Ge Law
Ge Law
Ge Law
4. LISSCAD, SURFER, CARLSON are some of the soft- (b) mapping survey
ware for data.
(a) processing GPS data
(b) mapping survey data.
(c) processing total station data
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b) 2 centimeter
c) 20 centimeter
d) 2meter
13. c) Registration;
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Topographic map from planimetric map and contour
map need
a) Addition;
b) Superposition;
c) Registration;
d) Orientation.
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Identify the incorrect statements: (select two) b) Most important
a) Automated mapping is commonplace for map component of au-
drafting, now-a-days. tomated mapping
b) Most important component of automated mapping is computer hard-
is computer hardware. ware.
c) Automated mapping is done by operator making d) Automated map
use of mapping software. is produced by
d) Automated map is produced by making use of making use of map-
mapping software only. ping software only
19. Steps for digital map making DOES NOT include: d) Taking of printout
a)Preparation of grid;
b)Import of cloud of points;
c) Drawing of objects and contours;
d) Taking of printout.
21. Elevation, relief, and slope on a topographic map are c. Contour lines
shown using symbols called __.
a. GPS Units
b. Spot Elevations
c. Contour Lines
d. Contour Intervals
e. Pixels
22. It refers to that part of the shore which is alternately c. Foreshore Land
covered and uncovered by the ebb and the flow of the
equinoctial tide.
a. Buffer zone
b. Shoreline
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c. Foreshore Land
d. Salvage Zone
e. Easement
23. It means any area where mineral resources, as herein a. Mineral Land
defined, are found.
a. Mineral Land
b. Mineral Deposits
c. Mineral Claim
d. Mineral Reserve
e. Mineral Lodge
24. Under the Mining Code, it means the land or body a. Contract Area
of water delineated under a Mineral agreement or
Financial or Technical Assistance Agreement (FTAA)
subject to the relinquishment obligations of the con-
tractor and properly defined by longitude and lati-
a. Contract Area
b. Mineral Lease
c. Lease Coverage
d. Permit Site
e. FTAA Permit
26. The asteroid belt is between the orbits of planets b. Mars and Jupiter
a. Venus and Earth
b. Mars and Jupiter
c. Mercury and Venus
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d. Neptune and Uranus
e. Jupiter and Saturn
30. It pertains to the user definable angle (in degrees) b. Elevation Mask
below which data measurements from a satellite will Angle
not be used.
a. Angle of Depression
b. Elevation Mask Angle
c. Satellite Mask
d. Reckoning Angle
e. Nadir Convergence
31. The GNSS receiver height of instruments is the dis- b. Antenna phase
tance from the _____ to the survey ______. center, control
a. Antenna top, tripod foot point
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b. Antenna phase center, control point
c. Antenna phase center, tripod point
d. Antenna top, control point
33. Mang Pablo is an applicant of a piece of public land c. From the list of
for free patent in CENRO Guiguinto, Bulacan. How survey claimants
can we verify from CENRO Guiguinto, Bulacan if
Mang Pablo was the original claimant or not?
a. Refer to the records of DAR
b. Letter from the City Assessor
c. From the list of survey claimants
d. From available records of the Land Registration
34. An individual who occupied a salvage zone is re- b. No, he should im-
quired to pay rentals. Is this in order? mediately be evict-
a. Yes, but he should first apply for a survey authority ed in the area
b. No, he should immediately be evicted in the area
c. Yes, he should be required to pay rentals
d. No, he should first file his free patent applications
40. Notice of lis pendens can only be removed from an- Court Order
notation on the title by:
41. The immovable that which is the subject of the ease- Servient estate
ment is called.
42. Who is the officer authorized under Public Land Act d. All of the above
to administer oath relative to public land applica-
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a. Judge of RTC
b. Director of Lands
c. Chief of Survey Division of the Bureau of Lands
d. All of the above
43. Each conveyance of the land acquired under free a. The date of exe-
patent or homestead provisions of the law, when cution of the deed
proper, is subjected to repurchase by the applicant, of sale or con-
his widow or legal heirs, within a period of 5 years veyance
a. The date of execution of the deed of sale or con-
b. The date of registration of the office of the Register
of Deeds
c. The date of approval of the transfer of the certificate
of title
d. Thirty days after the registration of the deed of sale
in the office of RD.
44. Natural born citizens of the Philippines who is not an Bureau of Lands
owner of more than 24 hectares of land who since
June 12, 1945 or prior thereto continuously occupied
and cultivated either by himself or through his prede-
cessors in interest on public lands which is subject
to disposition could obtain free patent thru:
46. A type of obligation both parties are mutually bound Bilateral Obligation
to each other.
49. The right or power of a person to demand from anoth- Personal Right
er as a definite passive subject, the fulfillment of the
latter obligation.
57. Who has direct executive control over classification, a. Director of Lands
leases, sales and other forms of concession and dis-
position and management of public lands:
a. Director of Lands
b. President of the Philippines
c. Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources
d. Regional Trial Court
58. What office would you file an application for purchase Director of Land
of public agricultural land? Management Bu-
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