184 Dialysis Centre SCH-B

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Budget Head : P-3305 Estimated Cost : Rs. 150.0

Sl. Dimensions
Description Qty. Rate/ Unit
No No. L. B. D.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
KSRRB 200-8. Clearing and grubbing road land including
uprooting rank vegetation, grass, brush, shrubs, saplings and
trees of girth upto 300mm, by manual means, in area of light
jungle, removal of stumps, disposal of unserviceable materials,
1 stacking of serviceable materials labour charges complete as
per specifications. MORTH / Chapter 2 (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 136 Item No. 18.11)

Site Clearance 1 50.00 40.00 2000.00

2000.00 6.48
B.R : 6.00 Sqm
A.W 8% 0.48
TOTAL 6.48

KSRB 2-2.3 : Excavation by manual means for foundation of

buildings, water supply & sanitary lines and electrical conduits
etc., either in pits or in trenches 1.50m and above in width, in
soft rock / ordinary rock not exceeding 1.50mtrs in depth
including stacking the excavated stuff clear from edges of
2 excavation with lead upto 50mt including cost of explosives,
labour, HOM complete as per specifications. specification. No.
KBS 2.1C/2.9.4/2.18/2.19 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 5
Item No. 2.3)

Footing 44.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 264.00

Sump 1.00 4.00 2.50 2.50 25.00
SSM between Columns 10.00 5.00 0.60 0.90 27.00
2.00 20.00 0.60 0.90 21.60
4.00 10.00 0.60 0.90 21.60
359.20 204.12
B.R : 189.00 Cu.M
A.W 8% 15.12
TOTAL 204.12

3 KSRB-3.2: Providing and injecting chemical emulsion for Pre-

GF Plinth area isAnti-Termite Treatment, creating continuous
1 25.00 37.00 925.00
925.00 111.24
B.R : 103.00 Sq,M
A.W 8% 8.24
TOTAL 111.24

4 KSRB 4-1.3 : Providing and Laying in Position plain cement

Footing of mix 1:4:8 44.00
with OPC
2.00Cement @ 180Kgs
2.00 0.15with 26.40
Sump 1.00 4.00 2.50 0.15 1.50
SSM between Columns 10.00 5.00 0.60 0.10 3.00
2.00 20.00 0.60 0.10 2.40
4.00 10.00 0.60 0.10 2.40
Flooring 1.00 27.00 35.00 0.10 94.50
130.20 5256.36
B.R : 4867.00 Cum
A.W 8% 389.36
TOTAL 5256.36

KSRB 5.3-3 Providing and constructing granite / trap / basalt

size stone masonry in Foundation with cement mortar 1:6,
edges of stones hammer dressed in courses not less than 20 cms
high, bond stones at two m. apart in each course including cost
5 of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications.
KBS 5.1.13 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 23 Item No. 5.5)

SSM between Columns to 10.00 5.00 0.45 0.75 16.88

retain soil
2.00 20.00 0.45 0.75 13.50
4.00 10.00 0.45 0.75 13.50
B.R : 4037.00 43.88 4359.96
A.W 8% 322.96 Cum
TOTAL 4359.96
KSRB 4.9.2 : Providing TMT Steel reinforcement for RCC
work including straightening cutting bending hooking placing
in position lapping and or welding wherever required tying
with binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members
wherever necessary complete as per design (laps , hooks and
6 wastage shall be mesured and paid ) cost of materials, labour
HOM of Machinery complete as per specificaitons .
Specifications No KBS 4..6.3 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 17
Item No. 4.46.2)

Steel for mat, column, pedestal, lintel, plinth beam, roof beam and

B.R : 56050.00 38.00 60534.00

A.W 8% 4484.00 Tonne
TOTAL 60534.00

KSRB 4.6.4 :Providing and removing centering shuttering

strutting propping etc., and removal of form work for Vertical
surface such as wall at any thickness including attached
plasters , buttress and plinth and string course , cost of all
7 materials labour complete as per specifications Speicfications
No KBS 4.6.2 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 15 Item No.

Footing 44 6.00 0.45 118.80

Column 44 1.36 4.00 239.36
Roof Slab 1 27.00 35.00 945.00
Form work for Plinth Beam
and Roof beam 16 26.00 0.45 187.20

12 35.00 0.45 189.00

Stair case waist slab bottom
support 2 2.00 1.50 6.00
Stair case waist slab side
support 2 2.00 0.40 1.60

STAIRCASE LANDING 1 2.60 1.60 4.16

RISER/TREAD 18 1.50 0.15 4.05
Window and ventilator 35 2.00 0.60 42.00

Projection of Roof slab on all 2 25.00 2.00 100.00

2 37.00 2.00 148.00
1985.17 316.44
B.R : 293.00 Sq.M
A.W 8% 23.44
TOTAL 316.44

KSRB 4.2.7 : Providing and laying in position reinforced

cement concrete of design Mix M25 with OPC @ 340kgs, with
20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.70cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.47cum, with
superplastisiser @3lts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-
2008, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15
cms thick, vibrated for all works in ground floor level for roof
slabs, staircase, lintels and beams retaining walls, return walls,
walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, columns,
8 lintles, pillars, posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses,
parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain window
cills, fillets etc., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM
curing, complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as per
specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6 (Pwd SR 2016-
17 Page No. 13 Item No. 4.12)

Footing 44 2.00 2.00 0.60 105.60

Column 44 0.45 0.23 4.00 18.22
Slab 1 33.00 25.00 0.15 123.75

Plinth Beam and Roof beam 16 26.00 0.23 0.45 43.06

12 35.00 0.23 0.45 43.47


2 2.00 1.50 0.15 0.90

STAIRCASE LANDING 1 2.60 1.60 0.15 0.62

RISER/TREAD 24 1.50 0.15 0.20 1.08
24 1.50 0.30 0.15 1.62
D1 23 2.40 0.23 0.15 1.90
W1 24 2.40 0.23 0.15 1.99
V 2 0.90 0.23 0.15 0.06
W1 24 2.40 0.60 0.10 3.46
V 2 0.90 0.60 0.10 0.11
Sump Tank Slab 1 2.50 2.50 0.15 0.94
Projection of Roof slab on all 2 25.00 2.00 0.15 15.00
2 37.00 2.00 0.15 22.20
383.97 6876.36
B.R : 6367.00 Cu.M
A.W 8% 509.36
TOTAL 6876.36

KSRB-4-1.6 : Providing and laying in position plain cement

concrete of mix M20 with cement @ 300kgs, with 20mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @ 0.69cum
and fine aggregates @ 0.43cum, machine mixed, concrete laid
in layers not exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in
9 foundation, plinth and cills, including cost all materials, labour,
HOM of machinery, curing complete as per specifications. No.
KBS 4.1, 4.2 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 12 Item No. 4.5)

Cill and Screed concrete

W1 60 2.40 0.23 0.10 3.31
3.31 5874.52
B.R : 5542.00 Cu.M
A.W 6% 332.52
TOTAL 5874.52

KSRB 6-2 : Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry

with approved quality of non-modular bricks of standard size
of class designation 5.0Newton per sqmm (table moulded) with
cement mortar 1:6 for basement and superstructu/re including
10 cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing complete
as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 6.2 (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 27 Item No. 6.3)

1 110.00 0.23 3.35 84.76

External walls allround
internal walls 20 4.25 0.23 3.35 65.49
Sump Walls 4 4.00 0.23 2.10 7.73
Brick Pillars for 35 0.23 0.23 3.00 5.55
partition walls
163.53 6770.52
B.R : 6269.00 Cu.M
A.W 8% 501.52
TOTAL 6770.52

KSRB 6-7 : Construction of partition wall 11.2 cms thick with

non modular ground moulded burnt bricks of class designation
with cement mortar 1:4 including providing and fixing plaster
mesh manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of
nominal thickness 0.35 mm. 100 mm. wide as per I.S.
11 2212/1991 at 7.5 m. c/c including cost of materials, labour
charges, scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 6.4 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 28
Item No. 6.23)

Internal partion walls 17 6.50 3.35 370.18

Parapet walls 2 27.00 1.00 54.00
2 35.00 1.00 70.00
B.R : 858.00 494.18 926.64
A.W 8% 68.64 Sqm
TOTAL 926.64

KSRB15-3 : Providing 18mm thick cement plaster in single

coat with cement mortar to brick masonry including rounding
off corners wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing
and removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour,
12 curing complete as per specifications.cement mortar 1:6 (Pwd
SR 2016-17 Page No. 114 Item No. 15.17)

2 110.00 3.65 803.00

External walls allround
internal walls 40 4.25 3.65 620.50
Sump Walls 4 4.00 2.10 33.60
Brick Pillars for
70 0.23 3.00 48.30
partition walls
Internal partion walls 34 6.50 3.35 740.35
Parapet walls 4 27.00 1.20 129.60
4 35.00 1.20 168.00
Ceiling 1 35.00 27.00 945.00
B.R : 198.00 3488.35 213.84
A.W 8% 15.84 Sqm
TOTAL 213.84

KSRB 9.4-1 : Providing wood frames of doors, windows,

clerestory windows, ventilators and other frames, wrought,
framed or assembled including making plaster groves
(excluding cost of cement concrete and side clamps), but
13 including cost of materials, labour, HOM complete as per
specifications. Specification No. KBS 9.33 (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 51 Item No. 9.13.1)

doors, windows and 25 8.20 0.10 0.125

ventilators 2.56
2.56 63428.40
B.R : 58730.00 Cum
A.W 8% 4698.40
TOTAL 63428.40

Providing and fixing flush door shutter made out of solid core
black board type, well seasoned chemically treated hard wood
battens and internal frame with minimum 45 mm wide wooden
frame all-round door shutters covered with cross bonded
wooden sheets (core veneer) hot pressed and fastened on both
sides of the door using liquid phenol formaldehyde resin as per
IS specification 2202 (Part-I) 1991. From manufacturer
(Factory) complete as per specification.40 mm thick both side
commercial (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 62 Item No.

DW 21 1.20 2.10 52.92

toilet doors 4 0.90 2.10 7.56
60.48 2544.48
B.R : 2356.00 Sqm
A.W 8% 188.48
TOTAL 2544.48
Providing and fixing glazed 2 track panel sliding windows
made out of multi chambered UPVC(Matching to RAL-9016)
sections and with minimum TiO2(Titanium Dioxide) at 6PHR
with TPV(Thermo Plastic Vulcanized) and lead free with
gaskets -grey colour having isolated drainage and reinforced
with Galvanized Iron profile through-out the openable frame.
The frame having overall size of 60mm x 55mm with GI
reinforcement of 1mm thickness and openable sash with
overall size of 60mm x 75mm and GI reinforcement of 1.5mm
15 thickness. Glazing bead for fixing of glass shall be of size
20mm x 34 mm. Windows shall be provided with 5mm plain
float glass, Standard hardware with friction hing & Multi point
locking system with Handle. Wall thickness of frame & sash
shall be of 2mm 2.5mm.Maximum possible size – 900mm x
1819mm. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 309 Item No. 38.44.1)

Windows and 35 1.50 1.50 78.75

B.R : 6400.00 78.75 6912.00
A.W 8% 512.00 Sqm
TOTAL 6912.00

KSRB 7.9 : Providing and fixing M.S.grill work for windows

and ventilators using M.S. flats, or M.S. square rods, or
combination of M.S. flats and square rods as per approved
design, drawing including cutting steel sections and welding
16 the same to required pattern with a coat of red lead primer, cost
of materials, fixtures, labour and HOM complete as per
specifications. Specification No. KBS 7.12 (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 32 Item No. 7.9)

Total Area of window and ventilator is 78.75 Sqm x 25.0

kg/sqm 1968.75

B.R : 78.00 1968.75 84.24

A.W 8% 6.24 Kgs
TOTAL 84.24
Providing and fixing Special make glazed Vitrified tiles
(Granomite finish) of approved make, quality and colour of
size 600x600x10mm thick fixed on existing flooring with a
special adhesive for flooring, skirting and jointed with neat
cement slurry mixed with pigment to match shade of tiles,
17 including providing spacers at required interval and removing
stains etc., cost of materials, mortar, labour etc., complete as
per specification.(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 107 Item No.

overall floor area 1 35.00 27.00 945.00

Skirting 1 600.00 0.15 90.00
B.R : 1190.00 1035.00 1285.20
A.W 8% 95.20 Sqm
TOTAL 1285.20

Providing applying two coats of wall putty to inside plastered

walls and ceiling using white cement putty. Scrapping and
levelling the surface using steel blade and preparing the surface
even and smooth by using different grade sand papers,
18 including cost of all materials, cost of labour and scaffolding
etc., complete as per the specification.(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page
No. 126 Item No. 15.106)

Internal partion walls

34 6.50 1.65 364.65
Ceiling 1 35.00 27.00 945.00

internal walls 9" 40 4.25 1.65 280.50

1 110.00 1.65 181.50

External walls allround
B.R : 56.00 1771.65 60.48
A.W 8% 4.48 Sqm
TOTAL 60.48
KSRB 15-15.1 : Providing and applying painting in two coats
with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand on wall surface
to give an even approved shade after thoroughly brushing the
surface, free from mortar drops and other foreign matter
19 including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth,
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications. (Pwd
SR 2016-17 Page No. 117 Item No. 15.51.2)

Internal partion walls

34 6.50 1.65 364.65
Ceiling 1 35.00 27.00 945.00
internal walls 9" 40 4.25 1.65 280.50

internal walls allround 1 110.00 1.65 181.50

B.R : 90.00 1771.65 97.20

A.W 8% 7.20 Sqm
TOTAL 97.20

KSRB 15-16.1 : Providing and finishing external walls in two

coats with waterproof cement paint of approved brand and
shade to give an even shade after throughly brooming the
surface to remove all dirt and loose powdered material, free
20 from mortar drops and other foreign matter cost of materials,
labour, complete as per specifications.With Primer (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 118 Item No. 15.53.2)

