Romantic Age Test
Romantic Age Test
Romantic Age Test
3.) Many writers felt that there was something distinctive about their time – a pervasive
intellectual and imaginative climate which they called the
“__________________________”. It was a release of energy, experimental boldness, and
creative power that marked a literary renaissance (an age of new beginnings).
5.) Wordsworth believed that the source of all poetry was not in external things, but in the
___________________ poet.
Which Author?
2.) Rejected the past and wanted to find his own way of doing things from within
4.) Was shy and sensitive from one point of view—from another a very unruly.________
5.) Saw education as a means of gaining dignity and was afraid of being: ‘branded with the
name of a dunce.’_________
6.) Had elaborate word choice and sensual imagery in his writing._________
2.) The World is Too Much With Us________ B.) Lord Byron
Who Said?
3.) “‘Beauty is truth, truth beauty.’- that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to
4.) “I have always believed that all things depended upon Fortune, and nothing upon
5.) “As I live and am a man, this is an unexaggerated tale – my dreams become the
substances of my life.”________
6.) “A man, to be greatly good, must imagine intensely and comprehensively; he must put
himself in the place of another and of many others; the pains and pleasures of his species
must become his own.”_________
1.) Choose one poet from the Romantic Age and explain their contribution to the literary world.
2.) Explore themes in literature during this time (providing examples from text we have read would
strengthen your essay).
3.) Discuss one poem we read in class (what it meant to you, what you think the author meant,
literary elements within the work---metaphors, similes, etc.).
4.) What effect did the Romantic period have on the world?
Essay 1:
Essay 2: