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DATE: 09.11.2020 CLASS: III MARKS : 50
1. Data that describe both the locations and characteristics of spatial features on the
Earth’s surface.
a. Geospatial data
b. Spatial data
c. Coordinated data
d. Digitalized data

2. A grid system, which divides the Earth’s surface between 84°N and 80°S into 60
a. Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
b. Universal Transit Mercator (UTM)
c. Universal Travel Mercator (UTM)
d. Universal Transverse Method (UTM)

3. Which method refers to the activities of visualizing, manipulating, and querying data
using maps, tables, and graphs.
a. Data hiding
b. Data visualization
c. Data encoding
d. Data exploration

4. A method converts data sets from geographic coordinates to projected coordinates,

a. Rejection
b. Reprojection
c. Projection
d. Interpolation

5. The reference system for locating spatial features on the Earth’s surface
a. The geo coordinate system
b. The geospatial coordinate system
c. The geographic coordinate system
d. The geographic system

6. Which GCS system passes through Greenwich, England, and has the reading of 0°.
a. The prime meridian
b. Latitude
c. Longitude
d. meridian
7. This is the measure are lines of equal longitude.
a. Meridians
b. Latitude
c. Longitude
d. Latitude & longitude

8. An approximation of the shape and size of the Earth is an oblate spheroid, also called
an ellipse rotated about its minor axis.
a. datum
b. Ellipsoid
c. Spheroid
d. Geoid

9. A local datum based on the Clarke 1866 ellipsoid, a ground-measured ellipsoid with
its origin at Meades Ranch in Kansas.
a. NAD26
b. NAD27
c. NAD67
d. ND23

10. An independent datum based on a different origin from that of NAD27.

a. Hawaii
b. old hawaii system
c. projection system
d. Hanoi

11. A system transforms the geographic coordinates on an ellipsoid into locations on a

a. Map
b. Linear system
c. A map projection
d. Linear map system

12. A subfield of mathematics that, when applied to GIS, ensures that the spatial
relationships between features are expressed explicitly.
a. Applied mathematics
b. GIS
c. Topology
d. cartography

13. The basic components of a LiDAR system include

a. a laser scanner mounted in an aircraft, GPS, and an Inertial Measurement Unit
b. A scanner, GPS and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU).
c. Digitalizing table, GPS, aircraft
d. Scanner, receiver, aircraft

14. The data model stores geometries and attributes separately in a split system:
geometries (“geo”) in graphic files in a spatial subsystem and attributes (“relational”)
in a relational database
a. hierarchical
b. network
c. Object oriented
d. Georelational

15. The file is a standard nontopological data format used in Esri products.
a. Contour file
b. Shapefile
c. Line file
d. Point file

16. Lines of longitude that measure locations in the E–W direction on the geographic
coordinate system.
a. Latitude
b. Meridians
c. Datum
d. geoid

17. The basis for calculating the geographic coordinates of a location.

a. Latitude
b. Meridians
c. Datum
d. geoid

18. A measurement system for longitude and latitude values such as 42°30′00″, in which
1 degree equals 60 minutes and 1 minute equals 60 seconds
a. Degrees-minutes-seconds (DMS)
b. Degrees degrees seconds
c. Degree seconds
d. Degree minutes

19. The process of transforming the spatial relationship of features on the Earth’s surface
to a flat map.
a. Reprojection
b. Interpolation
c. Projection
d. Intersection

20. A reduced model of the Earth from which map projections are made.
a. nominal or generating globe.
b. Reference globe
c. Map
d. a & b
21. A topological relationship used in Esri’s coverage data format, stipulating that arcs
connect to each other at nodes.
a. Connectivity
b. Contiguity
c. Containment
d. Conjunction

22. A topological relationship used in Esri’s coverage data format, stipulating that arcs
have directions and left and right polygons.
a. Connectivity
b. Contiguity
c. Containment
d. Conjunction

23. A data model that stores geometries and attributes in two separate but related file
a. relational
b. Spatial
c. GIS
d. Georelational

