, Nelson Pereira, Clarisse Ribeiro, Vítor Correia and Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez

Optimization, Metaheuristics and Evolutionary Algorithms in Civil Engineering

A Study about the Mutation Rate of Nash Genetic Algorithms for the Minimization of
Constrained Weight in Skeletal Steel Structures 1096
David Greiner, Jacques Periaux, Jose M. Emperador, Blas Galvan and Gabriel Winter
Parameter estimation of a liquid-liquid equilibrium for the quaternary system n-propanol,
propanoic acid, propyl propionate and water though the exploration and exploitation
technique. 1097
Anderson N. Prudente, Daniel D. Santana, Karen V. Pontes, José M. Loureiro, Ana M. Ribeiro and
Idelfonso B. R. Nogueira
Calibration of the numerical model of a metallic railway bridge based on experimental
modal data 1108
Claúdio Horas, Diogo Ribeiro, Abílio Jesus and Rui Calçada
Modelling of a steel ladle and prediction of its thermomechanical behaviour by finite
element method together with artificial neural network approaches 1109
Aidong Hou, Shengli Jin, Dietmar Gruber and Harald Harmuth
Concurrent design of a lower limb rehabilitation mechanism based on a multiobjective
approach 1117
José Saúl Muñoz Reina, Miguel Gabriel Villarreal Cervantes and Leonel Germán Corona
Incorporación de robustez en la sintonización del controlador de un móvil omnidireccional
con base en un problema de optimización 1137
Omar Serrano-Pérez, Miguel G. Villarreal-Cervantes and Alejandro Rodríguez-Molina
A method to downscale remote sensing data of land surface albedo using a land cover
database 1153
Eduardo Rodríguez, Luis Mazorra-Aguiar, Albert Oliver and Gustavo Montero
Design of a bipedal mechanism by employing metaheuristics algorithms
Jesús Said Pantoja García, Miguel Gabriel Villarreal Cervantes and Consuelo Varinia García Mendoza
Hybrid optimization methods
Martí Corma, Jordi Pons-Prats and Gabriel Bugeda

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Finite Elements
Influence of the discretization method on the SMB model
João Gabriel Vasconcelos Goes Mendes, Karen Valverde Pontes and Idelfonso Bessa dos Reis Nogueira
Development of simulation models using Comsol Multiphysics software for the
development of a virtual physics laboratory 1196
Bruno Lima, Fabio Almeida and Rodrigo dos Santos
Numerical Methods for Concrete pipes
Thiago Francisco Da Silva Trentin, Vinícius Canova Bomfim, Cesar Firmino Mariano, Toni Gerry Santos 1210
Junior and Luiz Antonio da Silva Junior
Optimization of preform thickness distribution in the blowing phase of injection blow
molding 1222
Renê Pinto, Hugo Silva, Fernando Duarte, João Nunes and António Gaspar-Cunha
A fractional step method for computational aeroacoustic using weak imposition of
Dirichlet boundary conditions 1223
Samuel Parada, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
A stabilized mixed formulation in total Lagrangian approach for nonlinear elasticity for
compressible, nearly and fully incompressible NeoHookean Materials. 1224
Inocencio Castañar, Joan Baiges and Ramon Codina
Fully Automatic Hexahedral Mesh Generation in Plastic Injection Simulation
Rui Miguel Ruben, Joel Vasco, Edson Nascimento and Teresa Neves
Crashworthiness enhancement and optimization of aircraft structures under vertical
impact scenarios 1226
Javier Paz Méndez, Jacobo Díaz García and Luis E Romera Rodríguez
High-resolution wind field probabilistic forecasting
Albert Oliver Serra, Luis Mazorra-Aguiar, Eduardo Rodríguez and Gustavo Montero
Um estudo sobre adaptatividade h e p de soluções PGD Aplicação a um problema elástico
unidimensional 1228
Jonatha Reis, Jose Paulo Moitinho de Almeida and Pedro Diez
An embedded finite element technique applied to fluid structure problems
Marcela Cruchaga, Felipe González and Diego Celentano
Efficient simulation of pantograph-catenary dynamic interaction for the optimisation of
overlap sections 1230
Santiago Gregori, Jaime Gil, Manuel Tur and Javier Fuenmayor
Simulação do comportamento dinâmico de uma liga com memória de forma utilizando um
algoritmo adaptado para o software Ansys 1248
Jean Hilário, Carlos Andrade, Manuel César and Adailton Borges
Aplicação de elemento sólido hexaédrico de baixa ordem enriquecido com modos
incompatíveis em análise de placas 1249
Erijohnson Ferreira, Sebastião Silva and Adenilda Salviano