1 110.00 3.65 401.50

External walls allround
Parapet walls 2 27.00 2.50 135.00
2 35.00 2.50 175.00
B.R : 84.00 711.50 90.72
A.W 8% 6.72 Sqm
TOTAL 90.72
KSRB 10-3 : Providing and laying integral cement based
waterproofing treatment including preparation of surface as
required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc.,
consisting of following application. (a) Applying and grouting
a slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement
admixed with proprietary water proofing compound
conforming to IS:2645 over the RCC slab after cleaning the
surface before treatment. (b) Laying cement concrete using
broken brick bats 25mm to 100mm size with 50% of cement
mortar 1:5 admixed with proprietary water proofing compound
conforming IS:2645 over 20mm thick layer of cement mortar
1:5 admixed with proprietary water proofing compound to
required slope and treating similarly the adjoining walls upto
21 300mm height including rounding off junctions of walls and
slabs. (c) After two days of proper curing, applying a second
coat of cement lurry admixed with proprietary water proofing
compound (d) Finishing the surface with 20mm thick joint less
cement mortar of mix 1:4 admixed with proprietary water
proofing compound and finally finishing the surface with
trowel and neat cement slurry and making of 300x300mm
square. (e) The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with
water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for
final test including cost of materials, labour complete as per
specifications.(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 66 Item No. 10.2)

Overall roof area 1 33.00 25.00 825.00

B.R : 904.00 825.00 976.32
A.W 8% 72.32 Sqm
TOTAL 976.32

KSRB 15.8 : Providing and fixing suitable plaster mesh

manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal
thickness 0.35mm with a zinc coating of 120 gms width, along
route of walls chipped for services, junction between RCC and
22 brick walls including cost of materials, labour for fixing
complete as per specifications, length of mesh only be
measured for payment. Plaster mesh 200 mm wide. (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 118 Item No. 15.36)

Column and beam 20 25.00 500.00

B.R : 30.00 500.00 32.40
A.W 8% 2.40 Rmtr
TOTAL 32.40

Providing and fixing colour glazed tiles of size 300 mm x 450

mm for walls with borders of size 300 mm x 100 mm, set in
cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with white cement with
matching colour pigment with necessary curing, cleaning
including providing and removing scaffolding wherever
23 necessary etc., complete. The work includes cost of all
materials, mortar, labour charges for all items of work, hire
charges for equipment etc., complete as per specifications.
(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 110 Item No. 14.65)

For Toilets 4 7.50 2.15 64.50

For Common area
1 428.00 2.15 920.20
and rooms
B.R : 957.00 984.70 1033.56
A.W 8% 76.56 Sqm
TOTAL 1033.56

Providing and fixing ceramic tiles of size 400 mm x 400 mm

for flooring, treads, steps and landing laid on a bed of 20 mm
thick cement mortar and pointed with white cement with
matching colour pigment with necessary curing, cleaning etc.,
24 complete. The work includes cost of all materials, mortar,
labour charges for all items of work, hire charges for
equipment etc., complete as per specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-
17 Page No. 110 Item No. 14.63)

For Toilets flooring 4 1.70 2.15 14.62

B.R : 1075.00 14.62 1161.00
A.W 8% 86.00 Sqm
TOTAL 1161.00

Refilling available esxcavated earth excluding rock in sides of

foundation upto plinth in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth
and compacting each deposited layer by ramming after
25 watering with lead upto 50 mtrs and lift upto 1.5 mtr including
cost of all labour complete as per specifications KBS 2.9
(PWD SR 2016-17 Page No 6 Item No 2.1)

80% of item no 2 287.36 137.16

B.R : 127.00
A.W 8% 10.16
TOTAL 137.16

Geophysical investigation of site for sinking borewell for

supply drinking water to the habitation either through the hand
pump M.W.S or P.W.S.S by vertical electrical sounding by
adopting venner or schlumberger’s method including
reconnaissance survey of geological formation Geophysical
investigation of existing ground water infecundity its quality,
quantity & acceptability of the user indicating the location of
site recommended depth of casting pipe required to seal the top
26 in consolidated formation including an extra depth of 1.00 Mtr
in consolidated formation of proper scatting of casing pipe,
depth of drilling required to cover full depth of aquifer
proposed to be tapped, probable yield and other information
required including transportation technical personal and labour
etc.,(p.30/4) (BWSSB SR 2014-15 Page No 55, Item No 4)

Each 1 1.00
1.00 1650.00

Sinking borewell of 165 mm dia clear using super fast

hydraulic Rig of capacity 250 PSIG and Above 900 CFM &
above in all Strata including over burden upto 20 mtrs fixing of
casing pipes, collars and cap with necessary cutting, threading
and welding including transportation of Rig and Supporting
27 vehicle, crew charges and cost of consumables etc., complete
including yield testing at the final depth with a minimum
working of compressor for one hour (excluding cost of casing
pipes, collars and cap, etc.,) (BWSSB SR 2014-15 Page No
54, Item No 1)

a) 0.00 to 50.00 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 264.00

b) 51.00 to 100.00 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 330.00
c) 101.00 to 150.00 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 385.00
d) 151.00 to 200.00 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 440.00
e) 201.00 to 250.00 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 473.00
f) 251.00 to 300 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 495.00
g) Above 300 mtrs Rmtr 1 63.00 63.00 506.00
Providing and installing at site work P.V.C Pipes including cost
of pipes and specials and labour, including lowering into
trenches , laying true to line, level and perfect linking at joints
lead proof including jointing of approved type with all labour
and lift charge, handling charges with all leads , including
28 encasing the pipe around to a depth not less than 15cms with
gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc.,
Complete ( P No 14-I No 3.4.2g ) PRE SR (To prevent earth
caving in)

200mm dia PVC Pipe of 6Kg/Cm2

Rmtr 1 8.00 8.00
8.00 937.30

Supply of ISI mark 175 mm nominal bore, plain end Steel

casing Pipe - grade of steel Fe 410, of wall thickness 5.4 mm
thick confirming to IS 4270:2001 and latest amendments
electric resistance welded steel tube material and confirming to
IS 1387/1993 & manufactured by basic open hearth electric or
basic oxygen process in random length of 4 to 7 mts. Both ends
threaded confirming to IS 554/1985, one end fixed with a
socket and the other end with a plastic protection end
( inclusive of all taxes ) ( As per Approved rate by
Superintenent Engineer, RDED Engineering Section,

Casing Pipe Rmtr 1 25.00 25.00 1325.00

Collar No. 2 2.00 150.00
Cap No. 1 1.00 150.00

Supplying and delivery at site brand new texmo / innoval /

Lubi / Sabar / Atalanta / Calamal make suitable for vertical
installation in 150mm dia borewell comprising of single stage
of multistage CF pump close coupled by means of stainless
steel coupling to suitable HP suitable speed totally enclosed
and filled with pure drinking water (Wet type) squirrel cage
submersible induction motor suitable for operation of 3PH., 50
30 Hz, 380/440 volts AC supply fitted with required accessories
such as suction casing suction strainers sand guard. Non return
value etc., complete. The pump and motor shall form an
integral unit with all the required fittings. 10.00 HP/7.5KW 20
Stage ( P No XXXXII SL No 21 ) PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-

Each 1 1.00
1.00 50100.00

Supplying and drawing 3 core flat PVC sheathed submersible

pump cable manufactured with electrolytic grade copper with
flexible copper conductor confirming to table 3 class 5 of
31 IS:8130-1984 and virgin grade PVC insulation and sheathed
suitable for working voltage upto 1100 volts ( PWD Electrical
SR- 14-15 , P No 12 Item No 2.10.3 )

4 Sqmm of 56 strands 0.3mm dia 1) Group A

Rmtr 1 275.00 275.00
275.00 126.70

Supply and delivery of Galvanised mild steel tubes heavy class

( C-Class ) Confirming to IS :1239-1979 Part I/1979 with latest
amendments with ISI mark heavy duty collar and other end
32 fitted with protective cover 50mm di ( P No 90 Item No 13.15)
PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-17

50 mm dia
Rmtr 1 200.00 200.00
200.00 432.00

Supply of galvanized / mild steel Union for 50mm nominal

33 bore galvanized /mild steel tube ( P No XXXIX ) PW,P &
IWTD SR 2016-17
No 2 2.00
2.00 223.70

Supply of galvanized / mild steel elbow for 50mm nominal

34 bore galvanized /mild steel tube ( P No XXXIX ) PW,P &
IWTD SR 2016-17
No 2 2.00
2.00 111.80

Supplying and fixing 50 mm GI Nipple ( P No XXXIX )

35 PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-17

No 2 2.00
2.00 104.30
Supplying and fixing 50mm Non Return Valve of
vertical/Horizontal type of approved make including cost of all
materials labour HOM of equipment with all leads complete as
per Specification ( P No 93 I No 13.62 PWP & IWTD SR
2016-178) (50mm dia)

No 2 2.00
2.00 1435.00

Supplying, fixing, wiring, earth electrode for grounding

conduits, LC cutouts and other equipments on the meter board
using 40mm dia 2.90 mm thick GI pipe 2.5 m long buried in a
pit. The pit should be filled with equal propotion of solt and
charcoal 150 mm alround the pipe to complete depth. The
connection from the pipe to the conduct etc., is to be
37 established through GI wire of size as per ISI specification
7.3.3 IS 732 using 120mm dia bolts, nuts, washers and check
nuts, etc, the pipe shall have 16 throught holes of 122 mm dia
( PWD Electrical SR- 14-15 , P No 12 Item No 2.10.3 )

No 1 1.00
1.00 2727.00

Errection, Electrification and Commissioning of pumpset

Including aligning and balance with all necessary errection of
materials and labour including supply and errection of two pair
38 of supporting clamps, borewell cap cable clips with bolts nuts
valve gauges etc., involved in the job. ( P No 57 I No 11
2012-13 PRE Circle )

No 1 1.00
1.00 4500.00
Supplying and delivery at site brand new star / Essen/
Lotus/Sun-shines/Adarsh/ GK Controls best indigenous make
combined energy meter - cum- control panel board unit of size
1200x600 x350 mm minimum mechanically strong vermin and
water proof. The unit shall have two detachable doors suitable
for operation on 3 ph, 50Hz, 380/440 volts, A.C supply with
spring loaded latch, locking device with a key ribs should be
39 provided inside the door, canopy apron and louvers ventilators
shall be provided. the combined energy meter cum- control
panel board unit suitable for operation. The panel board shall
be fabricated on single unit in the above components for
suitable pumpset. 15HP to 30 HP Star Delta Starter SERDED
Rate Letter No.2536/2006-07 Dt: 8-1-2007 (Rs. 9800 + 4%

No 1 1.00
1.00 10192.00

Supplying and laying of L.T.U.G cable having Aluminium

conductor PVC insulated extruded inner sheathed galavnised
steel stio ( Except 2C x 10 Sq.mm wire armoured ) condirming
to IS3975-1990 ( No of stip indicated in GTP ) & extruded
40 PVC outer sheathed armoured cable with Specified IS 1554
Part 11988 & confirming to GTP of Group A 4 core sqmm ( P
No 55- I No 7.4.4 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

Rmtr 1 25.00 25.00

25.00 140.40

Labour chrges for laying of 1.1 KV class UG Cable in existing

trenches Gi Pipe /Stone ware Pipe on Wall on poles as required
41 - in exisint trench / duct 6mm to 16mm ( P No 61 I Nbo 7.8.1
PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

Rmtr 1 25.00 25.00

25.00 10.80

Suppliying and fixing of class A (medium duty)GI pipe of wall

thickness not less then 3.25mm on pile/wall/drain crossing with
necessary clamping arrangements for UG cable of 1.1 KV
42 Class-40mm (P No 62-I.No 7.12.1 PWP & IWTD Electrical
SR 2014-15 )

Rmtr 1 4.00 4.00

4.00 345.00
Suppliying and fixing minature circuit breakers on exsiting
MCB Distriction board using necessary fixing materials and 'C'
type curve,indicater ON/OFF. Energy cross -3 with short circuit
43 breaking capacity of 10K and complete wiring as required-5-32
Amps TPN (P No 47-I.No 6.16.5 PWP & IWTD Electrical
SR 2014-15 )

No. 1 1.00
1.00 1547.00

Suppliying and fixing of porcelain fuse channel with cut out on

existing wooden/pannel using necessary nuts, bolts and
44 washers-32 Amps (P No 45-I.No 6.7.2 PWP & IWTD
Electrical SR 2014-15 )

No. 2 2.00
2.00 180.00

Suppliying and fixingL.T cast Iron pot heads suiteble for

1.1KV class U.G able filled switch necessary
bitumen/insulation compound complete with terimals clamps
bilt nuts and washs etc.. Complete 16 sqcm (P No 62-I.No
7.13.2 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

No. 2 2.00
2.00 280.00

Supplying and fixing 20"x20"x2.5" polished wood board made

of not less than 15mm thick plank on both sides with planks
made out of not more than 2 pieces and fixing the same to the
wall using tapered inverted wooden plugs screws etc., (P No 44
-I.No 6.6.6 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

No. 1 1.00
1.00 302.00

Suppliying and fixing and wiring electronics 10 to 40 Amps

three phase 4 wire class-1 Accuracy Energy Meter (P No 48-
I.No 6.33 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

No. 1 1.00
1.00 4900.00
Erection of combined panel board and meter unit with
necessary materials and labour including providing cement
48 concrete foundation, bed concrete door tpe etc., complete (CE
8/9194/2008-09 Dated 21-01-2009

No. 1 1.00
1.00 425.00

Supplying of TPST with rewireable porcelain channels in SM

49 encloser 32 amps group 'C' (P No 44 -I.No 6.5.1 PWP &
IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15

No. 1 1.00
1.00 1868.00

Supplying shunt capacitor conforming to IS 2834, 3phase

400/440 volts grade for power factor improvement of rotating
50 machinery capacitor in KVAR nos 2 KVAR capacity (P No 44
-I.No 6.4.1 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15

No. 1 1.00
1.00 138.00

Providing and fixing 1 mm thick M.S.Sheet garage door with

frame anddiagonalbraces of size 40 x 40 x 6 mm angle iron,
3.15 mm thickM.S.Gusset plates at the junctions and corners,
with handles, stoppers and locking arrangements etc., including
51 applying a priming coat of red lead paint cost of materials,
labour, HOM complete as per specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-
17 Page No. 31 Item No. 7.3)

For main door 2 2.50 3.0 15.00

15.00 2518.56
B.R : 2332.00 Sqm
A.W 8% 186.56
TOTAL 2518.56

Supplying and fixing water storage tanks made of virgin

polymer (LLDPE) with two layers outer black and inner white
layer of approved quality and make conforming to
I.S.I/ISO/SSI specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 265
Item No. 37.58)

For Over Head Tank 1 5000 5000

5000 6.48
B.R : 6.00 Ltr
A.W 8% 0.48
TOTAL 6.48

Providing and fixing stainless steel 304 grade for staircase

railings, balconies, ramps, with hand rail, 50mm dia 16 guage
hollow pipe welded to vertical hollow 50mm dia pipe of 16
guage, stainless steel vertical pipe spaced at 1.20m regular
intervals and 5 Nos of 25mm dia. Stainless steel hollow
horizontal pipe are welded to vertical 50mm dia hollow pipe.
53 The entire assembly is fixed to staircase concrete by using
expansion bolts by drilling concrete etc., complete including
cost of materials, labour, HOM of and electrical charges, etc.,
complete as per specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 43
Item No. 7.38)

For ramp and stair case 1 20.00 1.00 20.00

20.00 6638.76
B.R : 6147.00 Sqm
A.W 8% 491.76
TOTAL 6638.76

Providing door fixtures like brass heavy duty hinges, brass

54 aldrop, brass tower bolt, door stoppers, door bush, door
closures with necessary screw etc.,

15 % of the door cost L.S.

