Pediatrics Drug Doses - DocToon PDF

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The document provides dosing guidelines for various medications commonly used in pediatrics including analgesics, antibiotics, topical medications, and blood products.

The major classes of antibiotics mentioned include penicillins, cephalosporins, macrolides, and others. Typical dosages ranges from 10-100mg/kg daily depending on the antibiotic and whether it is being administered orally or intravenously.

Topical medications mentioned include protective agents like zinc cream, soothing agents like calamine lotion, topical antibiotics like mupirocin ointment, topical antifungals, and topical corticosteroids. They are typically used for skin conditions, wounds, or infections.


*paracetamol  10-15 mg / kg / dose

Cetal 250 syrup Wt/4 cm Every 6- 8h
Cetal , pyral drops 2 drops / kg Every 6- 8h
Tempra , abimol syrup Wt /2 cm Every 6- 8h
Perfalgan(1000mg/100ml *<10kg3/4cm / kg Every 6- 8h
*>10kg1.5cm / kg

*Ibuprofen  10-15 mg / kg / dose

Flabu drops 2 drops / kg Every 6- 8h
Brufen , Ultrafen syrup Wt /2 cm Every 6- 8h
Contafever n syrup Wt/4 cm Every 6- 8h
Marcofen sup (100,300,500mg) Every 6- 8h

*Combination () ibuprofen & paracetamol

Megafen syrup Wt /2 cm Every 6- 8h

*Declophenac  0.5 -1 mg / kg / dose

Dolphin k,Cataflam drops 2 drops / kg Every 6- 8h
Catafly syrup (10mg/5ml) Wt /3 cm Every 6- 8h
Dolphin sup ( 12.5 , 25 mg ) Every 12h
Declophen amp 1 cm / 20 kg Better once

*ketoprofen  0.5 -1 mg / kg / dose

Ketofan susp Wt /3 cm Every 6- 8h
Ketofan amp (100mg/2ml)
*Ampicillin sulbactam
 150 mg/kg/day IV
 Dose is doubled in meningitis
 25-50 mg/kg/day PO
Unasyn,Unictam,Sigmacyn Wt/2 cm Every12h
susp (250mg/5ml) Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
Unasyn,Unictam vial Every12h
375 mg + 5cm salineWt cm
750 mg + 5cm salineWt/2cm
1500 mg + 5cm salineWt/4 cm

*Amoxicillin clavulanic
 25-50 mg / kg / day dose of Amoxicillin
 Augmentin,Curam,E-moxclav(156mg/5ml)susp125mg
 Augmentin,Curam,E-moxclav(312mg/5ml)susp250mg
 Augmentin,Curam,Emoxclav,Megamox(457mg/5ml)400m
g amoxicillin
 Megamox(228mg/5ml) susp 200mg amoxicillin
 Hibiotic ( 460mg/5ml ) susp 400mg amoxicillin
156 Wt / 2 cm Every 8 h
228 Wt / 3 cm Every 8 h
312 Wt / 4 cm Every 8 h
457,460 Wt/ 4 cm Every 12 h

*Azithromycin ( Macrolides )
 12 – 15 mg / kg / day  for 3 days
 20 mg / kg / day  Typhoid  for 7 days
Zithromax , Zithrokan , Xithrone Wt/4 cm Single dose
(200mg/5ml) before meal
Zithrokan (100mg/5ml) Wt/2 cm Single dose

*First Generation Chephalosporines

 50mg /kg/day
Duricef,Curisafe (125mg/5ml) susp Wt cm Every 12 h
Duricef,Biodroxil (250mg/5ml) susp Wt /2 cm Every 12 h
Biodroxil (500mg/5ml)susp Wt / 4 cm Every 12 h

*Second Generation Chephalosporines

1. Cefaclor
 20-40mg/kg/day
Ceclor,Bacticlor(125mg/5ml)susp Wt /2 cm Every 12 h
Ceclor,Bacticlor(250mg/5ml)susp Wt /4 cm Every 12 h

2. Cefuroxime
 50-100mg/kg/day
Cefumax (250mg/5ml)susp Wt/2 cm Every 12 h
Zinnat (125mg/5ml)susp Wt cm Every 12 h
Zinnat vial 250,750,1500 mg Every 12 h

*Third Generation Cephalosporines
1. Ceftriaxone
 50 mg/kg/day
 100mg/kg/day in meningi s
Cefaxon,Ceftriaxone,Wintriaxon,Xoraxon +5cmsaline Single/day
500mg Wt/2
Cefaxon,Ceftriaxone,Wintriaxon,Xoraxon +5cmsaline Single/day
1000mg Wt/4