Fluid mechanics
Minimizing eutrophication by water recirculation techniques
Lino J. Alvarez-Vazquez, Francisco J. Fernández and Aurea Martinez
On optimization problem for hydrodynamic thrust bearing profiles
Olga Antonova, Alexey Borovkov, Yuri Boldyrev and Igor Voynov
Evaluation of The Supersonic Separation Process in The Removal of Heavy Hydrocarbons
of Colombian Natural Gas Using CFD 1266
Sergio Andrés Pérez Fuentes, Arlex Chaves Guerrero, German González Silva and Fabian Díaz Mateus
Modelling of Single Droplets Impinging upon Liquid Films Using the VOF Method
Daniel Vasconcelos, Daniela Ribeiro, Jorge Barata and André Silva
Implementation of URANS turbulence models using adaptive mesh
Guênia Ladeira, Rafael Romão da Silva Melo and Aristeu Silveira-Neto
Numerical Analysis of Reacting Flows in Hypersonic Flight
Filipe Dias, Carlos Xisto and José Páscoa

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Code to Code Comparison for the Simulation of the Flow around the NACA 23012 Airfoil
Filipe Correia, Luis Eca and Guilherme Vaz

Computational methods in Engineering

Repeated Richardson extrapolation with verification of the order of accuracy of numerical
schemes and the forms of applying boundary conditions on the diffusion and advection
Fabiana De Fatima Giacomini and Ana Paula Da Silveira Vargas
Analysis of BIM implementation in structural projects
Alcinia Zita Sampaio, João Nuno Novais and João Pedro Diniz Flor de Oliveira
Multiobjective Approach for Colonic Polyp Detection
Isabel Figueiredo, Mahdi Dodangeh, Luis Pinto and Pedro Figueiredo
Numerical simulation of strengths and deformations in a pavement structure of
Polyethylene Terephthalate 1306
D. Jhobany Orduz, Juan Sebastian Guilart and Maria Camila Zambrano
Elastic stability analysis of repetitive structural frames under tensile axial loads
Pedro Dias Simão and Vítor Dias da Silva
Análisis numérico de vigas acero-hormigón, utilizando la ecuación integral de Volterra
Pablo Castrillo and Berardi Sensale
A simplified method for simulating flexible pavement response along its lifetime
Manuel Ruiz, Luis Ramírez and Fermín Navarrina
Modelling oedometer tests on biocemented soils considering bonds presence
Rafaela Cardoso, Inês Borges and Inês Pires
Parallelization of SPH using Voronoi Based Domain Decomposition Method
Shengjie Li and Taehyo Park
Review of strategies for modeling beam-to-column connections in existing precast
industrial RC buildings 1362
Romain Sousa, Nádia Batalha and Hugo Rodrigues
Numerical simulation of die swell and delayed die swell of Oldroyd-B fluids
M. Tomé, C. Viezel, R. Merejolli, G. Paulo and S. McKee

Elguezabal P.1, López A.2, Blanco JM.2, Chica JA.1

1: TECNALIA Sustainable Construction Division, Astondo Bidea, Edificio 700

Parque tecnológico de Bizkaia 48160 - Derio (Bizkaia) – SPAIN
Email: [email protected], Web page:

2: Department of Nuclear Engineering and Fluid Mechanics, School of Engineering, UPV/EHU,

Alameda de Urquijo s/n, 48013 Bilbao, Spain
Email: [email protected], Web page:

Keywords: Solar collector, CFD, Thermal behaviour, Steady state, Convection and Radiation

Abstract. This research is focused on the prediction of the thermal behaviour of a novel
unglazed metallic solar collector integrated into a sandwich panel. A specific CFD model has
been proposed for thermal performance analysis and optimization based on the alternatives
of operational parameters.

