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Descriptrion Unit Nos L B D Quantity Rate Amount
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 KSRB 2-2.2: Earthwork in surface excavation in Ordinary soil for levelling an d
lowering the ground manually (other than foundation of buildings, culverts, road
drains and trenches of pipe lines and cables) and removing the excavated stuff to a
distance not exceeding 50m and lift upto 1.5m excavated surface levelled and
neatly dressed, disposed earth to be levelled after breaking clods and neatly
dressed as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 2.1(b) /2.3.5(PWD-SR-2021-
22, P.NO:06, Item.No:1.4.1)
Footing, F1 cum 24 1.80 1.80 1.80 139.97
LW cum 2 27.20 0.60 0.75 24.48
SW cum 2 6.60 0.60 0.75 5.94
column junctions
F1 cum 24 1.80 0.60 0.75 19.44
150.95 186.00 28076.33
2 Providing and laying in position plain cement concrete for levelling course
for all works in foundation. The granite/trap/basalt crushed graded coarse
aggregates and fine aggregates as per relevant IS Codes machine mixed, laid
in layers not exceeding 150 mm thickness, well compacted using plate vibrators,
including all lead & lifts, cost of all materials of quality, labour, Usage charges of
machineries, curing, and all the other appurtenances required to complete the
work as per technical specifications. (The cost of steel reinforcement & formwork
shall be paid separately) (PWD SR-2021-22,
P.NO:13, Item.No:2.1.2)
Mix 1:4:8( M5) Using 40 mm nominal size graded crushed coarse
Footing, F1 cum 24 1.80 1.80 0.10 7.78
LW cum 2 27.20 0.60 0.10 3.26
SW cum 2 6.60 0.60 0.10 0.79
11.83 5364.00 63466.85

3 KSRB 5.2-3: Providing and constructing granite/trap/ basalt rubble stone masonry
in foundation with cement mortar 1:6 (uncoursed), bond stones azt two m, apart in
each course including cost of materials, labour, curing complete as per
specifications, KBS 5.1.13(PWD-SR-2021-22, P.NO:25, Item.No:5.1.1)
walls (Below GL)
1step cum 2 27.20 0.60 0.30 9.79
2step cum 2 27.20 0.45 0.35 8.57
1step cum 2 6.60 0.60 0.30 2.38
2step cum 2 6.60 0.45 0.35 2.08
22.82 4824.00 110059.56
4 KSRB 5.3-3: Providing and constructing granite/trap/ basalt size stone masonry in
basement with cement mortar 1:6, edges of stones chistle dressed in courses not
less than 15 cms high, bond stones at two m. apart in each course including cost of
materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications. KBS 5.1.13(PWD-SR-
2021-22, P.NO:25, Item.No:5.4)
Above GL cum 2 27.20 0.33 0.45 8.08
cum 2 6.60 0.33 0.45 1.96
10.04 5422.00 54429.29

5 KSRB 4-2.8 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of desin
mix M 20 with OPC cement @ 320 kgs with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @ 0.69 cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with super
plasticisers @3lts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008, machine mixed,
concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick, vibrated for all works in
ground floor level for roof slabs, staircase,, lintels, and beams retaining walls,
return walls, walls (ay thickness) including attached pilasters, columns, pillars,
posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses, parapets, voping, bed blocks,
anchor blocks, plain window cills, fillets etc., including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete but excluding cost of reinforcement
as per specification no. 4.1, 4.6(PWD-SR-2021-22, P.NO:14, Item.No:
a Footing, F1

First step Cum 24 1.80 1.80 0.35 27.22

27.22 6231.00 169582.90

b Columns, C1 Cum 24 0.23 0.45 4.55 11.30

11.30 6231.00 70410.30
c Plinth Beam
Ground Level
LW cum 3 27.20 0.23 0.30 5.63
SW cum 3 6.60 0.23 0.30 1.37
7.00 6231.00 43595.81
d Lintel
Main Walls cum 3 27.20 0.23 0.15 2.82
cum 3 6.60 0.23 0.15 0.68
3.50 6231.00 21797.91
e Roof Beam
B1 cum 3 27.20 0.23 0.45 8.45
B2 cum 3 6.60 0.23 0.45 2.05
10.49 6231.00 65393.72
f Roof Slab
cum 1 27.20 6.60 0.125 22.44
22.44 6231.00 139823.64
Cum M20 Total 81.95