2. Cefotaxime,Ceftazidime
 100mg/kg/day
Cefotax.Claforan,Fortum +5cm saline Wt cm Every 12h
250mg vial
Cefotax.Claforan,Fortum +5cm saline Wt/2 cm Every 12h
500mg vial
Cefotax.Claforan,Fortum +5cm saline Wt/4 cm Every 12h
1000mg vial

3. Cefixime
 8-14mg/kg/day
Suprax,Ximacef (100mg/5ml) susp Wt /4 cm Every 12h

*Fourth Generation Cephalosporins
 50-100mg/kg/dayiv
Maxipime,Wincef 500mg vial +5cm salineWt/2 Every 12 h
Maxipime,Wincef 1000mg vial +5cm salineWt/4 Every 12 h

 If used more than 7 – 10 days → renal func on should be
done & follow up is a must

1. Gentamicin
 4mg/kg/day  IV
Gentamicin 80mg/2ml 1cm+19 cm glucose 5 % Every 24 h
2cm/kg over 30 min

2. Amikacin
 15 mg/kg/day
Amikin 100mg/2ml 1cm + 4cm saline 1.5cm/kg Every 24 h

 Meronem has a menigitic & pseudomonal dose of 40
mg/kg/dose q8h,, but Tinam has NOT.
 Tinam may cause Convulsions
 Tinam is incompatible with Amikin, Gentamicin &
 Meronem  20 mg/kg/dose q8h
 Tinam  20-25 mg/kg/dose q12h
Meronem +25 cm saline Wt cm IV over 30 min Every 8 h
500 mg vial
Meronem +25 cm saline Wt/2 cm IV over 30 min
1000mg vial
Tinam 500 +25 cm saline Wt cm IV over 30 min Every12h
mg vial

 4mg+20mg /kg/day)
Septrin,Sutrim,Septazole susp Wt/2 cm Every 12 h

 Bacteremia 10 mg/kg/dose IVI over 1h
 Meningitis 15 mg/kg/dose IVI over 1h
Vancocin 500 mg vial +100cm saline2cm/kg Every 8 h

*Benzathine penicillin G
 50000 unit/kg
Depo-pen vial <27 kg  1/2 vial Every 3-4 weeks
>27 kg  vial

* Linezolid
 10mg/kg/dose
 G+ve bacteria e.g. MRSA, and glycopeptide-resistant
 Some Anerobes e.g. C perfringens, C difficile, and
Bacteroides fragilis
 Treatment is usually con nued for 10-28 d
 Linezolid is not used as empiric treatment
 not active against: Common Gram negative organisms,
Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Averozolid susp( 100 mg / 5 ml ) Wt/2 cm Every 8 h

*first line drugs
1. Isoniazid (INH)
 10-15mg/kg/day
Isocid , Inhibix tab 50 mg Single daily dose
Isocid forte tab 200 mg Single daily dose

2. Rifampicin or Rifampin
 10-20mg/kg/day on empty stomach
Rimactane,Rifam,Rifamox Wt/2 One hour Before
(100mg/5ml) cm breakfast
Rifampicin, Rifampin cap 150 mg One hour Before
Rifampicin, Rifampin, Rimactane cap 300 mg breakfast

Rimactazid tab 150 mg isoniazid+300 mg Single daily

rifampicin dose
Rimactazid pediatric 60 mg isoniazid+60 mg Single daily
tab rifampicin dose

3. Pyrazinamide
 20-40mg/kg/day
Piraldina , Pyrazinamide tab 500 mg Single daily dose

Rimcure pediatric tab 30mg isoniazid+60mg rifampicin+150mg

Rimcure tab 75mg isoniazid+150mg rifampicin+400mg

*Alternative drugs
1. Streptomycin (aminoglygoside)
 20-40mg/kg/day  IM
Streptomycin vial 1000mg +5cm saline Single daily

2. Ethambutol
 15-20mg/kg/day  oral
Etibi tab 500 mg Single daily

 10-20mg/kg/dose
 Duration of therapy  14 days (in localized infec ons)
or 21 days (in disseminated or CNS infec ons)
Zovirax 250mg/5ml vial 1cm+9cm saline Every 8 h
4cm/kg IVI over 1 h
Zovirax 200mg/5ml syrup Wt/2 cm Every 8 h
Zovirax tab 200 , 400 mg Every 8 h

 100,000 unit/dose oral
 Duration  7-10 days
Mycostatin , Fungistatin , Nystatin 1 ml (droper) Every 6 h

 30mg/dose  infants
 60mg/dose  children
 Duration  7-10 days
Daktarin , Miconaz , Micoban 1/4 spoon  infants Every 6 h
oral gel( 120mg/spoon) 1/2 spoon  children

