Banquet Hall With Kitchen
Banquet Hall With Kitchen
Banquet Hall With Kitchen
A Civil Works
1 Foundation/Earth Work
1.1 Earthwork in excavation
Earth Work in excavation in foundation, etc. including dressing of sides lift up and
stacking of excavated materials beyond 1.00mtr. clear from the edge of excavation
within a lead of 80.00 mtr. and filling the foundation trench (back filling below OGL)
in layers of 15 cm. including watering, ramming, consolidation and dressing,
including sidewall
protection and dewatering work all complete.
a. Ordinary Soil
cft 29,280.00 831.55 350 10 291,043.20 290147.22536806
1.2 Filling Work
1.2.1 Earthwork in filling in foundation, under floors and other structures in layers, not
exceeding 20 cm, including watering, ramming and consolidation (compaction more
than 95% relative dry density) with the earth obtained from the site or brought from
outside all complete as per drawings, specificaitions and instructions.
a) Earth to be supplied from site within 50m distance from the place of filling.
cft 23,237.00 659.93 350 10 230975.78
b) Earth to be supplied from out of site carried by vehicle and measured after
compaction on the site. cft 49,616.00 1,409.09 600 17 845456.64
Sub - Total of 1
2 Concrete Work
2.1.1 P.C.C - Nominal Mix (1:3:6) - M10 cft 7,907.00 224.56 11000 311 2470146.8
2.2 R.C.C Work
Providing and laying machine mixed/machine vibrated Plain Cement Concrete
in columns, beams, shear walls, raft, slabs, lintels, sill, bed blocks etc,including
necessary ramming, leveling, curing etc, excluding the cost of
reinforcement and formwork as per drawings, specifications and instructions.
(cost of concrete pump and required
admixtures to be added in the rate)
2.2.1 M15 - Nominal Mix (1:2:4) - Lintel and Sill Bands cft 782.00 22.21 14000 396 310923.2
2.2.2 M20 - Nominal Mix (1:1 1/2 :3)
cft 13,510.00 383.68 17000 481 6522628
2.3 Providing and fixing in position Fe500 steel reinforcement in R.C.C. works
including straightening, cutting, bending, binding with 20 SWG annealed wire for
tying the reinforcement of all sizes of bars at each junctions including all waste
and cut pieces, placing in position with cover block of cement mortar(1:1),fixing
of chair, spacers to keep the bars in intended position at all levels as per
drawings, specification and instruction (Lapping, Chairs & Spacers will be provided Kg 51,838.00 51.84 120000 120 6220560
according to joint measurement at site)
Sub - Total of 2
3 Masonry Work
3.1.1 Providing and laying chimney made first class brick work in 1:6 cement mortar in
foundation. cft 14,053.00 399.11 14500 411 5787025.4
3.1.2 Providing and laying chimney made first class brick work in 1:6 cement mortar in
superstructure (9'' or more than 9''thk wall excluding the cost of rcc band).
cft 27,915.00 792.79 14500 411 11495397
3.1.3 Providing and laying 4.5'' thk. chimney made local brick work in 1:4 cement sand
mortar in superstructure internal partition wall with RCC band (wall excluding the
cost of rcc band). cft 2,976.00 84.52 15500 439 1310035.2
3.1.4 Providing and laying chimney made dry flat brick soling with sand filling in the gap
sft 28,269.00 2,629.02 1000 93 2629017
Sub - Total of 3
4.2.1 Aluminium Windows ; Providing and fixing of window sliding/fixed frame size 90
X 50 X 2 thk. Titanium anodised with 6mm thk clear glass including 50% S.S
mosquito wiremesh, U-Shape both side gasket, locks, handle and screw all
accessories as per drawing all complete. sft 279.00 25.95 6500 605 168655.5
Sub - Total of 4
A Civil Works
1 Foundation/Earth Work
1.1 Earthwork in excavation
Earth Work in excavation in foundation, etc. including dressing of sides lift up and
stacking of excavated materials beyond 1.00mtr. clear from the edge of excavation
within a lead of 80.00 mtr. and filling the foundation trench (back filling below OGL)
in layers of 15 cm. including watering, ramming, consolidation and dressing,
including sidewall
protection and dewatering work all complete.
a) Earth to be supplied from site within 50m distance from the place of filling. cft 23,237.00 10 232,370.00
b) Earth to be supplied from out of site carried by vehicle and measured after
cft 49,616.00 17 843,472.00
compaction on the site.
2 Concrete Work
Providing and laying machine mixed Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) with 20mm
down aggregate including the necessary side shuttering, compaction, levelling,
curing etc, all complete as per drawings,
specifications and instructions.
2.1.1 P.C.C - Nominal Mix (1:3:6) - M10 cft 7,907.00 312 2,466,984.00
2.2 R.C.C Work
2.2.1 M15 - Nominal Mix (1:2:4) - Lintel and Sill Bands cft 782.00 396 309,672.00
M20 - Nominal Mix (1:1 1/2 :3) cft 13,510.00 481 6,498,310.00
Providing, fabricating, erecting, centering and shuttering of water resistance
plywood formwork in slabs, beams, shear walls, stairs etc, in perfect line and level
sft 28,843.00 102 2,941,986.00
including bracing, proping, de-shuttering at all levels and heights all complete as
per drawings, specifications and instructions.
3 Masonry Work
3.1 Brick Masonry Work
Providing and laying 1st class brick masonry work in specified places in all heights
and level including the cost of scaffolding, curing, raking joints, provision for
recesses, openings, toothing etc. all complete as per drawings, specifications and
Providing and laying chimney made first class brick work in 1:6 cement mortar in
cft 14,053.00 411 5,775,783.00
Providing and laying chimney made first class brick work in 1:6 cement mortar in
cft 27,915.00 411 11,473,065.00
superstructure (9'' or more than 9''thk wall excluding the cost of rcc band).
Providing and laying 4.5'' thk. chimney made local brick work in 1:4 cement sand
mortar in superstructure internal partition wall with RCC band (wall excluding the cft 2,976.00 439 1,306,464.00
cost of rcc band).
Providing and laying chimney made dry flat brick soling with sand filling in the gap sft 28,269.00 93 2,629,017.00
Providing and fixing in position 38 mm thick solid core flush door shutter with 1mm
laminate on both side, commercial ply and Wooden beading and mortice lock,
sft 1,344.00 1673 2,248,512.00
tower bolts, door stopper, brass hinges, wood polish and all other necessary
hardware as per specification and drawing.
Aluminium Doors and Windows -
Aluminium Windows ; Providing and fixing of window sliding/fixed frame size 90
X 50 X 2 thk. Titanium anodised with 6mm thk clear glass including 50% S.S
sft 279.00 604 168,516.00
mosquito wiremesh, U-Shape both side gasket, locks, handle and screw all
accessories as per drawing all complete.
Providing and fixing 12 mm thick toughen Glass Partition with S.S frame in
designed pattern (single glass with 6' frosted and rest with clear ) including all
sft 1,949.00 1162 2,264,738.00
required and necessary glass S.S support system at top and bottom with structural
silicon filling as per the drawing and design all complete.
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