Providing and fixing hassan green granite flooring , riser and

treads using pre polished 20mm thick water cut green granite
slab laid over existing cement concrete bed in CM 1:3 average
20mm thick including full rounding for nosing, cutting, three
line grooves nor more than 2 mm wide for
55 antiskiddingincluding cost of all materials, mortar labour
curing etc., complete as perspecification. (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 108 Item No. 14.51)

Entrance steps and

1 10.00 8.0 80.00
Steps 24 2.00 0.30 0.60
23 2.00 0.15 0.30
landing 2 1.50 1.50 2.25
Counter tops 10 5.00 0.90 4.50
87.65 4305.96
B.R : 3987.00 Sqm
A.W 8% 318.96
TOTAL 4305.96

Preparation of DPR @ 1% and PMC Charges @ 2 % in total

56 works out to 3% of the estimate cost.

57 Miscellaneous & Rounding Off

Grand Total
(Rupees One Hundred and Fifty Lakhs Only
1) The work spot has been inspected and the work is found necessary.
2) This estimate is prepared as per PWD S.R. of Bengaluru Circle for the Year 2016-17
3) The provisions made in this estimate are necessary and adequate.
4) This work comes under B.B.M.P. limits.

Assistant Engineer Assistant Executive Enginee

Project Sub Division Project Sub Division

Executive Engineer
Project Division

st : Rs. 150.00 Lakhs







































akhs Only)

utive Engineer
ub Division


Issued to Sri. ………………………………………………..….…….

Rate (Rs)
Sl. Sanctioned
Description of item Unit Qty
No. Estimate Rate In Figures In Words

KSRRB 200-8. Clearing and grubbing road land

including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, brush,
shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300mm, by
manual means, in area of light jungle, removal of
1 stumps, disposal of unserviceable materials, stacking Sqm 2000.00 6.48
of serviceable materials labour charges complete as
per specifications. MORTH / Chapter 2 (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 136 Item No. 18.11)

KSRB 2-2.3 : Excavation by manual means for

foundation of buildings, water supply & sanitary lines
and electrical conduits etc., either in pits or in
trenches 1.50m and above in width, in soft rock /
ordinary rock not exceeding 1.50mtrs in depth
including stacking the excavated stuff clear from
2 edges of excavation with lead upto 50mt including Cu.M 359.20 204.12
cost of explosives, labour, HOM complete as per
specifications. specification. No. KBS
2.1C/2.9.4/2.18/2.19 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 5
Item No. 2.3)
KSRB-3.2: Providing and injecting chemical
emulsion for Pre-constructional Anti-Termite
Treatment, creating continuous chemical barrier
under and around the column pits, walls, trenches,
basement excavation, top surface of the plinth filling,
junction of wall and floor, along the external
perimeter of building, expansion joints, over the top
surface of consolidated earth on which apron is to be
laid, surrounding of pipes and conduits, with
chloropyriphos emulsifiable concentrates of 20%
concentration at 3.19 Litre/sqm., including cost of Sqm 925.00 111.24
chemical, diluting in water to one percent
concentration, labour, HOM complete as per
specifications. (Plinth area of the building at ground
floor only shall be measured ) Specification No. KBS
: 3.2.6 / 3.2.7 (PWD SR 2016-17 Page No 9 Item No

KSRB 4-1.3 : Providing and Laying in Position plain

cement concrete of mix 1:4:8 with OPC Cement @
180Kgs with 40mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @ 0.85cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.57 cum machine mixed machine
mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms
4 thick well compacted , in foundation and plinth Cum 130.20 5256.36
including cost of all materials , labour HOM of
machinery curing complete as per specifications.
Speicifcation No KBS 4.1 , 4.2 (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 12 Item No. 4.3)
KSRB 5.3-3 Providing and constructing granite / trap
/ basalt size stone masonry in Foundation with
cement mortar 1:6, edges of stones hammer dressed
in courses not less than 20 cms high, bond stones at
two m. apart in each course including cost of Cum 43.88 4359.96
materials, labour, curing complete as per
specifications. KBS 5.1.13 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page
No. 23 Item No. 5.5)

KSRB 4.9.2 : Providing TMT Steel reinforcement for

RCC work including straightening cutting bending
hooking placing in position lapping and or welding
wherever required tying with binding wire and
anchoring to the adjoining members wherever
necessary complete as per design (laps , hooks and
wastage shall be mesured and paid ) cost of materials, Tonne 38.00 60534.00
labour HOM of Machinery complete as per
specificaitons . Specifications No KBS 4..6.3 (Pwd
SR 2016-17 Page No. 17 Item No. 4.46.2)

KSRB 4.6.4 :Providing and removing centering

shuttering strutting propping etc., and removal of
form work for Vertical surface such as wall at any
thickness including attached plasters , buttress and
7 plinth and string course , cost of all materials labour Sq.M 1985.17 316.44
complete as per specifications Speicfications No KBS
4.6.2 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 15 Item No.
KSRB 4.2.7 : Providing and laying in position
reinforced cement concrete of design Mix M25 with
OPC @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.70cum and fine
aggregtes @ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser @3lts
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding
15 cms thick, vibrated for all works in ground floor
level for roof slabs, staircase, lintels and beams
retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness)
including attached pilasters, columns, lintles, pillars, Cu.M 383.97 6876.36
posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses,
parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain
window cills, fillets etc., including cost of all
materials, labour, HOM curing, complete but
excluding cost of reinforcement as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6 (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 13 Item No. 4.12)

KSRB-4-1.6 : Providing and laying in position plain

cement concrete of mix M20 with cement @ 300kgs,
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal
coarse aggregates @ 0.69cum and fine aggregates @
0.43cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not
exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in
foundation, plinth and cills, including cost all Cu.M 3.31 5874.52
materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing
complete as per specifications. No. KBS 4.1, 4.2
(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 12 Item No. 4.5)
KSRB 6-2 : Providing and constructing burnt brick
masonry with approved quality of non-modular
bricks of standard size of class designation
5.0Newton per sqmm (table moulded) with cement
10 mortar 1:6 for basement and superstructu/re including Cu.M 163.53 6770.52
cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing
complete as per specifications. Specification No.
KBS 6.2 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 27 Item No.

KSRB 6-7 : Construction of partition wall 11.2 cms

thick with non modular ground moulded burnt bricks
of class designation with cement mortar 1:4 including
providing and fixing plaster mesh manufactured out
of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal thickness
0.35 mm. 100 mm. wide as per I.S. 2212/1991 at 7.5
m. c/c including cost of materials, labour charges, Sqm 494.18 926.64
scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 6.4 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page
No. 28 Item No. 6.23)

KSRB15-3 : Providing 18mm thick cement plaster in

single coat with cement mortar to brick masonry
including rounding off corners wherever required
smooth rendering, : Providing and removing
12 scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, Sqm 3488.35 213.84
curing complete as per specifications.cement mortar
1:6 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 114 Item No.
KSRB 9.4-1 : Providing wood frames of doors,
windows, clerestory windows, ventilators and other
frames, wrought, framed or assembled including
making plaster groves (excluding cost of cement
13 concrete and side clamps), but including cost of Cum 2.56 63428.40
materials, labour, HOM complete as per
specifications. Specification No. KBS 9.33 (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 51 Item No. 9.13.1)

Providing and fixing flush door shutter made out of

solid core black board type, well seasoned chemically
treated hard wood battens and internal frame with
minimum 45 mm wide wooden frame all-round door
shutters covered with cross bonded wooden sheets
(core veneer) hot pressed and fastened on both sides
of the door using liquid phenol formaldehyde resin as
14 per IS specification 2202 (Part-I) 1991. From Sqm 60.48 2544.48
manufacturer (Factory) complete as per
specification.40 mm thick both side commercial
(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 62 Item No. 9.106.9)
Providing and fixing glazed 2 track panel sliding
windows made out of multi chambered
UPVC(Matching to RAL-9016) sections and with
minimum TiO2(Titanium Dioxide) at 6PHR with
TPV(Thermo Plastic Vulcanized) and lead free with
gaskets -grey colour having isolated drainage and
reinforced with Galvanized Iron profile through-out
the openable frame. The frame having overall size of
60mm x 55mm with GI reinforcement of 1mm
thickness and openable sash with overall size of
60mm x 75mm and GI reinforcement of 1.5mm
15 thickness. Glazing bead for fixing of glass shall be of Sqm 78.75 6912.00
size 20mm x 34 mm. Windows shall be provided with
5mm plain float glass, Standard hardware with
friction hing & Multi point locking system with
Handle. Wall thickness of frame & sash shall be of
2mm 2.5mm.Maximum possible size – 900mm x
1819mm. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 309 Item No.

KSRB 7.9 : Providing and fixing M.S.grill work for

windows and ventilators using M.S. flats, or M.S.
square rods, or combination of M.S. flats and square
rods as per approved design, drawing including
cutting steel sections and welding the same to
16 required pattern with a coat of red lead primer, cost of Kgs 1968.75 84.24
materials, fixtures, labour and HOM complete as per
specifications. Specification No. KBS 7.12 (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 32 Item No. 7.9)
Providing and fixing Special make glazed Vitrified
tiles (Granomite finish) of approved make, quality
and colour of size 600x600x10mm thick fixed on
existing flooring with a special adhesive for flooring,
skirting and jointed with neat cement slurry mixed
with pigment to match shade of tiles, including Sqm 1035.00 1285.20
providing spacers at required interval and removing
stains etc., cost of materials, mortar, labour etc.,
complete as per specification.(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page
No. 107 Item No. 14.43)

Providing applying two coats of wall putty to inside

plastered walls and ceiling using white cement putty.
Scrapping and levelling the surface using steel blade
and preparing the surface even and smooth by using
18 different grade sand papers, including cost of all Sqm 1771.65 60.48
materials, cost of labour and scaffolding etc.,
complete as per the specification.(Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 126 Item No. 15.106)

KSRB 15-15.1 : Providing and applying painting in

two coats with plastic emulsion paint of approved
brand on wall surface to give an even approved shade
after thoroughly brushing the surface, free from
mortar drops and other foreign matter including
19 preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, Sqm 1771.65 97.20
cost of materials, labour, complete as per
specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 117
Item No. 15.51.2)
KSRB 15-16.1 : Providing and finishing external
walls in two coats with waterproof cement paint of
approved brand and shade to give an even shade after
throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt and
loose powdered material, free from mortar drops and
20 Sqm 711.50 90.72
other foreign matter cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.With Primer (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 118 Item No. 15.53.2)

KSRB 10-3 : Providing and laying integral cement

based waterproofing treatment including preparation
of surface as required for treatment of roofs,
balconies, terraces etc., consisting of following
application. (a) Applying and grouting a slurry coat of
neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed
with proprietary water proofing compound
conforming to IS:2645 over the RCC slab after
cleaning the surface before treatment. (b) Laying
cement concrete using broken brick bats 25mm to
100mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 admixed
with proprietary water proofing compound
conforming IS:2645 over 20mm thick layer of cement
mortar 1:5 admixed with proprietary water proofing Sqm 825.00 976.32
compound to required slope and treating similarly the
adjoining walls upto 300mm height including
rounding off junctions of walls and slabs. (c) After
two days of proper curing, applying a second coat of
cement lurry admixed with proprietary water
proofing compound (d) Finishing the surface with
20mm thick joint less cement mortar of mix 1:4
admixed with proprietary water proofing compound
and finally finishing the surface with trowel and neat
cement slurry and making of 300x300mm square. (e)
The whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with
water for a minimum period of two weeks for curing
and for final test including cost of materials, labour
KSRB 15.8 : Providing and fixing suitable plaster
mesh manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron
of nominal thickness 0.35mm with a zinc coating of
120 gms width, along route of walls chipped for
services, junction between RCC and brick walls
22 including cost of materials, labour for fixing Rmtr 500.00 32.40
complete as per specifications, length of mesh only
be measured for payment. Plaster mesh 200 mm
wide. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 118 Item No.

