Studies On Weed Management in Onion (L.) : A. Yumnam, A. R. Mandal, U. Thapa, T. K. Maity and S.P. Bhattacharya

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Journal of Crop and Weed, 5(1): 324-325 (2009)

Studies on weed management in onion ( Allium cepa L.)

Department of Vegetable Crops, Faculty of Horticulture
Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture,
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West Bengal

Onion is one of the most important vegetable crops and is widely 5% EC @2.5 ml/l of water at 20 DAP (T3) (34.5 and 65.3 g
grown as a cash crop in different parts of country. Cultivation of respectively). Hand weeding at 20 DAP and 40 DAP had
onion is greatly effected by crop-weed competition. significantly lower weed density (38.0) and dry weight (73.84 g)
Uncontrolled weed growth reduces the bulb yield of the tune of than Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC @ 2.0 ml/l of water at 20 DAP
40 – 80% depending on types of weed flora, their intensity and followed by one hand weeding at 40 DAP (T5)
duration of crop-weed competition (Patel et al., 1983; Mishra et (Table1).However, control (T8) had the highest weed density
al., 1986). Besides having a shallow root system, onions are (56.5) and dry weight (107.32 g) than other treatments. Plant
usually planted at a closer spacing and these become the main height, number of leaves, bulb diameter, neck thickness, bulb
reasons for a tedious, time consuming and expensive weeding. weight and bulb yield were significantly influence by the
Under such circumstances, chemical weed control becomes the treatments (Table1). Highest plant height was found in T3
best alternative solution. However, continuous use of chemicals (44.41cm) followed by T4 (36.82cm) as compared to the lowest
not only increases the cost of cultivation but also drastically plant height in T6 (31.42cm). Application of Quizalofop-ethyl
reduces the soil fertility along with reduction in productivity and 5% EC @ 2.0 ml/l of water at 20 DAP along with hand weeding
residual problem. Hence, the present investigation on integrated at 40 DAP (T5) had the highest number of leaves and neck
weed management involving herbicides and cultural practices thickness (1.16 cm).Hand weeding at 40 DAP along with
was undertaken to provide economically acceptable and eco- Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC @ 2.5 ml/l of water (T6) had the highest
friendly weed control. bulb diameter (4.09 cm), bulb weight (13.42 kg) and bulb yield
A field experiment was carried out during the winter (335.64 q/ha), followed by T7 (3.45cm,13.23kg and 330.83q/ha)
season of 2006 at the Horticultural Research Station, Mondouri, as compared to control (2.86cm,9.74kg and 243.50q/ha
Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Mohanpur, Nadia, West respectively).
Bengal. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design Hand weeding at 45 days after transplanting in
with 8 treatments and 3 replications. The treatments comprised combination with herbicides in general, further enhances the
of Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC @1.5 ml/l of water at 20 DAP (T1), bulb yield compared to herbicides alone. These results were in
Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC @2.0 ml/l of water at 20 DAP (T2), accordance with the findings of Malik et al. (1982), Patel et al.
Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC @2.5 ml/l of water at 20 DAP (T3), (1983), Singh et al. (1987) and Singh (1996). It can be concluded
Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC @1.5 ml/l of water at 20 DAP followed from the results that application of Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC @
by one hand weeding at 40 DAP (T4), Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC 2.5 ml/l of water at 20 DAP along with one hand weeding at 40
@ 2.0 ml/l of water at 20 DAP followed by one hand weeding at days after transplanting was the best treatment in controlling
40 DAP (T5), Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC @ 2.5 ml/l of water at 20 weeds and increasing yield.
DAP followed by one hand weeding at 40 DAP (T6), hand REFERENCES
weeding at 20 and 40 DAP (T7) and untreated control (T8).
Malik, Y.S., Singh, K.P. and Pandita, M.L. 1982. Chemical weed
The healthy seedlings of onion cv. ‘Arka Kalyan’ were control in onion (Allium cepa L.). Indian J. of Weed
transplanted in the flat beds at distance of 30cm × 20cm in 2 x 2 Sci., 14: 24 – 27.
m2 plot size. One light irrigation was given just after
transplanting and others were given as and when required. Mishra, H.P., Sing, S.J. and Mishra, S.S. 1986. Effect of
Observations were recorded on weed population and dry weight herbicides on weed control efficiency and production
of weed from an area of 0.50m × 0.50m at two randomly potential in onion (Alium cepa L.). Indian J. of Weed
selected places in each plot. Effect of treatments on yield Sci., 18 : 187 – 91.
attributes and yield were also recorded. The predominant weed Patel, C.L., Patel Z.G. and Patel, R.S. 1983. Integrated weed
species infesting the experimental plots were Cyperus rotundus, management in onion bulb crop. Indian J. of Weed
Cynodon dactylon, Cirsium arvense, Commelina benghalensis, Sci., 15 : 7 – 11.
Euphorbia hirta, Oxalis corriculata, Physalis minima, Digitaria Singh, B. 1996. Studies of weed control in onion. Veg. Sci., 23 :
sanguinalis and Eleusine indica. Hand weeding at 40 days after 30 –35.
transplanting along with application of Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC
Singh, G., Bhan, V.M. and Tripathi, S.S. 1987. Weed control in
@ 2.5 ml/l of water at 20 DAP (T6) significantly reduced weed
onion. Indian J. of Weed Sci., 19: 9 – 13.
density (25.5) and dry weight (55.3 g) of weed compared to other
treatments. This was followed by application of Quizalofop-ethyl
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Studies ..... in onion

Table 1: Effect of different treatments on growth, yield parameters, weed population and dry weight of weeds in onion.

Plant Bulb Neck Bulb Weed
No. of Bulb weight weight of
Treatment height diameter thickness of yield population
leaves per plot (kg) weeds
(cm) (cm) bulb (cm) (q/ha) (No. / m2)

T1 – Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC @1.5ml/liter at 38.5 78.7

36.57 8.65 3.28 1.04 12.70 317.50
20 DAP

T2 – Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC @ 2.0ml/lit at 43.0 82.3

33.80 9.63 3.35 1.13 12.74 318.58
20 DAP

T3 – Quizalofop-ethyl 5% EC @2.5ml/lit at 20 34.5 65.3

32.00 9.22 3.38 1.07 13.01 325.33

T4 – T1 + HW40 DAP 36.82 9.26 2.96 1.02 12.51 312.75 40.5 84.8

T5 – T2 + HW 40 DAP 34.78 10.26 3.42 1.16 13.21 330.42 35.0 74.2

T6 – T3 + HW 40 DAP 31.42 8.18 4.09 1.04 13.42 335.64 25.5 55.3

T7 – HW 20 DAP + HW 40 DAP 44.41 9.48 3.45 0.98 13.23 330.83 38.0 73.84

T8 – Untreated control 34.39 10.11 2.86 1.03 9.74 243.50 56.5 107.32

LSD (P = 0.05) 2.53 1.42 0.52 0.11 1.20 30.32 3.09 2.39

HW – Hand weeding, DAP – Days after planting

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