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February 2006
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The basic material settings tutorial explains almost all mate-
rial parameters of the V-Ray material. If you are new to V-Ray,
please read the basic render settings tutorial first, so you can
start this tutorial in the correct way.
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6. Second material
I Repeat the previous steps to make a very
light grey material. Rename this material
“ground plane” and assign it to the ground
plane and small teapot. You should have
something like in the image on the left.
7. First render
Hit render! Your image should
look similar to mine, if you have
set all render properties as in
step 1. Make sure default lights
are turned off.
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8. Reflections
Select the orange material in the mate-
rial editor. Below the diffuse slot are the
reflection options of the material. The
color swatch next to ‘reflect’ is the main
reflection control. Black means there is no
reflection at all, white means the material
will become 100% reflective. If you make
it red for example, the reflections will be
tinted red.
9. Render
Hit render. Notice the teapot becomes very reflective.
Try a very dark grey, and very light grey too to see the difference.
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Render again.
Now all reflections of reflec-
tions turn red instead of black.
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the IOR
in the of the material.
refraction You can
parameters. findlife,
In real this
the fresnel effect is always linked to this
IOR. In V-Ray however, you can unlink them,
setting a different IOR for reflection as for
refraction. To do this, click the small L next
to the fresnel check box. The fresnel IOR
box will become available.
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15. Teapot 2
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18. Smoother blurry reflections The subdivs value beneath the refl glossi-
ness controls the smoothness of the blurry
reflections. Change it to 20 and render.
The result is much smoother.
sion AA,values
subdivs you can
(3 get awayThe
to 10). with much lower
adaptive AA
smooths outs much of the noise from
the low subdivs. If you have many blurry
reflections in the scene, adaptive QMC will
always be faster.
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22. Render
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When you check this box, you can adjust interpolation settings in
one of the other V-Ray material rollouts.
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-- image sampler
antialiasing filterto“Mitchell-Netravali”
adaptive QMC
- indirect illumination ON
- Secondary bounces multiplier to 0,85
- Irradiance map settings:
- “low” preset
- HSph subdivs = 20
- environment:
- skylight pure white color
- reflection/refraction pure black, 1.0 multiplier
- system:
- render region division 50*50 px
- frame stamp: delete all except the render time part
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3. Create materials
4. Refraction parameters
Go to the white materi- tion) of the material. A
al and take a look at the high IOR means a lot of
refraction parameters. bending, IOR=1.0 means
Refraction refers to light the rays will not bend.
rays getting bent when
going from one medium The V-Ray material has
to another. For example all options available to
light travels through air, create any kind of re-
then hits a glass object fractive material. As you
and the ray gets bent can see, many options
under a certain angle. are similar to the reflec-
Then this ray will travel tion parameters.
further through the
glass, and eventually First, change the refract
will leave it at a certain color to a medium grey
point, getting bent again. color.
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5. Refraction color
Render the image. You will notice the object has a trans-
parent look. The grey refraction color means it’s about
50% transparent.
6. Diffuse color
Change the diffuse to black and render again. The result is pretty
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7. Refraction color
Change the refraction color to pure white
and render. The result looks weird...
anymore. Theto
get refracted black
the regions are rays
environment that
which is black.
8. Adjust reflections
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9. Create an environment
10. VrayLightMtl
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and blackvery bright light
environment is
very good for rendering
glass or metal like objects.
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The light coming from the refractive GI caustics. and set the preset to custom.
box is not direct light as with Change the min/max rate to
a max spotlight. It is actually You’ll see the shadows are -4/-2 to speed up rendering.
treated as first bounce GI (just much darker. The GI light is Note that the GI will be more
offskylight). If you
GI and render, now unable object
transparent to pass(there
the blurred now,itbut
only testing, since matter.
doesn’t we’re
there will be no light at all. no GI caustics). Caustics are
noting more than refracted/re- There will be more on caustics
Because of this, it is important flected light. later on in the tutorial. For
that you leave the refractive now remember that you need
GI caustics in the indirect To continue, turn refractive to enable the GI caustics if you
illumination rollout ON. Try GI caustics On again. Also go want GI to pass trough trans-
rendering this scene without to the irradiance map rollout parent objects.
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15. Glossiness
The glossiness parameter is similar to the one for reflec-
tions. It’s use is to blur the refractions. This is one of
the most time consuming settings, render times will go
really high if you use high subdivs...
Try a value
blurry of 0.8 with
refractions 8 subdivs.
are very You’ll
noisy due tosee
low the
But you get the idea.
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17. IOR
Unlink the fresnel IOR, so that its value is set to 1.6 again.
Hit render.
18. IOR
Set the refraction IOR to 1.1 and render again.
Each material has its own IOR value. Typical glass values
are around 1.6. Do a google search for other common
used material IOR’s.
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The material is very dark, but the thinner parts show some
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you refractive
don’t use GI
GI caustics,
at all, or or
when you’re using Max lights. Max
lights will never produce refractive
GI caustics! So if you want the light
of max lights to pass trough refrac-
tive objects, you MUST use the affect
shadow option.
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1. Translucency
flashlightaround. For example
under your hand, thewhen
otheryou hold
side willaturn
(blood!) and you can see where your bones are located
because they block the light.
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2. Translucency in V-Ray
Because the translucency controls are a bit
strange in behavior, I will not try to explain
them... More technical explanations can be found
in the online documents, and I believe the V-Ray
team is working on a translucency tutorial...
3. Skin
Here’s a skin material that you can use
to study the settings. Play with it and
try to understand what effect each
parameter has on the final look. Note
that because of the use of both reflec-
tion and refraction glossiness, this mate-
rial will render very slowly, especially
with these high subdivs values.
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In this rollout you can
choose between Blinn, Phong
or Ward shader. The effect of
these three types is notice-
able the most when using
glossy reflections. Render
the scene with the three dif-
ferent shaders. The settings
affect how the highlights will
look like.
7. Anisotropy
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Try further or 0,7
a value of not. QMC GI. ifThis
be useful the can
on the current im- irradiance map blurs
9. Maps rollout age. Increasing the out small shadow
threshold can speed details on certain
The maps rollout sums Displacement is like up rendering when objects.
up all different texture bump, but instead of fake you are using lots
maps. Almost all maps rendering it, the actual of reflections in the Treat glossy rays as
can be accessed in the mesh is deformed to scene. GI rays: please refer
basic parameters rollout create the irregularities. to the manual.
(the small squares next Refer to the manual for Double sided: please Energy preservation
to the parameters), but extensive tutorials and refer to the manual. mode: please refer
some will appear only examples about displace-
here. ment.
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