 LD = 12-25 mg/kg (we use 12)
 MD = 6-12 mg/kg/dose (we use 6) IVI over 30 min q24h
Diflucan Wt/2 cm Every
(25mg/5ml) syrup 12 h
Diflucan IVI LD 6cm/kg+6cm/kg glucose 5%
(100mg/50ml) Over 30 min
MD3cm/kg+3cm/kg glucose 5% Every
Over 30 min 24 h

 Oral 50mg/kg/day  Amoeba  10 days
25 mg/kg/day  Giardia  7 days
 Infusion  LD 15mg/kg/dose
MD 7.5 mg/kg/dose
Flagyl , Amrizole Amoeba (double Wt)/3 cm Every 8 h
(125mg/5ml) susp Giardia  Wt /3 cm
Flagyl infusion LD 3cm/kg
(500mg/100ml) MD 1.5cm/kg Every 8 h

*Diloxanide furoate
 20mg/kg/day
 Duration  10 days
Furazol , Dilozole susp Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

*Chloroquine phosphate
 3 days treatment :
1. Day 1 ini al dose : 10mg/kg
 A er 6 h : 5mg/kg
2. Day 2  one dose : 5mg/kg
3. Day 3  one dose : 5mg/kg
Chloroquine Initial dose double (Wt/3) cm As above
(80mg/5ml) syrup Then  Wt/3 cm
Chloroquine tab 150 mg As above

 Safe from first day of life & in pregnancy & lactation
Antiver , Vermin Oxyuris5ml before Every week for 3
(100mg/5ml) susp breakfast weeks
Askaris & Ankylostoma Every 12 h for 3
5ml days
Antiver , Vermin The same but one tab The same
100mg tab

 Same as mebendazole
Fluver , Fluvermal Same as Same as
(100mg/5ml) mebendazole mebendazole
Fluver , Fluvermal Same as Same as
100mg tab mebendazole mebendazole

 Not safe in first 2 years of life & in pregnancy & lacta on
 400mg/dose
Alzental , Bendax Oxyuris20ml before Every week for 3
(100mg/5ml)susp breakfast weeks
Askaris & Ankylostoma Every 24 h for 3
20ml days
Vermizole Oxyuris10ml before Every week for 3
(200mg/5ml) susp breakfast weeks
Askaris & Ankylostoma Every 24 h for 3
10ml days
Alzental , Bendax Oxyuris2 tab before Every week for 3
, Vermizole breakfast weeks
200mg tab Askaris & Ankylostoma Every 24 h for 3
2 tab days

 Bilharziasis 40mg/kg single dose in middle of fa y meal
repeated a er 1week , a er 1 month & a er 6 months
 Strongloids & H.nana  25mg/kg single dose
Epiquantel Bilharziasis wt/3 cm Single
(600mg/5ml) Strongloids & H.nana Wt/4 cm dose
Praziquentel , 600 mg tab Single
Distocid dose

*Short Acting
 Duration4-6 h
1. Hydrocortisone
 Parentral  5-10mg/kg/dose – IV or IM
 Oral 2mg/kg/day
Solu-cortef vial, IM 1cm/10kg Every 6 h
Hydrocortisone amp IV vial + 10cm saline
(100mg/2ml) Wt/2 cm
Hydrocortone tab 10 , 20 mg Every 6 h

2. Prednisone or Prednisolone
 Oral2mg/kg/day
Predsol (5mg/5ml) Double Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
Predsol forte (15mg/5ml) Double Wt/6 cm Every 8 h
Hostacorten tab 5 mg

*Long Acting
 Duration8-12 h
1. Dexamethasone
 Parentral  0.25-0.5mg/kg/dose – IV or IM
 Oral 0.1-0.2mg/kg/day
Dexamethasone , IM 1cm/10kg Every
Epidron , Fortecortin IV1cm+3cm saline Wt/4 cm 12 h
(8mg/2ml) amp
Phenadone . Apidone Wt/3 cm Every
(0.5mg/5ml) syrup 8h

*Inhalation Corticosteroids
1. Beclomethasone
 100mcg/dose
Beclotide , Beclosone inhaler(50mcg/puff) 2 puffs Every 6-8 h
(through the mouth for persistent asthma)
Beconase spray (50mcg/puff) 1-2 Every 12 h
(through the nose for allergic rhinitis) puffs

2. Budesinide
 100-200mcg/dose
Pulmicort Turbuhaler (100,200mcg/puff) 1 puff Every 12 h
(through the mouth for persistent asthma)
Pulmicort nebulization solution 2501cm/5kg
(250,500mcg/2ml) 5001cm/10kg

