Biotech Reviewer

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Act as a vector to carry the gene- plasmids/phages/cosmids

Ecoli/restrictions enzyme- a special enzyme to cut

Insulin- first genetically engineer
Uses of genetic engineering
1. To make insulin
2. To make growth hormone
3. To prepare vaccine
4. To make plants resistant to disease
5. To make pig, cows or fish grow fasteHigher production of milk by cow
6. To make pigs with less fat- leaner meat
Golden rice – Vitamin A
Tod poles- for detecting pollution without the need of opening g.e with jellyfish
Featherless chicken- lives in hot countries
Strawberry with antifreeze- the anti freeze came from fish living in cold environments
Gm trees – to grow faster yields better woods

 Australian eucalyptus tree- g.e to withstand cold environments

 Loblolly trees- g.e for less lignin

Not possible hazards- d

Discovered pcr( polymerase chain reaction)- kary mullis
Discovered stewert linn and werner albert
Vector- dna molecule capable of multiplying
- A vector needed to transfer a gene into a host cell
Isolation- First step in making recombinant dna
Ultracentrifugation-protocol for extracting dna
Insertion- fourth step in recombinant dna
Rdna molecule- chimeric dna
RDNA uses-
genetic engineering- direct transfer of DNA from one organism to another
First accomplished G.E in the years 1973- Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen
Genentech- First genetic engineering companies
Genentech- founded by Herbert Boyer and Robert Swanson in the year 1976
Alcohol- helps dna to precipitate
Crushing(?) - Process of extracting dna that separates the cells
1976- the year that g.e has been commercialised
Gregor Mendel- first discovered genetic inheritance through the crossing peas
France and USA 1986- the field trials of genetically engineered plants happen
Cloning- production of genetically identical organism via somatic cell nuclear transfer

 Started in Feb 1997

 Ian Wilmut and His colleagues at Roslin Institute Scotland clone a lamb

1953 James Watson and Francis Crick - DNA model

Genetically modified organism- Transgenic
Gene therapy- when a gene is inserted to a sick person
Silkmilk- used to manufacture a Web like material called biosteel
William bateson – coined genetics in 1905
Barbara Mcclintock- discovered transposons in 1948
Martha chase and Alfred hersey – blender experiment
Mesenger RNA- 1961 Sidney Brunner, francois Jacob and Mathew meselson
Genetic code- 1966 Marshall nireberg and har gobind khorana
Nucleotide- all organisms share the same chemical structure they only differ
Benefits of genetic engineering

 Renew activity of damaged cells

 Act as organ donors
 Infertile parents

Restrictions endonucleases- used to cut chromosomes

Tomato mosaic virus-causes great damage
Plasmids- act as a vector to carry a specific gene into the host cell

 A circular piece of DNA in a bacterium

Artificial selection/Selective breeding- earliest example of genetic engineering

Crushing- separates the cells and exposed them to soap and salt
Soap- helps break down cell membranes and release DNA
Salt- helps bring DNA together
Alcohol- helps dna to precipitate

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