Vinay Research Paper
Vinay Research Paper
Vinay Research Paper
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The efficacy of three different agrochemicals (two herbicides and one
fungicide) and bioinoculant was carried out to determine their effects on the
physicochemical and biological properties of rhizospheric soil in Maize field.
Here, the representative soil samples for every treatment plots were collected for
estimation of total fungal and bacterial count. The colony forming units (CFU)
and total viable counts of total soil fungi and total soil bacteria were determined
by means of serial dilution technique and pore plant method after 30, 50 days of
sowing and at harvest of agrochemicals application in Maize field. The estimated
data indicated that agrochemicals used affected the microbial count of
rhizospheric soil in treated plots compared with the untreated soil. The total
fungal count was minimized in herbicide treated plots as compared to control
treatment. On the other hand, the plots in which seeds were treated with
Azospirillum showed maximum bacterial count as compared with control plot.
If the global Maize production is examined, it is inferred that USA
has the lion’s share in total global Maize production accounting almost half of
the world’s harvest (~42.5 percent), other top producing countries includes The
Peoples Republic Of China, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, India and France.
Worldwide production was around 800 million tonnes in 2007. In this year
(2007), over 150 million hectare of Maize was planted worldwide with a yield of
4970.9 kilogram per hectare. India is the fifth largest producer of Maize in the
world contributing 3 percent of the global production. In the last five decades,
India’s Maize production has increased from less than three million tonnes to 15
million tonnes today (2006-07). Maize, like any other cereal is grown across all
the states in India and in many states it is one of the important staple foods.
Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh are the leading producers of Maize in India while
Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan are the
other important producers. According to the Union Ministry of Agriculture, as
on 10th July 2006, area brought under Maize in India was 35.22 lakh hectares up
from 27.36 lakh hectares planted during the corresponding period last year.
Maharashtra State holds prominent rank consisting total area under Maize to be
3,71,000 hectares with annual production of 7,44,000 tonnes and productivity of
2,000 Kg/ha in India (FAO, 2004). Microbial activity i s t h e g e n e r a l term
use d to indicate the vast range of activities carried out by soil
microorganisms Landi et al., (2000). It is markedly influenced by changes in
environmental factors and soil conditions Bloem et al., (2006). Biological
parameters may rapidly reflect even small changes that occur in soil,
providing accurate data about soil quality Smith and Papendick, ( 1 9 9 3 ) .
Pascual et al., ( 2 0 0 0 ) . Soil microorganisms, particularly soil fungi,
represent a biogeosphere component determining the level of their real
toxic effect, since they take part in their detoxification and mineralization,
using them as carbon and energy sources Dukia and Mandia (1998),
Nunez e t a l., (2001). Fungicides applied perform inhibition of soil fungi
development during the first two months following their application
Mandia et al. (2005). Recently, Zhao et al (2008) stated that the application
of elemental sulphur (30 mg/kg 2) increased the amount of soil
microorganism (bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes), and enhance soil
microbial activity. Das and Mukherjee (1998)., stated that, the
Hexachlorocyclohexane (BHC) followed by phorate significantly
stimulated the populations of (total) bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi and
aerobic non-sym biotic N 2 -fixing bacteria in soil.
Media used:
Microbial analysis:
Serial Dilution:
After proper incubation period, the number of colonies per plate was
recorded by digital colony counter. Total viable counts used are calculated by
Total viable count = Avg. No. of colonies X Size of aliquot X Dilution factor.
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