7 KSRB 4.9.2: Providing mild steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, plzacing in position, lapping and / or
welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the
adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design (laps, hooks and
eastage shall not be measured and paid) cost of materials, labour, HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.46.3, P.No:18,
Particulars RCC Qty Qty in Kg Qty in Qtl
Footing 27.22 75 20.41
Columns 11.30 75 8.48
Plinth Beams 7.00 75 5.25
Roof Beams 8.00 80 6.40
Lintel 0.00 30 0.00
Roof Slabs 0.00 80 0.00
Chejja 1.46 10 0.15
40.68 7095.80 288658.92
8 KSRB 4-6.1 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for foundations, footings, bases of columns for
mass concrete including cost of all materials, labour complete as per
specifications.Specification No KBS 4.6.2 ( PWD SR 2021-22, Page No. 16, Item
Footing, F1
First step Sqm 1.8 7.20 0.35 4.54
4.54 263.00 1192.97
9 KSRB 4-6.5 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for columns, pillars, post and struts, circular or
curved in plan including cost of all materials, labour complete as per
specification.Specification no KBS 4.6.2 (PWD SR 2021-22, Item No. 4.32 Page
No. 16)
a Columns, C1 Sqm 24 1.36 4.55 148.51
148.51 983.00 145987.30
10 KSRB 4-6.5 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., for columns, pillars, piers, abutments, post and struts, square / rectanglurs /
polygon in plan including cost of all materials, labour complete as per
specification.Specification no KBS 4.6.4 (PWD SR 2021-22, Item No. 4.31 Page
No. 16)
a Plinth Beam
Ground Level
Sqm 3.00 27.20 0.60 48.96
Sqm 3.00 6.60 0.60 11.88
60.84 456.00 27743.04
b Lintel
Main walls Sqm 0.15 27.20 0.30 1.22
Sqm 0.15 6.60 0.30 0.30
1.52 456.00 693.58
c Roof Beam
B1 Sqm 3 27.20 1.13 92.21
B2 Sqm 3 6.60 1.13 22.37
114.58 456.00 52249.39
11 KSRB 4-6.2: Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for flat surface such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings, balconies and likes, thickness upto 200 mm including cost of all
materials, labour complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
P.N.15, Item No. 4.30 (PWD-SR-2021-22)
a Roof Slab
Sqm 24 1.80 1.80 77.76
77.76 449.00 34914.24

12 KSRB 15-51.1 : Providing and applying painting in two coats with plastic
emulsion paint of approved brand on wall surface to give an even approved shade
after thoroughly brushing the surface, free from motar drops and other and other
foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications. With primer (Item No
15.51.2) page No 119(PWD-SR-2021-22)
Qty.similar to
internal Sqm 1 0.00
Ceiling Sqm 1 8.08
8.08 90.00 727.06
13 KSRB 15-13.3 : Providing and applying two coats dry distemper of approved
brand, and shade on wall surface including priming coat and whitening after
throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and other
foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.(Item No 15.47.1) page No
118, (PWD-SR-2021-22)
Qty.similar to
External Sqm 1 2.82
2.82 102.00 287.15
Total 1319099.94

14 Electrification. LS 20000.00

15 Plumbing LS 20000.00

16 Miscellaneous & Rounding Off 3500.07

GRAND TOTAL 1362600.01


1 KSRB 4-2.8 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of desin
mix M 20 with OPC cement @ 320 kgs with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @ 0.69 cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with super
plasticisers @3lts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008, machine mixed,
concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick, vibrated for all works in
ground floor level for roof slabs, staircase,, lintels, and beams retaining walls,
return walls, walls (ay thickness) including attached pilasters, columns, pillars,
posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses, parapets, voping, bed blocks,
anchor blocks, plain window cills, fillets etc., including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete but excluding cost of reinforcement
as per specification no. 4.1, 4.6(PWD-SR-2021-22, P.NO:14, Item.No:
a Columns, C1 Cum 24 0.23 0.30 4.55 7.53
7.53 6231.00 46919.43
b Lintel
Main Walls cum 3 27.20 0.23 0.12 2.25
cum 3 6.60 0.23 0.12 0.55
2.80 6231.00 17438.33
c Roof Beam
B1 cum 3 27.20 0.23 0.23 4.32
B2 cum 3 6.60 0.23 0.23 1.05
5.36 6231.00 33423.46
d Roof Slab
cum 1 27.20 6.60 0.125 22.44
22.44 6231.00 139823.64
Cum M20 Total 38.13