24. A subfield of mathematics that studies invariant properties of geometric objects under
certain transformations such as
a. dissolve or append
b. bending or stretching.
c. join or dissolve
d. merge or join

25. A vector data format that approximates the terrain with a set of nonoverlapping
a. Triangulated regular network
b. Triangulated irregular network
c. Triangular irregular network
d. Triangular regular network

26. A scanned file containing values of 1 or 0.

a. Binary file
b. Bi-level scanned file
c. Scanned binary file
d. Binary scanned file

27. A data structure that records the cell values by row and by group.
a. Raster
b. Spatial
c. Binary
d. Attribute

28. A data model that uses rows, columns, and cells to construct spatial features.
a. Raster
b. Spatial
c. Binary
d. Attribute

29. A digital model with an array of uniformly spaced elevation data in raster format.
a. Digital elevation method
b. Digital elevation model
c. Digital elegance model
d. Digital elimination model
30. Conversion of raster data to vector data.
a. Rasterization
b. Vectorization
c. Rasvectorization
d. digitalization

31. A branch of geometry that provides the methods for creating geospatial data of points,
lines, and polygons from survey data.
a. Geometry coordinates
b. Coordinate geometry
c. Geometry rationale
d. Coordinate systems

32. A geoportal that provides access to Earth observation data.

a. ESRI data
b. Global Earth Observation System of Systems
c. Geometry coordinates
d. Datum

33. The process of converting data from analog to digital format.

a. scanning
b. Digitizing
c. Manual geometry
d. Existing geometry systems

34. The making and study of maps in all their aspects.

a. Geography
b. Cartography
c. Stegnography
d. Thematography

35. One type of map that emphasizes the spatial distribution of a theme, such as a map
that shows the distribution of population densities by county.
a. Map
b. Thematic map
c. Geomap
d. Cartography

36. A GIS operation that creates zones consisting of areas within a specified distance of
select features.
a. Storing
b. Buffering
c. Joining
d. Selecting

37. A GIS operation that combines the geometries and attributes of the input layers to
create the output.
a. Dissolve
b. Overlay
c. Merge
d. join

38. A GIS operation that removes boundaries between polygons that have the same
attribute value(s).
a. merge
b. Dissolve
c. Join
d. Overlay

39. A term referring to algebraic operations with raster layers.

a. Map algebra
b. Map geometry
c. Geometry map
d. Cartography

40. A raster data operation that can piece together multiple input rasters into a single
a. Join
b. Dissolve
c. merge
d. Mosaic

41. An algorithm for connecting points to form triangles such that all points are connected
to their nearest neighbors and triangles are as compact as possible.
a. Digital elevation model
b. Delaunay triangulation
c. Digital triangulation
d. Digital triangulation

42. A process of assigning spatial locations to data that are in tabular format but have
fields that describe their locations.
a. geoassigning
b. Georeferencing
c. Geocoding
d. Geolocation

43. A system of linear features that has the appropriate attributes for the flow of objects
such as traffic flow.
a. Traffic flow
b. Network
c. Network analysis
d. Link flow

44. Geographical Information Science (GISc) can be defined as

a. the epistemological study of GIS

b. the application of GIS to a range of scientific disciplines.
c. the science behind GIS.
d. the use of GIS to solve physical problems

45. The user can use GIS to make

a. complex analyses only
b. display maps only
c. complex analyses and display maps
d. none of these

46. Overlay analysis is based on

a. Principal component analysis
b. Spatial diffusion
c. Graph theory
d. Boolean logic

47. Which of the following appends together layersof adjoining area?

a. Join
b. Merge
c. Union
d. Clip

48. Uniform cell size is a description of

a. A raster data structure
b. A vector data structure
c. A point data structure
d. A polygon data structure

49. A small-scale map would show

a. A larger geographic area than a large-scale map
b. A smaller geographic area than a large-scale map
c. The same geographic area as a large-scale map, just at a smaller resolution
d. The same geographic area as a large-scale map, just at a larger resolution

50. The property of area for a parcel polygon may be considered

a. Precise
b. Accurate
c. Legally correct
d. Both a and b above

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