Providing and fixing colour glazed tiles of size 300

mm x 450 mm for walls with borders of size 300 mm
x 100 mm, set in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with
white cement with matching colour pigment with
necessary curing, cleaning including providing and
removing scaffolding wherever necessary etc.,
23 complete. The work includes cost of all materials, Sqm 984.70 1033.56
mortar, labour charges for all items of work, hire
charges for equipment etc., complete as per
specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 110
Item No. 14.65)

Providing and fixing ceramic tiles of size 400 mm x

400 mm for flooring, treads, steps and landing laid on
a bed of 20 mm thick cement mortar and pointed
with white cement with matching colour pigment
with necessary curing, cleaning etc., complete. The
24 work includes cost of all materials, mortar, labour Sqm 14.62 1161.00
charges for all items of work, hire charges for
equipment etc., complete as per specifications. (Pwd
SR 2016-17 Page No. 110 Item No. 14.63)
Refilling available esxcavated earth excluding rock in
sides of foundation upto plinth in layers not
exceeding 20 cms in depth and compacting each
deposited layer by ramming after watering with lead
upto 50 mtrs and lift upto 1.5 mtr including cost of all CuM 287.36 137.16
labour complete as per specifications KBS 2.9
(PWD SR 2016-17 Page No 6 Item No 2.1)

Geophysical investigation of site for sinking borewell

for supply drinking water to the habitation either
through the hand pump M.W.S or P.W.S.S by vertical
electrical sounding by adopting venner or
schlumberger’s method including reconnaissance
survey of geological formation Geophysical
investigation of existing ground water infecundity its
quality, quantity & acceptability of the user indicating
the location of site recommended depth of casting
pipe required to seal the top in consolidated
formation including an extra depth of 1.00 Mtr in Each 1.00 1650.00
consolidated formation of proper scatting of casing
pipe, depth of drilling required to cover full depth of
aquifer proposed to be tapped, probable yield and
other information required including transportation
technical personal and labour etc.,(p.30/4) (BWSSB
SR 2014-15 Page No 55, Item No 4)
Sinking borewell of 165 mm dia clear using super
fast hydraulic Rig of capacity 250 PSIG and Above
900 CFM & above in all Strata including over burden
upto 20 mtrs fixing of casing pipes, collars and cap
with necessary cutting, threading and welding
including transportation of Rig and Supporting
vehicle, crew charges and cost of consumables etc.,
complete including yield testing at the final depth Rmtr 50.00 264.00
with a minimum working of compressor for one hour
(excluding cost of casing pipes, collars and cap, etc.,)
(BWSSB SR 2014-15 Page No 54, Item No 1)
a) 0.00 to 50.00 mtrs

b) 51.00 to 100.00 mtrs Rmtr 50.00 330.00

c) 101.00 to 150.00 mtrs Rmtr 50.00 385.00
d) 151.00 to 200.00 mtrs Rmtr 50.00 440.00
e) 201.00 to 250.00 mtrs Rmtr 50.00 473.00
f) 251.00 to 300 mtrs Rmtr 50.00 495.00
g) Above 300 mtrs Rmtr 63.00 506.00
Providing and installing at site work P.V.C Pipes
including cost of pipes and specials and labour,
including lowering into trenches , laying true to line,
level and perfect linking at joints lead proof including
jointing of approved type with all labour and lift
charge, handling charges with all leads , including
encasing the pipe around to a depth not less than Rmtr 8.00 937.30

15cms with gravel or selected earth available from

the excavation etc., Complete ( P No 14-I No 3.4.2g )
PRE SR (To prevent earth caving in)
Supply of ISI mark 175 mm nominal bore, plain end
Steel casing Pipe - grade of steel Fe 410, of wall
thickness 5.4 mm thick confirming to IS 4270:2001
and latest amendments electric resistance welded
steel tube material and confirming to IS 1387/1993 &
manufactured by basic open hearth electric or basic
oxygen process in random length of 4 to 7 mts. Both
29 ends threaded confirming to IS 554/1985, one end Rmtr 25.00 1325.00
fixed with a socket and the other end with a plastic
protection end ( inclusive of all taxes ) ( As per
Approved rate by Superintenent Engineer, RDED
Engineering Section, Bangalore
Casing Pipe

Collar No. 2.00 150.00

Cap No. 1.00 150.00
Supplying and delivery at site brand new texmo /
innoval / Lubi / Sabar / Atalanta / Calamal make
suitable for vertical installation in 150mm dia
borewell comprising of single stage of multistage CF
pump close coupled by means of stainless steel
coupling to suitable HP suitable speed totally
enclosed and filled with pure drinking water (Wet
type) squirrel cage submersible induction motor
suitable for operation of 3PH., 50 Hz, 380/440 volts
AC supply fitted with required accessories such as Each 1.00 50100.00
suction casing suction strainers sand guard. Non
return value etc., complete. The pump and motor
shall form an integral unit with all the required
fittings. 10.00 HP/7.5KW 20 Stage ( P No XXXXII
SL No 21 ) PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-17
Supplying and drawing 3 core flat PVC sheathed
submersible pump cable manufactured with
electrolytic grade copper with flexible copper
conductor confirming to table 3 class 5 of IS:8130-
31 1984 and virgin grade PVC insulation and sheathed Rmtr 275.00 126.70
suitable for working voltage upto 1100 volts ( PWD
Electrical SR- 14-15 , P No 12 Item No 2.10.3 )

Supply and delivery of Galvanised mild steel tubes

heavy class ( C-Class ) Confirming to IS :1239-1979
Part I/1979 with latest amendments with ISI mark
32 heavy duty collar and other end fitted with protective Rmtr 200.00 432.00
cover 50mm di ( P No 90 Item No 13.15) PW,P &
IWTD SR 2016-17

Supply of galvanized / mild steel Union for 50mm

nominal bore galvanized /mild steel tube ( P No
33 No 2.00 223.70
XXXIX ) PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-17

Supply of galvanized / mild steel elbow for 50mm

34 nominal bore galvanized /mild steel tube ( P No No 2.00 111.80
XXXIX ) PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-17
Supplying and fixing 50 mm GI Nipple ( P No
XXXIX ) PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-17 No 2.00 104.30
Supplying and fixing 50mm Non Return Valve of
vertical/Horizontal type of approved make including
cost of all materials labour HOM of equipment with
all leads complete as per Specification ( P No 93 I No No 2.00 1435.00
13.62 PWP & IWTD SR 2016-178) (50mm dia)
Supplying, fixing, wiring, earth electrode for
grounding conduits, LC cutouts and other equipments
on the meter board using 40mm dia 2.90 mm thick GI
pipe 2.5 m long buried in a pit. The pit should be
filled with equal propotion of solt and charcoal 150
mm alround the pipe to complete depth. The
connection from the pipe to the conduct etc., is to be
37 established through GI wire of size as per ISI No 1.00 2727.00
specification 7.3.3 IS 732 using 120mm dia bolts,
nuts, washers and check nuts, etc, the pipe shall have
16 throught holes of 122 mm dia ( PWD Electrical
SR- 14-15 , P No 12 Item No 2.10.3 )

Errection, Electrification and Commissioning of

pumpset Including aligning and balance with all
necessary errection of materials and labour including
supply and errection of two pair of supporting
clamps, borewell cap cable clips with bolts nuts valve No 1.00 4500.00
gauges etc., involved in the job. ( P No 57 I No 11
2012-13 PRE Circle )
Supplying and delivery at site brand new star /
Essen/ Lotus/Sun-shines/Adarsh/ GK Controls best
indigenous make combined energy meter - cum-
control panel board unit of size 1200x600 x350 mm
minimum mechanically strong vermin and water
proof. The unit shall have two detachable doors
suitable for operation on 3 ph, 50Hz, 380/440 volts,
A.C supply with spring loaded latch, locking device
with a key ribs should be provided inside the door,
39 canopy apron and louvers ventilators shall be Nos 1.00 10192.00
provided. the combined energy meter cum- control
panel board unit suitable for operation. The panel
board shall be fabricated on single unit in the above
components for suitable pumpset. 15HP to 30 HP
Star Delta Starter SERDED Rate Letter
No.2536/2006-07 Dt: 8-1-2007 (Rs. 9800 + 4% Vat).

Supplying and laying of L.T.U.G cable having

Aluminium conductor PVC insulated extruded inner
sheathed galavnised steel stio ( Except 2C x 10
Sq.mm wire armoured ) condirming to IS3975-1990 (
No of stip indicated in GTP ) & extruded PVC outer
40 sheathed armoured cable with Specified IS 1554 Part Rmtr 25.00 140.40
11988 & confirming to GTP of Group A 4 core sqmm
( P No 55- I No 7.4.4 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR
2014-15 )

Labour chrges for laying of 1.1 KV class UG Cable in

existing trenches Gi Pipe /Stone ware Pipe on Wall on
poles as required - in exisint trench / duct 6mm to
16mm ( P No 61 I Nbo 7.8.1 PWP & IWTD Rmtr 25.00 10.80
Electrical SR 2014-15 )
Suppliying and fixing of class A (medium duty)GI
pipe of wall thickness not less then 3.25mm on
pile/wall/drain crossing with necessary clamping
42 arrangements for UG cable of 1.1 KV Class-40mm (P Rmtr 4.00 345.00
No 62-I.No 7.12.1 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR
2014-15 )

Suppliying and fixing minature circuit breakers on

exsiting MCB Distriction board using necessary
fixing materials and 'C' type curve,indicater ON/OFF.
Energy cross -3 with short circuit breaking capacity
of 10K and complete wiring as required-5-32 Amps No. 1.00 1547.00
TPN (P No 47-I.No 6.16.5 PWP & IWTD
Electrical SR 2014-15 )

Suppliying and fixing of porcelain fuse channel with

cut out on existing wooden/pannel using necessary
44 nuts, bolts and washers-32 Amps (P No 45-I.No No. 2.00 180.00
6.7.2 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

Suppliying and fixingL.T cast Iron pot heads suiteble

for 1.1KV class U.G able filled switch necessary
bitumen/insulation compound complete with terimals
45 clamps bilt nuts and washs etc.. Complete 16 sqcm No. 2.00 280.00
(P No 62-I.No 7.13.2 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR
2014-15 )

Supplying and fixing 20"x20"x2.5" polished wood

board made of not less than 15mm thick plank on
both sides with planks made out of not more than 2
46 pieces and fixing the same to the wall using tapered No. 1.00 302.00
inverted wooden plugs screws etc., (P No 44 -I.No
6.6.6 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )
Suppliying and fixing and wiring electronics 10 to 40
Amps three phase 4 wire class-1 Accuracy Energy
47 Meter (P No 48-I.No 6.33 PWP & IWTD No. 1.00 4900.00
Electrical SR 2014-15 )

Erection of combined panel board and meter unit

with necessary materials and labour including
providing cement concrete foundation, bed concrete
48 door tpe etc., complete (CE (M) BWSSB, Letter No. 1.00 425.00
Dated 21-01-2009

Supplying of TPST with rewireable porcelain

49 channels in SM encloser 32 amps group 'C' (P No 44 No. 1.00 1868.00
-I.No 6.5.1 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15
Supplying shunt capacitor conforming to IS 2834,
3phase 400/440 volts grade for power factor
50 improvement of rotating machinery capacitor in No. 1.00 138.00
KVAR nos 2 KVAR capacity (P No 44 -I.No 6.4.1
PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15
Providing and fixing 1 mm thick M.S.Sheet garage
door with frame anddiagonalbraces of size 40 x 40 x
6 mm angle iron, 3.15 mm thickM.S.Gusset plates at
the junctions and corners, with handles, stoppers and
51 locking arrangements etc., including applying a Sqm 15.00 2518.56
priming coat of red lead paint cost of materials,
labour, HOM complete as per specifications. (Pwd
SR 2016-17 Page No. 31 Item No. 7.3)
Supplying and fixing water storage tanks made of
virgin polymer (LLDPE) with two layers outer black
and inner white layer of approved quality and make
conforming to I.S.I/ISO/SSI specifications. (Pwd SR Ltr 5000 6.48
2016-17 Page No. 265 Item No. 37.58)

Providing and fixing stainless steel 304 grade for

staircase railings, balconies, ramps, with hand rail,
50mm dia 16 guage hollow pipe welded to vertical
hollow 50mm dia pipe of 16 guage, stainless steel
vertical pipe spaced at 1.20m regular intervals and 5
Nos of 25mm dia. Stainless steel hollow horizontal
pipe are welded to vertical 50mm dia hollow pipe.
53 The entire assembly is fixed to staircase concrete by Sqm 20.00 6638.76
using expansion bolts by drilling concrete etc.,
complete including cost of materials, labour, HOM of
and electrical charges, etc., complete as per
specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 43 Item
No. 7.38)

Providing and fixing hassan green granite flooring ,

riser and treads using pre polished 20mm thick water
cut green granite slab laid over existing cement
concrete bed in CM 1:3 average 20mm thick
including full rounding for nosing, cutting, three line
54 grooves nor more than 2 mm wide for Sqm 87.65 4305.96
antiskiddingincluding cost of all materials, mortar
labour curing etc., complete as perspecification. (Pwd
SR 2016-17 Page No. 108 Item No. 14.51)

Total Tender Price (in Figures)

(in Words)
Note :
Item for which no rate or price has been entered in will not be paid for by the Employer when executed and shall be deemed covered by the other rates and prices in the Bill of
Quantities (refer : ITB Clause 72 and CC Cause 33.2)

2 Unit rates and prices shall be quoted by the Tenderer in Indian Rupees.

3 Where there is a discrepancy between the rate in figures and words the rates in words will govern (ITB Clause 19.1 (A))

4 Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit rate by quantity the unit rate quoted shall govern (ITB Clause 19.1 (b))
Amount (Rs)
nd prices in the Bill of

TB Clause 19.1 (b))

Office of the Executive Engineer
Bommanahalli Project Divisio
Bommanahalli Zone



Sl No Specification Unit Qty

In Figures
KSRRB 200-8. Clearing and grubbing road land
including uprooting rank vegetation, grass, brush,
shrubs, saplings and trees of girth upto 300mm, by
manual means, in area of light jungle, removal of
stumps, disposal of unserviceable materials, stacking
of serviceable materials labour charges complete as Sqm 2000.00 6.48

per specifications. MORTH / Chapter 2 (Pwd SR

2016-17 Page No. 136 Item No. 18.11)

KSRB 2-2.3 : Excavation by manual means for

foundation of buildings, water supply & sanitary lines
and electrical conduits etc., either in pits or in trenches
1.50m and above in width, in soft rock / ordinary rock
not exceeding 1.50mtrs in depth including stacking
the excavated stuff clear from edges of excavation
2 with lead upto 50mt including cost of explosives, Cu.M 359.20 204.12
labour, HOM complete as per specifications.
specification. No. KBS 2.1C/2.9.4/2.18/2.19 (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 5 Item No. 2.3)
KSRB-3.2: Providing and injecting chemical
emulsion for Pre-constructional Anti-Termite
Treatment, creating continuous chemical barrier under
and around the column pits, walls, trenches, basement
excavation, top surface of the plinth filling, junction
of wall and floor, along the external perimeter of
building, expansion joints, over the top surface of
consolidated earth on which apron is to be laid,
surrounding of pipes and conduits, with
chloropyriphos emulsifiable concentrates of 20%
concentration at 3.19 Litre/sqm., including cost of Sqm 925.00 111.24
chemical, diluting in water to one percent
concentration, labour, HOM complete as per
specifications. (Plinth area of the building at ground
floor only shall be measured ) Specification No.
KBS : 3.2.6 / 3.2.7 (PWD SR 2016-17 Page No 9
Item No 3.2)

KSRB 4-1.3 : Providing and Laying in Position plain

cement concrete of mix 1:4:8 with OPC Cement @
180Kgs with 40mm and down size graded granite
metal coarse aggregates @ 0.85cum and fine
aggregates @ 0.57 cum machine mixed machine
mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms
thick well compacted , in foundation and plinth
including cost of all materials , labour HOM of Cum 130.20 5256.36
machinery curing complete as per specifications.
Speicifcation No KBS 4.1 , 4.2 (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 12 Item No. 4.3)
KSRB 5.3-3 Providing and constructing granite /
trap / basalt size stone masonry in Foundation with
cement mortar 1:6, edges of stones hammer dressed in
courses not less than 20 cms high, bond stones at two
m. apart in each course including cost of materials,
5 labour, curing complete as per specifications. KBS Cum 43.88 4359.96
5.1.13 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 23 Item No.