Rhinocort spray (50mcg/metered dose) 1-2 Every 12 h
(through the nose for allergic rhinitis) puffs

3. Fluticasone
 50-100mcg/dose
Flixotide inhaler(50mcg/puff) 1-2 Every 12 h
(through the mouth for persistent asthma) puffs
Flixonase spray(50mcg/metered dose) 1-2 Every 12 h
(through the nose for allergic rhinitis) puffs

Sedatives & Hypnotics
 Sedativesrelieves anxiety without imparing consciousness
 Hypnotics induces sleep

*Chloral hydrate
 25-50 mg/kg/dose
 Short term use only (before CT)
 Onset within 10-15 min
 May cause bradycardia – Monitor HR
Chloral (500mg/5ml) syrup Wt/2 cm Single dose

Anticonvulsant & Antiepileptic
 LD = 0.3 – 0.5 mg/kg/ dose
 MD = 0.1 – 0.2 mg/kg/dose as needed usually q 2-4 h
Valium , Neuril amp 1cm + 4cm saline 
(10m/2ml) ‫ ﻃﺔ ا ﺴﻮﻟ ﻛ ﻠﻮ اﻻن‬٣٠
‫ ﺳﺎﻋﻪ‬٤-٢ ‫ ﻃﺔ ا ﺴﻮﻟ ﻛ ﻠﻮ‬١٠ ‫ﺛﻢ‬
Diazepam rectal tubes 5 mg , 10 mg

 LD: 20 mg/kg IV slowly over 10-15 min, with
refractory seizures
add 5 mg/kg doses, up to a total of 40 mg/kg
 MD = 3-4 mg/kg/dose q24h IV, IM, PO or PR (q12h
probably unnecessary)

Sominaletta amp 1cm + 4 cm saline Double Wt Every 24 h

(40 mg/ml) cm now , then Wt/2 cm
Sominaletta Syrup Wt cm Every 24 h
(15 mg/ 5 ml)
Sominaletta tab 15 , 60 mg Every 24 h

 LD = 15-20 mg/kg/IVI over 30 min
 MD = 4 - 8 mg/kg/IVI q 12 h
 NOT used in central line – NOT used IM (extravasation &
IM → necrosis)
Epanutin , Phenytoin 1cm+9cm saline 3-4cm /kg Every 12h
(250mg/5ml) amp now over 30 min, then Wt cm
Epanutin , Ipanten Wt cm Every 12h
(30mg/5ml) susp

 Sedative dose
- Shots → 0.05-0.15 mg/kg as needed, usually q 2-4 h IVI
over 5 min
- intranasal & sublingual route → 0.2 – 0.3 mg/kg/dose
- IVI → 0.01-0.06 mg/kg/h (0.06 X 24 X weight) = (1.44 X
 Anticonvulsant dose
-LD = 0.15 mg followed by Maintenance IVI = 0.06-0.4
Dormicum , LD 1cm + 4cm saline ‫ ﻃﺔ ﻧﺠﺔ‬١٥
Midathetic ‫ا ﺴﻮﻟ ﻛ ﻠﻮ‬
amp (5mg/ml) Maintenance IVI 1cm + 4cm saline1.5 XWt cm
‫ﺗﻀﺎف ﻋ ﻣﺤﺎﻟ ﻞ اﻟﻴﻮم‬

*Sodium Valporate
 20-30mg/kg/day
Convulex drops(300mg/ml) 1-2 drops Every 12 h
Depakine syrup Wt/4 cm Every 12 h

Inotropic Drugs
*Cardiac Glycosides
1. Digoxin
 LD 30-50 mcg/kg IV , IM , Oral by digitaliza on as follow:
o 1/2 dose ini ally
o 1/4 dose a er 8 h
o 1/4 dose a er another 8 h
 Maintenance dose 5-10 mcg/kg/day divided every 12 h
Lanoxin amp 2cm + 8cm glucose 5 % 
(0.5mg/2ml) LD
 Wt/2 cm initially
 Wt/4 cm a er 8 h
 Wt/4 cm a er another 8 h
MD  Wt/10 cm every 12 h
Lanoxin pediatric LD 
elixir  Wt/2 cm initially
( 50mcg/ml) ( oral )  Wt/4 cm a er 8 h
 Wt/4 cm a er another 8 h
MD  Wt/10 cm every 12 h

*Sympathomimetic Catecholamines
1. Adrenaline
 0.01 – 0.03 mg/kg/dose  IV ( Resuscitation )
Adrenaline amp (1mg/ml) 1 cm + 9 cm saline  1cm / 10 kg