All simulations were performed using a coupled ANSYS-FLUENT model, enabling the
calculation of heat transfer effects between solid and fluid components. The main section of
the active panel is composed of a small diameter tube clamped between two metal sheets as
main absorber. The backside is insulated, and one opposite metal layer closes the sandwich
configuration. All models were performed at “steady state” under different working
conditions varying the solar radiation intensity levels, modelled as “heat flux”, that means,
the heat absorbed by the exposed surface of the collector is equal to the solar irradiance and
the absorptance of the surface. Furthermore, heat is subsequently lost to the surroundings by
natural and forced convection, from the surrounding air and from the wind respectively.

Models were validated for 2 and 6 panels of the active solar thermal façade for some different
days along the year 2017. Additionally, the PMAE was calculated for all cases in order to
quantify the validation error. Outlet fluid temperatures and a daily efficiency are predicted
for representative average days in different annual season’s varying temperature, irradiance
and wind speed. As a result, sheet and pipe conductivities, as well as solar absorptance, are
highlighted as key performance parameters which can improve the efficiency of the collector.

Acknowledgement. Authors are grateful to the Basque Government for funding this research through
projects IT781-13 and IT1314-19 and to all those involved in the different stages for their guidance
and invaluable help.

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019


Askari, E. 530, 531

Ayensa-Jiménez, J. 1093
Aali, M. 473
444, 447, 819,
Afonso, A. M. 475, 865 Azenha, M.
839, 840, 841
Afonso, J. C. 452 Azinpour, E. 528
Afshan, S. 433
Aznárez, J. J. 713
Aguirre, A. 866
Akasaki, J. 478 B
Álamo, G. 713 Badia, S. 267
Albelda, J. 266, 269 Baeza, L. 137
Alberdi Celaya, E. 385, 781 Bagi, K. 61
Albertini, M. M. 41 430, 491, 1223,
Baiges, J.
Albuquerque, D. M. S. 762
Baldonedo, J. 1091
Alfaro, I. 451
Balsa, C. 610, 625
Allaire, G. 327
Barata, J. 1267
Almeida, C. 947
Barbosa, F. V. 386, 388
Almeida, E. 154, 1196
Barbosa, J. 664
Alvarez-Vazquez, L. 282, 1250
Barbosa, M. I. A. 260, 263, 265
Alvarez, L. 92
Barrasa-Fano, J. 532
Alves Costa, P. 208, 227
Barros Trinidade da Silva, F. H. 776
Alves Silva, J. 643
Barros, J. R. 457
Alves, F. 863, 864
Batalha, N. 1362
Alves, J. L. 456, 457, 522
Baudín, C. 818
Alves, J. L. D. 205
Bayod Lopez, J. 533, 547
Alves, M. 865
Bayona, C 430
Alves, N. M. 474
254, 256, 257,
Amado-Mendes, P. 226
Belinha, J. 258, 259, 260,
Amaral, R. L. 526, 527 262, 263, 265
Ambrosio, J. 551, 1090 Benzo, P.G. 929
Andersen, M. S. 530 Beserra, L. 92
Andrade-Campos, A. 410, 454 Bianchi, G. 478
Andrade, A. 645 Bianchini, N. 979
Andrade, C. 1248 Bisegna, P. 931, 961
Andrade, C. M. 523 Bispo Lamas, F. 350
André, A. 724, 733 Blanco-Claraco, J. L. 704
Ansola, R. 443 Blanco, J. M. 324, 409
Antonova, O. 1265 Blázquez Carmona, P. 544
Antunes, P. 1090 Boldyrev, Y. 1265
Araújo, L. 894 Borges, A. 1248
Areias, B. 154 Borges, I. 1349
Areias, P. 820 Borovkov, A. 1265
Ariza-Gracia, M. A. 548, 1092 Bossardi Borges, M. H. 609
Armendariz, E. 445 Branco, J. M. 867
Arrais, F. 554 Brandle, S. 551
Arroyo MartÍn, E. 1050 Brito, J. P. 522
Arteiro, A. 492 Bugeda, G. 1187
Aşıkoğlu, A. 995