KSRB 4.9.2 : Providing TMT Steel reinforcement for

RCC work including straightening cutting bending
hooking placing in position lapping and or welding
wherever required tying with binding wire and
anchoring to the adjoining members wherever
necessary complete as per design (laps , hooks and
wastage shall be mesured and paid ) cost of materials,
labour HOM of Machinery complete as per Tonne 38.00 60534.00
specificaitons . Specifications No KBS 4..6.3 (Pwd
SR 2016-17 Page No. 17 Item No. 4.46.2)

KSRB 4.6.4 :Providing and removing centering

shuttering strutting propping etc., and removal of form
work for Vertical surface such as wall at any
thickness including attached plasters , buttress and
7 plinth and string course , cost of all materials labour Sq.M 1985.17 316.44
complete as per specifications Speicfications No KBS
4.6.2 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 15 Item No.
KSRB 4.2.7 : Providing and laying in position
reinforced cement concrete of design Mix M25 with
OPC @ 340kgs, with 20mm and down size graded
granite metal coarse aggregates @0.70cum and fine
aggregtes @ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser @3lts
confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008,
machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding
15 cms thick, vibrated for all works in ground floor
level for roof slabs, staircase, lintels and beams
retaining walls, return walls, walls (any thickness)
including attached pilasters, columns, lintles, pillars,
8 posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses, Cu.M 383.97 6876.36
parapets, coping, bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain
window cills, fillets etc., including cost of all
materials, labour, HOM curing, complete but
excluding cost of reinforcement as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6 (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 13 Item No. 4.12)

KSRB-4-1.6 : Providing and laying in position plain

cement concrete of mix M20 with cement @ 300kgs,
with 20mm and down size graded granite metal coarse
aggregates @ 0.69cum and fine aggregates @
0.43cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in layers not
exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in
9 foundation, plinth and cills, including cost all Cu.M 3.31 5874.52
materials, labour, HOM of machinery, curing
complete as per specifications. No. KBS 4.1, 4.2
(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 12 Item No. 4.5)
KSRB 6-2 : Providing and constructing burnt brick
masonry with approved quality of non-modular bricks
of standard size of class designation 5.0Newton per
sqmm (table moulded) with cement mortar 1:6 for
basement and superstructu/re including cost of
10 materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing Cu.M 163.53 6770.52
complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS
6.2 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 27 Item No. 6.3)

KSRB 6-7 : Construction of partition wall 11.2 cms

thick with non modular ground moulded burnt bricks
of class designation with cement mortar 1:4 including
providing and fixing plaster mesh manufactured out of
hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal thickness 0.35
mm. 100 mm. wide as per I.S. 2212/1991 at 7.5 m. c/c
11 including cost of materials, labour charges, Sqm 494.18 926.64
scaffolding, curing complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 6.4 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page
No. 28 Item No. 6.23)

KSRB15-3 : Providing 18mm thick cement plaster in

single coat with cement mortar to brick masonry
including rounding off corners wherever required
smooth rendering, : Providing and removing
12 scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing Sqm 3488.35 213.84
complete as per specifications.cement mortar 1:6
(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 114 Item No. 15.17)
KSRB 9.4-1 : Providing wood frames of doors,
windows, clerestory windows, ventilators and other
frames, wrought, framed or assembled including
making plaster groves (excluding cost of cement
concrete and side clamps), but including cost of
13 materials, labour, HOM complete as per Cum 2.56 63428.40
specifications. Specification No. KBS 9.33 (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 51 Item No. 9.13.1)

Providing and fixing flush door shutter made out of

solid core black board type, well seasoned chemically
treated hard wood battens and internal frame with
minimum 45 mm wide wooden frame all-round door
shutters covered with cross bonded wooden sheets
(core veneer) hot pressed and fastened on both sides
of the door using liquid phenol formaldehyde resin as
14 per IS specification 2202 (Part-I) 1991. From Sqm 60.48 2544.48
manufacturer (Factory) complete as per
specification.40 mm thick both side commercial
(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 62 Item No. 9.106.9)
Providing and fixing glazed 2 track panel sliding
windows made out of multi chambered
UPVC(Matching to RAL-9016) sections and with
minimum TiO2(Titanium Dioxide) at 6PHR with
TPV(Thermo Plastic Vulcanized) and lead free with
gaskets -grey colour having isolated drainage and
reinforced with Galvanized Iron profile through-out
the openable frame. The frame having overall size of
60mm x 55mm with GI reinforcement of 1mm
thickness and openable sash with overall size of
60mm x 75mm and GI reinforcement of 1.5mm
thickness. Glazing bead for fixing of glass shall be of
15 Sqm 78.75 6912.00
size 20mm x 34 mm. Windows shall be provided with
5mm plain float glass, Standard hardware with
friction hing & Multi point locking system with
Handle. Wall thickness of frame & sash shall be of
2mm 2.5mm.Maximum possible size – 900mm x
1819mm. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 309 Item No.

KSRB 7.9 : Providing and fixing M.S.grill work for

windows and ventilators using M.S. flats, or M.S.
square rods, or combination of M.S. flats and square
rods as per approved design, drawing including
cutting steel sections and welding the same to required
pattern with a coat of red lead primer, cost of
16 Kgs 1968.75 84.24
materials, fixtures, labour and HOM complete as per
specifications. Specification No. KBS 7.12 (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 32 Item No. 7.9)
Providing and fixing Special make glazed Vitrified
tiles (Granomite finish) of approved make, quality and
colour of size 600x600x10mm thick fixed on existing
flooring with a special adhesive for flooring, skirting
and jointed with neat cement slurry mixed with
pigment to match shade of tiles, including providing
17 spacers at required interval and removing stains etc., Sqm 1035.00 1285.20
cost of materials, mortar, labour etc., complete as per
specification.(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 107 Item
No. 14.43)

Providing applying two coats of wall putty to inside

plastered walls and ceiling using white cement putty.
Scrapping and levelling the surface using steel blade
and preparing the surface even and smooth by using
different grade sand papers, including cost of all
18 materials, cost of labour and scaffolding etc., Sqm 1771.65 60.48
complete as per the specification.(Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 126 Item No. 15.106)

KSRB 15-15.1 : Providing and applying painting in

two coats with plastic emulsion paint of approved
brand on wall surface to give an even approved shade
after thoroughly brushing the surface, free from
mortar drops and other foreign matter including
19 preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth, Sqm 1771.65 97.20
cost of materials, labour, complete as per
specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 117 Item
No. 15.51.2)
KSRB 15-16.1 : Providing and finishing external
walls in two coats with waterproof cement paint of
approved brand and shade to give an even shade after
throughly brooming the surface to remove all dirt and
loose powdered material, free from mortar drops and
20 other foreign matter cost of materials, labour, Sqm 711.50 90.72
complete as per specifications.With Primer (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 118 Item No. 15.53.2)

KSRB 10-3 : Providing and laying integral cement

based waterproofing treatment including preparation
of surface as required for treatment of roofs,
balconies, terraces etc., consisting of following
application. (a) Applying and grouting a slurry coat of
neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed
with proprietary water proofing compound
conforming to IS:2645 over the RCC slab after
cleaning the surface before treatment. (b) Laying
cement concrete using broken brick bats 25mm to
100mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 admixed
with proprietary water proofing compound
conforming IS:2645 over 20mm thick layer of cement
mortar 1:5 admixed with proprietary water proofing Sqm 825.00 976.32

compound to required slope and treating similarly the

adjoining walls upto 300mm height including
rounding off junctions of walls and slabs. (c) After
two days of proper curing, applying a second coat of
cement lurry admixed with proprietary water proofing
compound (d) Finishing the surface with 20mm thick
joint less cement mortar of mix 1:4 admixed with
proprietary water proofing compound and finally
finishing the surface with trowel and neat cement
slurry and making of 300x300mm square. (e) The
whole terrace so finished shall be flooded with water
for a minimum period of two weeks for curing and for
final test including cost of materials, labour complete
KSRB 15.8 : Providing and fixing suitable plaster
mesh manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron
of nominal thickness 0.35mm with a zinc coating of
120 gms width, along route of walls chipped for
services, junction between RCC and brick walls
including cost of materials, labour for fixing complete
22 Rmtr 500.00 32.40
as per specifications, length of mesh only be measured
for payment. Plaster mesh 200 mm wide. (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 118 Item No. 15.36)

Providing and fixing colour glazed tiles of size 300

mm x 450 mm for walls with borders of size 300 mm
x 100 mm, set in cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with
white cement with matching colour pigment with
necessary curing, cleaning including providing and
removing scaffolding wherever necessary etc.,
23 complete. The work includes cost of all materials, Sqm 984.70 1033.56
mortar, labour charges for all items of work, hire
charges for equipment etc., complete as per
specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 110 Item
No. 14.65)

Providing and fixing ceramic tiles of size 400 mm x

400 mm for flooring, treads, steps and landing laid on
a bed of 20 mm thick cement mortar and pointed with
white cement with matching colour pigment with
necessary curing, cleaning etc., complete. The work
includes cost of all materials, mortar, labour charges
24 Sqm 14.62 1161.00
for all items of work, hire charges for equipment etc.,
complete as per specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 110 Item No. 14.63)
Refilling available esxcavated earth excluding rock in
sides of foundation upto plinth in layers not exceeding
20 cms in depth and compacting each deposited layer
by ramming after watering with lead upto 50 mtrs and
lift upto 1.5 mtr including cost of all labour complete
(PWD SR 2016-17 CuM 287.36 137.16
as per specifications KBS 2.9
Page No 6 Item No 2.1)

Geophysical investigation of site for sinking borewell

for supply drinking water to the habitation either
through the hand pump M.W.S or P.W.S.S by vertical
electrical sounding by adopting venner or
schlumberger’s method including reconnaissance
survey of geological formation Geophysical
investigation of existing ground water infecundity its
quality, quantity & acceptability of the user indicating
the location of site recommended depth of casting
pipe required to seal the top in consolidated formation
26 including an extra depth of 1.00 Mtr in consolidated Each 1.00 1650.00
formation of proper scatting of casing pipe, depth of
drilling required to cover full depth of aquifer
proposed to be tapped, probable yield and other
information required including transportation
technical personal and labour etc.,(p.30/4) (BWSSB
SR 2014-15 Page No 55, Item No 4)
Sinking borewell of 165 mm dia clear using super fast
hydraulic Rig of capacity 250 PSIG and Above 900
CFM & above in all Strata including over burden upto
20 mtrs fixing of casing pipes, collars and cap with
necessary cutting, threading and welding including
transportation of Rig and Supporting vehicle, crew
27 charges and cost of consumables etc., complete Rmtr 50.00 264.00
including yield testing at the final depth with a
minimum working of compressor for one hour
(excluding cost of casing pipes, collars and cap, etc.,)
(BWSSB SR 2014-15 Page No 54, Item No 1)
a) 0.00 to 50.00 mtrs

b) 51.00 to 100.00 mtrs Rmtr 50.00 330.00

c) 101.00 to 150.00 mtrs Rmtr 50.00 385.00
d) 151.00 to 200.00 mtrs Rmtr 50.00 440.00

e) 201.00 to 250.00 mtrs Rmtr 50.00 473.00

f) 251.00 to 300 mtrs Rmtr 50.00 495.00

g) Above 300 mtrs Rmtr 63.00 506.00
Providing and installing at site work P.V.C Pipes
including cost of pipes and specials and labour,
including lowering into trenches , laying true to line,
level and perfect linking at joints lead proof including
jointing of approved type with all labour and lift
charge, handling charges with all leads , including
28 encasing the pipe around to a depth not less than Rmtr 8.00 937.30
15cms with gravel or selected earth available from the
excavation etc., Complete ( P No 14-I No 3.4.2g )
PRE SR (To prevent earth caving in)
Supply of ISI mark 175 mm nominal bore, plain end
Steel casing Pipe - grade of steel Fe 410, of wall
thickness 5.4 mm thick confirming to IS 4270:2001
and latest amendments electric resistance welded steel
tube material and confirming to IS 1387/1993 &
manufactured by basic open hearth electric or basic
oxygen process in random length of 4 to 7 mts. Both
ends threaded confirming to IS 554/1985, one end
fixed with a socket and the other end with a plastic
29 Rmtr 25.00 1325.00
protection end ( inclusive of all taxes ) ( As per
Approved rate by Superintenent Engineer, RDED
Engineering Section, Bangalore
Casing Pipe

Collar No. 2.00 150.00

Cap No. 1.00 150.00
Supplying and delivery at site brand new texmo /
innoval / Lubi / Sabar / Atalanta / Calamal make
suitable for vertical installation in 150mm dia
borewell comprising of single stage of multistage CF
pump close coupled by means of stainless steel
coupling to suitable HP suitable speed totally enclosed
and filled with pure drinking water (Wet type) squirrel
cage submersible induction motor suitable for
operation of 3PH., 50 Hz, 380/440 volts AC supply
30 fitted with required accessories such as suction casing Each 1.00 50100.00
suction strainers sand guard. Non return value etc.,
complete. The pump and motor shall form an integral
unit with all the required fittings. 10.00 HP/7.5KW
20 Stage ( P No XXXXII SL No 21 ) PW,P & IWTD
SR 2016-17
Supplying and drawing 3 core flat PVC sheathed
submersible pump cable manufactured with
electrolytic grade copper with flexible copper
conductor confirming to table 3 class 5 of IS:8130-
31 1984 and virgin grade PVC insulation and sheathed Rmtr 275.00 126.70
suitable for working voltage upto 1100 volts ( PWD
Electrical SR- 14-15 , P No 12 Item No 2.10.3 )

Supply and delivery of Galvanised mild steel tubes

heavy class ( C-Class ) Confirming to IS :1239-1979
Part I/1979 with latest amendments with ISI mark
32 heavy duty collar and other end fitted with protective Rmtr 200.00 432.00
cover 50mm di ( P No 90 Item No 13.15) PW,P &
IWTD SR 2016-17

Supply of galvanized / mild steel Union for 50mm

33 nominal bore galvanized /mild steel tube ( P No No 2.00 223.70
XXXIX ) PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-17
Supply of galvanized / mild steel elbow for 50mm
34 nominal bore galvanized /mild steel tube ( P No No 2.00 111.80
XXXIX ) PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-17
Supplying and fixing 50 mm GI Nipple ( P No
XXXIX ) PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-17 No 2.00 104.30
Supplying and fixing 50mm Non Return Valve of
vertical/Horizontal type of approved make including
cost of all materials labour HOM of equipment with
36 all leads complete as per Specification ( P No 93 I No No 2.00 1435.00
13.62 PWP & IWTD SR 2016-178) (50mm dia)
Supplying, fixing, wiring, earth electrode for
grounding conduits, LC cutouts and other equipments
on the meter board using 40mm dia 2.90 mm thick GI
pipe 2.5 m long buried in a pit. The pit should be
filled with equal propotion of solt and charcoal 150
mm alround the pipe to complete depth. The
connection from the pipe to the conduct etc., is to be
37 established through GI wire of size as per ISI No 1.00 2727.00
specification 7.3.3 IS 732 using 120mm dia bolts,
nuts, washers and check nuts, etc, the pipe shall have
16 throught holes of 122 mm dia ( PWD Electrical
SR- 14-15 , P No 12 Item No 2.10.3 )

Errection, Electrification and Commissioning of

pumpset Including aligning and balance with all
necessary errection of materials and labour including
supply and errection of two pair of supporting
clamps, borewell cap cable clips with bolts nuts valve No 1.00 4500.00
gauges etc., involved in the job. ( P No 57 I No 11
2012-13 PRE Circle )
Supplying and delivery at site brand new star /
Essen/ Lotus/Sun-shines/Adarsh/ GK Controls best
indigenous make combined energy meter - cum-
control panel board unit of size 1200x600 x350 mm
minimum mechanically strong vermin and water
proof. The unit shall have two detachable doors
suitable for operation on 3 ph, 50Hz, 380/440 volts,
A.C supply with spring loaded latch, locking device
with a key ribs should be provided inside the door,
canopy apron and louvers ventilators shall be
39 provided. the combined energy meter cum- control Nos 1.00 10192.00
panel board unit suitable for operation. The panel
board shall be fabricated on single unit in the above
components for suitable pumpset. 15HP to 30 HP Star
Delta Starter SERDED Rate Letter No.2536/2006-07
Dt: 8-1-2007 (Rs. 9800 + 4% Vat).

