History Essay Rubric

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History Essay Rubric-20 points total possible**Analvsis means to explain how or why.

**Clearly should be interpreted as free of grammatical and stylistic errors.**Essay should be written in the active voice and in the past tense. Do NOT use contractions; Write in the third person/ Do NOT use

"I" or "you;"

4 3 2 1

Introduction Introduction places the essay in The Introduction contains an The introduction contains an The introduction does not

Setting specific time and place, begins with a acceptable thesis AND a detailed acceptable thesis OR a give the reader a clear idea of

Thesis Statement broad opening statement, has a clear, organizational statement. detailed organizational the argument or it does not

Road Map accurate, and analytical thesis and a Thesis is clear, analytical, and statement. give the reader a roadmap.

3 clear map detailed organizational statement. completely and accurately answers Thesis is clear but simplistic. Thesis is attempted but not

points/subtopics In addition, thesis is specific and the question. clear or sufficient.

comprehensive (fully answers the

question/ answers all parts of the question.)

Topic Sentences All topic sentences are accurate, Most of the topic sentences are Topic sentences are accurate, Topic sentences are

Should be mini specific, clearly answer the question, accurate, clearly answer the clearly support the thesis, but attempted but are unclear, or

versions of the thesis clearly support the thesis, and follow question, clearly support the thesis, lacks analysis or specificity. do not clearly support the

statement the pattern in the organizational and contain analysis. Topic sentences are too thesis or do not clearly

statement, and contain analysis. vague answer the question

Evidence There is an abundant amount of There is an adequate amount of There is some supporting There is little supporting

Accurate supporting evidence that is accurate, supporting evidence. Most of the evidence that is accurate and evidence that is accurate or

Relevant relevant, and clearly supports the supporting evidence is accurate, somewhat supports the thesis connection between the

Sufficient Amount thesis statement and topic sentences. relevant, and supports the thesis statement and topic thesis statement and topic

Relevant evidence is thoroughly statement and topic sentences. sentences. Evidence is sentences are not clear.

explained and analyzed. (5-4 There is some relevant explanation explained but needs more Evidence is merely listed and

supporting facts per paragraph) and analysis. (2-3 supporting facts analysis. not adequately explained or

per paragraph) analyzed.

Transition/So what? sentences Each body paragraph contains a Each body paragraph contains a Each body paragraph contains a transition Transition or so what?

transition sentence that makes a clear connection transition sentence but does not sentence that lets the reader know the topic of sentences are attempted but

between the two paragraphs. The last body paragraph make a clear connection between the next body not clear or are incomplete.

has a clincher sentence that clearly the two paragraphs. The last body paragraph has a paragraph or a clincher

sums up the information in that paragraph. clincher sentence that clearly sums up the sentence that clearly sums up

information in that paragraph the information in that paragraph

conclusion The conclusion clearly re-states the thesis and The conclusion clearly re-states the thesis and The conclusion simply re-states the thesis Conclusion is attempted but

summarizes the main points of the essay and mirrors the summarizes the main points of the essay. not clear or is incomplete.

into without repeating it verbatim

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