Hindsight Needs Corrective Lenses

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1. Because of the use of ____________ Mesopotamian record-keep-

______-_______, ________ in the rest of the ing, literacy
world was born

2. Development of writing in Mesopotamia keep track of trades

was because of the need to ____ _____ __

3. What was cuneiform? wedge shaped writing

4. Mesopotamians used ____ _______ before clay tablets

using paper to write things

5. Clay tokens were used as ________ __ receipt of transactions


6. Because of tokens, Mesopotamia had traders and accountants

the invention of writing for _______ and

7. Clay tokens held _________ _____, 2D pic- numerical value, 3D tokens,

tographs transferred from __ ______ to __ 2D symbols, spoken lan-
_______ on flat surfaces, and symbols rep- guage
resenting sounds match with the ______

8. Sumerian cuneiform was adopted by the Akkadians, war and conquer-

_________ and spread thru ___ and ing
__________ of neighboring cities

9. Cuneiform was morphed to ___ ___ fit the phonetics

_________ of other languages

10. Sumerian cuneiform was soon replaced phoenician alphabet, com-

by __________ ________, because of its plexity

11. Mesopotamians believed writing to be gifts of their gods

_____ __ _____ ____

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12. cuneiform astronomical tablets would in- planetary things, time-track-
volve _________ ______, ____-________, ing, omens
and _____

13. Rawlinson translated the ________ Behistun Inscription, ancient

___________, and it helped translating cuneiform
_______ _________

14. Petroglyphs are ____ ________, and geo- rock carvings, land art
glyphs are ____ ___

15. Nsibidi was a _______ communication graphic, Ejagham people

for the _______ people in Nigeria and

16. Quipu ancient Inca device for

recording information in vari-
ously colored threads knotted

17. Dispilio tablet A wooden tablet bearing

inscribed markings unearth
from Greece

18. Oracle bones were used in __________ divination ceremonies

__________ in ancient China

19. Cylcon is a ___________ stone marked cylindrical, Aboriginal Aus-

with incisions that came from __________ tralia

20. Runestone is a ______ stone with a raised, runic, memorials and

_____ inscription used for _________ and beliefs

21. Acting as Princess Diana was a _________ challenge, 80s, interpretation

since the ___, and actresses had to came
up with unique ______________ with strug-

22. Tien Hoi

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successfully famous for playing Vietnam's
1st leader

23. In 1987, Tien Hoi was selected to play as Ho A Sleepless Night, similar
Chi Minh in "_ _________ _____" because looks
of his _______ _____

24. Tien Hoi matched with Ho Chi Minh, that Nhu Dinh Nguyen, make up
artist ___ ____ ______ finished his ____ __

25. Tien Hoi practiced becoming Ho Chi Minh imitating his voice, watched
by? documentaries about him,
went to his house

26. quote from Abraham Lincoln that inspired Better to remain silent and be
actors to portray him thought a fool than to speak
out and remove all doubt

27. What is color blind casting casting an actor regardless of

their skin color

28. Color blind casting can be ___________, if problematic, racist

not, ______

29. In Hamilton, some ppl consider it to be col- an idealized post-racial future

or-conscious casting in favor of? that is desperate to be sym-

30. The directors of Hamilton only casted white one key part, roles, artists of
actors in ___ ___ ____ and some _____, to color
make room for _______ __ _____

31. In Hamilton, white audiences tend to look at discrepancy, race, historical

the ___________ between the ____ and the reality
__________ _______

32. Although bringing BIPOC artists in Hamil- problematic, talents

ton is ___________, it defines _______ of
BIPOC artists
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33. "Hamilton" might not match to its historical some rap sequences and
truth because of? dances

34. Wilson believed that colorblind casting is reinvent history, needed

the an attempt to ________ _______, and
should not be ______

35. Because of Miranda's inspiration in historical accuracy

hip-hop, it would be awkward to have
__________ ________

36. Miranda believes that the hip-hop narrative matches, background story
_______ with Hamilton's __________ _____

37. Colorblind casting can ______ the ignore, racial justice and prej-
world's history of ______ _________ and udice

38. _____ ______ acted as Margaret Thatcher in Meryl Streep

The Iron Lady

39. According to Feldshuh, actors should? imbibing virtues and flaws of

the person and know why

40. Streep has the ability of _________ as a beingness

transformational actor

41. According to Lloyd, Streep didn't have a dialect coach, pored

_______ _____, and _____ over Thatcher's

42. Stern believed that the big challenge of im- make the accent the only
itating someone is to ? speech vehicle that the char-
acter has