2 KSRB 4.2.11 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of mix
M20 with OPC cement @ 27.20kgs,with 12mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @ 0.05865cum, and a fine aggregates @ 0.0391cum,with
superplastisiser @ 0.225lts, machine mixed,well compacted for plain chajja of 8.5
cms. Average thickness, upto ground floor level, including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM finishing, curing, complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as
per specifications no.4.1, 4.6 (PWD-SR-2021-22, Page No. 15, Item No.4.20)
W Sqm 4 0.90 1.20 4.32
V Sqm 2 0.60 0.30 0.36
4.68 500.00 2340.00

3 KSRB 5-14 : Providing and constructing precast concrete solid blocks with
compressive strength not less than 35Kg/sqm with cement mortar 1:4 masonry
(quoin, jamb, closer blocks) with solid concrete blocks of size 40x20x20 cms
conforming to I.S. 2185/1965 in superstructure including cost of materials, labour
charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.P.No27, Item no.6.33,
Long Wall sqm 3 27.20 3.00 244.80
Short wall sqm 3 6.60 3.00 59.40
M.D sqm 1 1.20 2.10 2.52
D sqm 2 0.90 2.10 3.78
D1 sqm 2 0.75 2.10 3.15
W sqm 4 1.20 1.20 5.76
V sqm 1 0.60 0.30 0.18
288.81 1067.00 308160.27
4 Item No 14.44-1 Providing vitrified tiles 60 cms x 60cms of approved make,shade
and size flooring laid on a bed of 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 mix, flush
pointing with white cement using colour pigment including cost of materials,
labour,curing complete as per specification page No 115, (PWD-SR-2021-22,
P.NO:109, IT.NO:9.12.2)
Bed Room 1 sqm 4 2.29 3.18 29.1288
Hall Sqm 4 3.44 3.18 43.76
Kitchen Sqm 4 2.54 3.18 32.31
Bed Room 2 Sqm 4 2.54 3.18 32.31
Common Bath/wc Sqm 4 1.60 1.57 10.05
147.55 1098.00 162011.22
5 KSRB 15.3.7 : Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:3, to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required
smooth rendering, : Providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of
materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.(Item No 8.1.1) page No
116 (PWD-SR-2021-22)
Bed Room 1 Sqm 4 10.94 3 131.28
Living Area Sqm 4 13.24 3.00 169.47
Kitchen Sqm 4 11.44 3.00 137.28
Bed Room 2 Sqm 4 11.44 3.00 137.28
Common Bath/wc Sqm 4 6.34 3.00 76.08
M.D Sqm 4 1.20 2.10 10.08
D Sqm 2 0.90 2.10 3.78
D1 Sqm 2 0.75 2.10 3.15
W Sqm 4 1.20 1.20 5.76
V Sqm 1 0.60 0.30 0.18
628.44 218.00 137000.36
Outside Plastering Sqm 1 67.60 4.55 307.58 218.00 67052.44
6 KSRB 7.12.2: Providing and fixing in position anodized aluminium windows and
ventilators as per approved drawings with sliding shutters using four track
dondow frame of size 122.2x31.75mm, for bottom section 1.1mm thick, weight
1.205 kg/m, sides and top sections 1.2 mm thick weight 1.093 kg/m; shutter
section comprising top and bottom section of size 40mm x 18mm wall thickness
1.25mm thick 0.417 kg/m; shutter side outer 40mm x 18mm wall thickness
1.25mm weight 0.417 kg/m, shutter interlock section 40mm x 26.7mm wall
thickness 1.1mm weight 0.469 kg/m; shutters mounted on nylon rollers with
approved quality of fixtures such as aluminium handles tower bolts etc.; and
providing and fixing 5.5 mm thick plain glass for shutters fitted with rubber
beading aluminium sections anodised 12 to 15 microns, including cutting to
required length, joints mitred subdividing the frame tenonned and rivetted in the
assembled frame stiffened with end clips at corners angles etc and fixed to the
walls, lintels, floor beams/ cills as the case may be with necessary steel screws,
raul pligs, or teak wood gatties including cutting masonry or concrete and making
good the orginal surface using cement and protection of further rust formation and
coated with the greasy materials for non-adhesion of mortar and any other sticky
materials, (this coating should be cleaned after installation) including cost of all
materials, fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery complete as per
W Sqm 4 1.20 1.20 5.76
V Sqm 1 0.60 0.30 0.18
5.94 3481.00 20677.14
7 KSRB 9-7.1 : Providing and fixing in position fully panelled teak wood shutters
M.Ddoors, styles andSqmrails of 30mm.
4 thick with
1.20bottom and lock 2.10
rails 180 mm wide 7547.00
10.08 76073.76
D Sqm 2 0.90 2.10 3.78 7547.00 28527.66
D1 Sqm 1 0.75 2.10 1.58 7547.00 11886.53
8 KSRB 7.9 : Providing and fixing M.S. grill work for windows and ventilators
weighing 21kg/sqm using M.S. flats, or M.S. square rods, or combinatioon of
M.S. flats and square as per approved design, drawing including cutting steel
sections and welding the same to required pattern with a coat of red lead primer,
cost of materials, fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery complete as per
specifications. Specification no KBS 7.9,Page no 34, Item No.7.9(PWD-SR-2021-
7.38 Sqmx22kg/Sqm
1 130.68 95.00 12414.60
=162.36 kg