2. Dopamine
 2 – 5 mcg/kg/min → Renal dose
 5 – 10 mcg/kg/min → Inotropic dose
 10 – 20 mcg/kg/min → Vaso-constrictor
Dopamine amp 10mcg/kg/min 
(200 / 5ml) %٥ ‫ ﺳﻢ ﺟﻠ ﻮز‬٢٤ ‫ﻛ ﻠﻮ ﺴﺘ ﻤﻞ ﺣ‬ ‫ وﺣﺪة ا ﺴﻮﻟ‬٣٦
‫ﺳﻢ اﻟﺴﺎﻋﻪ‬١ ‫ﻤﻌﺪل‬ ‫وﺗﻌ‬

3. Dobutamine
 2-25 mcg/kg/min IVI
Dobutrex amp 10mcg/kg/min 
(250 / 5 ml) %٥ ‫ ﺳﻢ ﺟﻠ ﻮز‬٢٤ ‫ﻛ ﻠﻮ ﺴﺘ ﻤﻞ ﺣ‬ ‫ وﺣﺪة ا ﺴﻮﻟ‬٢٨
‫ﺳﻢ اﻟﺴﺎﻋﻪ‬١ ‫ﻤﻌﺪل‬ ‫وﺗﻌ‬

Anti-arrhythmic Drugs
*Drugs for Brady-arrhythmia
1. Atropine
 IV (over 1 min) or IM: 0.01-0.03 mg/kg/dose q10-
15min; Maximum total dose of 0.04 mg/kg
 ET: 0.01-0.03 mg/kg/dose immediately followed by 1 mL NS
 PO: begin with 0.02 mg/kg/dose q4-6h, may increase
gradually to 0.09 mg/kg/dose
Atropine amp ( 1mg/ml) 1cm+9cm saline  0.1 cm /kg

*Drugs for supraventricular tachyarrhythmias

1. Verapamil
 0.1-0.2 mg/kg/dose IV over 2 min
Isoptin amp (5mg/2ml) 1cm + 9cm saline  Wt/2 cm

2. Propranolol
 Oral → 0.25 mg/kg/dose q6h → Then ↑ as needed to max
of 3.5 mg/kg/dose q6h
 IV → 0.01 mg/kg/dose q6h → Then ↑ as needed to max of
0.15 mg/kg/dose q6h
Inderal 10 mg Tab ‫ﺳﻢ ﻣﺎء ﻣﻘﻄﺮ و ﻌ‬١٠ ‫ اﻟﻘﺮص ﺤﻞ‬Every 6h
‫ر ــﻊ اﻟﻮزن‬

Anti-hypertensive Drugs
*TTT of hypertensive crisis
1. Nifedipine
 0.25-0.5 mg/kg/dose  sublingual or oral
Epilat , Adalat 10 mg ,20 mg Repeated every 30-60 min if

2. Furosemide
 2mg/kg/dose  IV or IM
Lasix amp (20mg/2ml) 1cm+9cm saline  Wt cm Every 12 h
Lasix tab ( 40mg) 1/2 tab + 10 cm sterile water Every 12 h
 Wt/2 cm

*TTT of non emergency hypertention

1. Captopril
 0.01 – 0.05 mg/kg/dose Up to 0.5 mg/kg/dose q12h
Capoten 25 gm tab 1/2 tab + 12.5 cm sterile water Every 12 h
 ‫ﻃﺔ ﻛ ﻠﻮ‬

*Osmotic Diuretics
1. Mannitol 20 %
 5-10 ml/kg  IV (Over 30min)
 Rapid reduction of increased intracranial pressure &
reduction of cerebral mass in case of edema
Mannitol 20 % ( 500ml 5-10 ml / kg Every 6 h for 2-3
bottle ) days

Nasal decongestants
*Local (nasal)
1. Oxymetazoline
Afrin ped , iliadin merck ped 1-2 drops Every 12 h

2. Xylometazoline
Otrivin ped , Balkis ped , Rhinex ped 1-2 drops Every 8 h

 These drops used in 3 months – 6 years

 Adult drops  a er 6 years
 Before 3 months use  lyse , physiomer , otrivin baby
saline nasal drops
*Systemic (oral)
1. Decongestant + Antihistamine
Sine up , Balkis syrup Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

2. Decongestant + Antihistamine + Antipyretic

Congestal syrup Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

Cough Suppressants
*Herbal Suppressants
Sina dry , Balsam , Herba < 1 year  2.5 cm Every 8 h
cough syrup >1 year  5 cm

*Chemical Preparations
Cough cut , Sinecod syrup Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
(good with asthma)
Tussivan N syrup Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
Tusscapine syrup
Sinecod , Selegon drops 1 drop / kg / day Before sleeping

