2.14enzyme - AR.PJZ417 422 - 15 - PJZ 1624 1314 3 14
2.14enzyme - AR.PJZ417 422 - 15 - PJZ 1624 1314 3 14
2.14enzyme - AR.PJZ417 422 - 15 - PJZ 1624 1314 3 14
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Abstract.- Non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) are not fully digested by broiler’s endogenous enzymes and
consequently the soluble NSPs in feed results in high digesta viscosity and poor retention of nutrients.
Supplementation of NSPs digesting enzymes may release the nutrients from feed and reduce the anti-nutritional
effects of NSPs. The present study was conducted to determine the effects of NSPs digesting enzymes (Zympex) in
broiler chicks. A total of 120 day old broiler chicks (Hubbard) were categorized into 3 treatments and each treatment
was having four replicates comprised of 10 chicks in each. Dietary treatments comprised of Basal diet (2740 KCal/kg)
as control-1 (T1), low energy diet (2630 KCal/kg) control-2 (T2) and low energy diet with 0.5 gm/kg enzyme as T3.
Multi-enzymes supplementation showed significant (P<0.05) positive effect on weight gain (last three weeks), feed
intake (last two weeks), FCR (1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th week) and nutrient retention in T3 when compared with control-2.
Weight gain was lower (P<0.05) in low caloric feed group C when compared with control-1 in all weeks except last
week (P>0.05), feed consumption was significantly lower (P<0.05) in 5th week and results showed poor FCR (P<0.05)
in 2nd, 3rd and 4th week but non-significant effect in 1st and 5th week when compared with control-1 group, which
revealed the positive effect of enzyme supplementation in low energy diet. These results revealed that enzyme
supplementation releases more energy from low energy diets and results in equal performance to the optimal diet.
protease, pectinase, and xylanase that cleave the groups. Complete dietary protocol is depicted in
non-starch polysaccharides in cereals and vegetable Table I.
meals. ZYMPEX® 008 is a multi-enzyme complex
consisting of enzymes necessary for breakdown of Experimental parameters
fiber, starch, NSPs and proteins as -galactosidase In the beginning of the experiment, all day
is a fungal origin enzyme and causes hydrolysis of old chicks were weighed and initial body weight
the oligosaccharides, β-mannanase which hydrolyze recorded on the 1st day after delivery at poultry
the mannan part of carbohydrate, cellulase is class house. The birds were weighed regularly at the end
of enzymes produced mainly by fungi, bacteria, and of each week individually to calculate their weekly
protozoans that catalyze the hydrolysis of cellulose, body weight gain. The weekly average weight gain
amylase breaks starch into sugar, β-xylanase was calculated by subtracting the average body
degrades the linear polysaccharide β-1,4-xylan into weight of previous week from the average body
xylose, thus breaking down hemicellulose, the major weight at the end of next week. At the end of the
components of plant cell walls (Dashek, 1997), β- experiment, the total body weight gain was
glucanase catalyzes the α-glucosan in plants into recorded. Feed consumption was recorded on
glucose, so as to reduce the viscosity of digesta. weekly basis during the whole experiment. Data
Protease breaks down proteins by proteolysis of the regarding weight gain and feed intake, was used to
peptide bonds that link amino acids together in the calculate weekly FCR.