9 KSRB 4.9.2: Providing mild steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, plzacing in position, lapping and / or
welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the
adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design (laps, hooks and
eastage shall not be measured and paid) cost of materials, labour, HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.46.3, P.No:18,
Particulars RCC Qty Qty in Kg Qty in Qtl
Columns 7.53 75 5.65
Roof Beams 5.36 80 4.29
Lintel 2.80 30 0.84
Roof Slabs 22.44 80 17.95
Chejja 0.35 10 0.04
28.77 7095.80 204113.81
10 KSRB 4-6.5 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for columns, pillars, post and struts, circular or
curved in plan including cost of all materials, labour complete as per
specification.Specification no KBS 4.6.2 (PWD SR 2021-22, Item No. 4.32 Page
No. 16)
a Columns, C1 Sqm 24 1.06 4.55 115.75
115.75 983.00 113784.22
11 KSRB 4-6.5 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., for columns, pillars, piers, abutments, post and struts, square / rectanglurs /
polygon in plan including cost of all materials, labour complete as per
specification.Specification no KBS 4.6.4 (PWD SR 2021-22, Item No. 4.31 Page
No. 16)
a Lintel
Main walls Sqm 3 27.20 0.30 24.48
Sqm 3 6.60 0.30 5.94
30.42 456.00 13871.52
b Roof Beam
B1 Sqm 3 27.20 0.69 56.30
B2 Sqm 3 6.60 0.69 13.66
69.97 456.00 31904.50
17 KSRB 4-6.2: Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for flat surface such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings, balconies and likes, thickness upto 200 mm including cost of all
materials, labour complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
P.N.15, Item No. 4.30 (PWD-SR-2021-22)
a Roof Slab
Sqm 1 27.20 6.60 179.52
179.52 449.00 80604.48

18 KSRB 15-51.1 : Providing and applying painting in two coats with plastic
emulsion paint of approved brand on wall surface to give an even approved shade
after thoroughly brushing the surface, free from motar drops and other and other
foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications. With primer (Item No
15.51.2) page No 119(PWD-SR-2021-22)
Qty.similar to
internal Sqm 1 628.44
Ceiling Sqm 1 147.55
775.99 90.00 69839.39
19 KSRB 15-13.3 : Providing and applying two coats dry distemper of approved
brand, and shade on wall surface including priming coat and whitening after
throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and other
foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.(Item No 15.47.1) page No
118, (PWD-SR-2021-22)
Qty.similar to
External Sqm 1 307.58
307.58 102.00 31373.16
Total 1609239.89
20 Electrification. LS 25000.00

21 Plumbing LS 30000.00

22 Miscellaneous & Rounding Off 2481.73

GRAND TOTAL 1666721.62


1 KSRB 4-2.8 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of desin
mix M 20 with OPC cement @ 320 kgs with 20mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @ 0.69 cum and fine aggregates @ 0.46cum, with super
plasticisers @3lts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008, machine mixed,
concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick, vibrated for all works in
ground floor level for roof slabs, staircase,, lintels, and beams retaining walls,
return walls, walls (ay thickness) including attached pilasters, columns, pillars,
posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses, parapets, voping, bed blocks,
anchor blocks, plain window cills, fillets etc., including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM of machinery, curing complete but excluding cost of reinforcement
as per specification no. 4.1, 4.6(PWD-SR-2021-22, P.NO:14, Item.No:
a Columns, C1 Cum 24 0.23 0.3 4.55 7.53
7.53 6231.00 46919.43
b Lintel
Main Walls cum 3 27.2 0.23 0.12 2.25
cum 3 6.6 0.23 0.12 0.55
2.80 6231.00 17438.33
c Roof Beam
B1 cum 3 27.20 0.23 0.23 4.32
B2 cum 3 6.60 0.23 0.23 1.05
5.36 6231.00 33423.46
d Roof Slab
cum 1 27.20 6.60 0.125 22.44
22.44 6231.00 139823.64
Cum M20 Total 38.13

2 KSRB 4.2.11 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement concrete of mix
M20 with OPC cement @ 27.20kgs,with 12mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @ 0.05865cum, and a fine aggregates @ 0.0391cum,with
superplastisiser @ 0.225lts, machine mixed,well compacted for plain chajja of 8.5
cms. Average thickness, upto ground floor level, including cost of all materials,
labour, HOM finishing, curing, complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as
per specifications no.4.1, 4.6 (PWD-SR-2021-22, Page No. 15, Item No.4.20)
W Sqm 4 0.90 1.20 4.32
V Sqm 2 0.60 0.30 0.36
4.68 500.00 2340.00
3 KSRB 5-14 : Providing and constructing precast concrete solid blocks with
compressive strength not less than 35Kg/sqm with cement mortar 1:4 masonry
(quoin, jamb, closer blocks) with solid concrete blocks of size 40x20x20 cms
conforming to I.S. 2185/1965 in superstructure including cost of materials, labour
charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.P.No27, Item no.6.33,
Long Wall sqm 3 27.20 3.00 244.80
Short wall sqm 3 6.60 3.00 59.40
M.D sqm 1 1.20 2.10 2.52
D sqm 2 0.90 2.10 3.78
D1 sqm 2 0.75 2.10 3.15
W sqm 4 1.20 1.20 5.76
V sqm 1 0.60 0.30 0.18
288.81 1067.00 308160.27
4 Item No 14.44-1 Providing vitrified tiles 60 cms x 60cms of approved make,shade
and size flooring laid on a bed of 12mm thick cement mortar 1:3 mix, flush
pointing with white cement using colour pigment including cost of materials,
labour,curing complete as per specification page No 115, (PWD-SR-2021-22,
P.NO:109, IT.NO:9.12.2)
Bed Room 1 sqm 4 2.29 3.18 29.1288
Hall Sqm 4 3.44 3.18 43.76
Kitchen Sqm 4 2.54 3.18 32.31
Bed Room 2 Sqm 4 2.54 3.18 32.31
Common Bath/wc Sqm 4 1.60 1.57 10.05
147.55 1098.00 162011.22
5 KSRB 15.3.7 : Providing 12mm thick cement plaster in single coat with cement
mortar 1:3, to brick masonry including rounding off corners wherever required
smooth rendering, : Providing and removing scaffolding, including cost of
materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.(Item No 8.1.1) page No
116 (PWD-SR-2021-22)
Bed Room 1 Sqm 4 10.94 3 131.28
Living Area Sqm 4 13.24 3.00 169.47
Kitchen Sqm 4 11.44 3.00 137.28
Bed Room 2 Sqm 4 11.44 3.00 137.28
Common Bath/wc Sqm 4 6.34 3.00 76.08
M.D Sqm 1 1.20 2.10 2.52
D Sqm 2 0.90 2.10 3.78
D1 Sqm 2 0.75 2.10 3.15
W Sqm 4 1.20 1.20 5.76
V Sqm 1 0.60 0.30 0.18
636.00 218.00 138648.44
Outside Plastering Sqm 1 67.60 4.55 307.58 218.00 67052.44

