History of Presidencia de Tuguegarao

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A History of the Presidencia de Tuguegarao

Niño Kevin D. Baclig, Museum Curator, Cagayan Museum and Historical Research Center
A History of the Presidencia de Tuguegarao
Niño Kevin D. Baclig, Museum Curator, Cagayan Museum and Historical Research Center

For the Tuguegarao East Central School.

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DRAFT MANUSCRIPT. Not for publication nor citation.


Otis cor. Aguinaldo Sts., Centro 10
City of Tuguegarao, 3500 Philippines

January 19, 2022

Presidencia de Tuguegarao. Cagayan Museum and Historical Research Center, Tuguegarao City.

A History of the Presidencia de Tuguegarao

Niño Kevin D. Baclig, Museum Curator, Cagayan Museum and Historical Research Center

While most public schools in the country re- posts located at the perimeter of the com-
fer to the “Gabaldon” school buildings as its pound attest to it. Though mostly renovated
historical core, in Tuguegarao East Central, through the years, the building still has trac-
this is not the case. The Presidencia de es of its colonial and prewar past: the wood-
Tuguegarao was the former seat of govern- en staircase, wrought-iron grills at the venta-
ment of the then pueblo of Tuguegarao from nillas (literally 'small window'; "sliding pan-
the Spanish colonial era until 1960 when it els between the floor and windows" to allow
was converted into the Tuguegarao East more air and light; "usually protected by bal-
Central Elementary School (now Tuguega- ustrades which can either be wooden or
rao East Central School). wrought iron grills" typically found in a Ba-
hay na Bato), capiz windows with wooden
The structure was possibly built in the 18th transoms, the hardwood floors, and the
century and the remnants of the brick fence- Spanish-era brick fences.
The building is situated at the old colonial as a reminder of the area being once the
heart of Tuguegarao, the plaza mayor (now town’s civil center. (The area remains to be
Rizal Park) fronting the carcel or the Casa Tri- the ecclesiastical center with the Cathedral
bunal de Tuguegarao, and the Catedral de San and the Arzobispado.)
Pedro. Beside it stands the wooden Provincial
Capitol building whose construction started The building functioned as the office of the
during the administration of Governor Don gobernadorcillo and the capitan municipal dur-
Pablo Guzman (1901-1906) and completed ing the Spanish colonial era, municipal presi-
during the time of Don Antonio Carag (1911- dent and mayor during the early American
1914), now the Primark Mall. The configura- period (1899-1934), Commonwealth era (1935
tion and component edifices are typical of -1941, 1945-46) , Japanese (1942-1945) and the
standard urban planning of the Spanish colo- early independence era (1946 to 1950s).
nial period as directed by the Leyes de las In-
dias or Laws of the Indies where the church According to Fray Julian Malumbres, OP,
and town hall and other important civil and during the travel memoirs of Fray Manuel
ecclesiastical centers are located around a Mora, OP in 1804, he articulates his impres-
central plaza. This layout is still visible today sions of the building, mentioning that

Location of the Presidencia de Tuguegarao at the heart of the Pueblo of Tuguegarao in 1892.
(Encircled in yellow) (Detail) Itinerario de Tuguegarao a Enrile reconocido por los comandantes del
Cuerpo de E.M. Ejercito, Don Julio Ardanas y Crespo, 1892. [Ar.Q-T.2-C.1_114] Biblioteca Virtual de
Defensa, Gobierno de España. (https://bibliotecavirtual.defensa.gob.es/BVMDefensa/es/consulta/
resultados_ocr.do Accessed: 19 January 2022)
1930s Tuguegarao showing the Tribunal (Now Cagayan Museum and Historical Research Center),
and the Presidencia (Now the Tuguegarao East Central School). National Archives and Records Ad-
ministration (NARA). Labels by Prince Wilson Macarubbo, Cagayan Heritage Conservation Society.

Tuguegarao’s Casa de Comunidad (referring to throughout.” It sports a balcony at its façade,

the town hall) was of good features ("buena half a meter wide with a wrought-iron balus-
hechura"). Its use as a town hall continued trade. In 1918, two single-story wings were
after the Philippine-American War. It was added to the main two-story structure by the
retrofitted in 1909 during the administration Bureau of Public Works to significantly ex-
of then Tuguegarao Mayor Don Antonino pand the structure.
Soriano to its present form, described in the
Quarterly Bulletin of the Bureau of Public The building survived the Second World
Works Vol. 2, No. 4 published in 1914 as “the War and was used during the wartime peri-
first story floors are of reinforced concrete od as the headquarters for the Kempetai or
with a hardwood interior and tile floors. The the Japanese Military Police. Meanwhile, the
second story was constructed of hardwood Americans occupied the larger and much
heavily fortified Casa Tribunal de Cagayan, a The Presidencia is an integral part of the
combined jail and courthouse right across it. Tuguegarao City Heritage Zone which in-
cludes the St Peter’s Metropolitan Cathedral,
The Presidencia was converted into what the the Palacio del Arzobispado, the Rizal Park
Tuguegarao East Central Elementary School and Monument, the Casa Tribunal de
in 1960 with only two pioneering classes, Tuguegarao (now Cagayan Museum), and
Mrs. Aurora Querubin handled Grade 4, the Horno ruins.
Mrs. Maria Yadan handled Grade 3, under
the leadership of Mr. Fermin Querubin, the At present, the school has grown exponen-
school’s first principal. Pupils from the then tially around the old Presidencia to include
existing Tuguegarao West Central Elemen- six three-storey buildings, one two-storey
tary School were transferred to the East Cen- and two one-storey building and a school
tral to populate the newly established school. gymnasium often obscuring what was then
The building today is used as the school li- the center of civil government in the town of
brary while works are underway for it to be- Tuguegarao.
come a mini-museum.

