The Atom Quiz

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This question is about atomic structure and the

Periodic Table.
Atomic emission spectrosCopy provides evidence for the
existence ol
A atoms (1)
D quantum shells

(Total for question =1 mark)


Which is the electronic confiquration for the S ion?

1s² 2s? 2p 3s 3p
1s² 2s² 2p 3s² 3p
C 1s? 2s? 20 305
OD 1s² 2s? 2p 3s' 3p

(Total for question = 1 mark)


Which is the most likely sequence of values, in kJ mo, for the first four ionisation energies
of barium?

A 1000 2251 3361 4564

B 496 4563 6913 9544

S03 965 3458 4530

578 1817 2745 11578

(Total for question s1 mark)


This question is about s-block elements and some of their compounds.

Which list contains only s-block elements?

A Li, Na, Mg.
K. Ca, Co and Rb
C Mg, Al, Sr and Ba
D Be, Rb, Ba and Ra

(Total for question 1 mark)


This question is about isotopes, mass spectra and hydrocarbons.

Hydrogen has three isotopes, 'H, H and H.

Which is the correct nurmber of subatornic particles in H?

Number of subatomic particles
Protons Neutrons Electrons

A 2 1 2

B 1 2
1 2

D D 2 3

(Total for question =1 mark)


Answer the question with a cross in the box you think is correct Myou change
your mind about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new
answer with a cross
What is the electronic configuration of the sufide ion, S? ?
A 1s?2s°2p'3s'3p?
OB 1s2s2p3p
Oc 1s?2s2p3s'3p

(Total for question = 1 mark)


Answer the question with a cross in the box you think correct 1 you change
your mind about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new
answer with a cross

This question is about the electronicc structure of some Group 5 elements.

Which is the electronic configuration of the arsenide ion, As?
A 1s'2s°2p3s'3psd1°4s?
DC 1s?2s?2p°3s3p3d"°4s4p
DD 1s2s2p3s3p'3d"°4s'4p'4d

(Total for question =1 mark)


Answer the question with a cross in the box you think is correct if you change
your mind about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new
answer with a cross X

This question is about atoms, molecules and ions.

The total nurnber of electrons in all the occupied p orbitals in a chloride ion, Ct, is


(Total for question =1 mark)


Answer the question with a cross in the box you think is correct X f you change
your mind about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your new
answer with a cross

This question is about atos, molecules and ions.

The numbers of subatornic particles in an 10 atom are

A 8 protons, 10 neutrons and 8 electrons
B 9 protons, 9 neutrons and 9 electrons
C 10 protons, 8 neutrons and 10 electrons
OD 18 protons, 18 neutrons and 18 electrons

(Total for question =1 mark)


Electrons in atons occupy structure of an
information about the electronic
can give
Successive ionisation energies
the first four ionisation energies, in kJ mo!,
Which of the following ikely of data showing
to belong to boron? (1
four elements is most

A 1086, 2353, 4621, 6223

21 007
900, 1757, 14 849,
801, 2427, 3660, 25

578, 1817, 2745, 11 578.

(Total for question = 1


in the d-block of the Periodic Table.

Iron and zinc are
is the electronic configuration of an iron(ll) ion,
Which of these (1)


OA Ar)

D [Ar)

(Total for question =1 mark)


This question is about transition metals.

Which of these ions has the electronic configuration (Ar]3d?


Oc Mn
D Mn

(Total for question =1 mark)


Answer the question with a cross in the box you think is correct X If you change
your mind about an answer, put a line through the box
answer with a cross
andthen mark your new
The graph shows the first ionisation energies (E) of eight successive elements from the first
20 elernents in the Periodic Table.

Which letter represents the first ionisation energy of oxygen?

(b (d)
Ist IE /kJ mo!

(f) (h)
Atomic number


OA (a)
OB (b)
DC (c)
D (h)

(Total for question = 1 mark)


Answer the questions witha cross in the boxes you think are correct you
change your mind about an answer, put a line through the box and then mark your
new answer with a cross .

This question is about ionisation energies.

(0 Which equation represents the second ionisation of brormine?
Br(g) + e ’ Br(g)
B Br(g) + e B(g)
DC Br(g) -2e Br(g)
DD Br(g) -e’Br²(9)

(ü) Which set of suCcessive ionisation energies is most likely to be associated with the
element boron?
DA 738, 1 451, 7 733, 10 541, 13 629
B 801, 2 427, 3 660, 25 026, 32 828
1 086, 2 353, 4 621, 6 223, 37 832
1 402, 2 856, 4 578, 7 475, 9 445

(Total for question= 2 marks)


Answer the question with a cross in the box you think is correct . you change
your mind about an answer,
put a line through the box and then mark your new
answer with a cross

This is a question about atoms, isotopes and ions.

Which of the following pairs of ions is isoelectronic?

DA N and Ct

B O and S
OC Na and K
OD Na and Mg

(Total for question=1 mark)

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