DAO 2007-09 by Kyiequiz05
DAO 2007-09 by Kyiequiz05
DAO 2007-09 by Kyiequiz05
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DAO 2007-29
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_____________- shall refer to proper-
ties owned by the State but are not in-
Patrimonial Property
tended for public use, public service or
for the development of national wealth.
_____________- shall refer to a map
where all lots subject for verification and
approval are plotted to determine cas- Projection map
es of overlaps with previously approved
_____________- shall refer to the Philip-
pine Reference System of 1992, a na-
tional common coordinate reference sys-
tem for all surveys and maps pursuant to
Executive Order No. 45 dated January 5,
1993, as amended.
____________- Filling of submerged
land duly approved by the Philippine Reclamation Projects
Reclamation Authority
_____________- shall refer to a point
appropriately marked on the ground with
Reference Point
an established horizontal and vertical po-
______________- shall refer to the Sec-
retary of the Department of Environment Secretary
and Natural Resources (DENR).
____________- shall refer to a two-di-
mensional map showing the metes and
Survey Plan
bounds of a surveyed parcel or parcels
of land and other pertinent information.
_____________- shall refer to the collec-
tive documents submitted by a Geodetic
Engineer (GE) as a result of the sur- Survey Returns
vey conducted and other relevant docu-
ments as may be required.
_____________- shall refer to the num-
ber exclusively assigned to a LAND par-
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cel in reference to its physical spatial
position on Land Information Map (UPI = Unique Parcel Identifier (UPI)
LIM Number + Parcel Number)
Survey conducted to determine the hor-
izontal and vertical positions of points
which will form part of a geodetic network
or project controls over an area which Control Surveys
will subsequently become the basis in
determining the rectangular coordinates
in an area.
The surveys conducted covering ex-
tensive areas which take into account
the curvature and the geoid-spheroidal
shape of the earth at sea level for the Geodetic Control Surveys
purpose of establishing basic network of
reference points, covering the first and
second order controls.
The surveys conducted to establish the
positions of points of reference for pro-
jects with a limited geographic coverage
such as a municipality, a large isolat-
ed tract of land, a group settlement, a Project Control Surveys
barangay or group of municipalities, cov-
ering primary control (third order), sec-
ondary control (fourth order) and tertiary
Survey made to determine the metes
and bounds of all parcels within an entire
Cadastral Surveys
municipality or city for land registration
and other purposes.
Bearings and distances of the individual
lots are determined from the computa- Numerical Cadastre
tions based on the actual ground survey.
Bearings and distances of the individual
lots are determined using transit and sta-
Graphical Cadastre
dia, scaling from photo map, and other
graphical methods.
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DAO 2007-29
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Lands acquired by the provincial,
city/municipal, or barangay government
pursuant to the Republic Act 7160, oth-
erwise known as the "Local Government Local Government Units Land Surveys
Code of 1991", and other pertinent laws
which are not needed for public purpos-
Conducted for the purpose of trans-
forming/converting the lots covered by
approved graphical cadastral surveys,
cadastral mapping (CADM) and photo-
Conversion Surveys
cadastral mapping (PCADM), into nu-
merical or regular cadastral lots, with
computation and plotting in the system
of the cadastral project.
Made for purposes of determining the
metes and bounds of parcels not includ-
Other Land Surveys
ed in the enumeration above and intend-
ed for a specific purpose.
Surveys of mining claims, quarry appli-
cations, sand and gravel applications,
and other mineral lands within private or
public lands, executed for mineral agree-
Mineral Land Surveys
ments, permits, licenses or for other pur-
poses pursuant to the provision of Re-
public Act No. 7942, otherwise known as
"The Philippine Mining Act of 1995"
Surveys conducted by the
_____________ (RCST) or qualified pri-
vate Geodetic Engineers in order to de-
limit on the ground the boundaries of
forestlands and national parks/protected
areas from the agricultural (A&D) lands Regional Composite Survey Team
as delineated pursuant to Sections 3 and
4, Article XII of the 1987 Constitution, PD
705, the "Revised Forestry Code of the
Philippines" and Republic Act No. 7586,
otherwise known as the "National Inte-
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grated Protected Areas System Act of
1992". It shall also include the subclas-
sification and zonification of said areas.
All land surveys and mapping activities
under the scope and coverage of this
regulation intended for disposition, regis-
tration and other purposes shall be made
only by a Geodetic Engineer pursuant to
RA_____, as amended.
Authorized to Conduct Land Sur-
veys: He/She shall be a holder of
a valid ______________ registration, Professional Regulation Commission
______________ identification card, (PRC)
current professional tax receipt (PTR)
and tax identification number (TIN).
Authorized to Conduct Land Surveys:
He/She shall be an active member of a
PRC accredited association of Geodetic 8560
Engineers pursuant to R.A. _____, as
Authorized to Conduct Land Surveys:
Geodetic Engineers in government ser-
vice may execute surveys on govern-
court or authorized official of the con-
ment projects upon authority/order is-
cerned agency
sued by a______________. Section 9 a
and b above shall also apply to them,
except PTR.
Authorized to Conduct Land Surveys:
There shall be created a national data-
base of registered GE's. The LMS
shall submit a listing of practicing GE's
in their Region and the correspond- PRC Registration Number with the date
ing________________, to the LMB who of issuance
in turn shall validate the data thereof with
the PRC-Board of Geodetic Engineering.
