Hindsight Needs Corrective Lenses
Hindsight Needs Corrective Lenses
Hindsight Needs Corrective Lenses
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12. cuneiform astronomical tablets would in- planetary things, time-track-
volve _________ ______, ____-________, ing, omens
and _____
14. Petroglyphs are ____ ________, and geo- rock carvings, land art
glyphs are ____ ___
23. In 1987, Tien Hoi was selected to play as Ho A Sleepless Night, similar
Chi Minh in "_ _________ _____" because looks
of his _______ _____
24. Tien Hoi matched with Ho Chi Minh, that Nhu Dinh Nguyen, make up
artist ___ ____ ______ finished his ____ __
25. Tien Hoi practiced becoming Ho Chi Minh imitating his voice, watched
by? documentaries about him,
went to his house
26. quote from Abraham Lincoln that inspired Better to remain silent and be
actors to portray him thought a fool than to speak
out and remove all doubt
30. The directors of Hamilton only casted white one key part, roles, artists of
actors in ___ ___ ____ and some _____, to color
make room for _______ __ _____
33. "Hamilton" might not match to its historical some rap sequences and
truth because of? dances
36. Miranda believes that the hip-hop narrative matches, background story
_______ with Hamilton's __________ _____
37. Colorblind casting can ______ the ignore, racial justice and prej-
world's history of ______ _________ and udice
42. Stern believed that the big challenge of im- make the accent the only
itating someone is to ? speech vehicle that the char-
acter has
44. Imran Khan's party, ___, won the ________, PTI, election, nationwide sus-
and caused a ? pension of internet services
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45. ______ made his own victory speech be- Sharif, 30 seats, unite parties
fore Khan's, despite being behind __ _____ to fight struggles that Pak-
of PTI, and chose to ? istan is facing
46. The suspension of phone and internet ser- allegations of cheating the
vices sparked ? polls by the military
52. The movie Gandhi (1982) help ? remind humans what they are
capable of in difficult circum-
53. FDR was the US president during the wars Great Depression, World War
of ? II
55. Although FDR couldn't ____, he trained by walk, walking short dis-
_______ _____ _________ using _____ ___ tances, metal leg braces
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56. FDR was praised of his _____ ____ upper body, Jack Dempsey
strength, by ____ _______
58. In public FDR looked like he was walking by his son, a cane
holding ___ ___ and holding _ ____ on the
other hand
62. Eleanor Roosevelt believed that, FDR's infinite patience and persis-
illness taught ________ ________ and tence
63. FDR hid his illness because he didn't weak leader, pressured,
want to be seen as a ____ ______, so he wheelchair
_________ the public to not take photos of
him in a __________
69. Due to its short ________ ____, Daguerreo- exposure time, people
type allowed photographing ______
74. In 1925, Barnack developed _____, the 1st Leica, 35 mm, photographic
camera to use __ __ film, that opened up a possibilities
world of ____________ _____________
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Spielberg used monochrome to con- atmosphere, historical au-
struct an __________ with __________ thenticity
79. Spielberg bridged the ___ between the past gap, details, realities, Holo-
and present, grounding _______ within the caust
_________ of the _________ era
80. Spielberg wanted the audience to ____ ___ feel the tragic things
______ ______
82. The girl with the red coat in Schindler's list accentuate personal
was to __________ ________ _________ tragedies
84. Humphryes made ______ __ ____ to con- Colors of Life, the past
nect his audience with ___ ____
90. DeOldify
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Program that is marketed as world's best
deep learning technology for recoloring
historical photographs
92. Jordan Lloyd is interested in finding? the story behind the photo
93. Samsung has _______-_ and Pixel 8 has Enhance-X, Magic Editor,
_____ ______ to make image editing ____ easy
95. Magic Editor can pose _______ _______ to serious threats, trust
people's _____ of online content
96. Some magic editor photos were _____, and flaws, experimental
it's in an ____________ phase
97. _____ _______ and ______________ are al- false imagery, disinformation
ready a pervasive problem that plagues
various social media platforms
100. Super resolution and denoising achieved CNNs, artificial neural net-
by ___s, and they are? work for image processing
107. Tencent renews an old Chinese _____ with opera, AI, video
__ to clean up the _____
109. In China, tech companies are using their celebrate, preserve, culture
resources to _________ and ________ tra-
ditional _______
110. Eldagsen turned down the award because The Electrician, AI, AI im-
his photo (___ ___________) was from ages, art
__, and sparked controversy if __ ______
should be considered ___
111. Eldagsen believed drawing was a ______ lonely job, absolute freedom
___, and AI generators are ________
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112. The Electrician was made artificially from images from the 40s, DALL-E
the ______ ____ ___ ___, and Eldagsen 2
uses ____-_ _
117. Otzi the Iceman was discovered by ______ hikers, 1991, Schnalstal Val-
in ____, on the __________ ______ ley
118. Otzi was ________ and _________ in the ice murdered, preserved
119. Otzi's artifacts exhibited in the _____ _____ South Tyrol Museum, 1998,
______ since ____, and his name was Karl Wendl
dubbed by ____ _____
124. Rising ____ ______, increase in ________ home prices, subprime mort-
_________, and a growing supply of _____, gages, homes, buss
caused the US housing market to ____
127. Starter homes and ranch houses have been demolished, replaced, bigger
__________ and ________ by faux estates houses
as more people want to live in ______
128. Ruscha trained in __________ ___ and commercial art, Los Angeles
made Sunset Boulevard that showed ___ culture, map
_______ _______ by a ___
130. Grave and William M. McCarthy made 1906 San Francisco Earth-
photos before the ____ ___ _________ quake
131. Alex Padilla quoted that the McCarthy's em- pioneering spirit
bodied California's __________ ______
138. Beato's aim for Japan was to commercial- that great novelty Japonisme
ize "____ _____ _______ _________"
144. Kintsugi is about putting the past together hiding imperfections, accept-
without ______ _____________, yobitsugi ing, have
is about _________ what you ____
145. Requiem for the Sun: The Art of relationships, natural materi-
Mono-Ha scrutinized _____________ be- als, industrial objects
tween _______ _________ and __________
_______, equivalently refers to the large
discourse of cultural renewal
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147. Objects on Mono-Ha art movement was 60s to 70s, large-scale out-
from the ___ to ___, _____-_____ _______ door sculptures to works on
__________ to _____ __ _____, from ______ paper, photos to videos
to ______
154. Phase- Mother Earth linked to the ________ Oriental, amount, earth,
philosophy that the ______ of _____ change, uneven, soil, impact,
doesn't ______ even if it's _____, and the trends of time
presence of the ____ had an ______ on the
______ of ____.
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155. Phase - Mother Earth's drawing and notes an experiment on thought
revealed that the work was planned as the
process of?
156. In conjunction with the 40th anniversary Tama Art Line Project,
of Sekine's work, the work is used for the Den-en Chofu Seseragi Park
____ ___ ____ _______ of outdoor artwork
in ___-__ _____ ________ ____
157. In 1968, Sekine and other Mono-ha artists dug the work, construction
___ ___ ____ up themselves, but now it is workers, digger
handled by ____________ _______ with a
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