43. Imran Khan used __ to make his victory A.I., jail

speech, because he was in ____

44. Imran Khan's party, ___, won the ________, PTI, election, nationwide sus-
and caused a ? pension of internet services
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45. ______ made his own victory speech be- Sharif, 30 seats, unite parties
fore Khan's, despite being behind __ _____ to fight struggles that Pak-
of PTI, and chose to ? istan is facing

46. The suspension of phone and internet ser- allegations of cheating the
vices sparked ? polls by the military

47. The Pakistani election was so bad, condemned, expressed con-

that the US _________ and _________ cerns
________about the current situation

48. ___ ________ played the role as Gandhi in Ben Kingsley

Gandhi (1982)

49. Mohandas K Gandhi was about a lawyer returning from South

Africa to India and resisted
British rule

50. Kingsley masterfully captures __________ everything Gandhi was loved

______ ___ _____ ___, and provided a ____ for, hero
in Hollywood

51. Kingsley was known to play the most iconic Indian

______ ______ person

52. The movie Gandhi (1982) help ? remind humans what they are
capable of in difficult circum-

53. FDR was the US president during the wars Great Depression, World War
of ? II

54. FDR was paralyzed by what disease in polio


55. Although FDR couldn't ____, he trained by walk, walking short dis-
_______ _____ _________ using _____ ___ tances, metal leg braces

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56. FDR was praised of his _____ ____ upper body, Jack Dempsey
strength, by ____ _______

57. At 1932, FDR became the 1st _________ disabled


58. In public FDR looked like he was walking by his son, a cane
holding ___ ___ and holding _ ____ on the
other hand

59. Gallagher believed that FDR was strong stabilize, standing

enough to _________ himself in a ________

60. Professor _______ caught FDR being Begovich

pushed in his wheelchair

61. Some experts claimed that FDR's disease shame

was a source of _____ to him

62. Eleanor Roosevelt believed that, FDR's infinite patience and persis-
illness taught ________ ________ and tence

63. FDR hid his illness because he didn't weak leader, pressured,
want to be seen as a ____ ______, so he wheelchair
_________ the public to not take photos of
him in a __________

64. _______ designed FDR's memorial to be Lawrence Halprin

accessible for everyone

65. ______ designed FDR seated in a chair with Neil Estern

small casters

66. Since FDR's death, __________ _________ disability awareness


67. _________ made the 1st photograph in Nicephore, impacted

1826, and it ________ the world
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68. ________ conceived the Daguerreotype, Daguerre, polished silver

which involved use of __________, to make plate copper, light sensitive,
its surface _____-_________, then exposed camera
in a ______ for as long as possible

69. Due to its short ________ ____, Daguerreo- exposure time, people
type allowed photographing ______

70. In 1871, R. L. ______ invented the ___-_____ Maddox, dry-plate, wet

(gelatin process), which meant that ex-
posed plates had to be ___ in order to be

71. Eastman developed a _______ for pro- machine, commercially

ducing the plates, which was available

72. Eastman made the _____ camera, Kodak, accessible

which transformed photography to be
__________ for amateurs

73. Adams used Kodak camera and pictured __ US natural landscapes

_______ __________

74. In 1925, Barnack developed _____, the 1st Leica, 35 mm, photographic
camera to use __ __ film, that opened up a possibilities
world of ____________ _____________

75. Leica, combined with dramatic improvements, detail, shade,

___________ of quality, helped nuance in contrast
______, _____, ________

76. Kodak debuted __________, that captured Kodachrome, detailed im-

highly ________ _______ in full, expressive agery, chromaticity

77. Spielberg used __________ in Schindler's monochrome, thematic deci-

List as a ________ ________ sion

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Spielberg used monochrome to con- atmosphere, historical au-
struct an __________ with __________ thenticity

79. Spielberg bridged the ___ between the past gap, details, realities, Holo-
and present, grounding _______ within the caust
_________ of the _________ era