Upon validation, the LMB shall update
the GE's National Database and furnish
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all the LMS Regional Offices with the
Official Listing for their reference.
In order to ensure the authenticity of sur-
vey returns submitted to the DENR in
accordance with laws and regulations,
and to protect the public, all concerned PRC Registration Number with the date
practicing GE's are hereby required to of issuance
use GE dry seal with an engraved PRC
registration Number and the date of is-
The Regional Surveys Division (RSD)
shall maintain an ______ for every prac-
ticing GE which shall be signed by the
said GE in every submission of their sur-
vey returns. The said __________ shall
contain the name of the GE, gender, date
of birth, PRC Registration No., and the
date of issuance and space for three (3)
Index Card
specimen signature and three (3) initials.
Moreover, it shall provide columns for in-
formation on the submitted survey plans
such as survey symbol and lot numbers,
location, area, name of claimants/own-
ers, date of submission, acceptance log-
book entry, number, and date of ap-
In consonance with RA 8560, as amend-
ed, the Director of ____________for
Lands, shall ensure that no firm, com-
pany, partnership, association or corpo-
ration will participate in the conduct of
LMB and the RTD
bidding for survey projects or submit sur-
vey returns unless the proprietors are
GE's or the controlling group are GE's. In
all cases, the team leader of the survey
project shall be a GE.
Firms, companies, partnerships, associ-
ations, corporations or individual practic-
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ing GE's who abandon _____ bid sur-
vey projects without reasonable cause
shall be barred from participating in the
bidding of other survey projects and in
the actual conduct of such surveys. The
LMB/LMS shall pursue the necessary
and appropriate legal actions through
the PRC - Board of Geodetic Engineer-
ing and the proper court against the said
erring practitioners/firms.
The LMB/LMS shall likewise publish/post
the list of delinquent surveying compa-
nies or practitioners and may impose
sanctions such as non-acceptance of
the survey returns of isolated surveys Manual of Procedure
submitted for verification and approval.
Blacklisted practitioners may be reinstat-
ed upon completion of the project and in
accordance with the____________.
Consistent with the policy of upgrading
survey and mapping practices, and data-
base management, the LMB/LMS and
practitioners shall utilize the most appro-
priate modern techniques and technolo-
gy. The ______ shall develop a national
system to expedite projection, verifica-
tion and approval of surveys which are
consistent with the state-of-the-art tech-
nologies, processes, and procedures.
A GE shall first secure a survey order
or _______ before conducting survey of survey authority
lands of the public domain.
DENR official who shall issue SA/SO for
the conduct of surveys of public and gov-
ernment land for land registration and
RTD for Forestry
other purposes: Delimitation Survey for
Watershed Reservation, SO if area in the
same region is less than 5,000 hectares
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GNSS Receiver
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DAO 2007-29
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___________ refer to User Segment in
the satellite-based positioning system.
____________- a combination of GNSS
Smart stations
and total stations.
All conventional survey instruments,
GNSS receivers and smart stations shall
be properly calibrated by and registered
to the ________ before it can be used for
any kind of survey covered by this reg-
ulation. Surveys made with instruments
without valid registration shall not be ac-
cepted for verification and approval.
_________ shall be issued by the LMB
after the calibration. A National Data-
Original Certificate of Instrument Regis-
base on survey instruments shall be es-
tration (CIR)
tablished and maintained/updated by the
Renewal of CIR may be issued by the
LMS concerned after the usual recali-
National Database on Surveying Instru-
bration thereof. A copy of the renewed
CIR shall be furnished to the LMB for
updating the__________.
Shall refer to the Triangulation Sta-
tion Balanacan located in Marinduque Luzon 1911 Datum
Shall refer to the modified Luzon Datum
1911 which was adopted as the datum
for _____. Upon full implementation of
_______, the ________ Datum shall be
the sole datum to be used in all surveys
and mapping in the country.
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DAO 2007-29
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Any person who is found to be misrep-
resenting himself as Geodetic Engineer
upon verification with ____________ ,
shall be subjected to the filing of legal ac-
tion in the proper court and the outright
cancellation or rejection of the survey
returns he/she submitted for verification
and approval in the LMS.
Any provisions of previous orders, mem-
orandum circulars and other issuances
inconsistent herewith are hereby accord-
ingly superseded, amended or repealed.
The provisions of DAO 98-12, the Re- DENR
vised Manual for Land Surveying Regu-
lations in the Philippines that are still nec-
essary shall be re-issued in the Manual
of Procedures
parks and protected areas delim survey,
secretary of DENR
if areas cover 2 or more region
protected areas if 5000 has above RED
watershed reservation if 5000 has above RED
Political Boundary Surveys, SO if area
involved boundary dispute between two
Director, LMB
(2) or more provinces belonging to differ-
ent regions
They issue SO on Political Boundary
Surveys, SO if area involved boundary
Director, LMB
dispute between two or more provinces
belonging to different regions.
PBS, no dispute RED
PBS, brgy of same municipality RTD for Lands
isolated land survey, 100 has above RED
who shall issue SO for cadastral survey RED
who shall issue SO for delimitation sur-
vey on land classification
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