Supplying and laying of L.T.U.G cable having

Aluminium conductor PVC insulated extruded inner
sheathed galavnised steel stio ( Except 2C x 10
Sq.mm wire armoured ) condirming to IS3975-1990
( No of stip indicated in GTP ) & extruded PVC outer
40 sheathed armoured cable with Specified IS 1554 Part Rmtr 25.00 140.40
11988 & confirming to GTP of Group A 4 core sqmm
( P No 55- I No 7.4.4 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR
2014-15 )

Labour chrges for laying of 1.1 KV class UG Cable in

existing trenches Gi Pipe /Stone ware Pipe on Wall on
poles as required - in exisint trench / duct 6mm to
41 Rmtr 25.00 10.80
16mm ( P No 61 I Nbo 7.8.1 PWP & IWTD
Electrical SR 2014-15 )
Suppliying and fixing of class A (medium duty)GI
pipe of wall thickness not less then 3.25mm on
pile/wall/drain crossing with necessary clamping
42 arrangements for UG cable of 1.1 KV Class-40mm (P Rmtr 4.00 345.00
No 62-I.No 7.12.1 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR
2014-15 )

Suppliying and fixing minature circuit breakers on

exsiting MCB Distriction board using necessary fixing
materials and 'C' type curve,indicater ON/OFF.
Energy cross -3 with short circuit breaking capacity of
10K and complete wiring as required-5-32 Amps TPN No. 1.00 1547.00
(P No 47-I.No 6.16.5 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR
2014-15 )

Suppliying and fixing of porcelain fuse channel with

cut out on existing wooden/pannel using necessary
nuts, bolts and washers-32 Amps (P No 45-I.No 6.7.2
44 No. 2.00 180.00
PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

Suppliying and fixingL.T cast Iron pot heads suiteble

for 1.1KV class U.G able filled switch necessary
bitumen/insulation compound complete with terimals
45 clamps bilt nuts and washs etc.. Complete 16 sqcm (P No. 2.00 280.00
No 62-I.No 7.13.2 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR
2014-15 )

Supplying and fixing 20"x20"x2.5" polished wood

board made of not less than 15mm thick plank on both
sides with planks made out of not more than 2 pieces
and fixing the same to the wall using tapered inverted
wooden plugs screws etc., (P No 44 -I.No 6.6.6 No. 1.00 302.00
PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

Suppliying and fixing and wiring electronics 10 to 40

Amps three phase 4 wire class-1 Accuracy Energy
47 Meter (P No 48-I.No 6.33 PWP & IWTD No. 1.00 4900.00
Electrical SR 2014-15 )
Erection of combined panel board and meter unit with
necessary materials and labour including providing
cement concrete foundation, bed concrete door tpe
48 etc., complete (CE (M) BWSSB, Letter No. 1.00 425.00
Dated 21-01-2009

Supplying of TPST with rewireable porcelain

channels in SM encloser 32 amps group 'C' (P No 44
49 -I.No 6.5.1 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 No. 1.00 1868.00

Supplying shunt capacitor conforming to IS 2834,

3phase 400/440 volts grade for power factor
improvement of rotating machinery capacitor in
50 No. 1.00 138.00
KVAR nos 2 KVAR capacity (P No 44 -I.No 6.4.1
PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15

Providing and fixing 1 mm thick M.S.Sheet garage

door with frame anddiagonalbraces of size 40 x 40 x 6
mm angle iron, 3.15 mm thickM.S.Gusset plates at the
junctions and corners, with handles, stoppers and
locking arrangements etc., including applying a
51 priming coat of red lead paint cost of materials, Sqm 15.00 2518.56
labour, HOM complete as per specifications. (Pwd
SR 2016-17 Page No. 31 Item No. 7.3)

Supplying and fixing water storage tanks made of

virgin polymer (LLDPE) with two layers outer black
and inner white layer of approved quality and make
52 conforming to I.S.I/ISO/SSI specifications. (Pwd SR Ltr 5000 6.48
2016-17 Page No. 265 Item No. 37.58)
Providing and fixing stainless steel 304 grade for
staircase railings, balconies, ramps, with hand rail,
50mm dia 16 guage hollow pipe welded to vertical
hollow 50mm dia pipe of 16 guage, stainless steel
vertical pipe spaced at 1.20m regular intervals and 5
Nos of 25mm dia. Stainless steel hollow horizontal
pipe are welded to vertical 50mm dia hollow pipe.
53 The entire assembly is fixed to staircase concrete by Sqm 20.00 6638.76
using expansion bolts by drilling concrete etc.,
complete including cost of materials, labour, HOM of
and electrical charges, etc., complete as per
specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 43 Item
No. 7.38)

Providing and fixing hassan green granite flooring ,

riser and treads using pre polished 20mm thick water
cut green granite slab laid over existing cement
concrete bed in CM 1:3 average 20mm thick
including full rounding for nosing, cutting, three line
54 grooves nor more than 2 mm wide for Sqm 87.65 4305.96
antiskiddingincluding cost of all materials, mortar
labour curing etc., complete as perspecification. (Pwd
SR 2016-17 Page No. 108 Item No. 14.51)

Executive Engineer , Bommanahalli

Contractor Signature along with complete Postal Address and Contractor Registration No.
e of the Executive Engineer
manahalli Project Division
Bommanahalli Zone

Item No.

In Words

Six Rupees and Forty

Eight Paise

Two Hundred Four

Rupees and Twelve Paise
One Hundred Eleven
Rupees and Twenty Four

Five Thousand Two

Hundred Fifty Six Rupees
and Thirty Six Paise
Four Thousand Three
Hundred Fifty Nine
Rupees and Ninety Six

Sixty Thousand Five

Hundred Thirty Four
Rupees and No Paise

Three Hundred Sixteen

Rupees and Forty Four
Six Thousand Eight
Hundred Seventy Six
Rupees and Thirty Six

Five Thousand Eight

Hundred Seventy Four
Rupees and Fifty Two
Six Thousand Seven
Hundred Seventy Rupees
and Fifty Two Paise

Nine Hundred Twenty Six

Rupees and Sixty Four

Two Hundred Thirteen

Rupees and Eighty Four
Sixty Three Thousand
Four Hundred Twenty
Eight Rupees and Forty

Two Thousand Five

Hundred Forty Four
Rupees and Forty Eight
Six Thousand Nine
Hundred Twelve Rupees
and No Paise

Eighty Four Rupees and

Twenty Four Paise
One Thousand Two
Hundred Eighty Five
Rupees and Twenty Paise

Sixty Rupees and Forty

Eight Paise

Ninety Seven Rupees and

Twenty Paise
Ninety Rupees and
Seventy Two Paise

Nine Hundred Seventy Six

Rupees and Thirty Two
Thirty Two Rupees and
Forty Paise

One Thousand Thirty

Three Rupees and Fifty
Six Paise

One Thousand One

Hundred Sixty One
Rupees and No Paise
One Hundred Thirty
Seven Rupees and Sixteen

One Thousand Six

Hundred Fifty Rupees
and No Paise
Two Hundred Sixty Four
Rupees and No Paise

Three Hundred Thirty

Rupees and No Paise
Three Hundred Eighty
Five Rupees and No Paise
Four Hundred Forty
Rupees and No Paise
Four Hundred Seventy
Three Rupees and No
Four Hundred Ninety
Five Rupees and No Paise
Five Hundred Six Rupees
and No Paise

Nine Hundred Thirty

Seven Rupees and Thirty
One Thousand Three
Hundred Twenty Five
Rupees and No Paise

One Hundred Fifty

Rupees and No Paise
One Hundred Fifty
Rupees and No Paise

Fifty Thousand One

Hundred Rupees and No
One Hundred Twenty Six
Rupees and Seventy Paise

Four Hundred Thirty Two

Rupees and No Paise

Two Hundred Twenty

Three Rupees and Seventy

One Hundred Eleven

Rupees and Eighty Paise

One Hundred Four

Rupees and Thirty Paise

One Thousand Four

Hundred Thirty Five
Rupees and No Paise
Two Thousand Seven
Hundred Twenty Seven
Rupees and No Paise

Four Thousand Five

Hundred Rupees and No
Ten Thousand One Hundred
Ninety Two Rupees and No

One Hundred Forty Rupees

and Forty Paise

Ten Rupees and Eighty

Three Hundred Forty Five
Rupees and No Paise

One Thousand Five

Hundred Forty Seven
Rupees and No Paise

One Hundred Eighty

Rupees and No Paise

Two Hundred Eighty

Rupees and No Paise

Three Hundred Two Rupees

and No Paise

Four Thousand Nine

Hundred Rupees and No
Four Hundred Twenty Five
Rupees and No Paise

One Thousand Eight

Hundred Sixty Eight
Rupees and No Paise

One Hundred Thirty Eight

Rupees and No Paise

Two Thousand Five

Hundred Eighteen Rupees
and Fifty Six Paise

Six Rupees and Forty Eight

Six Thousand Six Hundred
Thirty Eight Rupees and
Seventy Six Paise

Four Thousand Three

Hundred Five Rupees and
Ninety Six Paise

Engineer , Bommanahalli Project


Budget Head : P-3305 Estimated Cost : Rs. 150.

Sl. Dimensions
Description Qty. Rate/ Unit
No No. L. B. D.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
KSRRB 200-8. Clearing and grubbing road land including
uprooting rank vegetation, grass, brush, shrubs, saplings and
trees of girth upto 300mm, by manual means, in area of light
jungle, removal of stumps, disposal of unserviceable materials,
1 stacking of serviceable materials labour charges complete as per
specifications. MORTH / Chapter 2 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page
No. 136 Item No. 18.11)

Site Clearance 1 50.00 40.00 2000.00

2000.00 10.80
B.R : 10.00 Sqm
A.W 8% 0.80
TOTAL 10.80

KSRB 2-2.3 : Excavation by manual means for foundation of

buildings, water supply & sanitary lines and electrical conduits
etc., either in pits or in trenches 1.50m and above in width, in
soft rock / ordinary rock not exceeding 1.50mtrs in depth
including stacking the excavated stuff clear from edges of
2 excavation with lead upto 50mt including cost of explosives,
labour, HOM complete as per specifications. specification. No.
KBS 2.1C/2.9.4/2.18/2.19 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 5 Item
No. 2.3)

Footing 44.00 2.00 2.00 1.50 264.00

Sump 1.00 4.00 2.50 2.50 25.00
SSM between Columns 10.00 5.00 0.60 0.90 27.00
2.00 20.00 0.60 0.90 21.60
4.00 10.00 0.60 0.90 21.60
359.20 740.88
B.R : 681.16 Cu.M
A.W 8% 54.49
TOTAL 740.88

3 KSRB-3.2: Providing and injecting chemical emulsion for Pre-

GF Plinth area isAnti-Termite Treatment, creating continuous
1 25.00 37.00 925.00
925.00 114.48
B.R : 106.00 Sq,M
A.W 8% 8.48
TOTAL 114.48

4 KSRB 4-1.3 : Providing and Laying in Position plain cement

Footing of mix 1:4:8 with OPC Cement
44.00 2.00 @ 180Kgs
2.00 with 40mm
0.15 26.40
Sump 1.00 4.00 2.50 0.15 1.50
SSM between Columns 10.00 5.00 0.60 0.10 3.00
2.00 20.00 0.60 0.10 2.40
4.00 10.00 0.60 0.10 2.40
Flooring 1.00 27.00 35.00 0.10 94.50
130.20 5510.16
B.R : 5102.00 Cum
A.W 8% 408.16
TOTAL 5510.16

KSRB 5.3-3 Providing and constructing granite / trap / basalt

size stone masonry in Foundation with cement mortar 1:6,
edges of stones hammer dressed in courses not less than 20 cms
high, bond stones at two m. apart in each course including cost
5 of materials, labour, curing complete as per specifications. KBS
5.1.13 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 23 Item No. 5.5)

SSM between Columns to 10.00 5.00 0.45 0.75 16.88

retain soil
2.00 20.00 0.45 0.75 13.50
4.00 10.00 0.45 0.75 13.50
B.R : 4596.00 43.88 4963.68
A.W 8% 367.68 Cum
TOTAL 4963.68
KSRB 4.9.2 : Providing TMT Steel reinforcement for RCC
work including straightening cutting bending hooking placing in
position lapping and or welding wherever required tying with
binding wire and anchoring to the adjoining members wherever
necessary complete as per design (laps , hooks and wastage shall
6 be mesured and paid ) cost of materials, labour HOM of
Machinery complete as per specificaitons . Specifications No
KBS 4..6.3 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 17 Item No. 4.46.2)

Steel for mat, column, pedestal, lintel, plinth beam, roof beam and

B.R : 70966.00 38.00 76643.28

A.W 8% 5677.28 Tonne
TOTAL 76643.28

KSRB 4.6.4 :Providing and removing centering shuttering

strutting propping etc., and removal of form work for Vertical
surface such as wall at any thickness including attached
plasters , buttress and plinth and string course , cost of all
7 materials labour complete as per specifications Speicfications
No KBS 4.6.2 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 15 Item No.