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Coma, M. 1187
Conceição, J. 839
Cabeza, I. 548
Corona, L. G. 1117
Cadete, M. 472
Correia, D. M. 507
Caetano, E. 174
Correia, F. 1293
Calçada, R. 208, 1108
Correia, J. 644
Calo, V. M. 385
Correia, V. 1095
Calvo, B. 548, 1092
Costa, P. 763
Camacho, J. S. 41
Costa, R. 408, 446
Camanho, P. P. 491, 492
Costa, R. O. S. S. 263
Camotim, D. 552
Costa, V. A. F. 350, 369
Canova Bomfim, V. 1210
Couceiro, I. 329
Carbajo-San-Martín, J. 225, 226
Couto, C. 554, 567, 580
Cardoso Carneiro, P. M. 818
Craveiro, H. 599
Cardoso, R. 1349
Cruchaga, M. 866, 1229
Carneiro, O. 861
Cueto, E. 450, 451
Carpio, F. 764
Cullimore, C. 979
Carvalho, O. 1030
Carvalho, R. 840 D
Casagrande, M. V. S. 205 da Conceição Ribeiro, R. C. 502
Casas, G. 264 da Porto, F. 929
Castañar, I. 1224 da Silva Junior, L. A. 1210
Casteleiro, M. 325, 329 da Silva Melo, R. R. 1268
Castillo, E. 866 Da Silva Trentin, T. F. 1210
Castrillo, P. 1329 Da Silveira Vargas, A. P. 1294
Castro, A. P. G. 1094 Da Trentin, T. F. 478
Castro, J. M. 644 Dalalbashi, A. 494
Castro, N. 1095 Dalcanal, P. R. 643
Cavadas, A. 410 Dapogny, C. 327
Cavalagli, N. 471 de Bengoa Vallejo, R. B. 527
Cavalcanti Silva, M. 676 De Fatima Giacomini, F. 1294
Čekerevac, D. 293 De Felice, G. 59
Celentano, C. 1229 de la Concha Renedo, C. M. 688
Celigueta, M. A. 264 de Lim Henriques, C. 502
Cesar de Sa, J. 526, 528 de Lucio, M. 529
César, M. 1248 de Macêdo Wahrhaftig, A. 665
Chaabouni, H. R. 206 De Matos Pedreiro, M. R. 41
Chaves Guerrero, A. 1266 de Oliveira E Sousa, J. L. A. 800
Chen, S. 61 De Oliveira Rodrigues, R. 41, 676
Chica, J. A. 409 De Pablos, J. 477
Chinesta, F. 450, 451 de-Pouplana, I. 264
Cilla, M. 757 Dedecker, F. 27
Ciocci, M. P. 928 112, 137, 155,
Denia, F. D.
Clain, S. 408, 758, 760 161
430, 1223, Descamps, T. 867
Codina, R.
1224 Dias da Silva, V. 1319
Codispoti, R. 960 Dias Simão, P. 1319
Coelho, P. J. 331, 448 Dias-de-Oliveira, J. 454, 472, 474
Colominas, I. 325 Dias, F. 1280
Colominas, I. 329, 760 Dias, I. 947

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Díaz García, J. 1226 Ferreira, J. P. S. 549, 550