80. Spielberg wanted the audience to ____ ___ feel the tragic things
______ ______

81. The use of monochrome was for? emotional weight of each


82. The girl with the red coat in Schindler's list accentuate personal
was to __________ ________ _________ tragedies

83. Stuart Humphryes used __ to _______ 20th AI, restore

century pictures

84. Humphryes made ______ __ ____ to con- Colors of Life, the past
nect his audience with ___ ____

85. Humphryes collected early color photos, Lippmann, Paget, Au-

such as ones shot on ________ plates, tochromes
_____ plats, and ___________

86. Humphryes wants readers of Colors of Life see history enhanced

to ___ _______ ________

87. Jordan Lloyd sees monochrome photos as blank slate of pixels

a _____ _____ __ ______

88. Jordan Lloyd believes that computers color

shouldn't _____ old photos

89. Computer programs can get many things wrong


90. DeOldify
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Program that is marketed as world's best
deep learning technology for recoloring
historical photographs

91. People wouldn't know if the recolored his- historical evidence

torical photo is right without?

92. Jordan Lloyd is interested in finding? the story behind the photo

93. Samsung has _______-_ and Pixel 8 has Enhance-X, Magic Editor,
_____ ______ to make image editing ____ easy

94. Pichai believes that launching an __ ______ AI editor, 1.7 billion

makes sense because of _._ _______ pho-
tos edited in Google Photos per month

95. Magic Editor can pose _______ _______ to serious threats, trust
people's _____ of online content

96. Some magic editor photos were _____, and flaws, experimental
it's in an ____________ phase

97. _____ _______ and ______________ are al- false imagery, disinformation
ready a pervasive problem that plagues
various social media platforms

98. AI image enhancements process of using machine

learning algorithms to im-
prove the quality of images

99. 2 types of AI image enhancement Super resolution (improve

resolution) and denoising (re-
moving noise from image)

100. Super resolution and denoising achieved CNNs, artificial neural net-
by ___s, and they are? work for image processing

101. Steps of training a CNN create a dataset of images,

CNN trained on dataset by
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backpropagation (train neural
network models)

102. Benefits of AI enhancement -deeper analysis

-process images quickly
-apply accurate enhance-

103. Fractal Compression lossy compression method

for digital images, based on

104. image classification model training to analyse dif-

ferent images

105. object detection locating instances of objects

in images or videos

106. Semantic Segmentation classifying each pixel in an


107. Tencent renews an old Chinese _____ with opera, AI, video
__ to clean up the _____

108. Tencent uses advanced tech like ____, to 6DoF, movements

capture _________ of opera characters

109. In China, tech companies are using their celebrate, preserve, culture
resources to _________ and ________ tra-
ditional _______

110. Eldagsen turned down the award because The Electrician, AI, AI im-
his photo (___ ___________) was from ages, art
__, and sparked controversy if __ ______
should be considered ___

111. Eldagsen believed drawing was a ______ lonely job, absolute freedom
___, and AI generators are ________

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112. The Electrician was made artificially from images from the 40s, DALL-E
the ______ ____ ___ ___, and Eldagsen 2
uses ____-_ _

113. Eldagsen tested if the competition _______ allowed AI images

__ ______

114. Eldagsen believed that AI art was promptography


115. Bas Uterwijk used __________ to create Artbreeder

life-like images from scratch from different

116. Uterwijk said the challenge was ? having perfect photo-realism

while staying true to the per-
son's likeness

117. Otzi the Iceman was discovered by ______ hikers, 1991, Schnalstal Val-
in ____, on the __________ ______ ley

118. Otzi was ________ and _________ in the ice murdered, preserved

119. Otzi's artifacts exhibited in the _____ _____ South Tyrol Museum, 1998,
______ since ____, and his name was Karl Wendl
dubbed by ____ _____

120. McMansion a large modern house that

lacks architectural integrity

121. McMansion's large size is to signify high social and economic

the owner's ____ ______ ___ ________ standing

122. McMansions weren't popular anymore in crash of housing market,

2008, due to _____ __ _______ ______ dur- Great Recession
ing the _____ _________

123. poor design, big proportions,

materials, placement, styles
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McMansions are known for their ____
______, by its ___ __________, _________,
_________, and ______

124. Rising ____ ______, increase in ________ home prices, subprime mort-
_________, and a growing supply of _____, gages, homes, buss
caused the US housing market to ____

125. Subprime mortgages home loans for borrowers

with low credit scores

126. Because of its attraction, McMansions subprime loans

were perfect for ________ _____

127. Starter homes and ranch houses have been demolished, replaced, bigger
__________ and ________ by faux estates houses
as more people want to live in ______

128. Ruscha trained in __________ ___ and commercial art, Los Angeles
made Sunset Boulevard that showed ___ culture, map
_______ _______ by a ___

129. Sebah and Joaillier made _______ Ottoman Panorama, Con-

________ and was a panorama of stantinople

130. Grave and William M. McCarthy made 1906 San Francisco Earth-
photos before the ____ ___ _________ quake

131. Alex Padilla quoted that the McCarthy's em- pioneering spirit
bodied California's __________ ______

132. Rare images of Qing Dynasty are displayed, downfall

_________, even though photography ar-
rived during its ________

133. In 1854, Komin published the first Japanese photographic techniques

book on ____________ __________
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134. The 1st Japanese photograph used the Daguerreotype

technique of _____________ processing

135. At the start of the Meiji period, photography commercial industry

in Japan became a __________ ________

136. Photographs became _______ _________ popular souvenirs

due to tourism

137. Hikoma and Renjo started ___________ in photography


138. Beato's aim for Japan was to commercial- that great novelty Japonisme
ize "____ _____ _______ _________"

139. Stillfried helped make _________ which souvenirs

shaped an image of Japanese society

140. Kuichi was famous for his photo of the emperor


141. After the Meiji restoration, photographs woodblock prints

were more popular than _________ ______

142. Kintsugi Japanese art of repairing bro-

ken pottery with gold

143. Kintsugi is similar to the Japanese philos- wabi-sabi

ophy of ____-____, an embracing of the im-

144. Kintsugi is about putting the past together hiding imperfections, accept-
without ______ _____________, yobitsugi ing, have
is about _________ what you ____

145. Requiem for the Sun: The Art of relationships, natural materi-
Mono-Ha scrutinized _____________ be- als, industrial objects
tween _______ _________ and __________
_______, equivalently refers to the large
discourse of cultural renewal
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146. Mono-Ha art movement was inspired by collision, natural, mechanical

the _________ of _______ and __________ worlds

147. Objects on Mono-Ha art movement was 60s to 70s, large-scale out-
from the ___ to ___, _____-_____ _______ door sculptures to works on
__________ to _____ __ _____, from ______ paper, photos to videos
to ______

148. Mono-Ha artworks that were presented Untitled by Haraguchi, Per-

originally pendicular Line 1 by
Koshimizu, Phase by Sekine,
silk screens by Yoshida, One-
ness of Paper by Takamatsu

149. Unique combination of production and cohesion, flow

Yoshitake's selection gives the Mono-Ha
exhibition a feeling of ________ and ____

150. Mono-ha's vision of art as a perceiving evident, space and materials,

process is _______ in the complex explo- Lee Ufan
ration of _____ and _________ by ___ ____

151. Many of Mono-ha artworks ___________ deteriorate over time

____ ____

152. Sekine created works questioning the visual sensation, cognition

relation between ______ _________ and

153. Phase- Mother Earth is highly acclaimed as representative of postwar

a ______________ of _______ ________ ___ Japanese art

154. Phase- Mother Earth linked to the ________ Oriental, amount, earth,
philosophy that the ______ of _____ change, uneven, soil, impact,
doesn't ______ even if it's _____, and the trends of time
presence of the ____ had an ______ on the
______ of ____.

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155. Phase - Mother Earth's drawing and notes an experiment on thought
revealed that the work was planned as the
process of?

156. In conjunction with the 40th anniversary Tama Art Line Project,
of Sekine's work, the work is used for the Den-en Chofu Seseragi Park
____ ___ ____ _______ of outdoor artwork
in ___-__ _____ ________ ____

157. In 1968, Sekine and other Mono-ha artists dug the work, construction
___ ___ ____ up themselves, but now it is workers, digger
handled by ____________ _______ with a

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