Pediatricdoses 160725143448

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Pediatrics doses of commonly used drugs

Drug Doses
Amikacin 15mg/kg/day (sever sepsis 20 mg/kg req.)
Aminophylline Loading: 5mg/kg over 20min.
Maint: 0.5-0.8-1mg/kg/hr (age dependent)
Calcium gluconate Intial: 0.11 mmol/kg slow IV or inf. (o.5 ml)
Maint: 1mmol/kg/day
Ceftriaxone (novocef) 20-50mg/kg/day (meningitis 80mg/kg infusion req.)
Cefotaxime (Claforan) 50mg/kg every 8-12hr (time interval dep. on age)
Ceftazidime 30-50mg/kg 2-3 times/day (time interval dep. on age)
Dexamethason 0.2-0.4mg/kg day once (as anti inflamm.)
(decadron) 0.15mg/kg every 12hr (for croups)
Diph.hydramin (allermin) 1-1.25mg/kg every 6hrs
Furosemide (lasix) 0.5-1mg/kg/dose every 6-12hr
Gentamicin (garamycin) 5-7mg/kg/day IV inf. (septic pt.8mg/kg/day req.)
Glucose 50 % Hypoglycemia 200-500mg/kg /day
(hypertonic sol.) Hyperkalemia 500mg-1g/kg/day
Hydrocortisone 2.5mg/kg bolus then 2mg/kg every 6hr (neonates)
4mg/kg every 6hr (other ages)
KCl 20mEq 1-2mmol/day add to IVF (0.5-1mEq/kg/dose)
Meropenem 20mg/kg every 8-12hr (sever inf. 40 mg/kg/day req.).
Metoclopromide (plasil) 0.1mg/kg/day (6-14yr 2.5-5mg single dose)
Metrondazole 7.5mg/kg every 8-12hr
(flagyl) (loading inf. of 15mg/kg rec. in neonate)
NaHCO3 8.4% (sod.bicarb) 1-5mmol/kg single dose (1ml)
Oseltamivir 0-1mnth 2mg/kg twice 1-3yr 30mg twice/day
(tamiflu) 1-3mnth 2.5mg/kg twice 3-7yr 45mg twice/day
3-12mnth 3mg/kg twice 7-12yr 60mg twice/day
Ranitidine (zantac) 1-3mg/kg 3-4times daily (unlicensed adm. route)
Teicoplanin 10mg/kg twice(3 doses) then 6-10mg/kg once/day
Vancomycin 15mg/kg every 8-12-24hr (interval dep. on age)
Vit B6 (pyridoxine) 100mg as therap.trial (risk of cardiovascular collapse)
Vit K (phytominadion) 0.4-1mg/kg single dose

BY: Ala’a Fadhel Hassan & Magedel Alshams Mahdi/clinical pharmacy

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