Footing 44 6.00 0.45 118.80

Column 44 1.36 4.00 239.36
Roof Slab 1 27.00 35.00 945.00
Form work for Plinth Beam
and Roof beam 16 26.00 0.45 187.20

12 35.00 0.45 189.00

Stair case waist slab bottom
support 2 2.00 1.50 6.00
Stair case waist slab side
support 2 2.00 0.40 1.60

STAIRCASE LANDING 1 2.60 1.60 4.16

RISER/TREAD 18 1.50 0.15 4.05
Window and ventilator 35 2.00 0.60 42.00

Projection of Roof slab on all 2 25.00 2.00 100.00

2 37.00 2.00 148.00
1985.17 386.64
B.R : 358.00 Sq.M
A.W 8% 28.64
TOTAL 386.64

KSRB 4.2.7 : Providing and laying in position reinforced cement

concrete of design Mix M25 with OPC @ 340kgs, with 20mm
and down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates
@0.70cum and fine aggregtes @ 0.47cum, with superplastisiser
@3lts confirming to IS9103-1999 Reaffirmed-2008, machine
mixed, concrete laid in layers not exceeding 15 cms thick,
vibrated for all works in ground floor level for roof slabs,
staircase, lintels and beams retaining walls, return walls, walls
(any thickness) including attached pilasters, columns, lintles,
8 pillars, posts, struts, buttresses, string or lacing courses, parapets,
coping, bed blocks, anchor blocks, plain window cills, fillets
etc., including cost of all materials, labour, HOM curing,
complete but excluding cost of reinforcement as per
specifications. Specification No. KBS 4.1, 4.6 (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 13 Item No. 4.12)

Footing 44 2.00 2.00 0.60 105.60

Column 44 0.45 0.23 4.00 18.22
Slab 1 33.00 25.00 0.15 123.75

Plinth Beam and Roof beam 16 26.00 0.23 0.45 43.06

12 35.00 0.23 0.45 43.47


2 2.00 1.50 0.15 0.90

STAIRCASE LANDING 1 2.60 1.60 0.15 0.62

RISER/TREAD 24 1.50 0.15 0.20 1.08
24 1.50 0.30 0.15 1.62
D1 23 2.40 0.23 0.15 1.90
W1 24 2.40 0.23 0.15 1.99
V 2 0.90 0.23 0.15 0.06
W1 24 2.40 0.60 0.10 3.46
V 2 0.90 0.60 0.10 0.11
Sump Tank Slab 1 2.50 2.50 0.15 0.94
Projection of Roof slab on all 2 25.00 2.00 0.15 15.00
2 37.00 2.00 0.15 22.20
383.97 6528.60
B.R : 6045.00 Cu.M
A.W 8% 483.60
TOTAL 6528.60

KSRB-4-1.6 : Providing and laying in position plain cement

concrete of mix M20 with cement @ 300kgs, with 20mm and
down size graded granite metal coarse aggregates @ 0.69cum
and fine aggregates @ 0.43cum, machine mixed, concrete laid in
layers not exceeding 15 cms. thick, well compacted, in
9 foundation, plinth and cills, including cost all materials, labour,
HOM of machinery, curing complete as per specifications. No.
KBS 4.1, 4.2 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 12 Item No. 4.5)

Cill and Screed concrete

W1 60 2.40 0.23 0.10 3.31
3.31 5754.24
B.R : 5428.53 Cu.M
A.W 6% 325.71
TOTAL 5754.24

KSRB 6-2 : Providing and constructing burnt brick masonry

with approved quality of non-modular bricks of standard size of
class designation 5.0Newton per sqmm (table moulded) with
cement mortar 1:6 for basement and superstructu/re including
10 cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding, curing complete as
per specifications. Specification No. KBS 6.2 (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 27 Item No. 6.3)

1 110.00 0.23 3.35 84.76

External walls allround
internal walls 20 4.25 0.23 3.35 65.49
Sump Walls 4 4.00 0.23 2.10 7.73
Brick Pillars for 35 0.23 0.23 3.00 5.55
partition walls
163.53 7245.72
B.R : 6709.00 Cu.M
A.W 8% 536.72
TOTAL 7245.72

KSRB 6-7 : Construction of partition wall 11.2 cms thick with

non modular ground moulded burnt bricks of class designation
with cement mortar 1:4 including providing and fixing plaster
mesh manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal
thickness 0.35 mm. 100 mm. wide as per I.S. 2212/1991 at 7.5
11 m. c/c including cost of materials, labour charges, scaffolding,
curing complete as per specifications. Specification No. KBS 6.4
(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 28 Item No. 6.23)

Internal partion walls 17 6.50 3.35 370.18

Parapet walls 2 27.00 1.00 54.00
2 35.00 1.00 70.00
B.R : 858.00 494.18 905.04
A.W 8% 47.04 Sqm
TOTAL 905.04

KSRB15-3 : Providing 18mm thick cement plaster in single coat

with cement mortar to brick masonry including rounding off
corners wherever required smooth rendering, : Providing and
removing scaffolding, including cost of materials, labour, curing
12 complete as per specifications.cement mortar 1:6 (Pwd SR
2016-17 Page No. 114 Item No. 15.17)

2 110.00 3.65 803.00

External walls allround
internal walls 40 4.25 3.65 620.50
Sump Walls 4 4.00 2.10 33.60
Brick Pillars for
70 0.23 3.00 48.30
partition walls
Internal partion walls 34 6.50 3.35 740.35
Parapet walls 4 27.00 1.20 129.60
4 35.00 1.20 168.00
Ceiling 1 35.00 27.00 945.00
B.R : 198.00 3488.35 213.84
A.W 8% 15.84 Sqm
TOTAL 213.84

KSRB 9.4-1 : Providing wood frames of doors, windows,

clerestory windows, ventilators and other frames, wrought,
framed or assembled including making plaster groves (excluding
cost of cement concrete and side clamps), but including cost of
13 materials, labour, HOM complete as per specifications.
Specification No. KBS 9.33 (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 51
Item No. 9.13.1)

doors, windows and 25 8.20 0.10 0.125

ventilators 2.56
2.56 63428.40
B.R : 58730.00 Cum
A.W 8% 4698.40
TOTAL 63428.40

Providing and fixing flush door shutter made out of solid core
black board type, well seasoned chemically treated hard wood
battens and internal frame with minimum 45 mm wide wooden
frame all-round door shutters covered with cross bonded
wooden sheets (core veneer) hot pressed and fastened on both
sides of the door using liquid phenol formaldehyde resin as per
IS specification 2202 (Part-I) 1991. From manufacturer
(Factory) complete as per specification.40 mm thick both side
commercial (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 62 Item No. 9.106.9)

DW 21 1.20 2.10 52.92

toilet doors 4 0.90 2.10 7.56
60.48 2544.48
B.R : 2356.00 Sqm
A.W 8% 188.48
TOTAL 2544.48
Providing and fixing glazed 2 track panel sliding windows made
out of multi chambered UPVC(Matching to RAL-9016) sections
and with minimum TiO2(Titanium Dioxide) at 6PHR with
TPV(Thermo Plastic Vulcanized) and lead free with gaskets
-grey colour having isolated drainage and reinforced with
Galvanized Iron profile through-out the openable frame. The
frame having overall size of 60mm x 55mm with GI
reinforcement of 1mm thickness and openable sash with overall
size of 60mm x 75mm and GI reinforcement of 1.5mm
15 thickness. Glazing bead for fixing of glass shall be of size 20mm
x 34 mm. Windows shall be provided with 5mm plain float
glass, Standard hardware with friction hing & Multi point
locking system with Handle. Wall thickness of frame & sash
shall be of 2mm 2.5mm.Maximum possible size – 900mm x
1819mm. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 309 Item No. 38.44.1)

Windows and 35 1.50 1.50 78.75

B.R : 6400.00 78.75 6912.00
A.W 8% 512.00 Sqm
TOTAL 6912.00

KSRB 7.9 : Providing and fixing M.S.grill work for windows

and ventilators using M.S. flats, or M.S. square rods, or
combination of M.S. flats and square rods as per approved
design, drawing including cutting steel sections and welding the
16 same to required pattern with a coat of red lead primer, cost of
materials, fixtures, labour and HOM complete as per
specifications. Specification No. KBS 7.12 (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 32 Item No. 7.9)

Total Area of window and ventilator is 78.75 Sqm x 25.0 kg/sqm


B.R : 78.00 1968.75 84.24

A.W 8% 6.24 Kgs
TOTAL 84.24
Providing and fixing Special make glazed Vitrified tiles
(Granomite finish) of approved make, quality and colour of size
600x600x10mm thick fixed on existing flooring with a special
adhesive for flooring, skirting and jointed with neat cement
slurry mixed with pigment to match shade of tiles, including
17 providing spacers at required interval and removing stains etc.,
cost of materials, mortar, labour etc., complete as per
specification.(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 107 Item No. 14.43)

overall floor area 1 35.00 27.00 945.00

Skirting 1 600.00 0.15 90.00
B.R : 1190.00 1035.00 1285.20
A.W 8% 95.20 Sqm
TOTAL 1285.20

Providing applying two coats of wall putty to inside plastered

walls and ceiling using white cement putty. Scrapping and
levelling the surface using steel blade and preparing the surface
even and smooth by using different grade sand papers, including
18 cost of all materials, cost of labour and scaffolding etc.,
complete as per the specification.(Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No.
126 Item No. 15.106)

Internal partion walls

34 6.50 1.65 364.65
Ceiling 1 35.00 27.00 945.00

internal walls 9" 40 4.25 1.65 280.50

1 110.00 1.65 181.50

External walls allround
B.R : 56.00 1771.65 60.48
A.W 8% 4.48 Sqm
TOTAL 60.48
KSRB 15-15.1 : Providing and applying painting in two coats
with plastic emulsion paint of approved brand on wall surface to
give an even approved shade after thoroughly brushing the
surface, free from mortar drops and other foreign matter
19 including preparing the surface even and sand paper smooth,
cost of materials, labour, complete as per specifications. (Pwd
SR 2016-17 Page No. 117 Item No. 15.51.2)

Internal partion walls

34 6.50 1.65 364.65
Ceiling 1 35.00 27.00 945.00
internal walls 9" 40 4.25 1.65 280.50

internal walls allround 1 110.00 1.65 181.50

B.R : 90.00 1771.65 97.20

A.W 8% 7.20 Sqm
TOTAL 97.20

KSRB 15-16.1 : Providing and finishing external walls in two

coats with waterproof cement paint of approved brand and shade
to give an even shade after throughly brooming the surface to
remove all dirt and loose powdered material, free from mortar
20 drops and other foreign matter cost of materials, labour,
complete as per specifications.With Primer (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 118 Item No. 15.53.2)

1 110.00 3.65 401.50

External walls allround
Parapet walls 2 27.00 2.50 135.00
2 35.00 2.50 175.00
B.R : 84.00 711.50 90.72
A.W 8% 6.72 Sqm
TOTAL 90.72
KSRB 10-3 : Providing and laying integral cement based
waterproofing treatment including preparation of surface as
required for treatment of roofs, balconies, terraces etc.,
consisting of following application. (a) Applying and grouting a
slurry coat of neat cement using 2.75 kg/sqm of cement admixed
with proprietary water proofing compound conforming to
IS:2645 over the RCC slab after cleaning the surface before
treatment. (b) Laying cement concrete using broken brick bats
25mm to 100mm size with 50% of cement mortar 1:5 admixed
with proprietary water proofing compound conforming IS:2645
over 20mm thick layer of cement mortar 1:5 admixed with
proprietary water proofing compound to required slope and
treating similarly the adjoining walls upto 300mm height
21 including rounding off junctions of walls and slabs. (c) After two
days of proper curing, applying a second coat of cement lurry
admixed with proprietary water proofing compound (d)
Finishing the surface with 20mm thick joint less cement mortar
of mix 1:4 admixed with proprietary water proofing compound
and finally finishing the surface with trowel and neat cement
slurry and making of 300x300mm square. (e) The whole terrace
so finished shall be flooded with water for a minimum period of
two weeks for curing and for final test including cost of
materials, labour complete as per specifications.(Pwd SR 2016-
17 Page No. 66 Item No. 10.2)

Overall roof area 1 33.00 25.00 825.00

B.R : 904.00 825.00 976.32
A.W 8% 72.32 Sqm
TOTAL 976.32

KSRB 15.8 : Providing and fixing suitable plaster mesh

manufactured out of hot dipped galvanised iron of nominal
thickness 0.35mm with a zinc coating of 120 gms width, along
route of walls chipped for services, junction between RCC and
22 brick walls including cost of materials, labour for fixing
complete as per specifications, length of mesh only be measured
for payment. Plaster mesh 200 mm wide. (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 118 Item No. 15.36)

Column and beam 20 25.00 500.00

B.R : 30.00 500.00 32.40
A.W 8% 2.40 Rmtr
TOTAL 32.40

Providing and fixing colour glazed tiles of size 300 mm x 450

mm for walls with borders of size 300 mm x 100 mm, set in
cement mortar 1:3 and pointed with white cement with matching
colour pigment with necessary curing, cleaning including
providing and removing scaffolding wherever necessary etc.,
23 complete. The work includes cost of all materials, mortar, labour
charges for all items of work, hire charges for equipment etc.,
complete as per specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 110
Item No. 14.65)

For Toilets 4 7.50 2.15 64.50

For Common area
1 428.00 2.15 920.20
and rooms
B.R : 957.00 984.70 1033.56
A.W 8% 76.56 Sqm
TOTAL 1033.56

Providing and fixing ceramic tiles of size 400 mm x 400 mm for

flooring, treads, steps and landing laid on a bed of 20 mm thick
cement mortar and pointed with white cement with matching
colour pigment with necessary curing, cleaning etc., complete.
24 The work includes cost of all materials, mortar, labour charges
for all items of work, hire charges for equipment etc., complete
as per specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 110 Item
No. 14.63)