Díaz Mateus, F. 1266 Ferreira, M. 599
Díaz Muñoz, I. 688 Ferrer, A. 328
Díaz, J. 529 Figueiredo, I. 1305
Diez, P. 452, 1228 Figueiredo, P. 1305
Dinis, L. M. J. S. 258, 263, 265 Fino, R. 442
Dinis, P. B. 552 Firmino Mariano, C. 1210
Diniz Flor de Oliveira, J. P. 1295 Flecha, J. 1092
Diogo, F. J. M. 762 531, 1030,
Flores, P.
Do Carmo Coimbra, M. 174 1070
Doblaré Castellano, M. 1093 Folgado, J. 546
Dodangeh, M. 1305 Fonseca, R. 91
Domínguez, J. 544 Franci, A. 264
dos Santos, R. 1196 Freitas, B. 1030
Doweidar, M. H. 1093 Fuenmayor, J. 1230
Duarte, F. 1222 G
Duarte, P. 410 Gajjar, P. N. 429
Durand, R. 238, 776 Galdos, L. 524, 525
E Galera, L. 324
Eca, L. 1293 Galindo, R. A. 74
Elguezábal, P. 409 Galuppo, W. 863, 864
Emperador, J. M. 1096 Galvan, B. 1096
Errasti, I. 324 Gamboa, P. 818
Esarte, J. 445 Garaigordobil, A. 443
Esposito, A. 609 García Mendoza, C. V. 1175
Espregueira-Mendes, J. 1030 García Palacios, J. 688
Estébanez, E. 72 GarcÍa Vallejo, D. 1050
GarcÍa-AgÚndez Blanco, A. 1050
F Garcia-Andrés, X. 155
Fairbairn, E. 816 García-Guzmán, L. 508
Faria, R. 819, 839, 840
García-López, O. 445
Faroughi, S. 861 García-Marina, V. 1013
Fernandes Pereira, J. C. 762 Gaspar-Cunha, A. 1222
Fernandes, A. A. 549 Gazoni, L. C. 205
Fernandes, C. 446, 861 Gea dos Santos, F. L. 800
Fernandes, J. V. 515, 527 Gelabert-Ortega, O. 452
Fernandes, L. C. 507 Gentil, F. 154, 262
Fernandes, P. R. 1094
Ghiassi, B. 494, 785
Fernández de Bustos, I. 1013 Giacomini, M. 453
Fernández-Fidalgo, J. 207, 760
Gil, A. J. 326
Fernández, F. J. 1250 Gil, J. 1230
Fernández, J. 208
Gilart, J. S. 1306
Fernandez, J. L. 445 Giner-Navarro, J. 137
Fernández, J. R. 1091 Glisic, B. 62
Fernández, M. 529 Gobbin, F. 59
Fernández, U. 324 Godinho, L. M. 225, 226, 227
Ferrandiz, B. 112, 161 502, 515, 522,
Ferrás, L. 475 Gomes de Oliveira, M.
Ferreira, C. 819 Gomes, J. 256
Ferreira, E. 1249 Gomes, J. 840

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Gomes, J. P. 91 Koudri, Y. W. 644