Brick Fenceposts. These are what remained of the Spanish-era brick fences found at the Tuguegarao East
Central School. In the past, the school served as the first municipio of Tuguegarao from the late 18th Cen-
tury until 1960. Prince Wilson Macarubbo, 2018.
Above. First Graduating Class of the Tuguegarao East Central Elementary School, 1965. Below var-
ious photographs of the school teachers at the building facade. Emilio Calica Collection.
Above. The wrought-iron grills of the ventanillas. Below. Brick Fenceposts. These are what remained
of the low Spanish-era brick fences found at the Tuguegarao East Central School. Prince Wilson Mac-
arubbo, 2018.
Old San Miguel Beer Bottles
c. 1900s-1930s
Tuguegarao City

These vintage San Miguel beer bottles were dug

from a construction site at the Tuguegarao East
Central School compound last 2018. In the 18th
Century until 1959, the site of the present
Tuguegarao East Central School served as the
municipio/presidencia (town hall) of Tuguega-
rao. The presence of these bottles indicate that
social gatherings, bull sessions and other civic
celebrations were held in this place. Ever since,
any special occasion in the Philippines is not
complete without alcoholic drinks on the menu.

One beer bottle bears the insigna "SM" and be-

low it "From the Successors of P.P. Roxas". In-
deed, this beer came from the San Miguel Cor-
poration and one of its managers was P.P.
Roxas. The initials P.P. Roxas stands for Pedro
Pablo Roxas, the manager of the San Miguel
from 1890 until he lived in exile in Paris in

Another beer bottle bears the same "SM" in-

signa but below it has the inscription "Oriental
Brewery and Ice Co.". The Oriental Brewery
and Ice Co. is a brewery based in Hong Kong
that was once owned by the San Miguel Cor-
poration from 1908 to 1912.

Prince Wilson Macarubbo, November 2018

Ca. 1920-30
Tuguegarao City

These antique and vintage ink bottles were ex-

cavated in 2018 together with various antique
Chinese porcelain shards and vintage beer bot-
tles at the Tuguegarao East Central School.

The dark green bottle in the center is Bonton

Ink likely from the 1920's to 30's. (Toledo) They
are molded with cork-toppered openings and
embossed with the tradrename "Ogura's
Bonton Ink" on one side, and with the compa-
ny monogram (in Japanese characters) at the

These inks were widely used by government

offices during the period. It was likewise mar-
keted to the Department if Education, who had
mandated students to use fountain pens. BIC
ballpoint pens had yet to come till the 1950's.

It could be remembered that the library build-

ing of the Tuguegarao East Central School,
which is the compound's oldest part used to
house the Presidencia de Tuguegarao or Town
Hall during colonial times up to the American

Most of it was intact after the Second World

War and it was repurposed into a school in
1960. What other treasures could its hallowed
ground hold or beneath the century old com-
pound is an enthralling mystery, waiting to he

Niño Kevin Baclig, November 2018

Baclig, Niño Kevin. January 2020. “Till the River Runs Dry” in Pater Benignus Ad Omnes,
(ed. Baclig, NK, Ordillos, Jr., Dennis, et al.) Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Tuguega-
rao. Tuguegarao City.

Malumbres, Julian, O.P. 1918. Historia de Cagayan. Manila: Tip. Linotype de Sto. Tomas,.

Castillet, Ed de Rivera. 1960. Cagayan Province and Her People. Manila: Community Publish-
ers, Inc.

Ardanas y Crespo, Julio, 1892. Itinerario de Tuguegarao a Enrile reconocido por los coman-
dantes del Cuerpo de E.M. Ejercito, [Ar.Q-T.2-C.1_114] Biblioteca Virtual de Defensa,
Gobierno de España.
Bureau of Public Works. January 1914. Quarterly Bulletin of the Bureau of Public Works,
Vol. 2, No. 4. Manila.

Cagayan Museum and Historical Research Center Archives

Archives and Records Administration

Mr. Prince Wilson Macarubbo

Mr. Emilio Calica
Mr. Niño Kevin Baclig
Ms. Joanne Melad

Joanne Melad

Virginia Arugay Paguirigan

Emilio Calica

DRAFT MANUSCRIPT. Not for publication nor citation.

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