Webquest For Ancient China: Directions: Go To Search The Icons That Are On The Page To Find The Answers To The Questions
Webquest For Ancient China: Directions: Go To Search The Icons That Are On The Page To Find The Answers To The Questions
Webquest For Ancient China: Directions: Go To Search The Icons That Are On The Page To Find The Answers To The Questions
WebQuest for Ancient China
Directions: Go to http://www.dkfindout.com/us/history/ancient-china/
search the icons that are on the page to find the answers to the questions
1. Rival kingdoms
In the 5th century BCE it was made up of several _____________________.
! Education
2. Under the Chinese kingdom, ____________ was highly prized, and the arts,
especially ___________
Music and ____________,
Painting grew and flourished.
3. Before China became unified under one emperor, it was made up into
several different kingdoms that were constantly at war with one another.
Then in 221BCE, the _____________
Quin kingdom defeated the other states. The ruler was
called ___________________
Quin ruler and became the 1st Emperor of China
! Guardhouse
4. In the Great Wall of China, _______________ in the tower provided shelter
for the soldiers, and could be used to store equipment. The inside of the
wall was filled with _____________________.
Broken stone and mud Brazier
_______________ were used
to send smoke signals, passing messages across the wall.
! junks
5. Wooden sailing ships were called ________, were used by merchants to
carry goods, and pirates who stole from the merchants. They had eyes
painted on each side because it was believed this helped
the boat where it was going
6. The 1st Emperor of China had a special tomb built with ____________
Containing rows life-
size soldiers, officers, horses, and chariots to guard his body and treasurers.
Crossbows were set so that would set fire if it was robbed. This
Terra-cota Army was found by accident by a Chinese farmer in 1974.
7. Name 3 items the Ancient Chinese inventions.
! Wheelbarrow, basket and long handles
8. In Chinese writing there is no __________.
Alphabet Because of this, every sign, or
character, must be learned by heart. ______________
Chinese calligraphy or beautiful writing
was an art form and the people who did this were highly respected.
9. Rice
___________ was grown in specially flooded fields or on terraces on steep
10. In an ideal home how many generations lived in a home? ____ 3 What were
Grandparents, parents and children
they? ___________________________
11. Find two more facts on this website that we haven’t discussed and put
them in the box provided.
1) The Chinese dressed according to their position on society
2) China is renowned for it's beautiful, fine pottery, called porcelain.