polypeptide chain forming the protein. Proteases
work best in acidic conditions except alkaline RESULTS
proteases. Its optimal activity is shown in alkaline
pH (Barrett et al., 2003). The current research Results of treatment diets were compared
project was conducted to evaluate the effect of with control-1 group of broilers given nutritionally
multi-enzyme complex (NSP enzyme, Impextraco, adequate diet (group A) and control-2 low caloric
Belgium) on growth performance and feed intake of feed (group B). Weekly weight results showed that
broilers when added in feed having low energy. broilers of basal diet gain maximum weight which
was followed by low energy diet having 500g/ton
MATERIALS AND METHODS zympex and low energy diet group B (Table I). The
differences of average weights of various groups
Experimental design and dietary treatments when compared statistically with group A, revealed
This experiment was conducted at broiler that the weights of group B were significantly
production unit of UVAS, Lahore. Total 120, day old different (p<0.05) having less body weight as
broiler birds were purchased from SB Chicks. After compared to group A. Whereas the difference
procurement, all birds were weighed individually and between group A and C was found significant
kept in fumigated experimental house under uniform (p<0.05) upto 4 weeks but it has non-significant
managemental conditions. Experimental diet and clean effect in 5th week. When group C was compared
water was offered ad libitum. Vaccination schedule, with group B (Control-2) it showed non-significant
lighting and other managemental practices were difference for first 2 weeks but have significant
followed according to standard schedule. difference (p<0.05) in last 3 weeks. These results
Chicks (n=120) were divided into 3 groups indicated that the weight gain of birds fed low
(A, B, C) and each group was further divided into energy diet (group B) is less as compared to group
four replicates with 10 birds each. Group A was A, while the weight gain of group C fed low energy
control group-1 and fed only normal NRC (1994) diet having enzyme supplement showed less weight
recommended diet. Group B was control-2 having gain in first 4 weeks but have equal body weight at
low energy (2630Kcal/kg) and group C was a 5th week when compared with A, which illustrates
treatment group provided with enzyme the possible positive effect of enzyme as it has low
supplementation @ 0.5gm/kg of feed. Three energy but weight is equal to control-1. When
experimental diets were allotted randomly to three compared group C with control-2 (group B) it
Table I.- Effect of enzyme supplementation on weight gain, feed consumption and feed conversion ratio in broiler.
Treatments Diets 1st week 2nd week 3rd week 4th week 5th week
Superscripts with same alphabet indicate NS (p>0.05). Superscripts with different alphabets indicate significant differences (p<0.05)
showed more weight gain in last 3 weeks as during first 4 weeks but no difference in last week.
compared to group B. During last week FCR was equal to control-1 which
Group B showed the non-significant indicates the positive effect of enzyme
difference (p>0.05) in feed consumption upto 3rd supplementation in low energy diet in last week.
week as compared to group A and a significant When group C was compared with group B
negative (p<0.05) effect in last 2 weeks as predicted (Control-2) it showed significant difference
in Table I. Group C remained non-significant (p<0.05) in all weeks except during 3rd week which
(p<0.05) throughout the experimental period when indicated that the FCR of group B containing low
compared with group A. When group C was energy was poor as compared to group C which
compared with group B (control-2) it revealed non- contained low energy with enzyme supplementation.
significant difference among the treatments upto 3 The FCR of group B was poor among all groups.
weeks but positive significant difference (p>0.05) in
last 2 weeks. Results explained that the feed intake DISCUSSION
was not different in group B for 3 three weeks but
the feed intake was higher in group B in last 2 The advantages of enzyme addition in feed
weeks as compared to A. The feed intake of group C for improvement in availability of nutrients and
is also statistically same as compared to group A. performance of bird are well known (Bedford and
By comparing B and C feed intake was less in last 2 Morgan, 1996). Some cereals grains like barley,
weeks in C group as compared to B. wheat and corn may have non-starch
The overall FCR of group A was found to be polysaccharides which exhibit their suppressive and
optimal among all groups, which was followed by anti-nutritional effect on the broiler performance
group C, B (Table I). The analysis of variance and addition of enzyme can minimize the adverse
among different experimental groups showed a effect (Annison and Choct, 1991).
significant difference (p<0.05) upto four weeks and The poultry is lacking endogenous enzyme
non-significant in last week in group B when for the digestion of NSPs so these remain
compared with group A which reveals that the FCR undigested and energy is wasted in them but with
was poor in group C as compared to other groups the use of exogenous enzyme NSPs can be digested
resulting in energy release. By using enzyme we can positive weight gain in last two weeks which
formulate the feed with less energy as some part of indicated the efficiency of exogenous enzyme.