Gomes, T. 472 Kwiecień, A. 930
González Silva, G. 1266
Gonzalez-Usua, J. 264
Ladeira, G. 1268
Gonzalez, D. 450, 451, 723
Laím, L. 599
González, F. 1229
Lança, M. 448
Grajçevci, F. 962
Lanceros-Mendez, S. 507, 1095
Grande, E. 932
Lazcano, D. P. 74
Granja, J. 840
Leal, R. M. 457
Gregori, S. 1230
Lemos, J. V. 59, 60, 91, 947
Greiner, D. 1096
Lermusiaux, P. F. J. 386
Gruber, D. 1109
Leroy, A. 261
Guedes, J. M. 1094
Li, S. 1361
Guerra-Pinto, F. 546
Lima, B. 1196
Guerra, A. 257
Lloberas-Valls, O. 449
Guimarães, L. 92
Llorente, V. J. 431
Guizán, R. 329
Loja, A. 664
Gutierrez-Ch, J. G. 72, 73
Lopes de Almeida, J. P. P. G. 310
Gutiérrez-Gil, J. 155
Lopes, N. 554, 567, 580
Gutierrez, R. 553
Lopes, P. 208
H López-Campos, J. A. 1091
Hajj Ali, W. 386 López-Lago, M. 1091
Harmuth, H. 1109 Lopez-Martinez, J. 704
Hemmat, M. 916 López, A. 409
Hernández, P. 757 Lopez, M, 553
Herreman, W. 384 Lorenzoni, F. 929
Herrero-Pérez, D. 326, 330 Losa Iglesias, M. E. 533
Hilário, J. 1248 Loubère, R. 758
Hollanda Vidal, F. W. 502 Loula, A. F. D. 188
Horas, C. 1108 Loureiro, A. 553
Horstmann, G. M. 384 Loureiro, J. M. 1097
Hou, A. 1109 429, 444, 447,
Huerta, A. 453 471, 785, 881,
Lourenço, P. B.
927,928, 929,
I 995
Ibarretxe, U. 525 Luna-Cunha, P. F. 238
Igreja, I. H. 188
Imbimbo, M. 932
Machado, B. 863, 864
Intrigila, C. 931, 961
Machado, G. J. 408, 758
J Maeso, O. 713
Jain, L. 979 Maia, E. 567, 580
Jesus, A. 1108 Makazaga, J. 761
Jiménez-Alonso, J. F. 704 Malheiro, L. T. 527
Jimenez, R. 64, 72, 73 Mantic, V. 493
Jin, S. 1109 Manzanares Céspede, M. C. 254
Marcos, F. A. 529
Marques, A. E. 515
Karch, C. 492
Marques, F. 1070
Kimura, E. 625
Marques, M. 254
Kita, A. 471

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Marques, R. 928, 929 Morgado, M. L. 475

Marta, G. 546 Mota, A. 664
Martin, A. F. 267 Mota, M. 816
112, 137, 155, Moya, B. 451
Martínez-Casas, J.
161 Muñoz Reina, J. S. 1117
Martínez-Frutos, J. 326, 327, 330 Muñoz-Matute, J. 385
Martínez, A. 282, 1250, 524 Muñoz-Reja, M. 493
Martínez, M. A. 756, 757 Muñoz, D. 266
Martinez, P. 324 Murano, A. 948
Martínez, S. 329 Murua, A. 761
Martins Gomes, H. 609
Martins, B. M. 456 N
549, 724, 733, 112, 161, 266,
Martins, P. A. L. S. Nadal, E.
741 269
Napolitano, R. K. 62
Masciotta, M. G. 471
Masia, M. 904, 916 Nascimento, E. 1225
154, 254, 256,
Mazorra-Aguiar, L. 1153, 1227
257, 258, 259,
McKee, S. 1376 Natal Jorge, R. M.
260, 262, 263,
McKinley, G. 861 265, 550
Medina, C. 713 207, 325, 329,
Navarrina, F.
Melentijevic, S. 73 723, 759, 1348
Melges, J. 478 Navarrina, L. 723
Mello, L. F. 188 Navarro-García, H. 268, 280
Melo, D. 92 Navarro-Jiménez, J. M. 268, 269, 280
Mendes Diogo, F. J. 762 Navas, P. 817
Mendes, N. 60, 881, 979 Ndioubnane, J. A. 534
Mendes, P. A. 225 Nela, B. 962
Méndez-Vázquez, S. 723 Nematzadeh, A. 103
Mendieta, J. 524 456, 457, 522,
Neto, D. M.
Mendiguren, J. 524, 525
Neto, V. 472
Menezes, L. F. 456, 457
Neves, T. 1225
Menezes, L. F. 522, 523
Nitiffi, R. 932
Menga, E. 477
408, 446, 473,
Merejolli, R. 1376 Nóbrega, J. M.
861, 863, 864
Mesquita, L. 643
Nochebuena, E. 881
Messali, F. 455
Nodargi, N. A. 931, 961
Milani, G. 927
Nogueira, I. B. R. 1097, 1188
Milhazes, J. 331
Nogueira, X. 207, 759, 760
Mirambell, E. 433
Nore, C. 384
Miranda, M. 839
Novais, J. N. 1295
Miranda, S. S. 526, 527
Nunes, J. 1222
Mognon, L. 610
Mohabeddine, A. 644 O
Moitinho de Almeida, J. P. 1228 Olalla, C. 74
Montero, G. 1153, 1227 Oliveira, A. F. 254
Monzón, M. 534 Oliveira, D. 310
Mora Macías, J. 544 Oliveira, D. A. 550
Moreira Matos Magalhães, K. 665 Oliveira, D. V. 494, 932
Moreira, A. 261 Oliveira, H. 551
Moreira, J. 259 Oliveira, M. C. 456, 457