For Toilets flooring 4 1.70 2.15 14.62

B.R : 1075.00 14.62 1161.00
A.W 8% 86.00 Sqm
TOTAL 1161.00

Refilling available esxcavated earth excluding rock in sides of

foundation upto plinth in layers not exceeding 20 cms in depth
and compacting each deposited layer by ramming after watering
25 with lead upto 50 mtrs and lift upto 1.5 mtr including cost of all
labour complete as per specifications KBS 2.9 (PWD SR
2016-17 Page No 6 Item No 2.1)

80% of item no 2 287.36 137.16

B.R : 127.00
A.W 8% 10.16
TOTAL 137.16

Geophysical investigation of site for sinking borewell for supply

drinking water to the habitation either through the hand pump
M.W.S or P.W.S.S by vertical electrical sounding by adopting
venner or schlumberger’s method including reconnaissance
survey of geological formation Geophysical investigation of
existing ground water infecundity its quality, quantity &
acceptability of the user indicating the location of site
recommended depth of casting pipe required to seal the top in
26 consolidated formation including an extra depth of 1.00 Mtr in
consolidated formation of proper scatting of casing pipe, depth
of drilling required to cover full depth of aquifer proposed to be
tapped, probable yield and other information required including
transportation technical personal and labour etc.,(p.30/4)
(BWSSB SR 2014-15 Page No 55, Item No 4)

Each 1 1.00
1.00 1650.00

Sinking borewell of 165 mm dia clear using super fast hydraulic

Rig of capacity 250 PSIG and Above 900 CFM & above in all
Strata including over burden upto 20 mtrs fixing of casing pipes,
collars and cap with necessary cutting, threading and welding
including transportation of Rig and Supporting vehicle, crew
27 charges and cost of consumables etc., complete including yield
testing at the final depth with a minimum working of
compressor for one hour (excluding cost of casing pipes, collars
and cap, etc.,) (BWSSB SR 2014-15 Page No 54, Item No 1)

a) 0.00 to 50.00 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 264.00

b) 51.00 to 100.00 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 330.00
c) 101.00 to 150.00 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 385.00
d) 151.00 to 200.00 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 440.00
e) 201.00 to 250.00 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 473.00
f) 251.00 to 300 mtrs Rmtr 1 50.00 50.00 495.00
g) Above 300 mtrs Rmtr 1 63.00 63.00 506.00
Providing and installing at site work P.V.C Pipes including cost
of pipes and specials and labour, including lowering into
trenches , laying true to line, level and perfect linking at joints
lead proof including jointing of approved type with all labour
and lift charge, handling charges with all leads , including
28 encasing the pipe around to a depth not less than 15cms with
gravel or selected earth available from the excavation etc.,
Complete ( P No 14-I No 3.4.2g ) PRE SR (To prevent earth
caving in)

200mm dia PVC Pipe of 6Kg/Cm2

Rmtr 1 8.00 8.00
8.00 937.30

Supply of ISI mark 175 mm nominal bore, plain end Steel

casing Pipe - grade of steel Fe 410, of wall thickness 5.4 mm
thick confirming to IS 4270:2001 and latest amendments electric
resistance welded steel tube material and confirming to IS
1387/1993 & manufactured by basic open hearth electric or
basic oxygen process in random length of 4 to 7 mts. Both ends
threaded confirming to IS 554/1985, one end fixed with a socket
and the other end with a plastic protection end ( inclusive of all
taxes ) ( As per Approved rate by Superintenent Engineer,
RDED Engineering Section, Bangalore

Casing Pipe Rmtr 1 25.00 25.00 1325.00

Collar No. 2 2.00 150.00
Cap No. 1 1.00 150.00

Supplying and delivery at site brand new texmo / innoval /

Lubi / Sabar / Atalanta / Calamal make suitable for vertical
installation in 150mm dia borewell comprising of single stage of
multistage CF pump close coupled by means of stainless steel
coupling to suitable HP suitable speed totally enclosed and filled
with pure drinking water (Wet type) squirrel cage submersible
induction motor suitable for operation of 3PH., 50 Hz, 380/440
30 volts AC supply fitted with required accessories such as suction
casing suction strainers sand guard. Non return value etc.,
complete. The pump and motor shall form an integral unit with
all the required fittings. 10.00 HP/7.5KW 20 Stage ( P No
XXXXII SL No 21 ) PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-17

Each 1 1.00
1.00 50100.00

Supplying and drawing 3 core flat PVC sheathed submersible

pump cable manufactured with electrolytic grade copper with
flexible copper conductor confirming to table 3 class 5 of
31 IS:8130-1984 and virgin grade PVC insulation and sheathed
suitable for working voltage upto 1100 volts ( PWD Electrical
SR- 14-15 , P No 12 Item No 2.10.3 )

4 Sqmm of 56 strands 0.3mm dia 1) Group A

Rmtr 1 275.00 275.00
275.00 126.70

Supply and delivery of Galvanised mild steel tubes heavy class (

C-Class ) Confirming to IS :1239-1979 Part I/1979 with latest
amendments with ISI mark heavy duty collar and other end
32 fitted with protective cover 50mm di ( P No 90 Item No 13.15)
PW,P & IWTD SR 2016-17

50 mm dia
Rmtr 1 200.00 200.00
200.00 432.00

Supply of galvanized / mild steel Union for 50mm nominal bore

33 galvanized /mild steel tube ( P No XXXIX ) PW,P & IWTD SR
No 2 2.00
2.00 223.70

Supply of galvanized / mild steel elbow for 50mm nominal bore

34 galvanized /mild steel tube ( P No XXXIX ) PW,P & IWTD SR
No 2 2.00
2.00 111.80

Supplying and fixing 50 mm GI Nipple ( P No XXXIX ) PW,P

35 & IWTD SR 2016-17

No 2 2.00
2.00 104.30
Supplying and fixing 50mm Non Return Valve of
vertical/Horizontal type of approved make including cost of all
materials labour HOM of equipment with all leads complete as
per Specification ( P No 93 I No 13.62 PWP & IWTD SR
2016-178) (50mm dia)

No 2 2.00
2.00 1435.00

Supplying, fixing, wiring, earth electrode for grounding

conduits, LC cutouts and other equipments on the meter board
using 40mm dia 2.90 mm thick GI pipe 2.5 m long buried in a
pit. The pit should be filled with equal propotion of solt and
charcoal 150 mm alround the pipe to complete depth. The
connection from the pipe to the conduct etc., is to be established
37 through GI wire of size as per ISI specification 7.3.3 IS 732
using 120mm dia bolts, nuts, washers and check nuts, etc, the
pipe shall have 16 throught holes of 122 mm dia ( PWD
Electrical SR- 14-15 , P No 12 Item No 2.10.3 )

No 1 1.00
1.00 2727.00

Errection, Electrification and Commissioning of pumpset

Including aligning and balance with all necessary errection of
materials and labour including supply and errection of two pair
38 of supporting clamps, borewell cap cable clips with bolts nuts
valve gauges etc., involved in the job. ( P No 57 I No 11 2012-
13 PRE Circle )

No 1 1.00
1.00 4500.00
Supplying and delivery at site brand new star / Essen/
Lotus/Sun-shines/Adarsh/ GK Controls best indigenous make
combined energy meter - cum- control panel board unit of size
1200x600 x350 mm minimum mechanically strong vermin and
water proof. The unit shall have two detachable doors suitable
for operation on 3 ph, 50Hz, 380/440 volts, A.C supply with
spring loaded latch, locking device with a key ribs should be
39 provided inside the door, canopy apron and louvers ventilators
shall be provided. the combined energy meter cum- control
panel board unit suitable for operation. The panel board shall be
fabricated on single unit in the above components for suitable
pumpset. 15HP to 30 HP Star Delta Starter SERDED Rate
Letter No.2536/2006-07 Dt: 8-1-2007 (Rs. 9800 + 4% Vat).

No 1 1.00
1.00 10192.00

Supplying and laying of L.T.U.G cable having Aluminium

conductor PVC insulated extruded inner sheathed galavnised
steel stio ( Except 2C x 10 Sq.mm wire armoured ) condirming
to IS3975-1990 ( No of stip indicated in GTP ) & extruded PVC
40 outer sheathed armoured cable with Specified IS 1554 Part
11988 & confirming to GTP of Group A 4 core sqmm ( P No 55-
I No 7.4.4 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

Rmtr 1 25.00 25.00

25.00 140.40

Labour chrges for laying of 1.1 KV class UG Cable in existing

trenches Gi Pipe /Stone ware Pipe on Wall on poles as required -
41 in exisint trench / duct 6mm to 16mm ( P No 61 I Nbo 7.8.1
PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

Rmtr 1 25.00 25.00

25.00 10.80

Suppliying and fixing of class A (medium duty)GI pipe of wall

thickness not less then 3.25mm on pile/wall/drain crossing with
necessary clamping arrangements for UG cable of 1.1 KV Class-
42 40mm (P No 62-I.No 7.12.1 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR
2014-15 )

Rmtr 1 4.00 4.00

4.00 345.00
Suppliying and fixing minature circuit breakers on exsiting
MCB Distriction board using necessary fixing materials and 'C'
type curve,indicater ON/OFF. Energy cross -3 with short circuit
43 breaking capacity of 10K and complete wiring as required-5-32
Amps TPN (P No 47-I.No 6.16.5 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR
2014-15 )

No. 1 1.00
1.00 1547.00

Suppliying and fixing of porcelain fuse channel with cut out on

existing wooden/pannel using necessary nuts, bolts and washers-
44 32 Amps (P No 45-I.No 6.7.2 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR
2014-15 )

No. 2 2.00
2.00 180.00

Suppliying and fixingL.T cast Iron pot heads suiteble for 1.1KV
class U.G able filled switch necessary bitumen/insulation
compound complete with terimals clamps bilt nuts and washs
etc.. Complete 16 sqcm (P No 62-I.No 7.13.2 PWP & IWTD
Electrical SR 2014-15 )

No. 2 2.00
2.00 280.00

Supplying and fixing 20"x20"x2.5" polished wood board made

of not less than 15mm thick plank on both sides with planks
made out of not more than 2 pieces and fixing the same to the
wall using tapered inverted wooden plugs screws etc., (P No 44
-I.No 6.6.6 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

No. 1 1.00
1.00 302.00

Suppliying and fixing and wiring electronics 10 to 40 Amps

three phase 4 wire class-1 Accuracy Energy Meter (P No 48-
I.No 6.33 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15 )

No. 1 1.00
1.00 4900.00
Erection of combined panel board and meter unit with necessary
materials and labour including providing cement concrete
48 foundation, bed concrete door tpe etc., complete (CE (M)
8/9194/2008-09 Dated 21-01-2009

No. 1 1.00
1.00 425.00

Supplying of TPST with rewireable porcelain channels in SM

49 encloser 32 amps group 'C' (P No 44 -I.No 6.5.1 PWP &
IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15

No. 1 1.00
1.00 1868.00

Supplying shunt capacitor conforming to IS 2834, 3phase

400/440 volts grade for power factor improvement of rotating
50 machinery capacitor in KVAR nos 2 KVAR capacity (P No 44
-I.No 6.4.1 PWP & IWTD Electrical SR 2014-15

No. 1 1.00
1.00 138.00

Providing and fixing 1 mm thick M.S.Sheet garage door with

frame anddiagonalbraces of size 40 x 40 x 6 mm angle iron, 3.15
mm thickM.S.Gusset plates at the junctions and corners, with
handles, stoppers and locking arrangements etc., including
51 applying a priming coat of red lead paint cost of materials,
labour, HOM complete as per specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17
Page No. 31 Item No. 7.3)

For main door 2 2.50 3.0 15.00

15.00 2518.56
B.R : 2332.00 Sqm
A.W 8% 186.56
TOTAL 2518.56

Supplying and fixing water storage tanks made of virgin

polymer (LLDPE) with two layers outer black and inner white
layer of approved quality and make conforming to I.S.I/ISO/SSI
specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 265 Item No.

For Over Head Tank 1 5000 5000

5000 6.48
B.R : 6.00 Ltr
A.W 8% 0.48
TOTAL 6.48

Providing and fixing stainless steel 304 grade for staircase

railings, balconies, ramps, with hand rail, 50mm dia 16 guage
hollow pipe welded to vertical hollow 50mm dia pipe of 16
guage, stainless steel vertical pipe spaced at 1.20m regular
intervals and 5 Nos of 25mm dia. Stainless steel hollow
horizontal pipe are welded to vertical 50mm dia hollow pipe.
53 The entire assembly is fixed to staircase concrete by using
expansion bolts by drilling concrete etc., complete including cost
of materials, labour, HOM of and electrical charges, etc.,
complete as per specifications. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 43
Item No. 7.38)

For ramp and stair case 1 20.00 1.00 20.00

20.00 6638.76
B.R : 6147.00 Sqm
A.W 8% 491.76
TOTAL 6638.76

Providing door fixtures like brass heavy duty hinges, brass

54 aldrop, brass tower bolt, door stoppers, door bush, door closures
with necessary screw etc.,

15 % of the door cost L.S.

Providing and fixing hassan green granite flooring , riser and

treads using pre polished 20mm thick water cut green granite
slab laid over existing cement concrete bed in CM 1:3 average
20mm thick including full rounding for nosing, cutting, three
line grooves nor more than 2 mm wide for antiskiddingincluding
55 cost of all materials, mortar labour curing etc., complete as
perspecification. (Pwd SR 2016-17 Page No. 108 Item No.

Entrance steps and

1 10.00 8.0 80.00
Steps 24 2.00 0.30 0.60
23 2.00 0.15 0.30
landing 2 1.50 1.50 2.25
Counter tops 10 5.00 0.90 4.50
87.65 4305.96
B.R : 3987.00 Sqm
A.W 8% 318.96
TOTAL 4305.96

Preparation of DPR @ 1% and PMC Charges @ 2 % in total

56 works out to 3% of the estimate cost.

57 Miscellaneous & Rounding Off

Grand Total
(Rupees One Hundred and Fifty Lakhs Onl
1) The work spot has been inspected and the work is found necessary.
2) This estimate is prepared as per PWD S.R. of Bengaluru Circle for the Year 2016-17
3) The provisions made in this estimate are necessary and adequate.
4) This work comes under B.B.M.P. limits.

Assistant Engineer Assistant Executive Engin

Project Sub Division Project Sub Division

Executive Engineer
Project Division

st : Rs. 150.00 Lakhs







































akhs Only)

utive Engineer
ub Division

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