energy is compensated by the action of exogenous Similar findings were also reported by (Kavitha
enzyme on NSPs and results in increased nutrient Rani et al., 2003) that addition of multi-enzyme
digestibility and growth performance (Zanella et al., resulted in increased weight. (Ao et al., 2009;
1999). Enzyme supplementation in corn-soya based Olukosi et al., 2007; Gutierrez del Alamo et al.,
feed increase growth performance of broiler 2008; Gao et al., 2007; Yu et al., 2007; Paul et al.,
(Kavitha Rani et al., 2003). 2007) also reported the positive effect of enzyme
In different studies it has already been supplementation on performance of broiler.
reported that the addition of exogenous multi- In present study feed intake by group C was
enzyme (xylanase, protease and amylase) in feed non-significant during whole experimental period as
has a positive effect on growth performance in compared with control-1 which indicated that the
broiler (Zanella et al., 1999; Ghazi et al., 2002; Yu feed intake of enzyme supplemented group was
et al., 2007). However the enzyme efficiency is almost similar as in normal diet group A. The
related to some extent with age of the bird also as previous studies showed the reduced feed intake by
older birds have more microbial population and enzyme supplementation (Kocher et al., 2002) and
more intestinal fermentation rate so they can combat similar observations were also reported by (Sikka
with viscous feed ingredients (Choct et al., 1996; and Chawla, 2002). The difference might be due to
Vranjes and Wenk, 1995). In another study by low energy diet used in current study but inspite of
Lázaro et al. (2003) it was observed that by having low energy its feed consumption was near
reducing viscosity of digesta enzyme efficiency may the control group A but when compared group C
increase and results in better performance of broiler. with group B (control-2) it showed significant
Addition of phytase enzyme also results in reduced feed intake in group C which was having
improved body weight and FCR in layers (Khalique enzyme supplementation as previous studies also
et al., 2010). reported the similar results regarding feed
In current study multi-enzyme consumption and weight gain (Gutierrez del Alamo
supplementation has no significant effect in et al., 2008; Gao et al., 2007; Yu et al., 2007).
different age groups as compared with the control-1 Feed Conversion Ratio was recorded
as all treatments were comprising less energy but significantly poor in group C when compared with
when compared low energy diet supplemented with group A except in last week, which was in contrary
enzyme (T3) it resulted in positive effect on growth to the findings of (Zanella et al., 1999) who
performance as compared to control-2 and in last observed that supplementation of multi-enzyme
week group C performance was equal to group A results in better FCR. The similar findings were also
although it was non-significant but it clearly showed observed in other studies that enzyme addition
that inspite of having less energy this diet results in better feed efficiency (Kavitha Rani et al.,
performance was competing with normal diet group 2003; Singh and Khatta, 2003; Wu et al., 2004).
A which was the evidence of enzymes effect This difference is might be due to low energy diets
(Hajati, 2010), and it was according to the finding of used in this experiment as in previous studies
previous studies by Zanella et al. (1999) who found enzyme supplementation was done in basal diet.
that Avizyme ( a cocktail enzyme) supplementation
had resulted in improved weight gain. It was also CONCLUSION
observed in previous studies that NSPs digesting
enzymes usually resulted in increased utilization of The inclusion of enzyme in feed showed that
nutrients which leads to better weight gain, FCR and the performance of the low energy diet groups is
reduced digesta viscosity and decreased competing with the basal diet group. It has been
environmental pollution (Broz and Ward, 2007; revealed that enzyme supplementation in low energy
Costa et al., 2008). When we compared group C diets have positive effect on bird performance .In
with group B (control-2) it revealed significant current study multi-enzyme was supplemented in
low caloric feed and it is anticipated that it may GAO, F.Y., JIANG ZHOU, G.H. AND HAN, Z.K., 2007. The
show better performance if added in basal diet. effects of xylanase supplementation on performance,
characteristics of the gastrointestinal tract, blood
parameters and gut microfelora in broilers fed on
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