*Suppositories for dry cough

Selegon supp 1 supp  10kg Before sleeping
Coughseed supp <2years infantile Before sleeping
>2years  children

Mycolytic Expectorent
*Herbal Preparations
 < 1 year  2.5 cm
 > 1 year  5 cm
 ‫ﺻ ﺎﺣﺎ وﻋ ا‬
Sinuc syrup (mild)
Sina-wet , Bronchicum syrup(moderate)
Broncho syrup (strong)
*Chemical Mycolytic
Bisolvon , Solvin , Ambroxol , Ultrasolve Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
Mucosolvin , Bronchopro syrup
Bisolvon , Solvin , Ambroxol drops 1 drop/kg Every 8 h
Osipect , Allvent syrup Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
(Mycolytic + Expectorant + B2 agonist)

*Selec ve B2 agonist
1. Salbutamol
 0.1-0.3mg/kg/dose PO q6-8h
 0.1-0.5 mg (0.02-0.1 mL)/kg/dose q2-6h via nebulizer
 100-200mcg/dose  inhalation
Ventolin , Vental , Farcoline , Wt/4 cm Every 6-8 h
Salbovent syrup (2mg/5ml)
Ventolin ,Vental inhaler(100mcg/puff) 1 puff Every 6-8 h
Ventolin diskus (200mcg/puff)
Ventolin , Farcolin nebulizer solution 0.5cm + Every 6-8 h
(5mg/ml) 2.5cm saline

2. Terbutaline
 0.1-0.2mg/kg/day  oral
 200mcg/dose  inhalation
Aironyl , Bricanyl syrup (1.5mg/5ml) Wt/4 cm Every 8 h
Bricanyl inhaler (200mcg/puff) 1 puff Every 8 h

*Anticholinergic drugs
1. Ipratropium
 75-175 mcg via jet nebulizer q6-8h
 25 mcg/kg/dose via nebulizer q8h
Atrovent inhaler 1-2 puff Every6h
Combivent inhaler
Atrovent , Combivent  250 (1cm/5kg) +2cm saline Every6h
(250 ,500 mcg/2ml)  500(1cm/10kg)+2cm saline
Nebulization solution

*Methylxanthine dervatives
 Theophylline
 LD: 8 mg/kg IVI over 30 min or PO
 MD (8-12h Later): 1.5-3 mg/kg/dose PO or IV q8-12h
Aminophylline (125,250 mg/5 mL) Amp Every 8 h
Minophylline , Etaphylline , 1cm / 10kg Every 8 h
Epicophylline (100mg/5ml)

*Caffaine Citrate
 LD: 20-25 mg/kg IV over 30 min or PO
 MD: 5-10 mg/kg/dose q24h IV slowly or PO
 Idiopathic Apnea of Prematurity
Caffeinospire (20 mg/ml) vial LD Wt cm Every 24 h
MDWt/4 cm
Caffeinospire (20 mg/ml) oral The same above Every 24 h

Asthma Controllers
*Inhaled corticosteroids
 As before
*Long ac ng B2 agonist
 Salmeterol
 25-50mcg/dose  inhalation
Serevent , Metrovent inhaler (25mcg/puff) 1 puff Every 12 h
Serevent , Metrovent discus (50mcg/puff)
Seretide discus,inhaler (100,250,500) 1 puff Every 12 h

*Leukotriene Modifiers
 Montelukast
 2 months – 6 years  4 mg (sachets)
 6 years – 15 years  5mg ( chewable tabs )
 > 15 years  10mg ( swallowed tabs )
Singular (4mg) sachet 1 sach Once daily at night
Singular , Montekal chew tab 1 chew Once daily at night
(5mg) tab
Montekal , Clear air tab(10mg) 1 tab Once daily at night

Drugs for Hyperacidity
Maalox , Mucogel , <2years  5 cm Every 6-8 h
Epicogel susp >2years  10-15 cm before eating
Maalox , Acicone For older children  1 tab Every 6-8 h
chewable tab

*H2 recpetors antagonists

1. Ranitidine
 2 mg/kg/dose PO q8h (max. 3 mg/kg q8h)
 (Term) 1.5 mg/kg/dose q8h IV slow push
 (Preterm) 0.5 mg/kg/dose q12h IV slow push
Zantac 1cm+12cm saline  Every 8-12 h
amp(50mg/2ml) Wt/2 cm
Zantac tab 150 , 300 mg Every 8 h

2. Famotidine
 0.25-0.5 mg/kg/dose IV q24h
 0.5-1 mg/kg/dose PO q24h
Antodine(20mg/2 1cm+9cm saline  Wt/2 Every 24 h
mL) amp cm
Antodine tab 20 , 40 mg Every 24 h