6 KSRB 7.12.2: Providing and fixing in position anodized aluminium windows and
ventilators as per approved drawings with sliding shutters using four track
dondow frame of size 122.2x31.75mm, for bottom section 1.1mm thick, weight
1.205 kg/m, sides and top sections 1.2 mm thick weight 1.093 kg/m; shutter
section comprising top and bottom section of size 40mm x 18mm wall thickness
1.25mm thick 0.417 kg/m; shutter side outer 40mm x 18mm wall thickness
1.25mm weight 0.417 kg/m, shutter interlock section 40mm x 26.7mm wall
thickness 1.1mm weight 0.469 kg/m; shutters mounted on nylon rollers with
approved quality of fixtures such as aluminium handles tower bolts etc.; and
providing and fixing 5.5 mm thick plain glass for shutters fitted with rubber
beading aluminium sections anodised 12 to 15 microns, including cutting to
required length, joints mitred subdividing the frame tenonned and rivetted in the
assembled frame stiffened with end clips at corners angles etc and fixed to the
walls, lintels, floor beams/ cills as the case may be with necessary steel screws,
raul pligs, or teak wood gatties including cutting masonry or concrete and making
good the orginal surface using cement and protection of further rust formation and
coated with the greasy materials for non-adhesion of mortar and any other sticky
materials, (this coating should be cleaned after installation) including cost of all
materials, fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery complete as per
W Sqm 4 1.20 1.20 5.76
V Sqm 1 0.60 0.30 0.18
5.94 3481.00 20677.14
7 KSRB 9-7.1 : Providing and fixing in position fully panelled teak wood shutters
M.Ddoors, styles andSqmrails of 30mm.
1 thick with
1.20bottom and lock 2.10
rails 180 mm wide
2.52 7547.00 19018.44
D Sqm 2 0.90 2.10 3.78 7547.00 28527.66
D1 Sqm 1 0.75 2.10 1.58 7547.00 11886.53
8 KSRB 7.9 : Providing and fixing M.S. grill work for windows and ventilators
weighing 21kg/sqm using M.S. flats, or M.S. square rods, or combinatioon of
M.S. flats and square as per approved design, drawing including cutting steel
sections and welding the same to required pattern with a coat of red lead primer,
cost of materials, fixtures, labour and HOM of machinery complete as per
specifications. Specification no KBS 7.9,Page no 34, Item No.7.9(PWD-SR-2021-
7.38 Sqmx22kg/Sqm
1 130.68 95.00 12414.60
=162.36 kg

9 KSRB 4.9.2: Providing mild steel reinforcement for R.C.C. work including
straightening, cutting, bending, hooking, plzacing in position, lapping and / or
welding wherever required, tying with binding wire and anchoring to the
adjoining members wherever necessary complete as per design (laps, hooks and
eastage shall not be measured and paid) cost of materials, labour, HOM of
machinery complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.46.3, P.No:18,
Particulars RCC Qty Qty in Kg Qty in Qtl
Columns 7.53 75 5.65
Roof Beams 5.36 80 4.29
Lintel 2.80 30 0.84
Roof Slabs 22.44 80 17.95
Chejja 0.35 10 0.04
28.77 7095.80 204113.81
10 KSRB 4-6.5 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for columns, pillars, post and struts, circular or
curved in plan including cost of all materials, labour complete as per
specification.Specification no KBS 4.6.2 (PWD SR 2021-22, Item No. 4.32 Page
a No. 16) C1
Columns, Sqm 24 1.06 4.55 115.75
115.75 983.00 113784.22
11 KSRB 4-6.5 : Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., for columns, pillars, piers, abutments, post and struts, square / rectanglurs /
polygon in plan including cost of all materials, labour complete as per
specification.Specification no KBS 4.6.4 (PWD SR 2021-22, Item No. 4.31 Page
a No. 16)
Main walls Sqm 3 27.20 0.30 24.48
Sqm 3 6.60 0.30 5.94
30.42 456.00 13871.52
b Roof Beam
B1 Sqm 3 27.20 0.69 56.30
B2 Sqm 3 6.60 0.69 13.66
69.97 456.00 31904.50
17 KSRB 4-6.2: Providing and removing centering, shuttering, strutting, propping
etc., and removal of form work for flat surface such as suspended floors, roofs,
landings, balconies and likes, thickness upto 200 mm including cost of all
materials, labour complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.6.2
P.N.15, Item No. 4.30 (PWD-SR-2021-22)
a Roof Slab
Sqm 1 27.20 6.60 179.52
179.52 449.00 80604.48

18 KSRB 15-51.1 : Providing and applying painting in two coats with plastic
emulsion paint of approved brand on wall surface to give an even approved shade
after thoroughly brushing the surface, free from motar drops and other and other
foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications. With primer (Item No
15.51.2) page No 119(PWD-SR-2021-22)
Qty.similar to
internal Sqm 1 636.00
Ceiling Sqm 1 147.55
783.55 90.00 70519.79
19 KSRB 15-13.3 : Providing and applying two coats dry distemper of approved
brand, and shade on wall surface including priming coat and whitening after
throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt, dust, mortar drops and other
foreign matter including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, cost
of materials, labour, complete as per specifications.(Item No 15.47.1) page No
118, (PWD-SR-2021-22)
Qty.similar to
External Sqm 1 307.58
307.58 102.00 31373.16
Total 1554513.05
20 Electrification. LS 25000.00

21 Plumbing LS 30000.00

22 Miscellaneous & Rounding Off 2481.73

GRAND TOTAL 1611994.78

Rudramuni KA
Consulting Engineer
Ph. No. 8970949929




GRAND TOTAL 4641316.41


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