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Oliveira, M. G. 454 Pimentel, M. 819

Oliveira, P. 842 Pinho, F. 865
Oliver, A. 1153 Pinho, J. E. 410
Oliver, J. 449 Pinto, L. 1305
Olivito, R. S. 960 Pinto, S. 724, 733
Oñate, E. 264, 281 Pires, I. 1349
Orduz, E. J. 1306 Ponce-Farfan, C. 841
Ortega, J. 948, 959 Pons-Prats, J. 1187
Ortigosa, R. 326, 330 Pontes, A. J. 474
Otegi, N. 524, 525 Pontes, K. V. 1097, 1188
Otero, F. 491 Portioli, F. P. A. 63
Ouro, P. 207 Poveda-Martínez, P. 225
Prakash, P. R. 444
Prata, J. 442
Pachla, F. 930
Prates, P. A. 515
Padrón Cabrera, L. 547
Providência, P. 645
Padrón, L. A. 713
Prudente, A. N. 1097
Panagiotopoulos, C. G. 493
Pantoja García, J. S. 1175 Q
Pantoja-Rosero, B. G. 238 Quental, C. 546, 551
Parada, S. 1223
Pardo, D. 385
Ramirez, L. 207
154, 262, 549,
Parente, M. Ramirez, L. 759, 760, 1348
París, J. 325, 329, 723 Ramirez, R. 785

Park, T. 1361 Ramis-Soriano, J. 225

Pascau, A. 431 Ramis, J. 226

Páscoa, J. 1280 Raschi, M. 449

Patiño, H. 74 Real, E. 433

Rebelo, M. 475
Paulo, G. 1376
Paz Méndez, J. 1226 Reina-Roma, E. 544
Reinhart, W. F. 62
Paz, R. 534
Pedro, J. 446 Reinosa, J. M. 553

Pedrosa Ferreira, M. 645 Reis, J. 1228

Peña, A. 324 Remón, L. 548, 1092

Peña, E. 756, 757, 764 Renê Pinto, 1222

Peña, J. A. 756 Renjewski, D. 1030

Pereira, A. M. 474 Resende, R. 91

Ribau, A. M. 475
Pereira, E. 293
Pereira, J. C. 762, 763 Ribeiro, A. M. 1097
Ribeiro, C 1095
Pereira, J. M. 429, 444
Pereira, M. 226 Ribeiro, D. (Daniela) 1267
Ribeiro, D. (Diogo) 1108
Pereira, N. 1095
Pérez Fuentes, S. A. 1266 Ribeiro, F. 625

Pérez-Aliacar, M. 1093 Ribeiro, F. L. B. 816

Periago, F. 327 Rigobello, R. 610, 625

Periaux, J. 1096 Rigueiro, C 293, 310

Rita, M. 816
Personnettaz, P. 384
Peyroteo, M. M. A. 259 Rizzano, G. 311
161, 266, 268,
Piloto, P. 610, 625 Ródenas, J. J.
269, 280

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Rodrigues, D. E. S. 258 Serra, C. 432