Antiemetic Drugs
1. Domperidone
 0.3 mg/Kg/dose
Motinorm ,Motilium Susp(5mg/5ml) Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

2. Ondansetron
 8 – 15 kg 2mg/dose
 15 – 30 kg  4mg/dose
 > 30 kg  8 mg/dose
Danset , Zofran , Danofran amp 4 , 8 mg Every 12 h

3. Trimebutine
 5 – 10 mg/kg/day
 Mainly in GERD
Gast-reg susp Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

Spasmolytic & Antiflatulant
*For neonates & young infants
Pedia water , Grip water 2.5 – 5 cm Every 6-8 h
syrup before feeding
Simethicone , Baby rest 2 drops/kg/dose Every 6-8 h
drops before feeding

*For children > 2 years

Viceralgine , Buscopan syrup Half Wt/3 cm Every 8 h
Viceralgine amp 1cm  20 kg Up to 4
Buscopan amp 1cm  40 kg Once daily

Antidiarrheal drugs
Aqua ream z , Zinc < 6 months  2.5 cm Once daily
origin syrup >6 months  5 cm For 10-14 d
Hydrosafe , Rehydro
zinc pack
Antinal , Streptoquine  Late infancy & early Every 8 h
childhood 5 cm
 Late childhood  10 cm

Laxative drugs
Duphalac , Lactulose Wt/4 cm Every 12 h
Laxomag susp Wt/2 cm Once before
Picolax , Normalax 1 drop/kg  max 15 When needed
drops drops
Glycerine sup 700mg  <2years When needed
1400mg  >2years

 From first day of life
Fenestil drops 1 drop / kg /day Every 12 h
Fenestil syrup Wt / 4 cm Every 12 h

 > 6 months of life

Zyrtec drops 1 drop / kg Every 24 h
before sleeping
Zyrtec , Histazine , Cetrak Wt/2 cm Every 24 h
syrup before sleeping

 > 1 year of life

Claritine syrup Wt/2 cm Every 24 h before sleeping

 > 2 years of life

Evastine syrup Wt/2 cm Every 24 h before sleeping

Avil retard amp (45mg/2ml) 1 cm  40 kg Every 12 h

o All Antihistaminic are contraindicated in BA & Acute

bronchitis except Claritine & Evastine

Hormonal Therapy
1. Thyroid hormone ( L-thyroxine )
 10-15 mcg/kg/day  neonatal period
 8-10 mcg/kg/day  infancy
 4-6 mcg/kg/day childhood
Eltroxin tab 50 , 100 mcg Every 24 h

2. Insulin
 Rapid acting insulin ( regular )
 DKA  IVI at a rate of 0.1 unit / kg / h un l glucose level
of 300mg/dl then discon nue infusion & give insulin
subcutaneous in dose of 0.2 – 0.4 unit/kg every 6-8 h for
24 h
 Mangment of ordinary case  0.5-1 unit/kg/day , 1/3 of
dose is regular insulin & 2/3 is intermediate insulin
Actrapid human insulin 40 , 100 units/ml
Humulin R human insulin 40 , 100 units/ml
Humulin R human insulin pen fill 100 units/ml

 Intermediate acting insulin

Monotard human insulin 40 , 100 units/ml
Humulin N human insulin 40 , 100 units/ml
Humulin N human insulin pen fill 100 units/ml

3. Antidiuretic hormone
 Desmopressin
 0.1-0.2 mg
Minirin tab (0.1 , 0.2) mg 1-2 tab Once daily before
Minirin nasal 1-2 puffs Once daily before
spray(10mcg/puff) sleeping

Vitamins and Minerals

1. Vitamin C
 Prophylactic  25 - 35 mg/day
 Therapeutic  100-200mg/day
Cevilene drops  Prophylactic  5 drops Once daily
(100mg/ml)(5mg/drop)  Therapeutic  10 drops Every 8 h

2. Vitamin D
 Prophylactic  400iu / day
 Therapeutic 3000-5000 iu / day orally for 3 weeks
 600,000 iu/dose-IM – once
Vidrop (100iu/drop) 4 drops Once daily
Pedical syp. (400iu + 50 mg ca /5ml) 5 cm Once daily
Decal B12 syp ,Vitacal syp , Calcical 5-10 cm Every 8 h
syp. (1000u/5ml)
Devarol-S amp (600,000u/ml) Amp Once not

3. Vitamin K
 Prophylactic  1 mg  IM  once
 Therapeutic  5-10 mg  IM , IV
Konakion MM pediatric amp. 1/2 amp At birth
Konakion amp (10mg/ml) 1/4 – 1/2 amp Every 12 h