Rodrigues, H. 948, 959, 1362 Serrano-Pérez, O. 1137
Rodrigues, J. 174 Serras Dias, J. M. 369
Rodríguez-Molina, A. 1137 Sevilla, R. 280, 453
Rodríguez, C. 282 Shiri, H. 103
Rodríguez, E. 1153, 1127 Silva Cardoso, A. 208
Romera Rodríguez, L. E. 1226 Silva de Albuquerque, D. M. 762, 763
Romera, L. 529 Silva, A. (Abilio) 818
Romero, I. 237, 477 Silva, A. (Andre) 1267
Romero, J. 446, 863, 864 Silva, C. E. 205
Rossi, P. 816 Silva, H. 1222
Rossi, R. 281 Silva, L. C. 927
Rots, J. G. 455 Silva, M. 1030
Roupa, I. 1069 Silva, M. R. 474
Ruben, R. B. 1094 Silva, R. 932
Ruben, R. M. 1225 Silva, S. 1249
Ruiz, G. 817 Silveira-Neto, A. 1268
Ruiz, M. 1348 Simões, N. 432, 442
Ruz, O. 866 Soares, D. 227
Rynkevic, R. 549 Soares, T. 447
Sofiste, T. V. 227
Sorrenti, F. 960
Saenz de Argandoña, E. 524, 525
Sousa Carneiro, O. 473
Saez, A. 704
Sousa, C. 819, 840
Salazar, G. 979
Sousa, R. 1362
Saloustros, S. 959
Sousamli, M. 455
Salviano, A. 1249
Sroczynski, D. W. 62
Sampaio, A. M. 474
Stavole, M. 932
Sampaio, A. Z. 894, 1295
Sucena, A. 865
Sánchez Esteve, S. 237
Sánchez-Orgaz, E. M. 112 T
Santana, D. D. 1097 Tadeu, A. 432
Santiago, A. 310, 311, 599 Tailhan, J. 816
Santillán, D. 841 Takarli, M. 206
Santos Junior, T. G. 1210 Tatara, T. 930
Santos, A. D. 526, 527, 528 Tavara, L. 493, 508
Santos, A. F. 311 Tavares da Silva, M. 1069
Santos, C. F. 262 Tavares, R. P. 491
Santos, J. 174 Taveira Pinto, F. 261
Santos, L. 625 Teixeira, A. M. 741
Sanz Herrera, J. A. 532, 544 Teixeira, J. C. F. 386, 388
Savalle, N. 27 Teixeira, S. F. C. F. 386, 388
Scacco, J. 979 Tejedor Sastre, M. T. 126
Schlicke, D. 840 Thakur, S. 389
Segade, A. 1091 Tlemçani, M. 820
Segura, G. 433 Toledo, M. A. 841
Senent, S. 64, 72, 73 Tomé, M. 1376
Sensale, B. 1329 Totoev, Y. 904, 916
Sérgio, E. R. 457 Trinidad, J. 524, 525
Serra, A. O. 1227 Tur, M. 268, 269, 1230

Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering – CMN 2019

Turon, A. 491

Ubertini, F. 471
Uriarte, H. 1013
Urkullu, G. 1013

Van Oosterwyck, H. 532
Vanhille, C. 126
Vasco, J. 1225
Vasconcelos Goes Mendes, J.
Vasconcelos, D. 1267
Vasconcelos, G. 948, 959, 995
Vaz, G. 1293
Vazquez-Mendez, M. 282
Verbist, M. 867
Verdugo, F. 267
Viegas, J. C. 448
Viegas, M. 1090
Viezel, C. 1376
Vila Pouca, M. C. P. 550
Vila Real, P. 554, 567, 580
Vilar, M. 282
Villalba Rama, D. 325
1117, 1137,
Villarreal Cervantes, M. G.
Vincens, E. 27
Violeau, D. 261
Voynov, I. 1265

Weber, N. 384
Weier, T. 384
Winter, G. 534, 1096
Wright, J. 389

Xisto, C. 1280

Yi, C. 64
Yotte, S. 206
Yu, C. 817

Zambrano, M. C. 1306
Zanotti, S. 60
Zarrin, O. 904
Zlotnik, S. 452
Zorrilla, R. 281
Zubia, B. 525


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