4. Vitamin B complex
Beco- C or Medivit syp 5 cm Prophylactic once daily
Therapeutic  Every 8 h

5. Multivitamins
Bebe-vit drops Prophylactic5-10 drops Once daily
Therapeutic  1/2 -1 droper Every 12 h
Fruital , Polvital , 5 cm Once daily
Totavit syp

6. Iron
 Prophylactic2mg/kg/day
 Therapeutic  6 mg/kg/day
Hydroferrin drops Prophylactic1/4 droper Once daily
(50 mg/ml) Therapeutic 0.6 droper/10kg Every 12h
Ferose syp 3cm / 10kg Every 12h

7. Calcium
 Oral dose 40-80mg/kg/day
 IV dose  100-200mg/kg/day
Pedical , Cal-D-B12 Wt/2 cm Every 12 h
syp (50mg/5ml)
Ca gluconate amp.  Maintenance dose = Every 6 h
10% (100mg/ml) 0.5 - 1 ml/kg
 In hypocalcaemia =
1 – 2 ml/kg

8. Magnesium
 Resuscitation (Pulseless Torsades) 25-50 mg/kg
IV/intraosseous rapid infusion
 Hypomagnesemia25-50 mg/kg IVI over 30-60 min; q8-
12h for 2-3 doses
Magnesium sulphate 50% 0.1 cm/kg Every 8-12 h
Magnesium sulphate 10% 0.5 cm/kg Every 8-12 h

9. Potassium
 Oral dose  2-4 mEq/kg/day
Potassium syp. 15% (10mEq/5ml) Wt/3 cm Every 8 h

Eye medications
 Antibiotics
Tobrin eye drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h
Tobrex eye ointment Once daily b4 sleeping

 Decongestants
Prisoline or Nostamine 1-2 drops Every 6 h
E/N drops for 4 days

 Anti-allergic
Alomide or Epichrome eye drops 1-2 drops Every 8 h

 Corticosteroids
Isopto-Maxidex eye drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

 Corticosteroids+ antibiotics
Tobradex , Isopto-Maxitrol eye drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

Ear Medications
 Analgesic
Otocalm or Otal ear drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

 Wax softeners
Remowax or Ear wax ear drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

 Antibiotics
Otoxin or Otophenicol ear drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

 Corticosteroids+ Antibiotics
Dexatrol E/E drops 1-2 drops Every 6 h

Topical Medication
*Protective agent
 Zinc olive lotion
 Baby cream

*Soothing agent
 Calamyl lotion
 Calamine lotion

*Topical Antibiotics
 Garamycin ointment
 Fucidin cream
*Topical Antifungals
 Daktarin cream
 Miconaz cream
 Candistan cream
 Mycostatin baby cream
*Topical antiparasitic
 Scabine lotion or cream 1%
 Licid , No lice lotion

*Topical Corticostroids
1. Mild to Moderate
 Dermatop cream
 Perderm cream
 Hydrocortison cream
2. Strong
 Betaderm cream
 Betnovate cream
 Elecon cream
3. Steroids and Antimicrobial combinations
 Hdrocortisone + Miconazole
 Daktacort cream
 Betamethasone + Miconazole + Neomycin
 Polyderm cream
 Betamethasone + Clioquinol + Gentamicin + Chlorocresol
 Quadriderm cream

*Burns Preparations
 Dermazin cream
*Oral Analgesics
 Dentinox teething gel
 Oracure gel
 Dentocalm paint
 BBC spray

Miscellaneous drugs
Immulant syp.(90mg/5ml) 5-10 cm Every12h
Immulant cap.(200mg) 1 cap Every12h
Hepaticum syp.( 50 mg/5ml) Wt/2 cm Every12h
Digestin syp 1-3 years  2.5 cm Every 8 h
3-12 years  5 cm
Uripan syp. (5mg/5ml) or 5-10 cm B4
tab. (5mg ) sleeping
Ursogall syrup(250 mg/ Wt/2 cm Every12h
Lacteol forte Sachets 0.5-1 sach +5cm sterile Every12h
Cholestran Sachets +10 cm sterile water Every12h
Wt cm
Folic acid tab 1/2 tab + 12 cm sterile 2 mes
water Wt/3 cm /week
L–Carnitine drops 300 1/4 droper /kg Once
mg/ml daily

Blood products
Packed RBCs 5 – 20 ml/kg Every 24 h
Fresh Frozen 10 – 20 ml/kg Every 24 h
Plasma Every 12 h in DIC
Platelets 5 – 10 ml/kg Every 24 h
Cryoprecipitate 5 – 10 ml/kg
IVIG 1 gm 500 – 900 mg/kg over 3 h After 24 h if
2.5gm needed


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